PlAttSatOUTH SLMI - WEESXT zovmAL PAGE THREE THURSDAY, OCTOBEB 17, 1933. v r THE- MID-IVEST'S GREATEST SHOW! OMAHA - STARTS SUNDAY, ALL WEEK OCTOBER 27 MATINEE SUN WED, THURS., SAT. WORLD'S LARGEST 4-H BABY BEEF SHOW -y This ad mads possible through courteiy of thm .- Union Stock Yard Co. of Omaha. Limited. FOOTBALL FRIDAY The Platters -will be hosts at Athletic park on Friday afternoon at 3:15 to the College View team of Lincoln, who in their opening game bumped off the Havelock football team by a good score. The College View school has had athletic relations with the local school since 1933 and their last visit here with their large and beefy team was one that result ed In their Tictory. This year the locals feel that they have more of a chance with the visitors and will give them all they have. A market of eatables at Presby terian church Oct. 26th. Buy your Sunday dinner here. ma mm V YOU ARE INVITED TO THE FORMAL OF OUR NEW AND GREATLY ENLARGED Grocery and Market SATU EDAY. We are now settled in our new location in the Bekins build ing, stocked up with vast supplies of new goods and ready to supply your wants in the food line. Come in Saturday! F El E E ! SAfJBUIGNES ALL DAY SATURDAY ade Uith Smith's Capitol Oread 7 IllOfl QUALITY AT A FAIR PRICE Salada Tea SPECIAL for Our Opening Sale The tea that is always fresh from the world's gardens. BROWN LABEL BLACK OR JAPAN GREEN y2-Ib. Pkg.. .350 y4-b. pkg...iop Free Trial Package with each purchase made Opening Day. COMPLETE STOCK Finest Groceries Candies Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Choice Meats Our appeal for your trade is not based on price alone, for we believe it particularly true in the purchase of foodstuffs, that "Quality is remembered long after price has been forgotten." Campbell's Tomato Juice, tall cans 3 for 28 Finest Pink Salmon, 1-Ib. tall cans 2 for 25 California Mackerel, 1-lb. tall cans ,3 for 280 Van Camp's Pork and Beans, large cans . 3 for 280 Large rolls Toilet Paper, 1,000 sheet 6 for 250 New Pack Sugar Corn, full No. 2 cans 3 for 250 Hand pack Tomatoes, No. 2 cans 3 for 250 Crackers, Sun-Ray, new shipment just in, 2-lb. caddy 190 Butter-Nut, Maxwell House or Del Monte Coffee, lb 300 Dandy (blue handle) 4-tie Brooms, opening day special.- 330 Mogul Brand Coffee, vacuum pack, 1-lb. can 230 Sunkist Oranges, Med. size, 2 doz., 290 ; Large size, doz 350 Larsen's Vegall, for soups, salads, etc., No. 2 can 90 Chili Con Carne, fully prepared, add beans and serve, can 90 3 for 2c Harvest Gems Canned Goods No. 2 Cans Packed in Norfolk's Plant Here Bed Beans Lima Beans Bed Kidney Beans Spaghetti Spinach PHIL HIRZ, long experienced meat cutter and sausage maker, owns and operates the Meat Department, insuring patrons of a good grade of Corn fed Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork, kept in finest condition by electrical refrigeration. A few opening day specials: BABY BEEF ROAST, choice, tender. Lb 10 BEEF MINUTE STEAKS, per lb .200 BACON SQUARES, mild sugar cure. Lb 200 VEAL CHOPS, special for Saturday only. Lb. . 