jousirii PIATTSIiOTTTS SEiH- WTT.TTIY THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935. PAGE SIS I I illll Ml it- w 3& istnil Lowest Prices on Quality Meats NOTE Thesa are in addition to the Low Sweepstakes Prices on GROCERIES quoted in our Monday ad, and are good up to and including SATURDAY NIGHT! Bes2 Roast, lb 17c Sirloin Stesft, per lb 25c Koand Steals, per lb 25c Plate BoaS, per lb 10c Fresh cot Hamburger, 2 lbs. . . . 25c 5-lb. box Sliced Bacon 99c Bacon Squares, lb 24c No. 2 can Peas No. 2.V2 can Pork and. Beans. . . No. 2'2 can Beets 8-cz. bottle Catsup 12-oz. Apple Butter No. 2 can Green or Wax Beans. YOUR CHOICE 10c E . Miftti'll OLD TEdEE HERE HAS SINUS TROUBLE HERE FROM NEW YORK Mis3 Nellie Gorder of this city, v.-as operated on Tuesday at the Clarkson hospital at Omaha for a sinus affection from which she has leen suffering for some time. The patient came through the ordeal nicely and is doing just as well as possible. 1 J Thomas Walling Company "f Abstracts cf Title J. Phone 324 - Plattsmouth .J. 4. . . 1 i i i A i i . A 1 JT Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spate and two daughters of New Rochelle, New York, are here to spend a part of their vacation at the home of George A. Kaffenberger, father of Mrs. Spate. They motored to the west and enjoy ed a very pleasant Journey through the south en route to this city. VISITING IN THE CITY Mrs. Ella Troop and daughter, Lavina, of west of Mynard, are in the city to enjoy a short vacation at the home of Mrs. Louise Bauer und family. Sunday Roy Miles, now of San Jose, California, was in the city for a few hours to visit with old friend3 and his footsteps took him to the Burlingtcn station, where as a boy back in the early dawn of the cen tury he had been employed. The sta tion has long since been remodeled and the only familiar object to be found was that of It. W. Clement, local agent, who is still the efficient and genial representative of the rail road here. All others who were at the station in the days that "Pully" was a messenger boy and operator have long since vanished. Mr. Miles with his wife and two children are returning to the west from Flint, Michigan, where they have secured a new car and are re turing with it to the coast. SHRINE BAND COHTNG KITCHEN KLATTERS KLUB On July 9. we met at the home of our vice president, Ruth Bailey. Our next meeting will be held at the heme of Wilma Swatek. We had a demonstration on bread by Ruth Bailey. Eleanor Giles and Wilma Swatek brought bread to be Judged. At the close of the meeting we played games, sang songs, had a pro gram and gave yells. Dainty refresh ments were served by Charlotte Pal mer. OPAL BYERS, News Reporter. CARD OF THANKS To the many friends and neigh bors who by their floral offerings, kind words and deeds helped us dur ing the illness and death of our dear mother, we wish to extend our sin core thanks and appreciation. We especially wish to thank the Masonic Ledge, Masonic Quarteette and the Officers and members of the Eastern Star. The Peetersen Family. The band of Tangier temple, Shriners, of Omaha, will be visitors in the city on next Sunday, adTices received by W. F. Evers, superin tendent of. the Nebraska Masonic Home states. This band was heard here two years ago and is now reor ganized and trained Into one of the best musical organizations in the west. The band members and their fam ilies will be here for a picnic dinner and will then give their concert on the lawn of the Home at 2:30 on Sunday, July 14th. The band and the Masonic Home management extends a very cordial invitation to the, music lovers of the city to be in attendance and enjoy the program and which will be pub lished later. ACT ON APPLICATIONS The board of county, commission ers at their July meeting had a num ber of applications for beer licenses to come before them and on which they were asked to approve or dis approve to the state liquor commis sion at Lincoln for the licenses. The board made recommendations of ap proval of the applications of O. E. McDonald for an "On and Off Sale" license at Manley, also Louis Bech ler at Cedar Creek for an "On Sale" license. The board disapproved the appli cations of Mrs. J. H. Fidler, South Bend; Lloyd Holman, Plattsmouth and C. V. Barrows. Mynard, for the beer licenses. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL William DeWolf, or Nebraska City, who was operated 'on a few days ago at Omaha, has so; far recovered that he was able to be taken home Sun day. He remained here for a short time at the Brittaln home and then continued on to his own home. 1 I 1 PRINTS N 1 Fast Color 3 yards for. 39c! Wash Shorts for Boys, coin- plete with belt mOC I Work Shirts Blue and Grey QQ Chanibray, full cut 0C Fee THE HOME 98c 39c 23c 69c CLOTHES HAMPERS Extra special ESAPEHIES, "Home Spun." Yard CIL CLOTH New patterns, yard TOWELINGS, 16 in. 5 yards for PEQUOT SHEETS f 1Q 81x99 inches, each- V 1 1 DRUID SHEETS AO Size 81x39 inches 7CC PEGUCT SHEETING 81 inches ".vide. Yard riLLOW TUBING Good grade, 42-inch Eleached cr Unbleached HALF LINEN CRASH S yards fcr . SILKS, CREPE Plain Qr or Printed, yard UC -77APfC I SUMMER. &V for mim COTTON FROCKS Pretty patterns, only FOR TE3E VOUHSTERS FOR THE r.lEH WORK SOX Plain A colors and random mix $1.25 19c SEERSUCKER Trousers, pre-shrnnk 89c Crepe and Seersucker FROCKS Former $2.95 values, at $1.95 PLAY SUITS Sizes 1 to 8, each PLAY ALLS Extra Special Eatiste, Crepe and d1 Print FROCKS, each tPl JACKIE JUMPERS Sizes 2 to 10 41c 19c 47c FAERIC GLOVES. White and Ivory, pair. PURE SILK HOSE Knee length, pair. 35c ..25c Tan Elk Leather SANDALS, Compo soles. WHITE OXFORDS and Strap Slippers " 69c 45c 59c 89c $1.39 WORK GLOVES Gauntlet style, pair WORK SHOES A( Scout style, pair V J WORK CAPS Washable, each SHIRTS - SHORTS Good quality, each - 19c 25c FINE RAYON LINGERIE Gowns, Slips, Chemise, Pajamas, etc., Choice v X DRESSES, Fast Color ACn Prints, Voiles, Batiste. xOC STRAW HATS in Colors. Special price 50c SPORT TOGS for Ten nis, Cycling, Hiking ANKLETS for Child ren and Misses, pair 89c 10c POLO SPORT SHIRTS j Cool and comfortable V STRAW HATS Wide rim, Adj. band 0 DRESS STRAW HATS Values to $2.45, at V ATHLETIC UNIONS CQr High quality, special OENNICHSEWS The Largest Store In Cass County, Plattsmouth, Ilcbr. Heated Weather Draws Hundreds to the Beaches Sand Pits Prove Most Popular Spot as Sun Rays Cause Suffering Public to Seek Relief. The sand pit lakes north of this city was one of the most attractive spots in this section Sunday as there were several hundred there for the afternoon and evening to enjoy the pleasures of swimming In the cool ing waters of the lakes. While the sandpit lakes were draw ing the larger part of the crowd there were many from this section to visit at Plamore park on the Sarpy side of the Platte where they enjoyed the bathing as well as the accommoda tions of the park and here many of the local people staged picnic parties as well as enjoying the facilities of the bathing beach. Another of the popular resorts of this section of the state for the ang lers as well as those seeking bathing beaches was the state park at Louis ville and the lakes at Medow whore large crowds from the eastern part of the state were to be found in large numbers. ALL EFFORTS TO MAR FINGERPRINTS FAIL No matter how a cirimlnal may tamper with his finger prints, they can never be erased! Numerous attempts to burn them off, sear them with acid or heat or even to slice them off, have simply proved boomerangs, for the design grows back again in its original form, only made many times clearer to the eye of the expert. Thi3 is but one of the many dra matic phases of tracking down public enemies revealed In "Let "Em Have It," Reliance's thrill-packed saga of the Government's war on crime, that will be shown at the Rltz theatre in Plattsmouth Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 14, 15 and 16. The Ritz is delightfully cool in the hottest weather and you can spend a pleasant evening there anytime, en joying the latent and best feature pic tures at lesa than city theatres charge for the same class of entertainment. TO VISIT FARM Prom Wednesday's Dally Henry Starkjohn and son, William T., departed today for Gothenburg, Nebraska, where they will visit the Starkjohn farm In that section of Ne