The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 14, 1937, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1937.
Ihe Plattsmouth Journal
Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter
MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
600 miles, $3.00 per year. Kate to Canada and foreign countries,
$3.50 per vear. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
were Sunday
guests at the
Klyver heme.
Miss Elva Bradley is going to be
the leader of the "Cooking club,"
hu b is first year's cooking.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorgo Filer. Dal
lr.s and Albert spent Sunday at the
Milton Kotlc-way from near Eagle.
August Uosonow of Lincoln and
Pan Host now of Omaha spent Sunr
day with their brother, Charles
Howard Brown of Juanita spent
Fiinday and Monday with his sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
i: troeiucr.
Su;:t. L. M. Hauptnian and Donald
Iiavis are driving back and forth to
Lincoln, where they are attending
L'linmcr school.
Mr. and Mrs.
nd Mr.
Willis of
and Mrs.
Piairie Home
Ivan Kyncr and
er'.y were Sunda
daughter of Wav-
y afternoon visitors
at the Stout
Mrs. E
Klyver. Mrs. Jesse
Xora Williams and!
Mrs. Lillian Brunei- were shopping
in Ashland Tuesday and culliu'g on
friends in Greenwood as well.
The loc al Boy Scout troop went to
Lincoln Tuesday evening to play,
1 all with a Lincoln troop. The Alvo j
troop were victorious. i iu y spent
a very pl.-asar.t evening together.
Thursday evening wa.:. All-Church
night for the local church people.
All attending
meal at 7:00
enjoyed a
o'dock and
delic ious j
ship and
entertainment which fol -
Mr. and Mrs. Orv
daughter of M;trdo!
Corbeling and.
Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Mickle
Mrs. Harold
spent Fuuday
C. Hardnock.
md son and Mr. and
Nickel and children
with Mr. and Mrs. S.
Eusy Knot Tiers
The "Busy Knot Ties" held their
iirrt club meeting in the church
basement Tuesday evening. William
James is leader of the club, which
has about eight members. This group
of boys and leader anticipate a very
pleasant club year.
Jolly Stitchers
The "Jolly Stitchers" met at the
iu:i. it' "".Trs fllf.n Tliliimitt Wpfi-!
ncs'lay ;ifteriioon lor their first meet
ing. This sinner the girls are tak
ing the project of "Summer Clothes."
Those in the club are Ruth Ayres,
Dorothy Jordan. Donaa V. Viekers.
Marie and Leona Ruder, Grace Rue
tr. Paula Mae Bradley and Ruby
Taylor. The next meeting will be
with Ruth Ayres. June 2 1.
Rosencv an i Kuehn ixeunion
The Rostiiow and Kuehn reunion
will be held at Beatrice. Nebr.. Sun
day. June 2". Plans have bei n made
for a very pleasant day.
Eecfivcs Promotion
Charier. Rosenow, who has
employed by the Rock Island
road company wi-.s promoted from tht
section work to nag'-1 an on June 1
Mr. Koaeiso'.v -i?. located at the rail
road crossing en Vine street in Lin
To Sprad Vacation ir. County
Hubert Cheever. ten year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Che-.ver of Lincoln
came to the country Saturday to
spend his vacation with relatives at
the Stout home. Mrs. Mabel Winn
and Ralph were visiting at the
Cheever home Saturday and the lit
tle man came home with them.
Many Have Purchased
Many in the ronn unity have pur
chased conioines. It appears as if
iiiimmi 'swm'wip 'j!v
Vf .c iv; ; vS": 'i.T
the farmers are planning on a big
harvest this season. The recent
rains have meant much toward a
bigger harvest.
Enjoyed Picnic Dinner
Club members of the Mothers and
Daughters council enjoyed a picnic
dinner Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Frank Hemke. This was the
final meeting of the club for this
club year. The next meeting will
be a picnic for the club members
and their families in late August,
and the club will reopen the first of
Mrs. Frank Ilenike is the retir
ing president. She has had the fine
co-operation of all club members
and the year has been a very pleas
ant one for all.
Discovers Broken Leg -Miss
Berdyne Clark, who does
house work for her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rosenow, dis
covered Friday of last week that she
had a broken bene in one of her legs.
Three weeks previous to the dis
covery, a car door had been shut on
her leg and had caused her much
pain sjnee that time, but never once
did she think that the injury
so severe. It was necessary to
her leg in a cast, but she is
to get around on crutches.
able j
0. S. Club
Mrs. YV. C. Tnublin was hostess
to the S. O. S. Flower dub members
! Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Minnie Peterson gave a
pa pei
on "Roses
" and Mrs. Ellis
the ladies about
do for their flow-
.i ir icle informed
t they might
crs m June.
