PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOUBNAL ATTACKED BY HUNGRY OWL GEORGE W. TOWLE STRICKEN ::BWBirin:s:"2i.T'Bn!a:TS3r:! k J THURSDAY. JATTUAItY 9. 193a I 7 U S3 m m J . r (A X 1 . h t 1 jtej 1 Ui. lmii i ml mil 1 go Entire Stock of Canned Soods, Undamaged Oroceri Soaps & Washing Powders of EflOLLEH'S MARKET AT race or 4 y .CSS Jan. 13 In Former Location on South 6th St. Store Open 9 to 5 Daily Go! Your Share of These Bargain POSITIVELY NO DAMAGED GOODS OFFERED Duluth. How a large, hungry owl George W. Towle, members of one attacked three woodsmen at the door of the prominent families or tne cen of their shack on Ialo Hoyale, caus- tral portion of Cass county, is very inc a serious eve injury to Arthur critically ill at his home in Weeping Ruokonen, 32, Maple, Wis., was told Water. Mr. Towle has been 111 since hprp hv linnknnrn n the roast cruard Fridav and his condition is such as cutter Crawford, completing Its to cause a great deal or concern to merrv trin. hs-ntiirht the victim to the members of the family and the Duluth. Ruokonen was attacked by attending physicians the bird alter a co-worker, John I . I Mr. Towle has been active in tne Johnson, had gone out of the shack affairs of the county for many years to get wood. He rushed back bleed- and his many friends in all parts of ing and reported something had at- the county will regret to learn of his tacked him. Iluokonen went out to present Illness investigat and was hit by the owl. A third man, John R. Johnson, with a blanket over his head and carrying a hatchet, went out and he too was clawed and pricked before he finally killed the bird. CALLED AN HONEST CROOK Canned goods in perfect condition except for label soilage. All package and bulk groceries sustining even slight smoke damage have been thrown out. Bring your own bushel basket or other large container prepared to take home a supply of good usable foodstuff at half former prices or less. All sales are final and for cash only. Space Forbids Listing the Many Bargains Come and See HELPED RETIRE SALEM DEBT 1 4 Big Savings in Our Annual m R!H?f?U WOMEN'S FINE QUALITY FUR TRIMMED COATS Sizes to 42 All Drastically Reduced! to Childrsn's and Misses ATS TO S.g, Falls City, Neb. Falls Cityans learned they have contributed about 4,000 towards the retirement of the municipal debt of one of their neigh bor villages, Salem. The fact was revealed in a brief filed by J. E. Leyda, attorney for Salem, in a motion seeking a re hearing of the case in which the state railway commission assumed jurisdiction for the first time over the rural power rates charged by municipalities. Leyda'3 motion revealed a faulty meter caused Salem for many months to pay only for half the current de livered it by the Falls City municipal water and light plant. During those months, Salem retired quickly its debt contracted in erecting its own electrical distribution system. Kansas City. Patrolman Ed Hickcy believed he had found an "honest crook." He flagged down Harold K. Xitzel, 23, of Lincoln, Neb. for a traffic violation. HIckey took the keyB to the car and told NItzel to wait in the car until he called the patrol wagon, lie went to a drug store a block away. NItzel was wait ing when he returned. Nitzel con fessed, officers said, to stealing the automobile in Topeka and fleeing from an Olathe, Kas., service station without paying for gasoline. STATE LIQUOR LAW IS UNDER ATTACK EIRE TAKES 77 LIVES Fremont, Neb., Jan. 7. Joseph E. Daly, attorney, Tuesday attacked con stitutionality of the Nebraska liquor control law in Dodge county district court here. lie filed motions asking actions of the state against Harold and Pearl Baiey and J. D. Gustafson be quash ed. The Baieys and Gustafsons were arrested during recent liquor raids here. State Fire Marshal Davis report ed seventy-seven persons lost their lives in Nebraska fires during 1935. This was eight mqre than in 1934. There were 1S3 persons injured In fires last year, compared with 157 in 1934. Reports from more than 500 fire chiefs shows that there was only one Christmas fire that could be laid to holiday festivities. There was no fires attributed to decorations, trees or damage to ife or limb and the property loss was small. DECLINE FULL TIME JOBS M n a a d 3 Kf a P M a S y p y p a B H ii if n is M a ii PORK AliD 16-OZ. CAN TOMATO c 10!A-O2. Health Soap EGA. Bar . . . . l3 Potted Meat Quarter Size Can. , Oil Sardines Domestic Oil. Can, H. H. Cleanser IGA. Can c c Clothes Pins Pkg. of 24 or SPAGHETTI, pkg. mv New York. Victor F. Ridder, New York City PWA director, said that some relief workers on WPA payrolls have been refusing proffered full time jobs in private industry. The particularly skilled workers, he said, preferred to stay on WPA rolls at $90 a month for three days' work weekly so that they could work an additional three days in private work itiauer saia tie would institute a checkup to stop such practices. OLDEST BAILIFF DIES MAY MARRY A GOVERNOR I HMi 1 h Your choice of any of our high N b grade Felt Hats former S J values to $2.95 $ 8 8 8 8 1 Beautifully styled and exceptional values O in these Silk Dresses. Printed or plain Q Silk Crepe. Washable woolens included. X Sizes to 40 Specially Priced O Wi fi BARGAIN TABLE OF 6.95 Your Choice Women's asSisug Gowns 59c Quality - - - f Clearance Price .... All Silk and All Wool a q Values to $5.95 vsoccooocoocccoccosooococcooooscob A WOMEirS AND MISSES Balbriggasi Pajamas Values to $1.95 Clearance Price a CHILDREI'S Unsen Bunts "IV Silk and Wool, Assorted styles, elbow sleeves, knee or ankle length. No sleeve, French leg. Former $1.49 value, to close. Sswlsss TlsreasI Also Colored Threads sizes. 