The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1935, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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THURSDAY. NOV. 14. 1925.
Branch of Scribner Rendering Works
If. K. HKYXOLDS, Prop.
Clyde Garrison, Driver
Ashland, Nebraska
Phone Ashland 85 We Pay Phone Charge
Elmwood News
Henry Bornemeier was over from
Murdock last Tuesday and was look-1 building and it takes the concerted
inz after some business matters in efforts of everyone to do it
Elmwood for a short time.
nation to keep it up and add to the
equipment from time to time. There
is a lot of overhead expense connect
ed with the maintainance of such a
To fce given at Horning school, dis
trict No. 2, Friday evening, Novem
ber 15, S p. m. Everyone invited.
Lucille Meisinger, teacher.
- j I.I l. I III I .
ioinsnunity Safe
lo be held at Pavilion on paved
iahwav No. 75, Vz mila north of
Platte river at LaPlatte, Neb., on
Thursday, Nov. 21
Starting at 12:00 Noon
Horses, Cattle, Hogs
We have some excellent horses
and good milk cows listed for
this sale. Bring anything you
care to sell. Sale rain or shine.
K.W. Grosshans
Phone: Bellevne 134 F13
Sex Young1 Auctioneer
William Reynolds Clerk
Columbus, Tex. Two Negro youths
charged with slaying a young white
woman near here Oct. 17 were seized
by a mob at Altair, eleven miles south
of here and hanged to a tree about
a mile from the girl's home.
Daily Journal. 15c per week.
i I L"U'Jb mlil'"jrw"'l'l' ninilj
tiirt itrtt 1 ifl mnniii i tonj ii
Poultry Wanted
Friday, Saturday, Monday
November 15, 16, 18
Hens and Springs
All Weights Per Lb.
Must be in Good Flesh
All Leghorns, lb 130
Frank "VViechel and wife of Kene
saw and Gayl Pelser arrived in Elm-
Iwood last week and visited for a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
N. Stark, where all enjoyed a very
fine visit.
Louis Bornemeier, manager of the
Farmers Union store and cream sta
tion was called to Lincoln last Tues
day, where he had some business mat
ters to look after for the company.
During his absence, Mrs. Bornemeier
was looking after business matters at
the store.
Henry Mullon, thes hoemaker was
in Lincoln last Monday, going to see
the big parade, a feature of the Ar
mistice day celebration, and which
proved to be a very worthwhile cele
bration held in connection with the
annual homecoming day feature at
! the University of Nebraska just prior
to the Cornhusker-Jayhawk football
game. There was a large crowd in
Lincoln that day.
Charles Grant Bailey
Charles Grant Bailey was born at
Bailey Corners, Pennsylvania, Febru
ary 2, 1861, and died at the late home
in Elmwood, Nebraska, on "Wednes
day, November C, 1935, at the age
of 74 years, 9 months and 4 days.
Fresh Eggs, doz. . . . 280
Medium to Large Sizes
Cream, today . . . .,.300
A. R. CASE & CO.
Located Just West of Ford Garage
Business Changes Hands
The business which has been owned
and operated by George F. Wilson,
has been disposed of to his brothers,
W. II. and Dan Wilson, who are now
in charge. George and his wife are
still here, but expect to move to Om
aha soon, where Mr. Wilson will en
gage in business.
parents in Pennsylvania, later corn
ins west with them when the family
settled in Iowa. In the early seventies,
they came to Cass county, locating
near Weeping Water. After a couple
of years there, they moved to a farm
near Elmwood in 1874, where they
pade ihoir home until about twenty
years ago. when they moved to Elm
wood to live, still retaining the farm.
Mr. Bailey was united in marriage
with Miss Eva Woodruff of Elmwood
in the year 1883. To thi3 union four
children were horn, they being Earl
J. Bailey, Mildred (who was united
preceded her father in death), Het
tie (who became the wife of Martin
Hedge) and Warren Bailey, who is
now located at North Loup, Nebr.
Early in life, Mr. Bailey united
with the Methodist church and has
ever been a devoted member of that
body and a faithful follower of the
lowly Nazarene. He also Joined the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows a
good many years ago and enjoyed at
tending the meetings of that organi
zation as long as his health would
permit. He was an ardent democrat
and attended most of the democratic
During the early portion of his life.
