The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 26, 1935, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Plattsmouth's Leading
Cash Store
Cabbage, 10 lbs. for. . . 150
Strong Heart Dog Food, 4 for. ... .250
IG A Peaches,. No. 22 can. 3100
Hominy, No. 22 can, 3 for 250
Pineapple, No. 2l2 can, each 170
Broken Slices
Peas, finest Norfolk pack, 2 cans... .250
Spring Red Salmon, 1-lb. tin 190
Asparagus Tips, No. 2 can 150
Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 3 for 250
Jar Rubbers, 3 doz. for 100
Marshmallows, per lb., . 150
Crackers, Soda or Graham, 2 lbs. . . . 190
Casco Butter, Solids, lb 260
Sweet Pickles, large jar . . 230
Peaberry Coffee, Santos, lb 190
Salad Dressing, quart jar 290
Vanilla Extract, 8-oz. bottle. 120
Swift's White Soap, 10 bars 250
Ideal Malt, large can .490
eat Specials for Wednesday
H Swifts Premium Lamb Steaks, lb. . . 200 jj
pi Bacon Squares, mild cure, lb 2a0 f;
g MorrelPs Chicken Loaf, lb 320 kg
Summer Sausage, per lb 22s0
Swift's Essex Cervelot
Everywhere you turn you see ad
vertised articles which, because of
advertising, are high In quality, re
liable and desirable.
In the '"Old Times' column of the
Duenos Aires. Argentina. Daily
Standard, it is stated that seventy
years ago iu the month of May a ves
sel from Trleeste ha darrived with
out calling at any port after a voy
age of 220 days. Some long voyage!
If the observance of the constitu
tion were the first duty of all law
makers, we would have less mistakes
in lawmaking and more satisfied people.
Winners at Mui ksmen's Meet
3 3
urn vsmi
l to tl&ik
There are stlil a lot Or gullible
people in this world.
It is sound business deduction that
the great stumbling block to the de
velopment of some cities resolves it
self down to Just the lack of confi
dence between its citizens. Without
the understanding of their city, its
!eources. its ambitious and an un
derstanding of each other, how can
they build for the future?
In some countries dodging the tax
collector is not considered a crime by
those w ho iudulge in it. No chance to
dods taxes iu this country. Any way
you turn taxes stare yuu iu the face!
Tho biggest wen are the least
pompous men. Inflated self-esteem,
exaggerated ego and other human
fallacies do not enter their system.
Sort. 17 will be ooserved raore
universally this year all over the
United States than ever before, it
has been revealed by reports from
public school officials, patriotic and
civic organisations.
More than one thousand school
children froui the public and par
ochtal schools of Plattsmouth will be
told through pageantry, playletts and
speeches the story of the origin and
significance of the constitution.
ff . 1 S f 5 II
I V -. S.
jMrs. Lla HaU IJf 1 Walter Bavr$
Among the highlights of the 3Cth annual American trapshooting
.program at Vandalia, was the victory of Mrs. Lela Hall. 24,
JEast Lynne,' Mo in class B, and the new world's record made by
Walter JBearerjroii-ia. Fa-."who broke C35.coniecutive trstJ
xw "v v V :
Deadline Set
on Applications
for PWA Aid
J No Applications Hailed After Sept
ember 16th Will Be Consid
ered Says Washington.
From Thursilav'H Ijaily
John Latenser, Jr., acting state
director of the PWA for Nebraska,
announced today that on messages
from Washington that there would
be no Public Works applications con
sidered by the government after
September 16th.
Mr. Latenser in a message to the
press states that the communities
that are seeking or planning proj
ects with government grants of forty
five per cent outright of the total
cost, must rush these to the state
office if they are to receive consid
eration. Nebraska applications for PWA
projects, in which political subdivi
sions put up 55 per cent to match
the government's 45 per cent grant,
total S3, amounting to $6,329,071.
Yesterday were added two other ap
plications, one for a paving project
at Humphrey, amounting to $61,649
and the other waterworks project at
Ericson. amounting to $20,9S4.
New Applications.
Additional applications since July
29 follow: . .
Dawes county school district No.
19. repairs, 100 per cent grant of
Frontier county school district ro.
73 for school building at Stockville,
Neb., 100 per cent grant of $875.
Otoe county school district No. 44
for new school at Douglas, Neb.,
Sarpy county school district No.
37, at Gretna, Neb., for auditorium
and gymnasium; loan, $6,904.24;
grant, $5,648.92.
Village of Loomis, Neb., water
works, loan, 10 thousand dollars;
grant, $9,650.20.
! Cass county school district No. 22,
'for new school building at Weeping
Water. Neb., total cost, $107,720.02.
Cedar Bluffs, Neb., auditorium,
costine $25,415.
j Lancaster county school district
jNo. 14. new school building and
equipment at Lincoln, Neb., cost $4,
j 100.
Nuckolls county school district No.
!l, for new school building at Oak,
Neb., costing $19,121.
' Saunders county school district
iNo. 50, for new school building at
jlthaca. Neb., costing $30,200.
I Lewiston. Neb., school building
I improvement, costing $5,140.25.
Metropolitan Utilities district of
.Omaha, for wash house and air con-
Lincoln. Neb., for paving, cost 160
thousand dollars.
Thurston county school district
(No. 6, for addition to school at
iThurston, Neb., loan. $9,900; grant,
Scotts Bluff county school district
No. 1 for lighting and leveling foot
ball Geld, cost $S79.
