The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 21, 1935, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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flie IPIattsmo tilth Journal
EnUred at PostoTIce, plattsujoutb, ecoad-cUs caail matter
U. A. BATES, Publisher
Bubcrlber living In Becond Postal Zone, 2.-0 per year. Beyond
600 iJiJJfcH, 3.00 per year. R&t to Canada and foreign countries,
i8 60 per year. All subscriptions ma payable strictly in advance.
Porter Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Reverse Business Phone
Call Accepted
Eleventh St. and First Corso
Nebraska City, Nebr.
Telephone 231
Farm Loans
Prudential Insur
ance Comnanv
l We can loan you more
money at us good a rate
and terms as can be bad!
1 Piizcr Agencies
115 Couth 8th Street
Nebr. City, Nebr.
Bible School
Sunday, February 21, 1035.
"Peter Heals a Lame Man"
Act, a: 1-10; 4:-U i .
TMj i another rod letter day in
P (oi'a" life. "Ills' bt ldliess, !i"T5"U
duii;uil faith, It ta courage and tusll
iiumy for Jeans tills us with wonder
and umaeutent ; (bene characteria
titd thiiw us (hat he lived up to his
new name, ilia bland la this iaae
brought on the tirst persciuliou. Here
gufii a good I'.iuu ti prison was this
u disgraceful experience? This lesson
(tiiistttutes au epoch in church his
tory; in a very bhorl sermon, the
w hold plan of salvation U explained.
(Chap. 1:1.1. Hut the Holy Spirit
u la the pyi Uologii ul moment and
ite i an every day occurrence to bring
to the notice (f all Israel (through
their loaders I the great truth of the
Kingdom, that Jeus is the Savior of
the world. About two years have
passed on since the death and vesur
mutUai of Jeus. The Apoatles have
gene this way to prayers many a, tlic lame man has been at the
"Heautiful (Sale" (the (Jute o( NUa
uv). for laany years, he Is forty years
old, but the great moment ha ar
rived, where the Father will glorify
hi son. The stage U all set hero
ton.o the at tors the lioautlful Gate
7a tuet high by ieet wide
forms tho lwck;iround - he lMne
tuan is tho central tlguro in the
drama. IVler li the hero the scene
to be enacted follows: I'eter tilled
with the Holy (!o t beholding the
veg;ar, sups, look iuteutly at the
lame man. to thaw attention the
beggar hol l out hia hand ta receive!
the ilt. "Look on u.s!" N gift is
I'a'timg lut-- hii hand he is duap
poluted "Silver and Gobi." If that
is what ou epeit. "I have none."
I'eter ccuWl undoubtedly set down a;
long li.t cf things he did uot have j
he did tut have an education, irjj
social pv-xitiou v.orch naming he'
was jibl a common tishvriaau fram j
Galileo, "but such a 1 have, 1 givc."(
How eft uo hungry and expectant j
souls look to their teachtr and!
preacher for Alms, lor tlrea.l , . , and
receive a stou or lets. j
"lu the name of Je.:us Christ ofj
Naiareth, walk?" Here U conquering!
faith. Uer is one of the wonders and j
signs cf the apostles. I'eter took hist
right hand and the lame man stood
up, tried his feet and found them
sound, then began walking, then
leaping-, then shouting and praising
God "the old time religion" we sse.
It not on this wise anymore why
not? (We do believe that just too
many children are "still born" 1; our
to called ten day revivals that 13
mostly a misnomer. We go through a
stereotyped form because It ia the
custom, but look at the result J.
Here is a soul boru asn. aid Gad
gets glory and praise. ''Wonder and
Washington. Senator Burke an
nounced Karl Ketchani of Lincoln
lias been appointed supervising resi
dent engineer for the public works
administration on the Platte valley
publio power end Irrigation district's
7,500,000 J'WA project in western
Nebraska. KeU-ham will take the
poat at a salary of 14,000 a year.
