The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1935, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Weeping Water
Raymond J. Mayfleld and wife were
In Omaha last Monday visiting the
parents of Mrs. Mayfleld, also secur
ing Home pears.
Dr. J. W. Brendel of Avoca was
called to Weeping Water last Tues
day to look after some business mat
ters for a short time.
Stuart Rough of Nehawka was a
visitor In Weeping Water last Sun
day ocming over to visit with his sis-
tor, Miss Agnes Rough, for the day.
Walter D. Love is at this time
placing a new roof on the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gibson
which has been needing a new roof
for some time.
W. D. Baker who has had his pro
duce station at the C. H. Gibson store
has moved It to the building just
across the street from the store of
Chris Rasmussen.
Pete Miller has been working for
the past week on the farm of Oscar
Pomigno and assisting in the placing
of son:e fodder In the silo for the win
ter use, and last year proved the
value of his kind of feed.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gorder and
daughter were over to Nehawka on
last Sunday where they were attend
ing the family reunion of the Henry
Wessell family and where they en
joyed the day very pleasantly.
Forrest R. Cunningham of Nehaw
ka brought his saw mill to Weeping1
Water and is to be here for some
week sawing lumber, and will have
the mill ready for active work by
the latter portion of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler who
were over to Chicago last week to
enjoy the world's series baseball
games, with the completion of the
games at Chicago returned home
greatly pleased with the trip and the
James Miller and wife who are ex
pecting to farm the coming season
near M array, were over near Manley
last Sunday to look after the pur
chase of some horses and also stop
ped at the home of James' father for
a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keckler are
this week enjoying a visit from the
father of Mrs. Keckler, Mr. R. C.
Duelle of Minneapolis, who is here to
spend his vacation and enjoy a visit
with his daughter and family. Mr.
Duelle is a telegraph operator.
Uncle Lars Nelson who is now in
his 79th year has been leeling pretty
poorly for the past two weeks and
while just now he i3 somewhat im
proved he 13 not in good health, his
heart causing him much suffering. It
is hoped that he will soon be feeling
much better.
Postmaster L. B. Gorthey of Mur
dock and family were guests for the
day last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur H. Jones where all
enjoyed a very fine vis:t and an excel
lent dinner. The ladies being sisters
added much to the enjoyment of the
George Dennis has just completed
a bridge for the county some sixteen
miles west of Weeping Water near
the west line of tne county and has
another one to start the first of the
week and is trying to get them done
so as to be out of the cool weather
which is sure to come soon, thus stop
ping the work of this nature.
band and son were over to see her
last Sunday and found her slightly
better but was being given extreme
care by the nurses who had little to
communicate to the husband and son.
They are hoping she will be improved
Attend the Epworth League.
The Epworth League, the young
peoples society of the Methodist
church, meet on Sunday evening at
the church building at 6:30 and a
very cordial Invitation is extended to
all young people not worshiping else
where to come and enjoy the meetings.
Car Leaves Boad way.
While Glen Taylor and Paul Doty
were going south eome mile and a
half from Weeping Water and were
rounding the hill near the Peter
Lund home, they met a car towing
another car Into town and as they
were rounding the hill, they of neces
sity required a good deal of room and
as the boys were going up the hill
they tried to give the other car as
much room as possible and in so do
ing got to the side of the road
and the car skidded from the road
and rolled down an embankment,
rolling over a number of times and
finally rested some forty feet away
with the car badly battered from the
tumble. The boys were not seriously
injured and escaped with only bruises
and a severe shaking up.
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
home, although Mr. Miller will pick
corn for Fred Meisinger who lives a
few miles west of Murray.
A very fine time was had and the
Miller family were greatly pleased at
the entertainment of their friends
Many Attend Convention.
There was a large number of the
Bible school workers of the churches
of Weeping Water over to Platts
mouth last Monday where they par
ticipated in the convention of repre
sentatives from all of the schools of
the county.
Mrs. George Olive at Hospital.
