PAGE TWO P1ATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1937. fhe PSattsmeuth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-clas? mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living iu Second Postal Zone, $2. 50. per year. Beyond COO miles, 53.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, $3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. "Make up your mm, 3Tve gotta get going FARM HOME DESTROYED VISITS WEST INDIES Fire Wednesday destroyed the l-ntu-.i .,t lliu F-i rni i-4 '1111 t t 1 half miles south of Facitie occupied by the Charles Fisher fam ily. The family was awakened by the K'.iit-kc and were able to escape from the house, altho a Shepherd dog. a pet of the family, perished in the flames. There v. as very little saved from the heme. Herman Reichstadt. of this city. has rteeiveu earns irom nis uunun, Junction, j Dr. Emil Keichstadt. of Council Bluffs, who with his wife is enjoying !a voyage through the West Indies. 'The party has made the trip through the Panama canal, with stops at Car : thagena. Columbia and also visits at I the various islands in the Indies. VISITHTG IN CITY It is believed that the lire started in an incubator which was in the basement of the home. DaiSy Journal, 15c per week. Mrs. Frank McCarty. of Falls City, is here to spend a short time as the guest of Miss Ida Mcsler at the Holy Rosarv rectory. Storage of Crop Surplus rr&ed as Aid io Farmers Control of Commodity Supply Would Be Basic Principle cf New Flan -ZM : . ':'':,-v.-A-: j - Cor ISj7. King ltra Q'-nD s if if- court m vr I I 1 Elmwood News Henry Mullen, the shoemaker, vis ited friends in Omaia last Sunday, returning home the following day. Joe Johnson, the cafe man, was iji Murdock last Tuesday afternoon, go- i ing to look after business matters there. j Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ueechner, of j Lincoln, vi3ited over the week end with the moitier oi ;urs. ueraiucii Mrs. Boss Streeter Aldrich. Messrs. Henry Crozier and Knude Jenson of Weeping Water were in Kimwood Tuesday afternoon, look ing after business interests. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillette, Jr., of T.ineohi. visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Gillette's parents, Mr. iind Mrs. Frank Gillette, Sr. I. M. Linder and wife, of Kan tool, Kansas, accompanied by their little daughter, were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillette. A. W. Norris and the family were visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Max Wall, who make their home a few miles west of Eagle. They en joyed the visit very much. Ronald Schlichtemeir and family wore in Aiurray ana AenawKa iati ! Sunday, where they spent the day j it the home of an uncle, Itoland j Omar Schlichtemeier and lanniy, who make their home between Mur- ; ray and Nehav.ka. At a recent meeting of the board LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS HORSES FOR SALE John Parkening, phone 2702. mlo-2tw-2td FOR SALE 1936 yellow seed corn. Phone 3712 Albert Weiss. mll-2tv-2td FOR SALE White seed corn, nard, Nebr. Keuel Sack, My-mll-tfw FOR SALE The Manley Grain Co. of good Corn for sale. has plenty S-3sw FOR SALE 193 G yellow seed tern, more, Plattsmouth. S. T. Gil-m4-tfw WHITE SEED CORN High germination. Red cob. Kay M. Wilts. K. F. D. Plattsmouth. ml 5-2 1 sv FOR SALE Thirty-three pound northern Iowa eced oats, 7-"Sc per hushel sacked. Cash on delivery, l lattsmouth Feed of education of the Elmwood schools, J iaias. mo-nuo. i the entire faculty were re-elected The very satisfactory service ren dered by each of the individual in rtructorc during the past year fully justifies their retention for another I FOR SALE before committee f , 'iv.r'',-;,.'jic, -V'- - - ' -'wi- ' v v.v-c . 4V--';'vx : year. John Dickenson. Sr., and grand-t-.' n, John, Jr., were guests for the day lust Sunday at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillette. Mr. rKt'.ccr.son is the father of Mrs. Knabe's r.unual March Hampshire bred sow sale. Friday. March 19th. Forty-live head of brtd sov.i and gilts, also some choice boar pis- Harry Knabe, Nehawka, Neb. mS-otw FOR SALE Gillette and the little Jr., a nephew of Mrs. ma:;, t Gil- Would Check Food oi Hatter Scattired Over City . i Fire Dept.. S nozzlemen j Conoco Oil Co.. gas John Boetel. bury dog Lym;$n-Kichey, sand- Iowa-Xebr. Light & Power Co.. street lights Light fc Power lito :ll.... , 11-..t. 'x.... Hv.ii'inl j rental Advertising; j0hn pratly. truck repair i- . f - -f-"--fxi, material i V. A. Swatek, '.