PAGE FOTJB Cook Reunion Draws Members to Cole Farm Over Eighty Attend Twenty-third Annual Celebration Sunday C. E. Cook President. Over eighty attended the twenty third annual Cook family reunion Sunday, August 30, at the home of Mrs. Caroline Cole. Enough tables were set In the shade of the maples that every guest was seated. C. E. Cook was chosen as presi dent at the business meeting follow ing the dinner. Other officers select ed were Roy O. Cole, vice president, and Mrs. Robert Patterson, secretary- treasurer. A. II. Weichel presided. The secretary's report showed seven new members added by birth to the family roll. They are: Judith Claire Cook, Clayton Carl Cole, Thomas Caawe, Barbara Anne Finkhouse, Ronald Vernon Jewitt, Darlene John son, and George Blessing. There have been three marriages and no deaths in the family during the past year. Newlyweds and babies were introduced to the relatives. A program followed the business meeting. Beverly Jane Weichel gave a piano accordian selection. The re quest number "Stand Up for Jesus" was played by the Sherman Cole or chestra. The crowd arose in honor of the oldest living members of the family. The orchestra also played "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." "Rest for the Weary" was sung by the original members of the family who were present. They were Mrs. T. W. Vallery, Mrs. Caroline Cole, C. E. and J. II. Cook. John F. and Philip Cook were unable to be pres ent. The following poem telling the his tory of the Cook family, composed and read by May Ilartman Dreamer at the reunion at the Will Cook home in 1920, was read by the sec retary: Famous Cooks of the World I have such a good, generous husband Who appreciates me all the time; And for all the hard work I've done for him Yesterday he gave me "just think" a dime. Not wanting to spend It foolishly, I held very tight; But temptation was too great, I went to the movie that night. Tho crowds came from everywhere, each fellow with his girl For It was advertised "THE FAMOUS COOKS OF THE WORLD." I didn't get there any too soon; ere long the curtain raised, And all that appeared on the screen deserves everlasting praise. Before my eyes, a scene so pictur esque and still A team of oxen and covered wagon was moving down the hill. . Father Joe and Mother. Mary and their children four Bina, Jacob, Phil and George, .were glad their journey was o'er. They stopped close by the banks of old Four Mile creek, And a log cabin was then built in less than a week; It had just one room with a loft over head, Where the boys would throw pillows at Bina when going to bed. Little Mother Mary was scarcely set tled in her western home, When her thoughts would very often to old Ohio roam; But she had no time for pining, she had much to do For settlers began coming as the country was then quite new. The doors were opened wide to every one chancing to pass that way; There was room in the loft and on the floor for all who cared to stay. On awakening next morning, they were greeted with her smile And the corn bread she baked streng thened them for many a mile. The home was made cheery and very happy, I dare say; For a smiling blue eyed Susan came and made up her mind to stay. Six years passed by between the scenes, And then upon the screen the little family appeared; And Mollie, Lizzie and Lina are now . to be seen. They were Indeed a happy family, what fun they did enjoy; Father Joe was often caught play ing with his girls and boys. Bina, the oldest, helped her mother in every single thing She had to wash, iron, cook, rock the cradle, and to the babies sing, Jacob, the dignified, and eldest son of the lot, Had to be very precise, whether he wanted to or not; He went to Nebraska City to learn a thing or two But he didn't like their eats, so came back to mother s stew. Phillip was quite a -worry to dear Tlina's Dlous SOUl. And often came up missing when his name was called In school; But with these shortcomings he was nlwavs very kind. For he dearly loved his mother and father all the time. George was always the champion who looked out for his sisters lour; They all went to spelling school and had fun galore. , , : Blue eyed Susie with her winsome ways and smile Was, ever very happy and singing all the while; Her father had often said, "If I can Just recall That she was the very fairest flower of them all." There were Mollie, Lizzie and Lina, who never had a hat; So their father went to town one day saying "I'll not stand for that." Little sister Lina went along, the youngest of the three Became the boss of the hat, but shared it most cheerfully. In the early days of learning the children went each day. To the little red school house just a mile away. While changing of the scene, the or chestra struck up a popular air; Home Sweet, Sweet Home! How happy they are there. When the curtain rose again there were ten years space between; A new house had been built ana Mother Mary was the queen, Four more boys are added to the etoud as the pictures show And now you gaze upon them, John, Charley. Will and Joe. And what those boys couldn't think of. I'll tell you that They did all kinds of stunts and were reerular acrobats. They went with all the pretty girls for miles and miles around. Still time to