PAGE FOUR M Dll W LMU l Use JHLMITE Daily unuuim iLiiiu Jackie Amgwert had hi3 tonsils and adenoids removed in an Omaha hospital November 29 th. The Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. W. O. Gillespie Tues day to quilt and have the annual election of officers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amgwert and son Jackie enjoyed a visit in Omaha on Thanksgiving day. being guests at the home of a sister of Mr. Amgwert, Mrs. Joserh Wilson and family. Frank Dean, J. Johansen and IL Lawlon are still busily en gaged in cutting wood near Wabash, piling up an ample supply for their respective needs this winter and far into the coming sunrmer. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Meyers and little son of Sioux City were visiting here ever the week end at the home ef the parents of Mrs. Meyers. A. J. Tool and wife, as well as at the home of Mr. Meyers' mother, Mrs. Dan Tanska and family. Frank Dean and wife and Henry Heinemann were in Omaha on last Tuesday, where Mr. Dean was call ed to look after some business mat ters, and while they were away, Mrs. Henry Heinemann was looking after business at the store. George M. Torter, of Lincoln, rep resenting the Nebraska Children's home, was a visitor in Murdoch last Wednesday, soliciting funds for the support of the home and care of the dependent children. Mr. Porter pays Murdock a visit once each year. The Royal Neighbors of America enjoyed a most pleasant meeting on Thursday evening of last week, when they ate supper together and after wards enjoyed themselves in social conversation and a nicely arranged program. The affair was held at their regular meeting place and was j largely attended. L. Neitzel was suddenly taken ill last Wednesday evening and had to go home and was confined to his bed for a number of days. However at this time is feeling better and was down to the store for the first time last Saturday. Charles Kupke was looking after the business during the absence of Mr. Neitzel. Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Lee and son, Larry, were in Lincoln last Thurs day, where they attended the foot ball game between the Cornhuskers and Oregon state. They returned home by way of Ithica, where a brother of Dr. Lee resides and where the Doctor and family enjoyed a fine Thanksgiving supper. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Semke and sons Robert and Charles of Omaha were guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Schwab and Robert Veryl last Sun day afternoon and evening. They re mained for the evening worship ser vice. They felt, it seemed, like form er days when the pastor's family was with them, until recently, at Omaha First church. Attended 0. E. S. Meeting A number of the members of the Order of Eastern Star of Elmwood who reside in and near Murdock, were over to Elmwood Wednesday to attend the meeting of the order which was held that day. The trip was made in the car of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kuehn, who were accompanied by Mrs. A. J. Tool, Mrs. C. A. Kupke and Mrs. Henry A. Tool. Guests at Sunday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Neitzel en tertained at their farm home last Sunday, having as their guests at a sumptuous dinner, Mr. Neitzel's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Neitzel and also a sister, Mrs. Meta MacDiarmid and children, of Omaha. A splendid time was enjoyed by all. Will Hold Farm Sale Henry Oe-hlerkir.g, who has con cluded he will not farm this coming summer, has arranged to hold a sale on Monday, December 30, disposing of his live stock and farming imple ments. Mr. Oehlerking is also offer ing his farm for sale at private sale and invites those attending the sale to look it over with a view to buy- HE AVERAGE policy- 1 holder is interested usually in knowing how soon he will get his mon ey back after a loss. He realizes the worth of an agency that will handle his claim quickly and to his satisfaction. Sesrl S. Davis Platts. State Bank Bids. m 1 i rl Ik Morr nreit, hrtlthler poultrjr IILl K-V-SPilAY tor (Japm, and farad cold. Vsr JEKMITE WORMER Your dealtr euarantees it. TIM LAKE PRODUCTS, INC, Des Moines, Iowa ing it. His sale bills were printed by the Journal the latter part of the week and will be on display through out this section in the near future, as well as a complete listing of the live stock and machinery to appear in later issues of this paper. Men's Mass Meeting Bishop C. H. Stauffacher, D. D., of Kansas City, Mo., will be the princi pal speaker at a large men's mass meeting on Thursday afternoon and evening, December 12, at the Calla han Evangelical church, two miles west of Murdock. The Lincoln district Brotherhood will hold its initial meeting at that time, commencing at 2:00 p. m. Bishop Stauffacher will speak at the supper hour and will deliver the principal address in the evening. Laymen from the district will have full charge of