-y-- ---- 'W. A. Swatek, supplies, WPA City o Enforce the Ordinance on Bill Scattering! riS 4S Frank John, lette. William Kruger. of Xthawka, was . - 12.00 i had made it impossible to repair the ., Y;s;tor i:i Elmwood last Tuesday. I-55 ! electric catlo lino on South Fifth , 0&ming to bring a truck load of 'j street. The committee v. nhed further 1 sasoline to the Trunkenbolz service Jtime on the matter of a light near Nation here, which is conducted by 4C.9G the Missouti Pacific station. j Fmil Rosenow. Mr. Kruger repre- Chairman Dcstor of the streets, sonts the Trunkenbolz interests in ed that the work on Wir.tcrsteen hill! Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Williams had r.rocrcssed much better since set-! entertained last Sunday at their' rhere was some laying i home, having as guests Mr. and Mrs Cboi'e Prairie Hay. S12.C0 and j?13.50 per ton. f.o.b. Cullom. Cedar i Creek or Plattsmouth. Also some j good oats, 335,2 lhs. at 58c bu. Leou 'ard C. Stoehr, phone 2722. mll-3td-2tw ! ! of education the nominees are A. W. i Scikcr. Ralph Greene, William Par ish ana l'aui liorncmcicr. I .9fi .20 New Business in Elmwood i Of tn ing o!V the street yet to Monday. March S. th had a vpiv talkful session was Ou the suggestion of Councilman after. The Mayor Lushinsky. the j vented the eitv council 1 rx- : . A .11... 1 llIen: aim demand the attention of the solons. i"S streets ,n ne ousn ess ,ee, on .Citv Clerk Albert Olson had re- -as ordered paid irom the business ..:..i ., ;.... ;-.i ! tax fund. I . , ..... . I The renort of Chief Dr. O. Sandin, Umrna concern reiaiive io ine uisui-, - .. .. , of the lire department, was recencu I. ,.. l-in.ilrvill. nt-iil' : nil fill 'J I 6" looked Taw had jM-e-; Anna J L I HI. X JailOllKVll Lll OVillUUlt ico road conditions ;tone irom being brought the city and this started something in regard io ; . . . 1 . mi.nllic craiTfci 111 x v i BY MAURICE MERRYFIELD International Illustrated cu:s Fen 1 1' re Il'nri Washington, D. C D;.p:d stride? are bci:-r made in Washington to ward a farm rj'.icf program of per-; hur-.ot: manent nature and ir-corporatin" ; jr severul er t!ie proposals at. inci this :ractiee city had an ordinance pa that forbid the distribution of this fnrin fif a rlvM-4 i i 11 s- witllflllt :i 1 i -F !1SP ! Property and permit which cost some $25 per, year and the approval of the council, j and showed a record of some six fires The largest the Dwyer building vhere there had been heavy loss in and also the death of one man. The report was ordered return ed to the chief to have dates made accurate. after a dis- rru 1 1...... .,,1 incn! HIOVC . ... . .. , n . Councilman Johnson oiiis m reteiii liionina una .'uui . ,. , ,..,,, ' cussion of the matter of delinquent l.ushinsltv iiiinniiiH-'it that hp U'O-; lua3 :,,,,...,. ; occupation taxes, iainereu ine ijuoii-b UlVXi riu&MX tion that the city clerk present a list that the: great in Mavor Lushir.s'iy stated rock surfacing would make a improvement in that section of thei city and that already many of thej residents al:mg ths new surfaced highw ay are planning on landscaping I the surroundings of their home. Councilman Prittain brought upj the matter of the grading and smooth-j ing up of Lincoln avenue and wa3( assured that this work will be taken up as soon as the roadway is suffi ciently dry to make tho work practical. Williams, who is teaching at Erode, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider. Carl Schneider, who is engaged business at Fr.llertou, operating a jewelry store there, spent the vtek end at home, coming' in last Saturday and remaining until Mon day. Sunday, he and Mrs. Schneider 'e,nff drove to Nebraska City for a visit with friends. Oscar Zink. who has been sick at RusFell Miller, who has been oper- ; lating a . gaiut. ai;u ie;air snop ior rarm one aijjlo..f:tst and a mile and three-quarters south of town moved the shop to Elmwood and i? occupying the building just south of the cream and produce sta tion of Frank Gillett. forth the officers would b ed to see that the bill handlers were either licensed or quit. reports of officers of all of the delinquents to the coun- 'r-il thnt pforti 1i m:uli to Contact contact distress The monthly were received by the council at the first meeting for March. Citv Treasurer M. I). IVown re- l.alance which!01 lne "ciniquenis ior me amount oi i them and if not paid, that j warrants as provided by law be is Isued and levies made on the property ported that the city proven diiTk-uIt, regulation would be ever tr.e now ct commodities to t.h?! I market was in sh owed fit v I ' I month Federal on the loar.3 wou'.d be extended farmer's excess crop during J i . r.? and the r to red surplus the Plattsmouth State bank ?15,424.i5!. Clerk Albeit Olson just closed had collected iced in the a-- pro idea? ijf'r.i ' Wal- xbYvh pre.