play pranks on brother Phil was always found; The cow was in the cellar, the boiler on the roof Gun powder in his pipe that made it co ka-nloof. Most times he took it good natured, and seldom ever frowned: He said, "You'll never fool me again, you crazy little hounds. Time rolls on and on, as time will always do, The boys went a courting and the girls had beaus too. Marriage 13 a lottery; sometimes we get it in the neck They took the one they loved, with out even a check. Money mattered little in this time of life, Because they had each other and were willing to face the strife. Bina was a winsome lass, as every one had found; A handsome black-eyed man, George Kitzel, came 'round From Nebraska City and claimed her as his own; They went west some thirty miles to build them a little home. To this happy union six children came wide awake and alert; There was Minnie, Lula, Will, George Oscar and little Bert. When baby George just four years old, left this old world of ours. He left his little mother bowed down in grief and sorrow. She never forgot her little boy; he is her baby still; Her husband she buried beside him, there upon the hill. How happy she will te when this life's troubles are o'er, And she will raeet her dear ones on the other shore. Jacob found his mate, Mary John son, he claimed Always gave him love and kindness while with him she remained; But one sad day the angels came and bore her away Her sister came and helped care for her boys, so they say. She was so devoted to every little tot, That Jacob soon found out he loved her too, a lot. So after much persuasion on Jacob's active part, He won this lovely lady, the queen of his heart. Eight fine boys she reared to man hood Which only a fond, kind, loving mother could. Joe, Andy, Ed, Jim, Harry, Fred, George and Dan They love her most devotedly, as only just, true men can. There was another boy, Sammy, I've been told; Who, when just a little boy, passed into the heavenly fold. Philip went a-courtin, as all boys are apt to do; And for his prize package, you can't guess what he drew. Sarah, good old Sarah, Sarah Win- scott, who by her fame Helped her dear old Phil his wealth to attain. Now this happy family consists of children seven, John, Bell, Adam, Minnie, George, Eva and Forest not quite eleven. George chose for his bride a lady, Abbie cook by name; To this union three happy children came Percy, Frank and Dottle, a little blue eyed tot. Who always, as a little girl, loved her dad a lot. Jerry Hartman they Kay, came court ing Susie bright and fair; She finally then decided with him her , life to share. Five children came to bless this hap py home Lillie, Etta, May, WInfield and Robert, but the angels came and bore Winnie away, Susie, when twenty-seven, gave up this earthly life She went to her home in Heaven, where everything is bright. She is not dead her memory still lives in our hearts today; Our darling, happy Susie, who al ways had kind words to say. Now Mollie said to mother Mary, "To make me hanDy be. I'll follow the path of matrimony;" And so you 11 soon see She selected the nicest little fellow hr ever could be found: To my mind he Is as fine a man as fivpr walked around. I might as, well tell you, his name is Billy Wheeler. Pearl, Albert, Percy, Betty and Joe were their children s names: Billy walked ten thousand miles when they were babes, he claimed. But it made a man of him; he became a politician great; And Mollie loved her Billy, she feels it is her fate. Lizzie, dashing Lizzie, says, "I won't be left out; I'll have a man by sun down, just watch what I'm about." Walter Vallery was so charmed by this handsome little miss, That before any one knew It, he had planted a kiss Upon her lips, and she became his happy little bride; And to this day she is still by his side. Six children came, Frank, Dula, Glen, Lela, the little pet, Charley and Marjory, the youngest of the set. Lina was the last girl left and to herself she said, "I'll not be an old maid!" And she married young instead. Olin Cole was her choice, and a happy home she had. The children came, two fine girls and four sturdy lads; Earl, Olive, Carl, Roy, Sherman and Opal the youngest of the six, Formed a merry group when the par ents and children mix. John, the oldest of the four younger set Keep an eye on him and see what he'll do next; He ventured abroad in this great, big wide world First thing you knew he too had a girl. He chose the girl of his heart, her name is Molly Beines; The whole family was so pleased, for she was just fine. Five children came to this happy world. Only one boy and four little girls; Marie, James, Luella, Gladys and little Lorlne A finer group of children are scarce ly ever seen. Charley was a jolly lad; Of years he was quite young, When he went a-courting, just for a little fun. But the first thing we knewr, he was head and heels in love With the very best of girls; we all loved Lillie Doud. He led her to the altar, and she be came his bride; We congratulated Charles for he had won the country's pride. Two little tots, Frank and Nell, came with them to roam When little Nell was but a babe, her mother went to her heavenly home. Charley has a big heart and w-as surely blessed, For he won another queen, who la bored and