The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1936, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Taul Davis of N'ebrar-ka City, spent
the week end in Virion.
ilarry Gubc!:i.;.:-. has added a new
:ieral radio to his home.
Moss MeCarrsIl Las recently added
a now P.CA radio to his heme.
Mrs. L. IS. Trombia and Jimraie
are ST'C-niliujr the week in Lincoln.
Mr.--. La v. re nee Mt-isingcr and their
little ton, Larry, v. ere visiting in
V.Ycriny; Wutir with relatives tor a
w cay.;.
-Mr. and Mr?. Henry ChilcoU ate
C I:; ii:..;is ciinr.e-r v ith the K. II.
Witherow family. Tir.ney and dauahter, Alice,
t C'l.:i-::'U5 v.iih th ether i:;c:u-Lc-rs
of the family in Union.
Catherine Davis eamc din from
Cr.:aha Wedi.c-day morning to srend
the remainder of the week with the
Dine -Dance $
New Management
Freddie Shutz's Band
50c Couple
Couples Only! Real good
floor end real hot music.
selling lower during the winter when
the heavy deliveries come.
The farm sale which Moss McCar
i oil held during the early days of
n mm
X4 Ztl
gerous to drive, Frank Bauer said
there would be a good crop of fruit
: this year, as the old sign always held
good that a foggy Christmas week
; always insured a good fruit crop tit?
; following summer. Well, we are
pleased that there is something good
to come from the heavy fogs which
have been visiting us.
Will Conduct Meeting.
The Rev. Baker who has been con
ducting the revival meeting in Union
and at Sciota where he has been hav
ing good success is now to hold a
New Week End
Toll Rates are
State Railway Commission Grants!
Permission to Lincoln Telephone
Co. for New Discounts.
The Nebraska state railway com
mission recently granted the appli
cation cf the Lincoln Telephone and
this wees and the very last day ' series of meetings at the Lew iston j Telegraph company for permission to j
last year, was a very good one and ; Community Center starting on JLon
the fact that the goods brought the;(ray of tjji3 veek
excellent prices which they brought!
was very gratifying to Mr. McCarroll. !
extend the night rate discount to in
clude "person-to-person calls a type
of long distance service that has not j
previously been on a night discount'
basis. In addition, the night dis-!
e many irier.d
cf Mrs. Henry
Kkuman a:c pleased to hear of her
iieady impro-. en;vnt from her recent
serious illness.
II. K. Leach and Lawrence Mei-rir.-er
were eall.d to Louisville on
Sunday where they had
business matters to lock after.
Mrs. Ralph Davis spent Christmas
with relatives in Omaha, enjoying a
s:t with her daughter, Kathcrine
who is atur.uinsr sehcol there.
Visi'tinf Daughter Here.
George Stites is pretty busy justj, Henry Moodey of Winlield, Iowa
now m sealing crins oi corn tnat me; h h h resided all his life and count neriod on all classes of lone dis
owner might secure a loan on the;where he is stin engage(i in the sell-jtance service is extended to include j
same. He w as over to Cedar Creek ; jng ot land bas been visiting at all day Sunday. The railw ay commis- j
on last Saturday and on Monday was;the honie o his daughter, Mrs. David jsion, in approving the application,!
West Of Nehawka anil as well was L-onilcll mm i n f tn snprri the PhriKt- frrnrjiorl t Vie. remicst rf thf rnrrmnnv!
over near Weeping Water and Avoca.
mas season with the daughter and! that January '5th be set as the eftec-
md his two grand-j her son.
and Ivan Ilobaek were
W Iraska City last Fri
The M. . Ladies' Aid served lunch
at the Moss McCarroil sale where all
"cat.s ' v. ere readily disposed of, net
ting the ladies about twenty dollars.
V. A. Tay:
for.s, Donald
visiting at
where they v. ere also locking
r fume business.
Col. Rtr.t Young the auctioneer,
v. as in Union early this week con
ducting the sale? of Moss McCarroll
v ho is uitting the farm for a ven
ture in the mercantile lir.e.
Mrs. Clara James. Miss Lena Bar
ter and Paul Davi-s. metered up from
tne tarm to eat Christmas dinner
with Mrs. Mary Davis. Mrs. Mable
Reynolds and Ralph Davis.
