PLATTSKOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAL THUBSDAY, APEIL 25, 1935. rr PAGE EIGHT Weeping Water Bill Johnson has been redecorating and remodeling the interior of his cafe. Peter H. Miller and son, Pete, were enjoying a visit on Easter at the home of James Miller and family of Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murdoch were visiting and looking after some cess matters in Nebraska City Mon- Hov offornnrm rt this wppk. The Cole Motor company sold a r.or VnrA v. rnunp to Marion' Schewe of near Murdock which was' delivered Friday of last week. John Bender who makes his home at Sutton, was a visitor with friends in Weeping Water where he enjoy ed the day with his many friends. Miss Loterra Ring was a guest of! her friend, Miss Norma Wolff of Bethany for over Easter and was pleased with the fine visit she had. Airs. Floyd Selock of Omaha and Mrs. Floyd Gerbeling, sisters, were visiting last Monday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Citzman. Rasmus Lawrensen who has been in bad health for some time, was taken to an Omaha hospital where he had one of his diseased kidneys Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y r t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T T T T ? T f f T T T T T POLO SHIRTS New Novelty Weaves For golf, tennis, beaoh end vacation wear. Priced at - $1 EMM OVERALL STYLE PLAY SUITS Easy to get on and off a feature mothers ap preciate in little tots garments. Made of Blue Covert Cloth and Nub Suiting tell I overt loth llorli Pants Washable. Tan shade. Cuff bottoms. Belt loops. 1TAM IftAMO SKX Dig Smith Overalls All Sizes 5 removed. He is getting along nicely at this time and hopes to return home in a short time. John Knabe was looking after some business matters in Weeping Water and visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Earl Murdoch. Mr. Knabe makes his home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Ross -Shields were visiting friends for the day in Om aha last Sunday, driving up for t,he and visit at the home of Louis Kecee ana ianniy. Mrs. Waiter Luhring and little daughter were visiting in Howard, Kansas where they were guests for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor. A. R. Birdsall who was home from last Thursday until Tuesday morn ing, went over to Plattsmouth to serve for the remainder of the term of the district court, as a Juryman. Antone Jourgeseu, the produce dealer, who has been in poor health for some time, was taken to an Om aha hospital where he is under treat ment for prostate trouble, and is get ting along fairly well, but not hav ing an operation, but is being treat ed by an electrical method. Ralph Binger was home for the Easter vaction from the University of Nebraska. He went to Omaha last Monday morning where he was to WORK SHIRTS Blue and Grey Cham bray. Coat style. Full cut. Sizes 4Y2 to 7Y2. ii mm u mm 4SC English Shorts Tan and Blue Covert Cloth. Washable, self belt, button waist band. Price Children's Sandals and Oxfords White, Biege, Elk and Black. Sizes to 2 Pair $.39 $115 UOru cOX meet with his young lady friend at four o'clock, when she was passing through Omaha as stewardess on the United Air Lines. Sang Over Station KFAB By special invitation, Miss Lona, 13 and Miss Lorene Wagner, 18, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wagner, appeared in song and ac companied by their own music on their Hawaiian guitars at station KFAB In Omaha last Saturday. The thousands who listened to this very pleasing music were more than pleased with the presentation. They have been asked to appear again over the same station In another pro gram on Saturday, May 4 at 12:30 