Mrs. George Olive has not been in
the very best of health for eome time
past and was last week taken to the
Clarkson hospital in Omaha by her
husband and her son, Ben Olive where
she has been under observation and
receiving treatment. Both the hus-
Made a New Face.
Well pretty near that, for fifty-six
stitches were required to repair the
face of Laura Lawthers after the
sideswipe of two cars on highway No.
50 some eight miles south of Weep
ing Water, where they collided in
the night last Saturday. A party
from Weeping Water in a Model A
Ford ludor, containing Arthur and
Frank Nickles and Misses Laura and
Betty Lawthers, brothers and sisters,
was returning from a dance at Otoe
and another party from Avoca in the
car of Bob Davis which was a Model
T Ford and contained five persons,
they being Bob Davis, owner of the
car, Miss Marjory Jourgensen, Matt
McCann, Sylvia Herman and Lillian
Ebeler who were going to the dance
and as they were driving along, each
making fair time, the cars sideswip-ed,
Miss Laura Lawthers was the most
severely injured, the many cuts on
her face . requiring 56 stitches to
close. Her sister, Betty, was very
seriously cut and bruised as well,
while Frank Nickles had a very se
vere gash in his cheek which required
a number of stitches to close. Art
Nickles was greatly bruised and cut
about the head and face as well.
They were taken to the hospital
where their wounds were treated and
it is hoped that they will recover In
a short time.
In the case of the occupants of the
Model T, they were all injured. Bob
Davis being the most lucky of all, for
he was not so badly hurt. Matt Mc
Cann had his face badly bruised and
lacerated as well as being bruised
about the body, while Miss Marjorie
Jourgesen recevied a deep cut over
one eye requiring two stitches to
close and another cut in her moutn
required three stitches. Miss Lillian
Ebeler who teaches school near Cook
had numerous cuits and bruises that
required a number of stitches to close
but was able to go to her school to
teach. Miss Sylvia Herman was also
cut and bruised, but in all of it they
got out well.
Steal 150 Chickens.
A few nights ago the chicken house
and yards of Troy Jewell were raided
by thieves who stole 150 of his chick
ens. He had just culled the flock and
those remaining were the very best
but if he had not culled the flock
all of them would have probably been
stolen. There should be something
that could be done to break up the
raids of these chicken thieves.
Enjoyed Fine Gathering.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Gibson of Weeping Water was gath
ered a number of their family. Mrs
Luther Wamack of near Murray was
here for the past week on account
of the poor health of Mrs. Gibson
her mother and on Sunday Mr. Wa
mack came over for the gathering and
to take Mrs. Wamack home.
There were there for the occasion
besides, Walter Munson and wife of
Omaha; Guy Buchanan and family of
near Nehawka, Jesse Davis and fam
ily of Plattsmouth. The ladies are
all daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gib
son which almost completed the
household and sure was greatly en
joyed by all present.
Visiting in Missonri.
Mrs. Joan Carter and sister, Mrs
Rachel Noyes and Miss Agatha Col
vert departed last Saturday for Cali
fornia, Missouri where they spent
nearly a week visiting with friends
and relatives and are expecting to be
home again the latter portion of this
Give Farewell J arty.
The neighbors and friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Miller who have re
sided in the country east of town
during the summer where Mr. Miller
worked on the farm, gathered at the
Pleasant View school, which is oth
erwise known as the Philpot school,
and gave a party in the nature of a
farewell for the Miller family, who
are moving to Manley to make their
A liquid preparation containing ingredients used in
cleaning the intestinal tract and bowel region of
impurities, including Pin, Bound and Tape Worms.
Use in water or buttermilk -Costs Less
Enough or AVERAGE FLOCK 75c
Manufactured by Tim Lake Products, Incorporated, Des Moines, la.
Pioneer Answers Call.
