The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 06, 1936, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, APRII 6, 1936.
(Political Advertising) (Political
. t
. I
Age 44. Graduate of the Springfield High school, University of Ne
braska and Creighton University. World war veteran with overseas
service. Member Nebr. Constitutional Convention from Sarpy, county.
Elected County Attorney of Cass
Primary Election Tuesday, April 14, 1936
Alvo News
Mr. and Mrs. George Brawn of
South Bend spent Sunday with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ilardnock called
at the P. M. Prouty home Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nickel and
children spent Thursday at the S. C.
Ilardnock home.
Mrs. Hubert Strong spent a few
days during the mid-week with the
"Walter Collins family.
Miss Dorothy Peterson took care of
the duties at the post office during
Mrs. Elmer Rosenow's absence.
Edwin Taylor attended the big
farm sale held at the John Smith
home northwest of Ashland Thurs
day. Three of the Alvo applicants for
old age pension have gained recog
nition and are now receiving a pen
sion. Miss Bertha Kasin visited from
Monday until Wednesday with her
cousin, Harry Slater and family at
Mrs. Schaeffer has rented her store
building to the town board for an
office for the chief engineer of the
water works.
It is reported that Alvo will have
a blacksmith shop soon as Will
Parmenter of South Bend expects to
open a shop soon.
Miss Gladys Keller of LincolD,
spent the week end with her par
ents. She was having trouble with
a felon on one of her fingers.
The committee appointed by Mrs.
Charles Edwards to encourage the
organization of some 4-H clubs in
the community met Saturday even
ing to discuss some plans.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muen
chau and daughter and Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Dimmitt and son, spent Sun
day evening at the Albert Swanson
J. E. Elliott, Jr., has purchased
the small truck from Coatman and
Skinner. The week before he pur
chased their large truck. John has
also purchased a new Chevrolet
Mrs. Charles Edwards' Sunday
school class of young folks had an
"April Pool" party in the church
basement Wednesday evening. Every
one present enjoyed a merry time.
Ronald McKenzie was in charge of
the party.
H. L. Bornemeier was in Ashland
Tuesday having repair work done.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dimmitt and
son enjoyed a basket dinner Sunday
with the family at the James Dim
mitt home.
Mrs. Anderson of Steel, formerly
Miss Eleanor Filley and Mrs. Gilbert
Hans of Seward, formerly Miss
Thelma Reynolds, both former teach
ers of the Alvo school, were visiting
Miss Dorothy Peterson Saturday.
Mrs. Hubert Strong of Valentine,
spent a few days the first part of the
week with Mrs. V&ra Lancaster. Mrs.
Strong spent a couple of weeks in a
Lincoln hospital and is visiting with
relatives and friends before returning
home Thursday.
Carl Rosenow who has bten on
the sick list for several weeks went
baclc to his barber shop work last
week. Carl is feeling much better
and it is hoped that he will continue
to improve until he has regained his
former good health.
Soren Peterson and Mr. Paulhave
made an exchange of property. This
makes it much more convenient for
Soren Peterson as the filling station
he operates is just across the street
from his new property and will save
lots of running back and forth.
The members of the S. O. S. garden
club will hold their regular meet
ing Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
April 14, with Mrs. Harry Appleman.
The Timblin sons and Glenn Dim
Advertising - ) (Political Advertising)
District Judge
Non-Political Ballot
county 1S24, 1926, 1930 and 1934.
mitt attended the farm sale at the
John Smith farm northwest of Ash
land Thursday.
Seed Corn and Brood Sows.
Yellow Dent, 1933 crop, hand pick
ed and graded seed corn; County
Agent's test shows 92 fertility.
State test is also being had. Price
$2.50 per bushel. Also a number of
Duroc Jersey brood sows to farrow
April 22 to May 12th.
Murdock, Nebr.
Celebrated Anniversary.
A large crowd of relatives and
friends from Weeping Water, Omaha
and Avoca came to the Simon Reh-
meier home Sunday with well filled
baskets of delicious eats for a picnic
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rehmeier.
