The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 19, 1936, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The Opening of My Office in Rest Haven Hotel
Weeping Water, Nebr.
Have completed my schooling and am now in a position to care for
any and all cases both Acute and Chronic. X-ray, Medicinal and
Hospital facilities. Have specialized in the new Neuro-Vascular
treatment of Chronic Diseases. Will be triad to welcome all my old
patients back, as well as any new ones. Calls attended day or night!
No Charge for Consultation cr Examination
Telephone No. 02
Herbert Cappen v.-a 3 looking after
some business matters in Lincoln last
Tuesday, driving over to the big city
in hi3 auto.
V. G. Kieck, candidate for district
judge, was a visitor in Weeping Wa
ter Tuesday of this week looking af
ter the elusive vote.
Edna Shannon, who is making her
home at Plattsmouth for the pres
ent, was a visiter in Weeping Water
with her sifter, Miss Mable Dudley
and her many other friends in the
Troy Davis wa3 a visitor in Omaha
and Plattsmouth on Monday of this
week, going via Murray where he
flopped and visited with his friend
George E. Nickles tor a time and ex
changed a few bits of conversation.
P. II. Miller and son. Pete, were
over near Murray last Sunday where
they were visiting at the heme of
Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, son cf
P. II. Miller for the day laut Sunday,
they all enjoying the viit very much,
Ross Shields and wife were in Om
aha Monday of tLr.s week to purchase
some new equipment for their' new
cleaning establishment whu-h they ex
pect to occupy soon. They will make
their home in the upper story of the
Mr. and Mrs. Art Rough and their
little daughter and Miss Agnes Rough
sister of Art were enjoying a visit
in Lincoln last Sunday where they
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Lake. Mrs. Lake being a sister cf
Art and Agnes.
Elmer Michelsen and wife with
their son, Buddie, Knude Jensen and
the entire family, Harry and Frank
Doty were all over to Cniaha last
Monday where they enjoyed attend
ing the wrestling contest which v;ui
staged there on that evening.
Mrs. Ben Gibson was spending the
week at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Virgil Sudduth and while she
was there was stricken with an at
tack of appendicitis, but with care
ful treatment by Dr. It. W. Tyson
and the nursing of her daughter is
reported as being entirely over the
Fred Koehler wio Crove an auto
mobile to Los Angeles last fall and
remained for the winter, returned a
few days ago and will work on the
farm at the home of Julius Engel-
Kemeier. speaKing oi camornia, i
Fred says it is all right for the win- j
ter, but he would rather be here in
the summer.
Rev. and Mrs. G. O. Tinker of Polk
where Rev. Tinker has a charge,
while on their way to Louisville
where they formerly resided, stopped
in Weeping Water for a visit with
their daughter. Mrs. Ros3 Shields.
visiting here for the remainder cf j
the day and then continuing on to i
Louisville where they will visit for
some time.
Ben Olive and Sterling Amick were
f Advertising)
braska by the SUPREME COURT in 1C25, 1927 and again appointed
Supreme Court knew his qualifications for this high office. The
voters of the Second Judicial District should follow the ENDORSE
MENT of the Supreme Court and make him DISTRICT JUDGE!
He will make an Able and Impartial Judge
Weeping Water, Nebr.
over to Omaha last Monday and re
mained until a lae hour. They stop
ped in Plattsmouth just following
the attempted robbery of the Donat
liquor store which was prevented by
Byron Golding, and which furnished
X A. f 4 1..-.
a good ileal ot excitement lor me
two Weeping Water lads. However
one of the men was apprehended and
the other is being looked for.
Weeping Water Boy in Navy.
Word has been received from Los
Angeles that Howard Frizzel, sen of
John Frizzel has become a member
of the United States navy, having
joined a short time ago. This is the
grandson of W. II. Frizzel, the only
remaining member of the Grand
Army of the Republic in Cass coun
ty. Gets New Car.
Dr. L. a. Runkel, a few days ago t
purchased a new Ford V-S four door
deluxe auto, geettiug the same from
the Cole Motor company is counting
jit the very best buy.
