TinrRSDAY. TjF.;-7V-t PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUENAI PAGE FOTTS N O tic;: Ill pu: Enl SUI Subi oOO J3.5 B Miss Nola Banning, teacher in the Nebraska City schools, si spending her mid-winter vacation with the fo!k3 at home. Charle9 E. McCartney and family w6re guests Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. McCar tney and family. George A. Stites, mayor of Union, was a visitor in Plattsmouth on las: Monday, driving up in his car to look after some business matters. Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter. Miss Rachel, of Lincoin, were visit ing cn Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V, Keedy, at Ash land. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Porter were enjoying a visit and a very fine din ner on Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Keedy at Ash land. Lester Schurraker and wife were host and hostess at a dinner which they served cn Christmas day. hav ing as their guests II. W. Griffin and family. The Union school teachers are all enjoying the Christmas vacation at their respective homes and will not return until time for school to start next week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Greene and the children were in Cedar Creek Wed nesday, where they enjoyed spending Christmas with Grandmother Duff, mother of Mrs. Greene. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Harris, who has been at the CCC camp at Mitchell for the past several months, arrived home Saturday ar.d is spending a week with the home folks ard friends here. Donald McCartney, who V.-.13 so ill last week that he could mot attend school, is reported as being some bet ter at this time and v.va ab'2 to go to the home of his uncle, F. IL Me Carthey, for Christmas. Uncle Blair Porter butchered a fine beef the day before Christmas, providing ample assurance that there would be something in the family larder, not only on Christmas day, but for many days to come. Frank Hafer, of Geneva, where the corn crop did not amount to much during the past two seasons, has been in Union a number of times of late purchasing corn, which he has been having trucked to Geneva for the livestock feeders of that vicinity. Oscar and Ira Eggers of Princeton, were in Union, looking after the pur chase of corn to truck to their heme town, as there has been but little corn raised there during the past two years and the demand is heavy among the stock feeders of that vicin ity. Miss Frances Griffin, sister of II. W. Griffin, who has bee.i visiting here and at other points in Cass county for the past few weeks, left for her home at Oklahoma City, at which place her parents, Mr. and E. IL Griffin reside and will spend Christmas with them. Mr. and Mrs. Horrace Griffin en tertained at their home Sunday, hav ing as their guests the family of John Griffin, of Lincoln; Miss Francis Griffin, a sister of Mr. Griffin, of Oklahoma City, and Lester Shumaker and family of Union, as well as the regular members of their family. George Trunkenbolz, president of the Trunkenbolz Oil company, with headquarters in Lincoln, was here Monday looking after some business matters at the station, and also call ed at Neha.vka where the company operates a service and bulk station. He enjoyed meeting many of his old friends in this vicinity. C. E. Morris and family were in Louisville on Christmas day, where they were guests at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Morris, a brother otj C. E. Morris, whore they enjoyc-d a very hne time. Or. New Years day the Silas Morris family will be guests of the C. E. Morris family at Union, in the new home which has just been completed. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Upton were host and hostess to their two daughters. JUiss tara, wiio is an instructor m : the schools of Beaver Crossing, and Miss Martha, who is taking nurse training in Omaha. The family en joyed the get-together and the very line dinner which was served and also were privileged to visit during the entire week, as they did not have to return to their work until the! first of the year. Jay Austin was over to Platts mouth Monday and purchased the; new 1IZG license plates for his car. Although the license was only $5, under the new law recently passed that requires payment of taxes cn a car before license can be issued, the tax, amounting to some $16 also had to be dug up at this time. Of course, it will mean just that much les3 when the time comes to pay personal taxes, a3 cars are no longer included in the personal tax charges. LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS HORSES for sale. Call at yards at He-isel Mill, Plattsmouth. dl6-4sw Farm Loans, AVio, First Trust Co.. Nebraska City, Nebr. d9-lmw Entertained Brothers and Families Miss I'earle Banning was hostess on Christmas day at a very fine din- er at tier nome in Lnion, nauug a . - t. , uests her brothers and their far.ul - ics. Jcseph Banning. John Banning, and wife, cf Aivo. and Hon. W. Fanning, wife1 and bon, Hallis, Lincoin. B. of The Club House Sums Jerrv. the i.ttle grariuson of Will . Carriher. who had built a house sleep in during the summer, which j . -ill.-.r l.Ici di-i-n ami vhfrfi hf f-n- ! tertaincd his friends, spent some time !hr.i bist. S: f H rdav and as the weath- K . er was quite chilly, had a fire. A short time after his departure the1 place was found to be on fire and an alarm v as given, but the fire had a good start ar.d the entire structure -was consumed within a few minuts. ; The lire department arrived on the s.er.e promptly and put out the re-j "mainir.g thur.es as well as aided in i preventing them from spreading. The building was located between the j hotel and the home of Mrs. Clara j Davis. Entertained at Family Dinner Mrs. Rose Kendall and daughter, Miss Rachel, were hostesses at a very their fine Christmas country home gat her in : at cn Christmas when they had as their guests. the son ar.d brother, David Kendall j and fjmil;-. Mrs. Rue II. Frams and . family cf Syracuse, and D. Ray Frans .-.::d lVmily cf Union. All enjoyed a i very fine time and an excellent din c r. llrs. Pickett in Hospital Mrs. Earl Pkkett. who w ith the ; the trestle over North Table creek, husband have been making their j Although men working in the mail home at Harrington in the northern I ear said the jar was pretty severe part of the state, has been in poor j none was injured. Some passengers health lor some time and concluded i ia the rear cars didn't know any she had better come to a hospital in 'thing had happened, other than that Omaha for treatment. a clinical checkup and j Mr. Pickett came down .:,!, -i,;u pital ran down to Union for a short , stay before returning to their home at Hartington. Y7s.s ia Omaha Monday. Needing some repair parts for the rerviciiit cars which he had in his shop, Charles Atteberry went to ; 32.5 percent of the principal and in Omaha Monday morning to secure the j terest payments due it unpaid, it has .ran-e. Vv hile be was at the supply j instituted 3,460 foreclosure suits. An house making his purchases, the tele- improvement in the proportion of phone rang and the dealer he was ; prompt payments for nine successive buying from was advised that an-' months, however, was cited by the other jrupply house a few doors away corporation as reflecting "better gen bad just been robbed of more than eral business conditions and further ?1,000. Mr. Atteberry secured his development of loan serving opera- parts and hastened home, feeling that Union was a much safer place for him than in the big city. Had Fine Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker and i tbeir daughter, Mary, entertained at their home in Union on Christmas day, a number of the immediate rel atives and a very sumptuous dinner was served. Those present were John i no won its the collection of money Decker and wile. Henry Becker andldue each month from its borrowers." family, flay Becker and wife, Roy Becker and family and Otto Ehlers and wife. ill 1- Li..