The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1935, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1935.
Another Part
of Fifty Years
of City Library
L. Tidd, Long Booster for Pub
lie Library, Tells of Period
from 1905 to 1915.
Editor's Note: This is the third of
a series of five articles, each by a
different author, and each covering a
period of ten years of the fifty year
history of the Plattsmouth public li
brary. The following article covers
the period from 1905 to 1915.
The public library in this city is
one cf the most important institu
tions in the city, and not only serves
the boys and girls of school age in
their research work, but it serves as
an institution for post graduate work
and particularly for adult education
and information.
The period assigned to the writer
covering the years from 1905 to
1915 are a particularly interesting
period in the history of the public
In 1905 Mrs. Sam Waugh was pres
ident of the Library board and the
other members were Mrs. C. C. Par-
mele, Mrs. Morrissey, Mr. D. B. Smith
Mr. D. O. Dwjer and Mr. Henry Her-
Just previous to the year 1905 the
family of the Honorable D. H. Wheel-f-r
had made a donation from Mr.
Wheeler's private library of a large
rumber of books to the Plattsmouth
public library. It was after the re
ceipt of this splendid donation that
the entire library was re-cataloged
and put on a more efficient working'
basis. Mrs. C. C. Parmele was suc
cessor of Mrs. Waugh as president of
the Library board, and she continued
to serve as president until ill health
compelled her to retire.
With the growth of the library,
the necessity of the cataloging of the
growing number of books became evi
dent and in 1902 Mrs. Perry Walker
presented the library a catalog case,
given as a memorial to her husband,
who had passed away in 1S99. Later,
as the library continued to expand,
Miss Florence Waugh, of the state
library commission, a daughter of
Mrs. Samuel Waugh, the president
of the Library board, was sent here j
from Lincoln and made a complete building proceeds.
catalog of all the books in the library.
This has been kept constantly,, up to
date bp the local librarians,'"' Miss
Jones and Miss Leonard since that
The writer became a member of
the Library board in 1911 and upon
the retirement of Mrs. C. C. Parmele,
he became president of the Library
board, and served from that time un
til 1919.
In the latter part of the year 1915,
owing to the crowded condition of
the library in the old library build
ing, the librarian. Miss Olive Jones,
suggested that application be made to
the Carnegie Corporation for a dona
tion to build a Carnegia library.
When this suggestion was made, the
president of the Library board re
Quested Miss Jones to get in touch
with the State Library association
and get the information as to how
to proceed to obtain a donation and
immediately the president of the Li
brary board wrote the Carnegie Cor
poration, who promptly showed in
terest in the matter and requested in
formation showing the size of the old
building, the number of books in the
library, and the number of daily,
monthly and yearly borrowers togeth
er with photographs of the old build
ing. This information was prepared
by the librarian and furnished to the
president of the Library board in his
megotiations with the Carnegie Cor
poration. After furnishing such in
formation, the Carnegie Corporation
proposed to make a donation of $12,-
ivv, providing tne mayor and city
council would agree to furnish the
site for the new building, and agree
to make an annual levy of at least
$1,500 for the maintenance of the
library. Mr. Tidd, president of the
Library board, appeared before the
DPLOSlOri Insurance
-, Jr, - , .
Costs little jja.y .... '
L.m.m. .ii tm'rl a -krZ 1
S&ves lots v
Y y
(mayor and council and obtained from
the city government a resolution
agreeing to comply with this require
xnent made by the Carnegie Corpora
On January 20, 1916, A. L. Tidd,
president of the Library board, wrote
to said corporation the following let
James Bertram, Secretary,
Carnegie Corporation, 576
Fifth Avenue, New York.
Bear Sir: Enclosed herewith find
pledge, signed by the mayor and city
clerk of the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, that the building plans call
ed for will be erected and complete
and ready to occupy within the $12,-
500 promised.
Under other cover I send you by
express today plans and specifications
for the library building to be erected
in conformity with the donation. I
am, Very truly,
President Library Board.
On January 24, the following reply
was received:
A. L. Tidd, Esq.,
President Library Board,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
My Dear Sir: Your favor of Jan
uary 20 and plans received. On the
understanding that the building the
plans called for will be erected com
plete and ready to occupy with the
$12,500 promised, arrangements have
been made for payments as work pro
gresses. Please communicate with
Mr. R. A. Franks, treasurer, 576
Fifth Avenue, New York, and he will
instruct you how to apply for funds.
