PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI ' - WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1930. FEOVES IT6 FAITH IN NEWSPAPER ADS Hastings, Neb. Charges Ponci Citv. Okla.. Feb. 21. Bur-! tempted assault against WOMAN'S CHARGE DROPPED of at- Charles Ing 192G Continental Oil company j Parks and Albert Ransom, whose first will spend nearly 73 per cent of its trial in October resulted in a hung total consumer advertising appro-: jury, were dismissed by County At prii.tioii for newcpaper space, it was torncy Edmund Nuss after doctors r.::r.K!TC'-d here today by Wesley I. had said the complaining witness :;rrn, edvertieiiwj nanafer. would endanger her health by testiiy- Minn tUo ,taud that the Journal. i"g again. The men were released has Lccn selected to carry Conoco ad-latter being in Jail since July. vtitijiPfj this year, and that Lis com- A district court jury denied Harry l-a::y Las ::gain approved one of the W. Sample any damages in his ?5, largest promotion budgets in its his- 2CS personal injury suit against Miss tory. ! Frances Consbruck, Hastings beau- "(v.ti-fital'fl faith in the divi-! tician. The suit was the outgrow tn (Ici-j taming power of newspaper ad- of an automobile-bicycle collision last vcn.:s.g io founded upon sales in-' July. erf use a directly traceable to thiai Hastings liquor ordinance was gc-t- mriiium." said Nunn. "Last year, j ting its first test in district court for example, there was a marked im-j Wednesday in the case of Tillie Gag 1 in company earnings, de- non, who appealed from a police court finite excessive gasoline taxes and j conviction of sale of liquor without a other advertse factors. Sales ofjlioen3C .She had been fined $100 in Conoco Germ Processed Motor Oil also police court. Louise Vinciquerra reached an all-time high. "Business is definitely on the up aggrcrsive newspaper quality products an a high standard oT service will make this the most .'uttant".irg year in our hiatory." Underground Gas Explosions Cripple N. Y. City Waning, now a Hastings roadhouse proprietor. Is scheduled for trial And we are eonfident that nursaay on u eiiaimr uVVai. advertising, i TRAINMEN ELECT MAKER, HAEISON POSTMASTER Omaha. Members of the general commtitee of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, representing the Union Pacific from Omaha to Ogden, Faclison, rec. tranK u. uomey, ueanesaay eieciea i . n. wumrr ui editor of the Madison Star-Mail, hasSalina, Kas., as vice chairman and I ten appointed acting postmaster j Robert Larnin of Grand Island as 1 ere. He succeed.! Jame3 Nichols, postmaster for the past five years. Mr. Nichols will continue to practice law here. secretary; James A. Bostic, Topeka, is chairman. The committee of six teen is meeting here to diBCues rou tine matters. Gccd Luck Qick cr Regular OATS Small Large Pkg. .. iiilpi ' - I - . - f , , , i , Plattsmouth, Tues., Wed., Febr. 25-26 Bounds Brand TOMATCES r.'o Ca 29c Tick Tock Sliced PEACHES for 2gc Fresh Shipment Frozen Fish, BRIGHT FALL SALMON, pieces to bake, 2 lbs.. . .250 (Sliced to Fry, lb., 15) SABLE FISH, pieces to bake, 2 lbs .250 (Sliced to Pry, lb., 15) FILLETS OF FISH, 2 lbs 250 HALIBUT, Sliced, lb., 190; Pieces, lb 17y20 KIPPERED CHINOOK SALMON, ready to eat, lb.. 250 BEEF BRAINS, fancy Selected, 2 sets 150 BEEF HEARTS, young, tender, lb 90 BEEF STEAK, U. S. Choice, Shoulder, lb 170 PORK STEAK, choice, lean, lb 230 HAMBURGER, freshly ground, 2 lbs .250 BACON BRISKETS, Swift's Fancy, lb .22y2 CHEESE, fancy American or Brick, lb 210 MINCED HAM, Armour's fancy, lb 150 PEANUT BUTTER, fancy bulk, 2 lbs. 250 HERRING, Fancy Holland Mixed, 9-Ib. keg 950 Fancy Holland Milkers, 9-Ib. keg $1.05 Ezring the Lenten Season, you will find Hinky-Dinky markets well stocked with a large selection of smoked, pickled and fresh sea foods at most reasonable prices. rinse COFFEE 3 lbs, 49 Mb. Pk. L17 Glenn Valley Catsup Lge. 14-oz. "jf ftp Bottle Sunlight Margarine Carton 15c Grape Nuts A Fancy Pink Salmon Mb. 4 c Tall Can Casco BUTTER Mb. Carton 38c CAULIFLOWER, fresh Calif. Snowball, lb 9 LETTUCE, large, fresh, solid Calif. Iceberg, head 60 CAEBAGE, fresh, solid, green Texas, lb 40 ORANGES, 344 size, 2 doz, 350; 216,s, doz 330 SnuUUt California S-tIleiM XuvcIn. GRAPEFRUIT, large Florida Marsh Seedless, 5 for. 250 Fnney, Sweet, Joiry. APPLES, York Imperial, 6 lbs, 250; Bu. basket. .