cared for the rest. Her name is Minnie Dreamer, and I tell you, she's no fake; Although her name w-as "Dreamer, she is surely wide awake. A little dark eyed baby came to them one day; Raymond said. "If you'll not object, I think I'll stay." Will, he had his failing; Of school teachers he was most fond; So he went to school many years; In the meantime he said, "I'll look around!" There was one who came to teach at the little red brick He fell so deeply in love, it nearly made him sick, Lenora Perry, a very pretty name, I'll claim; But Will said, "She's worth more than all her pretty name;" And to his great surprise, she prom ised to be his wife He has never regretted it all the rest of his life. Orest, Wilma, Clarice and LeRoy complete his happy home; Where they are so contented, and scarcely care to roam. Joe, the joker, of this glorious, happy crowd. Said boys, "I'll tell you a joke If you don't laugh too loud, I'm going to get married; she teaches piano for fun; I'll tell you her name. It is little Mabel Young." Nita and Francis, a little girl and boy, Came to bless this home, much to their parents' joy. This completes the scene of the Cook family and grandchildren too; I'll not start in with the great- great grands, or I'll never get through. Mother Mary and father Joe have been gone for many a year, But to all our hearts today, their memory is more dear, So let's love one another with a spirit kind and true; I can hear dear mother Mary say that s what we should do. We have much to love and cherish. you will also with me agree; Come now, and with me join, in this grand jubilee. MAY HARTMAN DREAMER. "God Be with You Till We Meet Again" sung by the group and the benediction by Rev. H .G. McClusky closed tho program. Those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cook of Candy, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Matt son, Mr. and Mrs. Wn:. Wenke and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wenke of Nor folk; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson, Frank Vallery, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Weichel and Beverly Jane of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. James Cook and A. J. Cook of Ord. For high class Job printing pnono your oraer to no. 6. PLATTSHOUTH SEIH . - WEEKLY JOURNAL EAGLE JEWS ITEMS Rev. and Mrs. - D. J. Schuyleman visited with friends In Otoe last Thursday. Mrs. Bertha Wulf -spent the first of the week with her mother, Mrs. Pauline Ollerman. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wall spent Sun day evening at the Arthur Thomson home near Palmyra. The Elmwood Dand gave a very fine entertainment in Eagle on Mon day evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Charles from near Lincoln visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horn. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oberle of Lin coln visited over Sunday with Mr. Oberle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Oberle. Mrs. Clyde West and Richard took Miss Florence West to Meadow Grove last Saturday where she will teach again this year. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffmeister of Weeping Water called at the homes of Mrs. Anna Earl and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Earl. Dr. Stewart and family enjoyed having as their guests last week, Mr3. Vincent Stewart and daughter, Mar jory of Johnstown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wenzel spent Sunday evening In Lincoln at the home of Mrs. Wenzel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. White. Fred C. Beach spent Saturday evening and Sunday in Lincoln at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ted Spahnle and Mr. Spahnle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Umland had as their guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rudolph and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wall. Lowell Lytle, who has been lo cated at the Great Lakes Naval Sta tion, arrived in Eagle last Thursday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilhelm and daughter, Marlyn, of Lincoln were the guests Sunday evening of Mrs. Wilhelm's aunt, Mrs. A. M. Trumble. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barkdoll of Dallas, Texas, visited Mrs. Anna Earl Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, j Mrs. Earl is an aunt of Mrs. Bark doll. A large group attended the M. E. Sunday school picnic held in the Schwegman grove last Wednesday afternoon and evening. All report a very fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lytle enter tained at dinner last Sunday fori their son, Lowell, Mr. and Mrs. James Lytle and children of Elmwood and Mrs. C. C. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oberle, Mr. and Mrs. George Trimble and Merna and La Verne . Stradley were enter tained at dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oberle and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutton attend ed Ihc funeral-services held for a sister of Mr. Sutton at Fremont on Sunday and the services for an aunt, Miss Delia Sutton, at Alvo on Mon day. Mrs. Houston Welton went to Rockport, Missouri last Sunday after noon where she and Mr. Welton will live. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Price and family and Mrs. Snyder. Mrs. Ada Mick and daughter, Mrs. Paul Cain and sons Lee, Myrle and Melvin of Chappell visited at the Bert Lytle home on Saturday. Mrs. M. T. Williams and Mrs. C. C. Cooper also enjoyed visiting with them. Dr. Soper and family stopped In Eagle last Thursday morning for a short visit with friends. They had spent their vacation with relatives in Nebraska and were returning to their home at Albany, New York. Mrs. R. C. Hughes left for her home at New Brunswick, New Jer sey Sunday after having spent the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wenzel and other relatives and friends in Nebraska. Dale Horn left the first of last week for his home In Washnigton, D. C. While in Nebraska he visited his cousin, J. W. Horn in Eagle and attended the reunion of the Horn families recently held at the Morton Park near Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. Will Muenchau and sons, Fred Muenchau and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Muenchau at tended a birthday dinner at the Ben Muenchau home near Alvo given in honor of Mr. Muenchau, whose birth day anniversary occurred August 31st. Misses Genevieve Bickert of Lin coln and Dorothea Keil were the lunch guests Sunday evening of Mrs. R. C. Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wenzel. Other guests during the afternoon and evening were Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Lincoln, Mrs. Fred Wenzel, Winifred and Florence of Havelock, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wen zel, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Butt and Agnes Ketelhut. Tom Smith had the misfortune to have his car struck by a car bearing EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 a. m. Church school. 10:30 a. m. German service. Rev, Peil of. Emerald, will preach. a Wisconsin license as he was about to make the turn north from the highway in front of the west fill ing station last Sunday evening. The other car, coming from the east was approaching at quite a speed and was not able to stop to avoid a collision Both cars were damaged but for tunately the occupants of neither car received any serious injuries. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of John P. Bajeck, deceased. No. 3214: Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing of claims against said estate is Decem ber 28, 1936; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on January 2, 1937, at 10 o clock a. m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated August 28, 1936. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) a31-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Lemore B. Appleman, deceased. No. 3212: Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing of claims against said estate is Decem ber 21st, 1936; that a hearing will be had at the County Court Room in Plattsmouth on December 26th, 1936 at 10 a. m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing, and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated August 22nd, 1936. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) a24-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING In the County Court of Cass coun- ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of David G. Babbington, deceased. Estate No. 2626. To All Persons Interested in Said Estate: You and each of you are hereby notified that there has been filed in this Court, the petition of J. A. Cap- well, Trustee of the estate of said deceased praying for the appoint ment of said J. A. Capwell, as Ad ministrator cum testamento annexo de bonis non of said estate for the purpose of administering upon that part of said estate not already ad ministered upon, and for the purpose of selling and disposing of the real estate belonging thereto in accord ance with the terms and provisions of the last will and. testament of said deceased. You are further notified that a hearing will be had upon said petition before this Court on the 18th day of September, 1936 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. In the County Court room In Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Dated this 21st day of August, 1936. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) a24-3w County Judge. NOTICE of Expiration of the Time of Redemption. To John E. Hazzard, Elizabeth I. Murphy and Jane A. Dovey, respec tively: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 8th day of No vember, 1933, the County of Cass, Nebraska, purchased at public tax sale for the years 1930, 1931 and 1932, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 19, Block 10, Thompson's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, which said real estate was taxed in the name of John E. Hazzard; and on said date the County of Cass, Nebraska, pur chased Lot 20, Block 10, Thompson's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, for the taxes for the years 1930, 1931 and 1932, and that said real estate was taxed in the name of Elizabeth I. Murphy; and on said date the County of Cass, Nebraska, purchased at public tax sale for the taxes for the years 1930, 1931 and 1932, Lots 17 and 18, Block 10, Thompson's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; that said real