the afternoon program and will speak principally upon men's work in the local church. The general public of men are cordially invited to attend. Held Election of Officers. The Mission Band had the annual election of officers last Sunday for 1936. at the church. Those elected were: Russel Gorthey, president; Keith Schmidt, vice president; Mar cus Rikli. secretary, and Carolyn Schaefer, treasurer. Held Monthly Study Meeting The Murdock Woman's Missionary society met at the church December 1st for the monthly study on "Latin .imerica This is proving to be an interesting series of studies for the women. Added interest is felt when the lesson leaders present the sub ject in a unique manner, as they did last Sunday afternoon. After the lesson study, the annual election of officers was held, under the direction of the pastor. The new officers chosen for the coming year are: Mrs. William Rikli, president; Mrs. Otto Miller, vice president; Mrs. Lydia Schweppe, recording secretary; Mrs. CarL Schlaphof. corresponding ( secretary; Mrs. August Ruge, treas urer; Mrs. Alvin Oehlerking, Y. P. M. C. superintendent; Mrs. Alvin Bornemeier, mission band superin tendent; Mrs. Loui3 Schmidt, assis tant M. B. leader; Mrs. Roy Gorothy, Little Heralds' superintendent. The Missionary society received Mrs. W. L. Eisely as a new member at the November meeting The orga nization has at the present time a total of 46 active members and one associate member. Four new mem bers have been received since July, 1935. This active society has in the last four months received several large special gifts for missionary purposes. One gift cf 5 50.00 was contributed for the African work, a gift of 550.00 for the Mountaneer schools of Ken tucky of the Evangelical church, a gift of $50.00 for general missions and a special gift of ? 4 0.00 for par tial support of missionaries in China and Africa. Such special gifts are deeply ap preciated by the society and the gen eral missionary interests of the de nomination. God richly blesses such consecrat ed gifts, as it is used for JLis unfin ished tasks. Callahan Church Notes All the regular services next Lord's day. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; morning worship at 11; E. L. C. E. at 7 and evening worship, 7:30. Everybody is either helping or hindering the progress of Christ's kingdom. Either you are for Christ or you are against him. Either you are helping the church or you are hindering it. Christians, stop and think; check up on yourself and see whether your life is helping or re tarding the work of the Master. llow may you nelp? I-irst, be a regular church goer; Second, sup port the church and its activities; inird. De a sincere cnnstian in your daily life. "Let your light shine Fourth, boost your church, don't knock. How you hinder: First, by bein; indifferent, careless and cold to wards your church; Second, by being absent from congregation meetings and then complaining because things are not run to your liking; Third, by giving little or nothing for the work; Fourth, by not reading and studying the word of Cod. You may depend upon the Lord; may the Lord depend upon you? Visited with Father Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amgwert and their son, Jackie, were spending the - . m . ; I week end at the home of the father of Mrs. Amgwert, Rev. C. Jannen, cf Hastings, where they went to help celebrate the parsing of the birthday of her father. There were also two other sisters present, Mrs. Hulda Marshall and Mrs. Ruth Mathews. Fred Stock Very Poorly On Friday of last week, while Un cle Fred Stock was out looking after the chores at the farm and was in the feed lot near the barn, he suffered a severe attack of paralysis and fell to the ground. His power of speech was not impaired and he called loudly for help, his calls being heard by Mrs. Stock who came to his assist ance. Together they were able to get him to the house and the doctor was called, arriving in short order. He rendered medical aid and the patient is feeling better, but still far from completely recovered from the severe attack he suffered. Mr. Stock has been suffering for some time from what was diagnosed as hardening of the arteries, and it is presumed it was this that brought on his attack. The many friends of Uncle Fred, as he is familiarly known, are hope ful that he will continue to improve and be restored to his former good health. Damage Case Settled The suit for damages which was brought against I. G. Hornbeck and party as a result of a collision be tween the car of Mr. Hornbeck, that was being driven by Miss Mary Bor nemeier at the time, and a Lincoln party, was settled without coming to trial, by the insurance companies carrying the risks on the respective cars involved. The case was to have been heard last Tuesday, but was withdrawn when settled. Defeated Greenwood The first and second basketball teams of the Murdock schools went to Greenwood