Finds New Use for Tires.
Henry Snell, proprietor of the pro
duce station on west Main street
took his jack knife and bisected an
old, tire, cutting it at the middle
c:T thr trpfifl nrrmnrl thf tirp mnkiniri
two cup shaped portions of the tire,
which serves as a chicken feeder and
waterer, so that the tiniest chick can
not drown in them when used for
waterers and providing two sides for
drinking and eating. You chicken
raisers better step around to the
store and see how nicely the two
haifs work lor the purpose.
Provided Entertainment.
Bill Johnson, who operates a cafe,
chanced to have two men drop in on
him from the south where they have
been making their homes in the wide
open spaces, they having some instru
ments and sure know how to provide
good music which they did and gave
a very fine musical for Bill and the
customers and others who dropped in
the cafe and all of whem enjoyed the
evening very pleasantly.
London. Great Britain possesses
a new submarine detector capable
cf immunizing armed ships from un
der water attack, Somerset de Chair
I announced in the house of commons.
De Chair, son of the famous Admiral
'Sir Dudley de Chair, said also that
i i i . i i -
me admiralty nau constructed an
anti-aircraft ship which was able to
pour a terrific volume of fire in de
fense of harbors and of other ships.
The submarine device, De Chair said,
operates on the reflector ray principle
so that practically no submarine can
come within torpedo range of a ship
without detection and destruction.
Commercial printing of all kinds
at the Journal office.
- Advertising)
(Political Advertising)
W. W. Wilson
of Nebraska City
District Judge
on 27on-Political Ballot
He was born and reared on a
farm and has always resided
in Otoe County.
Judge Wilson has had four
years' experience as C0UNTX
ATTORNEY of Otoe county,
six years as COUNTY JUDGE,
five years as CITY ATTORNEY
cf Nebraska City
Local Men File
tf-l ill
District Court!
A. Ease Asks $12,655 and Ed
ward G. Ofe, $15,000 for Dam
ages in Auto Accident.
In the Lancaster county district
court at Lincoln Saturday, a suit for
damages was filed by Claude A. Ruse
of this city against Henry Schmidt,
asking ?12,655 and also a suit by
Edward G. Ofe of this city, against
the same defendant in the amount of
The accident occurred on Novem
ber 17, 1935 in Colfax county as Mr.
Ruse, with Mr. Ofe as a passenger in
his car, were returning to Platts
mouth from a hunting trip.
The plaintiffs claim serious and
permanent injuries and also damage
to the car of Mr. Ruse.
The -suit was filed by Attorneys
Chambers & Holland and Robert E.
McCormick, of Lincoln.
The defendant is a resident of Lan
caster county where the suit has been
The First Christian church cf
Plattsmouh is taking on new life. The
revival has already inspired and given
to the church a vision of her task of
saving souls and they see the need of
a more efficient equipment, to take
care of its growing Sunday school.
Plans for the finishing of the base
ment have been made and will be
presented to the Bibia school and
church next Sunday morning for
your approval. In order that the men
who are interested and have under
wrote the expense can proceed with
the plans. We expect the Bible
school to go beyond the 100 mark
Sunday. Why not be one of the
We are expecting you not only for
vival meeting each night at 7:30,
that is now in progress. Your in
terest and share in the meeting will
be a great blessing to you as well as
the rest of us. Lear the evangelist
on the following subjects:
Tuesday "The Six Fold Commis
sion. '
Wednesday "The Six Fold King
dom." Thursday "Damned."
Friday "The Second Coming of
Welcome to all.
From Tuesday's Daily:
The members of the Plattsmouth
Woman's club held a very interesting
meeting at the high school last even
ing and which was attended by a
large number of the membership.
