The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1935, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Weeping Water
Oscar Domingo was called to Lin
coln Tuesday of this week to look
after some business mattesr for a
short time.
Louis Schmidt of Murdock was a
visitor in Weeping Water last Tues
day, looking after some business
matters for a short time.
Ross Shields and "wife were visit
ing: in Omaha last Sunday, guests at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Clyde Reese and family.
Walter Olander and wife of Omaha
were guests for the day last Sunday
at the home of the mother of Mr.
Olander, Mrs. C. W. Olander.
Judge A. J. Fatterson has been as
sisting in picking corn for his bro
ther, David Patterson northeast of
town and is making a good picker.
Dr. W. II. Tuck who has been feel
ing rather poorly for some time past,
being confined to his home and bed
is now much improved and is able to
be down and looking after his busi
ness affairs.
Mrs. Owen Runyon and little son,
Ronnie and Mrs. Joseph Abrahams
were over to Lincoln last Monday
where they were visiting with some
friends as well as doing some Christ
mas shopping.
W. E. Palmeter of Hickman where
he is engaged in the blacksmith busi
ness and was on his way to his home
near South Bend, stopped for a short
visit with his daughter, Mrs. Clyde
Fitzpatrick and family last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Faaborg of
Omaha were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Johnson for
the week end. Miss Gladys Johnson
had been visiting at Omaha and on
her return last Saturday they accom
panied her for a visit with the folks
Messrs. Guy Rateliff and Art ajid
Bill Johnson were visiting in Ne
braska City last Monday where they
were attending a convention of the
business men who were guests of the
wholesale house, and where they all
enjoyed a very fine evening and a
Mr. and Mrs. Con Watkins of
Union were visiting in Weeping Wa- j
ter Tuesday of this week, guests of
their daughter, Mrs. Fulton Harris
and husband for the day. They also
enjoyed visiting with friends in the
city as well as at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Con Nickles.
Miss Agnes Rough and brother,
Stuart Rough, of Union were guests
for the day last Sunday at the home
of their brother, John Rough of Te
kamah and there enjoyed a very fine
visit, returning home during the aft
ernoon via Weeping Water, Mr.
Rough then returning to his home
in Union.
Peter II. Miller and son, Pete, were
enjoying a visit last Sunday at the
home of James Miller and wife of
Plattsmouth and were looking over
the farm where James is to farm
south of Plattsmouth the coming
summer and Pete is to work for the
brother. They also enjoyed a very
fine visit and as well an excellent
dinner as well.
Niley E. Wiles Passes.
Niley R. Wiles who has been in
rather poor health for some time past
and who has been fighting his dis
ease, finally called this young man.
He leaves his wife and a number of
children. The final summons came
last Sunday, and the funeral was
held from the Methodist church in
Weeping Water Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Wiles was well and favorably
known to a large number of friends
who are pained to know of his death.
Enjoyed Pleasant Evening.
The Men's Brotherhood of the
Methodist church and as well the
Congregational church, both very
strong organizations, with an eye for
FImTTiTim iTr! litrrtfi rr -j-"i --'it --" t T-j 1 r",'rr'--'iB
Community Sale
to be held at Pavilion on paved
highway No. 75, V2 mile north of
Platte river, at LaPlatte, Neb., on
Thursday, Bee. 12
Starting at 11:00 A. M.
Horses, Cattle, Hogs
We have some excellent horses
and good milk cows listed for
this sale. Also some good farm
machinery. Bring anything to
this sale you wish to sell. Sale
December 1 2 rain or shine.
II. W. Grosshans
Phone: Bellevne 134 F13
Eex Young Auctioneer
William Reynolds Clerk
More r-KKH, healthier poultry
llLVK-V-Sl'HAV tor Unpen,
anil head eoldn.
Your dealer Kuarantees it.
