f PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1935. ! the PSattsmeuth Joisrna PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond 600 miles, $3.00 per year. Hate to Canada and foreign countries, $3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable Btrictly in advance. HERE FROM CALIFORNIA W. II. Barker and daughter. Pearl of Long Beach, Calif., and two sons, Wesley Barker and daughter and Hoyd Barker and wife of New Ray nier, Colorado, arrived in this city Monday evening at the home of his eister, Mrs. Martha Wetenkamp, where they will spend a few days, besides they will visit friends at Te- kamah, Nebr. Also they expect to visit the family of his daughter, Mrs. C. B. Dannatt of Winterset, Iowa. After spending their vacation Mr. Darker and daughter will return to California where Miss Barker is en gaged as teacher in the public schools of Long Beach. CARD OF THANKS We desire to take this means of thanking all of our kind friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and the words of sympathy in our recent bereavement in the death of our beloved husband and father. We wish to thank all those who assisted in funeral service and for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Albert Tschirren, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tschirren, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tschirren and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Step pat and Family. Phone the news to No. Z. Bible School Sunday, August 4th . Josiah (A Religious Reformer) 2 Kings 23: 1-5; 21-23 -1 The story of Josiah is ample proof, that children even of wicked parents, may not follow the bad example set by them, but go in the ways that please God. The grandfather oli Josiah, Manasseh, was the wickedest j of all the Kings of Juda. So was Amon, the father of Josiah. We naturally ask the question matter; they 'jo to the prophetess "What cause can be assigned forjiiuldah, who lived in Jerusalem. Jere Josiah's righteous life, even at the(rniah and Zephanich, contemporaries age of eight years?" The answer is. wis Josiah, were not at Jerusalem. "the mother." We remind here the student of Jochebed, the mother of Moses, and Hannah, the mother of! Samuel. This is a strong argument againstj these who do not believe in children conversion. Young Timothy, ot whom Paul writes: "From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures," taught by a godly mother and grandmother. This child-king, only eight years old, "did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the way of David his father ( or an cestor), and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left." If this child could serve God, in those bad environments, how much easier it should to to live a Christian life to day. Things moved along for sometime, then at the age of twelve years Jo- siah became acting king, and started his reform, first of all by repairing the temple, which had been neglect-' cJ. These repairs had gone on for some time, when the king ordered the workers to be paid, and as Shaphau1 delivered tho nrripr tn the -nriest Hll.' r wuiiuucu uui.uo me leigji oi ooio- kiah. Shanhau was informpd of theV, to O.io.j .x.J finding of the temple copy of the' to,,, r u r....u -rv... . . u u an epoch making moment in the life of the king and his people. (under Ezra (Ezra 6:10). Alfred Ed- Many vexatious questions may be eroheim. asked about this book. How could! Not only did Josiah restore Je such a book get lost? How could gov- hovah worship, but he put away the ernment be carried on without it? people that had led the people Into How could the. priests function with-j idol worship like Elijah did with out it? The book was probably hid- the priests of Baal. That completed den by some temple attendant, when, the reform. Josiah was the last that building was turned over to idol king of Judah. For a short time he worship, by Manasseh, and contin-; held up th3 cataclysm. Thirteen ued by Amon. Are there not many homes without the Bible in our day? Is the Bible used as it should be in every Christian home? Do all Chris-j tians say with the Pslamist, "O how: love I thy law! it is my meditation' all the day?" On many a pulpit rests ( a Bible, but is not used it might' as well be lost. K. C. W. F. Bahr thinks the book of the Law was hidden or, concealed about sixty to seventy years; that is a long time to live without spiritual good. As the book ( Is brought to the king and portions - of the book had been read to him.J PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Neb., as second-class mail matter PROWLERS REPORTED Residents of the northeast sec tion of the first ward are reporting prowlers In that vicinity in the last few nights. Three homes have re ceived visits from this nightime visi tor altho fortunately he has been un able to gain entrance to the houses. The man has been heard in several cases in trying screen doors and in one case made his escape just in time to avoid a shower of bullets as he had