When the building has been erect
ed, please send us unmounted photo
graphs, showing front and side eleva
tions, together with a complete set of
the plans on a reduced scale, prefer
ably on a sheet not more than twelve
by sixteen inches.
Very truly yours,
Approved plans under
separate cover.
In answer to the above letter, on
March 16, the president of the Library
beard followed the following letter to
the Carnegie Corporation:
Mr. R. A. Franks, Treasurer
Carnegie Corporation, 576
Filth Ave., New York.
Dear Sir: On January 24, as presi
dent of the Plattsmouth Public Li
brary board, of Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, I received a letter from Mr. Jas.
Bertram, secretary Carnegie Corpora
tion, informing me that plans for
public library building to be built
within the donation of 12,500 prom
ed by the Carnegie Corporation
.vere approved, and that the money
donated had been set apart for this
'juilding, and directed me to write
you for your instructions as how to
pnly for funds as the work on this
I therefore ask
you to furnish me with your instruc
tions. Yours truly,
President Library Board.
which letter he received tha
following reply:
March 22, 1916.
Doar Sir: Replying to your inquiry
or tne loth inst.
The fund of 12,500 provided by
this corporation for erection of li
brary building at Plattsmouth is now
available and payments on this ac
count vnll be made in installments
cf $2,000 or $3,000 upon architect's
certificates, as needed from time to
time during the construction of the
icase see that application for
funds are made by letter, accom
panied by a certificate from the archi
tect certiiying to the amount due
contractors for labor and material
furnished on account of the building
all certificates to be approved by
the president and treasurer of your
norary ooaru. lours very truly,
There arose through selfish inter
ests, a considerable furor over the
location of the site for the new
building. The Library board called in
a representative from the State Li
brary association and showed all the
contemplated and proposed locations
for sites and took the advice of the
iepre3entative of the state associa
tion as to the proper place to locate
the library and followed that sug
The committee selected by the Li
brary board as the building commit
tee were the president of the board,
A. L. Tidd; Mr. Jame3 Robertson,
Miss Verna Leonard and Miss Bar
bara Gering, then secretary of tne
The work of erecting the building
and its dedication will be covered In
the next period from 1915 to 1925.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons Interested in the
estate of William Wehrbein, deceas
ed. No. 3111:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of C.
M. Read as Administrator that said
petition has been set for hearing be
foro said Court on the 26th day of
April, 1935, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated March 25, 1935.
al-3w County Judge.
Quackenbush, his wife (first, (173),
true and real name unknown); if liv- (174),
lng, their unknown guardians, as- (175),
one hundred seventy-four
one hundred seventy-five
one hundred seventy-six
one hundred seventy-seven
County of Cass, a signees and personal representatives (176).
Corporation, Plaintiff j (their first, true and real names un- (177) and one hundred seventy-eight
vs. known); If deceased, their unknown (178) in the Village of Greenwood,
1 v. t c,m rflrct ot, heirs, devisees, legatees, assignees, Cass county. Nebraska
rAi ram' untn- it maT-H trustees and personal representatives Lots two hundred thirteen (213)
uuo.uu.t., " . . . v. , . . . , , . . . . I01M 1
Sampson, his wife (first, truel vt"cir uiot, nue aim reai names un- and two nunurea wunreu
and real name unknown)- If living known). also Lots three hundred the Village of Greenwood, Cass coun
their unknown guardians! assignees eighteen (3 IS), three hundred nine- ty, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted
and personal representatives (their Vil ( -" thTeQ hundred twenty and recorded.
