.aw THTJESBAY. NOVEMBER 19, 19C6. PLATTSMOITTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOtTENAX PAGE THEES Nehawka Marius Nelson and wime are mov ing from their home home near Avoca to Nehawka early this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald v. ere in Manlay for over the week-end returning early Monday morning. The United Brethren Ladies' Aid Eociety are serving lunch at the sale cf C. Y. Stone which is being held today. Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Kettlehut and Mrs. W. S. Norris were guests lor a day and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs: II. E. Warden. The members ol the Daughters of R'rbtkah were serving lunch and sell ing candy at the sale held last Tues day by Mrs. Isadore Sheldon Tucker. Don Philpot and a number of his friends were enjoying a visit last Saturday at the auto show. They en joyed viewing the new models for iy 37. The members of the Junior class of the Nehawka high school wil give their class play at the auditorium on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. Stuart Rough who has been visit ing his daughter and family at Iowa City, Iowa, returned home last Satur day after having enjoyed a very! pleasant visit. i Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Kettlehut and Mrs. V. S. Norris were visiting for! the evening last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warden where all enjoyed a very pleasant evening. - Dick Chriswisser who has been) making his home here for some time past, was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Monday evening where he will visit his mother, Mrs. Martha Chris wisser for some time. Mrs. Clara Schlictemeier who had a sale last Saturday was well pleased with the very fine manner in which things sold. There was a large and greatly interested crowd there to bid on what was offered. Mr. and Mrs. Elba Dodson, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Lundberg, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murdoch, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McReynolds, Lenna McReynolds and Mrr. Addie Dodson were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodson Sun day. Johnnie Kruger, son of John Kru ger of Avoca and Anna May Bucholts. also of that place, grandchildren of Mrs. Lyie Kruger, are reported as having the chicken pox, but are get ting along very nicely with the -disease. Charles S. Stone of Hastings was visiting with friends in Nehawka and Union for over Sunday and on Mon day of this week. Mr. Stone is ex pecting to go to California for the winter and expects to depart in a short time. Mrs. Isadore Sheldon Tucker was holding a sale of goods which she had on the farm and which she and Mr. L. M. McYey were using in the con duct of the farming and stock feed A CLOCK with one hand will never be accurate and a home with 'almost enough' insurance will never have proper protec tion. Searl S. Davis OFFICES: 2XD FLOOR Platts Stale Bank Bldg. w 1 Laughing Around the World With irvin The Evils of Intemperance By IRVIN S. COBB V CERTAIN newspaper proprietor in New York who always wa and still is, even in these prohibition days, a total abstainer dropped into the office just before press time, and found the assistant managing-editor in charge. hSSM IBS "Where's Blank?" he asked naming the managing editor. "Off on one of those periodical tears of his," answered the assist- ant. "Where's the city-editor?" "Pied down in Andy Horn's." "I didnt see the make-up editor as I came through' the composing- room. What's become of him?" "He's in a Turkish bath over in Brooklyn getting a bin boiled out of him." The proprietor dropped into a chair, shaking his head sadly. "Well," he said, "for a person who never touches a drop I seem to suffer more from the effects cf drunkenness than any other man in this town." lAmerican News Features, Inc.! ing business. There was a large crowd prefect at the sale on Tuesday and much lively bidding. , George Lloyd was holding his sale last Monday and as the day was fine there was a large crowd present and the bidding was lively, the goods bringing a good figure. Mr. Lloyd will not continue to farm and so is disposing of the farming machinery and a list of other things he will not be needing. Game Disappoints Nehawka Fans. The people of Nehawka and espe cially those who like the fascinating game of football have in large num bers season tickets for the football games at Lincoln and attended in large numbers the Nebraska-Pittsburgh game last Saturday, but were disappointed in that the Cornhus kers lost the game 19 to C. At Veterans' Hospital. Clifford Trotter who has been hav ing some trouble with one of his arms, grew so bad that he was sent to the Veterans' hospital at Lincoln tor treatment and while he has been there for a number of days, the med ical corps of the institution have not definitely decided the cause of the trouble. Visited Friends Here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon House of Jacksonville, Miss., and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Sheldon arrived in Nehawka last week, com ing to attend the Nebraska-Pittsburgh football game last Saturday and to visit relatives here. They were guests at the home of Mrs. Prank P. Sheldon and other relatives and friends. Mr. House played on the Nebraska University football team of 1921 which makes the interest in the games and the team of the university keener. Baby Boy Conies in West. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Marshall, for merly of Nehawka and Weeping Wa ter, but now of Fort Lupton, Colo., are rejoicing over the arrival of a very fine baby boy which arrived at their home last week. There is great rejoicing over the arrival both in Colorado and at Nehawka. Visiting Dallas Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Steffens de parted early this week for the south, driving, and are spending the week visiting the Dallas Exposition and other points in Texas. Mrs. Albert Anderson is assisting in the store during the time Mr. Steffens is away. Busy Workers Are Busy. The Busy Workers of the Meth odist church were very busy on Wed nesday of this week when they met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Palmer where they looked after the business of the society which called them together and did excel- lnt work, manifesting the truth of the name of the society, Busy Work ers. Will Locate in Missouri. L. M. McVey who has been asso ciated with Mrs. Isodore Sheldon Tucker in farming and stock feed ing, witTi the sale and closing of the partnership business with the family will move to Missouri where he has made the purchase of land near Cen terville. Mo., and will move there in time to take care of the spring work on the farm. Home From the South Mrs. F. R. Cuningham and two sisters. Misses Grace and Lou Vallery who have been down to Little Rock, Arkansas, for the past two weeks where they have been looking after some land interests as well as en joying a visit, arrived home a few days ago, well pleased with the trip. s. COBB Something to Come Home to! "3 V I V v ' H ! V.. v 5: : V. Nettie Faye Cooper s Students at Louisiana Tech at Ruston, La., apparently believe in giv ing the alumni some reason for returning as they chose stunning blonde Nettie Faye Cooper to reign as queen of their annual home comir.;r staged each football season.. OCIAL From Monday's Dally Farewell Party Mrs. James Kolk entertained at a farewell party in honor of M- and Mrs. Kopischika Friday. During the afternoon the ladies met at the Kolk home. They were joined in the eve ning by their husbands for bunco. The Kopischika's left after the party for El Paso, Texas, where they will spend the winter. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Kopischka, Mr. and Mrr. Fred Druck er, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil llennings, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hains, Mrs. Max Fitzmayer, and William, Mr. and Mrs. William Rice, Mrs. Gretchen Simmons and children. Everet Wiles. Entertain for Dinner Clubs Mr. and T.Irs. Wm. Kleck enter tained for the two dinner clubs to which they belong last evening. L. S. Devoe performed his magical tricks for the group and Judge A. II. Dux bury showed moving pictures which he has taken in this community and interesting points he has visited. A bouquet of large mums was pre sented to Mr. Kieck by the club in congratulation upon his election to the position of district judge. A bowl of fruit and turkeys formed the centerpiece for the table and ap pointments were in autumn theme Eighteen guests were present. The dinner was served buffet style. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kieck and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kieck, all of Springfield. Entertains at Country Home Mrs. Fern Hendricks entertained for a group of guests at her country home south of the city last Tuesday evening. She was assisted in the serving by Mrs. Edward Donat, Sr., and Mrs. George Burris. Other guests were Mrs. Forrest Rhodes, Messrs. and Mesdames George Burris, Joe Faith, Hamilton Mark, Joe Chris tenham and Bobbie, Joe and Vern Hendricks. Guests from Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krug and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Parraar of Omaha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Richey Saturday evening. After attending the chicken supper at the Christian church, the group played bridge at the Richey home. From Tuesday's Daily Dramatic Club Members of the cast for the plays to be given at the library presented the skits at the meeting of the dra matic club last evening, for criti cism. The plays will be given Thurs day and Friday evening in the base ment of the public library. Attend Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Egenberger en tertained at their home in Omaha in honor of Mr. Egenberger's birthday on Sunday. A turkey dinner was served to fifteen. Those attending from Plattsmouth were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Egenberger, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Egenberger. Other guests were Dr. Stuart Egenberger, Dr. Harley Hud- 5, " -. X: . v 7 1 r son. Miss Wendel, Beverly Ann Car ter, and the sons of A. H. Egenber ger, all of Omaha. Gnests at Dinner Mrs. Agnes Chapman, Mrs. Charles Sherman, and Mrs. Lois Troop of Lincoln were guests at the home of Mrs. Charles Troop at a chicken din ner this noon. The ladies were also callers at the