Des Moines, Iowa
the betterment of the city and its in
terests, held a joint meeting at the
parlors of the Methodist church last
Monday evening, which was for the
benefit of the football team and with
it went a moving picture of a football
game so that in the attending the
gathering of the brotherhoods were
provided with a football game as
well. A speaker of much prominence
from Lincoln was present which add
ed much to the pleasure of the even
ing which was heightened by the
very fine banquet served at the cou
clusion of the evening's program.
See Wrestling: Contest Monday.
With their car Elmer Michelsen
and wife and their little son, Buddy,
were in Omaha Monday evening of
this week and had as their guests
Knude Jensen and family. They at
tended a wrestling contest in the big
city. They enjoyed the trip and en
tertainment very much. On their re
turn home with the roads and the
night not the best for driving, they
were crowded off the pavement by a
truck which evidently did not know
the road or did not care.
Visiting Folks in South.
Mrs. O. E. Oldham who has been
kept to her home and bed on ac
count of a recent illness, with her
improvement decided to spent some
three weeks at the home of her par
ents, E. G. Cuffen. of Fort Cobb.
Oklahoma. It had been some time
since she was able to visit the parents
and is greatly enjoying the visit at
this time. She will remain over the
Christmas season and during the time
she is away the husband and son,
Denny will find out the general
routine of getting the meals and do
ing the housework.
Happened Along After Wreck.
Dennis Oldham who was visiting
for the day in Omaha last Friday was
returning home late, chanced along
at Oreapolis just following the col
lision of the car of Charles Richards
and the Missouri Pacific bus, that
eventually took the life of young
Richards. Dennie describes the scene
as being something awful, as the car
was almost demolished and the young
man unconscious and finally died of
his injuries.
Mrs. John Bolz Does Nicely.
Mrs. John Bolz, formerly Miss La-
verna Dinger of Weeping Water, who
has been -in poor health for some
time past went to Lincoln where at
the Bryan Memorial hospital she took
a clinic and it developed she had a
large tumor which was necessary to
have removed. She entered the hos
pital and with the mother. Dr.
Thomas of Weeping Water and a
number of the physicians from the
hospital present, underwent an oper
ation to have the tumor removed.
Since the operation she is getting
along very nicely and it is hoped she
will now rapidly regain her former
good health.
Pleased with Weeping Water.
One year ago this week Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Allen came to Weeping
Water from their former home at
Lincoln to engage in business, taking
over the location which had been oc
cupied by Kirk Frantz in the grocery
business. Coming to Weeping Wa
ter entire strangers, they had to
make acquaintances both in the busi
ness and social line. They soon form
ed friends in both and now after a
year are well pleased with the city
of Weeping Water as a place for a
home and a location to engage in
business. They have now many very
close friends as well as a satisfactory
business. Weeping Water has wel
comed them and they are well pleased
to be here.
Washington. The federal trade
commission announced that W. C.
Kalash, inc., of Omaha, had agreed
to stop representing that salves of
fered as treatments for hay fever are
atitipollen agents or will immunize
the rasal passagas against bay fever.
It said the concern also agreed not
to Eay its product would cure hay
fever and to cease employing exag
gerated claims, improbable of accom
plishment. The agreement was made
in a stipulation to cease and desist
from certain practices to which the
commission objected.
Dcs Moines. Governor Herring
said he and Governor Cochran of Ne
braska will go to Washington Satur
day to ask federal funds for a bridge
over the Missouri river between
Council Bluffs and Omaha.
City Council
Quiet Meeting
Little to Demand Attention of Solons
at Meeting- Parallel Parking
6th to 7th on Main.
The city council had a short and
snappy session Monday evening and
the members had the pleasure of hav
ing back with them Councilman W.
H. Puis of the third ward who has
been in the hospital at Omaha for
several weeks.
The greater part of the time was
taken up in the reports of the var
ious city officers for the month of
The report of City Treasurer M. D.
Brown was received and showed that
there was at the present time in the
treasury a balance of $9,794.7S and
which was deposited with the Platts
mouth State bank.