The occasion was in honor of their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary
that had passed early in the month
of March, but due to bad weather
and roads the relatives and friends
had waited for better weather so had
postponed the pleasant affair until
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rehmeier were pre
sented with a beautiful bouquet of
flowers and a purse of money.
Over seventy guests were present
to enjoy a most delightful day and
to offer their congratulations.
Return From Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rosenow re
turned home Tuesday evening from
Pueblo, Colorado. They had driven
out Saturday to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Rosenow's sister of that place.
Aid Society lias Homecoming.
The Alvo Ladies' Aid society en
joyed a "Homecoming" at their reg
ular April meeting held Wednesday
afternoon, April 1.
In spite of the bad weather, over
fifty were present to enjoy the after
noon's program which consisted of:
Singing, special music furnished by
the girls glee club under the direc
tion of Miss Marjorie Arn; trumpet
duets by Ronald McKenzie and Roy
Meiers, reading by Mrs. Earl Dream
er, piano duet by Mrs. Ralph Eulla
of Louisville and Mrs. Albert Born
emeier of Elmwood and a ong by
the ladies quartet.
During the business session plans
were made for a Mothers and Daugh
ters banqust, which will be held at
the church just before Mother's Day
Sunday in May.
It is to be a banquet instead of
covered dish luncheon as has been the
custom for the past five years. Plates
will be 35c. Watch for the announce
ment of the date in a latter issue.
K. P. Lodge Reorganizes.
Tuesday evening the men of the
community made a very successful
attempt to revive their local K. P.
lodge. A group from Lincoln and
Havelock came down to the meeting
to assist.
Seventeen local men renewed their
membership and officers were in
"Washington. A decrease of 5,030
in the number of employes in the
civil executive branch of the govern
ment from the end of January to the
end of February wa3 reported by the
civil service commission.
Deduction of 4,157 project em
ployes by the resettlement adminis
tration "in order to make their re
port embrace only administrative
personnel" was given as one reason
for the drop. Reorganization in the
works progress administration was
given as another. The commission
listed the number of employes as
805,020 on Jan. 31. The total pay
,,i)30 for Feb. 2D compared .with
roll was given as $122,664,196, com
pared with $124,676,5S8 for January.
Sketch of Life
of Charles Dykes
Former Resident of This City Called
to Last Rest and Laid to Sleep
in Glenwood Cemetery.
Charles Franklin Dykes, son ol
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dykes, was born
in Gentryville, Missouri, April 24,
1S8S and died at his home south of
Glenwood, Iowa, March 30, 1936, at
the age of 47 years, 11 months and
6 days. He was united in marriage
to Thelma Rupe on October 3, 1932
who with one daughter, by a former
marriage, Mrs. Harold Vincent of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, remain to
mourn the untimely passing of this
husband and father. Besides these he
is survived by five brothers, Walter of
Albany, Missouri, Roy and Maurice
of Billings, Montana, Jesse of Cabool,
Missouri, and William of Sioux City,
Iowa. Two sisters, Mrs. Tom Hun
sucker of King City, Missouri and
Mrs. John Wright of Plattsmouth,
Before locating at his home loca
tion two years ago, he served for
seven years on the police forces of
Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska, but
has been farming for some time pre
ceding his death which came as the
result of a fall at his home on March
4th, in which he suffered a broken
Quite a number of years ago Mr.
Dyke3 signified his preference for
the Methodist church and clung to
that faith most of his life.
The funeral service was held in
the Methodist church at Pacific
Junction, Iowa, with the pastor, Rev.
T. J. Pettit in charge. Music was
furnished by Mrs. Frank Boyle, Mrs.
D. G. Kainey and Mrs. S. C. Lincoln.
Those acting as pallbearers were Guy
Haynie, Chas. Haynie, Roy Wright,
V. S. Bradley, Raymond Varner and
Seifert Johnson.
The flowers were cared for by Mrs.
Allen Watts, Mrs. Dean Purcell, Mrs.
Lewis Lee and Mrs. Chas. Abshire.
Interment was made in the Oak
wood cemetery.
