The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 22, 1937, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1937.
True American
Ctn. of 6 Boxes
- -. ,
Plattsmouth, Tues., Wed., Mar. 23-24
Thompson Seedless
Pkg. Ad J
Del IVlonte
Sliced or Half
No. 2i2
Can. 176
3 for 49c
OXTAILS, lean, meaty, lb 5c
BEEF BRAINS, fancy Selected, Set St
NECK BONES, lean, meaty 6 lbs., 25c
lluiv ; r-iil l.ninni!.
BEEF STEAK, choke, tender, lb 17V2t
DRIED BEEF, Cudahy's Wafer Sliced, Y2-lb. pkg.. .176
MINCED HAM, Dolu s quality 2 lbs., 25C
SALMON, Fillets or Dressed Whiting 2 ibs., 25p
rlit -! I'UIi Mii'Cl. lit.. ISO
Bulk Hallowii
Q Lbs.
Santa Clara
0-100 size Iff,
Dinky, lb.
Solids. lb.30v
terday afternoon for the social meet
ing of the,Ladies Aid society. Three
large shamrocks were used at the
back of the stage and green and white t
streamers at the celling. Shamrocks
and green and white decorations were,
also used at the tables. J
Rev. J. W. Taenzler opened the(
program with a devotional period.
Mrs. J. It. Stino gave a reading which
was followed by a piano solo by Mrs.
Harry Itolfe and reading by Mrs.
David Robinson with a chorus of
girls wearing green hair ribbons and
skirts with white blouses and aprons
sang "My Wild Irish Rose" and
"When Irish Eyes are Smiling." The
girls who took part were Maxine
Graves, Helen Minniear,
Minniear, Evelyn Gooding.
Speck, Aileen Reed, Doris
and Bette Read.
Mrs. Bessie Bourne. Mrs. Hal Gar
net, Mrs. O. C. Hudson, Mrs. Fannie
jCrosser, and Mrs. L. D. McKinney
i were hostesses. They were assisted
iby the eight girls in Irish costume.
Over 70 were served.
SEED POTATOES Genuine Red Rivers
Early Ohios, Selected Stock, 100-lb. bag $3.49
Irish Cobblers, U. S. grade No. 1, 100-lb. bag. .$3.49
l!l:ir -iu!lts .et M tn-ii nicknl I .
GRAPEFRUIT Sweet, Juicy Tex. Marsh Seedless
Large size, 33c doz. or .3 for 10c
APPLES, fancy Ben Davis 4 lbs., 25c
ORANGES, Calif. Sunkist, 2S8's doz, 30c ; 216's. .35c
S-rf, Juicy mi11c.h X.'vrh.
CABBAGE, fancy new crop Texas, lb 3c
CELERY, fancy, large, well bleached, stalk 12c
TOMATOES, fresh, firm, red ripe, lb ISt
Buy American
4 roL m
3 Its., 59c
Mb. &n
Cartons. J?J
Pine Cone Brand
No. 2 Cans 3 for
Glen Va!!ey fflr
CATSUP. 14-oz. bot.-.w
i-iom kh i.i.iji:
CORN f ftr
No. Z Cans XUl
2 for
I'loxF.r.u (ini)i:x
Xo. 2 Cans
From Thursday's Dally
Eirthday Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. YZ. 11. Wesrott enter
tained at a birthday dinner last e ve
ring honoring Edgar Wtscott of Lin
coln. Sweet peas, a gift to the
hostess, were used on the table as
well 03 white tapers and clusters of
multi-colored celophane stick3.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Wesrott and Mrs. Wm. Irons of Lin
coln, and Misses Clara Mao Morgan
end Madeline Stranglen of Omaha.
Otto Christensen of Ames, la., and
low went to Miss Mildred Dvora?ck.
Luncheon Guests
Mrs. Frank Horsak and baby, Carl
Joseph, had their first outing since
tneir return from the hospital yester
day when they were luncheon guests
at the I. L. Koeian home. They came
from Omaha last Wednesday. Miss
Sophia Bierl was also a guest of Mrs.
t. Patrick Party
Mrs. I. L. Kocian entertained two
tal,03 of pinochle at a party at
her home yesterday afternoon. Ap
pointments carried the St. Patrick
thmv. High score was won by Mrs.
