The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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A. I). Rhoden of north of Nehawka
.ud west of Murray was in town on
- i
From Monday's Iaily
Monday of this week looking after I nsg Gtorgia white was
come business matters and visiting j cnd guest in omaha.
friends. - i Mis3 Mildred Sehultz spent
a week-
Frank Linder was ever to Omaha i Wcek-eud at the home of Miss Wilma
hist Monday with a load of hogs f r ! pickard.
some farmers adjacent to Nehawka) j.iiss Margery Kinsel is spending
which proved to be very fine psci-;fis wcek V(ith her sister, Ada Kin-j The birthday festivities were fea-
From Monday's Daily
Celebrates Birthday
Theodore Ptak was honored Sun
day by a group of friends joining in,
the observance of his birthday anni- J
versary. me group was enieriameu . f,...0v eu raska Light and Power Co.,
the games committee. Eileen Lester
and Jeanne Kinsel assisted. Mem
bers of the freshment committee
were Pnyllis Redd, chairman; Helen it.
Blotzer, Uarlene Hennings, John El
liott, and Aileen Reed.
J-! wide pasture contest, they were re-
TV minded this week. A total of four
C8.SS County Farm ! farmers have entered to date. They
T . X are: H. E. Iske, Plattsmouth ; Lester
bureau notes
Copy furnished from Office
of County Agent Wainscott
'Wagoner, Cedar Creek; Eldon Men
I'jdenhall. Elmwocd; and V. G. Hoff
man, Alvo.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sehutz.
mens of the hogh family.
Arizona Dude Ranch Play.
Miss Eiilio Gass of Omaha was a
! guest for the week-end of Miss Ger-
tured with a Cue cake.
Last Friday there was presented : trude Vallery
Sunday Evening Clnb
Mrs! Marie Richards entertained
Live Wires
Miss Genevisve Whe:an was chosen:
president of the Live Wires of thela Feeders' Day.
With feed scarce
mS I Designed to encourage me improve-
jment of pasture and grazing land, the
11937 contest will probably attract
ia nearly 1,000 farmers. Reports from
and high ia nearly 1,000 farmers.
at the meeting last evening at the prjce and several months time before counties indicate a greater interest s' ye;u', ( M
Owner will pell at PcMic Auction
at the Plattsmouth ee-J Yards,
south of the BREX ShcDs. on
Wednss., April 14
Starting at 1 :m . m.: Sharp
Four Hesil Horses
Cr.e horse, .v.r.-olh ::vatb. -via! t
1 !0i U:.; one hsrs; y ;:o"th t.iotitls.
weight It;."" l!s.: one iii..s '. si. ,()!'.;
-l.oath. wei-rkt 17f lbs.: on- hrs .
vt i:;!u 1 "."'i 11m.
home of Mrs. Justus Lilhe. Mrs.
Ernest Elliott was elected secretary-
feed crops can be harvested. u;:usual ! than in the 193G contest. With a rea-
interest is centering in Neb: aska j sonably favorable year, much actual
treasurer. The members held a the-!around the twenty-fifth annual Feed- ! farm information on pasture manage-I
Time sets of harness a
Cue heavy wlkinu; i
the senior class of the Nehawka: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pickens were ! the Sunday evening club at her
high school a play known as the , guests of relatives in Lincoln at din-
Arizona Dude Ranch which attracted ! tier yesterday.
a large number of the citizens of
Nehawka and vicinity and
of the school. The play was in the
form of a musical contest, and which
home. Mrs. Richard Beverage won
high score for the ladies and Mrs.
atre party after the business meet-
ing and went to the Mauzy drug store
for refreshments.
Mr.' and Mrs. James Wondra of j Guy Long, second. Fred Sharpnack ,
patrons uniana were nere t-unaay ui sienu uu "- ! Union
the day with relatives and triends. coverage, seeonci.
Mas. Andrea Overman of the
was followed on Saturday night by . Resettlement Administration office ; Visitors Here
another musical contest and bancuet : leaves this evening for a two month! Mrs. Ruth Hitehmau and son, Bob,
sponsored by the Future Farmers of j furlough.
America. Both plays were excellent; Miss Helen Wiles, who teaches in
ar.d drew much favorable oommencla- Lexington, is spending Spring vaca
tion for the teachers and members option with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
the two casts. ; S. A. Wiles.
