The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1937, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Ferdinand Reichmann is driving- a
new Chevrolet.
Mrs. Leah Winkler visited at the
II. R. Schmidt home last Wednes
John Thorns has disposed of his
Model A Ford, getting one of the
new V-8 models.
August Ruge purchased a new
Royal Chrysler through a local sales
agency July 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Troup and
Mrs. Long of Lincoln visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Zabel
last Sunday afternoon.
Charles Bohn of Oklahoma visited
relatives and friends here last week,
among them Charles Ilaertel and
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Miller.
During the time when his house
keeper, Mrs. Arnold, is away on her
vacation, L. Neitzel has been doing
his own cooking and has become
quite adept at batching.
Mr. and Mrs. Court Opitz and son,
who have been visiting at the home
of Mrs. Margaretta Rikli during the
past two weeks, returned to their
home in Binger, Oklahoma, Tuesday.
Mrs. Joseph Johnson and three
sons were in Lincoln last Sunday to
spend the day with her father, An
drew Benson. Mr. Johnson remaintd
at home to look after trade at the
A. J. Tool who takes stock dur
ing the summer instead of in the
winter, was invoicing the stock at
the store last week, making as much
speed as he could and attend to trade
at the same time.
Frank A. Melvin, who is employ
ed by the Stocks Implement com
pany, went to Lincoln last Wednes
day to get some repairs for harvest
ing machinery, which is being put to
full time use just now.
William Rich and family visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Luetchens last Sunday. They drove
down from Lincoln in time to attend
divine worship and the Bible school
with their host and family.
Geraldine Schmidt, daughter of
Louis Schmidt, of Wabash, started
training in an Omaha beauticians'
school the first of August. She gradu
ated from the Murdock high school
last spring. She believes her choice
Df work will be much to her liking.
Mr. IL H. Bredthauer, of North
Loup and Mr. A. Riggens of Scotia
were In town last Wednesday'look
ing at crop conditions and the coun
try in general. They found crop
yields here much better than in their
own county, where the corn crop is
lost again this year.
Mrs. E. W. Thimgan, who has been
a guest at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Bryan McDonald and fam
ily at Murdock, returned home a week
ago and was accompanied by the
daughter and her children, who vis
ited at Plattsmouth. They returned
home Sunday, August 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Denning, of
Enid, Oklahoma, have been visiting
friends and relatives here. They
were accompanied by Henry Erue
ner, father of Mrs. Dehning. The re
turn trip was made via the Ozark
country of Missouri, where they also
planned to visit briefly with rela
tives. The Murdock Christian Endeavor
met on the lawn of Miss Eloise Pool
in Weeping Water last Monday even
ing. A fine business meeting was
conducted earlier in the evening,
after which sixty young people met
for a happy lawn fellowship. Dainty
refreshments were served by the
hostess. Miss Blanche Anderson and
Miss Leola Kroll were honored
guests of the ot-casion.
The Misses Verona and Elizabeth
Rikli, of Xaperville, Illinois, who
visited over Sunday with their rela
tives here, left for Denver and Colo
rado Springs last Tuesday to enjoy
a brief vacation in the mountainous
country. Miss Elizabeth is a gradu
ate nurse in a hospital in Oalesburg,
Illinois, while her sister teaches
school in Illinois. They expect to
visit at points in Oklahoma before
returning to their positions.
Electric Pumping; Outfit
1 have an electric pumping outfit
with tanks, all in excellent shape,
for sale at a reasonable price. Mrs.
Hannah McDonald, Murdock.
Demonstration Wednesday
The Farmers Union Company had
a large ad .in the Journal Thursday
calling attention to the demonstra
tion of the F-12 Farmall tractor to
be held on the Otto Miller farm a
quarter of a mile east of town on
Wednesday, August 4. Two cash
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
prizes of $3 and $2, respectively, are
offered to the two persons registering
the closest and second closest esti
mates as to the time the F-12 rub
ber tired model will plow with 50
cents worth of tractor fuel. Bet
ter arrange to attend this demon
stration as you must register your
guess in person on the field the day
of the demonstration.