In 1934, at the time of dedication
of the CWA built cabin at . Camp
Wheeler, recreation grounds for the
Boy Scout organization, located six
mile3 south of Plattsmouth on Rock
Creek, there was organized the "150
Club." composed of 150 individuals
of this community interested in the
promulgation of boys' work. Dues of
$1 per year were collected for the
first year (with a few paying the en
tire three years pledged at that time).
Last spring a drive was carried on
for the collection of the 1935 dues
of those who had paid but one year
at the start. Again this spring, a
drive will be carried on in the near
future to collect the pledged 1936
The membership card, issued in
1934, recites that "Mr. has
contributed the sum of $1.00 to help
defray the cost of maintaining the
Boy Scout program in Plattsmouth
during 1934 (including $90.00 area
dues). Furthermore, he has pledged
a like sum for 1935 and 1936, pay
able by March 1st of each year, and
is therefore registered a3 a member
in good standing of this club."
On the back of the card, beneath
the space provided for crediting an
nual payments of the $1 membership
due3, appears the following:
"Increased Benefits at a Reduced
Cost: The raising of this annual bud
get of $150 will be sufficient to carry
on a greatly enlarged Scouting pro
gram in Plattsmouth, including $90
a year as area dues, rental of grounds
at Camp Wheeler, insurance on cabin
and other incidentals, regardless of
how many additional troops are orga
nized, thus permitting expansion of
Scouting to a point where it will em
brace every boy of Scouting age in
the community. The area dues alone
amounted to over $200 per annum in
the old Nemaha area."
Plattsmouth's $90 quota for the
current year i3 now due. Some of the
towns in Arbor Lodge district have
already paid theirs. The drive for
renewal of memberships here will be
announced soon.
Due to the fact that some members
did not pay dues last year, the fund
is depleted with insurance on the
cabin unpaid. In addition the tele
phone has been re-installed at the
cabin for another what is hoped to be
most active season, with all boys of
Scouting age having opportunity to
enjoy a few days or a week there
during summer vacation period. Be
prepared to renew your membership
in this worth-while movement when
the dates of the drive are announced.
See the poo as you buy. Catalog
descriptions are flowery enough,
but how about tne goods when
you get them?
Harry Northcutt,
a Former Court
Reporter, Dies
Passes Away Thursday Evening at
Omaha as Result of Complica
' tions Well Known Here.
Harry Northcutt, 65, 3430 Seward
treet, Omaha, chief clerk in the army
quartermaster's department at Om
aha, died Thursday night at the
Methodist hospital in that city.
Death came as the result of compli
cations from diabetes from which he
had been a sufferer for some time.
Mr. Northcutt was born in Ne
braska City, the son of J. B. North
cutt, a pioneer merchant of that
place, who died in 1926 at the age of
96 years. His mother died last fall
in "Washington at the age of 94.
When the late Judge B. S. Ramsey
of this city was elected as district
judge for the second district, Mr.
Northcutt was appointed as his court
reporter and served in that capacity
until the expiration of the term in
He was married in this city in 1900
to Miss L. Blanche Kennedy, and in
1903 was enlisted in the U. S. army
in the quartermaster's department,
being located at Omaha since that
Mr. Northcutt was a member of
Covert lodge A. F. & A. M., Belle
vue chapter No. 7 Royal Arch Ma
sons and the Sojourners, all of Om
aha. Surviving is his widow; a daugh
ter. Mrs. Harryette Fish and son,
Richard, of Omaha; three brothers,
Ebbie and Wilbur of Portland, Ore
gon and Jesse of Sapulpa Oklahoma.
Mrs. John W. Crabill of this city and
Dr. C. R. Kennedy of Omaha, are sis
ter and brother-in-law of the de
ceased. The burial services will be held in
this city, but the date has not been
definitely set.
Franklin, "W. Va. Mrs. Lydia Ann
Graham, 9S, known as "the last
widow of the war of IS 12," died at
her home in the hills near here.
The veterans bureau last year de
scribed Mrs. Graham as the one per
son receiving "a pension in the year
ending June CO for services rendered
in the war of 1812."