Mrs Timblin had many pretty
,.((5.os j i,i0oni. A Paul Scarlet rose
tcrest and drew many fine compli
: lents. This rose was exceedingly
beautiful and its brilliant color
caused it to be very showy.
The next meting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Ellis Mickle on
June 2!.
Mrs. Turner McKinnon. assisted
by Mrs. l; M. Hauptnian. entertain
ed the Reading club at Mrs. McKin
non's home Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. A. B. Stroemer gave a mo"t
interesting book review on Margar
et Mitchell's recent book, "Gone
with the Winds."
The ladies enjoyed a most pleas
ant afternoon.
Dr. IL G. McClusky retu.ned
Thursday afternoon from the annual
meeting of the synod which was held
at the Hastings college. Dr. has
been in Hastings since Tuesday aft
ernoon. He reports an interesting
meet ins with a good attendance. One
of the enjoyable sidelights of the
meeting was the opportunity of using
the golf club, recently acquired by
the college.
Firm S'atcvilay's T)aVy
Prof. Faircaild gave advice to
feeders in his talk !ant evening at the
Brink Hatchery. He especially en
couraged the use cf "free choice"
feeding for chickens. He also told
of the value of the "pellet" mash.
Following the talk and discussion,
Mr. Brink served ice cream and
From Saturday's I sally
, Frank M. Bestor, who has
the St. JrsL'pii hospital at
been at
.'or the past ten day3, taking
ment for neuritis, has so f
r recov
ered that he
home Sunday.
i3 expecting to return
Yes, Pursang contains elements of
proven value, such as Organic Copper
and Iron, which quickly aid nature in
building rich, red corpuscles. When
thi3 happens, the appetite improves.
Nervousness disappears. Energy and
II i V . t i i;i.
From Thursday's Daily
G. R. Eveland and son of Elmwood
were business visitors in Plattsmouth.
Mrs. John Fulton returned Tues
day evening from the hospital. She
is reported to be getting along fine.
Mrs. Golda Kafl'enbergcr Foxwell
and son, Leo, of Milwaukee, are here
to visit at the home of George A.
Kaffenberger, father of Mrs. Foxwell.
From Friday's Daily
Mrs. Ella Stewart, wno has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Bertha Shopp,
left today for her home in Amazonia,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robinson and
son, Larry, were guests at the Jake
Thompson home in Nebraska City
last evening.
Miss Kathryn Sumner, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. 1). S. Sumner, arrived
last evening after a vacation in lled
lands, California.
T. E. Olson returned this week
from the hospital in Omaha. Al
though still under the doctor's care,
Mr. Olson is much improved.
Among business visitors iu Platts
mmith todav were Ervin Schuelke,
Carl Ganz, and Guy Clement of Alvo!
and Judge C. E. Tent ot weeping
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom are
taking their son, Herbert, to Fort
Riley Sunday where he will attend
the ll.O.T.C. camp during the next
six weeks.
Maynard McCleary, v. ho is now
employed in the Kresge store in
Davenport, la., was a visitor among
old school friends iu l'lattsmouth
Mrs. York Ilinmaa, Jr., and chil
dren left for North Blatte today.
They have been visiting at the home
of Mrs. Ilinman's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Wurl.
Herbert Siuidstrom, student in the
school of journalism at the I'niver-. familiar with the work that is being
sity of Nebraska has recently been j done in their county for the conser
initiated into Sigma Delta Chi, jour-; vation of soil and moisture.
nalistic fraternity.
Mrs. Joe Weber and small daugh
ter, Margaret Rose, who have been
at the John Bergman home, arc re
turning to their home tomorrow.
They are reported to be doing very
Mrs. E. G. Shellenbarger drove
down from Omaha to attend the card
club at the home of Mrs. James Bulin
lnct ovonii! en u n n'-t'i'-nip'llt i
guest at the home of Mrs. Frank:
Mrs. Edna Dalton. who has been I
visiting with her mother and sister-
in Plattsmouth. is lcavinsr for sum
mer school Friday. Mrs. Dalton ex-
pects to receive her degree at the
end of this summer's term at Peru.
Miss Ruth Lindsay, who has been
a house guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Baird during the past
week, left Thursday for her home in
Lodi, Wisconsin. She plans to visit
several poi:t3 in Iowa on her retuyn
Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom returned
Thursday morning from Louisville
where she has been caring for two
children who were ill
fever. Mrs. Sundstrom
with scarlet
has been at '
the J. B. Larson home during the
past three weeks.