Ball Team Visited Here
Oscar Rikli, with his ball team
from Enid, Oklahoma, was here
last week and played with a num
ber of towns in this vicinity, one of
their games being with the Syracuse
Blue Birds, a girls' team. They play
ed at many towns along the way
both going and coming.
Here 34 Years Saturday
Last Saturday marked the com
pletion of 3 4 years of living in Mur
dock by the manager of the lumber
yard, W. T. Weddell, who came here
in mua. Mr. weuueu rcmemuers
there were thirty-six residences in
the town when he came, all of them
being occupied, with a number being
built since, while some have burned
down. There still remain some thir
teen people here who were residents
of Murdock when Mr. Weddell came
to town. They are Mr. and Mrs.
Henrv A. Tool. Mrs. George Ltt, Mrs.
Hannah McDonald. Lacy McDonald,
H. H. Lawton, Mr. and Mrs. Mat
Thimgan. L. Neitzel, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Tool. A livery stable and
and elevator that were here when
he came, have since burned. Ten
new business houses have been built.
Two barns, two elevators, a $43,000
school building, a waterworks sys
tem and an electrical distribution
system have also been added in that
time, and Mr. Weddell believes Mur
dock is a better town than when he
first located here.
Death of Sarah M. Campbell
Mrs. Sarah M. Campbell, a long
time resident of Cass county, died at
her home near South Bend, Nebr.,
Sunday, July 2.", after an illness of
but a week. She lived on the old
homestead place since 1902. and,
throughout the years gathered about
herself many friends. Her lifetime
of SO years, 4 months and 20 days,
was lived in a quiet, unassuming and
unselfish manner. Two daughters,
Mrs. Frances M. Schafer and Mrs.
Sara B. Rau, were in constant at
tendance at the bedside of their
mother during the last illness.
Funeral services were held at the
home at 2:00 o'clock Tuesday after
noon and at 3:00 p. m. in the Marcy
Funeral Home in Ashland, conduct
ed by her pastor, Harvey A. Schwab.
Interment took place in the Ashland
Mrs. Sarah M. Campbell, nee Reid,
who was born at Millbrook, Ontario,
Canada, on March 5, 1S57, passed
into eternity Sunday morning July
25, 1937. at her home near South
Bend, Nebraska. She was a dutiful
child in the family of twelve child
ren and studied in the early Cana
dian schools, where education was a
cherished privilege and personally
costly. While she never graduated
from an educational institution, yet
her life revealed that she learned
largely and well lessons in the school
of life experiences.
.Sarah M. Reid was married to
John Campbell at Millbrook, Canada,
:n Xovember 7, 1S76. They sojourn
ed together for better or for worse,
for 56 "years. They found life challenging-
and beautiful. God's uni
verse was wonderful and enriching
for them Their days came and went
as a song that is sung and a tale
that is told. Sons and daughters
came to them as God's special gifts.
The family companionship continued
unbroken until June 23, 1932, when
the husband departed this life.
Siie leaves three sons and two
laughters: George W. Campbell,
Ashland; David A. Campbell, Alvo;
Charles II. Campbell, South Bend;
Mrs. Sara 15. Rau, South Bend, and
Mrs. Frances M. Schafer, of Mur
dock. A brother, Samuel Reid of
Lindsey, Ontario, and a sister, Mrs.
William Finnemore, of Millbrook,
Ontario, survive the departed; like
wise a further relationship of seven
teen grandchildren and ten great
grandchildren. Besides her beloved
husband, three sisters and sixx broth
ers preceded her into the place of
Mrs. Campbell joined the Presby-
'i': '""T ' -ri ,11,1111 , ,, ,'.n.,,-,i '
Wabash News
George Moomey attended the com
munity sale at Syracuse last Wednes
Miss Myrtle Wood has purchased
a new Chevrolet car, trading in the
old one on the deal
E. W. Thimgan was a visitor in
Wabash last Tue'sday, coming with a
crew of men to handle the installa
tion of two new WPA toilets for the
Wabash school district.
