PAGE FOUB PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1936. LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS Greenwood Mrs. Mattie Armstrong Is visiting relatives in Lehigh, Iowa, for several days. E. L. McDonald was elected mayor at the meeting of the city council on Tuesday evening. llie Woman s Home Missionary Four wheel trailer with stock rack society met with Mrs. William Blat- and scoop end gate. F. R. Gobel FOR SALE, Poland China Boars. J. L. Young, Murray, Nebr. t FOR SALE COUNTY CLUB NEWS man. s21-tfw L. C. C. Party tier Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Winnie Bell and son of Roca have moved to Lyman Mended. Pinochle was played by those Mowry farm east of town. who cared to play cards. Mrs. How Mrs. Fred Trunkenbolz of Eagle ard Richards held high score aud has been visiting at the home of her I,Irs- Hazel Anderson low. Jerome daughter. Mrs. Dewev Headlrv. Stander was winner of the cake in Mr. and Mrs. Lee Knolle, of tne guessing contest. A nice lunch Plattsmouth visited Mrs. Knolle's was served, which netted the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Marvin a neat sum and Neil Sunday. Greenwood High school played Alvo high school Tuesday afternoon on the Alvo diamond. The score was G to 7 in favor of Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Vant and family of Alliance arrived Friday evening to visit relatives and attend the football game in Lincoln Satur day. The Ladies Auxiliary will meet at the Legion hall Wednesday, after noon. October 21st, with Mrs. Dewey Headley and Mrs. Collins entertain ing. The L. C. C. held their first even ing party of the season at the Legion hall Thursday evening. Cards were played. Ben Howard held high for men and Mrs. Lulu Landon high for ladies. Refreshments were served by the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Lem ons and Mrs. Angie Lemons. Dedicate New Gym-Auditorium The public was invited to the school house Friday evening in Th(n). E. S. met with Mrs. Wes- honor of the dedication of the new Icy Bainbridge at Waverly on last gymnasium and auditorium. A pro Wednesday afternoon. A nice crowd gram in charge of Frof. H. E. War was present. Refreshments were ren was rendered. A short address served. was given by a WPA speaker from AT,. . . . 1 T T " 7 . 1 . 1 . l - vuuuau ami mniana. -Mrs. cnas. uyer gave a daughter, Julia, moved from their reading and Mrs. Phil Hall a piano farm south of Greenwood to Lincoln solo. Thursday. They expect to spend the The violin quartette composed of winter in California. Misses Evelyn Trunkenbolz, Lois Guests at the home of Mr. and Cope, Winnifred Lambert and Helen Mrs. John Vant Wednesday were Maher was accompanied by Eliza Mrs. Oscar Reece, Mrs. Alvin Halms beth Martin at the piano, and Mrs. Edgar Anderson all of Ash- trio composed of Misses Wilma land and Miss Elsie Anderson, of rtirk-Av r.ref;i nnd T-riprlM Woirzel Lincoln. Henry Meyers accompanied .his uncle. George Meyers, of Ames, Iowa, to Brownsville, Texas, leaving last Sunday. George Meyers has a fruit farm there and they will stay during the harvest of the fruit. 11. O. Strong, Mrs. Fred Strong and Mrs. Glen Osborne, of Ileming ford, Xebr., visited at the Earl! was also heard and several songs were sung by the audience. The people of Greenwood are very proud of this new addition to the school house. It has been needed for a long time and a "Dream Came True" to many of those who were most interested. By the aid of the government, the project began soon after school closed Stradley home the past week, being ia3t spring and was entirely finished called here by the serious illness of Glen Osborne at the Veterans' hos pital in Lincoln. Rally Day Sunday was rally day at the M. E. church. Sunday school and morning devotional services were held at the usual time, followed by a basket dinner at 12: CO. At 2:30 an ap propriate program was given. A large crowd of members and friends at tended, several coming from out of town to enjoy this annual occasion. Catholic Ladies Entertain The ladies of the Catholic church I entertained at the Legion hall Wed nesday afternoon. Escryone was cor dially invited and a good crowd at- before school opened this fall. It is a brick building adjoining the old building on the west. The floor of the auditorium is 33xG9 feet with bleachers along one side that will seat more than 200 spec tators. The stage is 2Cxl6 feet, in size, with a proscenium arch 20 feet wide. It is equipped with footlights, headlights, wall sockets, curtains and scenery. Ample dressing rooms, with showers are also provided. A large number of steel folding chairs are included in the equipment, which are placed on racks and