A ins worth. Neb. Afflicted with an
attack of hiccoughs which has per
fected for ten days, William IJavison,
72, of Ainsworth, was in a greatly
weakened condition here Monday.
Dr. A. E. Dennett, Omaha nerve
specialist, made a trip by airplane
Sunday night to consult with Dr. T.
J. I.awsun on Davison's case.
Forbach, France. Saarlanders and
Fj e.'Hhnien will begin paying duly
on each other's goods when customs
barriers go up along the frontier,
after such a heavy now of tariff-free
goods across the border since the
plebiscite that the roads have been
Jammed for days.
Journal ad briny you news a1
timely bargains. Read them!
Lesson Study!
liy L. Neitzel, Murdock. Neb.
amazement grips the people; they
,tee, the change that has taken place;
If there is no change, there la no
"conversion. This man tejtittes to the
glory of (Jod, for the healing of hit
body; but where is the testimony
meeting with its joyous acclaim for
(nil and free salvation?
Hut there is an uftermath to this
wonderful drum just enacted; not
all the pet-pie are pleased, even
though a good work has been done
that obnoxious name, "Jesus Christ of
Nauureth" has aroused all the hatred
of the leaders of the Jews. So. to
prison go the preachers. Is that the
end? (), ut ! The next day there is
a great gathering in Jerusalem, all
the dignitaries of the Jews are there
like at the trial of Jesus but pub
lie opinion luis changed, these Nuu
reut.i "had favor with all the peo
ple;" they have to use the soft pedal.
The- prisoners tire brought before the
bar the Sanhedrin or supremo court.
There ii no thaigo preferred against
them, only one question is asked and
I'eter uses that for a text to preach
a very bhort but very enlightening
iermon: "lly whit power or by what
name hava ye done thU?" O,- that
teachers and preachers would give
such testimony lor tho power and
aame of Jesus!
Now look at the preaiher, with
shining fuce and a boldness thut
mut arouse admiration. lb steps
out it is I'eter multiplied by the very
Oeil.v. "iil'.cd with tho lie ly liliest."
he i.i a man of war, a mighty cap
tain, a uduicr not to bo put down;
clothed with heavenly panoply. U.i
viuent vita heivenly thunder, g;a.
iov:s vviih heavenly love he la glad
for the chance to toll them the name
;:o dear to him. they have ssked for
it. ' Vnau.iaI-5 are brought into ccurt,
bv.i, we are no criminals; are we to
be investigated about tho good deed !
dne to the imp: tent man? Now Us-!
ten. ye rulers of the people: De It
ivnjvvn unto you aU. cud to all the
pec-plo of Israel, that by the name of
Jesus Christ of Naaareth. whom e
tiueided. whom God raided from the
dejd, even by him Uoth thl.i man
sUud hcic befcre you w tue." The
a:j)lteatk! Is thia: "There i no sal
vation in any et!ter name." The:r why
do men, seek It in seine other way?
He is called Jeus, for ho shall save
hii pecple from their sina. He is "A
light to lighten the Gentiles, and th
gltry of thy people. Israel."
"Tho nann? of Je-ius is so
I love its music to re-pout ;
. U makes, my joys full aud
The precious name of Jesus.
"Jest's;" O how sweet the
Jesuo, let, sill saints provUiut I
: Its wojtty pruuo foreveiA I
Gerald Opp. who has been Eick for
the past couple of -weeks, is reported
as much improved and able to be up
and around again.
Dan Porter, of the Porter Funeral
Home tt Nebraska City, was looking
after some tidiness matters in Ne
hawka Monday of this week.
Mrs. L. M. McVey, who has been in
poor health for a number of weeke, is
reported as being- considerably im
proved and able to be up and about
John If. Sttffcns and the family
were guests for the day last Sunday
at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Wellerseick and family, at Syracuse,
ilesdanies Vellenseick and Steffens
are titters.
L'r. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson, of
Omaha, accompanied by the children,
were visiting last Sunday at the Lome
cf Mrs. Albertina ( Grandmother) Ost,
as well as with Albert Anderson, a
brother of Alfred.
