PAGE FIVE MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1936. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUENAI From Thursday DaKf Entertain for Margaret Will Miss Mildred Knofiicek entertain ed at a dinner in honor of Miss Mar paret Will, who is leaving to make her home in Califronia tomorrow, last evening. Misses Rachel Robert ton and Edna Mae Petersen were also ruests. The girls spent last night at the Will Robertson home and had Lreakfast and lunch there to-day. in California. Monday evening they were guests at a 6:30 dinner at the J. C. Petersen home.' On Tuesday a dinner was given in their honor at the Will Seay home. They were guests at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Roberts Wednesday noon. Thursday evening they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Todd. Entertains for Guests Mrs. I. L. Kocian entertained a number of guests Wednesday after noon honoring Mrs. Carl Roessler of Chicago. Hallowe'en games were played. Prizes were won by Mrs. Roessler, Mrs. Louis Swoboda and Miss Mary Holly. Entertain for Visitor Mrs. W. I). Glock of Plainview and Miss Dorothy Glock were guests at the home of Mr. anfl Mrs. M. S. Briggs at a dinner last evening. Later Mr end Mrs. P. J. Wheeler and daugh ur. Shirley, came to spend the eve ning. Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Glock wore schoolmates. Mrs. Glock. who I-as been visiting with her daughter, Miss Dorothy, and father, W. P. Cook, left to-day for her home. St. Paul's Ladies Meet Mrs. Frank Schaknies and Mrs Martha Wise were hostesses to the ladies of the St. Paul's church yes terdav afternoon. Over seventy at tended the meeting. Miss Leona Mei singer played a piano solo "Italian Nights." "Influence of Small Things and "A Busy Farmer's Wife" were given as readings by Miss Dorothy Siemoneit. Group singing was ac companied by Rev. Pahl. Alvo News AVOCA NEWS ! COUNTY CLUB NEWS Cnrpried on Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Del Sylvester enter tained at a surprise birthday party for "Skippy" Higgins Monday eve Bunco was played. First prizes went to Tony Katheisr and Alma Vanlaninpham. Consolations were taken by Dal? Ila'ey j.nd Margaret Hoschar. Ti.e ruest of honor was presented with a gold cameo ring. Those attending were Tony Kath ciser, Lee Anville, Jack Chadwick, Keith Mc-Farland. Bill Woolsey, Jack to-be, all of Stella. Fori.-:?. I)-:le Haley, Avis and May-' once Sylvester. Berla Helen Ault, j Sirthday Dinner Margaret Horchar, Irene Holccmb. June Rice, Amelia Keif, Alma Yan Inninchani. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Far ricy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sedlak, "Skippy" Iliggins, and Mr. and Mrs. Del Sylvester. From Saturday's Daily: Shower for Bride-to-be Mrs. Marcia Davis and Miss Wini fred Rainey entertained at the home of Mrs. Davis, at a linen shower in honor of Miss Helen Schulz. last eve ning. Miss Schulz's engagement and approaching marriage was announced recently. The evening was spent in playing games and preparing a bride's book. The expressman delivered a trunk bearing Miss Schulz's future name (Mrs. Robert Hartford) to the Davis home. Upon opening, it was found to contain many beautiful gifts from the friends of the guest of honor. Refreshments Avere served to the seventeen guests at small tables with yellow candles in brown holders as centerpieces. Yellow and brown nut cups with yellow umbrellas over them were used at the individual places and autumn leaves were scattered j over the tables. I Out of town guests were the moth- er, Mrs. Harry Schulz, and sisters, j Mildred and Mary Jean, of the bride- Mr. and Mrs. Frisbee were in Lin coln Tuesday. W. C. Timblin and family were Lincoln shoppers Tuesday morning. John Fischer of Eagle and family spent Sunday at the George Frisbee home. Mrs. Wm. Mickle called on Mrs. Sarah Keil and Dorothea Sunday aft ernoon. Mrs. Mabel Winn and son and bro ther, Charles Stout were shopping in Lincoln Saturday. Glenn Dimmitt and family attend ed the all day Rally Day services at Greenwood M. E. church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hires and Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins of Elmwood visited at the Thomas Stout home Sunday. Mrs. Carl D. Ganz has