estate was taxed in the name of Jane A. Dovey. That on the 8th day of November, 1933, tax sale cer tificates for said real estate in the order named were duly issued to the purchaser thereof by John E. Turner, County Treasurer of Cass county. Nebraska, which said certificates were for value duly assigned by the County Board of Cass county, Ne braska, on March 12, 1934, to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, a municipal corporation, located with in said county; and on the 14th day of July, 1936, said certificates were for value duly assigned by said City or Plattsmouth, Nebraska, to Frank M. Rice, who is now the owner and the holder of the same. You are further notified that the time of redemption of said real es tate from said sale will expire in three months from the date of ser vice from this notice, after which the undersigned will apply to the County. Treasurer of Cass county. Nebraska, for a tax deed for said XGl1 GStlt6 Dated this 11th day of August. 1336. FRANK M. RICE, Owner and Holder of the Above Named and Designated Tax Sale Certificates. al7-3w NOTICE OF FINAL BETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Emma Pease, deceased. No. 3130: Take notice that the Administra tor of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examina tion and allowance of his adminis tration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said petition and report will be heard before - said Court on Sep tember 4, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m. .Dated August 3, 1936. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) al0-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska Clarence E. Ledgway, Plaintiff vs. : NOTICE Swain Briggs, et al, Defendants To the defendants, Swain Briggs, Mrs. Swain Briggs, first real name unknown; L. B. Rich, first real name unknown, whose name is alleged to be Leonard B. Rich; Fanny Rich; William G. Woodruff; Mary S. Wood ruff; Minnie Windham; Barbara Windham; Betty Bobbett Windham; Sam Windham; Mrs. Sam Windham, first real name unknown; Katherine Riddle; Kennion Riddle; Jennie Windham; Lorene Hessing; George Hessing; Ellen Sturges; Hiram Ar thur Sturges; Frances Windham; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested In the estates of Swain Briggs, Mrs. Swain Briggs, first real name unknown, L. B. Rich, first real name unknown, whose true name is alleged to be Leonard B. Rich, Fan ny Rich, William G. Woodruff, Mary S. Woodruff and R. B. Windham, each deceased, real names unknown; and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to Lots five (5), six (6) and seven (7), in Block sixty-five (65) in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that Clarence E. Ledgway, as plaintiff, filed a petition and com menced an action in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebras ka, on the 28th day of August, 1936, against you and each of you. The object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of the court quieting the title to Lots 5, 6 and 7 in Block 65 in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, in the plaintiff, as against you and each of you, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable in the prem ises. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 12th day of October, 1936, or the allegations therein con tained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff Clarence E. Ledgway, as against you and each of you ac cording to the prayer of said peti tion. CLARENCE E. LEDGWAY, Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. a31-4w. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska In Re Application of Fred G. Mor gan, Administrator of the Estate of Mildred N. Morgan, deceased, for license to sell real estate. Now on this 28th day of August, 1936, there was presented to the court the petition of Fred G. Mor gan, Administrator of the estate of Mildred N. Morgan, deceased, for license to sell Lots 11 and 12 in Block 37 in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, subject to the homestead right of Fred G. Morgan therein, and also the North- half of Lots 11 and 12 in Block 54 in the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying debts and costs of administra tion of said estate; and it appearing that there is not sufficient personal property in the hands of the adminis trator to pay the debts and costs of said administration, and it further appearing that there is no personal property in the hands of said ad ministrator; that the claims allowed in said estate amount to the sum of $802.99, and that the costs of ad ministration will amount to approxi mately $250.00; that an order should be entered directing all persons in terested in said estate to appear and show cause why a license should not be granted to said Administrator to sell said real estate. It is therefore Ordered that all persons interested in the estate of Mildred N. Morgan, deceased, appear before the Judge of the District Court within and for the County of Cass. Nebraska, on the 6th day of October, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m., at chambers in the court house In the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, to show cause, if any, why a license should not be granted to Fred G Morgan, Administrator of the estate of Mildred N. Morgan, deceased, to sell Lots 11 and 12 in Block 37 in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. subject to the homestead right of Fred G. Morgan therein, and the North half of Lots 11 and 12 in Block 54 in the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the debts and costs of ad ministration of said estate. It is further Ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all persons interested in said estate by publication of this order for four successive weeks in the Plattsmouth Journal, a legal newspaper printed and of general circulation in me County of Cass, Nebraska. By the Court. D. W. LIVINGSTON. Judge of the District Court. a31-4w THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1936. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested In the estate of Daniel P. Wilson, deceased. No. 3220: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of George F. Wilson as Administrator; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 25th day. of September, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated August 27, 1936. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) a31-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested In the estate of Lorene Parker, deceased. No. 3182: Take notice that the Administrat or of said estate has filed his final report and a petition for examina tion and allowance of his adminis tration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said petition and report will be heard before said Court on Septem ber 25, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated August 27, 1936. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) a31-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Sarah E. Stones, deceased. No. 3209: Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing of claims against said estate is Decem ber 7, 1936; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on December 11, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated August 7, 1936. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) al0-3w County Judge. NOTICE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska James E. Warga, et al, Plaintiffs vs. . J. NOTICE Ezekiel C. Baldwin, et al. Defendants To the Defendants David Sampson, Alice Sampson, David Samson, Alice Samson; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Jason G. Miller, deceased: You and each of you are hereby notified that James E. Warga and wife Irene Warga, Charles Warga and wife Josephine Warga, and Frank A. Cloidt, Administrator of the estate of John Warga, deceased, plaintiffs, filed a petition and com menced an action in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 11th day of April, 1936, against you and each of you, the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to Lot fourteen (14), in the South half (S) of the North west quarter (NW4) of Section four (4); the West half (W) of the Southwest quarter (SW4) of Section four (4); Government Lot four (4) of Section four (4); Gov ernment Lot six (6) of Section four (4); Lot sixteen (16) in Section four (4); the Southeast quarter (SEU) of the Northeast quarter (NEVi) of Section five (5); the Northeast quarter (NE4 ) of the Southeast quarter (SE4) of Section five (5); Tax Lot three (3) in the Southeast quarter (SEVi) of Section five (5); all that part of Section eight (8), in Township eleven (11), Range fourteen (14), East of the 6th P. M., described as follows: Com mencing at the northeast corner of said Section eight (8), thence run ning south on the east section line 60 rods, thence running west 735.40 feet, thence north no degrees, 14 minutes west 339.5 feet; thence north 9 degrees, 50 minutes west 178.2 feet; thence north 22 degrees, 51 minutes west 305.0 feet; thence north 1 degree, 3 minutes east 197.2 feet to the north line of Section 8, thence east along the north line of Section 8 to the place of beginning; also all that part of Section nine (9), in Township eleven (11), North, Range fourteen (14) East of the 6th P. M., described as follows: Com mencing at the northwest corner of said Section 9, thence south on the west section line of said section 60 rod3, thence east to the center chan nel of the Missouri river; thence northerly along the center channel of said Missouri river to a point where said center channel of said Missouri river intersects the north line of said Section 9 extended, thence west along the north line of said Section 9 to the place of be ginning, all of said lands being in Township eleven (11), North, Range fourteen (14), East of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, andj for equitable rener. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day. the 12th day of October, 1936, or the allegations contained in said petition will be taken as true and a decree rendered in favor of plaiatlff and against you and each of you. ac cording to the prayer of Bald peti tion. Dated this 28th day of August. 1936. ! JAMES E. WARGA and WIFE. IRENE WARGA; CHARLES WARGA and WIFE. JOSEPH INE WARGA; FRANK A. CLOIDT. Administrator of the Estate of JOHN WARQA, De ceased, Plaintiffs. W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plalntffs. a31-4w I 1 t v t I X it fl if 4 ' J r n 1