t PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 2S. 1937. PLAN TO LEAVE CITY or! Tuesday eveninsr tho nionibers the board of health visit 1 the build-1 bv the hern quartered hero for the past ten NAMED PRESIDENT OF da vs. I STATE FAIR BOARr The board fo-.irwl that the condi-j Fop Gash Prices For Top Prices on All Your Poultry, Eggs, Cream Hcrse-Cow Hides COME TO t;e;i3 there vere ni:t xv.o voi aim; i iis itiuuiy irieims in uoii. vv . i. . of I'liion, loii time state uiiator and at piesent serretary of agriculture at Lincoln, will join with South Sixth street, occupied after a conference of t!u offi.-ials and Ilannin;. band of Romanies that have the leaders of the tribe, it was agreed that the gypsies would leave the city Friday mornins and to remain away from this city in the future. RECOVERING FROM INJURY The friends of Mrs. IT. G. Mc f'l'isky are pleased to see her about at;aiii after being kept at heme over six weeks with a severely sprained ankle. Walking U still rather difti cultv for her due to the injury. V RELATIVE IN DANGER 3 Mis 1 P. White has received no flF j--j frraEwr V f,,d f,om hev cousin- M,s- Conner' N1 i IHSiH K flfitfHq X, who works in an office in Louisville, uuvaauv ujvluu y Kv Mrs white spent ht,. girlhood m Conveniently Located at Corner of Xcw Albany so has many accjuaint Cth and Main, Plattsmouth rncos jn danger in the flood area. The Money is Heady to BUILD . . . BUY ... or IMPROVE your home. If assistance is needed, inquire of us for A Federal Direct Reduction Loan cn easy monthly payments for term of 5 to 15 years, as preferred, with full prepayment privilege. Promnt Service, No Commissions Small Eznense thru Neb. City Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n FIFTY YEARS CONTINUOUS SERVICE the Journal in the feeling of pleasure prev alent a m o n g h i s acquaint ances all over the state upon his election as president o f the Nebraska State Fair Hoard. M r . Rami in 5 has long been a 'member of the board and a tireless worker for the success of the Nebraska state fair both in the pre-depression years when record breaking attendances were rolled up, and in the later years when crowds dwindled and revenue was insuffi- jcient to meet the bills. Discord and criticism did not de ter Mr. Banning and his associates on the board from continuing to work for the success of the affair and it is pleasing to note that the last couple of years have seen the tide turn and success acain crown the efforts of this group of men. We feel sure the Nebraska state fair will go on to fur ther success this coming year under the able leadership of 'Rill" Ran ning and ether members of the board who were named at the election of officers last week. CHILD HAS HAND FROSTED Mrs. Hubert Dew, of Omaha, has hfci visiting in the city with her seven-nionths-old daughter. 'Yvonne. The little daughter suffered the frosting of her hands Friday night while sleeping. The child seems to be in no great pain except when the hands are touched. E KING OF THE TREED OMAHA PARTIES WEDDED Tuesday afternoon at the court house occurred the marriage of Miss Leona Fitzgerald and Mr. George I jgg Henry Rurney. both of Omaha. The 13 parties were married by Judge A. H. 1 rzz Duxbury. 118 RELATIVES IN FLOOD AREA Mr. and Mrs. Val Rurkel have had a great deal of anxiety concerning Mr. RurkeTs two sisters and two brothers who live in Portsmouth, Ohio. They were unable to reach them by wire. However yesterday, word arrived that they had to leave their home but are now dry and safe "lthough the city is under water. Get your new 1937 World Almanac f.t the Bates Book Store. Poultry Wanted Fri. & Sat. Hens, 5 lbs. up, lb. . 