$1.65 fitnry, I.nrce Size. CELERY, tender Calif., large, well bleached stalks. .100 YAMS, Louisiana Porto Ricans, 6 lbs 250 l. S. (irxilr So. X. Elg 4 White Naptha SOAP 10 Bars 27c Ms5 3 cans, 100 OTOE CHIEF C"fl FLOUR ir;- Hlnky-Dlnky 5 lbs. 23; 10. 45 4 rn 24 lbs. 85; 48 lbs. 3l?Y jr13 T(Wiia on-riio-crr for O&v&Sm A V-i1 A FIXE FLAVOR l&fflmS lb. Can z&y ff9 ;,- :Hi w National guardsmen were called to keep citizens of Utica, N. Y., off the streets following a series of underground explosions which occurred when leaking gas from downtown mains was ignited by a workman's sk-Cge. Manhole covers were hulled high in the air. three citizens were ser iously injured, and the entire city endangered by the subtc-nanean gas lires. Argue Validity of Two New Ne braska Statutes Right of Legislature to Levy Retro active Gas Tax Debate Before State Supreme Court. Two laws passed at the special ses sion of the legislature were before the supreme court Tuesday lor a ruling as to their constitutionality. These are H. R. 37 which levied a retroactive tax of a cent a gallon on gasoline for a period between March and September of last year, when the tax later declared Invalid was col lected, and H. R. 11, which ratified the act of the legislature in levying that void tax. The matter came before the court on motion of the attorney general to dismiss the case brought by the Ar lington Oil company and three other dealers for a declaratory Judgment that the $1,113,000 void tax collect ed could be returned to the dealers who promised to do equity with the consumers who actually paid the tax in the first place, and that the laws named be held invalid. Both agreed SEEKS END ELECTORAL VOTE Washington. Representative Bin derup Thursday proposed a consti tutional amendment to abolish the electoral coirege system of electing the president and vice president and to establish a direct primary system for their nomination. The amend ment would provide uniform pri maries and names listed on the bal lot would be restricted to those per sons filing with the secretary of state of the United States a petition sign ed by one percent of the voters who cast ballots for the presidential can didate of the respective parties at the previous election. For both primary and general elec tion purposes candidates would re ceive a proportion of the state's elec toral vote as their popular vote cor responded to the total number of the popular votes cast. Candidates hav ing the highest number of electoral votes in both the primary and gen eral election would be declared the winner. Binderup said his proposal was designed to make "a nomination as well as election as nearly as pos sible a result of popular sentiment. Court Will Decide if State Solons Blunder Nebraska Supreme Court Judges Hear Arguments on Alleged Liquor Law Conflict. Whether, after having declared In section 8 of the liquor control act that beer and alcoholic liquors should be sold in separate and distinct places of business, the legislature later in jected amendments that nullified that purpose is a matter now in the hands of the supreme court for decision. In Omaha a district judge held that section 3 was so inconsistent as to be inoperative and void in the face of what was set out in four later sec tions of the act. In five cases in Lincoln county District Judge Tewell held the opposite. The action before the supreme court was one brought by a number of Omaha liquor dealers who claim the right to sell both beer and hard liquors over the same bar. In their belief it was argued that the declaration in section 3 was not FlaStsmonth's Leading Cash So?e GATMEAL, made by Quaker Co., 5-lb. sack. 25c IGA LAUNDRY SOAP, 6 large bars 25c P & G SOAP, 6 Iarce bars 250 DREFT, 1 large pkg. and 1 10c pkg., both fcr.26c PURE MUSTARD, quart jar 156 FLOUR Gclden Omar . Gooch's Su n Best. $1.49 1.75 1.75 s Vegetable . . . . Tomato f Pea J So Can DILL PICKLES, full quails 18c CATSUP, Midwest brand, 14-oz. bottle lOp PINEAPPLE, broken slices, No. 2z can 19c GRAPEFRUIT, No. 2 can 10c COFFEE PURE Pr-eseifves and Jellies 16-oz. jar 25c 32-cz. jar 43b Windmill Brand that they could should pass on the: an estimated half a million dollars, the money to come from WPA funds, was