The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1937, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Harry Risk of Nebraska City was
in Union last Monday looking after
some business.
Herman Comer and wife were en
joying a visit last Sunday at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farris.
P. Ray Frans and family were
guests for the day last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Gilmore
of Murray.
Wade Porter and family of Platts
mouth were guests for the day last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Snavely.
Elmer Withrow and Frank Bauer
were in Plattsmouth where they look
ed around and also drove down to the
Missouri river bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clintberg of
Peru were visiting in Union last Sun
day, guest3 of Mrs. Clintberg's moth
er. Mrs. Mary B. Allison.
Mrs. Mary Campbell and daughter
of Plattsmouth were visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atte
berry and family Sunday.
Mrs. James S. Pittman who has
been so sick at her home for the past
several weeks, is reported as being
much better at this time.
The families of Matthew Midkiff
and Oscar Midkiff were guests for
the day last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Midkiff.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hammerstron
and Mrs. Esther Bryan, the latter a
sister to Mrs. V. X. Barritt of Union
were visiting here over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atteberry
and children were over to Lincoln
last Saturday where Mr. Atteberry
was called to look after some busi
ness matters.
Earl Freeman and family of Avoca
were guests at the Ed Midkiff home
in Union Saturday night of last week
where all enjoyed a very fine visit
for the evening.
Mrs. Adis Wilson of Charlotte.
Arkansas, arrived in Union last Mon
day and is visiting with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Browne, for a
number of weeks.
H. W. Griffin and wife with their
little daughter were enjoying a visit
in Lincoln last Sunday, guests for
the day at the home of an uncle,
John Griffin and family.
Clarance Clarke who gave up farm
ing and will seek work by the month
moved last Friday tc a vacant house
of Charles Garrison and will make
his home there for the cummer.
M. G. McCarroll and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. Nels Madson were over to
Plattsmouth on last Sunday where
they attended the funeral of Mr.
Fitchhorn. Mr. Fitchhorn was fath
er of Mrs. Harry McCarroll.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Becker and
family as well as Joe Leach and Mary
Becker were Sunday guests at the i
home of Dan Fowler who is with
the South Omaha Sun. He formerly
worked on the Weeping Water Re
publican. Mrs. W. C. Clarke was enjoying a
a visit last Sunday from her sister,
Mrs. Rebecca Hines of Council Bluffs
and was accompanied by her son,
Lyle Hinc-3 and wife of Omaha. The
party was also visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clarke.
Olin and Bernard Morris were over
to My nard last Monday evening
where they were rehearsing with the
other members of the troup who are
putting on a play to be given early
in April at Mynard two times and
at a number of other towns.
- r'v ,i-ni. i'riM i
Friday and Saturday
"Captain Calamity
George Houston and
Marian Nixon
'The Three Mesquiteers'
Jungle Jim Serial
Movie Races
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Matinee Sunday, 2:15
"The Holy Terror"
Matinee Thursday. 2:15
"Cnv Desnsrann
-.7 1
with Nino Martini
Comedy - Cartoon - News
Nebraska Special
Chick Mash
Price $2.85 per Cwt.
Formula by JJniversity of Nebraska
Made and Sold by
States Gvmn Co
Union, Nebr.
Mr. Ernest Anderson and son,
Peter, former residents of Union, who
have been farming in the western
part of the state, until the dry sea
sons hit them, returned and are work
ing at Nebraska City on a public
works projects. They were visiting
friends in Union over Saturday and
Hubert LaRue who has been mak
inz his home in Iowa, was a visitor
here with his mother last week. Sun
day Mrs. Bessie Garrett and brother,
Lucean, LaRue came down and visit
ed with their mother, Mrs. Millie La
Rue, and on their return went with
them for a visit in Omaha for a num
ber of days.
Easter Masonic Service.
This year the Masonic lodge of
Nehawka, many members living in
Union will be held at the Methodist
church at Xehawka. The members
of the Masonic lodge, their families
and friends are special guests. The
service will be in charge of Rev.
Linker, pastor of the church.
Bull for Sale.
White Short Horn Bull, year old,
for sale. Roy Becker, Union, Xebr.
Farm Changes Hands.