3 spoob for. Large spools, size 70 only. White. 2 for , 3c LS. Hanks of IfAI&M .... 02 2-oz. balls. ... 25 Fine quality Wool Yarn. Per hank Fleischer's Knitting Yarn, Regular 45c value, to close at, per ball Omaha. Louis Grebe, 79, dean of Omaha district court bailiffs, died at a hospital here. He became ill with a cold New Year3 eve, and and was taken to the hospital Saturday. Death was due to pneumonia. He served as district court bailiff from 1S84 to the time of his illness, except for six years as a deputy sheriff from 189S to 1904. He is survived by his widow and two children. Grebe was considered an authority on the early history of Florence and Omaha. North Platte. A newspaper story carrying a Los Angeles date line said Gov. Frank F. Merriarn, of Califor nia "admitted that Mrs. Jessie Lip sey, attractive Long Beach widow, may 'some day become the first lady of California." Mrs. Lipsey formerly lived in Wallace, Neb., southwest of here. She left Wallace to make her home In California in 1897. Her hus band had been in the real estate business in Wallace. DEATH OF BABE Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beherns, of Louisville, are mourning the death of their infant son which died Sat urday afternoon at birth in an Om aha hospital. The body was brought here to the Sattler funeral home and interment was made late Saturday at Oak Hill cemetery. Mrs. Beherns was formerly Miss Amy Elliott of this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Elliott, and the many friends of the family here will Join in their sympathy to the parents and members of the family. EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, January 12 10:30 a. m. English services. 0 f &Sr I P a I CD 1 w 1 0 I 3 H ;?f: B :": M H IPC i PRUN. Small, Svset, lb.. Toilet Tissue 1CCO Sheet Ro!!. . . Chocolate Syrop Hershcy's. Can . . Black Pepper 2-cz. Car gc MICHIGAN no CARS OR Vanilla Extract fr Imitation. '2 Pint ii'' Pop Corn Jap Hulle&s. Grapefruit No. 2 Can . . Lb.. IGA Bluing . 1C-oz. 2ott!e. . . . IGA Ammonia 10-oz". Bottle. Mop Sticks Each 10c Dot. CATSUP Largo 14-oz. SALMON Quaker. Tall can. IGA COCOA Pound Tin c 10c 0c IGA Oysters 1fC G-cz. Can XLljS The Largest Store in Czss County, Plattsmoutb, Nebr. Poultry Wanted THESE PRICES GOOD Friday and Saturday January 10 and 11 Hens, all weights, lb. . . . 17 All Springs, inc. Stags. . 15 Leghorns, lb. . . '. 13 EGGS WE WANT FRESH AMD CREAM A. R. CASE & CO. Located Just West of Ford Garage Enna Jetticks Semi-Annual SALE of Discontinued Styles $3'45 & S3-95 AT Fetzer Shoe Co. Here It Es! Jen! The Event You have been Waiting For 200 Fine Dress Pants ON SALE AT $2.45 $2415 $2.95 $3.35 $3.85 These are Real Values! WESCOTT'S Since 187a V More Bargins u a a a g 9 a 6 H u 0 I g H if u ii a H Tuna Flalces Per Can Bird Seed I 1CA. Pkc. . . . IGA VegtaMes Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, B2ts, Diced Carrots, Mixed Vegetables or Spinach. Your Choice . . . No. 2 Can , IS PKOS. CAKE FLOUR OF CHAMPIONS idwaims UJ)wia s-c Pure ILard (Srapefriilf 3 FOR DOZ.' Fruits & Vegetables fee Head Lettuce Large, Solid Heads Delicious Apples Large size, Dozen . . A group of, fall and winter styles in women's Novelty patterns. All sizes in this group nnd the values run to $3.95. $2-39 n a SJ U 25c 10c Jeef Roast. Sweet Potatoes 4 ilbs. for Yellow Onions Market Casket . Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. for. a Rutabagas Hq m ri i". ............. 1 H Crisp Celery Ii Largo Stalk . H P & G SOAP. Riant size bar r c N h M i CUM V Baby IJOI.I.KU Itlll Rcast, corn fed ... . 22 C SW IFT'S I I'M Lzmb Steak, lb 20 p rwcv cfniv n.i) Rib .Boiling Becf.l2V'2C VcaJ Roiist, lb 20 Neck Ecnes, 3 lbs.. . 25i Salt Pork Briskets. .10 n i i t jt'.f sivtMcn Ch5i5, l-!b. brick . . .20 ri i.i, c iti: ut American Cheese . .20c 3 for. DRANO, the Magic Plumber, per can 19 MARSH MALLOWS, Mb. cello bag 15 CRACKERS, Soda or Graham, 2-lb. caddy 19ci PEAS, IGA Sifted Early June, 2 cans 25 PEACHES, IGA, Ripe and Ra2Ced, large can 19 APPLE BUTTER, pure, wholesome, Quart jar. . . 15 11 M i. i w M . it H M N ri a II ii N ii M a y P3 I K S3 M ii S3 N N a M ii H N W M 91 El ii z -i it jsj M M 11 N H M M hi y M D a Ii I If it 1 : i Fetzer Shoe Co. We Do High Grade Repairing ill)