Afternoon Club
Mrs. Herb scmuz entertained two
tables of bridge at her home yester
day afternoon. Mrs. W. V. Ryan won
high score; Mrs. P. W. Pearson, sec
ond; and Mrs. J. V. Oliver, third. A
color scheme of green and white was
used for the party.
Bridge Party
Mrs. Guy Long entertained at
bridge Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Herring
won high score and Mrs. Walter
Tritch, second.
Entertains Friends
The home of Mrs. Martha Weten
tamp was the scene of a very happy
dinner this week, the occasion hon
oring a cousin of .Mrs. Wetenkamp,
Mrs. Olive Lee of Tabor, Iowa.
The dinner was most thoroughly
enjoyed and was served by Mrs. Glen
Corneal, a granddaughter of Mrs.
The dinner guests were Mrs. Wal
ter Propst, Mrs. Lee, Grant Weten
kamp. Mrs. Glen Corneal and little
son, Tommy, and the hostess, Mrs.
Wetenkamp.. Other friends to call
during the afternoon were Miss Eliza
beth Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Wetenkamp and Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Celebrates 79th Birthday
Mrs. Christina Larson celebrated
her 79th birthday yesterday. Dur
ing the day she had a number of
callers to bring greetings as well as
a great many cards, letters, and tele
phone messages containing congratu
lations. Two close friends, Mrs. Anna An
derson of Oak Park, 111., and Mrs.
Charles Olson of Omaha, spent the
day with her. Mrs. Anderson and
Mrs. Olson are sisters.
Mrs. R. E. Foster of Union, daugh
ter of Mrs.. Larson, spent the after
noon here and Mrs. Merritt Kerr was
a caller. In the evening-E. II. Fran
zen, a son-in-law, and son, Donald,
from Omaha, came to bring greet
ings. Mrs. Frank Barkus, a daughter,
served a birthday lunch to the
guests. The home was decorated in
pink and white in honor of the oc
casion. Many lovely, gifts were re
ceived by Mrs. Larson. v
Program has St. Patrick Theme
A St. Patrick's day program was
given at the Christian church yes-
Tuesday Afternoon Bridge
Mrs. Naville Hodson entertained
two tables at bridge Tuesday after
noon. Prizes went to Mrs. Hodson
and Mrs. R. Y. Buchanan.
From Friday's Dally
Eridge Club
Fred Sharpnack
fhia label
en you buy your Easter
outfit. ure to incluiew
t Botany Wrinkle-Proof Tiel .
TM -11 . . I t
?f s.iX incv win b;c yuu w uit-
Ctlur of new things not only
I tim vou wear then. Botinv
J Wrinkle-Proof Tie are al-
'way fresh... because they
spring back to crisp newness,
when hung up overnight. Vet,
.Botany Vi'rinkli-Proof Ties
cost no more than ordinary
"o handful of Bolony Tij..
Not hom lhy
beck te frh mootttrn.
to the Dorcas circle at the meeting
yesterday afternoon. Mrs. A. II. Dux
bury led the devotional period. Mrs.
Pete Carr gave a sketch of the Bible
characters, Mary and Martha. Bea
trice Am entertained the group with
a vocal solo. A reading was given by
Jeannette Hirz and Jean Knorr play
ed a piano solo.
Miss Pickard was assisted by Mrs.
W. A. Wells and Mrs. Florence Coleman.
Gleaners Circle
Plans were made for the enter
tainment of the Federation April 1 at
the meeting of the Gleaners circle
yesterday afternoon. The Extension
Chorus is to furnish music for the
meeting. The ladies also discussed
plans for the supper and bazaar April
6. Mrs. Merritt Kerr took charge of
the business meeting.
Mrs. A. Boyton led the devotional
period. Mrs. Edgar Newton was hos
tess with Mrs. Wallace Warner, assistant.
K. and B. Club
Mrs. Roy Knorr won high and Mrs.
Fred Lugsch, second prize at the
meeting of the K. and B. club last
evening. Mrs. Frank Gobelman was
hostess to the pinochle club.
From Saturday's Dally
Stitch and Nibble
Mis3 Dorothy Svoboda entertained
the Stitch and Nibble club at her
home last evening. Easter decor
ations were used in the home.
