The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1936, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, 1IAB.CH 26, 1936.
Weeping Water
O. O. Kimbcr was looking after
Frank Johnson of Lincoln, was a
visitor in Weeping Water for the day
last Tuesday, coming to arrange for
fome business matters in Lincoln iine sneinng or nis corn, siorea on
Tuesday of this week, j tbe arm bere, but the death of
Earl Towers was locking after Isaac Wiles and whose funeral oc
some business matters in riattsrnouth ' curred on Wednesday, prevented the
one day during the latter portion 0r!shell,nS and delivery, so Mr. John
last week.
Earl Oldham was a visitor in Om
aha Tuesday of this week, taking a
truck load of country produce, cream
and eggs to the wholesale house.
companied by their daughter, were!
son returned home and came the day
following the funeral which was
Thursday and is having the corn
shelled and delivered.
Old Age Pen
sions are Paid
in 21 States
Federal Government Is Now Fr.ssiE.2
Out $2,000,003 a Month j
to 250,000 People. i
I Washington. Social security;,
Idrs. Mable Eva Boldan. j board figures showed the "new deal's
Miss Mable Eva Bauer, wife of: system of old age pensions for the;
in Lincoln for the day last Sunday Kar oldan, was born on January 15, j needy is rapidly spreading thru the'
and as well visited with his mother
at Beatrice, returning home in the
Mesdames Ralph Keckler, Joseph)
Abrahams, Joe Ranack and Otto
Cholcher were members of a party
of ladies who were visiting in Lin
coln last Tuesday, driving over to the
for the
j 1 S92 and passed from this lile on 'nation.
March 22, 193G, at the age of 44
years, 2 months and 17 days. She
The federal government is now
assing cut about ?2, 000,000 a month :
had been in poor health for a num-;ror grants to almost a quarter of a
big city to do some tradin
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shields will
move their cleaning establishment
to their new building next Saturday.
The urper story of the building is
to be used for their living Quarters.
They are very well pleased with the
new location.
Fred Haverman of near Avoca, was
in Weeping Water and made the pur
chase of material for the construction
of a brooder house which is to be
ber of weeks and was at an Omaha jmiliion people in 21 states and the
hospital where she underwent an op- j District of Columbia. Flans for es
eration and later returned to her pending the pensions to an even
home in Weeping Water where after greater number in eight additional
Itv.o weeks she passed away last Sun-states are awaiting approval of the
jday. The funeral was held from the;board.
Mennonite church, here, and with
burial at the Wabash cemetery, near
where she spent the greater part of
These figures indicate that as soon
as ail states have come into the sys
tem, the government will be appro
ver life. The funeral was held on jpriating more than $100,000,000 an-
Ready Made
$12.50 - 313.50
$15.00- $18.75
Come in and Try Them on
Since 1879
(Political Advertlsfnp)
j A. L. Becker was over to Platts-;
mouth last Monday morning looking
after some business matters at the J h
! court house. i
j Wayne Ackley the trucker, took a j -j
jload of household goods and the f am-J
lily from Union to McCook where they jr
are to reside, making the tri.i this!,
week. $
Lloyd Elrod of Nebraska City was I
a visitor in Union for the rrreatcr ' S
part of last week and was guest while K
here at the heme of C. E. Morris and O
Miss Rachel Taylor of Lincoln,
was a visitor in Union last Friday
and Saturday, visiting with friends
while here, returning to her home on
From Wednesday's Daily
This morning in the office of the
clerk of the district court there was
filed an action entitled, Harold
ShaTer vs. Verna Shafer. The suit
is for divorce and in the petition
( Advertising) (Political A J v rt ; zz )
There are no friends Ij lavcr, no enemies
to punish, lut the constant endecvor to
humbly and consrientiensly seek justice and
justice alone.
Eut cne promise is nace : that with all of
rr.v ability I will discharge the duties cf the
Cilice henostly, impartially nd fearlessly.
1 1
A basketball team of the business jenjoyecj
men of Union organied and were to
play the high school team at the gym
at the Union high school Wednesday
of this week.