City Clerk Albert Olson reported
that his office had received $1,146. IS
for the month and which had been
turned over to the city treasurer.
A communication was received
from the residents near Spring and
Marble streets in the west part of
the city, asking that an overhead
street light be placed there. This
was referred to the lighting com
mittee. Residents of near 9th and Rock
street also presented a petition ask
ing that a street light be placed near
that place to relieve a dark condi
tion. This was also referred to the
lighting committee for its consider
ation. The L. W. Egenberger agency re
ported that the amount of $15.75 had
been turnd into the city for rentals.
Chief of Police Libershal reported
that for the month of November there
had been three arrests and fines and
costs of $53.80 turned in to the
Chief O. Sandin of the fire depart
ment reported on the fire at the
Swartout residence as a $175 loss to
the building from the roof fire. The
chief also reported that there were
fourteen fires from the period of No
vember, 1934 to November, 1935.
Tolice Judge C. L. Graves reported
that for the week of December 5th
that there had been one arrest and
work sentence given.
The much discussed Abbott dis
pute over the payment of taxes ou
property on west Oak street, was
again brought up as Mr. Abbott, who
resides at Fremont, had declined to
pay the amount that the city had
asked. City Attorney J. H. Davis was
authorized to carry on further nego
tiations. Chairman Tippens of the streets,
alleys and bridges committee, report
ed that the chains ordered for the
tractor had arrived and also that it
was necessary to have some repairs
made on the tractor.
Chairman E. O. Vroman of the fire
and water committee reported that
on his recent trip to Chicago that he
had investigated the A. S. Hike Co.,
which had written the city some time
ago relative to assisting in getting a
municipal water plant or the pur
chase of the present plant. He found
I he company a bond house and whose
only interest wa3 in handling the
bonds if the city voted them for a
water or light plant.
Councilman Palmer of the light
ing committee stated that negotia
tions with the man from Hamburg
relative to the breaking of an elec
trolier post, had reached a s5.age
where it was hoped to get a compro
mise of $70 from him.
Councilman Seiver reported that
the police wanted a large cable for
towing in purposes and the commit
tee was authorized to purchase the
Chairman Bestor of the WPA com
mittee reported that the work on
Sixth stret was getting along very
well despite the weather conditions.
No action had been taken as yet on
the requests for the rock surfaced
road3 awaiting to see what the com
missioners were doing relative to the
crushing of rock. Mayor Lushinsky
asked that the petitions be gotten in
shape and placed before the proper
acthorities that some immediate ac
tion might be secured.
Councilman Webb reported that
there was still some $232.29 due on
the assessments for the Sixth street
paving as well as the amount from
the Hotel Plattsmouth building which
is in litigation.
Councilman Vroman called the at
tention of tli3 council to the congest
ed oendition of Main street from
Sixth to Seventh where the large
parkway in the center of the street
cuts down the width of the street
which is now used to carry a great
deal more traffic. On motion the
street commissioner was authorized
to place signs for parallel parking
only, there while Sixth street is torn
Councilman Tippens also called the
As I am going to quit farming, I, advertlsina!
will offer for sale at public auction I m aavertlsmg'
on the P. F. Goos farm located one
and a half miles southeast of Platts
mouth over Wintersteen Hill road,
Monday, Bee. 16
beginning at 1:00 o'clock p. m., the
following described property, to-wit:
Live Stock
Two head of horses, both smooth
One milk cow and one good heifer.
Also six tons alfalfa ha5
Farm Machinery, etc.
One Deering mowing machine; one
McCormick hay rake; one 2-seotion
harrow; one combine lister and drill;
one 'go-devil'; one S-foot disk; one
high wagon and one iron wheel
wagon; one New Departure cultiva
tor; one Titan tractor, 10-20 size;
one McCormick-Deering S-inch burr
grinder; one set of la-inch work
harness; one 14-inch gang plow; one
buggy; one De Lavel cream separa
tor; one heating stove: one radio set
and various other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Terms of Sale
Terms are cash. No property to
be removed from the premises until
settled for.