' Mrs. Mario TrumWu and children,
Hoy Klanrens Visits Eere.
Roy Klanrens. superintendent
Junior and Mary Ann. of Lincoln,
of were here Sunday to spend some time
and daughter, Ann, drove here from
Clair yesterday, to visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Beverage and Alt
Beverage. They plan to return to
their home this evening.
Union Entertains
Members of the oman s club of
entertained the members or
, x-k . i - .-t . - t .-i 1..- 1. t .1 .. . l.,i-Yn jafe, t r A-T3rtwl I-,, Tjtlot'fwl
ei s uay scneuuieu iu ue iieiu ui um ,uii o . n. vi iw j, . ..v . j
Nebraska College of Agriculture, cn J Record blanks will be supplied scon
Fridav. Anvil 10. Several Cass coun-i to all entrants in the contest for
I fen! wagers;
Witer t:in'::s;
ty livestock producers are expected ! keeping records on the amount of . ;
to attend. (grazing secured and methods of pas- ;.f h
X .t 1 liivi 3 at Ulc luiiifcc iv; i wc vici.- , . - tr -" x - - i . y
4 f-ed --:ik:
two car
fi.t'.r tank
ia n k ht .'. tc
: 4.:
r pi
:.!( .
:u f. t
t i.n
the public schools of Fremont was a, with the old friends.
isitcr for a short time in Nehawka,
guest of hio parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Klaurens, being here to take
part in some convention for the Ne
braska schools which was being given
at Plattsmouth on Tuesday of this'
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Royal
Attend Tea and Recital
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Waller, Mrs.
j P. Y. McFetridge, and Mrs. D. S.
and: Sumner drove to Omaha yesterday
ture management. Each cooperator
i ... . . . 1 1'!
will hear about experimental tests: aim iw wsneu mis uu u un"""
the Social Circle Extension club, the jn which various substitute feeds are ; the success of the pasture program j
Home Extension club, the Union Ex- J compared with standard feed avail- i followed on the individual farm. The;
tension club and the Murray Study j aie unaer normal conditions on ! 1937 contest will probably close with
club at a tea last Tuesday at the ' farms. Much work has been done j the third annual banquet in Omaha:
Baptist church in Union. j comparing molasses to corn for fat-j where county and state winners will1
District and county officers v,ho,tenin animals and all results will i be announced.
were honor guests were Mrs. JohnjDe disclosed that day. j
Beetem of Douglas, vice president ofj Two of the headline speakers on ! Hot Ereads.
the district; Mrs. Ivan Balfour of ! tne program include Prof . H . P .Rusk, I It has been said that ''if bread is
ai '1 valv-s:
nop shovels: t n hay f- rks; :.'.
slat r i 1 . - i 1 1 ' . t'x'ls ai.-l i!ur
es too nu:iH ! to i..t a 1 1 n.
no liu.Micls oat.-: "' 1m ?' h
nd ."'i bjivs citl; i ai'-x f.ate.
Frame Buildings
Cnc t i-'h.t it sil barr. :: :: .
I square, li- :ght 1: U-i t : ::e
j 1 1; toot building suitable tor
. ga rage.
l ft-
Terms: CASH.
Nehawka. district chairman of iu-i chairman of the animal husbandry the staff of life, hot breads
tcrnationai reiaiions, -uis. .-coil we-, department at the University of Illi-jneaoeu v.aiKing canes.
Plattsmouth Feed Yard
Grew, district chairman ot Home wtl-jnois antl jtsse Harper, former Notre
fare; Mrs. Ray Norris, district chair-j Danle football coach but now a Kan-
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Derieg of Lincoln
were here Sunday to spend the day
afternoon to attend a
ing tea and recital at
candle light
the L. G. Ab-
man of law observance as regards!
sas livestock producer. The former.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.
G. Ab-!
Uvith Judge C. L. Graves, father of the; lott home. Miss Virginia
: Miss Maxin?
I day to McCook to resume her work ! was presented in a music rewiai oj
;cs teacher in the high school there. her teacher, Mrs. Katherine Clow.