Mr. Eailey made hi3 home with hisjin marriage to Clark Gonzales, but j conventions of earlier days, seeking
to do what he could for the better
ment of his fellowman, but never a
candidate for office himself.
The funeral was held on Friday at
the Methodist church, conducted by
Rev. W. B. Bliss, pastor of the chun h.
and interment was in the Elmwood
cemetery north of town.
lost Game to Weeping Water
The Weeping Water high school
football team came to Elmwood la: -t
Friday for a game with the local lads
and was able to best our boys. 71.
final score was 19 to 0. Better lu'-fc
to you next time, boys.
sillies Mmhd
Pancake Flour 3 lb. Pkg.
COFFEE Big Buy 1 lb. Can .... .
OATMEAL 43 OZ. Tube Quick r Regular .
Quicker Suds
Easy on the hands
s Giant Bars 230
8 Regular Bars . . . .270
1 lb, Can , 30c
Economy Coffee
1 lb. Pkg. 19c
Sal Soda, 2-H). pkg., 2 for 150
Cinnamon, Butter-Nut, 8-oz 170
Baking Chocolate, Vz-lh. pkg., 2 for . 250
Hominy, No. 2Y2 can, 3 for 250
Butter-Hut Salad Dressing
1GGG Island - Relish Spread
Quart, 350 Pint, 210 8-oz., 150
MAir.L'JU'Pig'ik.'J'g. J",'-' PX.A. WLff JJl-J.-L '."".I.!', i'.'ifc.a
Kre-Maid Salad Dressing quart . . .290
Pineapple, Dessert Cut, No. 2 can . . . 190
Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 2 for ....... 250
Meat Department
Pay Cash . . . Pay Less
As always, we a no featuring a high grade Corn Fed Baby
Eeof. Note our low prices for the week end and come here
for Sunday dinner provisions. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Beef Roast, choice cuts, lb. .... 13c
Sirloin or Round Steals, lb. ... . 19c
Hamburger, resh cut, 2 lbs.. . .25c
Roasts, Boned and Rolled, lb. . . 18c
Sausage, pure Pork, lb 20c
Pork Chops, lb 25c
Cut from Small Size Loins
Mutton Chops, lb 15c
button Stew, lb 10c
Leg o Mutton, lb 18c
Mutton Roast, lb. 15c
Compound, or all cooking, lb. . . 16c
Sleet Caused Wreck
An auto accident occurred on the
O street road Sunday evening as the
windshield of a man from Kansas
City became covered with sleet so he
could not see where he was going.
He put on the brakes too rapidly and
the car skidded, leaving the pavement
and sliding across the shoulder into
a ditch at the roadside, where it turn
ed over. Dr. Liston gave first aid and
took the man to a hospital in Lin
Miss Doris Green Poorly
Miss Doris Greene, who is engaged
as teacher of Music in the Calloway
(Nebraska) schools, was taken with a
severe attack of flu last week, being
confined to her bed and unable to
teach. A substitute was secured to
take her place. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Greene drove to Calloway and found
the daughter some better, bringing
her home with them and she is now
receiving treatment and showing some
improvement, but still very sick. It
is hoped she will soon be in her
former good health.
Car Leaves Roadway
Miss Aletha McCartney, who is em
ployed in the office of Attorney Guy
Clement, while going to Alvo, struck
a very slippery stretch of roadway
near the home of A. L. Weychel,
which caused her car to skid and
losing control of the same the car
left the road and went into a ditch
at the side of the road, with the re
sult that the fenders of the machine
were badly bent. Otherwise the car
was very little damaged and Miss
Aletha escaped uninjured.
Gave Husband Surprise
Mrs. Ronald Schlichtemeier arrang
ed a very pleasant surprise party in
honor of the birthday of her husband,
which fell on Friday of last week, No
vember 8th. When Mr. Schlichtemeier
arrived home from the garage for
supper, the evening meal was not only
ready for him, but there were some
fifteen of his close friends there to
greet him and enjoy the meal with
him. Ronald was greatly surprised,
and all enjoyed the supper, followed
by a session of cards. It was a late
hour when the guests left for home,
wishing Mr. Schlichtemeier many
more happy birthdays.
Getting Heating Plant Installed
The citizens of Elmwood are very
loyal in the matter of getting the
Elmwood community building in the
best of condition. It was recently de
termined to place a steam heating
plant in the building and the contract
for materials has been let, all of
which are now on hand with the ex
ception of a limited amount of pipe.
