THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1937. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAI PAGE FIVE Murray in iu Luciau Carper and Avife was C'naha 021 business this week. Mrs C. A. Armstrong was r.'attsmouth on business Tuesday. Mrs Ed Tutt and Mra. Joe Stastka f;:ent Monday in Cmaha shopping and t tending a show. Mrs. Everett Spangler took her nioth.T, Mrs. N'oltingr of Plattsmcuth to Omaha Tuesday. Wilma Swatek of Plattsmouth r'ient the week-end with her friend, Josephine Stastka. Galen lihoden and wife were in Plattsmouth Tuesday attending the funeral of the late George W. Rhoden, li-K-lo of Galen. Earl Tcrhune. wife and little son, Gerald, were visiting for over the reck end at the homo of the parents 1 Mrs. Terliune at Humboldt. LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS roil SALE Team of grey mares in f-al. Call 2130, Plattsmouth. J28-2tw TOR SALE Four head of milk cows belonging to Willis Eaton. AVill be on sale Sat. Jan. t'.Oth at the Albert Wilson sale at Union, Nebr. ltw Una church on Wednesday, February 3 at 2: CO p. m. Hostesses: Mrs. Harold Sack, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, Mrs. I lank Scott, Mrs. Lloyd Scott. Lead er: Mrs. Ed Anderson. Had to Detour Floods. A3 recorded in last week's paper VIr. and Mrs. Glenn Boedeker had Lucean Carper and wife were call-1 departed for the south to spend the EAGLE NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Charles Scattergood is suf fering from an infected thumb. Mrs. Oscar Anderson of Lincoln isited her mother, Mrs. Emma Jud kins on Sunday. Keith Althouse called at the home cf his uncle. Ralph Allen and family in Lincoln last Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Wall spent V iday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomson near Palmyra. Mrs. A. M. Longman was hostess I tn the ladies of the Eastern Star Kc:i jfington at her home last Wednesday I afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Piersol and family and Mr. and Mrs. Donald I it-rsol of Lincoln spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. L. W. Piersol. Sumner West, who is attending the rnivoi-citu r.f whraatn vii.-i nvir ! v t S o'clock and lasting until 10. increase our attendance. The topic for the regular morning service will he "Radicalism vs. Conservatism." We urge you to attend. Epv.orth League at 5:30 with a social hour. Regular League at 6:30. We have arranged for an outside speaker. Come. Church service at 7:30. Wednesday, January 20 the sub district meeting of the ministers was held at Alvo. The chuhch school superintendents of each church were guests of the ministers and their wives at a dinner. Due to the illness of Mr. Palmer, Misses Dorothea Keil and Pauline Wall were the repre sentatives from Eagle. At this meet ing plans were laid for the church school leadership school to be held at Alvo for all teachers and leaders and all others who are interested. The school v. ill be held on the evenings of February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, and 12 tribution for a drive for hymnals forj BI-" r. I'rom Monday's Dally Sckat Club Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slarkjohn en tertained the Sckat club' at a G:30 dinner Saturday evening. The eve ning was spent in games and visit ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson, v-ho were to be honored guests, were net present due to Mr. Anderson's accident. Those attending were Jnd:;e and Mrs. W. G. Kieck, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt. the Presbyterian church last evening Louis Lohns, Mrs. Frank Cloidt, nrd Hazel Uaicr were named as a I committee to organize the member l canvass. Sue Simonton led the study of the American negro. She told of re actions of the black race iu schools, j Devotionals were led by Mrs. Louis Lohnes. Miss Gertrude Vallery enter tained the girls at her home. v-y ed to Omaha Monday of thi3 week, T'r. Carper looking after some busiJ reP3 matters and Mrs. Carper visit iag friends. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Christian of Weeping Water and son, Joe were visiting for the week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Hobart Blake p.nd family. O. W. Finney of Auburn where they make their home and wife, who i.j manager of the telephone company rt Union, and Mr. an'd Mrs. Edgar "cwton of Plattsmouth were visit- remainder of the winter in Miami Florida, but their regular course was intercepted by the rushing waters of the Ohio river and they were com pelled to detour from their selected ourse in order to get past the raging torrents and to continue their course to Florida. Ethan Allan Sick. Ethan Allen has been kept to his home and a good deal of the time to his bed by a severe attack cf rheumatism which caused him much ing in Murray last Sunday at the Puin and as wel1 kent him from v'"ork l.eme of Mrs. Vesta Clark, manager of thw Murray telephone exchange. Phillip Heil and son were over to Busy with Seed Com. tiie George Lopp homo last Saturdavi Ra' Frederick, the seed corn man. where they killed and dressed someihas beea working with some half eleven head of hogs and again on j (h,ze11 mcn in tm? srading and sack Mnnilv rt-.T.Ml snmo firP iar? inrl:.l and shipping of selected seed ers for De Forest Philpot. thus pro The courses will be taught by Dr. Fpooner, district superintendent of the Lincoln, district; Mrs. Bruce noted teacher of methods for chil dren; and Rev. Frank Finch, e- Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde West and Mrs. Irene Mc- ! Kali. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merriman ofj Waverly spent Monday evening ofj this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. j braska conference director of relig McCartney and William Trunkenbolz irJs education. Those interested and family. please communicate with Rev. Spring- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pump and son. f. Wilmer and Miss Rhoden of Venangoj Friday night, January 22, eleven arrived last Thursday for a visit ' h aguers went to Alvo to attend a with relatives and friend in tlii3 1 locttiro by Dr. Frank Cartright. sec retary of the Board of Foreign Mis- community. Albert Frohiiih returned home last Thursday after having been in a Lin coln hospital for nine days where he His health is pious. Choir practice Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ru dolplu. Refreshments will be rerved. Remember the Fellowship dinner for all Mothodists the evening of Sunday Nite Club Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharpnack en-j tertained the Sunday Xite club at! their home this week-end. Mrs. Guy Long won high scare for the ladies j!id Mrs. Ray Herring, second. Rich ard Beverage was high for the men and Harry Tincher, second. Three t-ibles were entertained. Friends of Art Tea Miss Christine Soennichsen, Mrs. j Rae Patterson, and Mrs. L. W. Egtn-j berger drove to Omaha yesterday to I attend the tea and exhibit sponsored by the Friends of Art in the tenth floor of the Brandeis building. A j numbers of paintings by Grant Wood.j YOU CANNOT DEFCSIT ycur buildings, hc-jsehold good's, automobile or mer chandise in the bank! Eut ycu can protect this wealth by insuring it! Searl S. Davis Platts Stale Dank Eldg. H who is to lecture in Omaha Thursday 1 Icveniag, and pictures by local talent j v ere on exhibit. Ivlus Matilda Soennichsen was a I business visitor while the other mem bers cf tin group attended the exhibit. Bridge Club Mr and Mrs. Theodore Ptak had guest:; for bridge last evening. Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Ryan held high score for the games. ( i Omaha. The wedding w;r vil nefscd by Elmer and AH. e :ii: ii r. fiiendi cf tin young pt-cpli from Omaha. The gi 00m i; 1 n -ployed i -an upholsterer in Omaha. DIES IN WASHINGTON Mr: Mar E. Ivt. a long di'd in Spokanr. illne.. She v. i s received treatment. much improved. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Horn were in i Lincoln Monday of this week. Mr.-'l'i'";' 1'th. Dr. K. Stanley Jones iHorn u hnvine- h; tepfh extracted. I will speak by rr.dio to Mi ihodist3 as- ! which have greatly impaired hi: viding a supply of meat for both winter and summer for these par ties. Christian Aid Society. Tho aid society meets at tie Chris- corn. He has an order for three thou sand bushel of seed and is hustling to get the order filled. He shipped a car load last week and anticipated a vtry heavy demand for the cereal. THEATB FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Tloulilc !-'t"iir I'rorniH Mnrxha Hun ! John Ilownrrt in EASY TO TAKE' mill Stnnr min, llohrrl A rmt ronK and Itlt" Knrtie in 'ALL AMERICAN CHUMP St'i' tlit Chump Heat the Champ Robinson Crusoe Serial and Screeno Adults 25 Children 100 SUN DAY-RiOM DAY-TUESDAY ( lark ;blc mid Mnrlon Iait- in 'Cam and Mabel' Also Comeciy, l'opeye an1 News Ilfel.s Sunday Matinee at 2:30 Matinee Prices Evening Prices 10-25 10-300 WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY I'ank 1 I'.itut :iml l,owfi llln l.iiuili, 'IVfl lli-nlv nntl '.anu 1'ltt in Mad Kolii&ay' Al.-o Comedy and Color Cartoon Stealing Gas at Many Places. Someone who has no money to pur--chase gas but think they must have gas and go places, were caught in the act of tapping the barrels in many places, one man in particular catch ing the purloiners in the very act. Others were traced so closely that j they had to deliver the gas back to the barrel from which they had taken it. health for some time. Mrs. E. M. Stewart. Mrs. Emi Oberle and Mrs. August Schv.-egman attended a shower given for Mrs. Ice land Kaatz at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Kaatz in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. tained at dinner senibled around the world. To all the sick: We are thinking of you and paying for ytiu day by day. CA ss "1 THEATRE Friday and Saturday DOUBLE FEATURE King of the Royal Mounted" with Robert Kent 'Lady From Nowhere with Mary Astor Jungle Jim Serial and Movie Races Water Quite Scarce. The matter of getting an abund ance of good water is a problem in Murray. Some of the residents who have been allowing anyone to come to their home and secure all the water trey desired, have become rather frightened, fearing that the supply ni'ght run short and have locked their pumps. Murray Study Club. The Murray Home Study club met last Thursday x at the home of Mr3. A. G. Long. A covered dish luncheon at noon, followed by the business session, Mrs. A. G. Long presiding. 1 Tribute was paid to a member, Mrs. A. A. Young who passed away since! the last meeting. Several members! 1 were absent due to illness. Three j visitors were prsent. Mr3. Xeii Stuart j joined the club at this meeting. I Mrs. John Vr.iinsr liiul rhnrim rf - - - n - the lesson on "Cooperation." George E. Xickles, a former rep resentative, gave a very interesting talk on our state legislature. Mrs. Everett Spangler was presnt and gave a talk on Organized Agriculture which she had attended. The club adjourned to meet with Mra. Guy Wiles in February. Willing Workers. The Willing Workers club met at 1 ,1? T.. ,.11- T W B Hursh enter- ll:t nome 01 joe n.uuoi;;:i jau last Wednesday eve- i''" 21. Nine members answered roll ring Mrs. Tom Spahnle of Hastings, : CJ"- 'Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. 15. Peterson and Mr. j The leaders cnd Mrs. Charles Trumble and son, j Lloyd. I Word comes to relatives and friends from Mrs. Lennia LVIes I)t nicr. who j recently visited in Louisville. Ky.. telling of her observation of the dis astrous flood. She ij now visiting in Indian:. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Headley of Greenwood called Sunday evening at the Albert Frohlich homy. Mrs. Etta Trunkenbolz, who had spent I three weeks with the Frohlich fam ily, accompanied them home. Although there are still a number of people in and about Eagle who aie ill, many are improved in health and others who were confined to their home on account of the prevail ing malady are now able to be out ngain. Mrs. Tom Spahnle was accom panied to her home at Hastings by Chow Jlein Supper Mr. and Mrs. Henry Soennichsen entertained at a Chow Meiu supper last evening at their home. Later the guests played bridge. Mrs. j Choir-Sodality Georga Jeager won high for the ladies and E. J. Richty for the men. ft. Mary's Guild 1 t'laiis lor tne i,enten season were v;:!), aftei IdlscUFsed at the meeting of the St. von, 0ln raiscd in I'Iatt-:;ioutl 'Marys uuiw yesteruay i Father Lane of South Omaha met ivith the group. Mirses Mia and Ear Ibara Geriug were hostesses. 18 at I tended. .;l afternoon. jtaoa moVod lo McCool: win re she v. a.- inarrkd to S. V. Ives April :.'tl., h'JOO. She di.d October LV.. 1 '.;:,;. i p.nd laves iier !iu;-,'iaiii! u:.d ;n'- bro ther, Tom Egan of Ku'.o. N't ir. Daily Journal, "50c per week. From Tut-say'.s Daily Back-ward Party Members o; the Standard Dcarers r."t for a backward party last eve ning. The girls were dressed in ap propriate costume for the party. Misses Jane I'ersinger and Ruth Ann Iiatt led games. Miiis Deatrice Arn and Mary Ann lUghfie'd had cliarg? of rclreshments. 2'i attended. Members of the young people of the Holy Ronary choir and Sodality met at the parsonage last evening. At the business meeting the girls decided to meet ence a week until the ouilt is finished. Young men played cars while tho girls worked on J the quilt which is to be sold v. hen I finished. 1' were present. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. 11. C. Wenzel, gave a very interesting l'sson on "When We Go Shopping." Visitors for the aiternoon were Mrs. l'almor and Mrs. Crandall. Mrs. Will ilorsih became a welcome mem b. r. Aft-T a lovely lunch the club ad journed to meet with Mrs. August Schwegman February iSth. ELECTIONS AT LEAGUE Eiitertai:is Blackbird Club. Miss Maxine V.Vtenkamp enter tained the mebers of the Dlackbird club at her home last Friday evening. Miss Laura Smith was initiated into the club. The rest of the time was ypent socially. The hostess served a lovely two course lunch. re;pLian Mi;;? Mia Gering was leader of the en: 'I..- at the meeting of Delphian Ir.;t eve:; ing. Troubadours aud Minr.e- .-ir, r,;'rs weie discussed. A good al-j1 ti-vdnncp v;:s nt 1bf nipf tip? at thr C. Woscott heme der:i.lte the co!d. , From Monday'.s Daily Miss Mary K. Wiles was named president of the Epv. orth League to I laLe the place of Harold Stewart v.x veiling. Mi?s Dorothy Clock was mimed 4th vice president at the meet-j also. 25 attended. ie- i c MARRIED AT COURT II0USS From Wednesday's aily Westminster Guild Members of the Westminster Guild voted to give 2" as the opening re:i- Mo::day evening at the office ot Judge A. H. Duxbhury occurrred the marriage of Mis Violet Rose Syst a :d Mr. Edward Charles Mortz. both HOW loss m A THREE-QUARTER WIFE MOLD HER KUSBAHD? TTOU have to vor': at n:a."ria.5 i to tnakp a succt-s cf i-.. M.-i may Im u-isy Lipithi ir. but tiial's th'.- way tl.y 'n- ir.a'lj aud you mihi ".ell rt-dlize it. "Wli 'ii your back : s atv! yocir Ecrvi-s scTf.'i::i, tic:.';, tike it o'iC en your liu!-.lui:d. lie caa't possibly know how y on ft-el. rortlir-o w.' ra' ior.orc nrnan has told a;u.'t!i'T I: v t't -o "n. iu;; t'::ro;'li"'.i Lydia K. J'i!;W liam's Vc,;i'tal.'!i? ("ornjun rrl. 10 helps Nataro lor.i- ':;) tl.c sj thui li's.-.c-iiiiif; ihiMii-roml' jr i-, rr i n the functional di-orM. r; I:ic!i orrt-ti miit 'tiP.ri' i:i ll tlirn crdi-a!s of life: 1. "1". ;r' i i r frcr:i r-.'Hi' tl to Wfiina-ilioi: ). :. I f--pari: fr m.tltcrii''. Ap proachinj "middl1 av." Don't lf a t!.rc( -rjnnr' r rif,'. take LYDIA i:. PIN K HAM S VE KTAHI.K C'OMl'ol NDand Go "Smiling 'rLroUoii.' I 3 k 1; FUNERAL OF AGED JIAN her parents, Mr. and Mrs J3. "unday, Monday, Tuesday Matineo Sunday. 