She was the widow of Isaac Gra
ham, a drummer boy in the war, who
was born about 1790. Mrs. Graham
was 32 at the time of her marriage
in 1869. Her husband died in 1881.
In the County, Court of Cass coun
y, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Francis C. Lemon, deceas
ed. No. 3189:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Angeline Lemon as Administratrix;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the 1st
day of May, 1936, at 10 a. m.
Dated April 6, 1936.
(Seal) a6-3w County Judge.
In the Comity Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Charles A. McReynolds, de
ceased. No. 3188:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
O. A. Davis a3 administrator; that
said petition has been set for hearing
before said Court on the 1st day of
May, 1936 at 10 a. m.
Dated April 1st, 1936.
(Seal) a6-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, ielraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Charles Richards, deceased.
No. 3187:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Marie Richards as administratrix;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the 1st
day of May, 1936 at 10 a. m.
Dated April 1st, 1936 .
(Seal) a6-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Edmond G. McCulloch, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is July
20th, 1936; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court Room In
Plattsmouth on July 24th, 1936, at
10:00 a. m. for the purpose of exam
ining, hearing, allowing and adjust
ing all claims or objections duly filed.
Dated March 20th, 1936.
(Seal) m23-3w , ., County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Anna E. Ileil, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Administra
trix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examination
and allowance of her administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for her discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on April 24, 1936, at 10
o'clock a. m.
Dated March 25, 1936.
(Seal) m30-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Andrew Blum, deceased. No.
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and fojr the appointment of William
Blum as Executor thereof; that said
petition has been set for hearing be
fore said Court on the 24th day of
April, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated March 27, 1936.
(Seal) m30-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Beulah Sans, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Executor of
said estate has filed his final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of his administration ac
counts, determination of heirship, as
signment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on April 24, 1936, at 10
o'clock a. m
Dated March 27, 1936.
(Seal) m30-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Norfolk Packing Company,
a corporation, Plaintiff,
Southwest Freight Lines,
Inc., a corporation, of
Kansas City, Missouri, De
fendant. NOTICE
To the Defendant Southwest
Freight Lines, Inc., a corporation, of
Kansas City, Missouri:
You are hereby notified that plain
tiff filed a petition and commenced
an action in the County court of Cass
County, Nebraska, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which is to ob
tain judgment against said defend
ant for the sum of $580.80 with in
terest at the rate of 6 per annum
from October 15, 1935, and for costs
of suit. You are required to answer
said petition on or before the 4th day
of May, 1936, or your default will
be entered therein and judgment
rendered in accordance with the
prayer of said petition. Order of at
tachment allowed.
Of all of which you will take due
PANY, a corporation.
m23-4w Attorney for Plaintiff.
Public Notice is hereby given that
the Chairman and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Greenwood in the
County of Cass, State of Nebraska, by
resolution duly passed and entered
in the minutes of their proceedings
in accordance with Article 6, Chap
ter 11, of the Compiled Statutes of
the State of Nebraska for 1929, di
rected that public notice be given
stating that Water Bonds amounting
to the principal sum of $8,500.00
dated July 1, 1925, which were voted
at a special election held May 26th,
1925, and authorized by Ordinance
No. 47 at a meeting of the Board of
Trustees held on the 1st day of June,
1925 and bearing interest at the rate
of five per centum (5) per annum,
are outstanding and unpaid; that
Water Extension bonds amounting to
the principal sum of $3,000.00 dated
July 1, 1925, which were voted at a
special election held May 26th. 1925,
and authorized by Ordinance No. 48
at a meeting of the Board of Trustees
held on the 1st day of June, 1925,
and bearing interest at the rate of
five per centum (5) per annum,
are outstanding and unpaid; that the
rate of interest since the issuance of
these bonds has so declined in the
market that by taking up and pay
ing off such bonds by an issue of
"Refunding Bonds" as provided by
law, a substantial saving in the
amount of yearly running interest
will be made to said Village; that
the said - outstanding bonds are
sought to be taken up and paid off by
means of "Refunding Bonds" of said
Village, in the principal amount of
$11,500.00 bearing interest at the
rate of three and one-half per cen
tum (3) Per annum, payable
semi-annually which the Chairman
and Board of Trustees of said Village
propose to issue.