Clement Sundstrom, a member of
the University f Nebraska baseball
team, is leaving with the team next
week for a tour. The team is trav
eling through several states. They
will play three games on the tour
as woll as take in three of the big
league games.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Key of Clen
dale, Calif., are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Key's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Irt Philpot at Weeping Water. Miss
Bonnie Phiipot. who was graduated
from the V.'eopnm Water high school
thi:j spring, will return with her sis
ter to take up cometie work in Cali
fornia. f l' :n
I! t 11 rl. (V
Tillio i
Summers i3 leaving this
til Mir,.; Inez Eberhardt
. guest for the week-end
nid will be
at the Eberhardt home at Wahoo.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Devoe and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knorr and
family held a picnic supper at the
Plattspjouth goli' club lact evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson left
this morning for Minneapolis, Minn.,
Cass Comity
to be Studied
Tour Scheduled for June 18th: All
Phases of New Type of Farming;
to Be Seen in Use.
An all-day tour sponsored by the
Cass County Farm Bureau, state ex
tension service and the local SCS
camp will be held Friday, June IStli.
All of the different phases of the
work recommended by the Soil Con
servation Service will be included
and explanations made at individual
farms. Free lunch will be served at
noon in the John B. Kaffenberger
grove. Following is the schedule for
the' day:
9:30 a. m. Leave Weeping Water
(Meet at the Farm Bureau office.)
9:45 a. m. See contour farming
and buffer strips on George and Oscar
Domingo farms.
10:00 a. m. Pasture terraces and
seeded pasture on Parr Young farnu
10:30 a. in. Buffer strips and con
tour farming on F. J. llild farm.
11:00 a. m. Gully control on Car
rie Cloidt (Flail Iske) farm.
12:00 noon. Free lunch at John
B. Kaffenberger grove (G miles west
of Plattsmouth on the Louisville
Plattsmouth road.) Talk by D. L.
Gross, extension agronomist, and
1:15 p. m. Contour farming, strip
cropping, buffer strips, terracing and
sru'lv control on Ralph Meismger
i Georsre Stoehr. Victor Stoehr
j Lester Wagoner farms.
; 2:15 p. m. Field terraces and
'sodded outlet on Henry Ragoss farm.
3:00 Large earth dam and other
methods of gully control on Leslie
j Wiles farm.
4:00 p. m. Arrive Weeping Water.
Several other farms will be includ
ed that will show how the program
has been worked out on various in
dividual farms. All farmers, land
owners and business men and women
of the county are invited to attend
so that they may become more
! where Mr. Pett rson will attend sum
mer school and complete his work
! for Lis marter's degree,
i Mrs. Laura V.'ilson, vho liar; been
; here visiting her mother, Mrs. James
j Sochor, for the v. etk, is departing
Sunday for her home at Desplaincs,
j Illinois, where they have been mak-
ing their home for the past few
Mrs. Frank Vitesnek and son,
Joseph, who have been here visiting
with the relatives in this portion of
Nebraska, returned to their home at
Edgmont, South Dakota, today. Jo
3C1,h VitJ!m'k' who lias hvcn attend"
in:r the I'niversitv of Iowa, at Iowa
City, will spend the summer in the
Black Hills.
Miss Betty Kalina, a member of
the graduating class of 1937 of the
Plattsmouth high school, started in
her work at the office of County At
torney J. A. Capwell as stenographer.
Miss Kalina is succeeding Miss Ann
nu iias nneu mis position um-
1UK tne occupancy of W. G. Kieek and
Mr. Capwell in the office, she now
retiring from the duties of the office.
Miss Zitka will remain ffr a shoVt
time to assist the new stenographer
in getting started in the new posi
Mrs. Erma Begley, who has been
making her home at Rincoln and
Papillion, will be here, for the rest
of the summer at the home in the
north part of the city. Superin
tendent L. S. Devoe and family are
occupying the house Lut will be ab
sent at Lincoln during the summer
and Mrs. Begley and son, James F.,
will occupy the home.
From Fi iilay-s liaily
There were a number of visitors
from out in the county here today to
look alter some matters in probate
court and among these were Fred
Towle ci Wabash, Mrs. Eunice Mc
Ilugh, Murdock, Dr. A. E. Liston,
ElmwootU Mrs. Emily Gonzales of
Elmwood and Mrs. Clarlos Schulke
i and son, Virgil of Greenw ood.
Monte II. Lum, the lumberman,
was in Nebraska City last Tuesday,
having some dental work done.
Claude Hollenberger has just com
pleted the interior decorating of the
home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bren
del. Edward Morley, the service station
man has been having the interior of
the office at the station nicely deco
rated and stye looking fine.