been con fined to her bed because of a severe attack of throat trouble, but is ported as feeling some better. Carl Hoffman and family were in attendance at the Rally Day and Homecoming meeting held at the Greenwood Methodist church Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klwer. Grand pa Klyver, Mrs. Stout and Mrs. Winn ' resident attended th and son were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klyver of Lincoln, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Foreman of Utica came Wednesday evening for a short visit with their daughter. Mrs. Lee Coatman and family remained over Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. . Wallace were ae- From Friday's Dafly LVita Deck Mrs. 'Tom Walling was hostess to the Delta Deck bridge dub last eve ning. Mrs. Lillian "Livingston won higli prize; Mrs. Frank Gobelman, second; and Mrs. Henry McMaken low. Thursday Afternoon Eridge Mrs. L. S. Pucelik entertained the Thursday afternoon bridge club yes terday. Mrs. W. V. Ryan was a guest of the club. Frizes were taken by Mrs. Hilt Martin and Mrs. Carl Ofe. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ofe entertained at a birthday dinner in honor of their daughter, Mrs. Richard Lins of Omaha, last evening. Autumn colors were used in the table decor ations. The guests played Flinch dur ing the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Lins and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ofe of Omaha and Mrs. Ilenriette Ofe were guests. companied by Mrs. Charles Edwards and Mrs. Turner McKinnon to Om aha late Thursday afternoon. The group was in Omaha to attend the mission meeting. Alvin Leever sold his livestock and farm machinery and also his house hold goods at public auction. Mon day afternoon. A large crowd attend ed. Mr. and Mrs. Leever and family plan to leave soon for California. H. M. Lum was call:d to Lincoln; last Sunday to visit with friends remaining until Monday. Elmer Hennings has been having the interior of his barber shop nicely decorated, the work being done by Hollenberger. M. R- Tidball of Lincoln who is a friend of H. M. Lum of Avoca, was a visitor in Avoca last Tuesday and a caller on his friend, Mr. Lum. Dr. J. W. Brendel and Emory Voyles were over to Omaha last Mon day consulting some specialists as to the condition of the knee of Emory. W. A. Out from south of Nehawka was a visitor in Avoca last Satur-1 day, having some business to look af ter and as well was visiting with H. M. Lum. Leo McCann was over to Lincoln last Saturday where he enjoyed at tending the Indiana-Nebraska game game by the home team. Mrs. L. J. Marquardt. Mrs. Dr. J. W. Brendel and Mrs. Fred Marquardt were in Lincoln last Tuesday attend ing a convention of delegates from the Congregat'onal church. Last Saturday a number of Avoca Nebraska-In diana football game at Lincoln, among these being E. J. Ilallstrom, Fred Nutzman, Fred Marquardt, Carl Tefl't and Dr. Brendel. There is being placed on the streets of Avoca a liberal supply of gravel which is expected to care for the streets during the winter. Especial ly on the west hill on Main street the gravel is indeed welcome. Henry Maseman of Lincoln, accom panied by his wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Maseman. also of Lincoln, weie guests for the day Friday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maseman of Avoca. EXTENSION CLUBS Mrs. Mark Burton, president, had charge of the meeting of the Ne hawka Extension club October 15 at the heme of Mrs. Leo Switzer. The topic of the' month "The Important Job of Homcmaking" was discussed. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Lew, Mrs. Henry Thiele and Mrs. F. C. Schomaker. Murdock's Four Square club met at the home of Mrs. Henry A. Tool October ID. The first meeting of the year was conducted by Mrs. H. J. Amgert, president. Mrs. Harvey A. Schwab, social leader, directed the group singing of the song for the month, "Stars of the Summer Night." Ti n ladies expressed the desire to join the community chorus work. Others may take it up later. There are 2C members in the club. BURDOCK TEHSj i Mrs. Keith Munford was hostess to the "Linger Longer" extension club October 16. This club is in the Wabash community. Mrs. Eugene L. Rrarick, president, introduced