Auxiliary and Guild
Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary
and Guild met at the home of Mrs.
J. A. Donelan yesterday afternoon.
Miss Barbara Gering led the mis
sionary lesson. Announcement was
made of the service by Rev. George
Tyner tomorrow.
Wednesday Specials
Lighthous Cleanser, 3 for 100
Clean Quick Soap Chipps, 2Y2 lb. pkg. . 136
Del Monte Red Salmon, Mb. tall 22C
Yellow Onions, 3 lbs 100
Peas, Worthmore, 300 size can 100
Hed Elver Ohios
Red River Cobblers ?
Red River Ohios
Red River Cobblers
100-lb. Bag
o. 1
No. 2 Grade
10 0-lb. Bag
No. 2
Luncheon Guests
Mrs. J. M. Roberts entertained
Mrs. Agnes Chapman and Miss Pearle
Staats at luncheon yesterday noon.
Mrs. Chapman, who has been visit
ing at the home of her cousin, Mrs
Val Burkel, during the past week
returned to Lincoln this morning.
the Thursday afternoon bridge club
this week. Mrs. Wl C. Soennichsen,
Mrs. Guy Long, Mrs. Ray Herring,
and Mrs. Raymond Larson were
guests. First prize'went to Mrs. Soen
nichsen and seconfl to Mrs. Bernard
Meisinger. Two tables played. .
To Be Guests Here
Mr. and Mrs. O.'C. Dovey have re
ceived word from their daughters.
Attend Building Show
A number of Plattsmouth people
have driven to Omaha this week to
attend the Building Show which is
being held in the city auditorium.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ptak and
August Cloidt drove up Wednesday
evening. Dr. and Mrs. P. T. Heine
man were visitors at the exposition
last evening.
Make Neighborhood Book
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Perry, Mr. and
Mrs. L. O. Minor, and Mr. and Mrs.
L. S. Devoe met at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. P. T. Heineman Thursday
evening to make a neighborhood
booklet for John Tidball who is ser
iously ill in an Omaha hospital. The
Hazel and Mrs. J. R. Brown, that
they will arrive in Plattsmouth Sat-! group had a Jolly time selecting pic-
urflay evening to spent Easter vaca-jtures and inscriptions for the album
tion with tTieir parents. Mrs. Brown ' of the neighborhood. Dr. and Mrs.
will be accompanied by her two! Heineman took the book to Mr. Tid
daughters, Mary feleanor and Caro-(ball last evening,
lyn. The family lives at Cleveland.
Ohio. Miss Hazel Dovey is a teacher i -cuueiiuiui x,c&iuu .uijr
0 SeZ Kns 1
- - $cr the Easter Parade!
With your Suit or Coat pur
chased during this Special
we offer you
tarn '
4 :ti '
t -v- V
, ;,vr Frfifi "
in the Canton. Ohio schools,
group is driving through,
guests plan to be here a week
to meet many old friends.
Attend Family Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider and
small son, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wet
enkamp and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harley Wiles drive to Lincoln this
evening to attend a family reunion
dinner at the home of Mrs. B. F.
Wiles. The reunion is being held in!
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Faye Blan
chard of Rochester, N. Y.t who are
Mrs. L. S. Devoe was hostess to
the American Legion Auxiliary at
the meeting yesterday afternoon. She
was assisted by Mrs. P. Y. McFet
ridge and Mrs. Homer Sylvester. Mrs.
Otto Keck presided at the business
meeting in the absence of Mrs. II. L.
A dessert luncheon was served at
two o'clock. The ladies played pin
ochle following the business meet
ing. Mrs. Merritt Kerr won high
score and Mrs. Elmer Webb, second.
! woman s uiDie uiass
Mrs. Wm. Baird was elected
teacher of the Woman's Bible class
of the Methodist church at the meet
Peaberry Coffee, per lb 190
Fancy Table Potatoes, 10 lbs 390
Broken Rice, 5 lbs 250
Palm Olive Soap, 3 bars 170
Hawaiian Pineapple, tall No. 2y2 can . . 180
Hillsdale Brand Contents, 30 oz.