A farm formerly owned by Mrs.
Mathilda Hargus a number of miles
south of Union was sold recently, an
eight acre place, passing at $10,700.
Charles E. McCarthy was the pur
chaser. This makes a very fair price
for the land, being near ?109 per
Home from Hospital.
Mont Robb, who has been at the
hospital in Omaha for some time tak
ing treatment is reported as being
better since remaining there for a
week. Last Monday his daughter,
Miss Augusta and Orville Hathaway
drove over to Omaha, bringing Mr.
Robb home.
Mrs. Mary B. Allison Eetter.
Mrs. Mary B. Allison who received
such severe burns a few weeks ago
ha3 been getting along very nicely
and was able to accompany her
daughter, Mrs. John R. Pearson to
her home in Auburn Monday of this
Home from Hospital.
Xadine Booher who has been at
the hospital in Omaha for treatment
has been showing good improvement
during the past week and was able
to return home late last week and is
getting along very nicely.
Union Woman's Club. 1
The Union Woman's club was meet
ins with Mrs. L. K. Upton last
I Thursday where they enjoyed a busi
ness meeting , during whic h they
elected officers as follows: Mrs. Nels
Madson, president; Mrs. Lawrence
Meisinger, vice-president; Mrs. R. K.
Anderson, secretary; Mrs. Charles L.
Greene, treasurer; Mrs. Olive Finney,
news reporter.
Make Trip to Detroit.
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Land departed for Detroit, Michigan,
where they will spend a week and
will on their return drive home one
of the very latest model automobiles
Will Move to South.
Ldgar Morton who has been mak
ing his home at Hay Springs in the.
western portion of the state left there
and will make his home in southern
Texas, but is visiting with relatives
and friends in Union before continu
ing on to the south where they are
expecting to engage in the poultry
Celebrated Passing of Birthday.
Joe Leach was seventeen years of
age Monday of this week and as a
novel way of celebrating the event
accepted a passage from Henry H.
Becker who took a truck load of scrap
iron to Omaha for Joe where he turn
ed it into iash or a set of new tires
for his father's automobile.
Kenneth Coughlin, of the Kansas
City Bridge Co. force here, was taken
to Omaha Tuesday w here he will un
dergo an appendectomy.
Weeping Water
Sam Bakfr is making some exten
sive alterations at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar C. Hinds where he is
building some cabinets.
E. A. Fitsher, who conducts the
east restaurant, is having the interior
of the cafe refinished. The work is
being done by Jess Smith.
Mrs. Andrew Olsen has been visit
ing with her daughter, Mrs. Hall
who makes her home in Omaha, she
spending a week with the daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoffman
moved to the country the first part
of this week where they will make
their home and Mr. Hoffman work on
the farm.
n account of the lamenes of Night
Watchman Theo Davis, who has been
troubled with rheumatism. Peter
Miller has been drafted to tare for
the work.
John E. Johnson who is employed
in a blacksmith shop at Xehawka,
was a visitor -at home for over the
week end, returning to his work
work Monday.
Frank E. Woods who is working at
the state house in Lincoln during the
session of" the legislature, was home
for over the week end, returning to
his work early Monday morning.
Conant Wiles who has been in a
hospital in Lincoln for the past
many weeks receiving treatment was
so far recovered that he was able to
return home last Tuesday evening.
O. O. Kimber, representative of the
Rudge and Guenzel store in Weeping
Water, accompanied by V. O. Miller
was looking after some business mat
ters in Syracuse last Tuesday morn
Stuart Rough of Xehawka who re
cently returned from a stay of a
number of weeks at Alton, Illinois,
was over to Weeping Water visiting
with his brother, Arthur Rough last
Homer Jamison who has been re
siding near Arcadia where he has
been farming last week moved to Cass
county and will farm this summer
on a place about five miles west of
Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson who
make their home at Sei'oert, Colo.,
departed early Monday for their
home in the west so that Mr. John
son could take care of his work on
Tuesday morning.
Miss Rena Christensen and mother,
Nelle Christensen who make their
home in Omaha, came down to visit
at the home of a sister, Mrs. Herman
J. Rauth and with them enjoying the
celebration of the birthday of P. H.