home of Mrs. Val Bur kel in Plattsmouth. Surprise Party A group of girls gave a surprise party for Miss Betty Vobril last eve ning celebrating her fifteenth birth day. The young women gathered at the home of Mrs. A. G. Bach, aunt to the honored guest, for a six o"clock dinner. After the dinner the girls sang then played bingo. Prizes were won by Eileen Case and Betty Jo Lib crshal. Fifteen were present. From Wednesday's Paily Card Club Mrs. Fred Mumm was hostess to the card club yesterday. Mrs. Leslie McKinney won high for the after noon and Mrs. Henry Ofe, low. Dinner Party ' ' Mrs. L. D. Hiatt entertained at her home for a group of friends last evening. Mrs. Kitty Roberts, Miss Yvonne King, and Mrs. R. A. Bates were guests. Job's Daughters Initiation services brought three new members into the Job's Daugh ter organization last evening. The meeting was held in the Masonic temple. Sixty girls from Omaha were guests at the meeting. Mrs. B. K. Schlorsn of Omaha, supreme librarian was present. Mrs. Gustafson and Mrs. Koopman of Omaha and Miss Clara Weyrich of Plattsmouth, grand officers, also attended the meeting. The Plattsmouth chapter was insti tuted a year ago Monday. Shower Honors Bride Mrs. Chris Bulin was honored at a shower last evening at the home of Mrs. Roy Turner. Mrs. V. T. Arn, Jr., was assistant hostess. The ladies played pinochle and bunco during the evening. Mrs. James Bulin took high in pinochle and Miss Betty Bulin, high for bunco. Many lovely gifts were presented to the bride who was formerly Virginia Samek. Farewell Party A group of young people gathered at the Hennings home Monday eve ning to honor Harvey Eggeling who left last evening for Great Lakes, 111., naval training station. ; The first part of the evening was spent in dancing. One event which was enjoyed by all was the roasting of weiners over the fireplace. Just before the departure of the guests, a handsome gift was present ed to Mr. Eggeling as a token of re membrance from his friends. Those in attendance were: Misses Jacquelyn Grassman, Irene Anthes, Elva Johnson, Beatrice Arn and Elva Olson; Messrs. Harvey Eggeling, guest of honor, Harley Minniear, Al vin Johnson, Chester Kiel, and Nor ris and Ralph Hennings. Phone news Items to Ho. 6. Yeeping Water Louis Bornemeier of Elmwood was a caller in Weeping Water Tuesday of this week. George Heil of near Louisville was a business caller in Weeping Wa ter last Tuesday meeting his many friends. Albert Bornemeier of near Mur dock was a caller in Weeping Water to look after some business matters for a short time last Tuesday morn ing. Wm. Patterson of Murray was visiting with his brother David Pat terson and a number of friends in and near Weeping Water lat Tues day. Victor Plunket, living near Ne hawka, was a visitor in Weeping Wa ter last Monday and while here made the purchase of a Maytag washing machine. Emil Bornemeier of west of Elm wood was in Weeping Water last Tuesday looking after some matters of business, following which he drove to Lincoln. O. O. Kimber was called to Platts mouth one day the first part of the week to look after some business mat ters and as well made a trip to Louisville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Michelsen were in Omaha Tuesday of this week buy ing goods for their store and visiting with friends, the store being conduct ed by the daughter, and Miss Agatha Colbert. The Ladies' Guild of the Congre gational church of Weeping Water last Wednesday evening enjoyed a get together meeting when hey had a chicken pie supper and a social evening together. Late last week the members of the Weeping Water Woman's club got together for a meting and enjoyed a very pleasant meeting with a supper and had a playlet which entertained the entire gathering. Thomas Christian and family were visiting in Murray last Saturday and Sunday, Mr. Christian and Hobart Blake then driving down to Nebras ka City to see the place where it was thought the killing of Otha Taylor. Miss Helen Murphey, one of the very capable young women of Weep ing Water has been asked to take the position recently vacated by Miss Loa Patterson with the Kahn bakery when she departed for the west to make her home. Messrs. John Hardin and Sunnie Schumacher were over east of Avoca where they were sawing wood for Louis Schumacher and Ralph Harsh man. They were over to Omaha Tues day to secure some repairs and sup plies for their sawing apparatus. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snell were more than pleased when last Saturday night their son, Albert Snell and wife of Rosedale, arrived for a visit over Sunday and were accompanied by Jeanette Snell who teaches school in that portion of the state. They departed Sunday evening for their home. Carl W. Stone of Nehawka was in Weeping Water last week posting bills for a sale, and by the way, Ne hawka seemed to be having her full share of sales for last Saturday. Mrs. Clara Schlictemeier had a sale which was followed on Monday by one of George I. Lloyd and Tuesday Mrs. Isodore Sheldon Tucker had one and Carl W. Stone followed. All seemed to have good crowds and had good sales. Rex Young was auctioneer for all of them. Visited Friends at Blair. Elmer Michelsen and family were guests of friends at Blair last Sun day where they spent the greater portion of the day and enjoyed a fine dinner and in the afternoon stopped The P Solicits and Appreciates Your Patronage Always a (Somplete Line of Seasonable laked oods See Our Windows Our Milk Made Bread is Sold at All Grocers, 80; 2 for 150 THE PLATTSMOUTH OAKERY BAKER V CLOSES AT 8:30 P. M. Bakery Opens Sunday at 8 a. m. Closed from 1 to 4:30. : , KJi-"J f-ijr IJ I . 