2:15 7? 5' Wednesday - Thursday BANK NIGHTS Matinee Thursday. 2:15 "In His Steps" with Eric Lindsn and Cecilia Parker VISIT AT OMAHA From Wednesday's Dally Mr3. Anna Zitka and daughter, Miss Ann, departed this afternoon for Omaha where they will have the pleasure of a visit with their grand- ! daughter and niece, born Monday I morning. The new arrival i3 a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wiysel, the latter formerly Miss Mary Zitka. Peterson last Friday. Mr. Peterson plans to leave Hastings for Califor nia the latter part of this week where he will visit relatives. Mrs. Pcter Fon will visit reiativps during Mr. Ptteron's absence. A large crowd gathered at the Eagle school gymnasium to see the Eagle-Walton basketball game. Mon thly evening. The teams were well matched and the game was a very interesting one. Thefi nal score was Walton 32. Eagle 21. The score was c'ose until the fourth quarter when tho visiting team gained a lead of several points. Eagle 51. E. Church Notes. Church school at 10 o'clock. Let's Funeral services were held Sun day at Imogene, Iowa, for Michael Kammer, S7, who died here Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hose Kettlesdorf, where he had been visiting for a few days when taken suddenly ill. The body was taken j from here to Council Bluffs and later) to Imogene, his old home, for the list rites. y., t vy.f, ;' '.:. n ir.-- r - J' v i. ',' V:W '22. - - -- - .-.J.. - . . Hm-,1 Jt' W-t. 1 in - - - 1 - ' - DEATH OF AGED MAN Sunday afternoon John Henry Mc Kinney, CS, a resident at the county farm west of this city, died after an illness of a short time. Mr. McKin ney has made his home in this local ity for a great many years. He has made his home at the farm for the past seven years. ySM Today it Costs Nothing gfc (Ml i omorrow it may Tj FUNERAL OF EMIL WALTERS The funeral of Emil Walters will bo held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Sattler funeral home. Rev. G. A. Pahl will have the service. Friends may call for a farewell any time Friday morning at the funeral home. in m Men and V omen (ages 18 to 45) to prepare for work under Social Security Law now in effect. WRITE Social Sesiarisy Coiassselori Journal, Box 4, Plattsmouth, Nebr. r f Tomorrow it may be Costly Indeed Today you can learn the facts con cerning funeral service easily and without ccst; in time of need, an unfortunate decision might be a ccstly source of information. In stead of guessing, why not KNOW ? SATTLER FUNERAL ROME t I., iifi.i i . it..-j -l- zrr-, - f CT. S AVE. A PLATTSMOUTH. NEBR. PHONE 52 t m fJd SsM vj7 VSs&J IT 1 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1 1 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1 1 1931 Chevrolet Tudor 1 1 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1 1 1931 Ford Tudor 1 1 1931 Ford Coupe 1 1929 Ford Coupe 1 1 1929 Ford Tudor 1 1929 Chevrolet Tudor 1 1 1929 Chevrolet Fourdoor 1 1935 Oidsmobile Coach 1 1935 Chevrolet Coach 1 1935 Ford Sedan 1 1 1935 Ford Tudor Sedan 1 1 1932 Plymouth Coupe 1 1936 Ford Tudor 1 1 1935 Ford Deluxe Fourdoor 1935 1935 1935 1935 1934 1 1934 with Trunk 1 1930 Ford V-8 Deluxe Tudor Ford V-8 Coupe Ford Deluxe Coupe Oidsmobile Coach Ford Deluxe Fourdcor Sedan Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan Chevrolet Tudor Sedan Chevrolet Fourdoor Sedan Ford Deluxe Coupe Chevrolet Convertible Coupe Dodge Fourdoor Sedan Whippet Tudor Ford Tudor with Trunk Durant Sedan !71 n V: 3 i f ' H I P :'f i TOPC1CS S FAIM TKACTOH 1 1934 International Truck 1 1932 Ford Pickup Truck 1 1934 Chevrolet long wheel 1 1934 Ford Pickup Truck base Truck 1 1930 Farmal Tractor and 1 1935 Ford long w. b. Truck Cultivator ti 4 ALSO SOME GOOD WORK HORSES, PPJCED TO SELL! 6 6t!a PcarS (I Telephone 44 '3 Platt5msuth, Hclsr. i t If : wmm v .'pi m -huhui Pifm 'iw in. iniilf imiri HI mlnn hit inf