II. T. Morton, D. D. of Omaha, sec-i
for the day at the home of their
daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Elilers where a pleasant time Ceorgo E. Nickks, rcrre.'-r.t-tive
was spent and an excellent dinner . from Cass county, vass ar.c ng tno
j visiltun at the F1!A meeting I. ere- ci;
Monday, being interested in th.- 1 urn-
Murray ft ." a pi ' at
.r.. Mr. Nic is r..' " a
f-r t he new t-.w !. u f
bcr buinc-G
many ytu.r.
retary of the Baptist convocation will
Saw lilueh Hail.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph 13anni;;g ar.u
Miss Pcarle Taiiiiing a:id Mtarle
! Davis were over to Alvo last Sunday , i-Iatu: e fioi.v ih" tbird ditnVt m-
Tuesday afternoon, March 24th. Alnually matched by equal Rtatejthe plaintiff states that the parties ;rcach at the pjantist church at Union
'where th?y were enj.?vii;'r a visit
po.-c i ol C a.- - and
npy co.ji.t.
fuller account of the life of this ex- funds for pensions to more than 1,-1 were married at Red Oak, Iowa, No-
cellent woman will appear in a later j 000,000 people over Co vears of age.lvember S, 19S0. The parties have
edition of this papsr.
Building a Garage at Camp,
There is being erected a new three v. ho are not eligible for work relief.
--u . i . rrn . - .... V. Af I -r-., -, i , i i
10x12 in dimensions and which he is b11 eaias " t" v. ia.u4, swuti. figures aauauie to cue uuaiu v
building himself, starting during thehvrin-" Vater- which is to be sedthe sie of the pensions being paid by
early portion of this week.
Federal officials express hrpa it will ! made settlement as to property and
go far toward caring for the esti-;the custody of the minor child which
mated 1,500.000 needy unemployables
jfor the housing of the cars of the i the state were estimates only, be
G. R. Binger of the Weeping Wa-
j officers of the camp. The lumber was
ter Lumber companv and Oscar Kinds
of the First National bank of Weep- j company in Weeping Water and the
ing Water were in Fiattsmouth last construction of the building was
Mondav attending a housing meeting. kivea to keeping; Water mechanics
Ther were also lookinc after other as well. This equips the camp very!, m9ttPr, v:Mp thrrP I nicely with housing facilities for! by the experts
Reports from the Clarkson hospital j their automobiles.
is now in the custody of the plaintiff.
McCook, N"eb. The McCook cham-
cause the federal fuiwis are turned jier of commerce Saturday asked con
over in lump sums. Eut these esti- gressmen to take action to have re
mates indicated the pensions were settlement funds made available at
running from $10 to $30 a month, 'once so spring planting can start on
with an average cf $17.50, or some
what lower than had been forecast
Tendered Government Position.
Early this week, Henry Snell re-
tion carries a salary of $30 and ex
penses, the work being the taking
of an inventory of the property of
the government in the reclamation
service. Mr. Snell is intending to ac
cept the position and ha3 so wired
Congressman Luckey of his inten
tions. He will have to dispose of his
produce business.
in Omaha where Dr. W. H. Tuck has
been for some time and where he un
derwent a major operation some tv.o
weeks ago. is to the effect that Dr.
Tuck is geting along very nicely and
that he will be permitted to return
home in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Jones were
pleased with a visit from his bro
ther, John Jones of Lincoln who
came last Saturday for a visit, re
maining over night and with Mr. and
Mrs. Jones returned to Lincoln Sun
day where they went to visit their
son, Clifford and family.
Ernest Jamison, the carpenter, who
has been having the flu for the past
several ' veeks, is getting-over the
malady at this time and is enjoying
life much better than when he was
troubled with the illness. Ernest has
been able to be about town with his
friends during the past week and is
well pleased with the condition which
permits him to get out.
Richard Cole and wife during the
past week moved to the farm near
Avoca where they are to engage in
tarmmg ana wnicn tney nae ueea ; that he i3 &tin getting better
having placed in good condition dur
ing the past few weeks. The friends
cf this excellent couple will miss
them here in Weeping Water, but the
society of Avoca will be enriched by
their having moved there.
