I t MONDAY, DECEMBER CO, 1935. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE Jl BfiPi! fro Stanford University of California Will Clash with Southern Methodist University of Texas for Mythical Title of National Champions ODDS OF 3 -1 FAVOR MUSTANGS OF TEXAS r . V. i I. V ' ft! 4 5 tfjr j6T Wfiw lAi-- HiM' ''--'1 FRANK ALUSTIZA, Stanford bacT . . ... y- v "t:cx. .. IRORBY GRAYSON. Stanford fullback J v Aggg r - - t y i- c: .-v: . . ..-.V. s r I -v JP s i. 4V? ' as V - w f iff V. " f. : ... ...V .:........- V.. .(..o YWSv2"VS-.' it ...... .v.j. ..Tix.'" ...... x . ,... .-.i.v..-x ......... .'..-..... .. ........ . ."mv -w.. x.r .- i J - wwsxs -?? i, " j-; : - x '-- V MONK MOSCRIP Stanford end Mil ?MfT : W ill '-Vk " ' . V j Can Stanford Stop the S. M. U. Passing Attack COACH "TINY" THORN ETLL THINKS SO Stanford's football team has in dicated that it would be at full strength at the opening whistle of the Rose Bowl game at Pasadena, on New Year's day. Monk Moscript, crack Stanford end, turned out for practice last Tuesday. An injured knee had kept him in the hospital for two weeks, but he is expected to last most of the same if not the en tire period. The other members of the squad are all in fine physical condition and expect to give a good account of themselves. Coach Thornhill is optimistic over the outcome of the contest. Breaking up passes has been the one thing most stressed in every practice session during the past fortnisht. Moscript and Topping ends, have consistently broken up passes thrown from S. M. U. for mations, and are improving their technique along this line daily. Mustangs May Win by Kicking Coach Matty Bell, with thirty two S. M. U. players, arrived in Pasadena several days ago. Bell is putting the finishing touches on the greatest array of gridiron war riors S. M. U. has ever produced. Big Maurice Orr and his prec ious right foot make up a combi nation that punches footballs over the cross bar from all angles. His placement kicking may prove the deciding factor between the two teams when they meet Wednesday in the Rose Bowl. Coach Bell in tends to open his bag of tricks against the Stanford Indians with some surprises via the aerial route. Doubtless there will be many sur prises during the sixty minutes of playing time, and the Mustangs may be on the wrong end of some of them. Journal readers who plan to lis ten to the broadcast of the game will doubtless enjoy it more if these photos of the major stars of both teams are saved for reference. The boys shown on this page will be featured in many of the plays during the game and some of them will emerge heroes and be credited with the victory of their respec tive team. Which will it be? .-I1'!!!. I1 n i II 'I1 11 t 'X i 1 .-X- Y1 H - - x ... '.v.- . ... ... v. 4 s- - S r IRON MAN" WETSEL. S. M. U. guard v 1 : : :.--:: :-x-.v. : r :1 .4 4 I V i 2 " .jr. "A A BOB REYNOLDS, Stanford UcVU jl : :V Y :'.. :. ; i w, :.'wat.. tv. ... . r , bP1 ? ' . - 4 rxrs A ,, . x: j I - ' few- - ?fY,l -I ... .... -a- a vs. : '. . -j , . -y .- . - -J : . r- ' ' i si " , ' , 2 ; f ". "iX'f- 'r hi jfelTRUMAN SPAIN, S. M. U. t.ckU 4 1 iX'X.X,:.:..: yt 1 :- vy X .VXyyX f ' t V S x. N HARRY SHUFORD S. M. U. back "ONES" HAMILTON x yA x rnrl hack I ft y , ,i. 2.- e BOBBY WILSON, S. M. U. back)y yv 4 jj - r IrLj- SMITH, S. MjUjhJt&S, . ... -, -. . ...'......,.J.. ..v -. . ..