-tnt cor.fererice In the c?.r,ital more than 50 representatives of rieulture. A.i tentatively cutl.ned, the gram ir.e'.udes many ot the which have been advanced and by Secretaiy if Ari. ultuve lace daring hid temire ii oilier Basic principal is the est; ment of a nation?! storehouse for farm proaucLs which woulU stabi lize the market b" rcralsting1 the amount cf any one farm cemmcdix released during a year. Surplus Would Ec Stored In other words, the furplv.o of a basic crop wculd be t the government during r.oi-mally hijrh yield, and stored for distribution during a lean year. Thic method, it is claimed, would prevent the market being1 flooded with a sur plus one year, driving prices to sub ormal levels, and et create a sup ply which could be tapped in times times of need when a ihorta-e threat ened. , ' One of the principal advantages of the '"ever-normal granary" plan. advocated by secretary anaec the .c,ovetr.ment a:; collateral. The : mount of the loan would be tie- the tax. Councilman Webb reported the re sult of ihp rr-rpiit sunrenie court deci- m the! sion in the case of the CUy ot l'latts mouth vs. Jack Kazsard, et al., which established two important points, that the city could make these bids io; in the mo the sum of ported four arrests and fines and costs tennined by the approximate value j $31.13. i of the furphis ::t ordinary market j Polico Judge C. L. Graves had his j prices. This method, aside from cs-1 report for the week of February 25th j cuLlisiiin-jr market values, would as- jar'd which showed no arrests but pay j cure ti e farmer of a fairly regular , ments on past due lines and costs of pi ice for his crop each year.. S1G0.95 that had been pi hands of the treasurer. f ilipf of Pnli."o Tnn I ill rc'vil vn- its trust capacity as a political si.u- divisiou. There were two otliei ihcn over by a ycr.r of ab- Crop Insurance Considered As a corollary of the '"balanced abundance" plan, the present pro gram of production control would be continued a"d extended. Two! methods cf cicp control would be exercised; the -f.rst consisting of ex te''.dinj: caih benefits to farmers for restricting- acreage, and the second ? 17.70. A communication was received from the American Hint hoi-lnuwl for the P.lind, in which the appreciation jof the organization was expressed for , the courtesy to their representatives in the recent drive for funds. The resignation cf W. II. Puis as councilman from the third ward was received and accepted by the council. i The I.. W. Egonbcrsrer nconrv re- involving penality taxes winch would J ported that the sum of 514. GO had curb farmers in the number of acres becn turned over to the city and rep- ujuulu. . resented rentals The cash benefits would be in theicstate. icim or compensation ior prevention! tIip sim- ilar eases that had been tried here and on motion, C. A. Raw Is, special attorney, was requested to present a motion to have the matter reheard in the district court and decision on the case presented. Councilman Webb also reported that the necessary wotk hud been done on the Peterson building now used by the recreational center, by the city and the lower floor cf the building in good shape. The city had expended on the building since acquiring it and had it in very good shape now. Councilman Tippcns reported that as is that instead oi attempting to con trol production, a method which has of Foil erosion or restoration of fer tility. Anctherc angle to the problem of farm relief concerns the plan ClOp by many. As yet this proposal lsjuin in vcrv nebulous staire, however, and . Geo on city owned real following bills wereordercd paid: Wm. Schmidtman, supnlies, FD $ of Turner Battery Co., FD 1 - TT IT.... 11 1.1 insurance which is advocated .-, T.. A . . iiiiiiwiu wusn streets Reed, r.ame Taylor, work with team is confronted bv many difficulties iKylor. St. work vhieh would have to he worked out I Johl1 t"'cka- Ramo , , , , . Ivan Taylor, same before it could be practically ac.min-!0 s.uiailli tire suppiif8 istered. I John lverson, blacksmithiug FOR CONSTRUCTION Spring weather combined with the approaching kite building contest have aroused interest among the boys in Plattsmouth in wood construction. The public library offers many valu able bocks on bird houses, a number of them profuse with illustrations and. detailed construction plans. There are also a number that will assist the boys who are seeking new ideas for kites. Among the books that will be most helpful will be found, "Uoy Bird House Architecture" by Baxter. It is illustrated with plans for houses for the different kinds and sizes of birds. "Carpentry and Mechanics for Boys" by Hall and "Things Boys Like to Make" by Foster will also be found valuable. his home in the country for the past three weeks with an attack of pneumonia, has been showing im provement the past week and was able to come to town last Tuesday and have his hair cut. His many friends will be pleased to hear of his improvement. Miss Mary Lubin, a former teach er cf the Elmwood schools, but now teaching at her home town of Clear water, Xebra.