Stirling Amich, Weeping Water
This average probably will be
raised, however, when the big indus
trial states ccmc- into the plan. New
Verb, which has paid the highest
ceived a wire from Congressman state pensions in the past, has not yet
Henry C. Luckey. tendering him a (qualified.
position with the government and j Plans have been approved in 21
asking him to go to Lincoln to con-states and the District of Columbia,
suit L. A. White as to the position , 223,013 persons, with a monthly out
and its nature and duties. The posi- lay of $3,32S,402 (half contributed
by the federal government.)
Chicago. Blind Thomas Howard
Overton, 31, and armless Stanley A.
Kasprzyk. 32, vfere headed for a
career in law Tuesday on a co-operative
How they pooled their physical re
sources was disclosed Monday when
Home From Hospital.
' . ' Overton, announced by the Chicago-
at the University hospital m Omaha. .,,,-, i
. ! Kent college of law as the high rank
where some time ago she underwent, ,,..,, , ,
,'mg scholar in the freshman class of
an operation for the restoration cfi . .
, . . , . . ,.Jiii, insisted that Kasprzyk deserved
her health, has so far improved that i
. . . , ,,,'soec of tae credit. Kasprzyk, he said,
iln Isttpr nnrt ion of last week. Her i T7as ni3
.. . , rrzyk's "arms
many irienas are picadfu mai. nuc ¬
has been able to return home and t
farms. The chamber said loans have
been approved but the funds have
cot been made available in this sec-
were returning home in the evening. jit0-
Sunday, March 2Pth at 11 a. m. Ev
eryone welcome.
Henry Klemm cf near Avoca was
a visitor in Union last Monday morn
ing, looking after some business mat
ters while here. Ke said there was
not so much rain there as here.
Miss Opal Griffin, the efficient and
accommodating clerk at the Union
nest office was a visitor in Omaha for
the day Monday of this week and was!v'hea he v'aR at Ci:iaha 0:1 utl-7r Lusi
visiting with her friends there.
the heme of Mr. vr.d Mrs. John Ran-! He- has scrvt -d twi terms in lie- in
ning for the day and dinner. The ! i-lal"rc a:.d as a me-.r.b. r of of
rain storm came up while they were! the. most important committees, be
there and hailed on them as thcy!i-S chairman cf the finance
Eays Hew Weldir-j Z-Iachine. i
Henry II. Decker made the pur-'
chase of a new Carbide welding out
fit, getting the same Ia?t Monday!
ness with his truck. The salesman,!
Ff"!7l Moiiii.-iy's l)a:l-
This morning Fred L. Car.' n-n.
:-tutJ renator, lio'A' a cui-c: i:.!- fvr
fi';ctu':n t- the unicameral i. ri -.-ji urc
'(i-.-.i i f cnstrn t i( a- ; an.l
The C. E. Morris family were over an Pert ,n Uiis line c-nie Cov:n to!arrv c.nntkr. n as a vi.itor ir. tho
to Louisville last Sunday where thcyiist Henry in assembling the rua- f . nt,r . an t,,,,.
were visiting for the day at the home! e. Mr. Becker will now be en- x .nirn anJ u
p c,-uD -iry-ic rr tint iaSleJ to eio his own welding witn, . , .
of the Silas Morris lamnj 01 w returned to ihj cue h;;:-c- 1 .. r
.Inn nn-l f.r.!n(. fflC hoill lP- - . tlC2 ,--171ll f .f-ll ll'i;'l l.'i.3
i. a .-i.i.USl a - ! place, C. E. and Silas being brothers, j '"-to a--. ":.h. ma:.y (f the tl.i:..
layed as farmers wait for the money.
Omaha. John Latenser, jr., an
nounced late Saturday approval of
PWA contracts in Nebraska totaling
434.925, including $412. S67 in elec
trical contracts for the Blatte Valley
Public Power and Irrigation district.
(Political Atfvertisins)
-and he was Kas-
Candidate for
Unicameral Gives
His Viewpoints
Eraert Kaning fcr Honesty,
Horse Sense and No Foolin
in Government.
