PAGE THUEE THUBSDAY. FEERUAHY 20, 103G. PLATTSJIOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL I' y Nehawka Mrs. Lyle Kruger was a visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Har ry Bucholtz, for a number of clays during the past week. in Nehawka the schools have heen kept open throushout the prolonged cold spell that has lasted more than a month, with sub-zero temperatures every day. The meeting of the Brotherhood of the Methodist church, which w?s postponed once, was scheduled to be held Wednesday of this wtel:. but when the writer was in town Tues day there was great probability cf it again being put off to await the com ing of better weather. Granville Heebner tells us that he has not had his car out of the garage for more than thirty days and hasJ had no opportunity to go to Platts mouth and get hi3 license. So he has sent for it. But, of course, if he does not take the car out of the garage he does not need a license. Dr. Henry Y. Walters and wife went to Lincoln Tuesday, where the doctor will enter the Bryan Memorial hospital for a clinical checkup, as he ha3 not been in the best of health for some time. His friends are hope ful that he may be able to return home eoon restored in health. Mrs. Boyd, of Elmwcod, was taken ill, and Mr. Boyd, who has been con ducting a cream station here, was called home to assist in caring for her. As a result he was compelled to close the station during his absence. Lyle Kruger is looking after the sta tion here. In the meantime, Mrs. Boyd Is improving and it is expected both stations will scon be back oper ating on schedule. Classic Flay by Shaw Adds To Laurels Won by Cornell Broadway Favorite Hailed as American Theater's Leading Lady ji. j inn- ii. It 1 w f i I Is " v 1 i ? Miss Katharine Cornell By JEAN ALLEN International Illustrated Xe:vs Feature Writer NEW YORK. An ambition born ; the few stars of the legitimate the 13 years ago i3 fulfilled this month :ater who have not heen drafted by for Katharine Cornell with her debut the film moguls. She also has the di3 In "Saint Joan," an event which adds tinction of being the only first-rank one more achievement to the illus- star to take shows on the road every trlous career of one who probably season, regardless of the fate others best qualifies for the title of "leading have had in "the sticks." Her loyalty lady" of the American stage. jto "the road" has been one of the This powerful drama from the penaJor factors in keeping the theater of George Bernard Shaw has long j alive outsido New ork. been a favorite vehicla for actresses: Married Her Director here and abroad. Built around the Miss Cornell does her roles with a dramatic life of the Maid of Orleans, 'smouldering Intensity which 13 coup the play offers the star opportunities led with intelligence and rare taste, seldom equalled. she has the genius to create a mood Sybil Thorndike portrayed Joan in or suggest an incident without draw England; Mine. Piteoff did it in ing a blue print about it. Her work Paris; Elizabeth Bergner won ac- is not of the sensational showy type, claim for her interpretation of the but reflects her long years of sound part In Germany, and Julie Arthur .training and an admirable knowledge and Winifred Lenihan helped to of the theater. create the part in United States. ) A native of Buffalo, Mis3 Cornell j , is married to Guthrie McClintic, the Hollywood Oifcrs Spurned 'man wno so ably directs her produc- So insisten has Miss Cornell been;tions. Together, they make one of in following her own dictates that the most efficient teams in the the she risked time and money on such'attr and are comparable only to that a venture a3 "Lucrece," admittedly other pair of stage notables, Alfred an artistic triumph but one which Lunt and Lynn Fontanne. failed to make the