stored under the stage when not in use. This building gives the student body a suitable gymnasium for bas ketball, indoor baseball, tennis and EXTENSION CLUBS During the past two weeks exten sion clubs of the county have held their organization meetings. The les son for October is "The Important Job of Homemaking." It js being worked out in the individual clubs in the manner which will be most helpful to them. New officers are also stepping into their responsibil ities for the first time. Twenty-two members enrolled in the Opportunity club at the meeting held at the home of Mary E. Ranney October 9. The officers are, Doris Fitzpatrick, president; Myrtle Jame son, vice president; Kossie uerarci, secretary and Mrs. Henry Crozier and Mrs. L. Laue are social and project leaders. Another county club meeting on the 9th was the Dutch Academy club whose hostess was Mrs. Carl Carlson. Fifteen were present. The president. Mrs. Arthur Hansen stressed the in struction of children as a very im portant part of homemaking. Mrs. T. Hartman was assistant hostess. This lub is of Louisville. Happy Home Project club of Cedar Creek held its first meeting of the ear at the home of Mrs. Franz E. Petereit Oct. 6. Mrs. Win. Keil and Miss Jean Ingersoll were added to the club roll. Mrs. George Schroeder as sisted Mrs. Schroeder. Mrs. Deles Denier of Alvo enter tained the II. L. club October S. Mrs. Denier and Mrs. Williams, president and secretary, presented the lesson. They stressed the fact that home was not just four walls. They urged the importance of well balanced meals, co-operation, and spiritual training. Some instruction in parliamentary procedure was also given. Mrs. W. O. Schewe entertained the Happy Home Maker club October 12. Sixteen studied the lesson "The Job of Homemaking." Members of the Four Mile club decided to have a rural chorus at their meeting at the home of Mrs. Leonard Born October 13. Mrs. El mer Tritsch and Mrs. Russel Stander were associate hostesses. The treas urer reported the prize for the float at the Korn Karnival. Mrs. Earl Beck er, president, had charge of the meet ing. IS attended. Eight Mile Willing Workers met October 15 at the home of Mrs. E. J. Ferrie. Mrs. Lloyd Iske and Mrs. Earl Iske were assistant hostesses. The lesson was presented by the presi dent, secretary, and social leader. The Camp Creek club met at the home of Mrs. Harry Fischers October 13. The president opened the meet ing by having the members repeat "The Collect." 14 attended the meet- DO YOU KNOW III FThat in the days of chivalry. the familiar and popular little daisy was the emblem of fidelity in love. Its name is literally day's eye because it opens and closes its flower with the daylight. Wabash News NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun- ly, iv eorasKa. To alp persons interested in the estate of C. Lawrence StuII, deceased. No. 3223: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration or said estate and appointment of feeari b. Davis as Administrator; that said petition has been set for hear ing before said Court on the 12th day of November, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated October 14, 1936. A. II. DUXDURY, w County Judge NOTICE OF PROBATE P. II. Clarke has been busy getting a good supply of wood in readiness for the coming winter, which some say will be even more severe than last winter. Anyhow, it will be well to have plenty of fuel, come what may. M. R. Hunt of Lincoln was sawing some wood boe in the vnllpv of the Weeping Water bottoms, which he is expecting to have shipped to (Sean oil-"? Lincoln. John C. Browne, manager of the Farmers Elevator rnnmnrnr liia -!,,c. uo J uoi. , , . completed painting the roof of the tv Ke llZ U'UJ ouri r Cass coun- clevator office, using aluminum paint, To all persons interested in tho p- which gives the place a very shiny tate of William C. Blattler, "deceased. that he now thinks he missed his call-' STii? xrXoTln in! ing m not having been a painter. strument purporting to be the last music for the afternoon was an ar- William Patterson of nrar Mnrmv wil1 and testament of said deceased. rangement of "Home on the Range" was visiting and looking after busi- Vir Ul6 atPpointn.,ent Maud II. sung by the club trio, Mrs. Francis ness matters in Wabash last Werl- ZxTa ; . ,L C i" l"?r!i' , inai - i"-uuun naa wttii set ior neap- I : i I rt it in nfm. T I) aIi rTilf- nnH I 1 I. . Uu.u,..u, llo. uiuju "" nesuay. ing oeiore said Court on the 13th Mrs. W. W. Davis. Mrs. Olive Mur- , Among the earliest settlers of Wa- day of November, 1936, at 10 o'clock tey gave a report on the county Worn- bash at the time the railroad was a' n'( 1 r v. an's rluli coTivpntinii wWli w.i! hPlrl h,:u ti..i ci. , . J ated October 16, 1936 uicjiucii jjunisu, njiu iiiiu a it niTVni'DV nf Vnlifiu-k-, rwl- -7 . . , , . 