p. m. on the noon program. All who would like to enjoy their numbers better keep the date, time and place In mind. Enthusiastic Meet Monday Night. The Brotherhood of the Congrega tional church of Weeping Water met at the church parlors last Monday night where they enjoyed a very fine program ana supper. ihere were over one hundred covers spread and an excellent time was had. Special Easter Services. There .was held at the Methodist 9 X Y - x YJ f f T f Y Y Y STURDY WORK SHOES for Tough Jobs Star Baano J $3.90 23"atnral Betan oiled upper. Welt stitched scle, leather heel. Riveted arch support. A shoe that will give yon comfort, long wear and fine value. Brown oil tanned upper, nailed and sewed scles, leother heels. Soft cap. A shoe that can take it, and the price is only f V t Y Y X Y Y Y ? f Y T Y t T T Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $2-48 Sta Brand Oil-tanned uppers; Leather and composition soles; Bubbcr heels; Plain tec. A reel buy at Stir Bnmd Shoti An Bttnr- Outing Bal style. Oil-tanned up pers. Leather and composition soles. For men and boys. Randoo 'SOfi -in ix & Plain Colors, Pr. 1 y Tailor Made Suits $15.75 to $55 Everyone cut and tailor ed to your own individ ual taste.. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ask for a demonstration. WESCOTT'S Since 1879 church on last Sunday special Easter services which were held at 10 o'clock the regular Bible school hour and the Bible school was held at 11 o'clock so that the pastor can hold services here before going: to Nehawka, as he is minister to both churches. New Blacksmith for Weeping Water Frank Putac. formerly of Wilber and a boyhood school chum of G. 11. Binger but of late being at Lincoln, has purchased the blacksmith shop for several years operated by Frank II. Baldwin and took over the in stitution last Monday. Servioes at Methodist Church Bible school every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Preaching at 11:00 in the morn ing. All not worshiping elsewhere are cordially invited -to these services We welcome any one visiting in the city. E. S. PANG BORN, tfWW . Pastor. - Suffers Severe Injury. George Olive -tvKer after closing his cafe last Saturday night, being after midnight, was going home to the south side, when as he was passing the service station of Sterling Amick was called to by Ralph Keckler who lives near Mr. Olive, asking him if he wanted a ride home. Mr. Olive ran into the street to get on the truck of Mr. Keckler, and tripped over the curb, falling in such a way as to fracture his right knee cap. He was taken home arid Dr. Lloyd Kun kel called, who cleaned the .wound as it was also cut'bidly and was the cheek when he struck the pavement. The leg was dressed affd. placed in an elevated "position where it will have to remain for some. The acci dent was very distressing and it will be some time before the patient can be out again. Dies in Omaha. E. M. Munson, formerly living east of Weeping Water.'but who has been nn THESE PRICES GOOD uSSiirs Bulter-Nut Butter-Nut JELL -fl I c COFFEE O-f c 3 Pkgs. for - jLjJL 1-lb. Can - - Qj) J Watchdog Lye, 3 cans 250 Green Gage Plums, No. 22 can . . . Peet's White Ldy. Soap, extra large . 50 Peas, No. 2 can, 2 for. . .250 Tobasco Sauce, P & G, 2-oz 250 Grape Juice, pints, each. 190 Seeded Raisins, 15-oz. pkg 100 Butter-Hut Salad Dressing High In Quality Low in Price Pints ..... 230 Quarts 350 Economy Coffee, per lb.. ...... . Post Bran Flakes, 16-oz. pkg. .... Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkg. ..... Pork and Beans, medium size tin . ; Campbell's or Van Camp's Queen Olives, quarts Tree Tea, Vz-lb. Green. Baby Bee Hoast, lb. ..... .18c Baby Bee Sirloin Steak, lb.. . .25c Leg o Lamb, lb . .22c Lamb Chops, lb.. ... 