Now comes the matter of raising the
money to pay for the materials and
the labor of installing same, which it
Is expected will require ten days or
two weeks.
It was at first planned to raffle off
an automobile, but later concluded a
earnival would be the best means and
the dates for holding this activity
have been set for December 3, 4 and
5. Coming before the midwinter holi
day season, It is considered this will
be a time when all can attend and en
joy the festivities as well as do their
part toward advancing the cause of
paying for the new heating plant.
The community building here is as
fine as will be found in any town of
this size over the state and the town
is to be congratulated on its determi-
'- "f liinir
i I &ma ?lm imW WTOFS
I Itoigglm Ira
0) 5
All of the mild, rcellow smoothness o!
superior Santos Coffees, freshly roasttd,
freshly ground for you.
Lb. I
3 Lbs., 55c
Choice coffees, dclicataly blended to tempt
your appetite with a rich, full-bodied bou
quet, freshly roasted, fresWy ground for vou.
Big 4 White Naptha
Laundry Soap
20 Bars for
Eig Value or Sani Health
Toilet ( Soap
6 Giant Bars
Blue Barrel or O. K.
Laundry Soap
5 Large Bars
Clean Quick, Silver Leaf or
Crystal White
Soap. Flakes
5-lb. Pkj.
ht House
3 Cans
3 Cans
Assorted Flavors, 4 Pkgs
Kf U
Enjoy the invigorating, irresistible flavor of
the world's choicest coffees, exquisitely
blended to delight your taste. Freshly
roasted, freshly ground for you.
Gslden Syrup 6Jfcc
5-lb. Pail L?
Baker's Cocoa -fl ffhc
i2-lb. Can M.Jf
Finest Brand
CORN . 9Jc
No. 2 Cans 3 for & $J?
White Fur
Toilet Paper cp fi? c
Good Quality 4 Bolls '
Michigan or Northern
Kavy Beans -f ?c
3 lbs. for tl t)
Fresh Garden
I7o. 2 Can il J
Ban! Flush
Regular Size Can
PiffsisEiry's lest
Flour FREE:
See The Large Mammoth
Bag on Display at
Our Store
Pillsburs Best, 48-lb. Bag. $2.45
Pillsburs Best, 24-!b. Bag . 1 .25
PMsburs Best, 10-lb. Bag. .65
Pillsbury's Best, 5-lb. Bag. .35
PilMury Pancake
Large Bag 65
&pi3le Sauce ghc
Kb. 2 Can C
Edwards' Tenderized
Marshmallows -f JC
Mb. Cello Bagr Ji P
Swans Down
Cake Flour tyShc
2-lb. Pkg-
Tomato Soup
Extra Special 12 Cans
Santa Clara 80-90 Size
4 lbs., 29i ; 3 lbs
Bak'g Powder ?c
4-oz. Tin CP
Domestic Oil
Sardines PEZc
14 Size Cans, 6 for jCj?
Cream Cereal -p JC
Large Tackage Ji. QJ?
i I
Soda or Graham
2-lb. Caddy Ji
Large Cans of
KRAUT : 11 C
No. 2V2 Size 2 for Ji
Day and Night
Carton of 6 Boxes
Thompson's Seedless
4-lb. Pkg., 22 ; 2-lb.
Fruits. 'and Vegetables
Red Emperor Grapes, per lb 100
Cocoanuts, each 100
Celery, extra large, crisp, each 150
Grape Fruit, medium size, 6 for .... 250
Grape Fruit, large size, 4 for 250
Sweet Potatoes, small, mkt. basket . 250
Onions, market basket 250
Carrots, 3 lbs. for 100
No. 1 York Imperials $1.25 bushel
Staman Winesaps $1.45 bushel
eat iepartnienf
Corn fed Shoulder Beef Roast, lb. . . 180
Swift's Select Extra Fine Quality
Corn fed Rib Boiling Beef, lb 12J0
Swift's Select
Ring Bologna, per lb 12J0
Narrow Bacon Backs, lb 270
Narrow Bacon Bellies, ,1b , 300
Swift's Coral Sliced Bacon, lb 370
In 1-lb. Layers
Pure Bulk Lard, 2 lbs. for 35
Cubed Round Steak, lb 250