PAGE FOOT PLATTSJIOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1937. Murray Mrs. J. H. Farls is confined to her bed this week with an attack some what of the nature of lumbago. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop were guests for the day and dinner last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cisney. Mrs. Ray Creamer and daughter were in Lincoln last Saturday visiting friends and looking after some busi ness matters. Mrs. Catherine Perry is spending the week as a guest of Mrs. Addie Perry and daughter, Helene, near Plattsmouth. Roy Ruse of the C. A. Ruse Motor Co. of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Murray Monday looking after some matters of business. Mrs. Wolfe of Avoca has returned to her home after visiting for a time with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hild. Otto Wohlfarth, salesman for the Cass County Chevrolet Co. of Platts mouth, was a business visitor in Mur day on Monday of this week. There was a large attendance at the U. P. church Sunday morning, to enjoy the splendid sermon which the pastor, Rev. Stewart delivered. ' Mrs. Margaret Todd was enjoying the trans-Mississippi Philatelec con vention and stamp exhibit at the Fon tenelle hotel in Omaha Saturday. Van Allen was a visitor with friends in Lincoln last Sunday, driv ing over, where he enjoyed a pleas ant visit, returning in the evening. George Troop living near Nehawka was a visitor in Murray Monday of this week where he was visiting friends and looking after some busi ness matters. Fred Reasner of Omaha was in Murray Monday of this week securing material for repairs on the farm own ed by himself and wife a few miles east of Murray. Vernie Schumacher, a sister of Mrs. Noah Parker, was spending a num ber of days the past week with them. and also went with them to Weeping Water last Sunday. Ray Creamer shelled and delivered some 500 bushels of corn, which he delivered to the farm of Parr Young who is using the same to feed his large number of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Long were in Nebraska City Tuesday where they were guests of their daughter, Mar garet, who is employed at the office of the telephone exchange.- E. W. Thimgan of Plattsmouth, in charge of the construction of sanitary units, a government project, was con sulting with George E. Nickles re garding lumber for the manufacture of these units. Chick Rolofsz and Gayle Coster, both of Alvo, were looking after some busines in town and as well over east of Murray where they also had some matters to attend to over in the neighborhood of Lewiston Community Center. Mrs. C. D. Spangler was hostess to the members fo the Women's Bible class of the U. P. Sunday school Wed nesday afternoon. After a business session a social hour was enjoyed and a delicious luncheon served. All re ported a very pleasant meeting. The ladies of the missionary society of the Presbyterian church are plan ning on reviving the old-fashioned spelling bee. This will be quite a novelty to the young folks of the community who have never had the opportunity to participate in any thing of this kind. .Earl Merritt and wife were in Plattsmouth last Sunday where they spent the afternoon with friends. . They were accompanied by their niece. Miss Thelma Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Lewis, who has been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Merritt. Noah Parker and the members of the family were enjoying a visit at the home of a brother, Eli Parker near Weeping Water last Sunday. Also visiting there were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smock of near Plattsmouth. Mr. Ira Parker, father of Noah and Eli was also a guest there for the. day. On Friday of last week John "W. Stone shelled and delivered corn to the north elevator, and on Saturday again the sheller was busy, this time on the shelling of corn for Forest Leonard. From now on it is expected that corn deliveries will be heavier, as the gathering of this year's crop is now about concluded. Services at Christian Church There was service at the Murray Christian church last Sunday when the Rev. Smith of Bethany and Uni versity Place conducted the services. The church has been without d regu lar minister since the departure of C. Loyd Shubert for Benson to min ister to the church there. At the church session the coming Lord's day following the devotional services there will be considered the securing of a regular minister for the church, they deeming it better to have a minister and a resident pastor at that. Just what they will do is not as yet manifest. Getting Seed Corn Ready. Ray Frederick of Nebraska City, where he makes his home, but is in terested in the seed corn business here in Murray and at other points, shelled some two thousand bushels of corn which has been purposely se lected for seed and which has been stored in the Robinson elevator and which Robrt Wilton will clean, grade and prepare for the eastern seed houses. When this particular batch of extra fine seed has been placed in the best condition it will be shipped to the eastern seed markets where Mr. Frederick has orders for more seed. Installs New Truck Scale. With the increasing number of trucks being used in the hauling of grain and other merchandise to the farm, W. G. Boedeker has just had installed on his east farm a new nine teen foot scale which he will use for the weighing of grain which the farmers deliver to the place, to be used for the feeding of cattle and hogs. The scale is being installed and tested by J. A. Scotten and his crew of workmen. Very HI at Her Home. Mrs. Addie Hatchett who makes her- home in the family residence in Murray, has been very ill for the past few weeks, and still remains quite ill. While she was feeling slightly improved during the past week and wa3 able to be down town for a few moments, she had to re turn home and take to her bed where she has been compelled to remain since. Young Son Gladdens Home. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Ferry, northwest of Murray was made happy last Sunday when a nice young son was presented to this happy couple. The young man and his mother are doing nicely and the other members of the family are also re joking. This makes a very fine fam ily of four children. Enjoyed Very Nice Visit. W. S. Smith, local merchant, who has not been feeling the best for some time and has just been able to get about to look after his business, was gladdened when three sisters and one brother dropped in on him Monday Of. last week, remaining until Thurs day of. the same week, when they de parted for their homes in the west after having enjoyed a very fine visit here. Those to visit with Mr. Smith and wife were, a sister making her home with her husband, near Caldwell, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletch er, where they have made their home for the past twenty-five years. This sister Mr. Smith had not seen tor the past twenty-four years. They with their auto came by way of Ong, Nebraska where resides Frank Smith, a brother of Will, ard Mesdames Mary Johnson and Mary Gowen, sisters, and brought them to Murray with them. On their way home Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher stopped at Twin Falls, Idaho, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Churchill. Visited Aunt Here Recently. Mrs. Rena Allen of Miami, Florida who has been visiting here with her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Carroll, departed for Omaha last Monday where she visit ed for a short time with friends, then continued on to Des Moines where she visited for a time, then continued on to her home in Florida. Mrs. Car roll is spending some time with her son, Earl Carroll. To Give a Great Show. As will be seen by the advertise ment carried in the Monday edition of the Plattsmouth Journal, stating that the Murray Hardware Co. would give free show admittance to be had only on a free ticket, issued by the Murray Hardware company. ; The ticket is free for the asking. Had Plenty of Wrecks. The territory near Nebraska City had plenty of trouble with the motor transportation last Sunday when four wrecks were credited to this portion of the hazardous highways. One that had by a man named Woodard was a bad one, and the car was brought to Murary for repairs. Harry Noell with the assistance of Ethan Allen, were down and brought the wrecked car here for rebuilding. Has Severe Fall. Uncle Jeff D. Lewis who makes his home near his son, Lloyd Lewis, liv ing in a cottage nearby, was working about the barn and was in the hay mow In the act of throwing down hay for the stock when he slipped and fell to the floor below, gome 12 feet. In this fall which was so abrupt and sudden, Mr. Lewis sustained a very hard bump which knocked the wind out of him and also rendered him un- cencious. It was some time'before he washable to pull himself together and get about. He was thankful for the hay which he Just threw down which prevented more serious injury. Light ing on his head and shoulders he has been pretty sore and stiff and consid ering his age which is past 76 years, the bruising and soreness is more pro nounced. However he is getting along very well after his rough experience Rejoice in New Son. The announcement has been re ceived here by the relatives and friends of the birth of a fine seven and a half pound son to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Humann, of Brainard, Nebr, Mrs. Humann was formerly Miss Glendora Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Young, of Murray. The little one has been christened Paul HuTdrich Humann. DISTRIBUTE CARDS From Tuesday's Daily Today was a busy time for the postal employees as it was their duty to see that the National Unemploy ment Census cards were placed in the hands of all the patrons and to be filled out by those unemployed or partially employed. Those who fall in the class of un employed, partially employed or who desire more work, are asked to fill out the cards and return them to the postoffice by November 20, from where they are shipped to the central offices of the census. These cards were delivered by city and rural route carriers to the patrons and those receiving mail at the post office were also given the cards. These cards should be be filled out and returned not later than Novem ber 20 when the check of the re turns will be started. FOR SALE OR RENT 20 acres improved, norm edge of Plattsmouth. Nebr. Bond & Mort gage Corp., Omaha. tfd&w NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. . To all persons interested in the estate of Theodore P. Livingston, de ceased. No. 3304: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of L. O. Minor as Administrator; that said petition has been set for hear ing before said Court on, the 3rd day of December, 1937, at ten' o'clock a m. ... . Dated November 3; 1937. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) n8-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF PROBATE In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. ' To all persons interested in the estate of F. G. Fricke, real name Frederich G. Fricke. deceased. No. 3303: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and for the appointment of Edwin A. Fricke as Executor thereof; that said petition has been set for hear ing before said 'Court on the 26th day of November, 1937, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated October 28, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) nl-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF PENDING SUIT To IDAGLEN THOMAS: Take notice that Harvey B. Koop, Plaintiff. Assignee of Home State Bank, Louisville, Nebr., has this day commenced an action against you and Ivan L. Thomas in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose mortgage on Lots 206, 207 and 208 in the Village of Louisville, Cass county, Nebraska, dated Nov. 1C, 1926, to secure note of same date for $1,065.00 on which there is a balance claimed to be due of $718. 00. "You are required to answer said petition on or before January 3rd, 1938, or the prayer of said petition will be taken as true and foreclosure granted as prayed. HARVEY B. KOOP, Plaintiff. D. O. Dwyer & W. L. Dwyer, Attorneys for Plaintiff. nl5-4w LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court, of the County of Cass. Nebraska Louis G. Meisinger,. William G. Meisinger and Ed G. Meisinger, Plaintiffs. vs. George A. Salsig, Mrs. George A. Salsig, first reil name un known; W. W. Perryman, first real name unknown; Kate Per ryman, John T. Lytle, Mrs. John T. Lytle, first real name un known; T.' M. M:Daniel, first real name unknown, whose true name is Thomas M. McDaniel, and wife Josephine McDaniel; Andrew W. McLaughlin; Wil liam Smith, Mrs. William Smith, first real name unknown; John Scott, Mrs. John Scott, first real name unknown: John Scott, Jr. and wife Ehza Scott; Myrtle P. Atwood, Nellie P. Agnew; Mrs. Thomas E. Parmele, first real name unknown; Jack Parmele, Mrs.- Jack Parmele, .first real name unknown; Ruth Parmele, Mary Catherine Parmele; the heirs, devisees, legatees, person al representatives and all other persons interested in the estates of George A. Salsigf Mrs. George A. Salsig, first real name un known; W. W. Perryman, first real name unknown.;; Kate Per ryman, John T. Lytle, Mrs. John T. Lytle, first real name unknown; T. M. McDaniel, whose true name is Thomas M. McDaniel, Josephine McDaniel; Andrew W. McLaughlin, Wil liam Smith, Mrs. William Smith, first real name unknown; John Scott, Mrs. John Scott, first real name unknown; John Scott, Jr. and Eliza Scott; Calvin H. Par mele also known as C. H. Par mele, each deceased, real names unknown, and all persons hav ing or claiming any interest in and to the northwest quarter (NWii) of Section twenty nine (29), and the north half (N) of the north half (N) of the southwest quarter (SWU) of Section twenty-nine (29), all in Township twelve (12) , north. Range thirteen (13) , east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, real names, unknown, Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE To the Defendants: George A. Salsig, Mrs. George A Salsig, first real name unknown; W W. Perryman, first real name un known; Kate Perryman, John T Lytle, Mrs. John T. Lytle, first real name unknown: , T. M. McDaniel first real name unknown, whose true name is Thomas M. McDaniel, and wife Josephine McDaniel, Andrew W. McLaughlin, William Smith, Mrs. William Smith, first real name un known; John Scott, Mrs. John Scott first real name unknown; John Scott, Jr. and wife Eliza Scott; Myrtle P. Atwood, Nellie P. Agnew; Mrs. Thomas E. Parmele, first real name unknown; Jack Parmele, Mrs. Jack Parmele, first real name unknown; Ruth Parmele. Mary Catherine Par mele; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all oth er persons interested in the estates of George A. Salsig, Mrs. George A. Salsig, first real name unknown; W. W. Perryman, first real name un known. Kate Perryman. John T Lytle, Mrs. John T. Lytle, first real name unknown; - T. M. McDaniel, whose true name is Thomas M. Mc Daniel, Josephine McDaniel, Andrew W. McLaughlin, William Smith, Mrs wunam bmitn, nrst real name un known; John Scott, Mrs. John Scott, first real name unknown, John Scott, Jr. and Eliza Scott; Calvin H. Par mele also known j as C. H. Parmele, each deceased, real names unknown, and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to the north west quarter (NW) of Section twenty-nine (29), the north half (N4) ,of the. north half (N) of the southwest" quarter (SWi) of Section' twenty-nine (29), ' all "in Township twelve (12), north. Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: You are each of you hereby noti fied that Louis G.' Meisinger, William G. Meisinger 'and Ed G. Meisinger, as plaintiffs, (led a petition and com menced an action in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on November 8, 1937, against you and each of you; the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of. court quieting the title to the northwest quarter (NW1) of Sec tion twenty-nine, ..(29 ), the north half (N) of the north half (N) of the southwest quarter (SW'i) of Section twenty-nine (29), all in Township twelve' (12), north. Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M., in, Cass county, Nebraska, and for equitable relief; and to cancel of record' a mortgage to Andrew W. McLaughlin, on the north half of the northwest quarter of said Section 29, for $1,963.68, dated June 30, 1884, and recorded in Book Q at page 462, and to cancel a mortgage to Calvin H. Parmele on the north west quarter of said Section 29 for $3,500.00 dated April 15, 18S7, re corded in Book V at page 43. and to cancel a mortgage given to C. H. Parmele on the north half of the north half of the southwest quarter of said Section 29 for $900.00 dated July 3, 1885, recorded in Book S at page 134, all in the mortgage rec ords of Cass county, Nebraska. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 27th day of December, 1937, or the allegations in said peti tion will be taken as true and a de cree rendered in favor of plaintiffs and against you and each of you ac cording to the prayer of said peti tion. Dated this 8th day of November, 1937. LOUIS G. MEISINGER. WILLIAM G. MEISINGER, ED G. MEISINGER, Plaintiffs. VV. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Plaintiffs. nl 5-4 w NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Tabitha T. Smith, also known as Talitha T. Smith, deceas ed. No. 32.76: Take notice that the Administra tor with will annexed of said estate has filed his final report and a peti tion for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, de termination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; ,that said petition and re port will be heard before said Court on December 11," 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. . , ' Dated November 12, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) nlo-3w County Judge. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of William H. Tritsch. deceased. No. 3297: Take notice that the time limited for. the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is Febru ary 28tb, 1938; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on March 4th, 1938 at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated October 29th, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) nl-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska ) 8$. County of Cass By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Clerk of District Court with in and for Casa County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 9th day of November, A. D. 1937 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South Front Door of the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said Coun ty, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following real estate to-wit: Lot 361 in the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Ne braska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Ray E Frederick and Claire M. Frederick Defendants to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by State Seeur itles Company, a corporation. Plain tiff, against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 7 A. D. 1937. H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County. o7-5w Nebraska NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court f Cass County, Nebraska In the Matter of the Estate of Henry O'Rourke, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the Honorable W. W. Wilson," Judge of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, en tered on the first day of October, 1937, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, I will sell at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on Saturday, the 4th day of December, 193 , at 11:00 o'clock a. m., at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots 5 and 6 in Jones' Addi tion to the Village of Green wood in Cass county, Nebras ka. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this 16th day 'of October, 1937." '' " '' B. JL HANSON,".. . Administrator, of the Estate of Henry O'Rourke, Deceased. A. L. TIDD, Attorney for Estate. nl-5w NOTICE Whereas, Inas Wever, convicted in Cass county, on the 14th day of February, 1931, of the crime - of Murder, has made application to the Board of Pardons for a commutation and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 10:00 m., on the 8th day of December, 1937, for hearing on said applica- ion, all persons interested are here by notified that they may appear at he State Penitentiary, at Lincoln, Nebraska, on said day and hour and how cause, if any there be, why said application should, or should not be granted. HARRY R. SWANSON, Secretary, Board of Pardons. M. F. KRACHER, Chief State Probation Officer. nl5-2w NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of two executions issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, both