1 A1J LiC X , . -,v...-,. .. a score at uusnoerry, a number or (seal) ol9-3w An explanation of the Scholarship miles west and who moved the build- for purchase of building ONLY in either event building to be torn down within the prescribed time. Council reserves right to reject any and all bids. ' ALBERT OLSON, ol7-ld lw City Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the Creditors of the estate of Delia Sutton, deceased. No. 3221: Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing of claims against said estate is Febru ary 1st, 1937; that a hearing will be had at the County Court Room in Plattsmouth on February 5th, 1937, at 10 a. m. for the purpose of exam ining, hearing, allowing, and adjust ing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated October 5th, 193C. A. 11. DUX BURY, (Seal) oo-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT County Judge. Loan Fund of the clubs of the state jng and stock to the new townsite. XOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT was given by Mrs. Frank Marshall, IIis Hon, William Ilulfish, accompan- 1he County Court of Cass coun i..i. leu mm ana worked in the store a 'i. Nebraska loaned at a low rate of interest to number of years. To a11 Persons interested in the students of Nebraska who wish to pursue their studies and have no oth er means. An amusing skit, "Planning a Ban. quet, was given by Mrs. Clarence Pool, Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs. Ar thur Berthold, Mrs. Francis Hebard, Miss Esther Tefi't, and Mrs. Eugene Rarick. Of the seventy-two members of the Woman's club, twenty-six are new These new members were introduced to the old and some time was spent in getting acquainted. After roll call, tea was served with Mrs. Lloyd Behrends and Mrs. E. F. Marshall presiding at the tea table. OStatf of TTpnrv Rr-hlnot TU 1 1 1. XT r ' uivtuoiu .juiiii huuu uwu uroiner, ji. V.I No. 3199: Wood, who have been hauling gravel! Take notice that the Administrator from the pits near South. Bend, had WItn mnexed of said estate has nr.r.11.. nnfrA i ee i"" "ia """i report ana a petition .... I wl cAuuiiimiiun itiiu allowance oi nis nesday on account of not being able admin ist mt ion nrrr,,nta,,. I " - I ULlLlltlllUV- to get gravel. They were promised tion of heirship, assignment of resi the pumps would be in working order due of said estate and for his dis a train the noxt rl.iv however charge; that said petition and re- - .., , .. I ,:ll 1, u. -.1 l.r ri x on November 13, 1936, at 10 o'clock were looking after business matters a- m- I 1Y - J. a 1 r n s and visiting friends in Weeping iea uciooer it., iwb. A. 11. ULXIJLUY, visiting friends in Water last Wednesday. (Seal) ol9-3w County Judge. To Pick Corn in Iowa NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Fairview Club Activities The club took up "Study work from Lincoln this year. Club' A lot Hearing that there is plenty of corn to pick in some portions of the tall corn state of Iowa, anil lmvinn- completed their work here. Elmer M" the the Ap.- , plication or William J. In the District Court of Gage Cou)ity, Nebraska Butler, Guardian of Wil- of good was derived from the lesson, their uncIef Henry Rueter, lives, "The Little Child's Future" which ,vilI assist hjm Jn gatliering his and Clarence Rueter departed early last week for Grand Junction, where liam Carr Butler and and Philip Carr Butler, Mi nors, for Leave to Sell itfg. Mrs. Elmer Adams of Eagle enter tained the "O" St. Homeinaker's club last week. Three new members were added to the roll at the meeting. Golden Eod Study Club Many prized heirlooms dating back was most ably handled by Margaret Terryberry and Marie Kelly. The hostesses for the meeting were Teckla Alexen and Laura Tritsch. A shower honoring one of the mem brs will be held at Margaret Terry- berry's home Oct. 22 at which a cov ered dish luncheon will be served corn crop, after which they will pick up what work they are able to get in Real Estate. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by rirtlio f f o 1 1" n n n c n !ccnnr1 r y ,i this line for others, before returning Wiliain j. Butle- gUardian of the to Nebraska. persons nnrl pstate nf William Parr Butler and Philip Carr Butler, minors, by the Honorable Fred W Messmore, Judge of the District In the Heat of Argument John C. Browne, who is an ardent Court of Gage County, Nebraska, on 4 1-. .