last Tuesday, where they played like teams of the Green wood schools, winning both games. The score of the game between the first teams was 15 to 4, and that of the second teams, 9 to 5. The local toys give promise of winning their full share of games this year and are to meet some of the best teams of the county. Fire Department Meets The Murdock Fire Department met at the drug store one evening last week, looking after the transaction of some business claiming their at tention and discussing various mat ters for the welfare of the organiza tion. Cuts Finger Very Badly While Fred A. Lau was splitting wood and getting kindling prepared for the building of fires at the coun try home, a mislick with the hatchet cut one of his fingers very severely. It was necessary to have the injury treated by a doctor and it is not get ting along any too well yet. We Will Have a Tree. The days between now and Christ mas are speeding rapidly by and the happy day will soon be here. A num ber of the business places have trees in their windows, that are lighted at night and prove attractive to passers by. The question of having a large, outdoor tree is one that remains un answered, but it would be a splendid thing, and perhaps those interested will be able to get the arrangements made for same before the arrival of Christmas eve. Later Frank Melvin and others in stalled one on the street. Sustained Fractured Arm Kenneth Gerdes, who makes his home near Wabash, but who has teen picking corn for Albert Borne meier, while driving a spirited team of mules, found himself involved in a runaway, and although he tried to stop them, one of the wheels of the wagen to which they were hitched passed over his foot and ankle, caus ing a severe fracture of the bones. This has put Guy out of the corn picking business for the remander of the season and also proven very pain ful. His friends trust the fractured bones will heal rapidly and he will be able to get about with all his well known agility in a few weeks. Thanks Red Cross Members. Since the completion of the Red Cross roll call is over, I desire to express my thanks for the very fine manner in which the people have re sponded to the cause of humanity and to all who have contributed to the increase in membership. Mrs. IlaD nah McDonald, Murdock, Nebr. Finds Winter Bee Tree. Oscar C. Zink, with a keen scent for something sweet, scented a bee tree in the timber last week and so made preparations for cutting, the tree down and securing the honey, PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL l I! U IMI IL.I II III I I -- - - ""'JL J & B HIGH CLASS USED FURNITURE PMlco Cabinet Radio$14.50 Lounge Chair, Ottoman$13.50 Eee Vac Elec. Sweeper$12.50 New 9x12 felt base Rugs$5.95 8sl0 Axminster Rug $9.50 Dressers $4.50 to $6.00 Occasional Chairs $3.50 Rockers $1.50 Gate Leg Breakfast Table$4.50 Adjustable Floor Lamps $1.00 Specialty Auction House 32J which he did. Oscar, however, made good preparations for getting the heney without getting stung, but when he had completed the work he felt a sharp pain and was notified one of the bees had gotten inside his clothes. Village Board Meeting. The village board met in regular session with one absentee. The meet ing was called to order by Chas. Kupke as acting chairman. The min utes of previous meeting were read for reference. The following bills were presented and allowed: J. H. Beck, work on mower S 2.75 W. H. Zabel, meals to tran sients 1.25 L. W. Rase, storage 6.00 W. O. Gillispie, street work and lodging 3.75 Louis Schmidt, street drag ging 2.70 Nebr. Power Co., street light ing 112.50 The minutes were approved and a motion prevailed to adjourn. CHAS. I. LONG, Village Clerk. HOPE FOR OIL IN NEBRASKA McCook. Neb. Hundreds of acres of land in southwestern Nebraska are being leased by oil companies and residents hope oil may be dis covered in this section of the state. The Nebraska company, a group of McCook citizens, announced work will be resumed on its test well five miles southeast of here in about two weeks. Tests had been drilled to 1.27S leet when the derrick burned recently, halting activities. A new contract signed with an Oklahoma drilling concern means the test will be continued to about 2,000 feet unless oil is found at a higher level. Representatives of five large oil companies are leasing land in Red Willow, Hitchock and other counties of this area. Three seismograph crews are working in the area seek-1 ing ot discover oil. ROUND UP PEACE SIGNERS Cambridge, Mass. A campaign to obtain 50 million signature in all nations that signed the Kellogg peace pact, to a petition advocating the eventual abandonment of all arms, was started by the Women's Inter national League for Peace and Free dom. Harvard university students were the first asked to sign the docu ment. Miss Sarah Dupont , cousin of Pierre Du Pont, munitions manufac turer, who sold her holdings in the Du Pont company and became a