aroused one of the members of the household and who had gone into action at once. The prowler so far has been work ing in an area of some two blocks and the residents of that part of the city are preparing to receive him with a real hot welcome of lead. ROCK BLUFFS HOMECOMING The officers of the Rock Bluffs As sociation have fixed the date of the annual reunion, which will be held on Sunday, August 25, in the Hutch ison park near ancient town. It will be an all-day meeting, and all for mer residents, their descendants and their friends, are cordially invited to attend and participate in the exer cises and enjoy the meeting of old time residents and friends. CHAS. L. GRAVES, Pres. J. L. STAMP, Secretary. Lesson Study! By L. Neitzel, Murdock. Neb. Possibly Deut 4:1-40; 5:0. 28, 29); .j he rent his clothes, as a sign of mourning that the covenant between the people and God had been broken. Thus is the word of God a powerful and two-edged sword (Hebr. 4:12) able to convict the human heart (2 Tim. 3:16). "By the law of the knowledge of sin" (Rom. 3:20). A delegation of five men is ordered by the king, to inquire about this Jeremiah lived at Aanathoth, and Zephaniah of the tribe of Simon still farther away. The report is that the doom of Judah cannot be revoked. but will be stayed until Josiah Is gone to his long rest. Now the re form plans are executed. First all that would, came to Jerusalem. Then the king renewed his covenant with Jehovah, then the people also conse crated themselves to the service of God. (This is exactly what our pres ident and all the people should do, in order to fight the depression, and get right with God, that the Lord might once more smile upon this nation). A regular housecleaning follows such as never had been attempted be- fore. A restoration of Jehovah wor ship was brought about. To crown the whole reformation it was con cluded with the celebration of the passover. It seems that the passover was kept the second year after the! Exodus (Num. 9:1-5), and then notl again until Israel had entered the promised land, (Jos. 5:10). After that special celebrations are only mrnii . v. , . 07e . ...... . . . . 8'' I me ume oi josian here, and once; more after the return from Babylon' years later he came to an untimely end only thirty-nine years old. Did he make a mistake in trying to stem the tide of Paraoh-Necho, of Egypt Who came up against the king of Assyria? Was it God's will? The record does not say. When the two armies met, then Josiah was mortally wounded, and died. "With his death, the history oI.N,bra k t Mr W K f the Jews might end, were it not for,niont The marriage lines were read one great event and one great per-;by Ju(ige A H Duxbury in hIs usual ton that still remain the fall or impressive manner. Jerusalem, and the prophet Jere- miah." A. P. Stanley. ..5ee ,t bsrore you buy t FLOOD WORK PROGRESSES Washington. Lawrence West brook, assistant works progress ad ministrator, expressed confidence to Senator Norris that rehabilitation work in the flood ridden Republican river valley of Nebraska can be car ried out readily. "Our preliminary survey of the situation in the Republican river flood area," Westbroolc . wrote Nor ris. "indicated that we will be able to carry out this work without a great deal of difficulty. "The crew that we have operat ing now has been able to complete most of the emergency work, and ar rangements have already been made for the early completion of the re mainder of that which is most need ed. It is planned to continue such work as may be found advisable after the preliminary work is completed, under the general rule and regula tions of the works progres admin istration." BYRD LEADS 'NORMAL LIFE' Boston. Rear Admiral Eyrd, the only man ever to fly over the north and south poles, want to lead the normal life of an average American awhile. Dr. B. Harrison Ragle, who ordered the explorer to take a com plete rest, said. Dr. Ragle said Admiral Byrd was responding well. "He was cheerful when I last saw him and was per fectly aware the rest was needed," the doctor said. Admiral Byrd has been in seclusion at his summer home in Bar Harbor, Me., for nearly a month. His physician said he prob ably would be there for about three or four months more. "After that he will be perfectly well and able to do his Job as he sees it," the doctor said. ."Right now, he wants to lead a normal life such as is due every American." LOCUSTS MARKED WITH "W" Bristow, Okl. Natural markings of the letter W on the backs of lo custs found hereabout recently are omens of war to Edward F. Morris, a veteran of the Spanish-American war Morris said he found the same marking on locusts' backs just before the Spanish-American war and be fore the World war. The W, he said, is missing except just before a , con flict. ' A "circle under the W in'di cated to Morris the war would be world wide. BABY DROWNS IN TANK Glenvil, Neb. Funeral services were held here for Norris Lee Frey, 19-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Frey, who