(320), three hundred twenty-one That the several parcels of real
(321), three hundred twenty-two estate described herein were subject
(322) and three hundred twenty- to taxation for State, County, v lllage.
three (323). all In the Village of School District. Drainage District,
In the County Court of Cas3 Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all nersons interested In tne
estate of Mary G. Whelan, deceased
No. 3114
first, true and real names unknown);
if deceased, their unknown heirs, dev
isees, legatees, assignees, trustees and ranKAontitnilvAa t tVinin Aitof
true and real names unknown) also Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, Municipal and public purposes for the
that part of Lot one (1) lying north as Burveyed, platted and recorded, several years as enumerated in the
of Salt Creek in the southwest quar- and a11 Persons, Arms, co-partner- petition and the exhibits thereto at-
ter (SWU) of the southeast quarter shiP8 and corporations (their first, tached and by reference made a part
rSRi nf o0Hrm twontv ?n true and real names unknown) hav- thereof, and that unless the same Is
Township twelve (12) North, Range lng and claiming any right, title or paid by you, or any of you, a decree
nine (9) East of the 6th P M in 1"lclC01- 111 mice uuuureu eigu-iwni De entered in tins tuun iuic-
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed J 'e"(S1.8) three hundred nineteen closing it and forever barring you
wis! mice uuuuieu twenty i o v , i unu eacn oi you 01 any anu nu"""
, ' , Miff vn. Platted and recorded, and all persons, .OA "ire "unrea"
Take notice that a petition has fl- ' three hundred twenty
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Francis D. Whelan and Genevieve M
Whelan as administratrices; that said
petition has been set for hearing be-
. . J I ecu
lore said tjoun on tne otn uay UL(
-rvtiii, liioa, ill ieu a. m,
Dated April 1, 1935
(their first, true and real names un- inwii,-iu
(321), upon, interest or estate in, right, title
(322) to. or lien udoii. or eauity of a re-
and three hundred twenty-three demption, in or to said herein de-
n r n 1 1 xrni m I . . . .
rifrht title nr intercut in thit Tinrt u in tne vniage or ureen- scribed real estate, and tnat tne same
of Lot one (1) lying north of Salt wood Cass county, Nebraska, as sur- or so much as may be necessary to
yea, piattea and recorded: satisfy the nlaintiff's lien, tojretner
O T" TT TT. 11 n a. a . mm m 1J X
(SW) of the southeast quarter nauer inrst, true ana witn tne costs, snan De soia in ac-
(SEU) of Section twenty (20) real name unknown); if married, cordance with law, and for such other
Tnu-ncMn io -xrtu t xxaiier. nia wire inrst. true anu iurtner reiier as eauity reciuires
A. H. DUXBURY, i n r-, v, cfi, r' tt 7.J and real name unknown); if living, and as to the Court may seem just
County Judge. Cass count Nebraska, as surveyed, the,Ir unknoyn guardians, assignees and equitable.
nintte .onH anl personal representatives (their You and each of you are hereby
LEGAL NOTICE . . ' . . first, true and real names unknown); notified that you and each of you are
Aioeir u. yelto?' "married, lf deceased, their unknown heirs, required to answer said petition on
To Whom it May Concern: "ulu"' ais 1 ' , e devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees or before the 27th day of May, 1935.
Vnn herehv nntifipd that the and real name Unknown); If living, nn(l renrpsontatlvoi tho1r pn T 7 NT T V nr
undersigned filed his petition in the their unknown guardians assignees true and real Rames unknown), a Corporation, '
District Court of Cass County, Ne- " ,clouua' lemewuuiinw i""naiso Lot three hundred fifty-four By Plaintiff.
braska, on the 6th day of April, 1935, " irue," reai names unnnownj; (354) in the village cf Greenwood.
the object and prayer of said petition " i"r uukuowh neirs, uev- Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
hpinp- tn phan?A thA namf nf flip lin- lsces" ibditts, assi&iieea, trustees Inlnttpd and tpccitApcI nnH sll nnnnnu
0 0 I n k 1 . - 1 il. -: I ' ...Jp
dersigned from that of John Jirolmo - iuai iei)reuwu firms, co-partnerships and corpora
to that of John Mael.
ther notified that the unders
tends to present his said
for change of name to said court
the 11th day of May, 1935, at the
hour r.f tfn n'rlnok m. nf said rlav.
or as soon thereafter as he can be 20 Township twelve (12) North, corded;
heard. You are further notified that V "i"e y; jasi ot tne otn i. 9 Paul C. Clark; if married,
John Jirolmo fa personal representatives itneir fil.mSf co-partnerships and corpora-
You are fur- first' llue and real names unknown), tlons (tnelr first true and real namea
idersigned in- also tne soutn ha'f (Slz) of Lots unknown) having and claiming any
id application t'T)' three 3- fouf 4 and aI1 right, title or interest in Lot three
on ui wu uuj in ine souinwesi hundred fifty-four (354) in the Vil
the Quarter (SWi) of the southeast iage of Greenwood. Cass county, Ne
ayt Quarter (SE) of Section twenty braska, as surveyed, platted and re-
County Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the Creditors of the estate of
Karolina Kanka, deceased. No. 3107:
Take notice that the time limited
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Edward Doran deceased. No.