Mrs. Marshall Very Sick. 'she was taken as far as Lincoln by j
Mrs. Anna Marshall who is better , her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Leaves for California
i ... .... r l ..1-4
i Cloidt. -iiss ivainryn fcumner, uauguiti
1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perkins of Om- j of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Sumner, left
children; and Mrs. Elmer Sundstroni, I a well known national livestock au-
Each of the offi-
I'o!) McKi lizie aiui K a Yoi:
W. E. Reynolds. CK
; k
This is not at all hard to bilieve
if the hot breads are golden brown, j
crusty and not tunneled. Why not u r( f.r ;h1 j .,,,, .,, u ... t. They
make a specialty of certain tempting . j,)(.atl,(1 in a j e.-iden. e in pu ty
your prepar-. ... ,,,,,, cf...... m,. Mrs.
Sitzraan resided hen
pinmlv tvcIi1 i n t K:'(h of the oiTi-l.u i. ..i in:, lint hronfl tip vf (ct i ! r"
v ...... i - i uiui u , i'ei i a ouu i , eiiit- 1 1 1 1 w w i.t ; - i - - - - ion
ccrs anu tne presiaenis ui me ciuus j T5eef Maiung Practices of Interest tojation to a point wnere iney un men
gave a short talk as they were intro-I Vphrpska Cattlemen " Harner who! in your mouth? Time ceases to cause
Cloidt returned Sun- j lott and niece of Mr. and Mrs. Waller j duccd by Mrs .Grace Meisinger, pres- -iii be introduced bv Coach "Biff" i worry when one has a good recipe
ident of the Union club. ' Jones of Nebraska will tell whv the land learns the quick bread method of
known as Anna Sheldon, for she dur
ing her girlhood made her home with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheldon, and' aha were
here Sundav as guests at i Friday night for a visit in California.
lor a great
many years and their Iiieuos are
pleased to have them hack again.
Mrs. Ray Frans had charge of theicattje business suits him better than j combining, ingredients. I
Biscuits have a definite place in i
manv homemakers' meals because!
! I
Jack Junior Did the Work.
When we were informed of the
making of a radio for A. F. Sturm by
Jack Yeiser, we understood it was his j
con-in-law but later we have learned ,
naek and visiting with the many old Lands last evening. Miss Sumner
time friends. went to California to attend the wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perkins of Om- ding of her cousin, Irene Martin,
aha visited at the home of Mr. and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mar
Mrs. Emil Ptak Saturday evening and j tin. She will be a guest at the Mar
yesterday. Miss Florence Nelson who: tin home v. bile in California. ,
came from Cmaha with them .was a
guest of Miss Wilma Pickard. j Lincoln Guests
Mrs. Maude Fricke and daughter, j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider enter
Marion, of Lincoln were here Sunday j tained guests from Lincoln at their
for a short visit with relatives and j home yesterday. Mrs. Ernest Truin-
v. ith the husband moved to the west, I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharp-j She was to have arrived
making their heme at Fort Lupton,
has been seriously ill during the 'past
few clays with pneumonia. When
apprised of the serious illness. Mr.
and Mrs. Tucker departed for the bed
tide, seeking to do what was possible
for the patient. They departed for
the west in their auto Sunday afternoon.
program. Mrs. Horom of Auburn re- f00tball.
viewed "Edna Jones" by Margaret I
Mrs. Eikenbary paid tribute j ft Av r,.
i y XL IT 1U1 7 VAU.lZ.3a
to the visiting clubs by reading some A.,p!k.ations for two
u"'uai clubs have been
Another feature of the program
was a playlet given by five high
school girls, June Frans, June Arm-
I week,
i Club,"
more 4-H j
received the past
The "Marv Ann's Cooking ,
of Murdock, of which Mrs
they are inexpensive and when prop- t jlom? (lf Mrs Kr.iu-.ctt
strong, Erma Burke, Jiume .Morris,,
and Mary Iloback, under the direc-
A. H. Ward is leader, has a member
ship of 11 girls enrolled for Learn
inc to Took. Mis Merle Eveland
tion of Miss McGinnis. The girls' , E,mwo0(1 organlzt.d a group ot
glee club, with Mrs. ears direct
ing, gave two numbers.
Cakes decorated with the spring
colors were served v.itu punch. The
table carried out the idea of April I
erlv made are delicious to taste.
A standard biscuit recipe is
2 c. flour
Vi t. salt.
4 t. baking powder.
c. milk (scant).
13 c. fat.
Combine the sifted dry ingredients;
and cold fat by blending with a fork, for
The Rivervie'.v club r.n
!in e
t :.t
v i i h
M rs.