drowned Sunday in a water tank on the Norris farm near Spring ranch. The baby, an only child, wandered away from the house while his parents entertained guests and in some manner climbed into a stock tank. POST AND ROGERS LAND Los Angeles. Wiley Tost, accom panied by hi3 wife and the actor humorist, Will Rogers, landed at Union air terminal - after a flight from Durango, Colo., where they end ed a New Mexico-Colorado outing. Post said his plans for a projected flight to Moscow were still uncer tain. VISIT IN 0ZARKS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Henley of Bellevue, have just returned home from a ten day vacation trip to the Ozarks visiting friends and relatives of Mr. Henley in that country. They had a very fine trip. Mrs. Henley was thi3 formerly Virginia Galloway or city. PLAN ROOSEVELT TALK Milwaukpp rrmvonHnn "wauicee. convention head- Z T T TT clubs of America announced Presi- dent Roosevelt wil ls k ,n th e M .i? . .... waukee auditorium the night of Aug 23. The president will speak during the young democrats' national con vention to be held here Aug. 23-24. AP.MY 3ARS JEWS Berlin. A decree excluding non- Aryans with two parents or three grandparents of Jewish origin from military service was issued jointly by Wilhelm Frick, minister of the interior, and General Werner von Blomberg, minister1 of defense. MARRIED AT COURT HOUSE Monday afternoon at the county court occurred the marriage of Miss Mildred Louise Welsh of Fontenelle, LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS FOR SALE Grimm Alfalfa seed at $10.00 per bu. H. E. WARDEN. Jy25-3tw Union, Nebr. FOR RENT 160 acre farm, well located, 145 acres in cultivation, rest pasture. Call phone 347. ltw-ltd DEAD ANIMALS Dead animals removed free ot charge, Telephone South Omaha Ren dering Works, Market 4626. Reverse charges. n5-tfw LEGION TO ELECT DELE GATES TO STATE MEETING At the monthly meeting or Hugh J. Kearns post, American Legion, to be held Thursday evening, August 1, the principal matter of business will be the election of delegates to the state convention to be held at Beatrice, August 25 to 28. The post is entitled to two dele gates and two alternates. In addition to these, a large number of the mem bers will probably attend at least one day, Tuesday, August 27, that be ing the date of the parade. R. Foster Patterson, former prin cipal of Plattsmouth High school and now associate History instructor in Tarkio college, is to be one of the guest speakers before the convention. National Commander Belgrano of the Legion and other prominent Legion naires from out of the state will also be present. "v The city of Beatrice, entertaining its first Legion , convention, is mak ing great preparations for the event, and promises the visiting delegations a greater array of entertainment fea tures than has ever been arranged before at a state convention. The Plattsmouth Legion Auxiliary has already selected its official dele gates to the convention of that orga nization held each year at the same time and place as the Legion con vention. PLAYS AT FREMONT E-. "P- Steward-one -of the. well known band men of the eastern por tion of the state, was at Fremont Sunday to play with the Tangier temple shrine band of Omaha. The band was heard in concert at the Eastern Star Children's home in a fine program of standard and popular numbers. FIRE DESTROYS TRUCK The state fire marshal's office was informed a truck load of furniture was destroyed by fire on the highway near Tekamah Monday, resulting in a loss of about.$l,S50. The truck, be longing to George Mondorf of Blair, was moving the household effects of Elmer Hunt, Blair telephone man, to Walthill. VISITING AT OMAHA Miss Mary Anne F.osencrans is at Omaha this week as the house guest of Miss Jane Whittaker, a sorority sister of Miss Rosencrans in the Pi Beta Phi at the University of Nebras ka. The two young ladies will also attend a house party at Lincoln, given by a number of their sorority members. All kinds of commercial print ing done promptly at tne Journal office. TZ TBEfiTDE Plattsmouth, Nebr. FRIDAY - SATURDAY AnasT a-a Buck Jones, Ace of Western Stars, in Stone or Silver Creek Adults 25 Children-1O0 THIlIii; SHOWS SATt'UDAY XITE SUNDAY ONE DAY ONLY Atf-fll'ST 4 Janet Gaynor and Warner Baxter in 'One More Spring' Don't Miss This! Here 1 Day Only Sunday Matinee at 2:30 Matinee Prices Evening Prices 10-250 ; 10-30 MONDAY - TUESDAY A l GIST 3-0 A Big Special Road Show Attraction 'NARCOTIC Coming here by special arrangement direct from Omaha run. See a real "Hop Party" behind closed doors, expose or the dope racket that grips America: FOR 'ADULTS ONLY A Picture You Should All See Admission, 25 HAVE DELIGHTFUL TIME Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Walling returned Sunday from a visit to the west coast that has proven a most pleasant outing in every way. Mrs. Walling drove 1 to California several weeks ago and has been enjoying visits with the