-i r l. e nt,- i r n n r A good topic for discussion is "Li- democrat, and L. R. Stanley, who is - "V,uu"V.rt. " V i w- UU.ft'w V4. AU I. O tU L 11 V, X 1,111 orary bervice" which will be led by an equauy earnest repunncan, De- after described, I will sell at public Florence Fullerton and Marie Speck came involved in a heated political vendue to the highest bidder for cash, I . . . I a il. . r A. i c a. 1 A. at the home of Atrnes Wetenkamn discussion when Mr. Stanley said to a- " iUUlu num. uuur ut uie uu with Edna Buechler as associate hos- Mr. Browne, by way of clinching his tess Nov. 12 TVA LOSES ROUND IN COURT svwr " house in the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass rniintv. Nebraska, nn thf 7th side ot the argument: "Do you know day of November, 1936. at the hour there is not a single prominent daily of ten o'clock a. m., the undivided Nebraska sunnortin one-sixth share and interest of Wil In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of John E. Kirkham, deceased. No. 3023: Take notice that the Administra tor de bonis non of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, determina tion of heirship, assignment of resi due of said estate and for his dis charge; that said petition and re port will be heard before said Court on October 30, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated October 3, 1936. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) oo-3v County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE Roosevelt?" to which, after a rao- liam Carr Butler and Philip Carr Rntlpv minors in tha f ol lnivi n tr Ao- Nashville, Tenn. The Tennessee ent s thought. Mr. Browne replied, BCribc(1 separate tracts or parcels of valley authority lost its power pro gram on constitutional grounds. A motion by the government agency to volleyball as well as a very nice 150 to 175 years -ere exhibited at dismiss a suit brought by 19 electric auditorium in which to present their school entertainments. ST. JOHN'S LADIES HOLD AN AFTERNOON COFFEE DO THIS when you wake up with a Headache NJCY RELIEF BEFORE YOU'VE FINISHED DRESSING Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 seconds bj stop watch, genuine ISAYttt Aspirin tablet starts to disintegrate and go to work. Irop a Uayer Aspirin tablet In to a glass of water. Bjr the time it hits the bot tom of the glass it la disintegrating. What happens in (his glass . happens in your etomach. From Thursday's Datly St. John's Altar Society was hos tess to 100 at a coffee at the home of Mrs. A. G. Bach yesterday afternoon. Following the lunch the guests play ed cards. High prize in contract bridge was won by Mrs. Fred Rea and high in pinochle was taken by Mrs. Lon Henry. Hostesses at the first coffee this fall were: Mrs. Joe Libershal, Mrs. Julius Pitz. Mrs. C. L. Pittman, Mrs. Francis Toman, Miss Celia Palacek, and Mrs. A. G. Bach. the antique and Klassware meetinc of the Golden Rod Study club October S. The members came in costume and the prize for the oldest was awarded to Mrs. Virgil Perry, wear ing a dress 79 years old. Mrs. Ted Wiles was leader of the meeting Twenty-three attended. Mrs. Arthur Wetenkamp was hostess to the club and Mrs. Howard Wilet, assistant. The group also planned a Hallowe'en party for October 27. WILL VOTE ON BONDS When you wake up with a head ache, do this: Take two quick-acting, quick-dissolving BAYER ASPI RIN tablets with a little water. m By the time you've finished dress ing, nine chances in ten, you'll feel relief coming. Genuine IJayer Aspirin provides this quick relief because it is rated among the quickest methods for re lief science has yet discovere d. m Try it this way. But ask for it bv its full name, BAYER ASPIRIN; not by the name "aspirin" alone. 15C FOR A DOZEN 2 FULL The city council at Weeping Wa lter has decided that they will again submit the matter of voting Water bonds to the people of that city. At the recent special election held to vote $16,000 for bonds for the im provement and extension of the wa ter system, the proposition received majority but lacked one vote of the required sixty per cent. The matter will be taken up at a special election to be held on No vcmber 3rd. , Social Circle Club Members from the Good Will club, east of Union, were guests of the Social Circle club at their meeting the 13th at the home of Mrs. Tony Klimm with Mrs. Charles Wolf as sisting. Mrs. A. I). Asch gave read ings and poems were read by club members. