The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1935, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1935.
W. O. Troop and family were in
Omaha last Sunday where they at
tended a show.
Fred Stoll has accepted a posi
tion with Clifford Trotter as me
chanic at the work shop of Mr. Trot
ter. U'ra. Sporer of Murray was a visi
tor in Nehawka last Tuesday look
ing after some business matters and
visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wehrbein were
over to Lincoln on Wednesday of last
ivee where they were visiting at the
fair and seeing the exhibits which
were on display.
IJillie Ci?ney and her orchestra
were over to Murray last Saturday
night and dispensed sweet music dur
ing the early evening and which
pleased the hearers.
Rev. C. Ilewett who was formerly
minister to the church at Nehav. ka
wu3 sent to a double charge from the
United Brethren conference he get
ting Palmer and Coatsfield.
Mrs. Lawrence Krueger and chil
dren of near Avoca were visiting for
three days in Nehawka, guests at the
home of Lyle Kruger, coming to visit
Mr. Lawrence Kruger for the day.
Mrs. Allen Ehlers of near Weeping
Water was spending the week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Opp and was assisting the
mother with the house work while
Parr Young and family were over
to Omaha last Saturday where Mr.
Young was looking after some busi
ness matters and the remainder of
the family either shopping or visitin
with friends.
Edward Woods has been painting
at the home of Harry Knabe where
he has been beautifying the various
buildings and as well adding to their
value, a3 we all know a good coat
of paint is good insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guade of Una
dilla were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Kruger for the day
last Sunday. Mrs. Guade is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kruger and a
very pleasant visit was had.
Mrs. Earl Kirkpatrick of Texas ar
rived in Nehawka for an extended
visit with friends and will remain for
some time. Mrs. Kirkpatrick tells of
of the late Huey P. Loig being very
popular in Texas w here she lives.
M. R. Dunning, state fire inspec
tor whose home is at Fullerton was
a visitor in Nehawka last Tuesday in
line with his business and was in
specting the fire hazards of Nehawka.
Clifford Trotter was assisting in the
Albert Anderson and family were
over to Weeping Water for the after
noon and evening last Tuesday, the
first day of the fair, and besides see
ing the fair were visiting with
friends and renewing old acquain
tances. Mrs. Ben Hanson and children who
have been visiting in Nehawka and
keeping house for Mr. Steuart Rough
returned to their home at Iowa City
recently, accompanying the father,
Stuart Rough and Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Lake, who were going to Louisville,
James Miller and son have just
completed the manufacture of a num
ber of burial vaults which they have
been making for the winter when
the weather i3 cold and the work
would have to be done on the inside.
An insurance policy is an
important contract. . - It
may involve the payment
of thousands of dollars in
case of a loss.
We offer you the services of this
established, experienced agency
and the protection of the larg
est and oldest Insurance and
Ecnding companies in America.
Insurance is for Protection
Phone- 16
Platts MOUTH
but making them at this time they
can be made out of doors.
Miss Lena Mcltcynolds has received
the appointment of postmistress for
Nehawka and is at this time assist
ing in the office and becoming ac
quainted with the routine of the
work and will take the office over
about the first of October, that being
the ending and beginning of the last
quarter of the year.
Rev. E. S. Pangborn who has min
istered to the churches of Weeping
Water and Nehawka departed last
Tuesday for the conference of the
Methodist church of this district be
ing held at. Omaha where he will at
tend. The congregations of both
Weeping Water and Nehawka would
be well pleased if Rev. Pangborn and
wife return for another year.
James Falmer has been staying at
the elevator as Stuart Rough has ac
cepted an invitation of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Lake who are going to Louis
ville, Kentucky where they arc spend
ing some time, to ride along to Alton,
Illinois where he will visit with a
daughter until Mr. and Mrs. Lake
pick him up on their return.
Wins on Galloway Cattle.