(Marks. Neb., for water works 1m-
v- i nomas tv&iucj ,uziy&uj
? Abstract! of Title
4- Phone S24
- Plattsmouth
. T . ,,..r---A. 9 ,T,.T..T..T?T. A
rtf in ?
4- WI-M"H-H-H-'I"I"H-I"
provement, loan, $3,921.09; grant.
$3, 408. 10.
Nebraska City, Neb., swimming
pool and purification plant; loan.
$18,975; grant, $15,525.
i Board of education of Scottsbluff,
Neb., auditorium, cost, $71,574.
I wheeler county beard of regents
for county high school; cost $41,800.
j Hebron, Neb., street improve
ments; cost, $76,750.
' Albion. Neb., water works Improve
ments; cost, $17,875.
! Arcadia, Neb., water works Im
provements; cost, $15,100.
Alliance, Neb., city hall and audi
torium; cost, 175 thousand dollars.
School district No. 36 of Green
wood, Neb., addition to school build
ing; cost, $12,66S.66.
Otoe county, remodeling- court
house at Nebraska City, Neb.; cost.
The Cloldt Service station at Third
land Main streets has just opened the
'agency for the Hupmobile auto which
jthey now have on display at the sta
ition. Thi3 is one of the well known
I makes of cars in the country and the
local agency expect to take an active
.part in the campaign in the next few
' weeks.
Oscar Linvllle of Omaha spent
Sunday with his sister. Mrs. Greeley
Bell and family.
Earl Wolf and family Just return
ed from an auto trip to Colorado and
Wyoming, where they were visiting
Come to Lewiston Aug. 30 where a
program has beeu prepared.
Alice Mae, Campbell spent a few-
days with Josephine Campbell, be
fore her school work begin.
Mrs. Hansina Hansen and grand
daughter. Gwendolyn Hansen depart
ed Monday evening via bus to Fort
Collins, visiting with relatives and
Don't forget Aug. 30 will be a
playlet "My Wife's Husband."
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Klimm were
shopping in Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hobscheidt and
family visited at the home of her
brother. Frank Sherwood, and while
there they took in the Indian Pow
Wow at Macey.
Forrest Shrader. who has been at
tending summer school at Greeley.
is visiting his parents. Homer Shrader
and family, before taking up his
school work at Herman .
Frank Martis and Eniil Hobscheidt
departed a few weeks ago for North
Dakota. They write home they are
enjoying the cool weather while
working in the harvest fields.
Come see Martha, the maid played
by Edith Wolf, make plans for "My
Wife's Husband" at Lewiston Com
munity Center. Aug. 30.
Shrader Gerlock is spending part
of his vacation with his aunt. Mrs.
Georgia Creamer.
Jimmie Hessenfiow of Council
Bluffs was visiting with his grand
mother. Mrs. Etta Moore and family
the past week.
Scottsbluff, Neb. Word was re
ceived Wednesdays by western Ne
brsaka friends of he death of Wil
liam D. Watkins. pioneer cattle baron
of western Nebraska, at his present
home at Long Beach. Calif.
Watkins once owned the 7U ranch
south of Bayard, and also a ranch
which covered the present site of the
town of Angora, in the sandhills re
gion northeast of Bayard. He died
Aug. 14.
He came to the Estes park region
in Colorado when a youth, from his
home In Ohio, to rrospct for gold.
When that proved a profitless ven
ture, he moved to' Sidney. Neb., w here
he was a stage coach driver and
freighter in the Black Hills region of
South Dakota. Watkins left Alliance
iu 1900 for Long Beach. His widow,
three daughters and a son. all liv
ing in California, survive.
CD A TH) pa A
Big Reorganflzatioini Sale
iI.IlWL It if Lit Mid
Every Day This Week - - Get Your Share
Sale Closes Saturday
Lace, String and
n .88
mmm n
Values to $1.95
" u . ... i
Values to $5.95
C- i i ipilumh ii ,umin.m fiin im mwimn n '! ,?"''7'" mmm i ill
- -- - - - -' - ' ' --- .n.1.. ... . I III 111 nt
ii w ii f : x
v7 y rr r
m - i k - km hi.
i no
Big Smith
, For Boys
Made just like
1 to 7
8 to 11
12 to 16
Others at
Ages - 6 to 16
Brand """" "
Childrens Oxfords
Grain lealher Uppers, non
mark Cornpo SoJcs. Sizes
52 to 2.
Boys' Dress Shii'ts
f.'ew Fail Patterns
Vat Dyed, Fast Color Sires
frcm G to 14! Only
Boys' VorZs Shirts
BIus and Gray ChamSray All
Full Cut, Sizes 4 to 14
Young Man's
Wing Tips and
Moccasin Styles
Leather and Rubier
He!s Per Pair
School Osords
Black and Brown
'Alt Leather
Slaclis and Icnglss
Wcol Cuitirs, Tweeds
98c to $2.98
Boys' Dress Caps
New FaF! ?i:l??fls
23c and 59c
School StocMngs
fcr Eoys ari Girls
Cccd and Sturdy Hard Wsar
Special Frice, per Fa:r
Sport Cncrds
A Virtety of Stjles In Two-Ten e
Effects Priced ct
$1.98 and S2.4S
Rayon Bloomers
Sizes from 4 to 12. at
School Dresses
Sizes to 14, Special
School Hsatlvt ear
Eercts and Softies
22c to 53c
The Largest Store in Cass County, Plattsmcmh, Ilalrr
1 r