Mrs. D. T. Dudley, one of the oldest
of pioneers of Weeping Water, com
ing here when there was but a few
houses, and who has resided here
nearly sixty years, passed away at
the late home on last Saturday night
at 7:30. She had been making her
home with her two daughters, Mrs
Edna Shannon and Miss Mable Dud-
Mrs. Dudley was 84 years of age at
the time of her death and has been
a faithful member of the Congrega
tional church for much more than
a half century.
The funeral was held at the Con
gregational church last Monday af
ternoon at 2:30 and the burial had
at Oakwood cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. L. Wilson,
pastor of the church and directed
by the Ifobson funeral home.
She leaves to mourn her passing
two daughters, Mrs. Edna D. Shan
non and Miss Mable Dudley, and a
granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Seiquist
who with her husband from Hastings
were here for the funeral.
The husband, D. T. Dudley, died
some twenty-five years ago and also
a son, Fred Dudley who has been
dead for a number of years.
Celebrated Birthday
Mrs. Carrie Gorthey, mother of
Roy Gorthey, celebrated her birth
day Sunday at the home of. Mr. and
Mrs. A. II. Jones of Weeping Water.
Hoy Gorthey and family were also
present. This is the first time in
twenty-eight years that Roy has been
with his mother on her birthday, but
in all, these years he never missed a
Sunday writing to his mother.
October 11-12
Bichard Dix in a Brand New Picture
'The Arizcxiian'
A mighty Western drama of the Eigh
ties the biggest outdoor picture that
has been filmed in years. Don't miss It.
Eoaring West Serial, Comedy
Adults 25 Children10
October 13-14-15
Clark Gable, Loretta Young and Jack
Oakie in Jack London's
'Call o the Wild'
Secured by special booklncr arrange
ments for early showing in this dis
trict. Relniar held over and playing to
standout business In every key city!
Sunday Matinee at 2:30
Matinee Prices Evening Prices
Elmwood News
Watson C. James last week pur
chased a "Willis Knight car from the
distributing agency of Ronald Sch
llctemeier who received in exchange
another car as part payment.
The state convention of the fire de
partments of the state are meeting
the coming week at Hastings, Sept
ember 15, 16, 17. All who care to go
will be provided by expenses paid
from the local department.
Charles W. Jewell of Alvo was a
visitor In Elmwood last Tuesday and
was looking after some business mat
ters in town. Mr. Jewell is conduct
ing the Farmers Union cream station
at Alvo for Elmer Rosenow who is
a member of the union.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Backemeyer
are enjoying a vacation and a visit
at the home of Walter Lenz of Chap
pell where they are remaining for
week. During the time Fred W. Back
emeyer, father of Harvey has come
in from the farm to look after the
chores at the home.
The order of Eastern Star of Elm
wood was meeting yesterday at the
home of Miss Ella Atkinson and
large number of the members both
here and from Murdock territory who
are members of the Star here were In
attendance and a most worth while
program was had with an abundance
of good eats as well, as the Stars al
ways have a fine time.
Sprayed Apples for Sale at
C. L. Wiles Farm, Platts
mouth, Nebr. Price is right!
day, October 15th with Mrs. Ray
mond Eveland. Instead of the prac
tice as heretofore of having a covered
dish luncheon a committee appointed
will have the matter in hand. Those
with no means of going to the meet
ing in the country will be provided.
Just call the president, Mrs. Herman
Penterman and a means will be pro
vided. All are desired to be in attendance.
Attend S. S. Convention.
The Rev. Ernest Baker, pastor of
the Christian church was suddenly
taken with a severe illness on last
Saturday night and was not able to
attend the services of the church last
Sunday and was also prevented from
attending the Sunday school conven
tion at Plattsmouth last Monday.
However, his brother, Calvin L,
Baker, who is here, was able to take
Rev. Baker's car and take a load over
to the convention. Rev. W. B. Bliss
pastor of the Methodist church took a
load in his car to the convention. A
number also from each of the three
churches Avere over, making a good
representation from Elmwood.
Seeing the Great West.