turnBtiles click. ( In the present production of "Saint She has done Shaw, Ibsen, Shakes-' Joan" Miss Cornell is supported by peare, Strindberg and others, bring-! Arthur Byron, Brian Aherne and ing to the "provinces" the best thejcharles Waldron. Both Carriers Working Hard Robert II. Chapman and Tommy Mason, the two Nehawka rural mail carriers, have been working very hard the past fortnight in an effort to render their patrons service, but with blocked roads it i3 impossible to get entirely around the routes. In some cases, mail is loft at homes of neighbors to be picked up there, and in this manner everyone has been able to receive their important mail. Patrons, realizing the unprecedented conditions that exist, are very appre ciative of the efforts the boys are making to serve them. Stayed at Farm Homes During the r.torm of last Friday, tourists who were caught on the O street highway and could not get their cars through the drifts, were compelled to abandon them and seek shelter at farm homes along the way. Cnc farm heme provided refuge for thirteen of the stalled motorists. Lied at Lincoln Hospital Fred L. Nutzman, 7 5 years of age, and a resident of this vicinity for ner.rly half a century, died at the Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln Monday. He had been there but a few days, but had been sick for the past several months, his condition becoming serious last week. A road was opened up to permit of his be ing removed to the Lincoln hospital last Thursday. Mr. Xutzman was born in Ger many in 1S61 and came to America with his parents when four years of age. A more complete account of his lite appears elsewhere in this issue of the emi-Weekly Journal. He was a member of the I. O. O. F., having served as an officer and pass ed through the different chair3 to the high office of noble grand of the local lodge. He wa3 a member of the Ne- i theater affords year after year. Despite repeated attractive offers from Hollywood, Miss Cornell has re- i fused to desert the stage and 13 one of E. J. HICISEY Telephone 123 braska legislature in 1911, 1915 and 1921. At the time of his death, he was president of the Nehawka State bank and one of the extensive cat tle feeders of this section of the state. Besides his widow, he is sur vived by four children, three daugh ters and a son. They are Mrs. Henry Ross, Mrs. Carl Balfour, Mis. Wil liam Ost and E. A. Nutzraen, all resi dents of this locality. As the road to his farm home south cf Nehawka had again become badly drifted following hi3 removal to the j hospital last week, a group of friends j were out' Monday and Tuesday clear ing the way. The funeral is being held at the late home with burial at Mt. Pleasant cemetery north of Ne hawka. Model House at Convention The anual convention of the Ne braska Lumbermen's association is being held in Lincoln Wednesday and Thursday cf this week and among other thing3 of interest on exhibition there is a model in miniature of the farm heme of Mr. and Mr3. A. A. Mc Heynoicis. It will be leniembered that this home was recently rebuilt to conform to plans furnished by a leading farm publication cf Dc3j Moines, Iowa, and is considered the ideal country home. Mr. and M;-s. McReynolds have been invited to at tend the convention and banquet c:i the closing day and to explain the arrangement of the home and the many conveniences it afTords, but at the time this wa3 written were not sure whether they would be able to go or not, due to the weather and the bad roads. United Brethren Church. Notes. Otto Engebretson, minister Phono 2241 NEHAWKA CHURCH Bible church school, 10 a. m. Evening Gospel service at 7:30. Mid-week prayer and praise service Wednesday evening at. 7:30. The Woman'3 Society will be en-. tertained by Mrs. Burton this week. The Otterbein Guild was