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. "Don't you know the Plattsmouth J real estate situated in Cass county, Journal is for the administration?" Nebraska, to-wit: give up," countered Mr power companies was overruled by U. S. Judge Gore. The court held that apparent statutory limitations against suing the TVA except in its legal domicile, the northern district of Alabama, did not apply in this case because of charges of unlawful acts made in thetan wa' of settling these differences of opinion that crop out when mat- "Well, I Stanley. Soon the election will be over and Uhe heated arguments will subside while the people go about living their everyday lives, regardless of who is elected president or gover nor, congressman or road overseer. The ballot box is the great Ameri- bill filed by the utilities. WRITES FK0M CALIFORNIA TO ELECT OFFICERS oo: Virtually lea tablet LOOK rOR THE BAYER CROSS The six regional Young Republican clubs of Cass county have called a Cass county Young Republican con vention to meet at the Methodist church parlor at Plattsmouth at 8 o'clock, Thursday, October 22nd, for t?!e purpose of electing officers of the Cass County Young Republican club. It is expected that the state officers of the Nebraska Young Re publican organization will be in at tendance. John K. Chappell of Om aha will be the principal speaker. Social Workers Flower Club Election of officers was held at the meeting of the Social Workers Flow er club Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ray Wiles. Mrs. George Mumm was elected president; Miss Helen Johnson, yice president; Mrs Fred Spangler, secretary; Mrs. W. A Wheeler, treasurer; and Mrs. Walter Martin, corresponding secretary. A gift was presented to Mrs. Mike Kaf- fenbergcr, past president, as a token of appreciation. Plans were made for the annual weiner roast Sunday evening. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Ernest Hutchison and Mrs. Georgia Creamer. Weeping Water Woman's Club The Weeping Water Woman's club held its first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. E. F. Marshall on October 12. The new president, Mrs. Arthur Jones, called the meeting to order. Mrs. Ray Norris and Mrs. C. E. Teflt were elected as delegates and Mrs. Chester Ralston as alternate to the state Woman's club convention to be held at Beatrice next week. The Claude Richardson, who with his wile and a party of friends left for California recently, writes to friends here from their new location at Wil liams. He reports a pleasant trip to t!:e west and states that the climate is very pleasant where they are now located. Mr. Richardson is engaged in some river improvement work and expects to remain in the vicinity of Williams for some time. IS SOME BETTER Mrs. W. M. Barcley, who has been very ill for the past few weeks as the result of an attack of neuritis, is now reported as much better and has progressed so well that Friday she was able to be around for a short time. This will be very pleasing news to the many friends of this estim able lady and it is hoped that she may soon be able to resume her usual activities. ters of import are discussed, and the American public, trained in years of bowing to the majority will, is big enough to accept the result and go about making the best of it, whether it be to their individual liking or not. That is at it should be. WILL OPEN HEADQUARTERS I0VA PEOPLE WEDDED The wedding of Miss Leona Wil liams and Mr. Fred Gregg, both of Gknwood, took place Friday evening at the residence of Rev. J. W. Taenz ler, pastor of the First Christian church. This was the first ceremony per formed by the pastor, in this city, w here he has just recently been call ed to the Christian charge here. From Friday's Dally Carl Tefit, of Avoca, chairman of the Cass county republican commit tee, wa3 in the city today in com pany with Frank Woods, of Weep ing Water, secretary. The county committee is planning on opening a headquarters in the for mer Farmers State bank building. where literature will be made avail able to the voters and a meeting place for the republican workers be made possible. RETURN TO CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. O. L. York, of Chi cago, returned home Wednesday after a very pleasant visit with the rela tives in this section of Nebraska. Thev visited here at the home or Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Vroman and at Omaha with the Gould B. Smith fam ily. Mrs. Vroma nand Mrs. Smith are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. lork. While here they had the pleasure of meeting a number of the old time friends and neighbors. Fried Chicken Supper. Eight Mile Grove Lutheran church, Oct. serving starts at 5:30. Tract (a). The northeast quarter of Sec tion twenty-nine. Township ten North, Range nine, East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, sub ject to a mortgage of record for the principal sum of $6,000.00; Tract (b). The northeast quarter of Sec tion seventeen, Township ten North, Range nine East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, sub ject to the homestead