250 This department also features a complete line of Luncheon Meats, pure home made Sausages, Butter, Milk and Dairy Products of finest quality! Highest Market Price Paid for Eggs CARL'S MARKET Beldns Bldg. 532 Main Street Phone 255 FIRST DOOR. WEST OF KROEHLER HARDWARE STORE AVOCA NEWS Ivan Weyler and wife or Nebraska City were visiting in Avoca last Mon day, also lookin gafter some busi ness matters for a short time. Henry Stubendick Is at this time having a concrete wall built around his yard at his country residence, which is adding much to the beauty of the place. M. H. Lum received and had un loaded a car of cement at the lumber yard and feels that he now has enough to care for the wants of the community in this line. "Jack Betts and Clyde Hollenberg are painting the Methodist church at Otoe, they having been awarded the contract in the bids of many painters over this section of the country. Ernest Gollner, Carl O. Zaiser, Os car Zimmer, Vern Rawalt and Leo McCann were members of the party who went to Plainview for the pheas ant hunt on the comnig Saturday night. Ted Hile and wife and their little one of Beaver Crossing were visiting for the day last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hile's mother, Mrs. L. J. Mar quardt and other relatives and friends. J. H. F. Ruhge and wife and son, Roy, Dick Neumaster and wife and Stuart Maseman were members of a party who were visiting and looking after some business matters in Om aha last Thursday. Wm. Vettee is painting the home of Henry Maseman and will when the work is completed make the home look like new and will also make It better for a good painting is a good insurance for any building. The Avoca business men gave a dance on last Saturday night for the benefit of the kittenball team to whom they are very thankful for winning so many kittenball games during the summer and fall. After some two weeks visiting in the west Leo McCann and Art John son, the latter of Weeping Water, returned home last Saturday night. They went as far as the west coast, getting back to Lincoln in time for the football game last Saturday. Leo McCann and his mother were over to Union last Tuesday afternoon attending the funeral of the little daughter of Ted Mclain who died at an Omaha hospital last Monday morning.' The funeral was private. being conducted by Rev. W. A. Tay-; lor of Union. Frank Greenrod and wife and son, Robert and Frank Ruge and family made a very happy parly who drove over to Mount Ayr on last Saturday and remained until Monday where they were visiting at the home of the relatives of Frank Greenrod and family, enjoying the trip and the visit very much. relative of most of the party who are. to make the trip and enjoy the hunt ing. John Gauer, father-in-law of El mer, will also be a member of the party. WiU Be Fatter StilL In the contest which was had be tween the fats and leans in a game of kittenball played some time ago, the leans had to provide a supper for the fats and how they did eat and it looks like the fats will be fatter still, while the leans will be leaner still, but that does not say who will win the next game. Brother Very Sick. W. H. Bogaard received the sad news of the very serious illness of his brother, Charles Bogaard of Fre mont and hastened there to see him. The brother was so ill that the at tending physician would only permit Mr. Bogaard to see to see the brother for four minutes. He still remains very ill. Journal ads bring you news of timely bargains. Read tneml OCTOBER . ... October's sun is shining. Autumn leaves are red; The placid skies match babies eyes. Birds wing