included in plans presented to the city council by City Engineer Richard Nosky. Plans for improvements to the municipal airport are being made, in preparation for an application to the WPA for funds to rebuild the air port. Airline officials were inter view before the plans were drawn. The proposed system of runways consists of three concrete approaches validity of these two new laws, as this would end the controversy. Assistant Attorney General Mur phy argued that the action brought raised the same issues as were de cided when the court dismissed the dealers' petition In intervention in the original case. In that decision the court held that as the consumers were not parties to the controversy a decision would be binding upon them and would not terminate the contro versy; that a taxpayer could not maintain a suit in the names of him self and others similarly situated for return of the taxes illegally collected, and that the petition failed to state the amount of individual claims. Mr. Murphy said that the courts have repeatedly held that a retro active tax might be imposed, and if paid in obedience to the law retain ed, save where It was shown to have been arbitrary and so remote in time that certain rights had become vest ed and where the public good was small as compared with private In terest. He said that the federal court bad repeatedly held that congress had power to ratify collections so made. Don W. Stewart of Lincoln, oil dealers' counsel, contended the legis lature had no power to validate something done under previous constitutional acts WELL ASK l&W AIRPORT j legislative in character, being merely North Platte. An airport to cost one relating to policy of the state. .and was not followed in sections 25, 26, S2 and S3, which should be in-terpreted-to mean that sales of both intoxicants may be sold in the same rooms. The attorney general said that sec tion 3 was controlling; that section 25 merely defined what constituted a retailers license, and tnat the use of the word "or" instead of "and" conclusively showed that the legis lature was thinking of separate sales. Section 2 6 fixes the retailers' fee, and sections S2 and 83 relate entirely to procedure. He said the trouble with the liquor dealers' attitude was that, they thought "intoxicating liquors" as used in the law meant both beer and hard liquors. 100 fet wide and 4.200 feet, 3,250 feet and 3,630 feet long, respective ly. Plans call for the construction of two buildings, a hangar and pas senger station, and a two story ad ministration structure. The hangar would be large enough to accommo date the proposed new type of pas senger plane capable of carrying forty passengers. The administration building would house company offices, radio station, department of commerce offices, dining room and kitchen, and would have a signal tower. TO APPEAL TAX DECISION Geneva, Neb. County Attorney John Gewacke and Guy Hamilton, Geneva attorney, said they will ap peal to the Nebraska supreme court un-ifrom a decision in two cases in which He conceded the District Judge Robert Proudfit upheld suit might be dismissed decisive ruling because were not parties to the suit. Stewart argued that the legislature was with out power to attempt to hold taxes il legally collected or to ratify what had been illegally done. He also con tended that the special session was Invalid because of a law in effect at the time It met had created a uni cameral legislature to succeed it. Lee Bayee, associated with Stew art in the oil dealers behalf, also spoke briefly. Stewart was given 10 days to file additional briefs. Justice Paino disqualified himself in the case because his son, Charles B. Paine, Is a member of Stewart's firm. Altho a seven-member court Is required to decide constitutional questions, counsel waived objections to a decision by the remaining six. Help Kidneys OH poorty ftmetkroioff KHamjn and Bladder maka to saCer from Getting Up Mlrata. Narvooaaeaa, KbaomstM without a j constitutionality of the new state consumers delinquent tax liquidation law. Gewacke attacked the law for Fill more county in an action in which the county sought to foreclose liens of delinquent taxes against land in the county. The defendants demurred on the basis of the tax law which would cancel interest and penalties on