Take notice that a petition ha3
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Emma
Doran as executrix thereof; that said
petition has been set for hearing be
fore raid Court on the 19th day of
April. 1935, at ten a. m.
Dated March 22, 1935.
County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all pensens interested in the es
tate of Ilobart Ray Reasoner, deceas
ed. No. C035:
Take notice that the Administrat
rix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examination
and allowance of her administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for her discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on April 12, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated March 12, 1935.
A. II.
County Judge.
, I t in rissj fraintir TCohra cL-o n I . ' ."' . I tor tne niing and presentation oi
any person or persons naving ODjec- "rr?- iarK- nis wue Ilr3t. "ue and real claims ajra5nst Kaill estate is juw
1 L Lt-Il 1 1 1 1 1 J I 1 2 f.ll . it 111! SI III.-. 1 l - a. . . . . . i I
, - uttuie uu&uovm , aiso L.OIS one nun- ofith that i honrinp- will bf
firms, ro-nartnershina anr .i.. ....i. ,-..v -otn, mat a neanng win e
corporations itneir nrst, true anu drerl spvontv-fnnr ri7ii mo hnmi,! . "J VI.'" .
real names unknown) having and rifs L hnw: fia"8in0Ul? on August &. at
claimine anv rie-ht. title or lnt.erp?t ZL' . : ien a- m- Ior tne Purpose or exam-
in the south half ism of Lot twr 'A S iL'S """" be?.en- ining, hearing, allowing and adjust
(2). three (3). four (4). and all nf r'V; ,yo T ZZ . ".AZ.Z' ing all claims or objections duly filed.
County Judge.
In ?.he County Court of Cas3 coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Elizabeth Flamme, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims against said estate is June 21,
1935; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Platts
mouth on June 28, 1935, at ten a. m
for the purpose of examining, hear
ing, allowing and adjusting all claims
or objections duly filed.
Dated February 21, 1335.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Neoraska.
Tn thp matter nf th tctntA nf
Michael Whelan, deceased. Estate Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
No. 2575.
Lot in the southwest Quar- wood, Cass county, Nebraska, as sur-
ter (SWU) of the southeast quarter veved. nlatted and rprnrdd. nri all
(20), J persons, firms, co-partnerships and
(SEVi) of Section twenty
ueaa animals removed free of
charge, Telephone South Omaha Ren
dering Works, Market 4 62 6. Reverse
charges. n5-ifw
Phone trie news to Eo. 6.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Anna Gertrude Staats, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate Is Ausrust
5, 1935; that a hearing will -be had
at the County Court Room in Platts
mouth on August 9, 1935, at ten
a. m. for the purpose of examining,
hearing, allowing and adjusting all
claims or objections duly filed.
Dated April 8, 1935.
County Judge.
To all persons interested in said
You are hereby notified that there
has been filed in this Court the peti
tion of Francis D. Whelan, praying
for the appointment of Genevieve M.
Township twelve (12) North, Range corporations (their first, true and
nine i i iast or tne bin l'. ju. in rsoi norr.c nirnnn.n i j
claiming any right, title or interest
in Lots one hundred seventy-three
(173) , one
(174) , one
(175) , one
(176) , one
platted and recorded;
3 E. A. Ryder (first, true and
real name unknown): if married.
Ryder, his wife (first, true
and real name unknown); if living,
their unknown guardians, assignees (177) and one hundred seventy-eight
and personal representatives (their (178) In the Village of Greenwood.
Whelan as Administratrix de bonis first, true and real names unknown) ; Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
non of all the said estate not already it deceased, their unknown heirs, platted and recorded;
administered. devisees, legatees, assignees, trustees 10 Deliah Helms, now deceased.