Henry Jourgensen of Avoca, was
a visitor in Union last Monday, com
ing over with a truck load of corn
for Frank W. Martin who is buying
Will Preach at Baptist Church.
The Baptist Sunday tc'iiool '.
I that he La i
i :.:c nt of the
in r.iac: ir the- i c.tir-:tat?.
it for use in feeding his 00 v. 5 which j Union is planning to held their!
he uses fcr milking, and supplying
the people of Nebraska City.
Jesse Pell and wife of Omaha ac
ccmpanied by their two daughters.
Misses Rachel and Dorothy, were
guests with friends in Union, visiting j
Eastrr breal
at ::J0, April 12.
Also the church will have wit!;!
them II. T. Morton. I). D. of Omaha;
with thm fo
j :: ( : ;,r r. lie ;
ft-r err; c.-f the- vast.
for th
::adc- b
c ried:; Re -I Cress is one that
v. 1
i- 1.
the 11 a. m. service1. ,, t 1 .
next Sunday. Everyone welcome. Tho Ca,s ...... nty chapter h
The Masons ot Union and Neha'.vka 3..).:cj to cnat the- cf : th
v. ho wi.-h to
on the farm with their son and as 1 v.-ill attend in a body. Let us t-ome j ,rirt.r(rs aii.j lbc
well with Grandmother Mrs. Rachel j xpecting a spiritual feast, which will j
:av do fo l'V
avn.s the ..-
Koves to K"ew Location.
Dr. L. N. Kunkel who has been
having a recent purchase transform
ed into a new and up to date hes-
They met by chance their first
day in school when the armless stu
dent guided his blind classmate down
a faght of steps. When they reached
the door at the bottom Kasprzyk
couldn't turn the knob to open it.
Eut Overton could. Overton could
carry books, but not read them.
pital with residence attached, which
w as completed last week, moved into j Kasprzyk could read, but not carry
postmaster, accompanied by his two , the new location and is now prepared books. The logical association de-
to take care of his trade. The new- ( veloped by mutual consent, Overton
hospital will save many a long trip j related. "I take notes in class with a
for many patients, to Omaha, Lin-(punch on a Braille form board." he
coin or Nebraska City. Weeping Wa-Jc-id. "Cut of class Stanley reads to
ter is to be congratulated in that Dr. , ine ard 1 transcribe my notes on a
L. N. Kunkel has established this ' typewriter for him. For each of us
new institution in this community, J jt is just a matter of w orking hard
and now has an institution d;niedjer tD overcome a phyrie-al handicap."
small sons, Charles and Verne, drove
to Omaha last Sunday to visit the
mother of Mr. Amich. Mrs. Nettie
Amich, who is at the hospital recup
erating from a major operation which
she underwent r-cme two weeks ago.
It is expected that she will be able
to return Lome In a short time.
Pis &s P t&PO
We are Prepared to Write
cn Growing Crop3
Don't buy your Insurance cf
seme stranger who will not
be hcra when you have a loss.
Cur Claims sire Paid
within Ten Da3Ts
of the dato cf loss, fto as
sessments; Ko deductions!
Phone- 16
Platts mo utm
many cities of much larger population.
Enjoyed Very line Visit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Baker enter
tained at their home in Weeping Wa
ter last Sunday and had as their
guests for the day Zdr. and Mrs. Fred
3chauble and wife as well as Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Cashman of Pcwhat
ta:i Kansas, the ladies being sisters
cf Mrs. Daker. Mi.:s Donna Lee
Eahcr, who is teaching school a Re
serve, ivansas. accompaniea mem,
When written examinations are re
quired, Kasprzyk is lorced to call up
on cne of his brothers to write for
him. Oi.herv.ise the two handicapped
rtudents are "co-sufficient," they
Ox J. G. WI33EL3I
Fremont, Neb., March 2 4. Dodge
county supervisors Tuesday accepted
resignation of J. G. Widheim as coun-
land with the familv of Harold Daker y rt'licf director and transferred his
I of Weeping Water, made a merry to Mrs. Clara Metzger. assist-
rreat enjoyment.
! crow d, which made the home one cf ! r-nt director
iuhc-im filed his resignation last
week and charged democratic mem
bers failed to co-operate with him.