- ,-ith the Horns Folks Charles Land and wife and Mrs. Land's parents. Con Watkins and '.vile, departed early Sunday morning for Windsor, Mo., where Mr. Land's faihcr ami the ether members of the r lily reside. They will visit there oxer tho Christmas holiday and ex- pet to enjey a very fins time while there. Charles had not seen the folks for a number of years. The brothers and sisters have grown to woman hood and manhood since he left there. They will also visit at the old home of Mr. and Mrs. Con Watkins, who formerly resided in Missouri. To Enjoy Family Gathering F. I. (Uncle Bud) Fitch and wife entertained at their home on Christ r..as day, having as guests a number of their relatives. A sumptuous din ner was served and the time spent in visiting together. Those who were present on thi3 occasion included the sisters of Mr. Fitch, Mesdames Jennie Frans, of Union; Belle Frans of Mur ray and E. II. Riggs of Brewster. FOR SALE Hard Wood 2.50 per ton. Good oak rests, 12 c each. Two miles north of Nehawka, eighty rods from gravel road. Call Tele. 2 681, Ne hawka. d23-2tw Phone news items to No. 6. Marathon is Derailed Near Nebraska Cityip None Injured as Locomotive and Two' Cars Leave the Tracks Near Missouri Pacific Depot. The locomotive and two cars of 1 I tlil ri(lLp ' 1 - j T M II Jl TP'lin fT T r C UN. . , - . . , , . -r? . I , , r T" I uuuu morning uu yarus norm 01 me Mis souri Tacific station at "Nebraska City. Two cars of the train remained on j the track. I There was no one injured in the (derailment as the train was travel- i 1US only aoout Id miles an nour. ; The air had been set for the traia t0 coast up to tne station piattorm. . The cars remained on their wheels but several hundred feet of the main line track as well a3 a part of a , side track v. as torn up by the train, . Although no official investigation had been made, V. E. Lamb, division surerintendent from Falls City, said the belief was that an engine equal izer fell, fouling the wheeis cn the.. tront engine trucK. tuperintenaeni ; Lamb was within three mile3 of Ne braska City, in his motor car, when the derailment occurred. He was notified and came baek to Nebraska C lty to take charge of operations The two rear passenger cars were taken to Union by an engine sent torrr; some husking bang boards; one the purpose, then to Weeping Water and south to Auburn ever the "low line" through Dunbar and Talmage. Work started at once to build a temporary track around the spot of 1 th3 derailment so that other trains cculd get through on the main line. Mr. Lamb said he expected temporary repairs to be made within a few hours. A switch near the point of the first derailment was caught, throwing the trucks of the oars to the rear of the engine off the tracks. The derailment took plate a short distance south of there was a sudden step. Passengers staved in their warm I .!.,-: t The steam pipes from the engine weren't broken by the impact. H0LC FORECLOSURE SUITS Washington. The Home Owners' Loan corporation reported that with tions." The HOLC said that as of Dec. 12, loans totaling $2,903,517,S28 had been advanced in 961,101 home own ers. Of a total of 1.SS4.422 applica- tions for loans. 75.193 were renorted 'still pending. This indicated, the cor- poration said, that its lending oper ations "are now 9 6 percent com pleted, and that its main task from More than half of the foreclosure proceedings which the HOLC "had been obliged to institute" up to Nov. 30, it was said, "are represented by 1.S77 borrowers who wilfully failed to make their monthly payments which were actually within their means to pay." Of the 3,460 foreclosures, 150 cases were halted when home owners paid 'up their delinquencies The foreclos- ures the corporation declared, have 78 loans made. PLAN 'HOPPER CONTROL Iowa City, Ia. Tlie control of grasshopper pests by a parasite dis covered in the University of Iowa zoo logy laboratories was called "high ly probable" by Dr. R. P. Kin of the university zoology department. Tests indicate that the hoppers could be de stroyed under natural conditions. Final field tests next spring and sum mer are expected to