Louis Dehnning and wife,, with
the father of Mrs. Dehnning, Henry
Baurman, of Enid, Oklahoma, were
visiting with friends in and near
Wabash last Wednesday.
Parker Otte, the barber, was call
ed to Weeping Water to look, after
business matters Tuesday of last
week, and while there was meeting
with a number of his friends.
Louis Schmidt, the road man, was
called to Plattsmouth Wednesday of
last week, where he went to secure
some repairs for the caterpillar trac
tor which he uses on his road work.
Louis Schmidt and H. H. Gerbe
ling were making some repairs on a
bridge northeast of Murdock. The
recent heavy rains had weakened the
structure, making it unsafe for some
of the heavy loads the threshing sea
son might bring over it.
John Wood has been kept pretty
busy with the delivery of wheat from
the threshing machines to the ele
vator in Wabash. In order to han
dle the grain it has been necessary
for the force there to work well in
to the night and then be back on the
job at the peep of day the following
morning. .
Have Good Return of Wheat
William Knaup has just completed
the threshing of his wheat for this
year ahd finds that it has turned
out better than was expected. Al
though it was looking very fine un
til the coming of the extreme hot
days and dry wind, when hopes for a
bumper crop went glimmering. The
grain from one field made 3S bushels
to the acre, testing 60 lbs., while an
other field on richer and lower
ground only made 24 bushels to the
acre, testing 59 pounds to the struck
bushel. The first field contained 60
acres, and from the two Mr. Knaup
will realize a right neat sum.
Ladies Enjoy Gathering
The Ladies Aid of Wabash, includ
ing many who live in the country
hereabouts, met one day last week at
the home of Mrs. Fred Towle, being
entertained in splendid manner and
also looking after various phases of
their regular routine work. Refresh
ments were served and the ladies
voted Mrs. Towle an excellent ea
tertainer. terian church in Canada in tender
childhood. Deep satisfaction and in
ward spirited poise attended her
through the years in her fellowship
with Christ her Saviour. After she
came to the United States, in 1SS1,
at the age of 24 years, she later
joined the Methodist . Episcopal
church in South Bend. Recently her
active church affiliation took place
with the Ebenezer Evangelical
church in Murdock, where it remain
ed until her departure.
After the deceased came to the
state, she, with her husband, located
in Weeping Water, but in 1902 they
moved to the house near South Bend
where she lived continuously for
thirty-five years. In that home the
last jllness overtook her Sunday,
July 18, 1937. One week later, on
Sunday, July 25th, release from suf
fering and pain came to her and
swept her immortal soul into the
great beyond.
A host of friends have been bless
ed by the presence and poise of this
unselfish life of 80 years, 4 months
and 2o days. Comforting hymns
were sung at her funeral by Mrs.
William Zabel and Mrs. Harvey A.
Schwab, who were accompanied by
Miss Doretta Schlaphof.
The pall bearers were six of her
grandsons, Russel, Harold and Ches
ter Campbell, Xorman and Edward
Rau and Ollie Campbell.
See the goods you ouy. Catalog
descriptions are alluring enough,
but how about the goods when
you get them?
Subscribe for the Journal.
John, Mary and Jack
Approved hj
American Dental Association
and the
United States Public Health
Who does not envy the six-year-old's
first few weeks in school? The
excitement induced by new surround
ings the pleasure of making new
acquaintances, the pride of acquiring
new knowledge, the thrill of accom
plishment all of these were exper
ienced by young Jack Reynolds for
the first time.