Gilbert Storm,
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer
W. E. REYNOLDS, Clerk.
As I have sold my farm. I am offer
ing for sale at public auction on said
farm located 2 miles west and one
fourth mile north of Plattsmouth on
the Cedar Creek and Cemetery road,
Tuesday, Dec. 17
beginning at 1:00 o'clock p. m., the
following described property, to-wit:
Dairy Stock
14 head of extra good milk cows,
consisting of roans, reds. Holsteins
and Jerseys. Also one red bull nearly
2 years old. Theso cattle are all T.
B. tested, and range in age from 2
to S years old.
Feeder Pigs
50 head of feeder pigs. These pigs
are all vaccinated.
Farm Machinery, etc.
One John Deere mower, S-foot,
like new; one 2-section harrow; one
low iron .wheel wagon; one hay rack; J
one self feeder for hogs; one Hudson
garden plow with all shovels and
planter attachments; one gas barrel,
50 gallon; one oil barrel, 30 gallon;
eighteen galvanized chicken coops:
three hot and cold water chicken wat
erers; one Great Western wood heat
ing stove in good shape; one three
quarter baby lfed, complete; one
small power feed grinder; one lad
der; ten tons alfalfa hay in stack;
live tons alfalfa hay in barn; eight
tons timothy hay in stack; six tons
sudan grass in stack; one Delavel
cream separator, No. 12; four dozen
pure bred White Wyandotte hens;
two dozen pure bred Anconia hens.
Also many other articles not listed.
Terms cf Sale
Terms CASH, unless arrangements
made through your banker before sale
date. No property to be removed from
premises until settled for.
A. M. Hopkins,
REX YOUNO, Auctioneer
W. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk.
attention of the council to the fact
that north Sixth street has been dug
up in several places and was making
it difficult for people to park or get
into their places of business. The
clerk was requested to notify the cor
porations tearing up the street to
have it replaced.
The sale of the Dodge car, taken
several weeks ago from a driver
charged with intoxication, was taken
up and as the city has a bill of sale
for the car to cover a fine, it was
decided to have the car sold on next
Saturday at the city hall.
There were several pieces of road
work ordered referred to the streets,
alleys and bridges committee for
their action.
The following claims were ordered
paid by the council:
Platts. Water Corp., hydrant
rental $4S3.9G
Iowa-Nebr. Light & Power
Co., street lights
Platts. Journal, printing
Iowa-Nebr. Light &. Power
Co., light city hall
Dr. L. S. Pucelik, services
L. D. Hiatt, table for office
W. A. Swatek, supplies
W. A. Swatek, supplies
W. A. Swatek, desk lock
Platts. Fire Dept., four noz-
Kroehler Hardware Co., tools
Ivan Taylor, tractor work
46. S5
Ivan Taylor, street work with
John V. Kubicka, street work
Chas. Gradoville, same
George Taylor, same
J. L. Tidball supplies
Paul Vandervoort, two sten
cils :
Duxbury & Davis, insurance
Jess F. Warga, material
Warga Hardware, same
Bauer Auto and Suply Co.,
tractor work 86.31
Falls City, Dec. 10. William
Schneider, Falls City barber, was ap
pointed deputy state sheriff Tuesday
by State Sheriff William Flake.
Schneider will be stationed here, in
charge of five counties.
