PIATT5K0TITH SFSH - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE THURSDAY, DFjCF.iJE'ETI 17. 192C. I V i UNION ITEIS. Donald Iloback and sister, Marpie were looking after business in Ne braska City last Saturday. Mrs. Flora Taylor, who has been indisposed for some time, was con siderably better the fore part of the week. Oliver Baker, who has been in poor health for some time, but was re ported better last week, has had a relapse. A. L. Becker and grandson, Don ald Becker, were in Lincoln on last Monday, taking a truck load of wood to a patron there. Hon. V. B. Banning-, of Lincoln, was called to Union last Saturday to look after business matters and visit his many friends here. Mrs. Tabitha Smith, who has been so seriously ill for some time, is re ported as improving at present, but still unable to leave her bed. County Commissioner E. B. Chap man was called to Plattsmouth Mon day to look after some business mat ters for the county, driving over in his car. Business called George A. Stites to Omaha Monday of this week, ar.d while there he enjoyed the opportun ity of visiting with a number of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Becker entertain ed at their home last Sunday and hf-d as their guests for a very fine din ner Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ehlers and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Becker. Mrs. Lavina Comer, who has been in poor health for some time, still remains in about the same condition, although everything possible is being done to restore her to better health. D. Ray Frans was a visitor in Omaha Saturday, being accompanied by his wife and their son, Jimmie, they spending the day visiting with friends and doing some pre-Christ-rnas shopping. Charles Ward, who conducts a ser vice station on highway 2 4 a few miles west of Elmwood, was a visitor in Union Monday forenoon, looking after business matters and visiting for a time with friends. Bernard Morris, the genial clerk in the Morris Grocery was passing his 19th birthday anniversary a few days ago, but said it was just the same as any other day to him. We suppose because he has had so many of them. Henry II. Becker was in Nebraska City Monday morning, where he went to have a half dozen of his teeth ex tracted. While their removal has left his mouth plenty sore, he i r.o long er bothered with the aching molars, which is indeed a relief. Otto Ehlers and wife and Marx Becker were over to Omaha last Sat urday, where they went to look after some trading and during the time they were away, P. F. Rihn of the firm of Rihn & Greene, was looking after business at the bank. O. W. Finney, who is a Missouri racific bridge carpenter, being locat ed at Auburn for some time, visited over Sunday with his wife here, who is operator and manager of the tele phone exf-hnnge. He returned Sun day evening, to resume his work Monday morning. Horace W. Griffin, the produce man, drove down into Otoe county Monday morning and bought some 500 pounds of chickens from farm ers near Nebraska City, fretting them back to Union in time to sell to the poultry truck which comes through three times a week. Mr. and Mrs. Willicm Chaintbery of Peru were up to see mother Mary B. Allison, who has been very sick and spent the afternoon with her, urging that she come to Peru to make her home with them, but Mrs. Ailisoil preferred to remain in Union and live in her own house. Mrs. W. Barritt was quite ill for a number of clays lr.st week and on last Saturday was visited by her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hammerstorm, who upon their return to their home in Omaha Sun da v evening, took Mrs. Barritt with them for a visit of a week. j Charles W. lloback and family and ( Mrs. W. A. Taylor were at Platts mouth last week, where they were! watching the coasting party and al so viewing the Santa Claus demon stration. ' Donald was one of the group of Cass county school children selected to act as a guard of honor to Santa on his trip through the business section of town, and at the court house, where he remained for some time handing out gifts to all the little boys and girls who called on his. Mrs. Ira Clarke, who departed sev eral weeks ago for the south write that they are employed on a road building job near Lowell, Georgia, and are liking their work very well and also living in the south. In writing they tell of the tempera ture down that wav going down to o'j degrees, which they say nearly fror.e the old inhabitants as they were accustomed to much colder weather. Eoth Celebrate Eirthclay Rev. V.. A. Taylor passed his Tlst birthday last Sa tut day and on De cember 2Cth, Mrs. Taylor will at tain her G.'ith birthday anniversary. We regret to state that the health of Rev. Taylor lias boon very poor of late, but his wife enjoys fairly good health most of the time. CASS THEATRE Friday and Saturday TWO FEATURES FEATURE NO. 1 The most delicious dish cf enter tainment ever served from the Silver Screen 'The Luckiest Girl in the World' AVITIi Jane Wyatt, Louis Hayward and Nat Pendleton FEATURE NO. 2 PETER B. KYNE'S "Code of the Range" with Chas. Starrett Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Matinee Sunday, 2:15 RJ '! "I 1 -m J IT!! Stuart Erwin - Johnny Downs Arline Judge - Betty Grable Patsy Kelly BANK NITES WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Matinee Thursday. 2:15 'Charlie Chan at the Race Trade9 Union Service Next Sunday It has been arranged between the two churches of Union to have a Christmas program at the Baptist church Sunday evening:, December 20th. when there will be a rrosram Siven and a Christmas cantata as well. The churches are uniting; in this entertainment which will be held at the Baptist church the Pun day evening before Christinas. The title of the cantata is "The Lost Star." Working in Georgia Fred A. Clarke, son of Fred Clarice and wife, who reside north of Union, and Charles Clarke, son of Mr. and Kascns Elect Officers On "Wednesday of last wee!:, the Masonic lodge, composed of mem bers residing in both Xehawka and Union, after the regular order of business, proceded to elect officers, naming the following: Charles V. Adams. "W. M. ; Lester Shrader, S. V.; I'aul Madson. J. W.; George C. Shel don. S. D. ; Otto Fillers, J. I), and "W. A. Taylor, chaplain. The appointive officers have been named and will be published after the installation, which comes this week. cent operation for appendicitis, was: sufficiently recovered to be able to. return home the latter part of last j week, and is getting on very nicely j at this time, which is excellent news i public servant. Celebrated 43rd Birthday C. E. Morris was 13 years old on Tuesday of this week, December l.", and on Sunday, two days before, some twenty-seven of his friends and relatives turned out and assisted in the proper celebration of the passing of this happy event. Those present for the occasion were Silas F. Morris and family of Louisville; "Will Mor ris and family, of Nebraska City; J. E. Morris and family, of Union, r nd Thomas Robinson and family of Louisville. A very fine time was en joyed by all and the wish expended for many more such happy birthdays. OMAHA PASTIES WEDDED Enjoyed Christmas Party The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church held their Christmas partv on Thursday of last week and enjojej a very line time and a program fea turing Christmas, exchanging gifts which was very gratifying and a very pleasant feature of the occa sion. They also enjoyed the eats aa well. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Dr. Anderson. Visiting in Kansas Mrs. Moss G. Mc Carroll departed late last week for Lawrence, Kansas, where she will visit over the holidays with relatives. This makes a tempor ary bachelor of Moss for the present, and he is-standing up under it very well with the cooking and conduct ing the store. Home from Hospital Orville Hathaway, the very obMg ir.g carrier cf the U. S. mails out of Union, who has been at the hospital in Omaha recuperating from a re- Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Rev. G. A. Pahl, pastor of the St. Paul's Evangelical hurch, occur red the marriage of Miss Daisy Mae Potter and Mr. Robert Gray Har tung, both of Omaha. The marriage lines were read by Rev. Pahl and at the conclusion cf the cerememy the bridal couple returned to their home at Omaha. HOW LONG CAN A THREE-QUARTER WIFE HOLD HER HUSBAND? VTOU have to work at marriacro 1 to make a success of it. Mca nay lx? scllish. unsympathetic, lut that's the way they're niada and you might as well realize is. "When your back aches and your nerves scream, don t take it out cn your husband, lie caa't possibly know how you feeL For t h rco per. era t icn? ore woman has ti.ld another how to go "smil ing tLrous'a" with Lydia E. Pir.k l.am'i Vegetable Compound. It Iiil;is Nature tone up the system, tliu- l.-steriim: t lie di.scoi!iforxs from the functional disorders v Inch women must endure in the three ordeals of Lfe: 1. Turning from pirlhood to v.onanhood. 2. Pre paring fur motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't le a three-quartrr wif?, take LYDIA K. PI.NKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Co "imiliirg TLrousii.' II pi mfes(isA f Kf W 0 M W i l s I w ' - 1) . Make it a Useful Gift GIFTS or accessories . . becoming sweaters, lovely hosiery, aloves end baqo are aiways timely, welcome . . . because they Hera ara rifts for all at attractive!:' mo-Jest prices. -' - ' women like to be suprised with at Christmas. They can never have too many. Moderately priced at St - 1.95 - 2.95 Wool Flannel. Sat ins and Silk Crepes. Prices range from $3.95 to 10.95 igy.L DANCE SETS a COMBINATIONS. Satins and Silk Crepes. Teu Hose. Bine and Black. These will make much appreciated gifts. Price is only $1.95 and 2.95 yde.'g.-KHTA.Wm.JJl.T PAJAMAS Corduroy, Satin and Silk Crepes Lustrous colors. Assorted styles. Combination trim. The prices will interest you. A sure-fire gift hit. $1.98 to 10.75 II I? rr.eived a sliipment of E-RESSES in street and i afternoon frocks of newest Spring shades, t The sies run from 13 to 20 and 33 to 44. f $10.75 and 14.95 Pvmc&ss Slips Satin and Crepe. Colors, white, tea rose and navy. No woman ever has tco many. $1-98 OIOVCS Smartly flared Slip-cn Gloves in Cape and French Kid styles. Colors are black, brown and grey. $1.95 & 2.95 3Z ably Hosiery Ininiit fresh Silk by Munsing. Lovely new shades to match any desired costume. Prices S9c-$1-1. 25-1.65 S ft : " if a ".far tfar ! It will Pay Ycu to Come to Our Store Ws Have Complete Christmas Assortments LET US BE YOUR GIFT COUNSELLOR FOR HER Masonic Building 7 'Shop of Personal Service" Plattsmouth, Nebr. You will find Hinky-Dinky chock full of holiday needs baking ne cessities, new-crop nuts, delicious dried fruits, tempting candies and many other foods you think of at Christmas time all at value prices! Del Monte or Sutter Pal: Peaches g Z f ni- I C No. Cans.. & Del Monte Bartlett PEARS, No. 2V2 Can 1J , T fVSix Delicious -?TC 'Flavors. 4Pkgs.