reveal the prac ticability of using the parasite called malighameba locustae, to save far") ers thruout the country millions in crop losses. FRENCH UJ WAR BRILL Toulon, France. An air raid drill was conducted in France's biggest Mediterranean naval base. Arsenal workers left their building when sirens sounded an alarm and took re fuge in a specially designed shelter. Firemen and first aid crews went thru the maneuvers cf caring tor victims of an imaginary attack. r 111 MIIIIIMli II III 1 n ISJftafiiHS H t --a isi.lL c-ij xyj ia PUBLIC AUCTION The undersigned will offer for sale - at Public Auction at my farm two and three-quarters miles northeast of Murdoch, five miles northeast of nor-, ncn Tiv"Qr:iii-iiii:ii ivt-ni. .11.1.1 ll uuu-.u, iin. iiii.v- ley, seven miles southwest of Louis- ville six miles southeast of South Bend, on Monday, Dec, 39 beginning at l:o0 o'clock p. in., the I following described property, to-wit: Six Head cf Horses One span of gray mares, 7 and S years old, wt. 2300, both safe in foal; one bay gelding, S years old, wt. 1340; one bay mare. 9 years old. wt. 13';0. safe in foal: one bay gelding, 6 years old. wt. 1270; one bay geld ing, 7 vears old, wt. 1070. Eight Head of Cattle Five good milk cows, some to be fresh by sale date, and three head of calves. Farm Machinery, etc. One Newtcn wagon, good as new; ... ,.. iiroii v net" i ituu, mini i iv, 2-seated carriage; two road buggies; one bob sled; one cutter and sled runners; one pump jack; one fun ning mill; one corn sheller on skids; two sets 1 i-inch work harness; nmp hnr?fi rnl'urs nnd nads: one set bugr- harness: two saddles; some oda "pieces of harness; one mule clip- j scoop board; 100 feet of 1-inch hay fork rope; one grab hoy fork; one I harpoon hay fork; one hay huncher for attaching on gras3 mower; one! McCormifk mowing machine; one; hay rake; one hay loader in good shape; one potato plow digger; one walking lister; one seed corn dryer; one seed corn grader; cne land roll er; two Sterling broacast seeders; one Oliver 14-inch saner nlow: one i Janesville 12-inch gang plow; one j disk plow; one 16-inch walking plow; one 16-inch sulkey plow; cne: Janesville 1S-16 disk; one 15-16 ( disk; one 1-horse wheat drill, good j as new; one 10-disk press drill; one' li-d;sk nress drill: one 7-foot Deer-1 ing self binder; one corn planter; one 1-horse corn drill; one Janesville lister: one wide tread P-O lister, inlaid Court on January litn, isoii, good shape; one 2-section harrow; one 3-section harrow; one Metz 4 cylinder gasoline motor on truck; one 2-row cultivator; one Moline 1 row ridine: cultivator; one Interna tional riding cultivator; one disk cuuiv ator ; one jenny uma waiKin; cultivator ; one tongueless New De parture cultivator; one John Deere 2-row go devil; one John Deere 1- row go devil; one tarm ground scrap- j drill; one good 50-ib. anvil; some I blacksmith coal Some Household Furniture One good Range Eternal cook stove; two heating stoves; one oil stove; one Singer sewing machine; some tables and other articles. Also, many other things not listed in this advertisement. Terms of Sale Terms are cash unless you make arrangements in advance of sale date yith your own banker. No property I to be removed from the premises un- j til settled for. I Farm at Private Sale ! I am also offering my 160 acre farm j for sale at private sale. If interested, Iook it over while here on sale day. Henry Oehlerking Owner. REX YOUNG, Auctioneer HENRY A. TOOL, Clerk PUBLIC AUCTION Having decided to quit farming. I will sell at Public Auction on the Moss McCarroll farm one-half mile east and two miles north of Union, on paved highway No. 75, on Tuesday, Dec. 3 beginning ,at 10:30 o'clock a. m.. with lunch served on premises by the Methodist Ladies of Union, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: 20 Head of Live Stock Four Head of Mules One team molly mules, smooth mouth, we:ght about 1300 lbs. each; one grey mule, smooth mouth, weight 1250 lbs.; one smooth mouth mule. All good workers. 