peace advocate, was among those present at Monday's meeting. The petition, league officials said, would be pre sented to the League of Nations at Geneva in the spring. Xmas stocks in Plattsmouth this year are as complete as you will find anywhere and prices as reasonable. DOOTQRSjiNOW Mothers read this: THREE STEPS -T0 BEUEY1M lC0KSTlPA7i:il A cleansing dose today: a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each time, until bowels need no help at all. Why do people come home from a hospital with bowels working like a well-regulated watch? The answer is simple, and it's the answer to all your bowel worries if you will only realize it: many doctors and hospitals use a liquid laxative. If you knew what a doctor knows, you would use only the liquid form. A liquid can always be taken in gradually reduced doses. Reduced dosage is the secret of any real relief from constipation. Ask a doctor about this. Ask your druggist how very popular liquid laxatives have become. They give the right kind of help, and right amount of help. The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara both natural laxatives that can form no habit, even in children. So, try Syrup Pepsin. You just take regulated doses till Nature restores regularity. FOR NATIONAL LABOR PARTY Middletown, Conn. Formation of a national labor party which would enter the 1936 election was urged by Robert Minor, a member of the central executive committee of the communist party of the Cnited States. Minor asserted the Roosevelt admin istration is no barrier to fascism. He spoke before the Wesleyan university parley on "labor relations." NOTICE of Administrator's Sale of Real Estate Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a license granted by the District Court of Otoe County. Ne braska, in proceedings in the Estate of Emiline Brown. Deceased, for sale of real estate, I will on December 23, 1935, at 3 o'clock p. m., and for one hour thereafter, at the residence on said premises offer and sell at public auction the following described real estate, Lots 5 and 6, in Block 15, in Latta's First Addition to the Town of Murray, in Cass County, Nebraska. Terms of sale: 20 of purchase price to be paid in cash at time of sale, balance on confirmation of sale and delivery of deed and possession and abstract showing good title, clear of liens. Dated December 2. 1935. SEARL S. DAVIS, Adminis trator of the Estate of Emi line Brown. Deceased. Wm. IL Pitzer and Mar shall Pitzer, Nebraska City, Nebraska, Attorneys. d2-3w' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a contract entered into between the heirs-at-law of John Warga, deceased, the undersigned Administrator of the estate of said deceased will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, on the Sth day of January, 1936, the following described real estate, to-wit: North half (NVi) of the southwest quarter (SWU) of Section four (4) ; Lot fourteen (14) in the southwest quarter (SWU) of the northwest quarter (NWU ) of Section four (4); The southeast quarter (SEU ) of the northeast quarter (NEU ) of Section five (5), and The northeast quarter (NEU ) of the southeast quarter (SEU ) of Section five (5), all in Town ship eleven (11), North, Range fourteen (14), east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebras ka -excepting therefrom all gates but three, all cross fences, windmill and tower, stantion in dairy barn, light plant and batteries, light switches and wiring up stairs in dwelling, all light fixtures, sink and drain pipes, piping from cistern and cistern pump, all shelving in basement, ten storm windows, east chicken house, nests and drop board in west chicken house, bee house, fencing around house and yards, five movable hog houses, fork and rope in hay shed, barb wire around pasture, thirty rods woven wire around lower pasture, wiring for floor lamps, water tanks and pipes, which said items are the property of Charles Warga, who re serves right to remove the same. At the same time and place, the undersigned Administrator will also sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: South half (SJ,2 ) of the south west quarter (SWU) of Section four (4) ; Northeast quarter (NEU) of Section nine ( 9 ) ; Lots one (1) and five (5) in the northwest quarter (NWU) of Section nine (9), being the north fifty (50) acres of the north half (N4) of the north west quarter (NWU) of Sec tion nine (9); Lot three (3) in the southeast quarter (SEU) of the southeast quarter (SEU) of Section five (5), being the south twenty five (25) acres lying east of the county road in the southeast quarter (SEU) of Section five (5); Sub Lot one ( 1 ) of Lot three (3), east of the count' road in the northeast quarter (NEU) of the northeast quarter (NEU ) of Section eight (S), all in Township eleven (11), North, Range fourteen (14), east of the Cth P. M., in Cass Nebraska excepting therefrom forty of heavy woven wire, ten light woven wire, two (2) county, (40) rods (10) rods rolls barb wire, one pitcher pump and pipe by slough, light plant and batteries, four light fixtures in lower rooms, one wagon scales, windmill and tow er, two water banks and pipes, can opy for gas stove, seven gates, two hog houses, hay fork and rope in barn, cable and litter carrier, vhich said excepted items are the property of James E. Warga, who reserves right to remove same. Abstracts will be furnished and titles conveyed by Administrator's deeds and special warranty deeds. Merchantable title will be furnished free and clear of all liens and in cumbrances. In case of defect in title. Administrator reserves reasonable time to properly perfect title. Lands will be surveyed and lines establish ed. Possession will be given March 1. 1936. Said sale will one hour. FRANK A Administrator remain open CLOIDT. of Estate of John Warga, Deceased. C. E. MARTIN, Attorney for Estate. d9-Ssw HANNAH MERKEL DIES York. Neb. Mrs. Hannah Merkfcl, 80. widow of John Merkel. died Thursday after a two weeks Illness. Mr .and Mrs. Merkel were among the earliest settlers in York county. She is survived by one son. Dr. Arthur Merkel of Des Moines, and one daugh ter, Mrs. Blanche Tindall of Kin dersley, Sask.. Canada. LEIUH A KKAJIfllK. Alornej i03 .outh 24th Street Ouiaba, .-brlta LEGAL NOTICE To A. I). Felker. -whose true and correct name Is Alfred D. Felker. and Addie C. Felker, his wife, The Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Personal Repre sentatives and all other Persons In terested in the Estate of A. D. Felker, whose full and correct name was Al fred D. Felker, deceased, real names unknown, and in the Estate of Addie C. Felker, deceased, real names un known, The Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Personal Representatives and all oth er Persons Interested in the Estate of Joseph Hallas, sometimes known cs Joseph Halas. deceased,, real names unknown, Richey Bros., a co partnership, and all persons having or claiming any interest in Lots 5, 6, 7, and S, in Block 1, in Mickel waits Addition to the City of Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, real names' unknown, defendants not found and upon whom personal ser vice ot summons cannot be made. You and each of you are hereby notified that the plaintiffs. Teresa Hallas, Adolph J. Hallas, Ludwig J. Hallas, Mary Hallas and Hattie Beal, have filed their petition in the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the ob ject and prayer of said petition being to quiet the title of plaintiffs in and to the following described real es tate: Lots 5. C. 7, and S, in Block 1, in Mickelwaits Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, as against you and each of you and to exclude you from all interest in and to said described real estate, and to perpetually enjoin you and each of you from asserting any title or interest in or to the same. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of January, 1936. Teresa Hallas. Adolph J. Hallas, Ludwig J. Hallas, Mary Hallas and Hattie d9-4w Beal, Plaintiffs. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Edith Donelan and Margaret Donelan Brown, j Plaintiffs j vs. ; j NOTICE John Magee, et al, Defendants J To the defendants, John Magee, Mrs. John Magee, first real name un known; George Magee , Mary A. Magee, James C. Magee, Ruth I. Magee, William S. Magee, Drissilla Magee, Benjamin F. Magee, Sarah Magee, Charles C. Magee, Mrs. Charles C. Magee, first real name un known; Mrs. Charles G. Sperry, first real name unknown; W. D. Mer- riem, Mrs. W. D. Merriam, first real name unknown; A. E. Alexander, Alexander, first real name unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tates of John Magee, Mrs. John Magee, first real name unknown; George Magee, Mary A. Magee, James C. Magee, Ruth I. Magee, Wil liam S. Magee, Drissilla Magee. Ben jamin F. Magee. Sarah Magee. Charles C. Magee, Mrs. Charles C. Magee, first real name unknown; Mrs. Charles G. Sperry, first real name unknown; W. D. Merriam, Mrs. W. D. Merriam, first real name unknown, A. E. Alexander, and Alexander, first real name unknown, each deceased, real names unknown; all persons having or claiming any interest in ana to the south half (SV2) of the northeast quarter (NEU) of Section ten 110), the southeast quarter (SEU) of Sec tion ten (10), the north half (N4) of the northeast quarter (NEU) of Section fifteen (15), all in Township twelve (12), north. Rrange thirteen (13). east of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that Edith Donelan and Mar garet Donelan Brown filed their pe tition and commenced an action in the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska, on the 2nd day of December, 1935, against you and each of you: the object, purpose and prayer of which iS to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to The south half of the north east eiunrter of Section 10; The southeast quarter of Sec tion 10; , The