Wm. Patterson of near Murray was
accompanying Jack Stamp of near
Rock Bluffs who is assisting in the
work of the corn-hog loan ogice. Mr.
Stamp drove home last Monday eve
ning and Mr. Patterson accompanied
him here Tuesday, visiting with his
brother, A. J. Patterson.
Erookings Party Returns.
Howard E. Brookings and wife who
have been touring the south, south
west and west, in the United States,
and also making a tour of Old Mex
ico, have returned to their home in
Weeping Water after a very pleasant
Four Men Are Killed.
While Tony Sudduth was going to
Lincoln last Friday he came upon a
wrecked auto where it had just over
turned. Stopping, and with the aid
of other passersby, he picked up the
injured men, taking to a Lincoln hos
vital, where they were cared for, but
after two days all four of the in
jured had died.
Making Visit in Omaha.
The young people of the Menonite
church of Weeping Water, number
ing about twenty, were in Omaha last
Sunday, meeting with the vounc peo-
people of that faith in Omaha. Orpha
Pease was leader of the very fine pro
gram staged at the meeting, while
Mis3 Reva Stock made the report of
the condition of the young people's
club of Weeping Water.
v. Passing His Birthday.
Lars Nelson who has made his
home in Weeping Water many years
and still says there is no place like
Weeping Water to make a home, was
celebrating his SOth birthday anni
versary and was receiving the con
gratulation of his natal day on Tues
day of this week, being greeted by his
host of friends.
To Make Home at Conway, Mo.
George Rhoads who formerly made
his home in the Show Me state, but
who has made his home in Weeping
Water, to satisfy a longing for the
old ccenes, made purchase of a forty
acre farm near Conway and on last
Monday . the family with the family
auto departed for the south, expect
ing to be followed on Tuesday by
Mr. Rhoads with the'household goods
but as the rain continued to fall, they
could not get to the place where the
goods were stored east of Weeping
Water up along the tracks where the
roads are awful. However as soon as
the roads get better the goods will be
loaded and taken to the new home.
Moves to Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole and family
last week moved to Plattsmouth
where they are making their home on
a suburban property just as you en
ter town. They were accompanied by
George I. Lloyd, father of Mrs. Cole,
who is making his home with the
Taking Springtime Trip.
In order to get a snifter of the
spring air and see the beginning of
the landscape turn from winter to
summer and be dressed in green in a
short time, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shields,
Frank Marshall and their daughter,
Doris, went on a trip, the first stop
being made at Nebraska City, where
they viewed the old Indian town
where the councils of the famed Otoe
Indians were held years ago. Here
they enjoyed their mid-day meal, then
continuing on to Peru and Auburn,
returning home in the early evening.
Celebrated Passing Birthday.
A. number of the friends of Mrs.
Harlan Gibson, in number sixteen
gathered and going to the home cele
brated the passing of her natal day.
making a merry evening for their
friends, each bringing a gift as a
token of their regard for the guest
of honor.
Passing the 70 Mark.
Peter Miller, who was born in
Sweden and c a m e to America
more than half hundred years ago
and has resided in Weeping Water
for fifty years, was passing his 70th
birthday anniversary on March Kith,
but the event was not observed until
Sunday, March 21st. The celebration
of the event was held at the American
Legion hall where some fifty of t lie
relatives and friends were present
to enjoy the occasion, Mr. and Mis.
Martin Johnson, the latter being his
daughter, they coming from Siebert,
Calorado, where Mr. Johnson is a car
rier of the mail, James Miller and
wife of Plattsmouth and Peter Mill
er being members of the family. A
most enjoyable time was had.
Entertained Knickerbockers.
Miss Agues Rough, who is a mem
ber of the Knickerbocker club, was
hostess to the other members on
Wednesday evening at the Laurel
hotel where the ladies enjoyed the
very pleasant evening aud the fine
Has an Old Clock.
Henry Mogensen has what is
known as a Grandfather clock which
was owned in the family while they
were yet in the old country, which
as sent to Henry -at Weeping Water.
