PLATTSMOUTH SEHI - WEEKLY JOTJILfTAX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1928. PAGE EIGHT (Political Aiivert'sins) (l'olitioal Advertising) ji hi . awn iiiiih)-ii in j"jnuu m.ww,jH J'j'l" Jiui'..!Py'lv" JIJ J-1 (l'olitioal Advertising) 1)3 U Nebraska. He Made Youp Bank Deposits Safe O Saved and Refinanced Homes O Saved and Refinanced Farms Loaned Funds on Crops and for Seed Put Boys and Men to Work Through the CCC Sent Children to Schools and Colleges O Raised Prices of Farm Products 9 Gave Work to the Unemployed 9 Fed the Needy S Built Roads and Public Improvements Stepped Erosion Conserved Soil Encouraged Building by Insuring Loans Provided Real Assistance to the Aged and Infirm -Social Security personal property and THERE The winning battle against depression is being paid for by income, inheritance, import and luxury taxes. One November 3rd Vote For President Why Change ? ? ? nut p. There are nc federal tazes on your homes, farms, or real o: NONE AS LONG AS ROOSEVELT IS PRESIEENT. L2SJ rFE WILL BE the State Fair Board Asks or $104,100 OTill!iBIIiin!i!!ffi 23c g PUBLIC AUCTION I will sell at Public Auction 'the personal property described below, at the farm of the late C. Lawrence Stull. two and a half miles north of riattsmouth on Highway Xo. 75, on Saturday, Oct. 32. beginning at 10:30 o'clock a. m. sharp, with lunch served on the premises. Live Stock A few head of horses. Three milk cows and one red heifer, 1 year old. One sow and seven pigs. Two head of sheep one buck and one ewe. Machinery, Etc. One wagon and box; one wagon and rack: several wagon wheels; one Letz feed grinder, Xo. F-20; one 3 bottom Oliver tractor plow; one 3 bottom Rock Island tractor plow; one 2- row John Deere lister; two Mc-Cormick-Deering mowers; one John Deere tandem disk, 10 foot; one John Deere disk; one Superior grain and grass drill; one farm rol ler; one David Bradley mower; one Deering Ideal mower; one Deering binder; two single row listers; two sulky plows; one 2-wheel trailer; one 2-row John Deere tractor lister; cne top buggy; one portable hog house; three gasoline engines; one tank heater; one good Deering 7 foot binder; one 16-inch walking plow; three walking cultivators; one 1-hole corn sheller; one hay stacker; two hay bucks; two hay rakes; one 3- section harrow; two John Deere 15-27 tractors; one Melotte cream separator; a number of barrels; 30 long poles and hundreds of other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash Xo property to be removcvl from premises until settled for. Frank Vallery, Trustee. REX YOUXG, Auctioneer W. E. REYNOLDS, Clerk EX-WAH00 BANKER EEC0ME5 A TRUSTY Lincoln, Oct. 20. Emil Benson, former Wahoo banker, who entered the state penitentiary in 1930 to serve a 5-to-10 year sentence in con nection with the failure of his bank. Tuesday became one of the chief trusties at the prison. He was given the place long held by Tom Kelley, who, with his bro ther, Roy, was freed Tuesday on com mutations of sentences for robbing a jewel salesman in Fremont in 1929. Benson will have charge of "dressing in" new prisoners and have various other duties. LEAVING FOR THE WEST Mrs. A. II. Bushnell ana son, Don ald, are planning on leaving in a short time for the vest coast. They are expecting to locate in Southern California, in or near Los Angeles where they have many friends. The Bushnell family have made their home here for a great many years and the many friends will regret to learn that they are expecting to move. SPENT SUNDAY HERE George E. Sayles, who is attend ing Creighton university, being a stu dent In the college of dentistry, was here Sunday to spend the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Sayles. Mr. Sayles and Marvin Tritsch, also of this city, are both students in the Omaha college. Poultry Wanted Friday & Saturday HENS, 5 lbs. and up 13 4 to 5 lbs., lb 100 Under 4 lbs., lb 90 SPRINGS, 5 lbs. and up. 120 4 to 5 lbs., lb 90 Under 4 lbs., Ib 80 ALL LEGHORNS, lb.. . 