Leonard J. Austin, of Plattsmouth,
was a visitor in Nehawka last Mon
day, coming down to confer with
Clarence Hiinseu on some business
matters end was also meeting with
his many friends while here.
Mrs. Stewart Hough, who has been
home from the hospital tome two
weeks, is tho wing very good improve
ment and is gaining strength dally,
although the is not yet back in her
accustomed state of good health. Her
friends are rejoicing to learn of her
progress and trust that it will con
tinue. Gilbert Fdmonds, the mechanic at
the Hanson Garage, has been con
fined to Jiij home for more than a
week with an attack of ihe prevailirg
malady, but wa?i able to be up and
around the first of the week, although
J:o is net sufficiently strong to jump
into the work and will take a few
days longer to thoroughly recuper
ate. To Return Tomorrow Nixon and Harvey Kearney,
who have been home on a ten day
furlcugh, which they have been en
joying with their parents and friends
in this vicinity, are returning to the
went roast, to resume their service In
tho r. H. navy. They go direct to
Han Iliego, which if the home port of
Hit) ship to which they are assigned.
Under, naval, regulation's, they will
not bo allowed another furlough for
nine months,, unless sickness or other
extenuating t ircumstancea should re
quire it. They tpeak well of the navy
life und are well pleased with t ho op
portunities it affords.
Guests ut John Opp Home
Charles C. Chapman was u visitor
in Nehawka last Sunday, being a
gueat at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Opp. Mr. Opp Is a brother of
Mrs. Chapman. H. 1'. Opp, of Lincoln,
was alst n guest ut'the Opp home that
scimc day. as were Mr. and Mrs. Fuos
l'lunkctt, of Weeping Watos. who
wero accompanied by Albert Khlers.
All enjojud a tine time together.
Sustains Severe Injury
Lust Monday us Mrs. A. G. Murdo.k
was biivily engaged about the home,
she turned around suddenly and in so
doing lost her balance and was pre
cipitated down the cellar steps. As a
result of her fall, she suffered some
very revere bruises as well as numer
ous cuts, being badly shaken up. It
is fortuuatu that she did not suffer
any broken limbs or more serious re
sult., although her injuries were suf
ficient that she will remember the :r tor some time. Her friends
trust her recovery will be rapid.
Unite;! Brethren ir. Christ.
Rev. Otto Fngehretsou
li'tblo church school 10 a. m.
Kvening Cos.ul service at 7:30.
Mil-weel; prayer metln-r Wednes
day evening.
The Woman's Society being en- j
tertained by Mr?. Akhis this week, j
The Uci.pel League meets on Fji-i
day even Ins;. j
iiv- .r:i s j'lavt'r meiing w lit oe
held Saturday evening.
l'.ib'e church sehocl It) a. ra.
Morn Wis worship service at 11.
Prayer a-.d Praise meeting Thurs
day evening.
The Woman's Society wl'.l meet on
Thursday. Feb. 2$.
We praise God for His - wonderful t
blessings. "fU so s.vtet to trust in i
Jesus. There are many whc are sick, j
Remember "The Ang.d of the Lord!
encamped round about them that!
hear Him and delivereth them."
Attended" Lumbermen's Ccziveutioa
Mr. aad Mrs. A. F. Stunu were in.
Omaha la.t Friday and Saturday, be-
ing guests at thj home cf their daug!- j
ter. ,Vr. and Mr. John O. Yeiier and'
fatuity and iko attending th; con v en-
U,u o Nebiiiku Retail Lumbermen. :
Can Rest Secure
"When yon use a Killer Rtrial Vault,
yen can be cssnred your loved ones
are secure from vermin, water or any
i other substance, ss the cover abso
lutely seals the vault air tight. Ask
! for a Killer Safety .Burial Vault when
bnrying loved cries. Cost xs moderate :
James Miller
Ketawka, Eebr.
which was held there. Mr. Sturm es
pecially enjoyed the address of the
thrice governor of Minnesota, a Mr.