the lesson of the month to the members of the Student Home Makers club of Weeping Water Octo ber 10. The social leader, Mrs. Fran cis, had charge of the singing. Two new members were enrolled, Mrs. Floyd Davis and Mrs. Lawrence Lit tle. The members voted to serve a light at the meetings and to have a penny march. Mrs. Rarick was hostess. Degree of Honor Mrs. Henriette Ofe was hostess to the meeting of the Degree of Honor society yesterday afternoon. Follow ing the business meeting a social gathering was held. Mrs. Fred Haffke was assistant hostess. Covered Dish Luncheon Members of the Methodist Home .Missionary society met at the church yesterday for a one o'clock covered dish luncheon. Devotionals were led by Mrs. V. C. Wright. Presentation was made of the study course for ihe year and the members voted to use the magazine of the Home Mis sionary Society as their first course in the .study this year. M. 0. Birthday Club Mrs;. M. S. Kerr was hostess to the M. O. Birthday club yesterday after noon. Hallowe'en games were play ed. Decorations and favors at the two course luncheon carried out the Hallowe'en motif. Will Family Guests ct Social Affairs A numbers of dinners and lunch eons have been given the past week in honor of Mrs. T. J. Will and son, JanK's. and daughter, Margaret, who plan to leave soon to join Mr. Will Honor Mrs. Roessler Mrs. Carl Roessler w as honored at a party given by Mrs. Frank Horsak Friday evening. One table of pin ochle at which Mrs. Faith won high and Mary Holy low, and one table of bunco at which Mrs. Kocian won high and Mrs. Howland low, furnished the entertainment. Those present were: Mrs. C. Roessler, Mrs. Loui3 Swoboda, Frs. I. L. Kocian, Mrs. Fred Howland, Mrs. Ernest Janda, Hendrickson, Mrs. Joe Faith, trice Krejci and Mary Holy. Church Gets New Paper. The local church has been freshly papered this week. The ladies aid so ciety members met Thursday to clean the church and basement. A number were present and a great deal of work was accomplished. The men were (leaning the red paint off the outside so that the church can be re painted. Due to the sudden drop in temper ature the men didn't apply any paint as they had planned. All present en joyed a delicious covered dish lunch eon at noon. Mrs. Bea- Farewell Luncheon On Friday, Edna Mae Fetersen gave a farewell ' luncheon for Mar garet Will, who leaves to make her home in California. Other guests were Rachel Robertson and Mildred Knoflicek. Snapshots were taken to treasure as keepsakes. AUCTION Saturday, Oct. 31 at 7:30 P.M. Next Door to Journal Office 2 Complete Homes 2 The Rev Stewart and Mrs. BushneL Furniture will be sold in this sale You. will Find Living Room Sets, Bedroom Sets, Occasional Tables. Axminster Rugs, Radio, Piano. Day Bed, Dining Room S"t, nearly new Yoss Wash er, Oil Stove. Metal Ice Box, Cup board. Book Case. Drain Tubs, Gas fctoves. Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Dressers. Rockers, Chairs, Baby Beds, Cots, Dishes. Tools and other articles too numerous to mention. vithout Doubt the Biggest Sale cf Furniture Ever Held in Flattsmouth im WO HERA & REX YOUNG Auctioneers Entertain at Dinner Judge and Mrs. C. S. Wortman of South Bend were guests at the Mike Kaffenberger at a 5 o'clock dinner last evening. Afterward the group attended the Democratic rally in Rock Bluffs. T. 1,1. T. 11. Club Mrs. Fred Howland was hostess to the T. M. T. M. club Thursday. Prizes were won by Mrs. I. L. Kocin, high, and Mrs. Howland, low. P. E. 0. Mrs. P. T. lleineman gave short reviews of a number of new books which she recommended for reading at the meeting of the P. E. O. yes terday afternoon. Books named were Roll River by Boyd, Take All to Ne braska, by Winther, Vein cf Iron by Glasgow, The Exile by Buck, To the Mountain by Smith, The Home Place by Thomas, Edna, His Wife, by Barns, Gone With the Wind by Mitchell, The Man Who Caught the Weather by Aldrich. In the non-fiction class she reviewed Christina of Sweden by Goldsmith, Mary, Queen of Scots and the Islands by Zweig, Life With Fath er, by Day, North to the Orient, by Lidberg, Listen for a Lonesome Drum, by Carmer, and Wake Up and Live by Bande. Children's books named were The Smiths and Rusty by Dol gliesh. Caddie Woodlayn by Brink, and Babies