You are further notified that a and personal representatives (their and Walter E. Palling, a widower:
hearing will be had upon said peti- first, true and real names unknown), the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
tion on the 2Gth day of ADril. 1935,also Lot fourteen (14) and the east assignees, trustees and personal reD-
at ten o clock in the forenoon in the nair (.u6) ot Lot fifteen (15) In the
County Court Room in Plattsmouth, Village of Greenwood, Cass county,
In the County Court of Cass coun-
hundred seventy-four ty, Nebraska. , . .
i u uu persons interested in tne
estate of Hans Christensen, deceas
ed. No. 3113:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Martina Christensen as Administrat-
hundred seventy-five
hundred seventy-six
hundred seventy-seven
County Judge.
Lorene D. Heineman, riaintiff,
I. W. Whipple, first real name un
known; Mrs. I. W. Whipple, first real
name unknown; J. W. Whipple, real
name unknown; Mrs. J. W. Whipple,
real name unknown; Charles Ilen
drie; Josephine Hc-ndrie; David Re
mick, Mrs. David Remick, real name
unknown; Michael E. Bannin; Mrs.
Michael E. Bannin, real name un
known; Mrs. E. C. Brewster, real
name unknown; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estates of I. W. Whipple, first real
fith Haw rf Anril 1 O t K o on - !.- V
a. 111.
Dated this 1st day of April, 1935.
County Judge.
Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, and all persons, firms, co
partnerships and corporations (their
I first, true and real names unknown)
having and claiming any right, title
or interest in Lot fourteen (14) and
the east half (E) of Lot fifteen
(15) in the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded;
4 William M. Cope and John V.
Stradley; if married, Cope and
Stradley, their wives (first,
true and real names unknown): if
You are hereby notified that there living, their unknown guardians, as-
has been filed in this Court, the peti- signees and personal representatives
tion of Laura Etta Hendee praying (their first, true and real names un-
for the appointment of Carl J. Sch- known); if deceased, their unknown
neider as Administrator de bonis non "heirs, devisees, legatees, assignees.
of all the said estate not already ad-1 trustees and personal representatives
ministered. You are further notified (their first, true and real names un-
that a hearing will be had upon said known), also Lot one hundred two
petition on the 26th day of April, (102) in the Village of Greenwood,
iyD, at ten o clock a. m.. in the Cass county. Nebraska, as surveyed.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Estate of Am
brose M. Searle, deceased. Estate No.
To all persons interested in said
resentatives (their first, true and real
hames unknown) of Deliah Helms,
deceased, also Lots two hundred thir
teen (213) and two hundred fourteen
(214) in the Village of Greenwood,
Cas3 county, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, and all persons,
iirms, co-partnersnips and corpora
tions (their first, true and real name3
rix; that said petition has been set
for hearing before said Court on the name unknown; Mrs. I. W. Whipple,
real name unknown; J. W. Whipple,
real name unknown; Mrs. J. W.
Dated March 30, 1935.
al-3w County Judge
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested .in the
unknown) havinsr and claiming anv estate of Ernest W. Millbern, de-
right, title or interest In Lots I vol ceased. No. 3070:
hundred thirteen f213) and two hun-1 Take notice that the administrator
dred fourteen (214) in the Village of PE saia estate has filed his final re
Greenwood. Cass county. Nebraska, as Prt and a petition for examination
surveyed, platted and recorded,
County Court room in Plattsmouth,
Dated thi3 28th day of March. A.
D. 1935.
al-Cw Count v .Tiirlo-f
State of Nebraska, County of Cass.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1
will on the 23rd day of April A. D.
1935, at ten o'clock A. M. of said dav
at tne fcouth Front Door of the Court
House in the City of Plattsmouth, in
said County, sell at public auction
to tne highest bidder for cash the
following described real estate ' to-
West Half of the Northwest
Quarter, and all of the Southwest
Quarter of Section Thirty-two
(32), Township Ten (10), Range
Nine (9), East of the Sixth P.
M. in Cass County. Nebraska:
ine same belne levied imnn and
taken as the property of John C
Mick, and wife, Lillie Mick: A. F.