Robert PaiUrtum as
hostess, this week.
The met tine was tn sih d ov i
Mrs. Patterson, the I resi.b ai.
Th members of t ie c'.-.b enjoy. il
the song of thf month.
The club held election of :". i-ers
the year and Mrs. Patterson wa.?
in named president; Mrs. Gieb '
t aga
fourteen forfhe same project, which! Add milk to form a soft dough. Turn
brings the total enrollment for the j dough onto the lightly floured board : lie il. re-el;cted vice pniiei:t and
'county up to about 175. The Learn-1 and knead it vigorously for
ing to Ccok project is the major nroj- onds. Roll or pat out lightly
-J sec- 1
her! etn ry-tr as-
ect for the ten to twelve year onl i 1 incn thick. Cut and bake in a hot
friends. They motored
Ernest Wiggenhcrn
visited at the F. G. Fricke home.
with! bull and children, Mary Ann and i nreuas were -the favors. Mrs. Bar-
Ashland, v. ho : Junior, former Plattsmouth residents, ritt an(j Irs. Elsie Porter poured.
showers and May flowers. Tiny ura-girl3 thig ye&rj and Sbems to be wtllLven (450F) from 12 to 15 minutes
Mrs. Ethiyn M,ulli3, Miss Florence , Music v.-as furnished during the;
it was a grandson of Mr. Sturm, both Florence
Beatrice Knoriicek and "Wiles and Mrs. Ruth Wiles w ere , SGrvincr by Miss Mildred Burbee and
Euxman are
driving to, here. Mrs. Wiles is the mother and j M i?s i?rcl Davis.
Mrs. Mullis and Miss Wiles, sisters
liked. '
I Mr. Loys Smith, who divides his
time assisting the agricultural agents
J of Cass and 0:o3 caunties, will de
i vote some time to 4-H club work.
IDuring the past week he has met with
Mrs. Emmett
Mrs. P. G. Hull will h -M ov.
project leader and Mis. Louis
A quick method of cutting Distuits ; was named as the n
is to square the rolled out dough and I Smmie Thomas was
cut into small squares with a sharp , c ial l"adt
r a
S;n k
ti,q iat i nrnha 1)1 v ; Omaha this evening. Miss Uuxmau is
l .lilt U O t V. - V . A 1. V . II V. - -Vj t , V-T . f. ,
thirteen years of age and the fact j to Ue a dinner guest . 01 .irs , , , Mrs L W. EgenbergTr had charge several groups to help organize 4-11
ot maKing a rauio irom piceu up mi- - b...o ...... , , , . nf thp, nrocam t the meetin- of the clubs, and has been contacting many
i I r,.. I oti ndrtrt trt n f.f n. hi I II I ! niifi-liolf r1 ill' f Tit , ,1 cfill ll'CC I . T 1 1 c I M I t v'i. . i I f tr.'-L.'.n ell, tin .1 tr i'
white and sprinkle ! al'.t'W d bills for lb.wtrs and i-tvn
Will Konor School Lads.
The Nehawka school is planning
Miss Mildred Kno.':ic:k
on the program
will afpear ton, Larry, were in North Bend yes-
it the benefit musical! ierday where they helped Mrs. Eliza-
. 1 . - 1 T - a i .. V,
the giving of a banquet in honor of loiKwuig a tea ai uie nome vi 1 . ; oum lu.iun. eC.e Ui
the members of the Nehawka schools land Mrs. Edwin Davis in Omaha Fri- birthday at a family dinner. Mr.
. ..i.,. i, .hdrldnv afternoon. The musical is being ; Robinson is a grandson and Larry the
11 w lidVC i' . V -i til ciit.a-.ii in , .
instance is for the Nehawka schools ' given by the Women's Auxiliary of
studies to met it the N which in this ; Omaha Douglas Medical Society for
and not for Nebraska. The banquet ! infantile paralysi3 sufferers.
has been set for April 17th, which is
From Tuesday's Daily
carrying the
on Saturday night, and some very :
prominent speakers have been se-j
cured.. Everyone here is pleased '
that they are to have Biff Jones, j
head football coach at the Univer-1
sitv of Nebraska, as a speaker. Prof. !