rights of Elizabeth Carr in and to the north half of the northeast quar ter of said Section seventeen; Tract (c). The southeast quarter of Sec tion nine. Township ten North, Range nine. East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, subject to a mortgage of record in tfie principal sum of $S,000.00; Tract (d). The west half of the north west quarter of Section sixteen, Township ten North, Range nine, East of the Sixth Princi pal Meridian, subject to the homestead interest therein of Elzabeth Carr, and the north east quarter of the northeast quarter, and Lot one of the northeast quarter of the north west quarter of Section sixteen, Township ten North, Range nine, East of the Sixth Princi pal Meridian. Said sal will remain open one hour. Dated this 14th day of October, 1936. WILLIAM J. BUTLER. Guardian of the Persons and Estates of William Carr Butler and Philip Carr Butler, Minors. Rinaker & Delehant and M. S. Hevelone, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. ol5-4w To John G. Renken. Amos Tefft. George S. Ruby, J. C. LaGrange, LaGrange & Co., G. M. Carr, Mary J. Carr, and all persons having or claiming any interest in Lot 5, the West one-third of Lot 6, and the West one-third of Lot 7, all in Block 12, in the Village of Avoca, in Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown, Defendants: Notice is hereby given that V. W. Straub, M. M. Straub, David Straub and William E. Straub, as Plaintiffs, have filed in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, their petition against you as defendants praying for the decree of said Court barring and excluding each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title, interest, lien or estate in or to Lot 5, the West one-third of Lot 6, and the West one-third of Lot 7, all in Block 12. in the Villapre of Avoca, in Cass County, Nebraska, and cancelling a mortgage given on said West one-third of Lot G by Isaac Houser to J. C. LaGrange, dated December 18, 1883, recorded in Book 'O" of Mortgages, page 376 of the records of Cass County, Nebraska, to secure the payment of ?75.00 due June IS, 1884, as having been paid and being barred by the Statute of Limitations; and quieting title to said real estate in plaintiffs as the wners thereof in fee simple, each a one-fourth share thereof. Your answer day to said petition n said Court at Plattsmouth. Ne braska, will be November 2, 193 6. V. W. STRAUB, M. M. STRAUB, DAVID STRAUB and WILLIAM E. STRAUB, Plaintiffs. WM. H. PITZER and MARSHALL PITZER, -Attorneys. s21-4w NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received at my office up to 7:00 o'clock p. m. Mon day, October 26, 1936, for purchase of Lot 5, Block 3 6, City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, subject to terms and conditions outlined in official bid proposal, copy of which may be obtained at my office. Option No. 1 for purchase of ground and building In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska J. A. Capwell as Adminis Annexo De Bonis Non of the Estate of David G. Babbington, Deceased, Plaintiff vs. Delia B. Kuhns and hus brnd, Stanley Kuhns; Marjcrie Kuhns, Jocelyn Kuhns, and all persons in terested in the Estate of David G. Babbington, De ceased, Defendants To the Defendants: Delia B. Kuhns and husband Stanley Kuhns, Marjorie Kuhns and all persons interested in the-estate of David G. Babbington, Deceased: You and each of you are hereby notified that J. A. Capwell as Admin istrator Cum Testamento Annexo De Bonis Non of the estate of David (J. Babbington, Deceased, riaintiff, filed a petition and commenced an action n the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, Septembere 26, 1930, .gainst you and each of you, the object and prayer of which is to ob tain an order construing the will of David G. Babbington, Deceased, and finding that said plaintiff as Ad ministrator c. t. a. d. b. n., aforesaid, of the estate of David G. Babbing ton, Deceased, has and possesses law ful authority under the will of said decedent to sell the real estate be longing to said estate and convey good and sufficient title thereto, to wit: Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 1, City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska and for such other and further re lief in the premises as may be just and equitable. You. and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 9th day of November. A D. 1936, or an order and decree will be taken against you and each of you, according to the prayer of said petition. J. A. CAPWELL, As Administrator Cum Testa mento Annexo De Bonis Non, Plaintiff. A. CAPWELL, Attorney. Phone the news to no. C ol9-ltw-2td (old livery barn) and Option No. 2 s2S-4w