Public Notice Is hereby given that
any taxpayer of the Village of Green
wood may file objections to such pro
posed action with Dwight M. Talcott,
Village Clerk of said Village at his
office in said Village, on the 18th
day of April, 1936, between the
hours of 9:00 o'clock a. m. and 5:00
o'clock p. m. or during business
hours prior to said day.
(Seal) a2-3w Village Clerk.
Journal Want-Ads cost little
and accomplish much.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale Is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 25th day of April,
A. D. 1936 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house in said County, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following real estate to
wit: The Northwest Quarter of Sec
tion ten (10) in Township ten
(10) north. Range nine (9) east
of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
containing 160 acres more or
less, in Cass County, Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Willie E.
Casey, et al, Defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by
The Equitable Life Assurance Society
of the United States, a corporation,
Plaintiff against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 18,
A. D. 1936.
Sheriff Cass County,
Plaintiff's Att'y:
Winfield R. Ross.
Defendants' Atty's:
P. J. Cosgrave.
John J. Ledwith.
Schlytern & Kelley. ml9-5w
Stewart. Stewart S AVhltworth, AtO
Lincoln, rbranka.
by virtue of an Order of Sale, issued
by the Clerk of the District Court of
the Second Judical District of Ne
braska, within and for Cass county,
in an action wherein The Mutual
Benefit Life Insurance Company, a
corporation, is plaintiff, and James
II. Foreman, et al, are defendants,
I will, at 2:00 o'clock p m. on the
21st day of April, 1936, at the south
door of the court house in Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, offer
for sale at public auction, the follow
ing described lands and tenements,
The southwest quarter (SW
Ji ) of Section twenty-three
(23), Township eleven (11),
North, Range nine (9) East of
the 6th P. M., containing one
hundred sixty (160) acres, Gov
ernment Survey, in Cass county,
Given under my hand this 13th
day of March, 1936.
Stewart, Stewart &
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Burkett, Wilson &
Van Kirk, ml6-5w
Attorneys for Defendants.
(1. I'. IIACiER. Attomey
COS l"irt National llnnk llullding:
Lincoln, Mrbmnka
band and wife, MARGARET MOON
a minor, MARY SANBORN, admin
istratrix of the estate of Perley A
Sanborn, non-resident, deceased; the
interested in the estate of Perley A.
Sanborn, deceased, real name3 un
known, and ALL PERSONS having
or claiming any interest in Lot 283
in the Village of Greenwood, Cass
county, Nebraska, real names un
known, defendants.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the Home Savings and
Loan Association, a corporation, has
commenced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against each of you and others, the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to foreclose a certain mortgage of
$S00 given by one, Perley A. San
born under the name of Perley Ar
thur Sanborn, now deceased, and
Mary Sanborn under the name of
Mary Elizabeth Sanborn, his then
wife, to the Home Savings and Loan
Association, a corporation, plaintiff,
dated April 9, 1929, which said
mortgage was filed of record in the
office of Register of Deed3 of Cass
County, Nebraska, on the 29th day
of April, 1929, and recorded in Book
59 of Mortgages at Page 419 of the
records of said county, and was up
on the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
All of Lot 283 in the Village
of Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska. 1'iainiiii aiieges tnat tnere is a
default in the payment of principal
and interest on the bond and said
mortgage, and by reason . thereof.
plaintiff has elected to declare the
whole sum due and payable at once,
and that there is now due and owing
on said mortgage the sum of $693.15,
together with interest thereon at 10
per cent per annum from and after
February 15, 1936, and that the same
is a first lien upon said above de
scribed real estate.