entertain-i ed at N. Klaurens. There were 19 j members present and a good time had j by all. I The young people are planning a; musical concert to be given next month. OTTERBEIN CHURCH Bible church school 10 a. m. Morning worship service at 11. time in the history of the world. Prophecy is being fulfilled very rap idly. Our severe winter weather is the fulfillment cf a prophecy. "In the last days perilous times shall come." II Tim. 3:1. Jesu3 is soon coming! Traise Him. C0HKENDS LOCAL WORK Otto Stuve, of Lincoln, field repre sentative of th5 state assistance com mittee, wa3 in the city Tuesday after noon lor a few hours looking over the work of the local office. Mr. Stuve was much pleased with the tine man ner in which Faul Vandcrvoort, coun ty assistance; director, was getting his crk lined up and the manner in which the applications are being handled. Mr. Stuve will be at Nebraska City today and then will go on to Auburn, Falls City and other county seats in the southeastern section of the stale to Inspect the work. Need printing? Just call No. G, and you'll find us on the job. FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY 'Bulldog Bmmmond Strikes Back' Ronald Colman, Loretta Young, Warner Oland, Una Merke! The new adventures of Bulldog are more thrilling, more exciting than, ever before. See thi3 grand picture! Shows at 7 and 9 O'CIock Adults 23 Children 10 SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY 4She Masricd I2es? Boss9 "WITH Claudetto Colbert, Elervyn Douglas, Michael Bartlett A comedy drama with the star of "It Happened One Night." A picture that everyone will enjoy. Matinee, 2:15 Sunday ... .10-250 Night Shows. 7 and 9....10-30C MAKING RAPID PS0G3ESS Organization of the new "Commun ity Building Club," sponsored by the local American Legion post, is pro coding so rapidly it is quite probable the first election of a president will be held Wednesday evening, Febru ary 2C, Legion officials stated today. The club is being organized as a source cf revenue to help pay out-! .'standing indebtedness on the com munity building and to aid the sup port of Legion sponsored activities, which include Boy Scout troop No. 3G-1, the Junior Drum and Bugle FINER at CREATE means on I Special Values in DRIED FRUITS Wovv . . Fresh Stock! . . Gu!k Gocds in Cellophane! EANTA CLARA 3C-IC0 tfft lb. Eizo so-so 3cx V 4 lor Ir.-c 40-50 Si-e fop 10-lb. Tex, S3c; 2 lbs. JiV Choice Cling Dried REACHES 2 Its. Jhi 5!encked Blenheim (Dried). Lb. J Thompson Seedless 2-lb. rfrt 4-lb. 6h Pkcy.. Choice Dried Mixed ?VV&iZ i lbs. ej? Fancy Linht Colored i-- M. i. J V Lb., 17c; 2 lbs. j$Cj idler's Crispy CORN FLAKES Large 2 tor 1 rVii!lers 2 Pkns. - - Cake Flour 234-lb. ... 2S Del Wonte Sliced or Crushed No. 2y2 Can. 21 lTo. 1 Flat Can Del Monte Whole Segment 8-cz. Can Tig No. 2 can - 2 for SPECIAL 3 Pkgs. the Superior MACARONI. SPAGHETTI Pre EGG NOODLES BK$es?-Natt (Green Japan) TEA Camay SOAP 4 Bars.. 3&EFT 1 Small Pkg, only 1c WHEN YOU BUY 1 large Pkg. at . . Qxydel Med. fag Large Pkg. V" Pkg. -OMARr WHEAT CEREAL 21c corps (now badly in need of addit ional equipment to accommodate the additional boys being rehearsed each week for future membership as soon as instruments can be procured) and the junior baseball . team that was first organized last year and made a good showing against stiff competi tion from more mature teams. Membership due3 in the club are ten cents per week, and any man, woman or child residing in the Plattsmouth trade territory is gible to join. eli- Phone the news to No. 6. SAVI meais gets! Fere Lard 1 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c Dold'N hi Hoe Ilrisinl for every eookin nail baklu:r r-urione. HaSt Bee2, lb 16C I". f. CUirlvr. Viuc Cnvori1, Tender tiit-nl f-.T :r:t or jiol ronntluK. C'holoc- I'-cu ;nnlily Shoulder out. Flcnles, lb. CUolf!