-ka. was an over Sun day guest at the home of her fiiends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Woods of Elmwod on last Sunday and returned to her i.ome Sunday evening Norville D. jtoswe was a caller in Omaha and Cou; 'il Bluffs Mon day of last wk. s- Pl'ing in Platts mouth to se0 Joh r.. l timer, the family havinf vi ttl there on 1 Sunday and iouM ir. turner tin drr the weailier.&ut by the time of this second vis he was consider ably improved. Jscar Turner, fath i r of John. wa.a,so Plattsmouth lor a visit wit &is son. The New Show House The new show house which is arranged in the Lee Coona ouilding. has progressed to a point where it can soon be opened. The p!ace will be able to seat about 3j0. Carpenter v. oik was finished up cev- ral days ago, Harry Greene has Japered the room, assisted by James Jreene, and Vinton Clements and riarry Renter have been doing the Airing. Soon Elmwood will have a -litely appointed show house. FOR SALE Good seed is the major step in es tablishing a crop. Few customers can tell good seed from bad, they buy on faith. Buy B.B.B. Bartling's Beat Brand Seeds and justify that faith. Sweet clover $10.00; Alfalfa, $10.00 to $1S.00; Timothy $4.00 to $4.25; the street force was busy in trying Pasture Mixture ISc lb.; Seed Corn S.75 1.00 33.00 S.93 8.93 14.40 16.63 25.03 29.00 1.50 to get the holes in many of the streets j filled? as well as cleaning olf the crossings and wash in the streets in the business section. Councilman Schutz of the fire and water committee reported that he had checked the nozzels of the lire department with Chief Sandin and it was found that one needed replac ing and as well three hose holders. On motion of Schutz, seconded by Tippers, the committee was author ized to make the purchases. Councilman Johnson reported that the frozen condition of the ground $2. SO a bu; Orchard Grass 25c a lb.; Blue Grass, 4 lbs. $1.10. Business es tablished GG years. Edward Bartling Seed Co., Nebraska City, Nebr. mla-3tw Instaliew Whistle. A new fire arm system has been installed on e water tank, which will ho used 1 ease of fire, as well a.i to design;-. the time of day, par ticularly thnoon "our. MANY ATTEND EEM0NSTRATI0N The demonstration held at the Soennichsen storei Thursday of crocheted rugs, was very largely at tended by the ladies of the commun ity. The demonstration wn:; given by Mrs. P. V. McFetdridgc. wiio is an expert in this line of needlework. paring for Easter The me'ers of the Methodist church ai $hc I'ible school haw started p'rations for the proper oboervati(f lhe Easter Day which comes onarch 2St- The feature ot the day'111 ,e thc Pi'' school which v Etlldy the Easter lesson, and thniornins worship will be primari Eastcr in all its features, while tlie evcring a drama will be p,.,a.ted, which is known a3 "The allene of the Cross." Returns to Home in West Charle3 W. Shandley, of MeCook. came to Elmwood last week and ac companied his mother, Mrs. C. II. Sliadley to Oxford, where she will eisit for two weeks, later going to McCook to spend another couple of weeks, after which she will go to the mountains for a short stay be fore returning to McCook to act as housekeeper for an elderly ooupl. who are close friends. Mrs. Shadbv is the mother of Mrs. Herman Pen- tcrman, and had been visiting at the homo of the daughter here since leaving the hospital in Lincoln, where she underwent treatment. Seminate City Tickets .hjo recent j caucus there was jn nomimtion Jor members (:f -jf village lijiud Harry Linder . n d Earnest, while for thc board ua i' I Decorating Christian Church The Elmwood Christian church m being decorated, inside and cut. The outside of the structure was recent-- lv painted and a new roof placed thereon and now the interior is be ing re pa pored, painted and varnish ed, adding greatly to it3 appearance. A new furnace was also recently in stalled, placing the entire church in excellent condition. Members of thc church arc very .ictivc and spare no means of keep ing the building up in the Lest of shape. Rev. Baker, the pastor, and the various auxiliaries and individu al members are all entitled to co:i- ratulations on the fine manner they arc maintaining the house of wor ship. It is a credit to thc town and all who worship there. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Mrs. Ralph Hawthorne was taken to Omaha Thursday evening when she entered the Covenant hospital for an appendectomy. The .pati-Mit wji -taken to Omaha in the Saltier ambulance. -4 s 7 1