Ebcrhardt, who is now with the NRA,
and who explained in detail the re
quirements of the lumbermen's code,
also touching on the codes of other
lines of business. A banquet was held
on Saturday to wind up the meeting,
I which was attended by a large num
ber of retail lumber dealers from all
over the state.
"Handle with Care"
That is the title of the play which
the Junior class of the Nehawka High
school will present at the Nehawka
auditorium on Friday night of this
week, February 22nd, which is also
the birthday of the Father of His
Country, George Washington. The
play is filled with fun, humor and
pathoj. It is a three act farce, the
scenes being laid in mid-afternoon of
i summer day, following each other
it 15 and 10 minute intervals.
The following is the cast of char
acters: Ambrose Jones, tniddlcaged batch
elor, LaVerne Steffens; Emma, his
sister, Hazel Gwilliams; Letty, his
other sister, Marie Smith; Ruth, his
niece, Kathleen' Sehafer; Walter, his
nephew, Hoyd Mayiield; Nellie, his
old sweetheart, Hilda Christenson;
Kddie, Ruth's fiance, Harold Rice;
Gladys, Walter's fiance. Donna Ross
Florence, a gold digger, Hetty Ross;
Nina, a sword Hwallower, Garnet Wal
do; IiloKsom, a colored servant, Neva
Claire I'hllpot; Scott, an escaped lun
atic, Clifford O'Connor; Hutch, a
gangster, Ivan Hansen; Louie, u
gangster. Marion Hoback; Scar Face,
r gangster, Donald Kngelkemeier ;
keepers, Lowell Huchannan, George
Pmilos and Joseph Puis.
The January meeting was held at
the homo of Miss Helen Hunter. The
club hud -live visitors. Tho leaders
gave tho lesson "Hand Made Rugs."
The covered djslrdinncr was much
Tho next meeting' will be at the
homo of Mrs. Harry Neilson.
1 I'l.V MOl Til SKII tV
I I'l.VMOI'lll COH H
i ntia ii. vim in m:in
i in.t.i pi. viol i ll i in ri:
I m.u im. viol in m:ihn
l H:ti I'l.v y oi 'i n si:it
- I mao I'l.vvniTii m:i
I Ili'.'II I'l.V VIOI I II ( O M'II
I iiitvi.i:i( ( in ri:
i iKin iiiiv i.i:it coac h
i it'll ii t: icoi.i:t m:iia
I ItKl HOI.IIT (11(111
I mat t iii:v koi.kt ret rn
t IH.ll ( IIKMI(l.i:r THICK
1 llta.'S II t: tiOl.KT NKDIV
t niaa iu-: iioi.iit coach
t i ( inn Ki'i.K i' (Kii'i:
t n:io ( ni: (oiri:
t ncs ui: itoi.i: i' l OAiTt
I IC.VJ I'llV d ((' l i
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1 lll-Ml (l IIS ( Ol I'K
t mat (..M-r i m ( k
t mat i hud m:ivn
i in.ia i-'okii ( ii ( n
t iik: laiuu ( o vt i
i mat) i-'uitit coach
i m.i i-'ohii c(.c;s
I ID-li I Olllt ItO VllVI'llil
t iujs tTiiiu itotlisiiai
Wo have oter cars not listed. In
fact, wo haxo any kind you may
vvioh. Before ycu buy . . . see the
Nebraska City, Nebr.
Starch' VJinds
I Blow!
A few Dollars
spent for good
I Insurance
might save you
a Heavy Loss!
J Isrgert and Oldest Iztsraac
Ccapiries in Asenca
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon of AIvo, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Frohllch last Saturday eTening.
Mrs. Klietsch went to Lincoln on
Tuesday and will visit her son and
Vife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klietsch.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wyers and
son visited at the W. E. Muenchau
homo Tuesday evening of this week.
Miss Marie Gerdis and LeRoy Tup
per of Lincoln called Saturday even
ing on Mr. and Mrs. Win. Muenchau.