At the state fair there were many
who entered -Galloway cattle for
premiums and some ten who were
winners recognizing the merit of
their exhibits. Among the winners
was Merritt Pollard, jr., who came
in tenth, but whose stock sold at
the highest price of any even the
cattle which were awarded the first
prize. The following were the win
ners as they were awarded: Oscar
Brandt, first, and his entrant was
surely a magnificent looking animal,
entitled to the first prize; Florence
Solofin, second; ,Ray Brandt, third;
Robert Pollard, fourth; Malcolm Pol
lard fifth; Oscar Brandt, sixth; Merle
Kuntz, seventh; Raymond Brandt,
ninth; James Echaeffer tenth and
Merritt Pollard, jr., eleventh.
Returned Home Last Week.
Ralph Petersen who was a mem
ber of the navy, serving his time out
and was regularly discharged, and
so took a visit around wnere ne
might desire and while he was do
ing what he wanted to some of his
friends and relatives were wonder
ing where he was. When he had his
visit out he returned to the home of
his parents at Niobrara. During the
meantime the navy officials were en
deavoring to secure his address as
he had won a medal which they were
desirous of' presting to the young
Return Rev. Otto Engebretson Here.
At the conference of the different
United Brethren churches of the dis
trict in the allotment of ministers
to the different charges Rev. Otto
Engebretson was returned to the
charge here and which is very pleas
ing to the membership of the church
and the entire community. Rev. En
gebretson is at this time at the Mayo
hospital at Rochester, Minn., where
he is under observation and receiv
ing treatment.
Enjoyed Visit in the South.
Sheldon Mitchell, the genial and
efficient salesman for the Sheldon
department store who has been spend
ing some ten days in the south visit
ing at Amarilla, Texas, returned home
last week and was accompanied by
his sister, Miss Cecele Mitchell who
is to attend school here. Sheldon says
the country had been very dry during
the year, but they are having plenty
of rain at this time.
Returning to prosperity to agri
culture was reflected in sale of a
Dodge county farm at two hundred
dollars an acre, reports from Fremont
The tract, an 80-acre improved
farm one-half mile south of Hooper,
was sold by Mrs. William E. Heller
of Hooper to George Kuhlman of
In Sarpy county the increasing:
farm land values was shown in the
fact that two farms were sold at
$130 per acre and one brought the
sum of $150 per acre.
These increasing values show that
eastern Nebraska farms are getting
back at their normal values and
bringing a price more in keeping
with the real value of the land.
Hanover Courthouse, Va. Beset
by fog, four members of the United
States army air force at Langley field
abandoned their big bomber over
Enfield, Va., drifted in parachutes
to landings miles apart in two Vir
ginia counties and counted a scratch
ed nose and a ducking as the worst
personal results of their adventure.
The crew included Test Pilot W. S.
Marvin of Riverside, Calif., who was
steering the bomber on a flight from'
Pittsburgh to Langley field; Sgt. C.
A. Johns, Corporal Connor, and Pri
vate Murdock.
Mrs. Orin Lanning was able to
come home on Saturday from the hos
pital. Bert Lytle and family moved "Into
the property owned by Mrs. Cooper
last Wednesday.
Miss Edna Caddy, who is employ
ed in Lincoln, spent Sunday evening
with home folks.
Mrs. G. H. Palmer visited with
relatives in North Bend from Wed
nesday until Sunday.
Mrs. Ed Gerhard returned from a
visit with a sister in Lincoln, on
Tuesday of last week.
Miss June Pettit of Louisville visit
ed relatives in this community the
latter part of last week.
Mr. Will Caddy was taken to the
Bryan Memorial hospital on Monday
of this week for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hursh were din
ner guests last Thursday evening of
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adee and fam
ily motored to Peru on Saturday and
visited over Sunday with relatives.
Fred Beach, who was absent from
the post office several days due to
illness, is able to be at work again.
O. C. Kaatz has purchased a house
in University Place and the Kaatz
family expect to move there this
Mrs. Tom Spahnle of Hastings was
the truest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Nick Peterson several days last
Mr. and Mrs. Runyan of Scotts
bluff visited last week with their
daughter, Mrs. D. J. Schuyleinan and
Mr. Schuyleman.
William Tinker came over from
Springfield and took charge of the
Missouri Pacific station here on
Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Frank Schmidt and family at
tended the funeral services for a bro
ther of Mrs. Schmidt in Lincoln on
Wednesday of last w eek.