Peter Jourgcson, John Sudman
and Louis Nutzman were in Green
wood last Sunday, where they were
visiting with friends for the day.
Charles Witzke, of Red Wing,
Minn., arrived in Avoca last Satur
day for a visit with his mother, Mrs.
Pauline Witzke, over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Zaiser were
enjoying a visit for the day last
Sunday from a number of their
friends in Omaha, who were spend
ing the day in Avoca.
Oscar Zimmerer was a visitor in
Omaha last Saturday, going for a
brief visit with bis friend, Fred
Gcllner, and attended the show
where the latter was playing.
Mrs. Henry Brockman. who re
sides a short distance south of Elm
wood, was a visitor in Avoca last
Sunday, coming to visit at the home
of her brother, William Gollner.
Monte H. Lum, the lumberman.
was looking
after some business
matters at Weeping Water last
Tuesday morning and enjoyed visit
ing with a number of friends while
William Hollenberger, the harness
man, has been ,baving a severe tus
sle witli rlitumatism. which has kept
him uneasy and so he could hardly
work. He expects it to get belter as
the weather warms up.
Helmet Brockman. who is super
intendent of schools at Ord. accom
panied by his wife, visited over Sun
day at the home of his uncle, Wil
liam Gollner and wag a!"o visiting
with relatives at Elmwood.
James Johnson, the triuker. has
not attempted to make any trips to
Omaha since the strike was called,
but went to the metropolis Tuesday
in his car to look the situation over,
and thinks it will soon be settled.
Henry K;.mr..;:r.. who reside:? a
short distance north el Avoca. has
bten Laving a new built on
his tenant larra, the work being
now con,pkt"c! and as v. result an
other new house is added to the
com munity.
While the truck strike has been
under way and goods diffi-ult to
get, Joan Marcuardt went to Lin
coln in Lis c r. and secured some
supplies at th Lincoln market,
bringing them home in his auto,
thus saving the inconvenience of
having to do without the goods, or
a delay in having them shipped via
the railroad.
Shirking Cut Wheat
A number of farmers have had
their wheat stored in the Marouardt
elevator during the past winter and
now with prospects looking good for
a satisfactory crop this year, are let
ting the grain go. During the past
few weeks six cars of stored grain
have been shipped cut.
Finds Business Good
A. W. Propst, who has been lo
cated in Jacksonville. Florida, for
the past year, engaged in the dis
tribution of Maytag washing ma
chines, has been more than pleased
with the volume of business he has
enjoyed. The business has reached
such proportions now that hi3 broth-tr-in-law,
Mr. Sindclar, of Omaha,
has concluded to so to Florida, and
will be located at Tampa, Fla.
Marilyn Maseraan Home
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry " Maseman, who has been in
the hospital in Omaha, where she
underwent an operation and has
been nursed at the Methodist hos
pital by her mother during her stay
there, has so far advanced in her
recovery that she wad able to re
turn home last Tuesday The father
Don't Neglect Them I
Nature drl;nd the kidneys to 4
mnrvrlom Job. Their I ask ii to keep lbs
flowing blood trrrn frm of an excess of
loxle impurities. The act of living lijm
intlf is constantly producing wast
matter the kidneys must remove from
the Mood if Rood health Is to endure.
When the kidneys tail to function as
Nature intended, there is retention of
waste that may cause body-wide dis
tress. One may su.Tcr nasreing backache,
persistent headarhe, attacks of dizziness,
petting up nights, swelling, pufrtness
under the eyes feel tired, nervous, all
worn out.
Frequent, scanty or burning passages
may be further evidence of kidney or
bladder disturbance.
The recognized and proper treatment
is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys
ret rid of ezcees poinonoua body waste.
Use Doan't Pillt. They have had more
than forty years of public approval. Are
endorsed the country over. Insist OB
Doan't. Sold st all drug stores. 1
went over to Omaha and brought her
home and since that time she has
been getting along nicely,
Wreck at Crossing
Two cars, one bearing an Illinois
number and the other licensed in
No,; 19 county in this state, came
together on last Tuesday morning
near the railroad crossing north of
town, with the result that a man in
the Illinois car was so severely in
jured that he had to be taken to a
Lincoln hospital for treatment.
Ladies Enjoyed Afternoon
The Mothers and Daughters club
or' Avoca were enjoying a get to
gether meeting on last Tuesday af
ternoon, when they had a very so-
"cianie time wnn tneir visiting aim
their afternoon tea.