For some reason the clock failed to
register the correct time- and Henry
had turned it over to some expert
clock and watech repairers in Omaha
who put the time meter in excellent
condition. Henry went to Omaha last
Tuesday and brought it home. This
brought up the matter of old clocks
and Chris Rasmussen has one which
dates before the bear went over the
mountain, but is a 'shelf clock w ith
weights which has been in the family
for over a hundred years and still
Have a New Gas Pump.
The Consumers Oil company sta
tion, conducted by Wm. Van Every
has just completed the installation
of a calculating gasoline pump
which keep a correct record of the
sales and delivery of gas through the
pump, greatly adding to the conven
ience of the conduct of the station.
Pioneer Passes at Advanced Age.
Wm. Sperry, who has made his
home in and near Weeping Water
for more than a half century where
he and his wife have resided during
their married life, passed away last
Friday. The funeral was held from
the Hobson funeral home Sunday aft
ernoon. Mr. Sperry was born in the east in
1S56, coming here when a young
man. He leaves his wife and a num
ber of children, all grown, to mourn
his departure.
Passed Another Milestone. '
Rasmusen Lauritzen was 2 years
of age last Sunday and has resided
in Weeping Water for 34 years, where
he has engaged in the dray and truck
ing business.
Hears Nephew Dies.
O. O. Kimber received the notice
of the passing of a nephew, John M.
Kimber of which the Omaha Bee
News has the following to say:
John M. Kimber, D. O., 53 years
Thomas Walling Company "f
Abstracts of Title
J. Thone 324 - Plattsmouth
of age, passed away Sunday evening.
Survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith
Kimber of the residence, 2103 Lin
wood blvd.; daughter, Mrs. W. R.
Caley, 3231 Park; sisters, Mrs. Henry
Bundy, Bucklin, Mo.; Mrs. Charles
W. Arbuthnot, Mrs. Claude Crain,
both of Richmond, Ind; brothers,
Frank P. Kimber, 372S Bales; Oscar
O. Kimber, Fremont, Neb.; Edmund
W. Kimber, Pine Bluff, Ark., and
Bowman V. Kimber, Beaumont, Tex.
Funeral services were held Wednes
day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. In
terment was at Mt. Moriah cemetery.
See the goods you Buy. Catalog
descriptions are alluring enough,
but how about the goods when
iou get them?
hi the County Court of Cass Conn
t'j. Neliraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Edna Conn, deceased. No. 3234:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is July 19.
1937; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Platts
mouth on July 23. 1937, at 10:00
o'clock a. in. fur the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated March IS. 1937.
A. H. Dl'XBl'RY,
(Seal) m22-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
tj, A c bra ska.
To all persons interested in
estate of Andrew G. Johnson,
ceased. No. 325 4:
Take notice that a petition
been filed for the probate of
instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of W. A.
Robertson as Executor thereof; that
said petition has been
ing before said Court
day of April, 1937, at
for hear
the 17th
o'clock a.
Dated March 19. 1937.
(Seal) m22-3w
County Judge.
Whereas, Everett Daniels, convict
ed in Cass County, on the 14th day
of December 1932, of the crime of
2nd degree murder, has made appli
cation to the Board of Pardons for a
Comm. and Parole, and the Board of
Pardons, pursuant to law have set the
hour of 10:00 a. m. on the 14th day
of April, 1937, for hearing on said
application, all persons interested are
hereby notified that they may appear
at the State Penitentiary, at Lincoln,
Nebraska, on said day and hour and
show cause, if any there be, why said
application should, or should not be
Secrctarv. Board of Pardons.
Chief State Probation Officer
of Application for Discharge and
Order to Show Cause
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Nebraska.
Lincoln Division.
In the matter of Charles II. Mar
tin. Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy No.
29 IS.
To the creditors of the above
named bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on the
11th day of March, 1937, the above
named bankrupt filed a petition lor
discharge in bankruptcy, and
It is Ordered that the 2Cth day
of April. 1937, be and the same is
hereby fixed as the date on or before
which all creditors of said bankrupt
and all persons interested in said es
tate and in the matter of " the dis
charge in bankruptcy of the said
bankrupt shall, if they desire to op
pose the same, file in my office in
Lincoln, Nebraska, in said District,
their appearance in writing in oppo
sition to the granting of said dis
charge, and their specifications of
the grounds of said opposition.
Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this
20th dav of March. 1937.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Slate of Nebraska
Co mill of Cass
By virtue of an Order
issued by the Clerk of the
Court within and for Cass
of Sale
Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will on the 2 4th day of April, A. D.,
1937, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day
al the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate, to
wit: Sub-Lot Two (2) of Lot Two
(2) in Porter Tlace Addition to
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of J. M. Tal
cott et al, Defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
Clarence M. Coe et al, Plaintia'3
against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 19.
A. D. 193 7.
Sheriff Ca3s County,
m22-3w Nebraska.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of David G. Babbington, de
ceased. No. 2626:
Take notice that the administrator
c.t.a.d.b.n. of said estate has filed his
final report and a petition for exam
ination and allowance of his admin
istration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for hi3 discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said court on April 9th,
1937, at 10 a. m.
Dated March 13th, 1937.
(Seal) ml5-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Lemore B. Appleman, de
ceased. No. 3212:
Take notice that the administra
trix of said, estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examin
ation and allowance of her adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for her discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said court on April
10th, 1937, at 10 a. m.
Dated March 13th," 1937.
(Seal) nil5-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Elizabeth Witthoeft, de
ceased. No. 3101:
Take notice that tho Executor of
said estate has filed his final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of his administration ac
counts, determination o? heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and lor his discharge; that said
petition and report will be heard
before said Court on April 9, 1937,
at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated March 10. 1937.
(Seal) mla-3w County Judge.
Slctc of Nebraska
Cass County j
Notice is hereby given that
Virtue of an execution issued by
County Court of Cass County,
braska, in an action wherein
Norfolk Packing Company, a
poration, was Plaintiff and
Southwest Freight Lines, Inc.,
Defendant, I have levied said execu
tion on the following described per
sonal property of the Southwest
Freight Lines, Inc.:
1 1937 Chev. Truck with en
gine number T17S739;
1 S-ton capacity Keystone
and will offer same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash at the south
front door of the court house in the
City of Plattsmouth in said county
on the 3rd day of April, 1937, at
10:00 o'clock a. m.
Dated this 19th
day of March,
Sheriff Cass County,
in 22-2 w
Stale of Nebraska
Cass County J
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution issued by the
County Court of Cass County. Ne
braska in an action wherein C. S.
Quick was Plaintiff and Wm. F.
Heier. Defendant, I have levied said
execution on the following describ
ed personal property as the property
of Wm. F. Heier:
2u0 acres of wheat now
growing on the North y2 of the
Southwest U of
Northwest l4 of
the West of
Vi of Section 17
Section IS and
Section IS and
the Northwest
and the North-
oast 1l of Section IS, all in
Township 11. North, Range 10
East of the 6th P. M., in Cass
county, Nebraska
and will offer the same for sale to
the Inchest bidder for cash at the
south front door of the court house
in the City of Plattsmouth in said
county on the 5th day of April,
1937, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.
this 19th day of March,
Sheriff Cass County,
Notice is hereby given that un
der a chattel mortgage dated Sep
tember 23, 1936. filed in tho office
of the County Clerk of Cass county.
Nebraska, September 30, 1936. Index
r.nnk No. 10. page C No. -iti
:,.., i,.. rM.c r.jrrl nmrtirniror. to
The Citizens National Bank of Ash
land, Nebraska, mortgagee, and now
held by said mortgagee, on which
there is now due $253.34, the under
signed will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash the fol
lowing described property, to-wit:
Six Hampshire sows, one Hampshire
boar and two Hampshire barrows,
on March 30, 1937, at 10 o clock
a. m., at the home of R. M. I.ach
m an on the southeast quarter of
Section seven (7). Township eleven
(11), North, Range nine (9) Last
of the Clh P. M-t m . ass i-uum.
Nebraska, located about one aim
one-half miles south of i.reenwoou.
mS-31 Mortgagee.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by the Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Nebras
ka, and to me directed, I will on the
17th day of April, A. D. 1937, at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day at the
south front door of the court house
in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate,
Lots 3, 4, 5, C, 7, S. 9 and 10
in Block 6, in the Village of
Murray, Cass County, Nebraska,
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Nettie Con
nally, real name unknown, et al, De
fendants, to satisfy a judgment of
said Court recovered by Thomas Nel
son, Plaintiff, against said Defend
ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 11,
A. D. 1937.
Sheriff Cass Countv, Nebraska
Plaintiffs Att'y. mll-Gw
V. AVI I.SOX, Attorney
Aehrnxkn 'lly, .ebr.