Emil Rosenow and wife and Mr
and Mrs. Harry Greene departed last
week for tho west, having as their
first stop, Denver, visiting there and
many other places of interest taking
up a week or ten days. While they
were away the eryice station con
ducted by Mr. Rosenow was looked
after by Keith West.
Home From the West.
Dr. R. W. Tyson and wife and their
little one of Murray came past Elm
wood and picked up the parents of
Dr. Tyson, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson
week before last and went west where
they spent nearly a week, returning
home Tuesday of this week, having
had a very fine time while away
Their first stop on the outward swing
was Eaton, Colorado where Floyd Ty
son and wife reside and also a daugh
ter of the family resides and where
they enjoyed a very fine visit. Here
they found excellent crops of all kinds
and there the daughter and husband
who have an irrigated farm have
wonderful crops, they are feeding two.
cars of cattle and have 700 sheep as
well. They put up one hundred tons
of alfalfa hay for the stock and have
a number of acres of potatoes which
are yielding 200 to 400 bushels to the
acre. They leased a ten acre lot to a
Jap who grew ten car loads of cab
cage on it besides six hundred bush
els of onions.
Mr. L. A. Tyson was greatly en
thused with the country out there. On
their return they stopped at the home
of T. E. Tyson and family and also
at the home of Noel -Tyson and fam
ily who reside at Cambridge where he
s superintendent of schools. They
also visited Estes Park while away
and returned, getting in Elmwood at
3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, tired
but happy.
Saw Much Country.
Louis Bornemeier who operates the
Farmers Union cream and produce
station accepted an invitation to ride
with the traveling man" for the com
pany and visited many of the towns
n southeastern Nebraska, but in all
he did not see any place which com
pares with Cass county, with even not
the best of crops all over this year,
was away ahead of any place they
Will Attend Grand Lodge.
At recent meetings of the I. O. O.
and the Daughters of Rebekah,
delegates were selected to attend the
grand lodge and the grand assembly
which is meeting at York Septem
ber 15, 16 and 17. roell Hottle was
elected delegate from the subordin
ate lodge and Mrs. Grace Woods from
the Rebekahs.
Methodist Ladies' Aid to Meet.
The Methodist Ladies' Aid of Elm
wood are to meet the coming Tues-
Was Short of Air.
Norval D. Bothwell of the Clover
Farm store was over to Omaha last
Monday attending a meeting of the
executive committee of the stores in
Nebraska and having a large amount
of business to look after and also to
secure a truck load of goods for the
store here, he did not get out of Om
aha until late and as he passed thru
Plattsmouth it was the midnight hour
and he perceived that one of his tires
was down, as a valve was leaking.
This was just as he was leaving town.
He stopped at the Texaco station and
found no air, then turning back he
continued to try each station, they
all being closed, getting a little air
here and there until he came to the
Coryell station where he was able to
get enough to inflate his tire and put
ting the cap on the valve stem tight
ly he was able to get home between
one and two o'clock.
Will Move to Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schlictmeier
who have been staying at the home of
the parents of Mrs. Schlictmeier for
the past summer on account of the
illnes sof Mrs. Bert Reber, but with
the very marked improvement of Mrs.
Reber they will return, to their home.
With the assistance of Lee Coon Ron
ald has installed at the home a gas
furnace which will provide for the
heating of the Schlictmeier home.
Clav Center. Neb. Henrv Grower. In the County Court of Cass coun-
mntnr fllV driver r,t flanatrt, Qatnr. I Vt Nebraska.
aay pieaaea guniy in county couri e8tate of David E . Ebersole, deceased.
nere to cnarges or illegally parking No. 2937:
his truck on a highway at night, and Take notice that the Administrator
was fined $25 and costs. of saId estate has filed his final re-
. - , pore ana a petition ror examination
and a IowancA nf nia nnmin Rtrnt nn
dent Involving Brower's truck and an accounts, determination of heirship,
automobile driven by Harold Thomas assignment of reeidue of said estate
of Clay Center. Brower's truck de- an for his discharge; that said peti-
veloped engine trouble three miles tl( nd report will be heard before
v. vij vvu vv-i uimuifeui., ugjj O ClOCk L 111
ana he stopped without placing Dated October 3, 1935.
flares near his truck. Thomas' car A. 11. DUXBURY,
struck the parked truck from the (Seal) o7-3w County Judge.
rear. The passenger automobile was
wrecked, but Thomas and Howard
Jones, who was riding with him, es
caped with only slight injuries.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Herman Zamzow, deceased.