Fred Clarke has been feeling rath
er i oorly of lat
to his hrr
A delightful Christmas dinner was fa,;iii and hag been t.nj0ying the
served at the home of Rev. and Mrs. , visjt here very much He is return
Kunkel. Those present were J. II. j ing to his Iowa home on Friday of
i?nodgrass and family. Dr. L. X. Kun-iis week
kcl and laaiily, of Weeping Water,;
Lynn B. Trombla and family of Lin-j rplfvratp, 20th Anniversary.
some ; coin and Mrs. Kunkei's brother, Mr. I Sunaay December -9th marked
1 1 osier Crow til of Hastings, Xebr. !fht. twntiefh nmiivprsarv of the mar-
Mrs. Bertha Fenn of Salina. Kan-jriage OI Mr and ,Mrs Henry 11.
sas. arrived in Union last week and;Becker and lne occasion was cele
was a guest lor a number of days at j brated by a very happy gathering at
the home cf Mont Robb and daugh- j the Becker home wnen With their
ter, Miss Augusta and last Monday j neighbors as guests. Rev. and Mrs.
departed lor Red Oak, Iowa where w A Tavlor Mr. aad Mrs. jonn
she went to visit with relatives be-jLidgett M"rs. Martha Lynn and sis
foie continuing on to Chicago to meet ;ter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Johnson of
Rev. Durward Jay, paster of the 1 yt
Methodist church at Enimett and
Amelia, preached Sunday morning at
tive date. j
The new long distance discounts!
will be applied on a nation-wide-basis,
the Lincoln company having;
joined other large companies in mak-j
ing application for the rates.
"The extension of the night dis-;
count to person-to-person service will;
be particularly attractive to our cus
tomers," Manager R. M. Misner ex
plained to the editor of The Journal.
"It will result in an appreciable sav
ing of money. The discount on a
night person-to-person call will be
the same in amount as the discount
on the night station-to-station call
Weeping Water being present. Ajfor the same distance. In other words
ry fine oyster supper was served
and a jolly evening was had. The
Union Methodist church.
guests upon departing extended the
Re..wjgn jor many more happy years to-
' gether.
and Mrs. Jay are visiting at the
homes of their parents. Mr. J. P. and
Mrs. Jay. cf Nebraska City, and Mr. j wm North of Town
Lee and Mrs. Fans of Lnion, over the Joun Udgett who owns a farm
holidays. i north of Union has rented the same
Miss Augusta Robb, who is always; to Albert Rakes who moved to the
thoughtful of others, shared some . nc.v. kozi,e last Monday. Mr. Lidgett
was fortunate in finding so good a
beautiful hot-house flowers with a
number of shut-ins and other friends j farmer and a3 honest a man for hi
on Christmas w hich added much to j farm
the pleasure or their Christmas, as
cenery of ferns and colorful
having been kept ; the
bed lor the past week j combinations eave a cheerful tone to
t ut c ii Monday was feeling well ; t,e homes where they made their ap
crcugh to be down town for a short ; ptarance.
time. J Elmer Withrow and Frank Bauer
Mrs. trod laer. iiv;ng southwest . with the latter's car, made a trip;
nf Union has been feeling quite pc-or-lv
on account of an attack cf the flu
but during the p
which included Rock Bluffs where
they inspected the work being done
Isn't It About Right?
A traveling man representing a
firm who sells goods all over the
country, when the matter of auto
accidents wa3 under discussion said.
it is verily a fact that when driving
'on the highway one had to drive four
j care instead of the one he occupies.
if the day station-to-station rate is
$1.00 and the night station-to-staticn
rate is 60c, the discount would be
4 0c. This is the amount of discount
that will apply on a night person-to-person
call as compared with a day
person-to-person call for the same
"The extension of the night dis
count period to include Sunday will
also bo pleasing," Mr. Misner con
tinued, "since it will make long dis
tance service more useful to our cus
tomers at a time when the volume of
business is light and calls can be
completed with unusual rapidity. The
night rate for all classes of service
will go into effect on Saturday at the
usual hour, 7:00 p. m., and will con
tinue all day Sunday and until 4:30
a. m., Monday."
t "...? i1 i- liac1. .i TV,,..- . , . . 1 1 t.
. uu luv lmv IUCI1 t v., wntrh tho car immediately
in front of his and the car which
leen reported as being considerable i to Fiattsmouth where they inspected .
Vance Harris was a visitor in
riattsmouth on 1-ist Thursday and
while there had the Journal sent to
his home in Union as he desired to
keep in tench with the doings ot the
D. Ray Frar.s and family were en
joying a visit at riaiLsmo-iu on Chas. McXamee of Brush. Colo., tell
day of this week and while Mr. Frans
v as looking after some business mat-
! i. -. . . .... i . . . . . c : v. . . . . . . r i . . . , T n . .
t .i comes directly towards him, those
, and were pleased with the job, inci- . . . ... . ,
1 . ! which might come in from the side
: . I . T ' . - w- . nrl-inrr Vi '. t 11" , t i 'II '1 .
urui... - roads and also the car coming behind
the work was being done. L . . om. tT.
eler, it keeps one busy at that.