16 Head of Cattle One Guernsey cow. 6 years old. giving milk; cne Guernsey cow, 4 years old. giving milk; one Guernsey cow, coming 3 years old, fresh; one Guernsey cow, 5 years old, to be fresh soon; cne Jersey cow, 3 years old. giving milk; one Holstein cow. giving milk; one Guernsey bull. 3 year3 old; three Guernsey heifer3 to freshen in the spring; two Holstein heifers, springers; one steer, weight 600 lbs.; three Guernsey calves. Farm Machinery, etc. One grain wagon, good shape; one grain wagon; one wagon and rack; cne John Deere binder, 7-foot; one Deering mower; one Massey-Harris rake; cne Rock Island 2-row ma chine; one single row lister; two sin gle row cultivators: one Moline corn planter; one 12-inch gang plow; one 16-inch Good 'Nuff sulky plow; one S-foot disc; three sets harness and some extra collars; one McCormick Deering feed grinder, S-inch burrs, good a3 new; one 4-h. p. Waterloo Boy gas engine; one cream separator, No. 12, in good working order; one De Lavel cream separator in good working order: one 1-hole corn shell er; two 10-gallon milk cans; one I pump jack; one Euckeye brooder I . , . 1 ftA i., , m ctm-c nrp lard nress. large size. xu lard nress. large size; bushels of oats; three tons alfalfa hay in barn; some household goods and many other articles too numer ous to mention. Terms of Sale Terms are CASH. No property to be removed from premises until set- j tied for. I Moss McCsrroIl, i Owner. REX YOUNG, Auctioneer Vv E. REYNOLDS, Clerk. NOTICE OF PROBATE In the County Court of Cass conn t'j, Nebraska. To ail persons interested in the es tate of Melissa Clarence, deceased No. 3164: been filed for the probate of an in- otr;imont rurnirtip? to be tile last . . , . ...i .1 .., win ana testanienc ol saiu u -t-u-, and for the appointment nf Tolin s. , v, nr-n,? ' that Clarence us UAe-eutui uicicu., said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 17th day of j January, 193G at 10 a. m. Bated December 18th, 1935. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) d23-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ; In the County Co'iri of Cass conn-' ty. Xeora.Jsa. To all persons interested in the estate cf Glen Winters, deceased. No. 310r: Tnkp r.ofiop that a petition lias been filed praying for administration'. Court OI- (j-ss County, Nebraska, of said estate and appointment of , ;(. ,oa e.-cia ot- you, the ob- Leslie Winters as administrator; that "',"-..! rV.vcr r,f aid r.etitiou being saia petition nas ote-n bfi tor u a before said Court on the 17th day of January, 193G at 10 a. m. Dated December 20th, 1933. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) d23-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT r.i t, "Vimif . Ctiirt nf Cava ennrt-' . , '-'"i - t, Nebraska. ..... To all persons interested in the estate of Johanna C. Morley. some times known as Johanna Moorley, de- ceasot!- 20o5: Take notice that the executrix of said estate has filed her final report and a petition for examination and allowance of her administration ac - counts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate jnd for her discharge: that said peti- j ! tion and report will be heard before at 10 a. hi. Dated December 21st, 1933. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) d23-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, By virtue o an Order of Sale is- i suea Dy c. Lcaswij, vieih. ui iii- euuniy, .eui iiiiia, uuu iu me uiii-l- ed, 1 will on tne nrst day oi teuruarj. A ,D 193't lcn ?'cick .af, m' f,( Qay fa'the buth , ?Ln e C??.rt Ho"se Q sta'd 1C.0Uut ,s.c 1 .. .. der for cash tate, to-wit: The East Forty-six (46) feet of Lots Eight ( S ) , Nine ( 9 ) , and Ten (10), Block Thirty-one (31). in the Town of Platts mouth, as surveyed, platted and recorded in Cass County, Ne braska, together with all the appurtenances thereunto belong ing; The same being levied upon and u " 1 iC yy i Ba,ch - etial"; Defendants to satisfy a r - V ' i Occidental Building and Loan Asso-;,. ciation. Plaintiff against said Defend ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, December 