Ounderson. also of Lincoln will be ,
v 'here today to spend
Mr. vv.fl Mrs. A::?l Zaar
guests at the M. S. Kerr home
Mrs. F. L. Barkus and Mrs. Chris- J families
tina Larson are to be guests of friends!
in Omaha tomorrow.
only great grandson
family name.
Also present were the two sons of
Mrs. 'Robinson, Clay and Miles of
North Bend, and her two daughters.
wcrejMrs. Jake Thompson of Nebraska City j
Sun" and Mrs. Ben Scott of North Bend
(who attended the reunion with their
here but as the guests of Mr. M.
Tucker, and it is expected there will j
le a most pleasant meeting. j
Preparations tor the banquet have,
been perfected that the American i
Legion Auxiliary have been secured j
to serve. Look for some other news j
next week regarding the progress of;
, Fron Tuesday's laily
short time Little Theatre Group
t!'p nlans. Preparations are being
, . . , . , I M. E. Martin, assistant manager of
made for 1C0 plates, and uile oth-
. , , ... , , i Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., from Ne-
tr townj have asked for a liberal al-
, A. , . ,. ! braska City, was a luncheon guest at
i owaiHC 01 iiihtij, none nuc- i
b?en allowed, as there will not be
more than a enough for the people
here who wish to attend.
Ernest Kirker of near Ashland ,is , Plattsniouth's Little Theatre group
with his mother, Mrs.xHattie Kirker j met at the club room last evening,
and family. Plans for the April schedule wert
Joe Krejci who has been spending j made and practice upon the plays to
spring vacation with bis parents. Mr. ! be given for the P.E.O. was held,
and Mrs. Sevcrin Krejci, returned
to his school at Sheldon, la., this J Standard Eearers
week. ! Miss Mary Louise Walton was hos
tess to the Standard Bearers at the
meeting last evening. Miss Walton
presented the lesson. Miss Ruth Ann
yesterday j Hatt, vi. e president, presided. A so
cial hour followed the business meet
ing. Two visitors were present.
the I.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Koeian had as
their week-end guests Mrs. Kocian's
:. . . t r . : - . t l A .-. . .
"Ne- Fires April 16 ui. !?ha!Tcr SP!l, Norbeirt, aR(1 daughter.
The title of the senior class play i
trances, ot st. winery, eor.
Miss Margaret Cupp of Red Oak,
la., was a guest over the week-end
which has been set for April lGth is j
"New Fires." and at this time the j
members of the cast have the play j
well in hand. They are to have a re-I
hcarsal on April !5th with the play;
following on the lGth. Be sure and
see it.
letter Eest Club
Better Best ciub members enjoyed
a one o'clock luncheon at. the home
of Mrs. E. E. Moore. Leaders, Mrs.
Mocre and Mrs. Henry Smith, pre-
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark I pared and served the one dish meal.
, Will Go to Tarkio.
The tennis team of the Nehawka
school will go to Tarkio, Mo., on
both the Cth and 10th of April, this j
coming Friday and Saturday, and at j
tlse same time on this coming Satur
day the Mynard Minstrels will give j
their latest production. I
Boggess. Coach and Mrs. Wilbur
Beuham of Red Gak spent Sunday at
the Boggess home.
Mrs. J. D. Crough and small son,
Dickie Joev of Columbus, Mo., are
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon T. Am, Jr. The guests ar
rived Sunday and expect to be here
two weeks. Mrs. Crouch and Mrs.
Am are sisters.
It was accompanied by fresh, vege
table salad, hot rolls, baked apples
with whipped cream and wafers and
Mrs. Henry Smith was chosen as
the new president of the club. Mrs.
John Renntr, vice president; Mrs.
Walter BickTord and Mrs. E. E.
Moore, as leaders. Mrs. W. H. Ho
maii was elected secretary; Mrs. R. D.
Among those who left this morn- Cole, news reporter; Mrs. It. 15. Hel-
Will OfTiciate at'EanGuet
At the banquet which is to be given
ing to attend the Woman's club dis
trict convention in Weeping Water
were Mrs. E. II. Wcscott, Mrs. L. S.