140 Hens, under 5 lbs, . . 12c Leghorn Hens, lb. . . 100 All Springs, Stags. 100 Leg. Springs, Cocks. 8c Horse Hides, ea. .$4.00 Full Head and Tail Cow Hides, lb 7c! Eggs and Cream Will pay you full market value, but , innnssihl tn mint nrire on these ; " i T. - 1 commodities at this time. We Appreciate Your Business A. R. CASE & CO. West of Ford Oarage Our One Great Sale oe The Year a r r I. -1 W' 9". I I LI I w r "t JIMMVlir w Every Dress Made of Needleized Quadriga hmr mn$u5 If fK i 'f : s 3B a a a The Largest Store in Cass County SOENMCHSEN'S PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Tomatoes n2 8 for .5 1? GOOD BRAND I Spinach no! CAMPBELL'S No. 2VZ, 2 for 2Sc 2 Cans, 3 for. . 2 for 15c n f 2 ror 15C i lomafo Soup 4&, ...iOo HI EUREKA FANCY CUT Wax or Green No. 2 Tins. Each . TASTE WELL ied Beans "n2 Each . . . latsiip 14 oz. Mtfe . KRISPY SODA 1 rackers 2 lb. daddy 29g Oo SLB. WICKAGE S!, .-1 i Our Sales are Increasing More and ' more people are buying this fine coffee rich and winey. You, too, will like this coffee. Per Lb. 27c This is our new Ho- cart voltee Kehner. With it we are able to K UU pulverize or to Tg- j XX grind it fine, tU?JC m e a i u m or coarse to individual re quirements r,ALt w. i; .5 . . il your ;i j I4ij--' 1 re- A-.iL I feii-! Combination Special Kellogg CORN FLAKES Pkgs. with 1 Pkg. Fep and Cereal Bowl GRAPEFRUIT JUICE J Wen Up. Med. size tins, 3 for BAKER'S COCOA i2-lb. Tin, 9c ; Mb. Tin HALLOW'EE DATES 2 lbs. for 2c 14c 19c Fancv Whole Segments Shurfine GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 Tins, 2 for DOMESTIC SARDINES Cottonseed Oil. V4 size tir.s, 6 for IMPORTED SARDINES Olive Cil. 14 si-e tins, each M. J. B. COFFEE Mb. tin, 31c: 2 lbs 25c 10c 5Qc Here is a Good Deal 2 Large Ivory and 2 Medium Ivory all for. Lihby Mixed Yellowstone Standard Pack Fruit Compote I (Ln Preserves Sweet Corn 7An Per lb Imitation. 2-lb. jar No. 2 Cans, 3 for Gcoch's Best Edwerds Tcnderired Hunt's Fancy FLOUR 7Q Marshmallows JC Fruit Cocktail 2-1 lb., SSc ; 43 lb.. Cello wrapped. Lb iiU N0. 1 tin. 14c : No. ?. &4' Champion (Assorted) Hunt's Superior Rsd Omaha Family Preserves Alaska Salmon Laundry Soap C)C Imitation. 4-lb. jar 'J' Mb. Tall Can 10 Bars Omar Flour gf Qg Casco Butter LC PRUNES 0?C 24 lb., S1.G5; 4S... Solids, Mb. carton 3 lbs. for Meat Department Featuring Armour's Sir and Cud ahy's Puritan Corn Fed Beef Swiss Steak 32 SWISS STEAK Swiss Steak Anv Thickness. 3s Corn fed Shoulder Beef Roast, lb. . . 180 Beef Hoast shoulder . .J 5c Fresh Pork Brains, lb 12L Fresh Pork Liver, lb 12C Fresh Pork Hocks, lb , !2j Delicious Boiled with Kraut cr Beans Sauer Kraut, 2 lbs. for 150 LAHO Rendered fB B 28C Fresh Oysters, pint 2$ Milk fed Mock Chicken Legs, each . . S Fresh Fork ioast ft?, 18c SALT HERRING Milkers, keg. .950 Mixed, keg Cudahy Puritan Beef Liver, lb. . 030 Pork Ohops Center Cuts Any Thickness I Fine Baked or Breaded. . . 4e Fruits Vegetables New Potatoes f Vs. for Herd Lettuce 1f Gelid Iceberg. Lr.ch Rutabagas flftg 3 lbs. for - Eananas Finn. ripe. Lb New CcLbage Texas. Per lb Cauliflower Q2 Per lb. Juice Crcnges ?lC Large , Texas. Doz Calif. Navels $$2 Per dozen - Celery Large tunch Brcccoli J Per bunch "- CarroU C Per buncn - - endwich Spread Quart jar fa?" ?iacarcni or , cpaghetli 51b. Box Sturgeon Bay Red Pit'd Cherries )flc No. 2 tin, 15; 2 for Fine for Sauce or Pies. Too) 13 i Ve H Deliver gi!!!Sll!:i!ia!!!!!!!l!l!ilSli:!l!i!l!:!!l!l!l!li!IIIIilSii:ii!li:illl2!lii:ilil!!ISII (a a a a a a a a a a a