Mr. Andrew Rockenbach of Alva,
Okla., who is visiting relatives in
this community, spent Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hursh.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wetenkamp
returned home last Tuesday evening
from Pelican Lake, Minn., where they
have spent an enjoyable summer.
Jesse Wall and Frank Schmidt ar
rived home early Monday morning
from Alliance where they had been
threshing during the past three
Mrs. Anna Earl spent several days
the latter part of last week at the
home of her son, Dwight Earl, while
Mrs. Earl accompanied her sister to
Grand Island.
Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Schuyleman
left for Omaha on Monday where they
will attend the annual conference of
the Methodist church which is in ses
sion there this week.
Mrs. R. B. Morgan was called to
Lincoln last week to care for Mr.
Morgan who is ill. Mr. Morgan has
been working in Lincoln for the past
several months with Ralph Allen.
Congratulations are extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Umland, who
were married in Lincoln last Thurs
day evening. Mr. Umland is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Umland and
is well known here. The couple will
reside on a farm north of Eagle.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piersol and fam
ily of Tecumseh, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Piersol and children, Mrs. Edward
Porter and Donald Piersol of Lin
coln and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scat
tergood and daughters were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Piersol last
Miss Laverne Allen of Emerald was
the guest of Miss Inez Althouse last
week. The school at Denton, where
Laverne will attend high school,
opened this week. During her visit
here she visited school, thus giving
her an opportunity to meet her for
mer school mates.
Program at M. E. Church.
The Young People of the Methodist
church sponsored a fine program last
Thursday evening, the proceeds of
which were applied on the church
The program included a vocal duet
by Mrs. John Fischer and Mrs. Fred
Rudolph, several vocal duets by Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Bender, a cornet solo
by Noel Fischer, a vocal solo by Miss
Iola Jacobmeier and two readings
given by Mrs. J. H. Adee.
Mr. Roy Wade and Miss Ruth
Schomaker, both of Weeping Water
were married at Rock Port, Missouri
late last week. It came as a happy
surprise to many of the friends. They
will make their home near Weeping
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Martha Young, deceased
No. 3045:
Take notice that the Administrator
of said estate haa filed his final re
port and a petition for examination
and allowance of his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said. peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on October 4, 1935, at
10:00 o'clock a. m.
Dated September 9, 1935.
(Seal) s9-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Mary G. Whelan, deceased.
No. 3114:
Take notice that the Administrat
rices of said estate have filed their
final report and a petition for ex
amination and allowance of their ad
ministration accounts, determination
of heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for their discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on September
27, 1935, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated August 30, 1935.
(Seal) s2-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate
of Albert Tschirren, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Decem
ber 23, 1935; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on December 27, 1935,
at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated August 30, 1935.
(Seal) s2-3w County Judge.
of Application for Discharge and
Order to Show Cause.
In the District Court of the Unit
ed States for the District of Nebras
ka. Lincoln Division.
In the matter of Earle H. Smith,
Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy No. 2728.
To the creditors of the above named
Notice is hereby given that on the
22nd day of August, 1935, the above
named bankrupt filed a petition for
discharge in bankruptcy, and
It Is Ordered that the 17th day of
October, 1935, be and the same is
hereby fixed as the date on or before
which all creditors of said bankrupt
and all persons interested in said es
tate and in the matter of the dis
charge in bankruptcy of the said
bankrupt shall, if they desire to op
pose the same, file in my office in
Lincoln, Nebraska, in said District,
their appearance in writing in op
position to the granting of said dis
charge, and their specifications of
the grounds of said opposition.
Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this
9th day of September, 1935.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estates of
Martha A. Remick, Emma S. Remick
and Flora I. Remick, each deceased.
Estate No. 3150:
To all persons interested in said
estates, creditors and heirs take no
tice: That Roy Stewart has filed his pe
tition alleging mat Martha A. Rem
ick, a resident and inhabitant of Cass
county, Nebraska, died intestate on
or about the day of ,
18C2, seized in fee simple of the fol
lowing described real estate in the
County of Cass and State of Nebras
ka, to-wit:
Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Block
11, Thompson's Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
leaving as her sole and only heirs
at law, Emma S. Remick, an infant
daughter three years of age, and
Flora I. Remick, an infant daughter
eight years old.