Persistency fs what counts most
of Administrator's Sale of
Real Estate
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of a license granted by the
District Court of Otoe County, Ne
braska, in proceedings in the Estate
of Emiline Brown. Deceased, for sale
of real estate, I will on December 23, !terested in the Estate of A. D. Felker,
1935, at 3 o'clock p. m., and for one wnoso full aild correct name was Al
hour thereafter, at the residence onfrcd D Feiker, deceased, real names
said premises offer and sell at public ;unknown, and in tho Estate of Addie
auction the following described real!c pelker, deceased, real names un
estate, to-wut: Lots 5 and 6, in knowilf The nejrSt Devisees, Legatees,
Block 15, in Latta's First Addition to j iersoiia.l Representatives and all oth
the Town of Murray, in Cass County. jtr rersons interested in the Estate
Nebraska. ,Gf Joseph Hallas, sometimes known
Terms of sale: 20 of purchase Lg Joseph nua3t deceased, real
price to be. paid in cash at time oIiEarae3 unknown. Richey Bros.,' a co
sale, balance on confirmation of sale ; pal tnership and an persons having
and delivery of deed and possession !or cIainiins any interest in Lots 5,
ana abstract snowing goou uue, ciear
oi liens.
Dated December 2, 1935.
trator of the Estate of Emi
line Brown. Deceased.
Wm. H. Pitzer and Mar
shall Pitzcr, Nebraska
City, Nebraska,
Attorneys. d2-3w
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a contract entered
into between the heirs-at-law of John
Warga, deceased, the undersigned
Administrator of the estate of said
deceased will sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash at the
south front door of the court house
in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, on the 8th day of January, 1936,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m.,
the following described real estate,
North half ( N 'z ) of the
southwest quarter (SWU) of
Section four ( 4 ) ;
Lot fourteen (14) in the
southwest quarter (SWU) of
the northwest quarter (NW'i)
of Section four (4);
The southeast quarter (SK1,.; )
of the northeast quarter (NE'4 )
of Section live (5), and
The northeast quarter (NE'4 )
of the southeast quarter (SEU )
of Section live (5), all in Town
ship eleven (11), North, Range
fourteen (14), east of the Cth
P. M., in Cass county, Nebras
ka excepting therefrom all gates but
three, all cross fences, windmill and
tower, stantion in dairy barn, light
plant and batteries, light switches
and wiring up stairs in dwelling, all
light fixtures, sink and drain pipes,
piping from cistern and cistern pump,
all shelving in basement, ten storm
windows, east chicken house, nests
and drop board in west chicken
house, bee house, fencing around
house and yards, five movable hog
houses, fork and rope in hay shed,
barb wire around pasture, thirty rods
woven wire around lower pasture,
wiring for floor lamps, water tanks
and pipe3, which said items are the
property of Charles Warga, who re
serves right to remove the same.
At the same time and place, the
undersigned Administrator will also
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
South half (SJ,2 ) of the south
west quarter (SAV'i) of Section
four (4);
Northeast quarter (NEV4) of
Section nine ( 9 ) ;
Lots one (1) and five (5) in
the northwest quarter (NWU)
of Section nine (9), being the
north fifty (50) acres of the
north half (N1,) of the north
west quarter (NW4) of Sec
tion nine ( 9 ) ;
Lot three (3) in the southeast
quarter (SE'4) of the southeast
quarter (SE',4) of Section live
(5), being the south twenty
five (25) acres lying east of the
county road in the southeast
quarter (SEU) of Section live
Sub Lot one (1) of Lot three
(3), east of the county road in
the northeast quarter (NEU)
of the northeast quarter (NE'4 )
of Section eight (S), all in
Township eleven (11), North,
Range fourteen (14), east of
the Cth P. M., in Cass county,
excepting therefrom forty (40) rods
of heavy woven wire, ten (10) rods
light woven wire, two (2) rolls barb
wire, one pitcher pump and pipe by
slough, light plant and batteries,
four light fixtures in lower rooms,
one wagon scales, windmill and tow
er, two water banks and pipes, can
opy for gas stove, seven gates, two
hog houses, hay fork and rope in
barn, cable and litter carrier, which
said excepted items are the property
of James E. Warga, who reserves
right to remove same.
Abstracts will be furnished and
titles conveyed by Administrator's
deeds and special warranty deeds.