- jLeau I'rexli Quality. Spare BAb39 lb. .tnu, Plenty Taity with Krant. Steak, lb. I". S. C'holce Tender Hound or SIrlolu Cntx. l". S. Choice mennw Ilrtfcr. Itleher Flavor. Fork Steal&9 lb. . 23c Choice I.cnii Quality. Hamburger, 2 lbs. . 2?c Selected lieef t'eln, freshly grountl. Boiling BeeS9 lb. . . t he I -f, Tender Ilih. LSnfo Sausage, 2 I)o!d'4 Uui-lUy 1 ; in y I.IdIcm. M ... 9 .r:no:;r", Juicy Variety. Minced Ham, Armour' I-'nacy Ciunllty. Cfeill Cois Carns, lb. 2Qc DoH'n Tasly Mexican Stjle. E2SOI3 Kinky-Dinky, 1-lb. Pkg. 3C SCKnr Cured and lllctory Smoked for Fluer Flavor. Saiser Kraut 9 lb. . . . 5g Kaiicy WiMconxlu Hulk. Sunlight Margarine Mb. gc Carton . BAKING POWDER '. .... 2ic 1-lb. Can So-Tast-eo Soda CERTIFIED Graisams caddy SUGAR CRAM'LATED BEET 100 lbs, $5.09; 10 lbs. SEA ISLAND CANE 100 lb, 55.29; 10 lbs.. mm Roberts Milk, 3 tall cans 1 200 Van Camp's Fancy Pumpkin, No. 2 cans, 3 for 250 Good Grade Brand Cut Carrots, Ko. 2 can 60 Fresh Italian Prunes, No. 10 can 2.90 Bess Baker Apples, No. 10 can '12 1 Michigan or Northern Navy Beans, 5 lbs 230 Fancy" Blue Ecse Bice, 3 lbs 190 Baby Lima Beans, 2 lbs., 180; 3 lbs 230 English Walnuts, Baby, lb., 180; 2 lbs 350 Wised Nuts, No. 1 quality, lb 170 Asserted Chocolate Covered Candies, 7-oz. bag, 100; Lb 210 Ciiicn Leader Tobacco, 80c tin G50 Fiiisfcaary's Best FLOUR 24 lbs., $1.03 48-lb. Basr "The Coffee Delicious" 2 Lb. Can, 1 WILL HOLD SALE Lee Watson, Jr., of near Fort Crook, was in the city Monday to ar range for the advertising of the larp? farm sale that will be held by hi mother at her farm home on Monday, February 24. The Watson farm is located near the military reservation at Fort Crook, on the Bellevue road east of the fort. This is one of the large farms in that section and a large amount of stock, machinery and other articles will be offered for sale at this time. NGS V j i:.i mm Plattsmouth, Friday and Saturday, Febr. 21-22 Tirk Tock Sliced Peaches no. 2y2 cans Van Camp's Prl5 O Shoulder vuttt, . 19c Harvest King C3I21 Ho. 16c . . . 17ic . 23c 5 Doz. lbs. 35c 15c mosss U. S. Grado No. Casco BUTTER Mb. . SBg Carton 0 OTOE C1HFK FLOUR Hinky-Dlnky 5 lbs, 23c; 10, 43 (rfflk 24 lbs, 85; 48 lba. Ci.V Sunrieo Sweet COFFEE -S c 3-lb. Ba, 43?i ; 1-lb. L & UIXKY-UI.KV 3-lb. Baj, 550; 1-lb 130 Twenty Grand Cigarettes Carton of 200 Lb. Can . Regular or Drip Grind GIVE FAHEWELL DINNER A farv.cll dinner for Miss Wilmn Vernon was given by her aunt, Mrs. Lena Geise Tuesday evening. The guests invited included thore whom she had the pleasure of working with ian(j aiso a fe-.v close friends including Mr. and Mrs. Freotz of Nebraska City and Mr. and Mrs. Katheiser of Geneva, who are now in charge of Adolph's Tavern. After dinner the evening was pprnt in vi;;iting and dancing. "Geo It beforo you buy It.' 2 for 25s BSS&S Ko. 3C0 Can or Pick Fair 2 Cans .2for5c Bounds Brand A t O Tomatoes no. 2 car.s& 10 U CawliSlowecr, S&. 9g U. S. Grade Ko. 1 Fresh Calif. Snowball U. S. Grade No. 1. Large Fresh, Solid Calif. Iceberg Size, Head Fresh, Solid Grei Texas. Per lb. . . .4c 344 Size Oozen zrzr .or. Sunkist Ca!ifornia Seedless Kavels Lg. Size 5 for 25s A Fey- Juicy Washington ipplQS Wincsaps, Jonathans, 4 lbs.it3 Tender Calif, Lqa. Well Bleached Stalks, each U. S. Ko. 1 Louisiana Porto Ricans, G lbs. . 25c Hal or TclZow Glo33 1 3 Jg. . . Gem Pastcslie 4-lb. B?- & 3 Del Monte California Mustard cr Tomato Sauce SARDINES HZ. 15-oz. ,Jnr Oval Cans. yi Del Mcntc Red Alaska SALBSON -lb. Flat Can, 170 CJ) c 1-lb. Tall - - - Trua American MATCHES f Q Carton of 3 Boxes JLL P DIAMOND MATCHES Carton C Boxes. . . . . . Raisin- !ni 2 BRANlHy for 7tc liiiiUd Ce teal 25 0 rr cooo-AND coop f or you RoyaS Balling Powder 6-oz- flO 12'02' Can Can - !el Monte Ortho-Cut for Flavor! I lb. can L:)k1J