22c Lamb Roast, lb 18c Small, Lean Pork Chops, lb 27c Fresh cut Hamburger, 2 lbs. . . .25c Pork Brains, selected, lb. 10c making his home in Omaha for the past more than thirty years, died there last week and was buried on last Sunday. Troy Davis and O. C. Hinds of Weeping Water attended: the funeral. Mr. Munson was still interested In Weeping Water he be ing a director of the First National bank. He was one of the firm of Woods Brothers Livestock sion of Omaha. coramls Wnlfinp- Modern Service Station. - - - p It Ralph Keckler who is owner of the; property adjacent to his place of g business and occupied heretofore by himself and the N. L. Grubbs black smith shop, has had the old black smith Bhop torn down to secure the lumber and is having the other build ing repaired and rebuilt; which he will use to service automobiles also install a rest room. and Seed Corn for Sale. Yellow Dent and large white Iowa Silver Mine. Tested for fertility, shows 96. See me for your sup ply. Prices right. FRANK F. R02ENOW, Murdock, Nebr. HERE FROM MURDOCK Among the many from Murdock to attend the Glaser-Cunnlngham trial here today were J. A. Bauer, Henry Amgwert, Paul Schewe, Frank Melvin and C. I. Long, all promin ent residents of that place. Mr. Amgwert is the manager of the Mur dock Mercantile Co. store whose rob bery was the occasion of the arrest of the two Omaha men and who are now being brought to trial. LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS FARM LOANS Ten year loans, five per cent. No commissions. First Trust Co.. Ne braska City, Nebr. m2S-4w sw SEED CORN FOR SALE Hand picked Yellow Dent seed corn, $1.40 per bushel. FRANK HOGUE, a!I2-Z5W Murray, Nebr. WANTED Farmers to grow corn for seed. Good premiums paid. All early Dents, Flints and Sweets. Planting stock furnished free. See O. S. Hatfield, contract agent for J. C. Robinson Seed Co., Ashland, Ne braska. Phone 4822. a 25-4tw DEAD ANIMALS Dead animals removed free of charge, Telephone South Omaha Ren dering Works, Market 462C. Reverse charges. n5-tfw FRIDAY - SATURDAY .200 .IQt .100 . 00 370 240 bwJgJFCXQ'S DEPARTS FOR NEW YORK Attorney A. L. Tidd departed Tues day for Rochester, New York, where he will spend a short time looking after the probate of the estate of ",!!:::o!:n!SC3:R!:i!!nin!Bi:'!;a;ni!!:js;E iJ - m M Si i! H B u N il a 11 il H H 13 N 11 g S H PRUNES Medium size, 2 lbs. 15 RICE Eluz Eose, 3 lbs 19 MATCHES Carton of 6 Boxes 25 TOBACCO Velvet or P. A., tin 11 CHERRIES Ecyal Ann, No. 2y2 tin21 Bartlett Pears Synip pack. Lge. tin 21 Pork & Beans Libby's or Armour's, tin5 Spark Soap Small Size, 7ft ; Large. 230 Toilet Soap H-W Castile.1 4 bars19c Laundry Soap C-nVSTAI.,VIIITE Giant Bars, 6 for 25 COFFEE Butter-Nut, 1-lb. can31 CHOCOLATE Baker's, y2-lb. Cake 21 $ PAN FREE E 3 a H y y 0 a n a rs !J H s ii a y H irnt fl u 4 11 y l! n il il Si a a PLAIN or IODIZED Assorted Red Pitted No. 2 Cans 0eb 0 aUG Powdered Sugar $ iroim iuga! S is, rwrw HOME GROWN IPAQAfiBS ireen nlons Head Lettuce 7 1- Solid Ice Berg-. I 2C Tomatoes OP 2 lbs. for LDC Oranges, Sm. or size, 2 Doz.. . . Cucumbers " r Kach IOC Green Coans OP 2 lbs. for 6dC Radishes 1 A. 3 Bunches. ... 1UC Carrots r Per Bunch OC Plattcmoutli's Leading Cash Store his brother, Grant Tidd, whose death occurred some weeks ago. Mr. Tidd expects to be absent for some two weeks in getting the probate of the estate arranged. Phon ttm nw to !v H. I from fac. r ,,OTW807''I I " C0,d cr.0n Il 34c I 90 fop a for 17e for 2So Flavor; In Syrup - - - ionoh Od unolies So s It 20c 3.00 vci rcfcs, 17 r . oo--v " Of, t 10g Per 9 p u u ti y ti !! u I ii II i t i il II