Appear in Pageant.
Mrs. Janics Pittsman reports hav-
j mg a letter trom ner sister, -irs.
ing of a benefit pageant given by the
tcrs the
l c i K
s were visiting with;
Denver Post for underprivileged chil
dren of Denver in which 250 ehil-j
Increase in Postal Receipts.
1933 Christmas mail Irom Dae. 10
to Dec. 2 1 inclusive shows increase
'over 1934 cf $37. S5. The December
quarter will also show increase over
the same period of 1934. Parcel post
p. Henrv Chilcott who was suf-.
ir.c fror.
il affection tori
dren gave a part oi" their time to aid Dec
I in ine oenent given ay ine rusi. iwo:
of the children, Bobby and Shirley'
16 to Dec. 25,
!93 greeting cards
several days last week, is able to t-e j CoUrtney, grandchildren of Mr. andi
!Mrs. Jack Courtney who reside in a'
: Denver suburb. Mrs. Courtney will
up again i'r. during th-j first days of i
her illness. be remembered as Clora McXamee one
Ray Becker was over to keeping jof the twin daughters of the Charles
Water and Manley looking after McNamee's.
son:" business matters last Monday j
aftfrr.oon and on Tuesday was called'
Anderson was in at-
to Omaha to look after some busi
ness matters.
Gucats at the Robb home Christ
mas evt-mas ev were Fleming Rob:)
and wife and John of Lincoln, Dr.
and Mrs. Tyson and daughter, Ann
Marilyn, Murray. A very Merry
Christmas it was.
Mrs. Talitha Smith lias so far re
covered from her prolonged illness
that she is able to Fit up in bvd for
brief periods, no longer requiring the
w ho was dis- i
Death of Uncle.
A telephone message from Paul
Davis of Xebraska City to his mother,
jMrs. Ralph Davis,! came Tuesday
! morning telling of the sudden death
of Mrs. Daavis' uncle, Joseph Hilger,
w ith whom Paul w as making his
j home this w inter. A son and daugh
ter of Mr. Hilger had arisen early and
I es -. t r- i-j-rr m- r n i p n t Vi c P OflTl t T
arising later found his father slump
ed near the fire place, his death, ap-
bearing lc postage were cancelled.
The office was cTeared each night
of all outgoing mail. By Wednesday
I night only one parcel remained in
(general delivery. Thursday every
thing w as back to normal.
We hope that every parcel and
greeting card and letters that left
the Union office reached its destin
ation in due time, altho some were a
little late in mailing to reach it be
fore Christmas.
We wish you all a very Happy
New Year. Post Office Employees.
attendance of her nurse
missec sometime ago. i
Mrs. Clara Davis, who has been ill
for several months, enjoyed a delic
ious Christmas dinner sent over from
the hotel by Mrs. Rosella Clark, who
Las a v ay of doing kind and thought
tul things for others.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bom and
Leonard Born and wife from near
I lattsmouth were enjoyinj a very
I leasant visit on last Sunday at the
heme of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd, be
i.rg gues-ts for a very fine dinner.
Hon. W. B. Banning and wife were
in Union last Sunday visiting with
friends and relatives for over the
week crM ami returned to Lincoln
early Monday where Mr. Banning
went to take up his work with the
Grandma Crawford who resides
with her sen, Winnie Crawford, was
taken very ill last week with heart
trouble, and while her life was de
spaired of for a time ha3 rallied and
was reported much improved on
Charles Garrison was shelling and
delivering corn to the Union elevator
Monday of this week, thinking that
while the price is not exceedingly
high there might be a chance of it
iparently having been caused by a
heart attack. Another sad feature of
the passing of Mr. Hilger is the fact
that his wife has been in St. Mary's
hospital for several months suffer
ing from cancer with slight hope of
Eetnmed to Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Rathe and
the kiddies arrived in Union about
three months ago and have been here
since until on Sunday they departed
for their home in the northwestern
portion of the state at Gordon. Their
object in coming here besides visit
ing the folks, Mr. and Mrs. L. G.