overhead. Conventions go abegging. My feet are gypsy shod. I'll climb the trees and with every breeze Sail down on a leafy cloud. Marjorie Burch. Many Attend Conference. Many of the members of the Con gregational church of Avoca were visiting in Ashland attending the convention of the church being held there two days this week. Among those In attendance were Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Kokjer, Mrs. Albert Still and wife, Mrs. Mary Harmon and a number of others. Gathering at Carl Balfour's. Seventy-six of the relatives and friends of Mr. and Carl Balfour were gathered at the Balfour home last Sunday where they were celebrating the Balfour and Nutzman reunion and where they sure enjoyed a very pleasant day and an excellent time with more eats than could be taken care of for there were three whole roast chickens left after all had been satisfied and could eat no more. D. O. Dwyer and son and wife were there. Attorney D. O. Dwyer com ing loaded with cigars for everyone, and also he was filled with democracy and the new deal, while Fred Nutz man who is on the other side was not seeing things, as Mr. Dwyer and so a very animated debate on the question was staged. No decision. Minister Resigned Sunday. The people of the Congregational church of Avoca all enjoyed a very fine dinner at the church meeting fol lowing the conclusion of the services last Sunday morning, and at which the Rev Fred W. Hall offered his resignation as pastor of the church here. He had been tendered a posi tion at Franklin which is In the west ern portion of the state and which he has accepted at a larger salary. He will soon depart for Franklin. Will Hunt Pheasants Sunday. Elmer Hennlngs, the barber after he closes his shop" the coming Satur day evening will drive to Cedar Creek and Louisville where he will with a number of his relatives and friends depart for Creighton vicinity where they will hunt the festive pheasant at the break . of day. They will start on the farm of John Schafter, who formerly lived in Casa county and Is OUR GREATEST RECOMMENDATIONS come from the hundreds thrifty women who save on foods here, everyday! mmm Ad for Plattsmouth, Friday and Saturday, October 18-19 IT TTi rerrtr B0-ib. Bag VGJUJ'&UrCJiW 73c. Lb Krrtik Holland Srrd Variety Ideal for Kraai. 2SS Size Dozen - - Fancy, Sweet, Juicy California Valencia. IT. S. No. 1 Fancy, Sweet, California lied Tokay. Fancy, Sweet, Juicy Florida Maran Seedleaa La rice HO Sice. lOOlb. STT OH IS lb. DHC bag . . . V peck . . SweeU PotJatSoec U. S. Grade No. 1 Genuine OHlC Virginia Yellow Jerseys - - 6 lbs. 1J The Flneat Money Can Buy. SeSeasr saursr. - Extra La rite, Frenb, Tender Oregon. V. S. Grade So. 1 Mlnnenota Ited Globea. Freb, Green Top Colorado Larce nuncaea. !Tmaat!:ec 2 HQs V. S. Grade o. 1 Firm, Red Ripe California. Mediant Sine Minnesota. Smolied Picnics Yb. 22c Do Id Mogan SbaukJetui Quality. ROSSI Beef or Veal, lb. . .ISC Choice, Tender Shoulder Cuta. RoaSf Rolled Rib, lb. . . . 20C Choice, Tender Flavor Rich and Juicy. Van Camp's Fancy KRAUT No. 2 Can 3 for 25c 15' Sunrise Sweet Mild COFFEE 3 lbs, 430; 1-lb. Bag Hinky-DInky H Che COFFEE 3 lbs, 55 ; 1-lb. Bag 11 LV Hamburger, 2 lbs. . 25c FreMh Ground Choice Ileef Cut. StCall Beef or Veal, lb. . .23C Choice T-Uone, Sirloin or Round Cuta. Cube Steaks, lb. . . . 