Devoe, Mrs. It. B. Hayes, Mrs. Pete
in honor of the N students of the Ne-1 Carr- :,Iiss Marie Kaufmann, Mrs
hawka schools, the superintendent of
schools will preside as toastmaster
at the banquet and Coach Glen La
Doiyt will present the honors to the
A. H. Duxbury, and Mrs. L
W. Egen.
Judge C. L. Craves Saturday was
Mrs. Ed Schmader of Louisville is! t-alUHl l,?ou lo marry .uiss 1.01s iar-
visiting at the home of her parents,!10110 (JillesPie anc! Mr- Carl Vlllliini
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hrffkc.
get. music leader; and Mrs.
Dikcl, reading leader.
Daily Journal. 15c per week.
Backward Party
Friday evening the Plattsniouth
high school freshmen held a back
ward party at the high school. The
class came wearing their clothing
backward. They wcre asked to
ascend the flight of steps in front of
the school backwards. Games also
carried the backward themes. Fol
lowing the serving of refreshments
Allen, both of Carson. Iowa. The wed-. tne orchestra furnished mu.sic for
ding ceremony was witnessed by Mr. dancing. 70 students aftendtd.
and Mrs. Ray Allen of Carson. j Junior Devce acted as chairman of
nm.g at tne nome 01 .vii,s .uauiuua 1
Soennichsen. Emil Weyrich shewed ! promote
pictures of the attractive yards and
gardens cf Plattsmouth. The pictures
were taken by Mr. Weyrich and by
Judge Duxbury. Mrs. Evers explain
ed Pictures taken c: the Masonic
homes at Plattsmouth and at Fre
mont. Following the pictures Mrs. Egen
bergcr presented an interesting talk
about a club which collects varieties
of flowers and plants as a hobby.
John Jacobs sang "The Rosary" as a
musics 1 number.
During the business meeting the
ladies voted to buy a piano for the
library basement. The library has
been in need cf a good piano for the
entertainments given there for some
time. The Woman's club has rallied
to the cause and will place a good
piano there soon.
Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Fred
Lugsch, Mrs. Clark Boggess and Hazel
! a". r.
1- cl -d as so
Mrs. Fred S'.i.-'el as in v
knife. Biscuits may be varied in a : 1 . porter, and Mrs. Homer Shrad-:
number- of ways. Some interesting : reading leader.
variations are: ! The minutes of the prtvius !
Cream scenes: Double amount nl in; wire read and approved by th
shortening in biscuits, add IT. sugar; dub and plans made- for artib-; i r.:-::
and 1 egg. Use cream instead of day to be held at the !;::. e
tha reorganization of old
clubs. If you are interested in exten
sion work in Cass county, we invite
you to make Mr. Smith's acquaintance.
Mrs. Charles M. Buell. Frank
Buell and Fred Buell. of the vicinity
of Murdock and Elmwood, accom
panied by Attorney Guy L. Clements
of Elmwood, were here Monday to
look after some matters in the coun
ty court. They were seeking a spec
ial administrator of the estate of the
late Charle3 M. Buell in order that
the business affairs might be con
tinued without delay.
The funeral services of- the late
Mrs. Maryf Micin was held on Mon
rlav nt the IIolv Rosary church of
which she had long been a member, j Kintosh of Kansas State college will
Mrs. Micin has been a communicant ! Present a meats demonstration. show-
To Hold Group Achievements.
Outstanding features cf the group
achievement programs to be held by
Cass county's women's project clubs,
are the rural women's choruses and
the club history to be given for each
club in the group. If you don't think
country women can sing, it's because
you've missed hearing one of these
rural choruses. And if ycu don't
think women's project club work has
grown till it's become a household
necessity, it's because you've never j vcs
looked into the history of a single
one of these clubs. There'll be lots of
good music, plenty of historical facts
relating to project clubs, their origin,
who their charter members were, etc.,
playlets and a panel discussion in
cluded in each of the group achieve
ment programs. The Louisville
Achievement will be held at the Town
Hall, April loth, and the Elmwood
Achievement at the Community build
ing on April 16th. Anyone interest
ed in women's project club work is
welcome to attend these programs.
Women to Have Pro
gram at Feeders' Day,
Women who accompany their hus
bands to Feeders' Day at the college
of agriculture, Friday, April 16th,
have a special program planned for
them. Prof. Wm. J. Loeffel has ar
ranged the program and has includ
ed some very interesting people and
equally interesting topics. Mrs. R. L.
Cochran is to describe the recent in
augural ceremonies. Prof. D. L. Mc-
top with egg
with sugar. 'ether bills to be paid.