Todd being parents of Mrs. Rathe,
was that they might be near the doc
tor and hospital as Mrs. Rathe had
to have an operation for the restor
ation of her health. Several weeks
ago she underwent an operation and
has since been Ehowing good improve
ment. It is with much pleasure that
they are able to return to their home
in the northwest with the wife again
in good health.
Look for Good Fruit.
Speaking of the heavy fog which
rested like a mantle over the coun
try, so dense that it was very dan-
llethodist Church Notes
B. X. Kunkel, pastor
Church school, 10:00 a. m
Faris, superintendent.
Worship, preaching service at 7:30
p. m.
The next morning worship preach
ing service will be January 12, 1936.
The church school rendered a very
fine Christmas program Christmas
eve. Everyone present was presented
with a gift of candy, nuts, etc. The
church was crowded.
Church school at 10:00 a. m. Mrs.
Harvey Barkhurst, superintendent.
Worship, preaching service, at 11
a. m.
The Sunday school rendered a love
ly program on Monday night, to an
appreciative audeince, a full house
Each one present receivd candy and
nuts, etc. The fine new lights were
tried out.
Rev. M. E. Gilbert, D. D., our dis
trict superintendent, preached and
held the first quarterly conference
Sunday evening, December 22nd
Choir Touring Country.
The Fleming Robb's left Christmas
morning for dinner at the Tyson
home in Elmwood. Jane Robb was
not with the company, being with the
Lincoln Cathedral Choir on an east
ern tour.
Dec. 22 the choir broadcast from
WGN, Chicago and at a Choral even
song at St. Luke's Episcopal church
in Evanston at four ir. the afternoon.
At the close of the service Ne
braska friends of Mr. Rosborough met
him in the vestry to compliment him
on the splendid work of his choir.
Percy Silber, formerly of Lincoln,
was one of them.
Most everyone heard the broadcast
from Lafayette park on the presi
dent's program Christmas eve when
the choir gave two numbers.
Christmas day was spent in New
York, singing carols at noon at the
Waldorf Astoria where the choir
stopped. On the evening of Dec. 27
a concert at Carnegie hall, before
an appreciative audience.
Dec. 2S they gave a concert at
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, and
in the third Presbyterian church on
the evening of the 29th, leaving for
home that night.
Percy Silber says "Lincoln should
be very proud of an organization of
young people in the art of music."
Washington. The interstate com
merce commission told the New York
Central railroad it could not pay more
than 5 percent interest on a 75 mil
lion promissory note issue. The com
mission's order followed by a few
days a strong New York Central pro
test against a suggestion by Oliver
E. Sweet, ICC finance director, that
the rate might be cut to 4 percent.
The railroad had proposed a 6 per
cent rate.
Significance was attached to the
commission's action in the wake of
recent moves by the Reconstruction
corporation to slash interest rates on
railroad obligations, and repeated ob
servations by President Roosevelt
that interest rates In general were
too high. While the RFC has thrown
its Influence behind a 4 percent rate
for certain long term railroad obli
gations, the ICC order dealt with
short term "emergency" financing.
Omaha. Nebraskans will receive
almost 5 million dollars in January
dividends on stocks and interest on
bonds, Plummer P. Purdham of
Burns-Potter & Co. of Omaha said a
survey revealed. Almost 1 million of
this distribution will come from Om
aha corporations, he said.
Red hog. Owner may nave same
by paying for keep and advertising.
F. Petereit, Cedar Creek. J2-2tw
THIS YEAR - - Most of the
will come from HINKY-DINKY!
est Food Values
Santian Italian f
PRUNES, No. 10 can kg5?"
No. 10 can
Bess Baker Q&g
APPLES, No. 10 can
Door Co. Fled Pitted tf&n
CHERRIES, No. 10 can
Uaxr- h i J?
Ad for Fiattsmouth, Fridav and Saturday, Jan. 3 and 4
California Sunkist
Seedless Navels
.35c 126 Sire "fgftnt
.29c Dozen 3ry
176 Size, doz
216 Size, doz
GvapGSrtzlt SKi
Med. Size .... 6 for S9e
rt u- s- Grade No. 1. Large
jU&t&'ilv Firm, Freeh Ariz. Iceberg
5 Doz. Size, Head . &Q
A4k?a(m Fey Idaho Rome Beauty
PPieS Bushel, $1.59 . . 6lbs.2SjC
Fancy, Red Juicy 4 lbs.
TO U. S. Grade No. 1 Nebr.
rGtStOSS Red Triumphs
mean1. 6 K$S. 19C
Fresh, Solid, Crisp
Sprouts SEHJSSSitfS?' 22c
Celery SfeaJSh". Oe
GREEN PEPPERS Fancy, Fresh ittlf?