Mrs. Robert Duffield and children
arrived in Eagle Saturday morning
and is visiting at the Harley Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dobeck and
family of Havelock" spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin Carr on Sunday were Mrs. Eliza j
beth Carr and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Bender and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Piersol and
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Porter spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scat
tergood and family.
Mrs. Herman Walken spent Tues
day and Wednesday of last week with
her daughter, Mrs. Walter Wyers and
Mr. Wyers and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. August Rosenow
came cut from Lincoln and spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hud
son and Mrs. Anna Earl.
Mr. and Mrs. Valley Trumble and
Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson attended
the Food Show at the Cornhusker
Hotel in Lincoln Tuesday evening of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E!ton Snoke and
family entertained at dinner on Sun
day Mr.-and Mrs. Krnctst Kemper of
Rennet and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Snoke and family.
The district basketball tournament
will be held in Eagle on February
27-28 and March 1-2. Eagle will
play Eliuwood. Come cut and boost
for the home team.
Arthur Caddy, who enjoyed visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Caddy and family for more than three
week, left last Friday evening for
San Pedro, California.
Sunday dinner guests o! Mr. and
Mrs. John Fischer and 1.0ns, were
Mr. and Mrs. Orill Allen and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rudolph and
duughters anj Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Umland and Dorothy, Jean. ;,
Mr. and Mrs. John Rudolph, Mr
and Mrs. Jesse Wall and Mrs. Ivan
Durdick returned last Sunday even
ing from ravcnport, Iowa, where
they had gone the early part of last
week to attend tho funeral services
for a cousin, Walter Rudolph.
A number of ladles from tho local
W. C. T. U. were guests of the Pal
myra W. C. T. U. at their annual In
stitute on Tuesday of last week. The
members who were present were Mrs.
Clyde West. Mrs. McFall. Mrs. Har
rison Scattergood, Mrs. Harold Por
ter. Mrs. Sarah Keil. Mr3. L. W
Piersol, Mrs. J. H. Adee, and Mrs
Harold Scattergood.
Attend Funeral Services.
Sympathy is extended to Mr. Guy
Jones and family, whose father, L.
E, Jones passed away ut his home
in Palmyra ou Friday alter au ill
ness of several month3.
Tho following from this commun
ity attended the funeral services of
Mr. Jones ou Sunday, Mr, and Mrs.
D. A. Hursh. Mrs. Ada Wetenkaxap.
Miss Edna Mae Jones. Robert Corr.
Ivan Caddy. Ralph Ransford. Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde West and Dorothea Keil.
Death of Sirs. Chas Kirkpatrick.
Mrs. Chas. Kirkpatrick passed
away at her home in Alvo last Satur
day morning. Funeral services will
be held at the Alvo Methodist church
on Wednesday and burial at tho Camp
Creek cemetery north cf Eagle. Pre
sides her husband, she is survived by
threa sous, Walter. Claude und
Charles, all residing ia California.
Mrs. KIrkpatrick was ktwwu by
many in this community, who were
sorry to hear of hvr death.
Eagle Methodist Church.
D. J. Schuyleuiau. pastor; G. H.
Ialmer. S. S. ?upt. j
Sunday school at 10 a. ta. The at- j
tendance this wtk dropped a little '
bit. We raust strive to ke-p well
above the 123 matk if we a:v to Kat
Prairie Home iu an atteadauv cou-j
test. !
Mrnins worship at 11.
aioa by pastor. The you a
w iih ser- j
; tvple"sj
choir will have a special number. Wei
certainly appreciate thete hue coutii-j
butiona by the choir.
worth. League at p. m.,
with Hubert Stewart as leader of
the lesson. We hid : iintvrvstiug
time with lUble drill hu-t wwi. aud
we are sure this. will N ery j
interesting. We invite youug pidej
to come and enjoy our uus-ting. j
Sunday evening at 7i$, Mr. i'ata.
representative ot Ujau Vi.merial
hespiUl, will here to preheat bi
leghorks BABY
Large Beautiful Type
Chalk While
BlooJtested lor BWD by rapid
Chick Prices $7.50 per 10D
Tray hold 150 eggs . . . Setting erery week.