delinquent taxes if paid in equal Instalments or in a lump sum. Itenhia. r Adrtitr try th ruarantaat Doctar'a Iiaa .riptooCrte(Sia-tax) CUTTING WPA BED TAPE Omaha. Impatient at delays en countered in getting men to work on WPA project, Capt. J. M. Young, re gional WPA "trouble shooter," cut away red tape upon his arrival here with the announcement that the first 1,300 men to report at Cass Street school would be put to work immed iately at salaries of $55 a month or better. Two weeks ago 2,500 WPA Jobs were opened. So far only 1,200 men have been placed. Captain Young's order will take care of the remainder, it was believed. "There's a place in the WPA for every unemployed married man in Omaha," Young said. IS m Den Leon, ilb. . . .25 Blue 'G, lb 236 Red TV lb 19 Bourbon, lb 17 TCMATOES, No. 2 cans, 3 for 25 CORN, Country Gentleman, No. 2 can 100 CRACKERS, Soda or Graham, 2-lb. box 190 SOUP, Vegetable, Tcmato or Pea, per can. . . .50 PEANUT BUTTER, 32-cz. jar 280 GA HEALTH SOAP, 4 bars 190 One 10c Face Cloth Free with Each 4 Bars Meat Depatmanf Salt Pork, per lb 150 Sauer Kraut, 6 lbs. for 25c Neck Bones, 3 lbs. for 200 Round or Sirloin Steak, per lb 250 High Quality Corn Fed Lenten Season Specials Herring, Fancy Holland Milkers, 9-lb. keg. .$1.05 Herring, Fancy Holland Mixed, 9-Ib. keg. . .93 Fillets of Haddock - Whiting - Sable - Halibut S3 Finest Fresh Oysters iJI!!!i!!i!HIii!ii!nK TAKES CASE TO HIGH C0UET PE0SRA1I FOR LEOT AT ST. LUKE'S CHURCH Wednesday, February 26th, Ash Wednesday. Penetential service and Holy Communion at 10 a. m. Fridays at 7:30 p. m. visiting preachers as follows: Revs. R. S. Cobb, of Council Bluffs; G. St. O. Tyner, J. T. Knight, V. E. Holley of Omaha: Garth Sibbald of Lincoln; F. V. Clayton of Omaha. Good Friday, April 10th, services from 12 noon to 3 p. m. Sundays general subject "Conflict." The Sunday morning sermons will be on the Gospels for the day. March 1 "Conflict With Things That Degrade." March 8 "With Sickness and Dis aster." March 15 "With Supernatural Forces." March 29 "With Critics of Jesus' Work." April 6 Palm Sunday. "With Critics of Jesus' Leadership." April 12 Easter Day, Holy Com munion, sunrise service at t a. m. Full choral service at 11 a. m. The rector will hold four devo tional services on a week night in Blair and administer Holy Commun ion on Easter day in Blair at 8:30 a. m. BID FOR THE DOLLAR Fredericksburg, Va. Spirited bid ding for the silver collar Walter Johnson will attempt to hurl across the Rappahannock river Saturday sent the price up to $100. Just what will happen if the dollar falls into the river was not decided. New York. Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt carried her fight to ob tain sole custody of her daughter Gloria to the United States supreme court. The move was disclosed when the appellate division signed an order to permit the county clerk to unseal the record of the caBe to certify it for presentation to the court at Washington. Under terms of a supreme court or der, upheld by the appellate division of Albany, Mrs. Vanderbilt was giv en custody of her 11 year old daugh ter only on week ends. Principal cus tody was given to Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, aunt of the child. EIDS ON ENGINE BASE Blair, Xeb. Bids will be opened here March 4 for a foundation for a new engine in the city light plant. The engine, a $40,000 unit, has been purchased. Entire cost of the work i3 estimated at ?50,000. Phone news Items to No. G. Farmers Busy at Winter Plowing K 1 i' 1 totmn This isn't a geyser in the act of performing, but a miniature blizzard; staged near the Minnesota-Iowa line when a huge rotary snow plowj went into action, throwing snow for several hundred feet a3 it cut through the mountainous drifts which tested the combined forces of emergency crews of farmers and state highway .workers. ' - Journal Want-Ads cost and accomplish much. little THAT'S A SAFE PREDICTION and HERE'S ANOTHER Every man who reads these lines wants a new Spring Suit and Tor Coat. He wants it to fit him he wants a full assortment to chooss from, and he wants it within his price range. We can meet every requirement. Our established Tailor Service is at your command! All Wool Fabrics - Silk Lined - Fully Guaranteed $23.50, $27.50, $29.50 and Up Weccott's