north half of the north east quarter of Section 15, all in Township 12. north. Range 13, east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, in plaintiffs as against you and each of you, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable in the premises. You and each of you are further notified that you are requir ed to answer said petition on or be fore Monday, the 20th day of Janu ary. 1036. or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of plaintiffs as against you and each of you according to the prayer of said petition. EDITH DONELAN and MARGARET DONELAN BROWN. Tlaintiffs W. A, ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaints. , d9-4w MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1333. J. Howard Davis Attorney at Law Plattsmoulh NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIS, N In the County Court of Can ty, SeLraekc. To all persons interest el in estate of William A. B No. 3160: Take notice that a j--t i t : .:, ; been filed praying for adr:.:n. . of said estate and appoint:. , William M. Buck as Ad:.;!:.:.-:: . that said petition has Le.i ; hearing before said Court : 27th day cf December, 1933, a: 1, o'clock a. m. Dated November 29, 1933. A. II. DUXBl'J:Y. (Seal) d2-3w County J .: NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of C'J ty, Sebraska. To the creditors of the es Adolrh Giese, deceased. No. " Take notice that the tin;'. for the filing and rre?-entat claims against said estate is 23, 193C; that a hearing will at the County Court room i:i mouth on March 27, 1936, at o'clock a. m., for the puipofe aminin. hearing, allowing l justing all claims or object ior filed. Dated November 23. 193T,. A. II. DUXEUR (Seal) n25-3w County J 1-; Y. U'i. NOTICE of administratis: In the Connty Court of Cos- r: ty, Sebraska. To all persons interested in estate of Nancy Buck, deceased. N 3159: Take notice that a pe-titicn teen filed praying for administra: . :. of said estate and appointment : William M. Buck as Ad:.;in:stra- : that said petition has teen set f r hearing before said Court 0:1 27th day of December, 1935, at t- . o'clock a. m. Dated November 25. 1935. A. IL DUX BURY. (Seal) d2-3w County Jxiiz-.. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Co'.tr.ty Court cf Cass c ty, Sebraska. To all persons interested in estate cf Louisa Conn, deceased. 2967: Take notice that the Admir.if tors of said estate have filed t ) r,- N -. : - final report and a petition for animation and allowance of t administration accounts, deten tion of heirship, assignment of due of S3id estate and for their charge; that said petition and port will be heard before said C on December 23, 1935, at ten o a. m. Dated November 27. 193 3. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) d2-3w County Jud: d.- rc- NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE Pursuant to an order of the D ---trict Court of Saunders county. Ne braska, made and entered on the 2"-:r. day of November, 1935, in an act:.u pending therein, in which Nora F.v scm and husband, Guy Folsom; M..' gie Gilbert, a widow, are pla;:.'.'---. and David Wagner and wife. A '-' -Wagner; Edward Wagner and ::. Sarah Wagner; Harry F. Wac:;-r and wife, Anna Wagner: Rose W'a--ner, a widow; Morris Wagner, a r -nor; Rose Wagner, Administratrix: Josie Nichols and husband. Jar." Nichols; Amanda Morgan and h' band, Morris Morgan; Jesse Wa-i. " and wife, Neddie Wagner; Achl 1' Gilbert and husband, John G;i: . ft: Emma Graves and husband. H "i Graves; Nancy Graves and hu?Va:: ! Wallace Graves; Frank G. Ar:vM and wife. Eflie D. Arnold, are df. r.-i-ants. ordering and directing the un dersigned referee in said caus-3 tn the following described real state, to-wit: The south half (S'i) of Lot two (2), in the northwest quar ter (NWU) of the northwest quarter (NWU. Section fewn (7), Township twelve (12. Range ten (10). Cass cour.ty. Nebraska, containing five 3i acres; And the north half (N'r f -Lot three (3). in the northwest quarter (NWU) ct the north west quarter (NWU . of -c' " tion seven (7), Township twelve (12). Range ten (lo). l "S county, Nebraska, contain::--five (5) acres; And all of Lot five (3). in t!v southwest quarter (SWU ' the northwest quarter (NW1 of Section seven (7), Townxh:? twelve (12), Range ten 0'n Cass county, Nebraska, contain ing ten (10) acres: And the west half (W'j) 11 the southwest quarter (SYVU of Section seven (7). Towr.?h:t' twelve (12). Range ten 1'" Cess countv. Nebraska, contri-r-ing sixty and 2S100 (C0.: acres. , Notice is hereby fiivcn that c-fi 27th day of December. 1935. -f " hour of 3 o'clock p. m.. at the ner farm, one mile east and i,lu' J mile south cf the post ofiwv A"'J land. Nebraska, the undcrs!-j1'' Referee will sell the above d- ' - real estate at public sale, t" highest bidder, for cash. Said ' be held open one hour. ,. Dated this 26th day of Novo:.. ' 1935. EDWIN A. FRICM--Reft'T. J. C. BRYANT. Attorney. ..rj n23-2w