Plaintiff prays that said amount
be found due on said mortgage, and
that the same be declared a first lien
upon the above described real estate;
that the defendants or some one of
them be required to pay said amount
with costs in this action, or that
said real estate be sold for the sat
isfaction of said mortgage as pro
vided by law and that the defendants
and each of them be foreclosed of all
right, title, interest or equity of re
demption in and to said mortgaged
premises, and that the certificate of
stock in plaintiff association be can
celled. You and each of you are required
to answer or otherwise plead to said
petition on or before the 27th day
of April, 1936, or the same will be
taken as true, and judgment and de
cree entered accordingly.
a Corporation, Plaintiff,
Its Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Sadie E. Mowrey, deceased. No. 3179:
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims against said estate is July
27th, 1936; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court Room in
Plattsmouth on July 31st, 1936, at
10 a. m. for the purpose of exam
ining, hearing, allowing, and adjust
ing all claims or objections duly
Dated March 2Sth, 193 6.
(Seal) m30-3w County Judge.
of Hearing on Petition for De
termination of Heirship.
In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Estate of A. P. Long, also known
as Anthony F. Long, deceased. Estate
No. 31S4.
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that A. F.
Weber has filed his petition alleging
that A. F. Long, also known as An
thony F. Long, died intestate on or
about January 10, 1SS2, being a resi
dent and inhabitant of Cass county,
Nebraska, and died seized of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
An undivided one-third inter
est in the south half (S'fc) of
the southwest quarter (SW',4)
of Section thirty-two (32),
Township ten (10), Range
twelve (12), Cass county, Ne
braska leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons,
Nimrod Long, Malcolm G.
Long, Mattie L. de Graffeureid
(formerly Mattie L. Long), and
John P. Long, all children of
the deceased, and Amanda M.
Long, his widow.
That the interest of the petitioner in
the above described real estate is
subsequent purchaser and present
owner, and praying for a determina
tion of the time of the death of said
A. P. Long, also known as Anthony
P. Long, and of his heirs, the degree
of kinship and the right of descent
of the real property belonging to the
said deceased, in the State of Ne
braska. It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 10th day of April,
1936, before the County Court of Cass
county in the court house at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 11th day of March, A. D. 1936.
(Seal) ml6-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 11th day of April,
A. D. 1936, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south front door of
the court house in said county, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following real es
tate, to-wit:
Fractional Lots sixty - five,
eleven, ninety, ninety-one and
ninety-five (65, 11, 90, 91 and
95) in the Southeast Quarter
(SE!4) of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW',i) of Section eight
teen (18), Township twelve
(12), North, Range fourteen
(14) east of the 6th p. m., and
being more particularly describ
ed as follows:
Commencing at the southeast
corner of the Southwest Quar
ter (SWU) of the Southwest
Quarter (SWU ) of Section eigh
teen (18) Township twelve (12),
North, Range fourteen (14) ea3t
of the 6th p. m., running thence
north on the section line, three
hundred ninety-six (396) feet
to the place of beginning, thence
running north four hundred six
teen (416) feet; thence east to
the west line of 6th Street in
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska; thence fol
lowing said west line of 6th
Street and Billings Avenue In a
southerly direction to a point in
said west line of Billings Ave
nue due east of the place of be
ginning; thence west to the
place of beginning.
Also fractional Lot sixty-six
(66) in the Southwest Quarter
(SW'i) of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW',4), Section eighteen
(15) , Township twelve (12),
North, Range fourteen (14) east
of the 6th P. M. in Cass County,
Nebraska, and being more par
ticularly described as that par
cel of land commencing at the
southeast (SE) corner of the
Southwest Quarter (SW1) of
the Southwest Quarter (SW',4)
of Section eighteen (18), Town
ship twelve (12), North, Range
fourteen (14) east of the 6th
P. M., running thence north
three hundred ninety-six (396)
feet to the place of beginning;
thence running west twenty
(20) feet; thence north two hun
dred sixty-six (266) feet; thence
east twenty (20) feet; thence
south two hundred sixty-six
(266) feet to the place of be
ginning; in the City of Platts
mouth, Cas3 County. Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of Anna Skalak,
et al, Defendants, to satisfy a Judg
ment of said Court recovered by Gen
eral Securities Company, a corpor
ation, plaintiff, against said Defend
Plattsmouth Nebraska, March 11th,
A. D. 1936.
Sheriff Cass County,
Attorney for Plaintiff ml2-5w