Cheese Biscuits: Add ' c. grated j The lesson was on a :ie dish r..eil
cheese just after working in the j mid proved very intei sting. The
shortening and blend well. Proceed j leaders and hostess setved two u::
as for regular biscuits. I ferent dishes prepared from th. ir-
Oatmeal biscuits: Substitute -"Si ccular.
oatmeal for V2 c. white flour. J Mot of the members wire prtc it
Orange biscuits: Soak loaf sugar j nnd one visitor,
in orange juice and add some grated j The meeting acljrui n. d to r.v-t at
rind. Press in top of each biscuit ; the home of Mrs. Huro'.d 1 !':!'. o: M.-.y
just before baking. Two tablespoons J 4th with Mrs. Harry tJannaw.iy ;s
of sugar may be included in the assistant hostess.
dough, if desired.
Pin Wheel Biscuits:
cuit dough , sprinkle
raisins, 2 T. citron. 1 :
Roll out bis
v.ith 13 c.
; t. c innamon.
c. sugar. Shape like cinnamon
Eon'ts lor the Home Seamstress.
While doing the spring and sum
mer sewing for the family, there are
a few "Don'ts" that the home-maker
should keep in mind if she wishes to
have the best possible results.
Don't buy patterns too large. Con
sider your shoulders! it is often
Horses for
Cedar Creek.
sale. Albeit
White serj corn
nard, Ncbr.
Sa(k, My.
will deliver
l ib v.. t "
to your
or call
t. l-.-w
of this church since its erection.
The requiem mass was celebrated
by Monsignor Adolph I.I. Mosler and
who gave the last blessings of the
A large number of old friends
were in attendance at the services.
We are glad to report that C. C.
Koke, who has been seriously ill with
pneumonia during the past week, is
slightly improved. He has had the
services of a trained nurse, Mrs. Mc
Pherson since Friday at his home
west cf Plattsmouth.
ing how to bring them up-to-date.
Miss Margaret Fedde, who spent last
summer abroad, has for her topic,
"Scanning Scandinavia." The Hart
ley Mothers Rural Chorus will appear
on the afternoon program and Miss
Grace Morton and the clothing classes
will present a Spring Fashion Re
view. The complete program may be
obtained at the Farm Bureau office.
Plan now to set asideFriday, April
16th to attend the 25th annual Feed
ers Day. .You won't regret it.
Pasture Contest Deadline.
Cass county farmers have until
Thursday April 15, to enter the state-
easier to allow on bust and hips th
to alter sleeves and neckline. 1 (:-t it at quarry
Don t select a complicated design -)ii()n or
unless you are an accomplished seam-j XVrjIo , J yL;.(,. rnio:i
511lM' 1 Sheldon s Store.
is much more attractive than a com-j
plicated one poorly made. FOR SALE
Don't deviate too much from your
pattern unless you are sure you know I S ft. Deerir.g disc; P. & ().
y1QW i tread lister; I'. u. loose
Don't overlook the importance ofjter; Alfalfa seed. Hugo
marks and perforations of patterns; : Phone 4412. ;
they were put there for a purpose.
Don't forget the importance of
using a tape measure, rule or yard
stick instead of guessing.
Don't fail to notice what roam al
lowance the pattern gives and take
it accurately more especially on cress
seams, if you would have your gar
ment look like the picture.
Don't overlook the importance of
pressing when working with woolen
materials; it is especially important
that each seam is pressed before it is
crossed by another.
Don't ruin the appearance of your
gardent to save a few inches of ma
terial. Progressive Farmer.
ground li
Mf i.- i au'er.
Little over r-evcnti-cn arc. will
improved, good house. Priced
Possession at once. Inuire at Joi'
nal. a5-:;t'-v
Good improved 7 acre tract. 1 '.
miles south of Piatt -rnout! . L t.-A.'
young bearing fruit. Near mail
highway. Fcr parti -ulars ee GImi:;
Vallery, Plattsmouth. al-s
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sitzmin. who
have been making their home at
Weeping Water in recent years, have
returned to this city and will reside j aha
61 acre farm. 1:0 acrtr. ia i:
limits. 7 room house. '. A. :iap'
12 A. alfalfa. S3 A. corn. vxcU-r
pasture. Excellent equipment f
iaisingfngs. In iitire-S. T; hi. PI Mi
nion th or phor.e Jac' Jt'I'o. Oir.