Sweet Texas, lb
100-lb. CI QO 15-1 b.
- .ipiiJf Peck - -
U. S. Grade No. 1
La. Porto
Cabbage insZcr...Ze
NEW CABBAGE Solid Green Texas
Special, per lb
Michigan cr
Northern Navy
5 lbs.
Lard, 2 lbs 25c
Armiiur'H MT i'tfi!ll.
Ecasf, lb 12c
"holer. 'I:u!-r Uf.-f Miouli!T nl.
Por&loSn Roast, lb. . 18c
tioiec, l,c:'j, omits 1'ork.
Spare Ribs, lb. . . . 17Jc
I. (mi, Mm(, TVudrr tiulilllv.
Kam&urger, 2 lbs. . 23c
Iioiif, l.::n, I'rrr-lil l.iuiiml Ili-rf.
Bee2 Steak, lb. . . . 15c
Steak Swiss lb. . I6c
(h ;-, Iriiilrr l nn!;i I'inr I la or.
Fozfc Chops, lb. . . 27c
l Ii'iT- C ruler utt Onlj.
BeeZ Brains, 2 sets 15c
CiiilchvV Stli-ctet! luali(v.
Boiling Beef, lb. . . . 9c
l.t-lili, Trm'iT Hib.
Fork Liver, 2 lbs. . . 25c
(iin, Tu!rr tuulil. "try It with Onion.
Summer Sausage, lb 17c
( u!ithy Auvrttd Vnrletlro.
Minced Ham, lb. . 15c
Arnicur'H I'uucy (lunlity.
Bacon i Lb. Pkg 38c
Hint? -Diuky Saynr Curetl. anil W'rnpprd.
Kraist Lb 5 c
1'lllKVV ICIMIIU Ulllk.
Quick or Regular
FKJT. - rite. - Li
Staley's Golden or
Crystal White
5-lb. 9 10-lb. f
Pail OC Pail V
Kuner's Fancy Cut
No. 2 Can C
4 Pkgs.
True American
Carton cf 4
G Poses i.1-
Bounds Brand
No- 2 4 for
Cans - - 1UI
Cur Mother's
2-lb. Can -
Domestic Oil
oaf:6. 6 for
Santa Clara 0-100 Size.
10-lb. Box
60-90 size 4 lbs., 25 1
Thompson's Seedless
pg: 29c 15c
Van Camp's
6 for
Med. Can
100 lbs, $5.29; 10 lbs.
100 lbs, $5.49; 10 lbs.
Sunrise Brand
3-lb. Bag, 49 c; Mb.
3-lb. Bag. 55t; 1-Ib-
So-Tast-ee Soda
Grahams caddy
Del Monte Whole Segment
Grape Fruit
2 for 25c
No. 2
Del Monte
8-oz. Can - - Sc
Del Monte Sliced
or Crushed
No. 2 Can, lQc Q5fJ C
No. 2'2 Can - - JL
Roberts Milk, 3 tall cans 19c
Penn or Musselman Apple Sauce, No. 2 cans, 3 for 25 6
Good Grade Brand Cut Carrots, No. 2 can 6c
Pure New York Buckwheat Flour, 5-lb. bag 27c
No. 1 Quality Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs 33 C
Lima Beans, Baby, 3 lbs., 28 ; Large, 2 lbs 23c
Gem Pancake l fjn
FL0UE, 4-lb. Bag JL &
Buddy Boy Whole fp
Wheat Cereal, 2-lb. pkg.- V
Big 4 White Naptha
Champion High Test 9C
Lye, 4 iejr. cans wJC
2 for 17c
Miller's Crispy
Bran or Oat
2 Pkgs. - - 19C
SlflNHEFES 18t
the Superior
Selected Quality Bulk Dates, 2 lbs 19 C
Choice Cling Dried Peaches. 2 lbs 33 C
Acorn Fruit Preserves, 2-lb. jar 23 C
Crystal Brand Gelatin Desserts, 3 pkgs 11 C
Prince Albert or Velvet Tobacco, l-lb. can, 77c; 15c tin 11c
Ft. Howard Wax Paper, large roll, 21; Small 10c
Omar Wonder
24-lb. Bag, $1.19 OQ
48-lb. Bag - - d
O Reg. Cans -
Del Monte
1 lb. can ZjO u
litelwiMaieal 230
rT$ C00B-AN0 C00D MR. YOU.
(Green Japan)
2-lb.pks. - -