of which were delivered to the undersigned Sheriff on November 13, 1937, on wo judgments entered in County Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, and transcripted to said District Court, n actions in which Nebraska City Federal Savings and Loan Associa ion, a corporation, is plaintiff, as assignee or securities investment Corporation in Tr. No. 170, and as assignee of Fred W. Rottmann and Nebraska City Building & Loan As sociation in Tr. No. 175, and E. Dewey Hoback is defendant, I. will, on December 20, 1937, at 2 o'clock m., at the South door of the court house in Plattsmouth, . Cass county, Nebraska, offer and sell at nublic auction the following de scribed real estate taken under said execution as the property of defend ant E. Dewey Hoback, who is the same person as Dewey Hoback and Elmer Dewey Hoback, to-wit: An undivided one-filth interest in the South 29i acres,' being Lot 11 in the Southeast Quarter. of. the South west Quarter, and the South 30 acres, being Lot 12 in. the Southwest Quar ter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 34, in Township 10, Range 13; Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and the West 65 feet of Lot 10, all in Block 9, in the Village of Nehawka; and Lot 37 in the Southwest ., Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, in Township-IP. Range 13, all in Cass county, Nebraska. Dated November" 13." 193 7. H. SYLVESTER. " Sheriff "of Cas3 County, "Nebraska. WM. H. PITZER and - MARSHALL PITZER. - ' . Attorneys for Plaintiff.. i nl5-5w j NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Samuel D, Fitchhorn, de ceased. No. 3256: Take notice tiat the Administrat or of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examina tion and allowance of his adminis tration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said petition and report will be heard before said Court on Decem ber 3, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated November 3, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) n8-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Emma D. Smith, deceased. No. 3270: Take notice that the Administra tor of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examina tion and allowance of his adminis tration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and . for his discharge; that said petition and report will be heard before said Court on Novem ber 26, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated October 29, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) nl-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Sophia Louisa Puis, deceas ed. No. 314 8: Take notice that the Administra tor of said estate has filed his final report ana a petition for examina tion and allowance of his adminis tration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said petition and report will be heard before said Court on November 19. 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated October 21, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) o25-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska 83. County of Cass By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis trict Court within and for Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 14th day of December, A. D. 1937, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the court house, at Plattsmouth, Ne braska; in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to- wit: The South Half of the North west Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter and Lot 3 in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter, all in Section eighteen (18), Township Ten (10), North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass. Nebraska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Roy F. Becker, et al. Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Hattie I. Keedy, et al, Plaintiffs, against saia Defendants. , . Plattsmouth. Nebraska, November 10, A. D. 1937. H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, nll-5w ' Nebraska. LEGAL NOTICE William A. Ost, et al, Plaintiffs, vs. Amaziah M. Rose, et al. Defend ants. - , , , To Amaziah M. Rose, Joseph Web ster, William Alden Lombard, Mary Maria Wilcox, Isaac Coe, I. Coe, Wm. Stadelman. James J. Monroe, Jas. J. Monroe, John R. Clark, R. B. Wind man. S. N. Merriam, W. D. Merriam, S. C. Smith, Packard & Miller, S. Packard, and "all persons having or claiming any interest in the NV2 of SEU and Sfc of SVz of the NEtf of Sec. 32, N of the SV2 and S of the S of the N of Sec. 33, all in Town. 10, Range 14, Cass County, Nebraska, otherwise described as Commencing at tne sw corner ui NVz off SEU of Sec. 32, Town. 10, Range 14, Cass County, Nebraska, thence North to NWU of the SV2 of the Si2 of NEU of said Sec. 32, thence east to the Missouri river, thence south following the meander ing of said river to a point due east of the point of beginning, mean? west to the point of beginning, real names, unknown": You and each of you will take notice that on the 26th day of Octo ber, 1937, William A.. Ost and Clara Nutzman Ost filed their petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against you as defendants. The object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree confirming and quiet ing in the plaintiffs their fee simple title in and to the above described real estate and every part thereof. and excluding each and all or you from having or claiming any ngni. title to, lien upon, interest or estate in or to the above uescriDea reai es tate, and for general equitable re lief. . , Vnn and each of you are required to answer or plead to said petition in said Court on or before Monday, the ?nth riav of December, 19.J7, or tne allegations of said petition will be taken as true and a decree entered accordingly. WILLIAM A. OST ana CLARA NUTZMAN OST, Plaintiffs. GEO. H. HEINKE, Attorney. n4-5w Phone news items to No. 6. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Frank Lambert, deceased. No. 2163: Take notice that the administrator of said estate has filed his final re port and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before said Court on November 26th, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated October 27th, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) o28-3w County Judge. - NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, pursuant to the provisions of a decree entered by said Court on the 25th day of January, 1937, in a cause pending in said Court wherein The Murray State Bank, a corpor ation was plaintiff and Frank E. Val- lery, et al., were defendants, com manding me to sell in the manner provided by law the real estate here inafter described to satisfy liens es tablished thereon by said decree in favor of The Murray State Bank in the amount of $4,695.97 together with interest and costs thereon, and also a lien in favor of the Nebraska City Federal Savings and Loan Asso ciation in the amount of $2,724.86 together with interest and costs as in said decree provided, I will on the 30th 'day of November, 1937, at 10 o'clock a. m., at South Front Door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue and will sell to the highest and best bid der the following described reai es tate, to-wit: A square lot out of the North west corner of the West one-half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Eleven (11), Range Thirteen (13), East of the 6th P. M. in Cass County, Nebras ka, containing one-half acre and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the . Northwest corner of the North west Quarter of the said. Sec tion 23, Township 11 North, Range 13 East of the 6th P. M. Cass County, Nebraska, running thence South 147.58 feet, run ning thence East 147.58 feet, thence running North 147.58 feet, thence running West 147.58 feet to the place of beginning, to satisfy the above liens and costs. Dated this 26th day of October, 1937. H. SYLVESTER. Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. GEO. H. HEINKE,. Attorney for Plaintiff. .' o28-5w r . NOTICE OF HEARING Estate No. 3305 of John L. Snave ly and Hannah L. Snavely, each de ceased, in the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estates, credi tors and heirs take notice, that Edith Kitzel -Bergstrand has filed her peti tion alleging that John L. Snavely, a resident and inhabitant of Cass county, Nebraska, died intestate on or about the 11th day of December, 1922, seized of the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: A parcel of land described as follows: Commencing at a point 16 rods east of the NW corner of the NEU of the NWU of Section 2. Township 10, North, Range 9 East of the 6th P. M., thence south 20 rods, thence east 8 rods, thence - north 20-i-ods, thence west 8 rods to the place of beginning leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit: Hannah L. Snavely, his wife; Charles H. Snavely. Lee M. Snavely and Edith Kitzel, now Edith Kitzel Bergstrand, his children, and Maurice Snavely, Marie Snavely, Milton Snavely and Hazel Snavely, grandchild ren, and children of a deceased . son. Said petition also alleges that Tiann:li L. Snavely. a resident and inhabitant of Cass county, Nebras ka, died intestate on or about the 13th dav of March. 1929, seized .0. an undivided one-third interest in and to the real estate described above, and leaving as her sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, Charles H. Snavely, Lee M:' Snavely and Edith Kitzel, now Edith Kitzel Bergstrand,. her children, and Maurice Snavely, Marie Suavely, Milton Snavely and Hazel Snavely, grandchild- -ren, and children of a deceased son. Said petition further alleges that the interest of the petitioner is thai of an heir ana aiso a suDsequent pur chaser of a part of said real estate; that no application for administra tion has been made and the estates of said decedents have not been ad ministered in the State of Nebraska; and prays for a determination of the time of the death of said Jonn L. Snavely and Hannah L. Snavely, each deceased, and of the heirs, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of said real property belonging to each of said deceased persons in the State of Nebraska. You are further notified that said petition will be heard before the County Court of Cass County, in the court house at Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. on the 3rd day of December, 1937. Dated this 4th day of November, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) n8-3w County Judge.