Later, perhaps the daily humdrum
of school life may become irksome;
but to the average inquisitive young
ster, the first few weeks of school
are far from monotonous. New
sounds, new words, new books, big
white cards on which are big black
letters, row on row of shiny desks
and shiny seats occupied by new and
interesting acquaintances, and, at
the front of the room, with eyes
that see everything and ears that
hear everything, sits the prettiest,
kindest eacher one could wish for.
scarcely nau Jack become accus
tomed to this new and strange en
vironment when he was called on to
undergo a new experience. Early one
morning, Miss Blanch, his teacher,
introduced a new person into his
world Miss Stevens, the school
nurse. Miss Stevens in turn intro
duced Jack and his classmates into
the mysteries of a physical examina
tion. In groups of eight, the children
were conducted to the doctor's room.
After Jack had removed his shoes,
the nurse weighed and measured
him. Then she tested his eyes and
his ears, recording her findings on
his physical examination card. She
then turned Jack over to the school
physician, who examined his throat
and listened with the aid of a mys
terious shiny , instrument, to his
heart and lungs. The physician next
checked Jack's posture and his feet
and neck, and marked the findings
on the examination record card. In
some manner, unknown to Jack, he
knew that Jack had been vaccinated
against smallpox and immunized
against diphtheria. After Jack had
passed through the .hands of the
nurse and the physician, he was ush
ered into another room, where the
school dentist examined his teeth
Some of the children were frighten
ed by this experience, but Jack, for
tified by his earlier trips to Dr,
Young, was unafraid. It took the
school dentist but a few moments to
ascertain that Jack's mouth was in
perfect condition. In fact. Jack was
one of the few children in his room
who needed no dental attention. Af
ter examining his teeth, the dentist
gave Jack a printed slip to take
home. 'Of course, Jack could not read
the slip, but this is what it said:
To the Parents of
Jack Reynolds:
A school dental examination
reveals that your child has excel
lent teeth. Please continue to give
them the best of care so that they
will remain in this condition.
Good teeth are necessary to
good health. At about six years of
age, children receive their sixth
year molars. The sixth-year mol
ars are permanent teeth child
ren should keep them as long as
they live.
Please have your family den
tist examine, and, if necessary, re
pair your child's sixth-year molars
as soon as they erupt.
School Dentist.
Miss Thelma Duncan is again
with the Recreation Center. jShe be
gan work Monday and is offering
classes in instruction beginning Mon
day of next week.
The tap dancing program will offer
a nice form of recreation following
the learn to swim week which has
been held this week. The schedule
has been arranged for the month of
August as follows:
9 to 10 a. m. riayground activ
ities (park).
10 to 10:45 a. m. Tap dancing
(ages fi to 10) at recreation building.
10:45 to 11:15 a. m. Interpreta
tive dancing (high school age) re
creation building.
11:15 to 12:00 a. m. Tap dancing
(ages 10 up) recreation building.
5:30 to 8:30 p. m. Tues. and Thurs.
-Activities at park; Mon. and Fri.
Activities at recreation building.
2 to 5 p. in. Wednesday, activ
ities at park.
Registration for the above classes
may be made at the recreation cen
ter Monday.
Daily Journal, 15o c-er week.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Albert Meisinger, deceased.
No. 3282:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administra
tion of said estate and appointment
of Helena Meisinger as Administra
trix; that said petition has been eet
for hearing before said Court on the
13th day of August, 1937, at ten
o'clock a. m.
- Dated July 14, 1937.
(Seal) jl9-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Edward Doran, deceased.
No. 3110:
Take notice that the Executrix of
said estate has filed her final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of her administration ac
counts, determination of heirship, as
signment of residue of said estate
and for her discharge; that said pe
tition and report will be heard be
fore said Court on August 27, 1937,
at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated July 31, 1937.