Attended Flower Show Sunday
J. 1L F. Ru.ghe and wife, accom
panied by Dick Neumeister and fam
ily comprised a merry auto party
that drove to Shenandoah on last
Sunday, where they enjoyed seeing
the flower show which was staged
in the armory in that city. They
were pleased for they found a show
there free for the seeing, and one in
many ways superior to those which
heretofore have cost many dollars
to go see. They were pleased with
the country as they went and came,
saying the crops in that part of the
country presented p. very fine sight,
with prospects for an abundant har
vest unless something unforseen!
should happen to destroy the very
hopeful prospect.
Received Injury to Hand
While Albert Brums was working
with an obstreperous cow, having a
halter with a chain on it, the ani
mal marie a bolt to get away and
m so doing drew the chain through
his hand cutting and lacerating the
flesh portion of the hand very se
verely so that he has been prevented
from looking after his daily work.
The doctor dressed the member and
ne is now getting along very nicely.
Visiting Relatives Here
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Propst, the
former a brother of Mrs. Elmer J.
TIallstrom, arrived in Avoca from
their home at Jacksonville, Florida, Monday evening and visited
ocr night and during a portion of
the day Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Hallstrom and family, departing on
Tuesday for Omaha, where they will
visit a short time before returning
,o their southern home. Mr. Propst
tind wife are well pleased with the
foulh ar.d the business they are do
ing there, having been located in
Jacksonville for a year.
Locking Spic and Span
T'in voc;i lMistoffico has been mi
d ergo ing considerable decorating of -late,
the work being now about !
complete, and as a r.esult the place'
surely looks fine. The inferior has ;
i . . . . t . , .. . . . I
oee:i loio neti u i nu a iiev ruui ui
paper and also a few coats of paint
on the woodwork, which has great-
wa - csT - j
Don't Forget
ear Old Dad
June 20th Is
-foe it pad I V m '
We have a Complete Line o Carets
Bill Folds
Key Cases
Fen - Pencil Set
Fountain Pens
Tie S-Iol&erc
Gzl Balls
&n& Biaaiy More UseSoS Gis
Call and lock the line over. But don't forget dear old
Dad,on this day set apart specially to pay tribute to him.
ly changed the appearance of the
place Postmaster Bogaard has had a
couple of women cleaning up the
furniture to add to the general ap
pearance of the office.
Attended Show in Omaha
Dorothy Gollner, who is emnlojvd
in Lincoln was notified that her
brother, Fred Gollner, who is travel
ing with the Jimmy Joy orchestra,
a nationally known musical organi
zation, was playing in Omaha la.n
Saturday night and went from Lin-
'coln to Omaha to attend the show at
which tier brother appeared. The
mother, Mrs. Gollner, of Avoca, als
went over to the metropolis and the
two visited with Fred a part of the
evening, later returning to Avoca,
and from here Mii;s Dorothy went
back to Lincoln.
Mr. Gollner, the father, desired to
attend the show, but could not on
account of it being Saturday night.
A brother, Earnier, who is with an or
chestra in Lincoln, was also unable
to go to Omaha to see Fred, much
as he desired to do so.
Fred will play w
th the orchestra
the next ;hirtv
in Denver
Getting Ready for Work
The O street road is being gotten
in condition for the black top coat
ing that is to be applied there on to
complete the nine mile gap, extend
ing from a ;:clnt I'.r.'ee miles east of
Avoca corner to a point seven miles
west of the r?
s"".: :. The road is
being wicem
to get more
:1 onsid-. rable in order
dirt and do a way with
the steeper grades
way, and at one
route to bo paved
fence is being set
along the high
place along the
Fred Marquardt's
in seven feet.
The black top pavement has been
perfected to a point where it is said
to be very pood and able to stand up
under heavy traffic. There are some
w'.i'j wor. hi rather see this remaining
gap paved with concrete same as the
i est of t !"!- road, but for the most
part people seem willing to leave
the matter of material with the
State Highway depaitment, which
has made exhaustive tests of the
various mat?rials and can be de
pended upon not to put anything
down on ibis heaily traveled road
that will fail to stand up or prove
unsatisfactory in any way.
From Saturday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smock and
daughter, "Mrs. Keener Price, depart
ed this morning for Willmuthsvillc,
Mo., where they were called by the
death of their niece, Mrs. Mayo Am
merman. Funeral services are being
held Sunday.
$$$$$$ SS$:$SS
Prompt Clbsings w
FflR 41 LOAfiS ;
! V
Hotel Plattsmouth
3 S
- .ri.. - .u -
'Fathers Day'
Playing Cards
Poller Chips
Tie Hacks
ook. Store
i :
oLTeUgLa usuuiy reuui u. iuii ikku ii&c
a new person. Get Pursang from your
5 N
A ' ....