ITe asked to be allowed to remain in
the office until April 5. Supervisors
voted four to tv.o in approval of a
motion asking Widheim to vacate his
office immediatel3 They allowed his
salary until April 5.
Funeral cf Isaac Wiles.
The funeral of the late Isaac Wiles
v.ho passed away last Sunday, was
held from the Christian church in
Weeping Water Wednesday ci this
week, conducted by Rev. Ernest
Daker, pastor of the Christian church
of Elm wood.
Mr. Wiics was born in Iowa and
wa3 81 year3 of ago, having resided
in Cass county since he was two
months of age. He was a charter
Entertain at Ilorae.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wiles of near
Weeping Water, entertained at their
home Sunday, March 22, a host of
member of the Christian church at , f, -er.d5 as well as relatives.
Grandview, which burned a few years
Those extending congratulations,
ago and a new edifice was erected in to Mr. Gay Coster on his 23rd birth
Weeping Water. day were: Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Coster,
Mr. Wiles was also a member of 'c.f Alvo; Mr. Robert J. Coster cf Ne
the I. O. O. F., being a faithful at-Ji;aka; Miss Ha.el Vest of Murray;
tendant for a long reriod of 5-ears.
During the past few yrcrs he has not
been able to attend. Likewise he was
a member of the Modern Woodmen
of America of Manley. The burial
was held at Oak wood cemetery in
Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fleicher, former
ly Miss Ermit Coster, who are re
siding near Nehawka.
Ail spent a very pleasant day, wish
ing Gay many mere happy birthdays.
As a candidate for Representative
for Cass and Sarpy counties, will say
I am f4 years old and have farmed
in southeast Nebraska for 30 years.
I realize that I am unknown to a
majority of the voters of my district,
but believe honesty and principle are
of more importance than personal ac
quaintance. Not having been a former member
of the Legislature, I do not have to
apologize for my former ecord. In
politics, I am a Liberal Republican.
i ,
-i i
" -
Phcne news items to Ko. 6.
but am opposed to hampering sound
legislation thru political prejudice.
Let us have a short and efficient
session by eliminating useless legis
lation which is of no value to busi
ness or society.
I believe in financing old age pen
sions by a general sales tax, which
will operate on the buying capacity
of the public in general, rather than
upon the buyer of gasoline, as is
done at present.
There are not enotigh improved
"farm - to - market" roads for the
amount of gas tax collected in the
state. Instead of paved race tracks,
give us better roads in the rural
In chert, let U3 have "Honesty,
Pell and with their
friends in Union.
The framework of the new cafe
which John Fitzpatrick has been Lav-
many other i be in waiting for all on Easte r.
They Sure nad a Trip.
! contribution at the Pi-itu :..out h
On last Sundav th're were two
ing erected is getting on very nice.yj
at this time. The structure is up and
the sides enclosed and begins to look 1
like a real building and at th rate;
that the work is going on it will not !
jL'nion to Ru;hin
the state.
in the central part
! Carl Hansen and
Flat smruih cfTer; i rp:c:r:dti
narkct fcr farm produce. Local
dcitcrs pay top prices.
be so long before it will be finished.
W. B. Banning and wife who make
their home in Lincoln, were in Union
visiting their many
Verle Ackley were detailed for the
trip. They stalled in fair time Sua-,
day morning and w ere accompanied '
; by Elmer Withrow who w anted to
see the country. Things progressed i
1 . c..i-
ii ouiu, 1"""-,fairly well until a tire blew out which
friends here, and Mr. Banning loo-; U;cir troublo Afler a vorld
ing after business matters, making:. worjc thev had it repaired and soon
the purchase of a new V-S truck for! other wtnt Qut aRd aeain thp lhrd
one, which put them into Ruskin
use on the rarm m aiding t ranh. l..
AUUtlsuu "JL" l"c ""iIV (long after dark. They got their grain
farm and orchard. Unloaded and at 10 o'clock in the
A district meeting of the church! , .