(Seal) a2-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Mary E. Burnett, et al, ")
Jerold Reed, et al,
To the Defendants:
Jerold Reed, and Mary Reed, his
wife, real name unknown; Ross
Reed, and Susan Reed, his wife, real
name unknown; Etta Miller; Pearl
Miller; William Graves, and Mary
Graves, his .wife, real name un
known; Wayne Carrell and Susan
Carrell, his wife, real name un
known; John W. Graves, and Eva
Graves, his wife; Mark S. Graves,
and Velma Graves, his wife; Blanche
E. Smith, and John Doe Smith, her
husband, real name unknown; Wil
liam L. Smith, and Mary Smith, his
wife, real name unknown; Addie I.
Rhodes, and Leonard Rhodes, her
husband; Glen Williams, and Susan
Williams, his wife, real name un
known; Mamie Lowry and Everett
Lowry, her husband; Everett Lowry,
Jr., and Mary Lowry, his wife, real
name unknown; Ethel Grage and
John Doe Grage, her husband, real
name unknown; Carl Graves and
Nellie H. Graves, his wife; Paul
Graves, and Mary Graves, his wife,
real name unknown; Rubin Hause
and Mary Hause, his wife, real name
unknown; Edna Randal and John
Doe Randal, her husband, real name
unknown, and Sadie Reed: j
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 15th day of July,
1937, the Plaintiffs filed their suit
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, the object and purpose of
which is to partition the following
described real estate, to-wit: The
EVs of Section 13, Twp. 6, Rge. 14.
in Nemaha county, Nebraska, and
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in Block 115,
in Peru, Nemaha county, Nebraska.
Also Lots 7 and S in Block 138 in
Peru, in Nemaha county, Nebraska,
and Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 177,
in Neals Addition to Peru, Nemaha
county, Nebraska, and Lot 3, Block
178 in Neals Addition to Peru, Nem
aha county, Nebraska. And Lots 4, 5,
6, 7. S. and 9, in Block 10S in Peru,
in Nemaha county, Nebraska. Also
an undivided one-half interest in fee
simple title in and to Lot 9 in Block
109 in Peru, in Nemaha county, Ne
braska. Also he died seized in fee
simple title, in and to Lots 1, 2, 3
and 10 in Block four south; Lots
11 and 12 in Block four south; Lots
1, 2, 3, in Block five south; Lots 10,
11 and 12 in Block five south of the
public square, in the village of Rock
Bluffs, in Cass county, Nebraska.
Also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block
four south and two west of the pub
lic square in the village of Rock
Bluffs, Cass county, Nebraska. Also
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
and 12 in Block three south and
Block one east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, S, 9. 10. 11 and 12 in Block
three south, two east; Lots 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, C, 7, S, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block
four south, one east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block
four south, one east; All of Block
five south, one east; All of Block
five south, two east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block six south,
one east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9 and 10, in Block six south, two
east; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, S, 9
and 10, Block seven south, one east;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9 and 10,
in Block seven south, two east; Lots
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in
Block eight south, one east; Lots
1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, S. 9 and 10, in
Block eight south, two east; Lots 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block
eight south, three east; All of Block
three south, three east; All of Block
four south, three east; All of Block
five south, three east; All of Block
six soutn, three east; All or mock
seven south, three east; All of Block
eight south, three east; All of Block
three south, four east; All of Block
four south, four east; All of Block
five south, four east; All of Block six
south, four east; All of Block seven
south, four east; All of Block eight
south, four east; the. EV2 of Block
one east; each being numbered from
the public square in the Village of
Rock Bluffs, in Cass county, Ne
braska. That an undivided one-half
interest in and to Lot 9 in Block
109, in Peru, in Nemaha county, was
owned in fee simple title by Major
P. Reed at the time of his death, and
the said Major P. Reed left as his
sole surviving heirs at law his wid
ow, Sadie Reed, and his two sons,
Jerold Reed and Ross Reed, each of
whom inherited an undivided one-
third of said undivided one-half of
said real estate, and for equitable
This notice is given pursuant to
an order of this court. You are here
by required to answer this petition
on or before Monday, September 13,
1937. And failing so to do, your
default will be entered and judg
ment taken upon Plaintiffs petition.
s and
By A. L. TIDD,
Their Attorney. a2-4w
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate
of Emma D. Smith, deceased. No.
-Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is October
25, 1937; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, on October 29, 1937,
at ten o'clock , a. m., for the pur
pose of examining, hearing, allowing
and adjusting all claims or objec
tions duly filed.
Dated June 25, 1937.
(Seal) j28-3w
County Judge.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Fred G. Morgan, Plaintiff
Charles F. Holly, Enos Williams,
Edward E. Jones, J. A. Inslee; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of Charles
F. Holly, Enos Williams, Edward E.
Jones, and J. A. Innler, earli de
ceased, real names unknown; all
persons having or claiming any In
terest in and to Lota eleven (11)
and twelve (12), in Hint k thirty
seven (37), in the City of 1'latiH
mouth, Cass county, .Nbra.ka, real
names unknown,
To the defendants: Charlen F.
Holly, Enos Williams, Edward E.
Jones, J. A. Inslee; the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interest
ed in the estates of Charlrs F. Holly,
Fnos Williams, Edward E. Jone;i and
J. A. Inslee, each deceased, real
names unknown; all persons having
or claiming any interest in and to
Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12)
in Block thirty-seven (37), in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Fred G. Morgan, the
plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in th. District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on
March 31, 1937, against you and
each of you, the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a de
cree of court quieting the title to
Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) in
Block thirty-seven (37), in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebras
ka, and for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 23rd day of August,
1937, or the allegations contained
in said petition will be taken as true
and a decree rendered in favor of
plaintiff and against you and each
of 5011 according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 10th day of July, A.
D. 1937.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
John Jirousek, Plaintiff,
The heirs, devisees, le
gatees, personal represent
atives and all other per
sons interested in the es
tates of Samuel Torter,
Jane R. Porter, Samuel I.
Porter, and Catherine Por
ter, each deceased, real
names unknown; The Cass
County Driving Park As
sociation, a corporation,
The successors and assigns NOTICE
of The Cass County Driv
ing Park Association, real
names unknown, and all
persons having or claiming
any interest in and to lot
twenty-three (23), in Por
ter Place and sub-lot one
(1, of lot twenty-five
(25), in Porter Place Ad
dition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Ne
braska, real names un
known. Defendants.
To the defendants: The heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal represent
atives and all other persons interest
ed in the estates of Samuel Porter,
Jane R. Porter, Samuel I. Porter, and
Catherine Porter, each deceased, real
names unknown; The Cass County
Driving Park Association, a corpor
ation; the successors and assigns of
The Cass County Driving Park Asso
ciation, real names unknown, and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in and to lot twenty-three (23).
in Porter Place and sub-lot one (1),
of lot twenty-five (25), in Porter
Place Addition to the City of Platts-
mouth. Cass Countv. Nebraska, real
namoa unknown
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John Jirousek, the plain
tiff, filed a petition and commenced
an action in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, on July 10,
1937, against you and each of you,
the object, purpose and prayer of
which is to obtain a decree of court
quieting the title to lot twenty-three
(23), in Porter Tlace and sub-lot one
(1), of lot twenty-five (25), in Porter
Place Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, and
for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day the 23rd day of August 1937, or
the allegations contained in said
petition will be taken as true and a
decree rendered in favor of plaintiff
and against you and each of you ac
cording to the prayer of said petition.
Dated this 10th day of July. 1937.
Attorney for Plaintiff. Jyl2-4wi
State of Nebraska 1
County of Cass J
By virtue of
an Order of Sale issued by C. E.
Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court,
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will
on the 10th day of August, A. D.