--v Summer Isle Broken Slice Pineapple, No. 2 Can, 2 for rx Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat., Dec. 18-19 Del Rrlalz Corn HIBLET5 12-cz. Vac. can, 2 for Green Giant Peas 1 Can, 12c; 303. c i7c Christmas Trees Beautiful Washington Firs, a large assortment Qff p -fr attractiv'ly priced PEAS Sfnrc si; vi i in: i:vi.ic;hi:i:n No. 2 Cans. -9 lUl e5 f J) GrapsSriEit JSS Large 70 Size Each Marsh Seedless and Full of Juice 96 Size 6 for c Tfor. sge VrmeCZ Texas Finest Quality C3laSS Sweet and Full of Juice 21C size, Aa 2SS size, Dozen Dozen ... Calif. Sunkist TRAVEL ORANGES Sweet, Seedless, 216 size, Doz.. 15c Tangerines "l! Juicy Florida, La roe size, doz 2LC "ST affino Large Fresh, Solid Calif. Iceberg, 5-doz. size, head 2W TtwMnr Fcy- fresh, Sweet Calif. np J-Scapes Red Emperors, 3 lbs ljC Tmic u- S. Grade No. 1 Louisiana fTf & 22125 Porto Rican. 4 lbs Cauliiiower i&XSIfiSr? 8c Green Unions K'nih." 5S 10e Apales !&V VTS? sRinbl:.Pkd".2Sc Be0 iEsst Lb.ssc ClMiici', Triiilcr Il-tiy IJcof Miuuldcr t u". pork Saussage "S. ggc lr"xli!' (irvuui! in !Ji:lk. Clioict. 'lender Hnbj- Ileef. mens U. S. No. 1 Idaho Yellow. 10 lbs. for. 15c aSs. z lbs. . . .2QC it llnby Ileef. PffSs. Baps Lb SSC Summer Sausage, lb. 19c I-'nney '! hurin-rr. FrankSurters cctEe?, ffffil.aSc Salmon, Sable or Fillets gS Fish trrc Selected, 2 lbs., 25c; Sliced, !b HOLLAND KEEPtlNG, Milker, 9-lh. Kej 95t Kixed, 9-lb. Ke- 85 p Gold RledaS SStasi2Ii STEAK CARVING SET for 1 box-top and 25c mailed to Geld Medal Foods, 4 Ivlinneapolis, Minnesota. Pllg. . Santa Clara PRUNES SO-tO Size, 4 lbs iCi? ii m.i.ow i.i: m i.k A On PATES. 2 lbs 1VC BUTTER Eir.ky-Dinky CAGC0 1-lb. Cartcn,a Sunlight Margarine 1-lb. Ctn. .51c Otoe Chief FLOUR 43 4 Bag Sunrise -Sweet. Mild COFFEE 3 lbs.. 42c 1-lb. Bag Jit Dromedary Dates Regular or Pitted 2 Piers M- SPECIALLY MELLOWED FOR RICHER FLAVOR Can.&8C Mb. Can JC (Regular or Drip Grind) Fillsbury's Best "The Balanced Flour" 24 lbs., 51.03 48-lb. Sack. L3 . . $1,9S Special Values in CANDIES astd NUTS 10c Old Fashioned Christmas Mixed Candy, lb. Crystal FVIixed or Cut Rock Candy, 2 lbs. Harriet Clark Assorted Chocolates 1-!b. Box, 25c 5-lb. Box, $1.09 3 lbs Harriet Clark Chocolates (Cherry Centers) Mb. Box Charming Assorted Chocolates 1-lb. Box . Choco-Mints Peppermint PatLies Mb. Box Fancv Drake Almonds Per Ih Season's Greetings Asstd. Chocolates QQq 5-Jh. Sex VV Chocolates (Star) Crea-rn CenlerE, Orange dices cr Peanut KTfOr Brittle, lb Jl3 W, Milled KUtS Choice (Wo Peanuts) )e 2 lbs., 43c; Lb Extra Fancy Mixed 0 F7r HKts, lb 4 S c Brazil Huts dtet Med. Washed, lb. Baby Emerald Eng. Walnuts, lb. Jumbo Paper Shell Pecans, lb. . Lg. Blchd. Paper Sh. Pecans, lb. . Fancy Oregon Filberts, lb. Jumbo Roasted Tlf 25c 25c Peanuts 2 lbs. i' RAISINS. Thompson Seedless, 4-lb. Pksr.. 29c : 2-lb. Pkg FEELS, Citron, Oranse or Lenon. 8-oz.. 15c: Lb MINCE MEAT, Clief Leon. Mb. jar, 17c; 2-ib FIGS, White or Black, 6-oz. Cello Pk?., 2 for PICKLES, Superior Dill or Sour, Quart jar OLIVES, Alameda, large Queen, quart jar TOMATO JUICE. Van Camp's, Giant 50-oz. can CATSUP. Elue Diamond Fancy, Large 14-oz. bottle PUMPKIN, Lake 0' Isles. No. 2 can, 8c ; No. 2y2. 3 for MUSTARD, Sunrise, quart jar SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING (with Coupon), 3-lb. can CRACKERS,' So-tast-ee Soda, 2-lb. caddy CRACKERS, Ritz Butter Wafers, 1-lb. Fkg ,15c 20 c 23c 15c 15c 37c -20c -10c -2Sc .ioe 49c .17c -21c Maic Vasher 1 Co Package for lc when you buy tt" Lge. Pkg. at PROTEX SOAP, 4 Bars. .19c Ken-L-Ratson Mb. 2 Don FOOD auKtrnt m& cans KIT-E-RftTIOlM for Cats. 1-!b. can, 2 for. 2)' 23c PalsitoSive Made with Gentie Olive Oil Used by Dione Quins 5S.3 for 17c Crystal White ALL PURPOSE LAUNDRY SOAP il Reg. Bars. . 10 Giant Bars. c The New Concentrated Softens Water Dissolves Dirt Kills Germs SPECIAL OFFER One Large Pkg. for l when you buy ONE Large racKa-e Q 4Uc Value tor . . zJJ.