80 JERSEY GIANTS 5 lbs. and up, lb 90 Under 5 lbs., lb 70 CREAM, today . . .30p EGGS, today 270 Not Too Many Small Eggs at This Price, Please THE JAY lerwanger Jaeke We've just received some more of these wonderful jackets. They are fitted pleated bacx half belt and look like a dress coat. Come in, see them! In Wools or Leathers $4.95 up WESCOTT'3 MINORS BUY BEER, FINED Grand Island. Seven Grand Island young people were fined $5 and costs each by Police Judge Xewell for falsifying their true ages in order to purchase beer or hard liquor from various places in the citj. Two oth ers were found not guilty. CHARLES PAASCH DEAD Omaha. Cliarles Faascli, 48, of Omaha, died at a hospital here Mon day as a result, physicians said, of an infection that led to lockjaw. The infection developed after Paasch ran a splinter into his finger ten days ago. HICK GUIDINGER DIES York, Xeb. Xick Guidinger, 82, died at his home in York Tuesday morning. He was born in Wisconsin and came to York county in 1902. Surviving are his w ife and seven sons. "'At Your Sarvict FASTER BETTER SAFER No Odor No Shrinking Ko Fading Harris Band Box Cleaners offer you perfect clean ing and perfect service, including expert tailoring and repair work. Velvets, Woolens, Laces, Furs, Silks and Satins are cleaned with the same per fection by this new. quick and odorless method' Cleaning -Pressing Specials THESE PRICES GOOD UP TO NOVEMBER 1 Heavy Overcoats 750 Topcoats S50 Ladies' Plain Coats S5p Ladies Coats, fur collar and cuffs 850 "SPEED" SERVICE FOR RURAL PATRONS Bring Your Clothes in Wednesday or Saturday Night and Tako them Back with You Cleaned and Pressed Harris land 1 ox leaners Complete Cleaning, Pressing, Tailoring and Laundry Service 318 Main St. Laundry Building Phone 75 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Watch Our Ads for Other Specials on Band Box Cleaning! Friends, last Saturday we bought at our advertised prices and all from farmers of this vicinity 2554 lbs. Poultry 1.S81 lbs. of this weighed 5 and up 343 lbs. weighed 4 to 5 lbs. 325 lbs. weighed under 4 lbs. This will give you an idea of the percentage of heavy and light poultry that is coming in, and shows you that the great bulk of our purchases is being paid for at the heavy price. I will be glad to show you my sales record on this lot, which will prove to you that I am not buying poultry at light prices and reselling same at heavy prices. A Square Deal always! Your Business is Appreciated A. R. CASE & CO. West of Ford Garage WHEELER PRAISES NORMS Ilartington, Xeb. Senator Wheel er (d., Jlont.), urged re-election of Senator Norris and told a political audience here millions of people over the world would be affected were X'orris defeated. Wheeler said inhabitants of des potic countries looked to America for leadership to liberty and that Amer ica's position in the eyes of the world depends on men like Nebraska's senior senator. Xorri3 was pictured as more powerful than any other five sen ators. John Uavekost of Hooper, congres sional candidate, spoke at the rally; and Clarence Haley, county demo cratic chairman, presided. Budget Increases Mostly for New Roofs and Agricultural So ciety Activities. The state board 'of agriculture, thru Secretary Heed, has filed bud get requests for an increase of $38, 500, of which $30,000 is an increase for maintenance and repairs, includ ing a new roof for the poultry build ing at the state fair grounds and coat ing for roofs cu four of the large buildings to protect them from fur ther damage. The next largest item of increase i.s $10,000 for agricultural activities. The latter are the incorporated so cieties such as poultry, dairy, live stock which have been aided by the btate for many years. The last legis lature appropriated $15,000 for these societies. This money is merely handled by the state board of agri culture and paid out to the societies, none of it being for the state board organization. Iteed says the appro priation for the' societies was cut in 19?f) and they feel they should have a larger appropriation. The appro priations two years ago totaled $G5, :00. The requests now total $104, 100. In asking for an increase of the appropriation of $20,000 to $50,000 lor maintenance and repairs Reed ex plains that a new roof is needed for the poultry building on the fair grounds and a coating on the roof of the swine barn, the grand stand at the race track, auditorium, agricul tural hall and other buildings, all of which will cost $15,000. He also asks for $2,000 to connect the fair water system with a city main at 14th st., and asks for $33,000 for maintenance of the grounds, making a total of $50,000 instead of $20,000. In asking for an increase of the ap propriation for development of the i-II boys and girls work from $7,500 to SI 0,000 Reed asks for the increase