Raisins, new crop, 2 lbs 170
Shurfine Milk, tall cans, each 7J0
Grapefruit, No. 300 size, 3 for 250
Broken Segments
Paas Easter Dyes, 3 pkgs. for 250
American or Brick Cheese, 2-lb. caddy . 570
Meat Department
Glazer's Weiners, lb 200
Cudahy Gem Bacon Squares, lb 190
Sugar Cured
Home Cured and Smoked Bacon, lb.. .250
By the Piece
Round Steak, per lb 230
Holy Week SpeeSals
Fresh River Cat Fish, lb 300
Sable, Sliced, lb 150
Halibut, Sliced, lb 190
Whiting, per lb 190
Perch Fillets, per lb 200
Salt Herring, Milkers, keg, 95c; Mixed, keg. 830
Kippered Smoked Salmon
Round Full Cream Cheese, lb 270
Bennington, Neb. With two train
ed horses, Dr. P. J. Christiansen, Ben
nington veterinarian, and his son,
Charles, 11, plan to make a tour of
Denmark this summer. Dr. Christian
sen will show the people of his native
land something new to that country,
a five-gaited saddle horse. His son
will do a comedy act with his train
ed hackney pony which has appear
ed at Ak-Sar-Ben shows and state
fairs. While in Denmark, Dr. Chris
tiansen will visit his parents for the
first time since he left there 20 years
Club and Social news are being
featured in the Journal.
Daily Journal. 15c per week. .
Poultry Wanted
Hens, 42 lbs. Up
Light Hens, lb 14c
Leghorn Hens, lb 120
A. R. CASE & CO.
West of Ford Garage
phom: i-iss-j kou tiii t'K i:iivi( i:
(IV voi k imioiii i:
visiting in Lincoln. Mrs. Blanchard
was formerly Beulah Miner of this L heW yesterday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Val burkel. Mrs. A.
M. Boynton was chosen as assistant
teacher. Mrs. Val Burkel was chosen
president and Miss Margaret
f &
Fur Trimmed Suits!
Un Trimmed Suits
Man Tailored Suits J
18 95
Coats for Dress
Coats for Sport
Both SWAGGER and
They come in smart Spring Shades of Bankers Gray,
Skipper Blue, Coral, Maize, Navy and Black. Correctly
styled Wool Fabrics of Soft Fleece, Smart Tweeds,
Wool Crepes and Polo Cloth. Season's finest creations.
owa 1? a ra T7f? jfk
Cass County's Largest Exclusive Ladies Store, Plattsmouth, Kebr.
in which plans were made for the
class activities during the coming
Naomi Circle
Mrs. Wm. Baird opened the pro-' a9
gram of the Naomi circle at the home jlapes, secretary-treasurer
of Mrs. L. S. Devoe yesterday after- cnthnainotif. mooting wna Vieiii
noon witn the story or tne cruci
fixion. Mrs. Devoe accompanied her
at the piano. Dorothea Duxbury
played the "Flower Song" as a piano
sol- , Penny Party
During the business meeting plans Young people of the Methodist
were made for the Easter egg sale church were entertained at a "Penny;
which the circle is planning for the party in the church last evening, j
Saturday before Easter and for the Members of the Woman's Foreign !
federation supper to be held April 6. Missionary society acted as hostesses.
Assistant hostesses were Mrs. James The money win be used to aid the
Rishel and Mrs. Sarah Kerr. 24 mem- standard Bearers in their organiz-
bers were present. ; ,ation. I
All those who did not wear some
thing Irish were penalized. A photo. '
entertained graphy gallery and a white telephant
the bridge club yesterday afternoon table were among the attractions
at her home. High score was won for the evening. Miss Dorothy Glock
by Mrs. Wm. . Schmidtman. Jr., and led the games.
Bridge Club
Mrs. Carl Schneider
second by Mrs. Hilt Martin. Guests
were Miss Eleanor Hiber and Mrs.
Harley Wiles.
Dorcas Circle
Miss Wilma
The St. Patrick's theme was used
in decorations. Those who served
were Mrs. R. B. Hayes, president of
the society, Mrs. John Hatt, Mrs.
R. R. Walton. Miss Elizabeth Snang-
Pickard was hostess ler, and Mrs. Frank Barkus.
for every costume every
taste every foot and
pocketbook We're show
ing outstanding "Star
Brand" shoes in keep
ing with the colorful Eas
ter season. You owe it to
your style sense to select
Star Brands here.