by Nichols. Mrs. Henry Heruld was hostess to the ladies. Club Meeting. The Mothers and Daughters coun cil met at the home of Mrs. Glenn Dimmitt, Friday afternoon. The les son. "When Shall We Stop Playing," was directed by Mrs. Joe Vickers. Mrs. Carl Hoffman reported on the county convention held at Nehawka a few days previous. The next meeting will be Friday, October SO at the home of Mrs. Al bert Swanson. This is to be a slauch party and the leader has announced a prize for the slouchiest dressed lady attending. Mrs. Ruth Taylor was assistant hostess and served a delicious lunch of chicken sandwiches, cranberry salad, and coffee. Ted Hile and family of Beaver Crossing who have been viciting here for the past nearly two weeks v ith friends and relatives departed for their home in the west la;U Sunday, being taken home by Fred Marquardt and wife. Earl Freeman and vii"e, accom panied the parents of Mr. Freeman to St. Joseph Wednesday of last week where they visited tor two days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freeman, brother of Edward Freeman and uncle of Earl. Siverview Club I A shower was given for one of the I j members tf the Riverview club at their meeting October 13. Plans were also made for a wiener roast. As the club won first place at the Korn Kar nival the treasurer announced the receipt of a ?10 prize. Hostesses to Wm. Westfall of near Alvo was looking after some business matters in Murdock Wednedsay of last week. The Ladies' Aid society of the Mur dock Evangelical church were meet ing last Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. O. Schewe. Mrs. A. J. Tool was visiting for a few days at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. George Work and family of Omaha last week. Frank Dean and family were in A vena last Sunday, guests for the day at the tcme of Mrs. Dean's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Corbin. Henry A. Tool was called to Platts- mouth last Wednesday afternoon and while he was away Mrs. Tool was caring for the business at the bank. W. O.' Schewe was placing a new roof on his cob house which has been built for a long time and was work ing on the reiof when the cold spell came and drove him off. Mrs. Hannah McDonald has been visitinc for the past week or ten days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry O. Eastman at Sterling. Colorado, where she is enjoying her i stay vers "pleasantly. ti. i . uennning oi t-imwooa auu Albert Denning son of Emerald, de-; parted last Monday for Big Springs! in the western part of the state where j they will look after some business and will also visit in Wyoming. j Joe- Johnson, who is engaged in the restaurant business in Elmwood j was a visitor m Murdock last Wed- , eral ye nesuay conierrmg with Ins son lier-i. bert, who conducts the cafe here, and j to arrange for the placing of a sta- ! ; tion of the Beatrice creamery m the cafe here winch will be looked after i by Herbert Johnson. DO you suffer burning, caity or too frequent urination; backache, headache, dizziness, loss of energy, leg pains, swellings and puffineu under the eyes? Are you tired, nerv ousfeel all unstrung and don't know what is wrong? Then give some thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function proper, ly for functional kidney disorder per mits excess waste to stay in the blood, and to poison end upset the whole system. Use Doan's Tills. Doan's are for the kidneys only. They are recommended the world over. You can get the gen uine, time-tested Doan's at any drug store. ment, a millinery store, and then for a time by Mary Pattern, but we wiil pass that. Max Dustehoff had a paint shop there and many other businesses bin it will now be a memory. It m ov. ned by I. C. McCrorey. DEATH OF OLD RESIDENT '(', died this on Mast Vine ne-ss of st've r;. 1 From P.'iturdav's Daily: Fred Ruumjiart, morning at his home street following an ill months duration. Mr. Baumgart has made his homo in this community for the p: .-; forty seven year?. locating 1'rst iu Piatt.