Said petition also alleges that
Emma S. Remick. a resident and in
habitant of Cass county, Nebraska,
died intestate at the age of four
years, in the year 1863, seized in fee
of an undivided one-half interest in
and to the real estate above describ
ed, and leaving as her sole heir at
law, her father, David Remick.
Said petition also alleges that Flora
I. Remick, a resident and inhabitant
of Cass county, Nebraska, died intes
tate on or about the day of
, 1867, seized in fee
simple of an undivided one-half in
terest in and to the real estate above
described, and leaving as her sole
and only heir at law, her father.
David Remick.
Said petition further alleges that
the interest of the petitioner in the
above described land is that of a sub
sequent purchaser; and prays for a
determination of the time of the
death of the said Martha A. Remick,
Emma S. Remick and Flora I. Remick,
and of the heirs, the degree of kin
ship and the right of descent of the
real property belonging to each of
said deceased persons in the State of
It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 4th day of October,
1935, before the County Court of
Cass county, in the court , house at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebr., thi3
7th day of September, 1935.
(Seal) s9-3w County Judge, j
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
John Warga, deceased. No. 3138:
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims against said estate Is Decem
ber 16, 1935; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on December 20, 1935,
at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated August 23, 1935.
(Seal) a26-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Michael Whelan, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Administratrix
de bonis non of said estate has filed
her final report and a petition for ex
amination and allowance of her ad
ministration accounts, determination
of heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for her discharge; that
said petition and report will be heard
before said Court on September 27,
1935, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated August 30, 1935.
(Seal) s2-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale Is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 12th day of October
A. D. 1935, at ten o'clock a. m. of
said day at the South Front Door of
the Court House, in the City of
Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following described real
estate to-wit:
Lot 6, Block 1, South, Union,
Cass County, Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Millie E.
LaRue, et al Defendants to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
E. H. Luikart, Superintendent of
Banks, as Receiver and Liquidating
Agent of the Bank of Union, Union,
Nebraska, Plaintiff against said De
fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
5th, A. D. 1935.
Sheriff Cass County,
Dwyer & Dwyer, Deputy.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
SlatP nf Nebraska Cauntu nf CatiX0- the 15tn day of October,
btate of Nebraska, County of Cass, I or guch wm fcQ establsh.
By virtue of an Order of Sale Is-
anoH w c v. Tcr- av pi0ri.- nt iho
rVMirf within arA fnr faa
County. Nebraska, and to me direct-
ed. I w 11 on the 12th dav of October
A. D. 1935, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of
said dav at the South Front Door of
the Court House, Plattsmouth, in said
County, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the following
described real estate to-wit:
Lots 13 and 14 in Block 172
in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
ount.y. iurasKa;
The same- being levied upon and
County, Nebraska;
taken as the property of Grace O.
Saar widow, et al. Defendants to
Mtmj tt juugmuH "r"? VvT a
covered by Charles J. Anthes and
WUB lu,Ilu,e r"'u"
against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
""AT. A 1 l"l O
i)lU A. U. i.3 0 0.
Sheriff Cass County,
J. A. Capwell, Attor
ney for Plaintiffs.
A. L. Tidd, Attorney
for Cross Petitioner.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Estate of William 'uis, aeceasea.
Estate No. 3147.
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Mata
Lutz. et al have filed their petition
nllPE-ine- that William Puis died in-
testate in Cass county, on or about
October 4, 1928, being a resident and
inhabitant of Cass county, and died
seized of the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lots one (1), two (2), and
three (3), and the east 24 feet
of Lot four (4), all in Block
seventeen (17), in Latta's Sec
ond Addition to the Village of
Murray, Nebraska
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
Sophia Louisa Puis, widow,
and William H. Puis, Lena Hild,
Mata Lutz, Otto H. Puis, Louie
H. Puis, Anna Gansemer and
Laura Ringwood, children;
That the interest of the petitioners
in the above described real estate are
children of said deceased; and pray
in? for a determination of the time
of the death of said William Puis and
of his heirs, the degree of kinship
anrt thfi riffht d aeSCent OI tue real
property belonging to the said de-
ceased, in the State of Nebraska.