Ackerman and wife, Irma M. Acker-
man; Raymond K. Walker. Snecial
trustee ior Depositors of the Bank
of Eagle; Bank of Eagle: Daniel Wil
son; A. G. Gerd: John Peterson. B. C.
tieitz; wesiey Walch; Charles Scat-
tergood, Homer K. Frantz and wife.
Blanche Frantz; Clarence Gerhard
and wife Gerhard, first
real name unknown. Defendants
to satisfy a judgment of said Court
recovered by The Lincoln Joint Stock
Land Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska,
Plaintiff against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. March
21st A. D. 1935.
Sheriff Cass County,
Sse the goods you Buy. Catalog
descriptions are flowery enough,
cv.l how about the goods when
yox set them?
platted and recorded, and all persons,
firms, co-partnerships and corpora
tions (their first, true and real names
unknown) having and claiming any
right, title or interest in Lot one
hundred two (102) in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, as
surveyed, platted and recorded;
5 Sarah M. Wolfe; If married,
Wolfe, her husband (first,
true and real name unknovjja); both
deceased, their unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, assignees, trustees and
personal representatives (their first,
true and real names unknown), also
Lots one hundred fifty-six (156), one
hundred fifty-seven (157), one hun
dred fifty-eight (15S), one hundred
fifty-nine (159), one hundred sixty
(160), one hundred sixty-one (161)
and one hundred sixty-two (162) in
the Village of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, and all persons, firms, co
partnerships and corporations (their
first, true and real names unknown)
having and claiming any right, title
or interest in Lots one hundred fifty
six (156), one hundred fifty-seven
(157), one hundred fifty-eight (153),
one hundred fifty-nine (159), one
nundred sixty (160), one hun
dred sixty-one (161), and one hun
dred sixty-two (162) in the Village
of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska,
as surveyed, platted and recorded;
b SInia Wilbern; if married,
Notice of Foreclosure
of Tax Lien
To the above named
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 22nd day of
March, 1935, the County of Cass, a
corporation, filed a petition in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, against you and each of you,
which cause appears on Docket 7,
page 188 of the records of the Clerk
of the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and prayer of
said petition, in accordance with a
resolution adopted on the 4th day of
June, 1928, by the Board of County
Commissioners of Cass county, Ne
braska, Is for the strict foreclosure of
tax liens on:
and allowance of hi3 administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court cn May 3, 1935 at ten
la. m.
Dated April 5,
County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of James Greer, deceased. No
Take notice that the Executes of
said estate have filed their final re
port and a petition for examination
and allowance of their administra
tion accounts, determination of hear-
ship, assignment of residue of said
Part of Lot one (1) lying north of esfate a.n? for their discharge; that
Wilbern, her husband (first, true and
real name unknown); both deceased,
tnelr unknown heirs, devisees, lega
tees, assignees, trustees and personal
representatives (their first, true and
real name3 unknown), also Lots three
hundred forty-two (342) and three
nundred forty-three (343). in the
Village of Greenwood, Cass county,
Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, and all persons, firms, co
partnerships and corporations (their
first, true and real names unknown)
having and claiming any right, title
or interest in Lots three hundred
forty-two (342 and three hundred
forty-three (342 1 in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, as
surveyed, flatted and recorded;
D. M. Quackenbush (first, true
and real name unknown); if married,
said petition and report will be heard
before said Court on April 2 6, 19 35
at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated March 30, 1933.
al-3w Countv Judere.
Salt Creek in the southwest quarter
(SWii) of the southeast suarter
(SEJ4) of Section twenty (20),
Township twelve (12) North, Range
nine (9) East of the 6th P. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska;
The south half (S) of Lots two
(2), three (3), four (4) and all of
Lot ten (10) in the southwest quar
ter (SWU ) of the southeast quar
ter (SE'i) of Section twenty (20), In the District Court of Cass rnnn-
Township twelve (12) North, Range ty, Nebraska
nine (9) East of the 6th P. M., in In the matter of the Application
Cass county, Nebraska; of Frank A. Cloidt. Administrator of
Lot fourteen (14) and the east Martha Young, to sell Real Estate to
half () or Lot fifteen (15) in pay debts
the village of Greenwood, Cass coun- Notice is hereby given that, in pur
ty, Nebraska; suance of an Order of the Honorable
Lot one hundred two (102) in the D. V. Livingston. Judse of the Dis-
vinage or oreenwood, Cass county, tnct Court cf Cas3 county. Nebras
Nebraska; ka, made on the 21st day of March.