--mouth v here he was t ny :.ced in work in the railroad shops for sc-v- s, later going to where he made his home u: years ag . i lie is survived ?om:, LM.ii, i .iz. Edward. . r : . i the and group were Mrs. Miss Elsie Hoyet. Harold Sacks Earl Freeman and wife were ac-' companying Ed Freeman and wife,; parents of Earl, and Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Nickles where they visited Wednesday and Thursday of last week with an unci? of Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freeman. Mrs. Elmer Hennings and daugh ter were in Louisville last Tuesday and Wednesday visiting with Mrs. John Gauer, mother of Mrs. Hen nings. While they were away Elmer and son were doing the bachelor act with Elmer as the cook. Jolly Workers I Mrs. Roy Tschirren was elected j vice president of the Jolly Workers j club at the meeting October 1C. She j fill? a vacancy. Plans were made for j a Hallowe'en party to be held at the; Lome of Mrs. Donald Born. Mrs. Fred j Buechler and Mrs. George A. Kafi'en berger were hostesses. Visiting Sister at Havelcck. Mrs. Mary Carson of Havelock. mother of Henry Carson of Murdoch has been enjoying a visit from two of her sisters,, Mesdames Strights cf Springfield. Hid. and Frank Stone of Allen. 111. Mr. Carson went over to Havt-locl; to visit the mother and two auntc. while they were there. oy vook .-t Lou i.- t , ; 1 t . ml ( V" i-5 i e ; -r. c r this community and one daughter, Mrs. Frank Clans o" tl.i.- ity. The be ciy is at t!. Sa'tle funt r: I he me where th" s r in.-:- v. : ' b he ld on Mondav utu ;!.:. :i i-t - -.'e ! .:-k. EILLFCLD COKTAIEIli'G .ITITTLD : ..e re 1 1. ti -"Lost- s of the Jo;i::;.i to know that ti;-' -Billfold v. it!. ?: Hunting in the Horthwest. Leo McCann, Will Kuntz, Burl Wolfe made a party who departed last Saturday for the northwestern part of the state where they went to hunt pheasants. They will remain for nearly a week. P. T. A. Meeting. A large crowd attended the Octo ber meeting of the P. T. A. held Wed nesday evening in the high school auditorium. The president, Mrs. Dick Elliott had charge of the business meeting. It was voted to have dues of 25c per family. It was decided that hereafter the meeting will commerce at 7:30 o'clock. The program committee planned a very entertaining program consisting of two groups of songs by the Wa bash male quartet and an operetta given by home talent. This humorous musical number proved to be very entertaining and was U12 cause of a real good laugh from the audience. Mrs. Roy Coatman took the part of the father, Mrs. A. B. Stroemer the mother, Mrs. Lee Coatman the daugh ter and Mrs. Martin Zoz, the daugh ter's young man friend. Mrs. Clar ence Frohlich accompanied at the piano. Young Lad Loses Life. Clarence Rolfs, sixteen years of age while chasing a calf in an endeavor to get the animal in the lot, and as the calf was passing over some rough ground fell down in front of the rapidly running horse on which Clar ence was riding, which caused the horse to stumble and fall, throwing Ofarence in front of the horse, which. rolled over the young man, injuring him severely, breaking the vertsbra in his neck. The young man was cared for and medical attention given but with the gravity of the injury but littl 3 if any hopes were enter tained for his recovery. He lingered until Sunday evening when he pass ed away. This was indeed a sad blow to the father, as Clarence was the mam stay since the death of the mother early last spring. The funeral was held Wednesday from the North Branch church where the interment was mads. Gcod WiU Club A business meeting of the Good Wiil club was held at the home of Mrs. Leslie Everett October 14. Each of the members brought a gift for the hostess. Weeping Water Woman's Club "American Citizenship'" was the topic of study of the Weeping Wa ter Woman's club at their meeting October 20. The program was open ed with the singing of "America" and the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Mrs. George Garrison, in her panr on the "Study of the Constitu tion" gave a brief history of the con vention and explained the depart ments of our government as set forth in the constitution. Mrs. Herbert Ambler gave "The Supreme Court and Its New Build- Attending Bible School Meet. i i Rev. Harvey Schwab and wife. Rev. F. C. Weber and wife, C. I. Long, L. Neitzel. Martin Born-meier and wife. l 1 r. ading in hW d. The Ulltold wa- returned to the owner vitn tne- lull amount. Another ad in the paper re- is been at: f were Leo Rikli, Mrs. Frank liosenow. Mrs. L. B. Gorthcy and many other of thei,e Kext mornini c.ntly announcing the !').