Merchantable title will be furnished
free and dear of all liens and in
cumbrances. In case of defect in title,
Administrator reserves reasonable
time to properly perfect title. Lands
will be surveyed and lines establish
ed. Possession will be given March
1, 1936. Said sale will remain open
one hour.
Administrator of Estate of
John Warga, Deceased.
Attorney for Estate.
Osceola, Neb. The city of Osceola j
has been made defendant in a suit
filed in district court here for $927,
the Turk-Somerville company of Om
aha claims is due it as a premium on
a compensation insurance policy cov
ering FERA workers. The city con
tends the workers were not on its
I.IIlCt! tV KH JI( i:K, Mtororja
4b0a .South IMtli Street
Omulia, .! ruska
To A. I). Felker, whose true and
correct name is Alfred D. Felker, and
Addie C. Felker, his wife, The Heirs,
Devisees, Legatees, Personal Repre
sentatives and all other Persons in
6 7 aud s jn I3ock , in MIckel-
waits Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, real
names' unknown, defendants not
found and upon whom personal ser
vice of suriimoii3 cannot be made.
You and each of you are hereby
notilied that the plaintiffs, Teresa
Hallos, Adolph J. Hallas, Ludwig J.
liallas, Mary Hallas and Hattie Deal,
have filed their petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, the ob
ject and prayer of said petition being
to quiet the title of plaintiffs in and
to the following described real es
tate: Lots 5, C, 7, and 8, in Block
1. in Mickelwaits Addition to
the City of Plattsmouth, Cas
County, Nebraska,
as against you and each of you and
to exclude you from all interest in
and to said described real estate, and
to perpetually enjoin you and each
of you from asserting any title or
interest in or to the same.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 27th day of January. 1936.
Teresa Hallas, Adolph J.
Hallas, Ludwig J. Hallas,
Mary Hallas and Hattie
d9-4w Beal, Plaintiffs.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska.
Edith Donclan and
Margaret Donelan Brown,
John Magee, et al,
Defendants J
To the defendants, John Magee.
Mrs. John Magee, first real name un
known; George Magee , Mary A.
Magee, James C. Magee, Ruth I.
Magee, William S. Magee, Drissilla
Mugce, Benjamin F. Magee, Sarah
Magee, Charles C. Magee, Mrs.
Charles C. Magee, first real name un
known; Mrs. Charles G. Sperry, first
real name unknown; W. D. Mer-
riem, Jirs. . u. lernam, nrst real
name unknown; A
E. Alexander,
st real name
Alexander, first
unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the es
tates of John Magee, Mrs. John
Magee, first real name unknown;
George Magee, Mary A. Magee,
James C. Magee, Ruth I. Magee, Wil
liam S. Magee. Drissilla Magee, Ben
jamin F. Magee, Sarah Magee,
Charles C. Magee, Mrs. Charles C.
Magee, first real name unknown;
Mrs. Charles G. Sperry, first real
name unknown; W. D. Merriam,
Mrs. W. D. Merriam, first real name
unknown, A. E. Alexander, and
Alexander, first real name
unknown, each deceased, real names
unknown; all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to the
south half (S!i) of the northeast
quarter ( NE J4 ) of Section ten (10),
the southeast quarter (SE',4 ) of Sec
tion ten (10), the north half ( N '2 )
of the northeast quarter (NEU) of
Section fifteen (15), all in Township
twelve (12), north, Rrange thirteen
(13), cast of the 6th P. M., in the
County of Cass, Nebraska, real names
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Edith Donelan and Mar
garet Donelan Brown filed their pe
tition and commenced an action in
the District Court of the County of
Cass, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of
December, 1935, against you and
each of you; the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a decree
of court quieting the title to
The south half of the north
east quarter of Section 10;
The southeast quarter of Sec
tion 10;
The north half of the north
east quarter of Section 15, all
in Township 12, north, Range
13, east of the 6th P. M., in Cass
county, Nebraska,
in plaintiffs as against you and each
cf you, and for such other relief as
may be just and equitable in the
premises, i ou and each of you are
further notified that you are requir
ed to answer said petition on or be
fore Monday, the 20th day of Janu
ary, 1936, or the allegations therein
contained will be taken as true and
a decree will be rendered in favor of
plaintiffs as against you and each of
you according to the prayer of said
BROWN, Plaintiffs.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
In the County Court of Cas3 coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of William A. Buck, deceased.