No. 3081:
Take notice that the Executrix of
Omaha. Floyd K. Warren. 37. of said estate has filed her final report
nmoo nQrr. r. 0,m0nti I and a petition for examination and
.... . allowance of her administration ac-
agency, tnea nere luonaay arternoon countg determination of heirship, as-
from a bullet wound authorities said signment of residue of said estate and
was self Inflicted. Ifor her discharge; that said petition
Police said Warren shot himself and rePrt wi" be hard before said
fMirt rr ntAtnr 10 1015 at tan
chnrtlir oftr.r T , O. f(r wvuci. .tVWv, v ivu
o'clock a. m.
stOKing a rurnace. ills wire, wno was Dated September 18, 1935.
preparing breakfast, investigated A. H. DUXBURY,
when he did not return from the (Seal) s23-3w County Judge.
basement and found him lying on the
floor In their private garage, a bul
let wound in his right temple. He
died without regaining consciousness
He left a note but his family could
give no motive for the act.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 12th day of October
A. D. 1935, at ten o'clock a. m. of
OmahaGerald B. Wilson of Om- Md day at the South Front Door of
aha will go to trial here Monday Plattsmoutht ln safd County, sell at
charged with the murder of Emil public auction to the highest bidder
Mario of Omaha, who was shot fatal- for cash the following described real
ly during. a quarrel at the Wilson estate to-wit:
home here last June 21. LCI' J Ul.h' Unln'
The same being levied upon and
liberately planned to kill Mario, taken as the property of Millie E.
while Wilson will nlead self defense. LaRue, et al Defendants to satisfy a
District Judge Yeager, presiding pigment of said Court recovered by
Judge this week, will hear the case. v aa nprp,VPP nr,d T.imifHnHnc-
Agent of the Bank of Union, Union,
Nebraska, Plahatiff against said De
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
Married at Beatrice.
Miss Corrine Kitzel, daughter of
Mrs. Edith Kitzel and George W.
Blessing, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs
George W. Blessing, sr., accompanied
by the members of both families went
to Beatrice last Sunday where they
were united in marriage at the church
following the morning service by the
pastor. Rev. R, C. R. Love. Following
the ceremony they visited relatives,
enjoyed a very fine wedding dlnneY
and returned home. They will make
their home with the groom's parents
for the present as the house that has
been built for them will not be com
pleted until later in the season.
All of the friends of this estimable
couple are wishing them success and
happiness in the years to come.
In the County Court of Cass court- 1935
Father and Daughter Banquet.
There is to be a Father and Daugh
ter banquet at the parlors of the
Christian church of Elmwood on Fri
day evening of this week, at 6:30.
All are Invited to come who have a
daughter to bring along and if not
bring someone else's daughter and
have a good time and a fine supper.
The toastmaster for the evening will
be Rev. Ernest Baker, pastor of the
church and the principal speaker will
be Rev. T. B. Hubbell, pastor of the
Christian church at Auburn.
Fall and winter are the
seasons for dangerous
Now is the time to check
your heating equipment.
Insure for Safety
L rtlf?YXT A
ty, Nebraska.
-To all persons interested in the
estate of Keith Miller, deceased. No.
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
Sheriff Cass County,
Dwyer & Dwyer, Deputy.
of said estate and appointment of Attorneys for Plaintiff.
James H. Miller as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for SHERIFF'S SALE
hearing before said Court on thel
26th day of October, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated September 27, 1935.