Lots one hundred fifty-six (156), 1935, for the sale of the real estate
one hundred fifty-seven (157); one hereinafter described, there will be
hundred fifty-eight (158), one hun- sold at public vendue to the highest
dred fifty-nine (159), one hundred bidder and upon the following terms
sixty (160), one hundred sixty-one and order: One-third cash on date
(161) and one hundred sixty-two of sale and the balance on confirms
(162) In the Village of Greenwood, tion of said sale and delivery of deed
Cass county, Nebraska; at the south front door of the court
Lots three hundred forty-two (342) house in the City of Plattsmouth. in
and three-hundred forty-three (343) said county, on the 27th day of April,
in tne village or ureenwood, cass i93o, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
county, Nebraska; a. m., the following described real
Lots three hundred eighteen (318), estate, to-wlt
three hundred nineteen (319), three Lot eight (8) in Block thirty
hundred twenty (320), three hundred Doven (37), in the City of Platts
twenty-one (321), three hundred mouth, Cass county, Nebraska.
twenty-two (322) and three hundred Said sale will remain open one hour
twenty-three (323), all in the Vil- for bids
lage of Greenwood, Cass county, Ne- Dated this 30th day of March. A.
Whipple," real name unknown;
Charles Ilendrie, Josephine Ktndrie,
David Remick, Mrs. David Remick,
real name unknown, Michael E.
Bannin, Mrs. Michael E. Bannin, real
name unknown, Mrs. E. C. Brewster,
real name unknown, each deceased,
real names unknown; D. Remick &.
Co., a co-partnership composed of
David Remick and Charles Ilendrie;
the successors and assigns of D. Re
mick &; Co., a co-partnership, real
names unknown; and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
lots five (5), and six (G) in block
ninety-four (94), in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
real names unknown. Defendants.
To the defendants: I. W. Whipple,
first real name unknown; Mrs. I. W.
Whipple, first real name unknown;
J. W. Whipple, real name unknown;
Mrs. J. W. Whipple, real name un
known; Charles Ilendrie, Josephine
Ilendrie; David Remick, Mrs. David
Remick, real name unknown; Michael
E. Bannin; Mrs. Michael E. Bannin,
real name unknown; Mrs. E. C.
Brewster, real name unknown; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of I. W.
Whipple, first real name unknown;
Mis. I. W. Whipple, real name un
known; J. W. Whipple, real name
unknown; Mrs. J. W. Whipple, real
nama unknown; Charle3 Ilendrie.
Josephine Ilendrie, David Remick.
Mrs. David Remick, real name un
known; Michael E. Banning : Mrs.
Michael E. Bannin, real name un
known; Mrs. E. C. Brewster, real
name unknown, each deceased, real
namesunknown; D. Remick & Co.. a
co-partnership composed of David
Remick and Charles Ilendrie: the
successors and assigns of D. Remick
& CO., a CO-Dartnersli In roal nnmi
unknown; and all persons having or
claiming any Interest in lots five (5),
and six (G) in block ninety-four (94)
in the City of
braska; D. 1935.
Lot three hundred fifty-four (354)
in the Village of Greenwood, Cass
county, Nebraska;
Lets one hundred seventy-three ial-3w
Administrator of the Estate
of Martha Young,
County, Nebraska, real names un
known. You are each hereby notified that
,rf1le D' He,Mman. as Plaintiff,
filed her petition and commenced an
action in the District Court of th
County of Cas3 Nebraska, on the 15th
day cf March, 1935, against you and
edxu ot jou, tne object, purpose and
prayer of which l3 to obtain a decree
of court quieting the title to lots 5
and 6 in block 9 4 in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cas3 County, Nebraska,
in plaintiff, c.3 against you and each
cf you, and for such other relief as
may be just and equitable in the
li onuses.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day the 29th day of April 1935, or
the allegations therein contained
will be taken as true and a decree
will be rendered in favor of the
plaintiff as against you and each o'
you according to the prayer of said
Attorney for Plaintiff
ralS-4w '