- purse containing $5 brcui teachers and scholars of the Mur- an article. If you ive anything dock Bible sc?lool are attending the E(ifl( a ltJ)tr (,r ((... :i- county convention at the Methodist church at Alvo today, with three ses sions, one during the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Will Hold Hallowe'en Party. The members of the Royal Neigh bors of America have about perfect ed arrangements for the holding of a Hallowe'en party at their hall in Murdock the evening of October 2Pth when they expect to have a very en joyable evening. Better ask one of the members about it. the Clarified Section of th Rates: 5 cents per line in and 10 cents per line in weekly. o: l -o::t ;.t results have i.)ft for eul , i job try i Journal. the daily t he s- mi- LEAD3 SOCIAL W0EKEP.S Huron, S. D. Ellery E. Kelh y, Pierre, was elected president of t he Sou th Dakota Slate confert nee e f so cial wo? k. Clears Way for Improvements. Forty-two years ago, away back in 1894, Fred Wolfe who was a member of the lumber firm of Wolfe and Tool had constructed the buildinsr which ing." She told how the justices live,!. . ... ... TI .., 11 Ufr DtfVil Lilt? JUl'lieilJ 111 Ji. it.. aiu and was occupied by many people and many businesses during the forty two years which it has stood. A GRADE II' Eifnracife ni pi work, and conduct the sessions of the supreme court. Pictures of the new building were shown and the con struction and completed appearance were described. An open discussion on "What Patriotism Means to Me" was led by Mrs. Arthur Jones. See the large line of Hallowe'en novelties at Bates Book Store. Phone news Kerns tc Rc. 6. During the past week the building was torn down and the material will be used for the erectio nof a build ing in connection with the McCrorey filling station. The new building will be used for car greasing and a repair j shop. The f.rst person to occupy this j building w as in 1892, later being oc-! cupied by a dress making establish- j $f0 pe? fan at Car Best Indiana Coal - - $8.00 PER TON AT CAR We also have a car load of Cats No. 2 quality, at 51c at the car. Call No. 2331 for Reservation Farmers Grain Co. Murdock, Nebr. (Political Atlvt-rtisiner) (J'olitienl Advertising-) ( i'l.liticiil Aii vt-rt . tiv waonana F0EHED RESIDENT HEEE Eff SEKIGUS COIJDITION Thursdav evening John Euzzcll, a former resident of this city, was here for a short time to visit with a num ber of the old friends of his younger years. Mr. Buzzell resided here a number of years ago, later moving to Fairbury, Nebraska, where he is now engaged in business. He was en route home from attending the preaching mission in Omaha Thurs day morning. Commercial orintmg or all kinds at the Journal office. Fred Baumgart. one of the old time residents of this section of Cass coun ty, has been Quite ill at his home in the cast portion of the city for the past several weeks. Mr. Baumgart is under the very best of care and while his condition is very serious, it is hoped that he may soon show an improvement. -Hallowe'en Seals, Cut Outs and Crepe Paper at Bates Book Store. Small rectories wTTl TincI splen did opportunities lo expand here. Among them, forthcoming river navigation with its resultant low shipping cosis. Vote a 4 Jsisi i' t : 0 M I AM THE ONLY CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE WHO HAS HAD ANY EXPERIENCE AS DISTRICT JUDGE, and was selected by the Gover nor zs the most competent man for the position from a number of high class candidates and have had ever two years' successful experience. Was City Attorney of Nebraska City from 1904 to 1S0S; County Attorney of Otoe County from 1807 to 1911; served in the 1927 Session of the Legislature, and served as counsel for tHe Home Owners Loan Cor poration. Have had So years' experience as a trial lawyer and have tried either side of -all kinds of cases, but have never FORECLOSED A HOMESTEAD. Whenever possible to grant a moratorium stay in the foreclosure on peoples' homes, I have granted the same, leaving the family in the home and peeping its members off the relief. d. W. Livinsttcri, District Judc I Stand on My Record and As!: You to Vote tot ticl ! r i.