21, 1935. H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. T. F. WILES, Att'y for Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON, Att'y for Defendant. d23-5w SHERIFF'S SALE 0J , e - i i . c State of Scbraslca, County of Cass, By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me direct- p'l T w-'l! on the rirt dav of Uebrrnrv ! A. D. 103G. at ten o'clock a. m. of:SUI'et Donelan Brown iile.i their re paid day at the South Front Door of !lltlon and commenced an action in the Court Houe in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following real estate to-wit: The West Half of Lot 2 in Block 3 3 in the City cf Tlatts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska; Lots 7 and 8 in Block 59 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. West Half of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 6 5 in the City of Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska; Lot 12 in Block 93 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, Nebraska; Lots 13 and 14 in Block 173 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska; Lots 10, 11 and 12 in Block 59 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cas3 ounty, Nebraska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of John E. Hazzard, et ah. Defendants to satisfy a judgment cf said Court recovered by City of Plattsmouth, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff against said De fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, December 21, A. D. 1935. II. SYLVESTER. . Sheriif Cass County, Nebraska. A. L. TIDD, Att'y for Plaintiff. d23-5w Phons the news to No. G. J. Howard Davis Attorney at Law Plattsmouth lEKill KKAJIf'KK. ltoruf 4o03 South iMth Street Omaha. .fhrka LEGAL NOTICE To D Felkcr, whose true and correct name is Alfred D. Felkcr, and ddie C. Fclker, his wile. The Hc--. l)evi'5. Legatees. Personal Repre sentatives and all other Persons In terested in th-j Estate of A. D. Fei:er, I v, hose v., ii cdrn-nt name - -vi- 'elker. ueccas.-d, real names unknown, una Sf un-' I' tlKCr, uevenscu, " Vmvn The Heirs. Devisees, Legatees, --- - . ,ir,,i n;i f ,t ii 'ersoiKU ic -n i'muuu ' f-r iV-rsonS In teres tea in uu i:-;tate - : t M'i-' n of Joscpn ; j j :v$ Jopn Lala -. u -i1' ; t names ur.i:ao-.n, i.iuh.-; " -'i, partners r",fi nil ,L' 1 . or claiming t; 7. sad s any interest in Block 1, in iji.s -j, in Mickel- ArU'iiion to the City of Platts mouth, Ca-.-, County, Nebraska, real names' unknown, defendants not found and upon v.hom pei-oaal str-vi-e of cummons cannot be made. You and eaeh of you are hereby notilicd that the plaintiffs, Tt-reta Ilallas, Adolrh J. Hallas, Ludwig J. llali '. Marv Hallas ana name x.t-ai. fi:o.l th-:r uetition in tne uia- to ouit-t the title of piaintitis in ana !to th fallowing dscrioed real c-o- tate: Lots 5. Cy, 7. and S. in Block ! 1, i:i Mickelv aits Addition to i thp Citv of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, ias aair.i:t vou and each of you anu W.- ov.-in fmm r, 1 1 interest in . '. ' - .; i t ..,, ,' Ul and to sam aescrioea re-ai utui?, ulu . 'to ncrnc-tually enjoin you and each!!; ot ,-ou from asserting any title or i interest in or to the same. I You and each of yon are required 'to answer said petition on or before the 21tl day cf January, 1936. Teresa Hall?.s, Adclph J. Hallas, Ludwig J. Halias, Mary Hallas and Hattie Deal, Plaintiffs. I j I tt'J" nr,r titt V .NOT.Ci OF St IT .0 QLxEx TiTLE In the District Co'-rt cf the County of Cass, Ncbraaka. Edith Done-dan and Margaret Douehin Brown, riaintiffs vs. NOTICE !John Magee, ct al, Defendants I To the defendants, John ilagee, jMvs. John Magee, first real name un known ; Magee, James" C. Magee', Ruth i. i-ght li.rr;: lagee. It 1 11 Kll.l . I . - p MJ 1 1 ....... .Magee, iifnjamin i Charles C Magee, :.Iagee. lagee. Charles C. Magee. first r-al name un known; Mrs. Charles G. S.Jerry, first real name unknown: W. D. Mer-rie-m, .Mrs. W. D. Merriani, first real name unknown; A. E. Alexander, Alexander, first real name unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega i tees, personal representatives and all ; 1 ' 1 - v cth-r persons interested in the cs tates of John Magee, Mrs. John Magee, first real name unknown; George Magee, Mary A. Magee, James C. Magee, Ruth I. Magee, Wil- ;liam s. i!a?e, Drissilla Magee. Een- i janii:i p Magee, Sarah Magee. Ciiafe C- -lageo. Mrs. Charles C. rn firct rf..,, n.0 ,..,. ,v. Mrs. Charles G. Sperry, first real name unknown; W. D. Merriani, Mrs. W. D. Merriam, lirst real name unknown, A. E. Alexander, and Alexander, lirst real name unknov. n, each deceased, real names unknown; all persons having or claiming any interest in and to the south half (SHs) of the - northeast quarter ( NE i ) of Section ten (10), the southeast quarter (Sil'j) cf Sec tion ten (10), the north half (NVi) jot tne northeast quarter (NE'i) of Section hfteen (15), all in Township t,.velve north. Rrange thirteen If 1 - rtat rf tlin j! f li I If s . I. I County of Cass, Nebraska, real names j unknown: ! You and each of you are hereby notified that Editii Donelan and ; the District Court of the County of tass, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of December, 113 5, against you and each of you; the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree cf court quieting the title to The south half of the north east quarter of Section 10; The southeast quarter of Sec tion 10; The north half of the north east quarter of Section 15. all in Township 12, north. Range 13. e:ist cf the 6th P. M., in Cas3 county, Nebraska, in plaintLTs as against you and each cf you, and for such other relief as may bo just and equitable in the premises. You and each of you are further notified that you are requir ed to answer said petition on cr be fore Monday, the 20th day of Janu ary, 1033, or the allegations tlierein contained will be taken as true and! a decree wnl be rendered in favor of plaintii"f3 as against you and each of ycu according to the prayer cf said petition. EDITII DONELAN and MARGARET DONELAN BROWN, Plaintiffs. W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiffs. d9-4w A navigable KissourJ river by 13o7 i3 tho Dromise cf Missouri river development boosters. r, l.'i i .'.t.f;u . i (; to;.: : : . l i . Dccer.'-c: Noll' and by in ti bet VI: :.it.: d v: to tne city o ka. . u ti. : at the hjur the foIlowi.i3 t a-w i t : North 1 scuth-..i.-L Setl'JU i';U south '.''t.-' the i: j r t L v Oi "e . t.; U The s..it of ta l:o: t: cf t-'e- ': a . lh- n..:-t cf the s oi ship elc. en fourteen ( 1 P. M., m C; ha txctMing tb'-i tl.ree, all en .is tev. er, s::.'. :. plant c.vl ' r.t In tic --, N('r: To t' r- . . C. , : .. ;. :"' r tl.o i ;:::. ti. t: e r , ... Sarah' .i'-.v.i.g ;r. : , 2,Trs window s, ea-t . ;. nnu crop tecru l.-.'se, i i'0 i: '. house ar.d yar l.ou-jf."., l'l.ik a:.: Ivi.rb . :i'e ii e .ei i v o cn v, ire a i . ir:ng i r I. r , i p: e .; ty oi ti : . . -! s. r .-a ri ":: i :. . r . s At ; u lOto ; ::..: A.....:. Sell at ;. lib!:.- : i b deer for i . t .. siribed real is r. ' . Suth hal. !.-'. vi s: quai'ti v four (4); North. -a: q :.-.: Sec ti'jit r.;r..- i 1 . Lots one 'li. the norths. . -t . cf Secti.ui :. :: - '. ne i th f.ty i north b ill t N :j ' w est quarter N tion nine ' ' ' Lot tbr quarter (S quarter ( . t 5 i . 1 i. : i ' : ' t ; . h ve ( 2 j ) : ': t ounty :. : ' a c':ai Hi ( .-'11 ' i i (5) ; ijUb IvOt i " t (3), ea.-t : ti the north-'. ;t ; cf the nor'l t' : oi S?. t :-:i : To-., r.silip I-' - -Ranue l'o.n -tl; tlth r. : , Nebraska excepting then-:'" ' cf ln-ivy we-. light v. ove n v i. . '. wire, one I '..: i shiugh. lis- j-'.-' lour light S:.:urt.5 cne v.-agcu s al. ' '' e r, t v.o water t '' '. opy fr i'aj t :'" i:og houses, l.ay 1,1 barn, table and said exctr'ci s of Jar.'.es E. 'v'1 ' ' right to r-:. " -- Abstr;" u ill : k a- titles c;..r.ey-.I : dc.dj and -'i '-' Mcrtliar. ublo tit-' ' free and char e: cumbran es. ia c:' Administraio!" r " thee to pre: pes ly : ' will be si!re.-e l . ; ed. Pt.s-tsion v.. 11 1, 1936. Saici sal - cue hour '.el::.! Ji E. MARTIN'. Attorney for E- "Sea It bifcrc cJ