(Seal) s30-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 12th day of October
A. D. 1935, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the South Front Door of
Notice is hereby given that by vir- the Court House, Plattsmouth, in said
tue of a chattel mortgage dated May County, sell at public auction to the
7th 1935, and recorded in the office highest bidder for cash the following
of the County Clerk of Cass county, described real estate to-wit:
Nebraska, on the 25th day of July, Lots 13 and 14 In Block 172
1935, at 3:20 o'clock p. m. executed in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass.
by C. H. Martin to Chas. E. Martin County. Nebraska:
to secure the payment of one promis- The same being levied upon and
sory note in the sum of $893.49, pay- taken as the property of Grace O.
able on demand, default having been Saar, widow, et al.. Defendants to
made after demand therefor, l wm gatisfv a Judgment of said Court re
sell at the Riley Hotel room north of covered by Charles W. Anthes and
barber shop in said hotel, tnat part wife Minnie J. Anthes Plaintiffs
of the stock of merchandise described against said Defendants.
in said mortgage and now in my Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
possession, to. wit: some cannea 5th a. D. 1935.
goods, bottled goods, cereals, bottle jj. SYLVESTER.
caps, cookies & crackers, soaps, lye, Sheriff Cass County,
sanl-flush, starch, merco P. N. Butter Nebraska.
and other articles too numerous to rty t. WALLING.
mention and counters, scale, and Mc- Deputy.
Caskey Filing System also mentioned j. a. Capwell, Attor-
in said chattel mortgage, in natts- ney Ior plaintiffs.
mouth, Nebraska, on uctoDer I4tn, a. L. Tidd, Attorney
1935, at 10:00 a. m. for Cross Petitioner.
In the District Court of Casa
County, Nebraska.
Public notice is hereby given that Tn th MattpP nf fhf, Kstate 1
an election has been duly called and of John E Kirkham, De- I ORDER
will be held in the Village of Alvo,
Nebraska, on the 15th day of October, I J
1935, at which there will be submit- Now on this 9th day of Septem-
ted to the legal voters of said Village ber, 1935, this cause came on for
the following question: hearing upon the petition of Wil-
'Shall the Village of Alvo, Ham Schmidtman, Jr., Administra
tor of the Estate of John E. Kirkham,
deceased, praying for a license to sell
the following described real estate,
Lots Five (5) and Six (G) in
Block Forty-six (46) in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass County,
for the purpose of paying debts of
said estate and expenses of adminis
It is therefore Ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at the District Court Room
in the Courthouse, at Plattsmouth,
Cass County. Nebraska, on the 26th
day of October, 1935, at the hour of
10:00 o'clock a. m. to show cause if
any, why a license to sell the above
described real estate should not be
granted to said administrator for the
purpose of paying debts against said
estate and expenses of administra-
The polls for voting at said elec- tion.
tion will remain open from 9:0U it Is further Ordered that a copy
Nebraska, Issue its negotiable
bonds of the principal amount of
Eight Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($8,500.00) to become
due in twenty years from the
date of issue; provided, how
ever, any or all of said bonds
shall be payable at the option
of the Village at any time after
five years from their date, and
drawing interest at not exceed
ing four and one-half per cen
tum (4) per annum, pay
able semi-annually, for the pur
pose of purchasing, erecting,
constructing and maintaining a
Village water works; and shall
said Village levy and collect an
nually a general tax on all the
property therein in an amount
sufficient to pay the interest and
principal of said bonds as the
same mature?
o'clock a. m. to 7:00 o'clock p. m. of
said date, and the voting place will
be as follows:
Voters desiring to vote in favor of
said proposition will mark an "X" in
the square following the word "Yes";
voters desiring to vote against said
proposition will mark an "X" in the
square following the word "No."
(Seall s23-3w Village Clerk.
of this order to show cause be pub
lished in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper In general
circulation In Cass County, Nebras
ka, for a period of four (4) succes
sive weeks prior to the date of hear
ing. By the Court.
of the District Court of Cas3
County, Nebraska.