It is ordered mat me same suuu
for hearing on the 20th day of Sep-
timber 1935. before the County
Court of Cas3 county In the court
. . , . 1. M.kro.lrg at
?.ou " '
me nour ui iu "..,.
Dated at pjattsmoum, euiaa&a,
this aara aay 01 ausuoi, - i
A. H. UUJttsuKX.
rSpal a26-3W county juage.
T iL. 4.. ri x . t i I
tu fJhrnlrn
j TMVk 41 is.
i atvc iiuuuB iusi a ueiuiuii uusi
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
hearing before said Court on the
inw j - . . of
20th day of September, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated August 23, 1935.
(Seal) a26-3w County Judge
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Karolina Kanka, deceased
No. 310 7:
Take notice that the Executrix of
said estate has filed her final report
ana a petition for examination and
allowance of her administration ac-
counts, determination of heirship, as-
sienmpnt of rpnirtno nf nntri ostato find I
for her discharge, that said petition
and report will be heard before said
Court on SeDtember 27. 1935. at 10
o clock a. m.
Dated August 30, 1935.
(Seal) s2-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun-
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es-
tate of Anna Gertrude Staats, deceas-
ed. No. 3109:
Take notice that the Administratrix
of said estate has filed her final re-
port and a petition for examination
and allowance of her administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for her discharge; that said peti-
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on Setember 20, 1935, at
ten o'clock a. m.
Dated August 19, 1935.
(Seal) a2G-3w County Judge.
To Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioner appointed to lo-
cate a road commencing at the south-
west corner of the NW4 of NW4 of
Section 12, Township 11, North,
Range 13 East of the 6 th P. M.,
thence running east along the quar
ter quarter section line and termin
ating at or near the northwest corner
of Lot 7 which is located in the south-
east quarter of the northwest quarter
of said Section 12, also known as
Young's Cemetery, has reported In
favor of the establishment thereof;
and all objections thereto, or claims
for damages, must be filed in the
County Clerk's office on or before
ed without reference thereto.
I in witness wnereoi, i nave nere-
I UntO Set my nana ana , tne tseai OI
Cass county, XNenrasKa, mis na
day of August, 1935, at Plattsmouth,
I r i
(Seal) a26-4w Cass County Cleric
State of Nebraska, County of CassA
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
fc c E Ledgway, Clerk of the
L. ,r, ' rnllrf .nun anH mr raS9
District Court, within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me dlrect-
1 j m on the 14th day of Sept.
ember A. D. 1935. at 10 o'clock a. m.
lf gald day at the Door
of the Court House in said County,
gell at publIc auction to the highest
bldder for cash the following real
estate to-wit:
Northeast Quarter of Section
Thirty -one (31), Township
Twelve (12) North, Range
Twelve (12) East of the 6th
P. M.. Cass County, Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Charles F.
Winters, et al Defendants to satisfy
a Judgment of said Court recovered
by Metropolitan Life Insurance Com
pany, a Corporation Plaintiff against
said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Aug. 14th
A. D. 1935.
Sheriff Cass County,
Cranny & Moore.
Plaintiff's Attys.
Dwyer & Dwyer,
Defendants' Attys. al5-5w
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is-
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court, within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 14th day of Sept
ember A. D. 1935, at 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day at the South Front Door
of the Court House, in said County,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following prop
erty to-wit:
1 mower one year old Deer
ing; 2 wagons; 1 Twentieth
OentHrtf cultivator;' 1 culti
vator; 1 walking plow; 1 har
row; 1 sixteen year old disc; 1
eight year old Holstein cow,
weight 1300 lbs.; 175 bushels of
corn and 40 bushels oats;
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of A. J. Mays,
Defendant to satisfy a Judgment of
sum tuuu icv,ucicu ujr iun meuiaa-
ka State Department of Banking as
Receiver and Liquidating Agent of
me uiwunuuu ukio uoun. ui uiccu-
wood. Nebraska, insolvent. Plain-
tiff against said Defendant.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August
Ulh A T 1 ft 3 5 I
' ir syi.vrrt
c .