22c Choice, Tender, Juicy Fine In Hi CalS Liver, lb. Genuine quality. Fine with Ilacon Dried ReeS, lb. plig. Vjc Cudahy'a Wafer Thin Sliced. FranMurters, lb. . 15c Armour 'a Larice Juicy Quality. Minced Ham, lb. . . 15c Armour'a Fancy- Quality. Lard, 1 lb. ptig. 10c Hold'a Pure Quality Lard. Bacon, 1 lb. plig. 30c Htnky-Dlnky Susar Cured, Smoked, Sliced and Wrapped. Oysters, Pint 2Qc Fancy Solid Pack Quality. Chili Con Cam, lb. 25 c Dold'a Mexican Style la Cello tube. Cheese, 21b. loaf . 45c Kraft or Lakeakore, fancy American or Brick. FialievMte, 2 lbs. . 31c 5c Choice, Tender, Juicy Fine in Flavor. 25C Genuine quality. Fine with Ilaeon or Onlona. Van Camp's PORII & BEAIIS m 1 iviecaum Can '.m 5' Flambeau Soaked PEAS 4 c ..10c No. 2 Can Extan Mixed Sieve. No. 2 Can Oatman's or Roberts MILK 6 oS- 3 18C BOOTH'S SARDINES in Mustard or Tomato Sauce SES - 3 for 2SC SUGAR GllAXlXATED BEET 100 lbs, $5.59; 10 lbs. SEA ISLAND CANE C Q 100 lbs vJOJ A Pure Vegetable Shortening Compound. Kraut . . . Fancy Wlaeonaln Bulk. Heinz KETCHUP 8-oz. Bottle, 12 14-oz. Bottle So-Tast-ee Soda or Certified Graham Cradters1Q 2-lb. Caddy '1"C Sunlight Margarine ... 16c 1-lb. Carton Casco BUTTER Hb. OQ Carton LU Calumet BAKINQ POWDER 6-oz. can, n't 1-lb. can X L Swans Bown Calie Flour lb-......-2S)'c DEL MONTE - MARCH of FLAVOR - VALUES! Del Monte Whole Segment GRAPE FRUIT 8-oz. Can - - - 2 for 15c V.'. 2for2Sc Del Monte Pure Grape Fruit Juice Picnic Can 2 Can ffh r 3 for 19 2 for - jLe Del Monte Bartlett PEARS Q (for No. 2Vz Can dk) DEL MONTE SLICED OR HALF Peaches Tall Can DEL MONTE SLICED 13C "fcaS 15C S7C Pineapple, No. 2 can ..... 2GC ;s2 .16c Sr": 2 for 2SC 9c Crash'dOnly CQ No. 10 Can. OuQ Crushed or Sliced No. 1 Flat Can No. Zi Can DEL MONTE SOLID PACK Tomatoes Flat. 10c Si 12c No. 2 Can .32c Del Monte Cream Style Co. Gent, or Gold. Bant. corh ?for9'iv No. 2 Can - AU1 JCP Del Monte Whole Kernel Golden Cantom CORK 12-oz. Vac. Pack Can 2 for Del Monte Dried PRUNES (Med. Size) IS: 19c :.MC Harvest King Corn, 1935 pack, No. 2 cans, 3 for 25$ Bounds Brand Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, 3 for 23 Gem Brand Pancake Flour, 4-lb. bag 17 Santa Clara Prunes (90-100 size), 4 lbs 25 Thompson Seedless Eaisins, 4-lb. pkg., 29e ; 2-lb. pkg 15 English Walnuts, Emerald, large budded, lb 25 1 Win You Pure Preserves, 4-lb. jar, 69 ; 2-lb., 37 ; 12-oz. 15 Candy Bars and Gum, 5c sizes, 3 for 10 Prince Albert or Velvet Tobacco, 1-lb. can, 77$; 15c tin 11 $ Big 4 White Naptha Soap, 10 regular bars 29 Big Value or Sani-Health Toilet Soap, 6 giant bars 29 Lighthouse Cleanser, 3 reg. cans 10 BUTTER-NUT Salad Dressing 1000 Island or Spread 8-oz. Jar, 15 $ QJc. Pint, 25; Quirt - c5 Q OTOE CHIEF FLOUR sr. $ ,79 TTlNKY-DINKY -! 5 lbs., 25; 10, 49 $ -i .S3 24 lbs. 51.05: 48 lbs. 1 EJel 3onte 0rtho-CTi1 Ken-L-Ration O Cans gj) 250 The Dos Food Supreme K EN-Ty-BI S CX'IT 25-oa pkjf, 23cj IS-. 2 for Fort Howard TISSUC Soft-Spun 3Ige.rolls,lg) SAIII-FLUSIl BOWL CLEANER f (Xg Large Can Ji. jf RIELO Water Softener r 10o Size Parson's Ammonia Small Bottle, 10 Med., 150; Quart. Mountain Grown S22gq iwp Grind 2-lb. fVc & Can W x lb. can Special 0cr! 1 Large Pkg. and 1 Med. Pkg. of OIIYBOL 35c Value PBG Soap G Giant Bars, 270 10 Regular Bars GUEST IVORY SOAP. .4 Oars 19c Delicious Regular Grind or Drip 2 Lb. Can ,50 X Lb. Can . . . 2 1 " t I