relatives and old friends in that section. She was the guest at Long Beach of Mrs. Lyman Laisy, where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams of Sheridan, Wyoming, Mr. Adams being the fath er of Mrs. Laisy and Mrs. Adams mother of Mrs. Walling. She also spent some time with Mrs. Thomas Walling, Sr., and family at Los An geles and at San Francisco with friends. Mr. Walling left here a week ago Sunday by plane and had a wonder ful experience in leaving Omaha in the morning and arriving in Los An geles in time for the afternoon luncheon. The plane made a nine hour trip with three stops, Cheyenne, Salt Lake City and Les Vegas, at the latter place the air line company hav ing the plane taken over the great Boulder dam so that a fine view might be had of the work that is nearing completion. The return trip was made by car with visits at the popular summer re sorts in the mountains, including Rock Mountain national park and Estes park. Mr. Walling also found time to indulge in a little trout fish ing In the mountain streams. HAZEL McOWEN PLAYERS COMING TO PLATTSMOUTH Hazel and her gang, the McOwen Players will play in Plattsmouth four nights starting next Monday night. This will be the first time they have played here for many years, so Mr. Mody is bringing you what he con siders the best show he has ever had and the very latest of good clean com edy and drama wit high class right up to now vod-vil. This year the Hazel McOwen Play ers have spared no expense to bring you their best talent money can buy. Yes, that funny couple, Ruth and Cecil, as well a3 Max Johnson, the boy with educated feet, are with the show. New faces are Miss Lillian Joley, the girl with the never wear off smile, you've seen her in pictures, little Hiss Ruth Hiet, the singing and dancing comedian and many others including the ever popular Ralph and Hazel. The big tent will be located on Highway 75, corner of Chicago avenue and Marble street. The open ing play, "When Strangers Meet," a three act comedy, with five big vod vil specialties between the acts, and the prices are only 10c for kiddies and 25c for adults. One lady admit ted free on Monday night with one paid adult ticket. Doors open 7:45. Orchestra 8:15 Curtain 8:30. SOCIAL CIRCLE CLUB The Lewiston Social Circle Club held their July meeting at the pleas ant home of Mrs. Lee Faris, Mrs Faris, Mrs. Vance Harris and Mrs Howard Snoclgrass being the host esses of the occasion. The ladies enjoyed a social after noon with a short and much appre ciated program being offered. During the business meeting plans were made for the annual picnic on August 25th and which is being look ed forward to with the greatest of pleasure. Several guests were present to take part In the meeting which was closed by the serving of refresh ments by the hostesses. The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Martin Sporer. "Doctor? Sentenced Peter Nelleten Peter Nellesen, 64, a laborer and ."doctor", arrested by St. Paul, Minn., police following a raid on a . "baby farm", has been sen tenced to four years in prison. Police cay Nellesen, an avowed bootlegger, admitted 1,000 illegal operationaLJlat49lJKearl - if - ' & -- 1 Y T" , - si . "" , w . ; - -r if V , ' ' 'Wl Up - -) Weeping Water Mayme Hlllman was called to Lin coln last Tuesday where she was looking after the purchase of sup plies for the cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shields were! visiting for the day last Sunday in Omaha, guests for the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reese. E. A. Oldham and wife were in Plattsmouth last Sunday afternoon visiting friends for the day and re turned home during the early even ing. Messrs. Edward Bobbitt and Ed ward Henegar have been doing some painting at the Markland Dairy and putting the place in excellent condi tion. Walter Rasmussen who has been with the home hunters, the company digging for the ruins of cities and homes which has been covered for many years. John L. Stamp of Plattsmouth and C. D. Fulmer of Greenwood are work ing this week at the office of the farm bureau as the work is very heavy at this time. The Cole Motor company through the owner, John Cole, disposed of one of the very fine V-8's to Mr. Wm. Core of Louisville, the delivery being made Monday of this week. Ray Lillie of Elah, Nevada and his friend. Bayard Nevans of the same place were visiting in Weeping Wa ter with Thomas Chraitain and later went to Lincoln to visit the parent of Mr. Lillie, Albert Lillie and family. Homer Abrahams who is employed with the Chevrolet Auto company of Central City, writes he is liking the employment very well and that he is getting acquainted with his line and liking the business better as he gets more acustomed to the cars. Joseph A Dietl who is farming east of Weeping Water estimated what amount of land it would re quire to cut out to satisfy the corn reduction plan, but after the land measurers had measured and figured the amount it was found that he had eleven acres