Mrs. Robert Reed was the leader
of the meeting and introduced the
speaker of the evening, Mrs. Curray
Watson, of Lincoln. Mrs. Watson had
a3 her subject, "Legislative Prob
lems," taking up many of the meas
ures that had occupied the attention
of the recent legislature among
these being, the state library law re
cently urged by Mrs. II. L. Cochran,
the matter of salaries of the members
of the legislature. The speaker also
discussed at some length the matter
of the recent legislative acts affect
ing the liquor situation.
The delegates to the first district
convention at Humboldt were named,
they being Mrs. William Baird, club
president and Mrs. E. H. Wescott.
High school girl3 present were
Mary Kay Wiles and Mary Ann High
field, juniors.
From Wednesday's Dally
The death of Rcswail C. Baird, 7C,
occurred at 1 o'clock this morning
at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Dooley in the south part of the city,
where Mr. and Mrs. Baird have been
making their home.
The deceased was born in Nebraska
City, but spent the greater part of his
lifetime in Wicsonsin, coming from
there to this city last September to
i spend the winter season,
j Mr. Baird is survived by the widow
jand two sons and three daughters,
jRay Baird, of thi3 city; William
j Baird of Okson, Minnesota; Mrs.
Leonard Jacobson, Rice Lake, Wis
consin; Mrs. C. D. Johnson, Bearnet,
Wisconsin; Mrs. R. L. Williams, of
Ontario, Canada.
The funeral arrangements will be
in charge of the Horton funeral
home but have not been fully com
pleted. It is thought that the inter
ment may be at Nebraska City.
House and five lots In Manley. Mrs.
H. F. Gausemer, Plattsmouth. ltw
Phone news items to No. 6,
f 1 " - - -iv it r 1 f in
The undersigned will sell at Pub
lic Auction the personal property of
the late George II. Meisinger, listed
below, on the place one block north
of the Murray Garage on
Saturday, Mar. 21
Beginning at 1:00 O'clock
Two Head Horses
One hay gelding, smooth mouth,
weight 1400; one bay mare, smooth
mouth, weight 1200.
Machinery, Etc.
' One P & O walking plow, 14-inch;
one walking lister; one corn drill;
one John Deere riding lister; one
New Departure cultivator; one two
section harrow (new); one G-inch
garden plow; one scraper; one set of
1-inch harness (new); one truck
wagon; eight sheets of tin, 12 feet
long; twelve sheets of tin, 6 feet
long; twenty-five oak and hedge
posts; six 6x6 stringers or sills, 10
feet long; some native lumber, con
sisting of wagon tongues, axles and
bolsters; three 10-foot gates; eight
7 2-foot gates; one cattle chute, 10
fet long (new); one feed bunk; one
vise; one grindstone; line of shop
tools; one double barrel shotgun; two
C-gallon jars and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale
Terms are Cash. No property to
be removed until settled for.
Rex Young. Plattsmouth, Auct.
W. G. Eoedeker, Clerk
I will sell at Public Auction on
the Latta lawn just north of the Mur
ray State Bank, on
Saturday, Mar. 21
beginning immediately after Mrs.
Meisinger's sale (advertised above),
the following property of the late
Sam F. Latta:
Two Ford Cars
One Ford truck; one Ford coupe,
Model T.
Household Goods
One Monarch range; one kitchen
cabinet; four kitchen chairs; one
rocking chair; two chairs; one dress
er; one commode; one small table;
one 9x12 rug; one bed; one mat
tress; one .32 Cal. revolver; some
dishes, cooking utensils, fruit jars.
small tools and other small articles.
Term3 of Sale
Terms are Cash. No property to
be removed until settled for.
O. A. Davis, Trustee
Rex Young, Plattsmouth, Auct.
W. G. Boedeker, Clerk
. .
The undersigned will sell at Pub
lic Auction on the Henry Schneider
farm, eight miles west of Platts
mouth on the Cedar Creek road, and
thence one-half mile north from
said road, on -
Tuesday, Mar. 24
beginning at 1:00 o'clock p. m., the
following described property, to-wit.:
Six Head of Mules
One team brown mules, smooth
mourn, weignt 1200 ids. eacn; one
team black mules, smooth mouth.
weignt 1400 lbs. each; one mouse
colored mule, smooth mouth, weght
1300 lbs.; one black mule, smooth
mouth, weight 1200 lbs.