Notice is hereby given that by
viitue of an Order of Sale, issued by
fie Clerk of the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, in an actio:;
wherein the Home Owners' Loan
Corporation, a corporation, duly, or
ganized under and by virtue ot the
laws of the United States, with its
principal place of business located in
the City of Washington, District of
Columbia, is Plaintiff, and Claire
M. Frederick and Ray E. Frederick,
wife and husband; The State Securi
ties, Company, a corporation; Paul
Kelly and Eisie Kelly, his wife, are
Defendants, I will at 10:00 o'clock
a. m. on the 10th day of April. 1937,
at the South door of the Court House
in the City of Plattsmouth, Cas
county, Nebraska, olfer for sale at
public auction, the following do
scribed lands and tenements, to
wit: Lots 34C, 347. 34S, 349 and
330. in the Village of Green
wood. Cass county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 0th day
of March, 1937.
mS-Gw Sheriff.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Trusteeship
of the Estate of Mary C. Metzger,
deceased. Trusteeship No. 92l.
To all persons interested in the
above entitled matter:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Marion O. Metzger.
Trustee under the terms of the last
will and testament of Mary C. Metz
trer. deceased, has on this date filed
a petition in this Court alleging that
he has completed the trust created
under said last will and testament
and that said trusteeship proceed
ings should be terminated, and pray
ing for approval of his final report
herein filed on February loth, 1937,
together with all prior reports here
in filed, and for an order of Court
distributing the remainder of the
trust funds in his possession, and
for his discharge;
You are further
notified that a
hearing will be had
upon said peti-
tion together with
said trustee before
all reports of
this Court on
Anril 9th. 1937. at
the hour of two
o'clock p. m. All objections to the
allowance of said reports and the
granting of the prayer of said peti
tion should be filed in this Court on
cr before said hour and date of
(Seal) ml5-3w County Judge.
It. . llllnni!-. Attorney for I'lnimilT
Terminal Iliiililinir, Lincoln. -clr.
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order of Sale, issued
out of the United States District
Couit. District of Nebraska, Lincoln
Division, and in pursuance of a de
cree of said court entered July 1,
1933, in an action wherein The
Union Central Life Insurance Com
pany of Cincinnati. Ohio, is plain
tiff, and Fred Berner, Jr., et al, are
defendants. being Number 4T.2
Equity ' Docket. I, Daniel H. M -Clenahan,
Special -Master, named m
said decree to sell the property
therein described, and to execute
said decree, will on the Mil a
pril, 1937. at eleven o i im k hi in
forenoon of said day. at the entrance
... I!.,ik. ,sf !ltii
eif tho louniy vomi nvn.- . . ...
county, Nebraska, in NeiniMa .i..
Hw. .Minitc siit of said countv, at
u,n tisnnl i':ieo where Sheriff's sales
of land are r.mdc. sell at public Mic
tion to the highest ImUler lov c..s...
the following described pivpci:.
o-wit: The South Halt s's oi ..r
o n.i i i-i it t SI ',): ami tie
Northwest Quarter (Xtt'i) ot tc.o
Southeast Quarter (SE', -tion
thirty-one (31). Township tc".
(10). Kar.fco eleven ill). East. IV.-.-,,m,iv
XVbiasUa: and tho N'
East Quaite
(NU' ) and tho North
Half ( N 1 i )
ot" tho Southeast ijn.i;--Scction
six t,; ). Town
tcr (SK', ,
ship nine (9). Ivan.ce cloven (11),
East. Otoe county. .vii'r;ish;t, irn
tuining throe hundred sixty 3
acres, to salisiy uio decree. iuio:csi
and costs.
Dated March 3. 1937.
Special Master. United State
District Court. District if
Nebraska, Lincoln Diu;ic::.
niS. la.
Persistency is what gels re
sults In advertising.