Member International Rmhy
Code License Ro. 5S91
pictures by means of lantern slides
and screen. These pictures will make
us more acquainted with our Meth
odist hospital in Lincoln.
Thursday evening at 7, regular
choir rehearsal will be held at Mrs.
Guy Jones'. We are going to go to
work on some very special music, so
all choir members are urged to be on
Friday, February 22, the Ladies'
Aid are sponsoring their annual
Washington supper at the church.
The ladies have planned an excellent
ladies have planned an excellent
menu. Come and enjoy a good even
ing of fine fellowship, and a fine
Unless otherwise announced. Rev.
W. C. George of Ulair, Nebraska,
will speak here Sunday morning,
March 3rd. .He represents the Crow-
ell home.
Monday, March 4, the churches of
Alvo and Eagle have been invited to
join Elmwood in a church night sup
per, and afterwards hear the nation
ally famous speaker, E. Dow Ban
croft, who is a lay church worker.
Due to the fact that the leading
character has left Lincoln the play
which was announced for the even
ing of February 17, was not present
ed. Wo are hoping to arrange for
this play at a later date.
Sunday, February 24, 2:30 p. m.,
Epworth League cabinet moeting will
be held at the West home. All mem
bers are urged to be present on time.
Tho Epworth League wish to thank
those who helped to make the box so
cial a "success. The proceeds were
Last Month We Brought Wirephoto
Today We Announce
ITDqSs WIk99'
The Great, Neic Colorgravure Magazine to
Supplement Our. Sunday Edition
Once again The World
Herald comes through! Last
month we brought you
Wirephoto that provides
views of the news with
lightning speed. Next Sun
day we introduce THIS
WEEK, an amazing new
magazine in colorgravure
equal to any of the large na
tional weeklies.
Here is the best fiction the
world can oiler so good
that it was eagerly bought
by 21 of the largest newspa
pers in America, such as the
New York Herald-Tribune,
Washington Star, Detroit
News. Chicago Daily News and others. More than four million
readers will greet it each Sunday and read it from cover to
covert .
THIS WEEK is just what its name Implies as up-to-date as
today itself! Don't miss a single issue! THIS WREK alone ie
a worthwhile, fascinating Sunday's reading. It's the bigeent
bargain in the newspaper world, for it comes to you FRKfr
with your Sunday World-Herald. 7 'u
ESesd TIIH WEEK hi West
San day's
CHICKS leghohhs
Bred for High Egg Production
Premium Eggs
anUjen test, t&i reactor removed.
Custom Hatching, 2c per Egg
Mynard, Nebr.J
Cluck Ao elation
Telephone 3614
Changes to be
Made at Local
Telephone Plant
Alex Geist, Present Toll Wire Chief,
Goes to Beatrice Robert Gray
Here from Table Eock.
A change in the personnel of the
staff at the local exchange of the
Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co.,
has been announced and which will
be effective in the next few das's.
Alex Geist, who has been toll wire
chief here for the past year, ha3 been
promoted to the same position at the
Beatrice exchange, a very pleasing
change to a larger field of activity.
Robert Gray, who has had charge
of the company work in this line at
Table Rock for the pa3t several
years, will be advanced to the Platts
mouth exchange and have charge of
the work.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Geist will regret to see them leave
the city as they have made many
friends here and also while they were
at Louisville, the former station of
Mr. Gei3t.
Mr. and Mr3. Gray will receive a
warm welcome here where they are
well known, Mrs. Gray being a
daughter of County Assessor and
Mrs. W. H. Puis and has a large ac
quaintanceship in this portion of the
Phono trie naws to So. 6.
The World's Finest
notion Writers
O Sinclair Lewis
Albert Payson Tcrhune
o Irvin S. Cobb
Dorothy Sayirs " '
o P. G. Wcdehousa
o E. Phillips Oppenhelm
o Octavus Roy Cohen