too much corn so he had to take the mower and cut the eleven acres. Miss Agnes Rough, was in Ne- hawka last Sunday visiting at the home of her brother, Stuart Rough who was having a number of rela tives at the home for the day and dinner. .Among those present were Martin Ross and family, Mrs. Harold J. Dane of Iowa City, Mrs. Wilson and children of Alton, Illinois, Mrs. Ben Benson and the children and Mrs Rough, a brother of Stuart of Lin coln. A very fine time was had and all enjoyed the gathering very much Building New Home. John Cole of the Cole Motor com pany and who has been working very hard and steady selling cars, has con cluded it would be better that he made a new residence and and there was plenty of room at the place which he had formerly purchased, the old S. J. Ambler homestead, he is now having constructed a home there and is doing as much on the house as he can. He has however Sam Baker, one of the very best of contracters and carpenters at work on the building G. L. Brinton of Elmwood, however is doing some work. The work is be ing rushed along as .rapidly as pos sible as he desires to reside in the new one and rent the one which he is now living In. Corn Checks Keady Now. The office of the farm bureau has received checks to the amount of $101,000. Those who desire can come to the office in Weeping Water at any time this week and get their check's and what have not been called for will be sent out the coming week as per the proceedure heretofore. If you are In a hurry, better come and get j'our check. This Is the first payment of the corn reduction pro gram. Married at Glenwood, Iowa. On last Tuesday, July 23rd, War ren Doty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doty and Miss Wllma Sloan of west of Weeping Water quietly drove over to Glenwood, Iowa, where they were united in marriage and returned to Weeping Water to surprise their friends and receive the blessing of their parents. They will for the pres ent make their home on the farm cast of town where Warren will work on the farm. The Journal Joins with tneir many friends in extending well wishes and congratulations. Visited in Omaha. Elmer Michelsen and family were visiting for the day last Sunday at' the home of relatives in Omaha where ihey enjoyed a fine time, and as theyj were leaving the bridge at the Platte, river there being some five other! cars ahead of him and In a string all moving at a good rate of speed, when a car came up behind and en deavored to go around the Michelsen car when a car came from the other HIrTBeiuJr Clearwater Bathing Beach Popular Picnic Playgrounds BEAUTIFUL Piamore Park Ilrt AC'ltfCS AT I'l.ATTH nivr.it Thrrp Mile South of Fort C rook Dancing Bathing Beer and Sandwiches "Plan Ycmr Picnic at Piamore" Summer (olln;c Site for I. !! New Low Admission Policy ncsu: ioa iivmiinu (iitor.Mis AVy in: n direction and when they were about to meet the car attempting to go around made a dive for the little space ahead of the Michelsen car and there was not sufficient space to avoid a wreck, so Mr. Michelsen dodged over the shoulder of the pav ing, thus preventing a wreck. Home From the East. Mrs. Lester Shrader w;m was call ed to Davenport, Iowa, where a daughter, Mrs. F. K. Moore had bo come the proud mother of a very line son and which Mrs. Shrader was there to see and nurse during t lie first two weeks. All are getting along nicely and Grandmother Shrader was rather loath to come away and leave the little man. Mr. Lester Shrader and son, Lester and Miss Dorothy were in Omaha to meet Mrs. Shrader on her return last Sunday night. Frank Nelson who has been visit ing for the past ten days with his sister, Mrs. Cecil Davi3, returned to njS nome in Plattsmouth on last Tues- day evening where he is to work in the Norfolk Packing company. Dclbert Swennecher and Junior Sell, both of Plattsmouth, v ere in Weeping Water attending the re vival meeting which is hclnz con ducted by the Rev. Carl Dooley in the big tent at the Weeping Water park. Conducting Eevival Kcetings. Rev. Carl Dcoley of Plattsmouth has been In Weeping Water with his evangelistic tent and has been con ducting services each evening, and has been assisted by Harold Baker who is also a revivalist. MAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY to take care of business of eld, established Tnanufac turer in this and adjoining counties. Position permanent. Substantial cash earnings paid weekly. No invest ment. Must have car and farm ex perience. Write giving age and ex perience. Box 1G4.I Dept. 2646, Quincy, 111. ltw . NOTICE TO PUBLIC The dental offices ot Dr. P. T. Heineman will be open each Satur day evening from this date until September 1, 1935. aG-tfw VISITS FRIENDS HERE Miss Catherine Flynn of Omaha, has been a house guest at the Henry Hild home west of Plattsmouth. We have a special rate for Automobile Insurance on Farm Cars and Trucks! Dependable Stock Companies We Write Hail Insurance on Corn INSURANCE- AND BONDS Phone- 16 Plattsmouth otic