"-wnu va wuui,
- -"
n. v. joiana.
iriamimo iiituiuc;.
lire ine lOKiy iuurt vj iuo.
little Ji xjci iiai u j. jianuni utv--"v.v..
I it
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of said estate has filed her final re
port and a petition for examination
. ' , - ,,, ..,..
I assignment of residue of saia estate
and for her discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on September 27, 1935, at
10 o'clock a. m.
Dated August 27, 1935.
(Seal) s2-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Tn Re: Trusteeship of W
a. Robertson, Trustee un-
der the Last Will and Tes
tament of William H. New
ell Deceased
Now on this 3l8t ot August,
1935 this cause came on for hearing
"Pon ne reports or w. a. uoDerison.
Trustee under the last will and testa
ment of William IL Newell, deceased,
of date, respectively, October 10th,
1934 and August 31st, 1935, and
praying for orders directing the pay
ment of income, the approval of said
reports, for authority to accept deed
tendered by Herman L. Thomas and
wire to L.ots tnree 13) ana lour t4j
In Block thirteen (13), oung and
Hayes addition to the City of Platts-
I mouth, Nebraska, in satisfaction of
the note and mortgage of said gran-
tors held by said trust estate;
And, it appearing to the Court that
a time and place for hearing upon
said reports should be fixed and no-
tice thereof given;
It is therefore Ordered and Adjudg-
ed that hearing upon said reports bo
had on September 27th, 1935, at ten
a. m. in the County Court room in
the court house in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, and that notice
thereof be given to all persons inter
ested by publication of a copy of this
order in the semi-weekly edition of
the Plattsmouth Journal, commencing
with the issue of September 2nd, and
continuing to and including the issue
of September 19th, 1935, and that all
objections, if any, to said reports be
filed before said hour of hearing
By the Court.
(Seal) s2-3w
County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass coun-
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I
win on the 2Sth day of September.
A-"'. iy65'. V ten Z m' .
oaiu u' luc nuuL" '
mo vuui i. uvuae in mc wnj mtia
muu u m -.
auction to the highest bidder for cash
I t h a T r 1 1 r arin cr riAcrih cr1 mn I aq toln
the following described real estate.
The south half of Lots 2, 3, 4
and all of Lot 10 in the south
west quarter of the southeast
quarter of Section 20, Township
12, North, Range 9 East of the
6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska; Lot 4 in the Village of Green
wood, Cass county, Nebraska;
Lot 14 and the east half of Lot
15 in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska;
Lot 102 in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska; Lots 156, 157, 158, 159, 160,
161 and 162 in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska; Lots 342 and 343 in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska;
Lots 553 and 554 in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska;
Lot 557 In the Village of
Greenwood, . Cass county, Ne
braska; The west 194 feet of Lot 3 in
Jones Addition to the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska; Lots 32 and 33 in Jones Sec
ond Addition to the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska; Lots 179, 180, 181, 182, 183,
184 and 185 in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska; Lot 222 except the West 50
feet in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska;
Lots 318. 319, 320, 321, 322
and 323 all in the Village of
Greenwood, Cas3 county. Ne
Lot 354
in the Village of
Cass county, Ne-
Lots 173.
174. 175. 176. 177
and 178 in the Village of Green
wood, Cass county, Nebraska;
Lots 213 and 214 in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of E. M. Samp
son and each and every defendant
named in the caption of plaintiff s
petition, or otherwise named denitr.
uaieu or reierred to In said petition.
including the sennrnfo nri .i
lots and parcels of real estate de
scribed therein as defendants Defend
ants. lO Satisfy a liirlirmori rf
Court recovered by County ot Cass
a corporation. Plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska An-nat in
A. D. 1935. ' VUbU8t A''
jr cvt vvctpt?
. I.O i ilt.
sheriff Cass County.
. o. iMtuiv,
for plaintiff
laiu - dw