braska and look over the crops. The crops there have been very good this year and the owners of the farm will enjoy a short stay there. The farm has been in charge of the same tenant for a long period of years and has been producing some excellent crops with the exception of 1934 when all of the state suffered a crop shortage. VISIT HERE FROM LOUISVILLE from Monday UaUy A. C. Pautsch and brother. Ernest Pautsch. well known residents of Louisville, were in the city for a short time today to look after some matters of business at the court house. While here they were pleasant callers at the Journal to renew their subscrip tions for the ensuing year. VISIT IN THE CITY Mrs. Ed Johnson of Lincoln and daughters, Mrs. Josephine Bagnall and Mrs. Cody of Minneapolis, mo tored down Tuesday afternoon to spend the day with old friends and to accompany Miss Susan Cody back to Omaha. While here they were din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. 13. Bates. REDECORATE CAFE The interior of the Shea cafe on North Sixth street Is being redecor ated and placed in a very attractive condition for the summer. The walla and celling are arranped in a color scheme of tan and cream. Poultry Wanted Friday and Saturday SPRINGS Whites or Bulls, 2V lbs. up 14 Leghorn Springs, lb 10 HENS 5 lbs. and up, per lb. 13 Under 5 lbs., per lb. 12 Leghorn Hens, lb. 0 WE WANT FRESH CQQS AND CREAM A. R. CASE & CO. CARS HAVE COLLISION froth Wdnday'a Daily Last evening the intersection at Sixth and Main streets was the scene of a small, auto collision that did some damage to the cars of P. A. Akerson and Rudolph Wallengren. Mr. Akerson had come south on Sixth street and was turning to go east on Main street when the car of Mr. Wallengren came from the south side and swung into Main street also and the two cars collided near the Wurl corner. SHOWING IMPROVEMENT Miss Jean Knorr is reported as do ing very nicely at the hospital at Omaha where she Is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. The many friends are well pleased to learn of the improvement of the pa tient and trust that she may soon be able to return home. Goo! Off in a Nice Cool Pair of Summer Trousers We Have Them in Light op Dark Patterns at $1.35 up Just Received Men's White Mesh Sport Shirts WESCOTT'S Since 1879 Hornan Walsh ana mother, of Lin coln, were in the city Sunday as house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt and family. 2C3 SES Ex r3 S5 S MANCHESTER HARVEST SPECIAL 1 Mies 2 III. 29c MANCHESTER WALDORF 5 FANCY SLICED OR CRUSHED 1 Pineapple Ho. an CHATKA 35 Fine for Salads POST TO A STIES 2 Pkgs. for 19c RUMFORD DAKING POWDER Large Can 21c JELL-O All Flavors, 3 Pkgs. 17c QUAKER Putted Vltcat MuffeU or Crackcls PACKAGE 9c GALLON FliUITS Red Pitted Cherries .4 9 Peaches 45 Pears 43 Italian Prunes 33 MILK Tall Tins 3 for JAR RINGS 3 Pkgs. for. QUEEN OLIVES Large size jar PRUNES Med. size. 2 lbs. for SANI-FLUSH Per can SURE-JEL for Jelly and Jam making, 2 fcr. TUNA FISH 7-oz. tin CHEESE Full Cream ID American, per lb AOC PINEAPPLE Broken n slices, No. 2Yz can X C SOAP Swift's White IO bars for CRACKERS Soda or B A Graham, 2-lb. caddy 17C CASCO BUTTER Per lb.25i Highest Quality, Tasty Ring BOLOGNA, 3 rings for. Swift's Premium LAMB STEAKS, per lb.. Meat Department 25c 20c 22k 20c :..25c Swift's Essex Cervelate SUMMER SAUSAGE, per lb. Corn Fed Shoulder BEEF ROAST, per lb Fresh Ground HAMBURGER, 2 lbs. for. g!IliI!I!H!!!llilII!l!l!E - Plattsrnonth's Leading H Cash Store m PLATTSMOUTH PACKED FRESH 1935 I Peas No. I an - . - Ei DEL MONTE 10c-1 1 offee 1 lb. 27o I Ik 58o I racfcers Sez. Plkg. . . 10c 1 lie 1 rab ilfcaf large ik . 2ic 1 19c 1 10c m 25c s 19c B 25c 13c 25c is FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES S FRESH PEAS Tender, home grown, per lb 10 51 HEAD LETTUCE Solid heads, each lOfi 2 CARROTS or BEETS 3 bunches for 10 TOMATOES Red ripe, per lb 10 rj BANANAS Solid, ripe, 2 lbs. "l5 H ORANGES Large size, 25 doz., Medium size, 2 doz 23 HJ CABBAGE New crop, solid heads, each 5 g NEW POTATOES Clean, large, 10 lbs. 19 r2 OLD P0TA0ES Rnrals, per peck 20 iiiiiiiiiisniiiiiiiiiraiiiHiin Located Just West of Ford Carts