Four Head Milk Cows
Thre-3 are fresh and one dry.
Farm Machiney, Etc.
Two box wagons in good shape;
one rack and wagon in good shape;
one John Deere 4-wheel lister, good;
one gang plow in good shape; one
Bradley sulkey, 16-inch, in good con
dition; two Badger cultivators, good
shape; one Deering mower; one 3
section harrow; one McCormick hay
rake, 11-foot, good; one 10-foot hay
rake; one King Hamilton corn ele
vator; one manure spreader; one 3
row stalk cutter; one hand pheller;
some alfalfa hay in stack; three sets
harness, also extra collars; double
trees and other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Terms of Sale
Terms are CASH or see your bank
er before sale. No property to be re
moved from premises until settled
for with the clerk.
James iger,
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer
The Iowa state supreme court or
dered continuance Thursday until its
May term of hearing on the appeal
of Clarence Price of Pacific Junction
from his first degree murder convic
tion. The lower court found Price guilty
of charges of slaying his niece, Edith
Kuhl, who, with her sister, Helen,
was beaten with a blunt instrument
in a home where thy lived at Pacific
Junction March 20, 1935.
Used cars, livesiccv, household
goods ali can bo sold through
inexpensive Journal Want Ads.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 25th day of April,
A. D. 193 6 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house in said County, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following real estate to
wit: The Northwest Quarter of Sec
tion ten (10) in Township ten
(10) north. Range nine (9) east
of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
containing 160 acres more or
less, in Cass County, Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Willie E.
Casey, et al, Defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by
The Equitable Life Assurance Society
of the United States, a corporation.
Plaintiff against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 18,
A. D. 1936.
Sheriff Cass County,
Plaintiff's Att'y:
Win field R. Ross.
Defendants' Atty's:
i'. J . cosgrave.
John J. Ledwith.
Schlytern & Kelley. ml9-5w
Stvnr, S(fvnrt Wliltvrorth,
Lincoln, rlirnka.
by virtue of an Order of Sale, issued
by the Clerk of the District Court of
the Second Judical District of Ne
braska, within and for Cass county,
in an action wherein The Mutual
Benefit Life Insurance Company, a
corporation, is plaintiff, and James
II. Foreman, et al, are defendants,
I will, at 2:00 o'clock p m. on the
21st day of April, 1936, at the south
door of the court house in Platts
mouth, Cas3 county, Nebraska, offer
for sale at public auction, the follow
ing described lands and tenements,
The southwest quarter (SW
'4 ) of Section twenty-three
(23), Township eleven (11),
North, Range nine (9) East of
the 6th P. M., containing one
hundred sixty (1C0) acres, Gov
ernment Survey, in Cass county,
Given under my hand this 13th
day of March, 193 6.
Stewart, Stewart &
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Burkett, Wilson &
an Kirk, ml6-5w
Attorneys for Defendants.
fi. K. Il;i:il, Altornry
U03 lir.l Aaliounl Hunk JIulldiiiK
Lincoln, Hirimka
band and wife, MARGARET MOON
a minor, MARY SANBORN, admin
istratnx of the estate of Perley A
feanborn, non-resident, deceased; the
interested in the estate of Perley A,
fcanborn, deceased, real names un
known, and ALL PERSONS having
or claiming any interest in Lot 2S3
in the Village of Greenwood, Cass
county, Nebraska, real names un
known, defendants
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the Home Savings and
loan Association, a corporation, has
commenced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against each of you and others, the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to foreclose a certain mortgage of
$Mo given by one, Perley A. San
born under the name of Perley Ar
thur Sanborn, now deceased, and
Mary Sanborn under the name of
Mary Elizabeth Sanborn, his then
wife, to the Home Savings and Loan
Association, a corporation, plaintiff,
dated April 9. 1929, which said
mortgage was filed of record in the
office of Register of Deeds of Cass
County, Nebraska, on the 29th day
of April, 1929, and recorded in Book
,59 of Mortgages at Page 419 of the
records of said county, and was up
on the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
All of Lot 2S3 in the Village
of Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska. 1 iuwiiiu aiieges mat mere is a
default in the payment of principal
and interest on the bond and said
mortgage, and by reason thereof.