1 . .... j . s-rj IT C DfUnK WITH QUAKER OATS TRADEMARKS rntL Em Dick Daring's Bag of Tricks" fasciaatinit, entertaining rrvealin secrets of 62 different miEiC tricks. See OF 181 AG I C your erocer in Omaha for a visit with friends and came home via Louisville where they visited for a short time before coning on home. Married at Nebraska City. Last Monday at Nebraska City Mrs. Ruth Faux and Mr. O. E. Pow ers were united in marriage. These two people have made their homes in Weeping Water for a long time and as well are very favorably known, having a host of friends who are plersed to congratulate them on their marriage. Visited Demonstration in Omaha. L'nder the sponsorship of the Union Stock Yards company of Omaha there was given at the Paxton hotel in that city last Monday evening a demon stration in the proper cutting and display of meats. They had as guests meat market operators from the ter ritory served by the company, at a banquet in connection with the dem onstration. All of the members of the Palace market of Weeping Wa ter were present to enjoy the occa sion. Will Marry in West. Miss Loa Patterson who has been with the Kahn bakery for some time as saleslady, resigned her position taking effect last week and departed Tuesday morning via train for Los Angeles where she is meeting her fiance, John Bender whom she met when he was a resident of Weeping Water. They will be married at an early date and will make their home on the coast. Entertained the Foresome. Miss Anna Hart, entertained at her apartment last Monday evening four of her friend?, and members of the Foresome to which she belongs and furnished a very pleasant evening for the ladies. Mesdames George Olive, Gene Smith, I. R. Markland and Andres Olson. Entertained the Schools. The Weeping Water schools were very joyfully entertained one day last week by a home spun conjurer who gave an exhibition of necromancy, when the unbelievable was exhibited and which was no use in believing the arts practiced during the exhi bition, no one could well disbelieve it. However it provided, a fine half hour of entertainment for the stu dents and when the exhibition was over they were not more than half satisfied. Now they are wanting some more of the same kind of entertain ment. Eonght Ritchfield Depot. G. R. Binger when he saw the ad- attsnioutEi mlmv 1 Young end Old, Alike, Need 3-Purpose Vitamin B For Keeping Fit NerrotxMiett, constipation, poor appetite prey opoo the en ergy of thousands, younc and old, when diets lack a sufficient amount of the precious Vitamin B so richly supplied by a Quaker Oats breakfast. So serve the whole family a bowl of Quaker Oats every morning. VTttrt poor condition is due tt lot A f Vitamin B r 1 art B ."r'I i j- k i r I today for details of bow to get a copy of this wonderful book. vertisement of the Rock Island road offering to sell the station house at the ghost town of Ritchfield. he pur chased the same and had it torn down and the lumber brought to Weeping Water. Many a man has endeavored to sell the Wool worth building in Chicago, but with poor success. They had better place it in the hands of the Rock Island railway, for they can turn it. CAMPAIGN COST LOW The candidatts who were in the campaign just closed, are now filing their expense accounts at the office of County Clerk George R. Sayles, as required by law. The candidates all showed small amounts as the cost of the cam paign and none of these expenditures were of a nature that were necessary to list, all being for advertis-ing and campaign cards. For county commissioner, G. L. Farley showed expenditures of 5 8, while J. A. Pitz, democratic candi date expended $10.50. W. G. Kieck, candidate for district judge, expended the sum of $192.52 in the race in the counties of Cass, Sarpy and Otoe. In the county attorney contest J. A. Capwell reported that there had been no expenditures required by law, while C. A. Rawls filed an ex pense account of $52.45, all of these being for printing. County Judge A. II. Duxbury show ed exppnsr-s of JC2.40 in his race for re-election. Fred L. Carsten, candidal-' for the legislature from Cass ar.d Sarpy counties showed tho expenditure of $C3.40. PURCHASES THEATEE EUILDIXG G. G. Griffin has purchased the Ritz theatre building. It was for merly the property of Miss Alice M. Johnson of Red Oak, la. The com munity is glad to see Mr. Griffin take over the ownership of this building as he has been giving a fine service to the city in the pictures shown in the theatre. Thanksgiving Greeting Cards, Tal lies, Place Cards, Napkins, etc. at the Bates Book Store. Prices right ! Residence burglary Insurance You can protect the con tents of YOUR HOME against loss by BURGLARY foe Only a Few Dollars per Year Can You Afford to Lose? Insure for Safety WITH INSURANCE" AND BONDS Hu k.1 at Platts mouth