CClilLiK U. 1 U I I I i h'. illW-j I 11 V 1 1 LCW
filled with g
and their stomachs
which has been holding their services
at the Woodman Hall was held at j
the hall last Sunday, which was an
ail day meeting auu as antuut-u sA,r, f Jri Tt,;,,r, ,.t;i f,,r
Horses and n.ules, 12. J. Lutz,
Plattsmouth, phone 222-V.'.
with something to eat, it was even!
later. Thcv started to return and 1
)o hraJ of work horses a:,! riu!
sale. Dakota No. 12 alfi a s
59.00 p,r bu. Steriin:
riattsmouth, Ne-hr.
;v( r.-
delegates from many places in Ne
braska. The delegates enjoyed the
all day meeting w ith dinner and sup
per, continuing their gathering until
zvr ll o'clock in the evening.
Eed Poll Bulls for Sale.
J. A. Everett of Union has two Red
Poll bulls for sale. If you want
one, better see him at once. They are
o'clock Monday morning. Their trou
bles were added to by the dust storm 1
and rain Sunday evening, for it liter-j
aily poured down when they were at'
Friend going cut. I
Earl Ohio f-eed potatoes,
or catir.g. Price T.'c pt r bu.-'
Everett, Uni.m. Phone 12
i.( 1
Eating and seed potato-
Ladies Aid to Meet.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church of Union will meet at the
home of Mrs. Minnie Upton on Thurs
day of this week when she will be
assisted by Mrs. M. G. McCarroll.
Thev will entertain the members of
the society and make arrangements j
for the furthering of the work of the!
society during the coming spring and : c - r
summer. Of course they will have y
some eats. y
Eebuilt the Caterpillar. jfl
Wilbur Martin and Jay Austin 'fj
w ho have been industriously rebuild-j I?
ing the county Caterpillar tractor, jj
have the job done and were having 1 jtj
the machine working last Monday to'gj
limber it up preparatory to the enter-. y
ing of work on the roads for which , i
it is used.
From Monday's TaIIy
Edward J. Rjan. v ho has been
held in connection w ith the attc mpt-; Qhios and Coh!h rs, ."Oc a
ed robberv cf the Don at Liquor store ; -t.i raii phone '"'-- Pi'
stu'i;:! liiiiLa ci-u-y uiv'.. u seii-.tir l04 T.iurrav of thirty days in the county '
jail for the offense. DEAD AI-TEIALS
Ryan had first made a plea cf not
"nPtv Imt i' i-. r-ir-.m Tn V o i' i : i . 1 ;(! ' Vt r r'71,1: f f vn;:r f1-:!'!
I to change the pkn to guilty and was 'ma!:?, ca'.l Piattrrnout'a R'-riic
given the jail sentence for his
Works. Phone 2214.
Try c -ir t:.:..
The ladies of the Methodist church H
T -
provided a birthday gathering at their
church for all those of the lad' mem-Jy
bers whose birthdays occurred in the'M
months of January, February and If
March of this year. A very pleasant jF?
partj' was had and enjoyed by the:p
f,- - '- " wriV,-:;'' - ' I
fi TV Cim 1 1 in a ij
members of the church.
Celebrated Passing of Uatal Day.
Horse Sense and No Foolui in Gov-ibirthday anniversary last Sunday and;
as a fitting manner or spending the
P.LU V. STRAY is to be used ss a relief zr.d ccntrsl fcr he3d
ccids end other rcspiratcriaj tiirr.cnts. . . . Dcfore Dutt'nn ycur
new chicks into the brooder t.ouZ3, it is adwisajle trii.t you
spray it witli D!u-V-Sp ray, to insure cnainst the little ftllcv.s
fcccorrinn infected. Aiso spray the brood at least twice c week!
Bin V Spray
is manufactured in concentrated fcrm and can he diluted ;n
that it will not harm tho smallest chick, tt cont.'ns menthol,
eucalyptus, ci! cf thyme and others.
The s!i?htest ccld wii! cause serious less to vour Caby Cht--Ks.
Enough to male One Gallon, 75 C
T'm Lake Products, Inc., Des Moines, Ida a
;.E..,:t:: :-i S""L...E..:.E:::.a.;.u ' z. 2 s...s . 2. a. 2. c z .a 2
1 'j