piaintili lias elected to declare the
whole sum due and payable at once.
and that there is now due and owing
on said mortgage the sum of $693.15,
together with interest thereon at 10
per cent per annum from and after
February 15, 1936, and that the same
is a first lien upon said above de
scribed real estate.
Plaintiff prays that said amount
be found due on said mortgage, and
that the same be declared a first lien
upon the above described real estate;
that the defendants or some one of
them be required to pay said amount
with costs in this action, or that
said real estate be sold for the sat
isfaction of said mortgage as pro
vided by law and that the defendants
and each of them be foreclosed of all
right, title, interest or equity of re
demption in and to said mortgaged
premises, and that the certificate of
stock in plaintiff association be can
celled. You and each of you are required
to answer or otherwise plead to said
petition on or before the 27th day
of April, 1936, or the same will be
taken as true, and judgment and de
cree entered accordingly.
a Corporation, Plaintiff.
Its Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persona interested in the
estate of Lorene Parker, deceased.
No. 3182:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Charles M. Parker as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
earing before said Court on the lOtn
day of April, 1936, at 10 o'clock a.
Dated March 9, 1936.
(Seal) ml6-3w County Judge.
of Hearing on Petition for De
termination of Heirship.
In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Estate of A. F. Long, also known
as Anthony F. Long, deceased. Estate
No; 31S4.
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that A. F.
Weber has filed his petition alleging
that A. F. Long, also known as An
thony F. Long, died intestate on or
about January 10, 1S82, being a resi
dent and inhabitant of Cass county,
Nebraska, and died seized of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
An undivided one-third inter
est in the south half (S1) of
the southwest quarter (SW'U)
of Section thirty-two (32),
Township ten (10), Range
twelve (12), Cass county, Ne
braska leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons,
Nimrod Long, Malcolm G.
Long, Mattie L. de Graffenreid
(formerly Mattie L. Long), and
John P. Long, all children of
the deceased, and Amanda M.
Long, his widow.
That the interest of the petitioner in
the above described real estate is
subsequent purchaser and present
owner, and praying for a determina
tion of the time of the death of said
A. F. Long, also known as Anthony
F. Long, and of his heirs, the degree
of kinship and the right of descent
of the real property belonging to the
said deceased, in the State of Ne
braska. It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 10th day of April,
1936, before the County Court of Cass
county in the court house at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 11th day of March, A. D. 1936.
(Seal) ml6-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 11th day of April,
A. D. 1936, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south front door of
the court house in said county, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following real es
tate, to-wit:
Fractional Lots sixty - five,
eleven, ninety, ninety-one and
ninety-five (65, 11, 90, 91 and
95) in the Southeast Quarter
(SE4) of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW'i) of Section eight
teen (18), Township twelve
(12), North, Range fourteen
(14) east of the 6th p. m., and
being more particularly describ
ed as follows:
Commencing at the southeast
corner of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW'i) of the Southwest
Quarter (SVi ) of Section eigh
teen (18) Township twelve (12),
North, Range fourteen (14) east
of the 6th p. m., running thence
north on the section line, three
hundred ninety-six (396) feet
to the place of beginning, thence
running north four hundred six
teen (416) feet; thence east to
the west line of 6th Street in
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska; thence fol
lowing said west line of Cth
Street and Billings Avenue in a
southerly direction to a point in
said west line of Billings Ave
nue due east of the place of be
ginning; thence west to the
place of beginning.