on account of the size of the exhibit and the interest taken in this depart ment. For operating expenses, to pay ad vance costs of a fair before it opens. Reed asks that the appropriation be increased from 514,000 to $20,000, an increase of $C,000. For meetings of; organized agri culture in various places in the state, $2,500; premiums at the fair, $4,000; and $2,600 for salary of superintend ent of grounds, no increase is asked. The last legislature appropriated $25,115 for paymenjt of half the deficit on premiums of the 1931-32 fairs and of. this amount $24,065.49 has been paid. The board asks for no appropriation of this nature in the present budget requests. HAS A CURIOSITY At the farm home of Louis Sack, near this city, there is a red haw tree that is a combination of fall and summer. The tree had matured the red fruit as usual for this season of the year and now is also producing blooms as in the early summer. The appearance of both flower and fruit at the same time has attracted much attention from the visitors at the Sack home. m a a See the gooas you buy. Catafoa descriptions are flowery enough, but how about trie goods whan you get them? GAL SALE I D New Smart Shoes of Quality Leather and fine Workmanship. Values up to $4.95. Mostly narrow lasts. A - AA - AAA. On sale at $.98 Girl's & Children's Oxfords Brown and Black Leather Soles Real Value at $ ft .98 "Star Brand" Shoes are All Leather! SEB5BH(S1HISISM9S m a Hg&Ems&sr 2iv Ness (dedicated iomMMm&m a m SERVING YOU Lima Beans 2 lbs. for College Inn Tomato Juice 47-oz. Tin Lewis Lye 3 Cans for 35 2c IGA Stores continue to celebrate theii TENTH ANNIVERSARY PAG EANT with, a third week ci outstanding bargains in in quality food products. The values La led here are ezamplos of IGA's i any savings. .. i mi. mi i iiip.1 I til iillllli nil II, i H 'I i i i II ipn ' n P t't-'.'.V A Special Combination Otter RIPPLED - WHEAT Pkg., 10c IGA PEACHES Can, 17c IGA BRAND GRAPE J AAA 2-LB. JAR IGA FANCY PUMPSON AND ONE PACKAGE OF IGA PUMPKIN PIE SPICE ZZo v BOTH V for C Fruits & Vegetables Head Lettuce Solid, Taney, each Green Beans 3 lbs. Cauliflower 0g Per lb Celery Large Bunch Hubbard Squash Per lb. Queen Squash Each Onions 3 lbs. Banana3 4 lbs. for ' Apples 5 lbs. for Tokay Grapes 2 lbs. for Cocoanuts Each Tomatoes P.ed ripe. 2 lbs - r- - iniin,,! 19c 19c 10c c 25c 25c 15c 10c 19c PRUNES 4 lbs. for Medium Size PRUNES, 2 lbs.. . Hallowee Dates 2 lbs. Hunt's Supreme Whole Apricots H$E No. 2i2 Can - :j for 55 Libby Crushed Pineapple f ?q 9-cz. Tins, 2 for Gallon Peaches ttRr Sliced or Halves IGA Brand Cream Cereal A C?p Large Pkg. Casco Butter 3 Solids, I-lb. carton Tastewell Salad Dressing P!aO Full Quart Jar Sani Flush, Clorox or Plumite g QC Extra Special FlGUV Golden Sun $1 -39 Gold Medal $1.9C l 1 gi 1 1 1 n im jm ' in i w.i li BAKER'S DOZEN' SALE THIRTEEN CANS FOR THE PRICE OF A DOZEN! IGA BRAND BflRTLETT PEASIS SLScc 13 $2.69 IGA RIPE 'N RAGGED PIHEAPPLE .... L3n.69e 13 c, $2.89 IGA RIPE 'ft RAGGED PEACHES car;3 can, S7c 1332.33 IGA RIPE 'N RAGGED APEICOTS . . . gL3 Cans 6iC IS Can, S2.54 IGA BRAND TQggflTOES . . . C-3 Can, 27C 13 Cans $1.35 IGA ERAND FANCY COUNTRY GENTLEMAN QOegl -3 Cans 49C 13 Cans $187 FANCY EARLY JUNE PEAS . . . Cans .3 Cans 44c 13 Cans$l677 n FANCY CUT GREEN No. 2 Cans L..3 cans 44c 13 Cans $1.77 man i jhij it i. SEE PEAS, No. 2 Tins Sweet, Tender. 2 for Soda Crackers 2-lb. Eox 25c Figs, 6-oz. pkg. S each. 3 for Sal Soda 2 One large 9-inch Glass Mi Ting Bowl for only 4c with each purchase of one 2-oance bottle of IGA Extract IGA BRAND j fixing rf- ArfGS , BOWL L U W -Ag U W C - FOR JCaJ 1 Get TOUTS todoy ' mm MSSAT DEPARTMENT WHERE QUALITY PREVAILS Corn fed Shoulder Beef Roast, lb. . . 180 Fresh Pork Liver, lb H Center cut Pork Chops, lb 250 Lamb Shoulder Steak or Roast, lb. . . 230 Genuine Spring Lamb Minced Ham, lb 150 Summer Sausage, lb 22f0 Heinz Dill Pickles, 3 for 10c Solid pack Oysters, quart 550 Extra Standard Quality Selected Cod Fish, lb 256 Blue River Brand Dold's Sterling Bacon, 1-lb. layers. .310 Extra quality Longhorn Cheese, lb. . 250 Fresh Cat Fish - Chili Bars Oil Sardines G Cans for Marshmallows 1-lb. cello bag 15c 4c IGA All Flavors. 4 Pkgs. Jel Sert Bartlett Pears No. 10 Tin Shur Fine Golden Syrup 10-lb. Pail Catsup 14-oz. bottle IGA Lye 3 Cans for Blue Rose Rice 3 lbs. for SUGAR 100-lb. Bag 4Qc g ..2ic l $5.19 j Phone I 42 ii m m in c m