No. 3160:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
William M. Buck as Administrator;
that said petition has bc-en set for
hearing before said Court on the
27th day of December, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated November 29, 1935.
(Seal) d2-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
" To the creditors of the estate of
Adolph Giese, deceased. No. 3140:
Take notice that the time limited
the filin;
and presentation of
in:s against said estate is March
23. 1930; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
r;:outh on Mar'h 27, 1936, at 10:00
o'clo'k a. m., for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated November 23. 1935.
(Seal) n25-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass
iy, A e bra ska.
" To all persona interested in
estate of Nancy Buck, deceased.
Take notice that a petition
bo en filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
William M. Buck as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
heaving before said Court on the
27tli day of December, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated November 25. 1935.
(Seal) d2-3w County Judge.
In the Court y Court of Casi co ni
ly, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Louisa Conn, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Administra
tors of said estate have filed their
nnal report and a petition for ex
amination and allowance of their
administration accounts, determina
tion of heirship, assignment of resi
due of said estate and for their dis
charge; that said petition and re
port will be heard before said Court
on December 2S, 1935, at ten o'clock
a. m.
Dated November 27, 193 5.
(Seal) d2-3w County Judge.
Pursuant to an order of the Dis
trict Court of Saunders county, Ne
braska, made and entered on the 2Cth
day.of venrter.. 3 5. in an action
Peeling therein in which Nora ol-
som and husband, Guy Folsom; Mar
gie Gilbert, a widow, are plaintiffs,
ard David Wagner and wife, Abbie
Wagner; Edward Wagner and wife.
Sarah Wagner; Harry F. Wagner
and wife, Anna Wagner Rose Wag
ner, a widow; Morris Wagner, a mi
nor; Rose Wagner, Administratrix;
Josie Nichols and husband, James
Nichols: Amanda Morgan and hus
band, Morris Morgan; Jesse Wagner
rv.d wife, Neddie Wagner; Addie B.
Gilbert and husband, John Gilbert:
Emma Graves and husband. Hod
Graves; Nancy Graves and husband,
Wallace Graves; Frank G. Arnold
and wife, Effie D. Arnold, are defend
ants, ordering and directing the un
dersigned referee in said cause to sell
the following described real estate.
The south half (S1,) of Lot
two (2). in the northwest quar
ter (NWU) of the northwest
quarter (NW',4, Section seven
(7), Township twelve (12),
Range ten (10), Cass county,
Nebraska, containing five (5)
And the north half (NVa) of
Lot three (3). in the northwest
quarter (NW4) of the north
west quarter (NW4), of Sec
tion seven (7), Township twelve
(12), Range ten (10). Cass
county, Nebraska, containing
five (5) acres;
And all of Lot five (5). in the
southwest quarter (SW'i ) i;f
the northwest quarter (NWVi)
of Section seven (7), Township
twelve (12), Range ten (10),
Cass county, Nebraska, contain
ing ten ( 10 ) acres; ,
And the west half (W) of
the southwest quarter (SWU).
of Section seven (7), Township
twelve (12), Range ten (10),
Cass county, Nebraska, contain
ing sixty and 28100 (60. 2S)
Notice is hereby given that on the day of December, 1935. at the
hour of 3 o'clock p. m., at the Wag
ner farm, one. mile east and one-half
mile south of the post office in Ash
land, Nebraska, the undersigned
Referee will sell the above described
real estate at public sale, to the
highest bidder, for cash. Said sale to
be held open one hour.
Dated this 2 6th day of November,