Also fractional Lot sixty-six
(66) in the Southwest Quarter
(SWU) of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW14), Section eighteen
(18), Township twelve (12),
North, Range fourteen (14) east
of the 6th P. M. in Cass County,
Nebraska, and being more par
ticularly described as that par
cel of land commencing at the
southeast (SE) corner of the
Southwest Quarter (SW4) of
the Southwest Quarter (SWU)
of Section eighteen (18), Town
ship twelve (12), North; Range
fourteen (14) east of the 6th
P. M., running thence north
three hundred ninety-six (3 96)
feet to the place of beginning;
thence running west twenty
(20) feet; thence north two hun
dred sixty-six (266) feet; thence
east twenty (20) feet; thence
south two hundred sixty-six
(266) feet to the place of be
ginning; in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of Anna Skalak.
et al, Defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of said Court recovered by Gen
eral Securities Company, a corpor.
ation, plaintiff, against said Defend
Plattsmouth Nebraska, March 11th,
A. D. 1936.
Sheriff Cass County,
Attorney for Plaintiff ml2-5w
In the County Court of Ca3S coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all persons Interested in the
estate of Edward Carr, deceased. No.
Take notice that the administratrix
of said estate has filed her final re
port and a petition for examination
and allowance of her administration
accounts, determination ot ;ie)isnip.
assignweui oi icsiuuc ui
ana tor ner uiv:uurnc , inai peti
tion and report will be heard berore
said Court on March 27tii, 1936, at
ten a. m.
Dated March 2nd, 1936.
(Seal) m2-3w County Judge.
In the Comity Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
" To all persons interested in the
estate of John Wynn. deceased. No.
Take notice that the administra
trix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examin
ation and allowance of her adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for her discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on March
27th, 1936 at 10 a. m.
Dated February 27th, 1936.
(Seal) m2-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Mildred N. Morgan, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is July 3,
1S36; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Platts
mouth on July 10, 193G, at 10:00
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated March 7, 193 6.
(Seal) m9-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Peter Meisinger, deceased. No. 3175:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is June
29th, 1936; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court Room in
Plattsmouth on July 3rd, 1936, at
ten a. m. for the purpose of exam
ining, hearing, allowing and adjust
ting all claims or objections duly
Dated February 29th, 1936.
(Seal) m2-3v. County Judge.
n the District Court in and for
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
In the mattter of the ap-
cation of Lillie O. Lau, I
Administratrix of the es- NOTICE
tate of Martha A. Lau, de- I
ceased, for license to sell
real estate. I
Notice is hereby given that, in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
I. J. Nisley, District Judge of the
District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, made on the 2nd day of
March, 1936, for the sale of real es
tate hereinafter described, there will
be sold at public vendue to the high
est bidder for cash, at the front door
of the courthouse in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
on the 2nd day of April, 1936. at the
hour of 2 o'clock p. m., the following
described real estate: Lot Eight (8)
in Block Eighty-seven (87), of the
City of Weeping Water, Cass County,
Nebraska, according to the recorded
plat thereof. Said sale will remain
open one hour. ,
Dated this 4th day of March. 1936.
LILLIE O. LAU, Adiminis
tratrix of ths Estate of
Martha A. Lau. Deceased.
George B. Dent, Jr..
Attorney. nil 2-3 w
State of Nebraska, County of Ca3s,
Ey virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will on the 4th day of April, A. D.
1936, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day
at the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth, In
sam uounty, sen at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash the
following described real estate to
wit: Lots 20, 21 and 22 in Block 4
in Duke's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne
braska; The eame being levied upon and
taken as the property oi Joseph M.
Sedlak, et al., defendants, to satisfy
a decree of foreclosure recovered by
Ferdinand Duda, cross - petitioner,
in the case of the Plattsm
& Building Association, a corpor
ation, plaintiff, against said defend
ants, and Ferdinand Duda, cross-petitioner.
Plattsmouth. Nehraafcn Pphrnarv
25th, A. D. 1936.
Sheriff Cass County,
Attorneys for Plaintiff:
Attorneys for Defendants
and Cross Petitioner:
DVV YER & DWYER. f27-5w
Persiste nCV t-4. VifTial (:oun1c -
n advertising!