1937, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house in said county, sell at
public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following real es
tate, to-wit:
The east half of the north
east quarter ( 1 Y2 NEVi) of
Section seventeen (17), Town
ship twelve (12), Range nine
(9), East of the Gth I. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Harvey
Rathbone et al. Defendants, to sat
isfy a judgment of said Court re
covered by Sara M. Wortinan, Plain
tiff against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July C
A. D. 1937.
Sheriff Cass County,
To El in in a Porter; John W. S-?y-more;
William Staddleman; Wil
liam HtiMjelman; Zettam Mer'ullrx-k ;
G. II. I;lak; Prances J. Simiu;
A. W. Mrlaughliri ; Edward Jorkin;
Eduone Jokin; Magdaline H'-ro'd;
Maud G. Siggins; the heirs, deviser k,
legatees, personal repref-entati vc-s and
all other persons interested in the
Estate of Josiah E. Moores, decease -J,
real names unknown; the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal represenr.-i-tives
and all other persons interest
ed in the Estate of Josiah Moores,
deceased, real names unknown; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the Estate of Mrs. Marie
Nemetz, deceased, real names un
known; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in Lots 11 ard
12, Block 43, Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, real names un
known. Defendants:
Notice is hereby given that Ken
neth P. Pence and Alice M. Penc-?,
as plaintiffs, have filed in the Dis
trict Court, Cass County, Nebraska,
their petition against you praying
for the decree of said Court can
celling mortgages, one to John W.
Seymore dated June 3, 1S65, record
ed in Book "B" Mortgages. Pate
141 of the records in the office of
the Register of Deeds of said Cass
County, and one to Magdaline Hor
old dated February 24, 18SS, record
ed in Book "Z" Mortgages, rage 3 71
of said records, and barring and ex
cluding each and all of you and all
persons claiming by, through or
under you from having or claiming
any right, title, interest, lien or es
tate in or to Lots 11 and 12, Block
43, Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne-
braska. or any part thereof, and
quieting the title to said real estate
in plaintiffs.
Answer day for said defendants
in said Court at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, is August 23, 193 7.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned have formed a corpor
ation pursuant to the laws of Ne
braska. The name of the corporation
is Cass Theatre Company, with its
principal place of business in Platts
mouth, Nebraska. The corporation
shall have power and authority to
own, lease, operate or otherwise deal
in theatres for the exhibition of mov
ing pictures andor the presentation
of shows or performances of any oth
er character and to deal in generally
and contract for generally moving
picture films with reference to the
production, distribution or exhibition
of the said moving picture films. The
corporation shall have the power to
own. lease or otherwise acquire, and
to deal in generally, such real and
personal property as it may require.
The corporation shall have the power
to borrow money and to issue evi
dences of indebtedness therefor. Tho
total authorized capital stock is $10,
000.00, all common, par value
$100.00, being fully paid when is
sued and non-assessable. The corpor
ation shall commence business when
the Articles are filed with the County
Clerk of Cass County. Nebraska, and
when $1,000.00 of its capital stock
shall have been subscribed for, and
shall continue until June 1, 1987.
The highest amount of indebtedness .
shall not exceed two-thirds of its
capital stock. The affairs of the cor-
poration shall be administered by a
Board of Directors, consisting of noc
less than two or more than five in
number. The stockholders shall elect
Directors at the annual meeting to
be held on the second Monday in
February of each year. Thereafter,
the Directors shall elect the officers,
vis.. President, Vice-President, Sec
retary and Treasurer. With the con
sent in writing or pursuant to a vote
of the majority of the outstanding
stock, the Directors shall have au
thority to sell, lease, exchange, as
sign, transfer and convey or other
wise dispose of the whole of the
property of the corporation upon such
terms and conditions and for such
consideration as to them may seem
expedient and for the best interests
of the corporation. The Articles may
be amended upon the vote of 90 per
cent of the outstanding stock at any
regular or special meeting. The cor
poration shall have a seal.
Dated July 19, 1937.
Jy22-4w H. M. WEINBERG.
Tim ' I