page rora Selected as Cass County C. M. T. C. Officer J. A. Capwell of This City Will Hare Charge of Directions of Work of Enlistment This Year. ?iYAirr.S QUICK TEIP J. A. Caput;, of this city, who la an officer la the reserve corpa of the army, has teen notified of bis ap pointment as head of the Citizen Military Training Camp of Caso coun ty, in which capacity be has served for the paet severs! years. Mr. Capwell states that this year Cass county will he iwited to four candidates to the camp at Kort Croon-, a much lower quota than for xnerly allowed. i ne camp has attracted a great deal of intereHt here each year and Cass county has teen well represent ed in the groups that for thirty days live the life of the soldier in drills. I-hyeical exercises and training. Mr. Capwell states that no more spplicatlcns will be received after March 4th as the email quota is easily filled and applications are be ing xeceived. Every penny spent for advertis ing will yield a big return. Mrs. Clare DoTey Brown and her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Morrow, who were called here by the death of Mits Car rie Adams, made a fait trip from their home at Cleveland. Ohio, to this city. The ladies left Cleveland at 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon and ar rive! here at the heme of Mrs. Crown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dovey at 2 o'clock Thursday morn ing. The traveling was not eo good as the roads were suffering from the effects of rains and snows. The ladies are expecting to start back . to their homes Sunday after noon if the weather conditions chow improvement. PXATTSlfOITTH SOU - wvvvt v JOUSffAJ, KOffDAY, ITBETJARY 12, 15 James Robertson Selected Alternate to Annapolis Popular Plattsmouth Young Wan Se lected by Congressman Luckey as One of Candidates. EETUBKS TO CUBA Miss Mayola D. Propst, former Plattsmouth resident, who is employ ed in the National City bank of New- York at their Havana. Cuba, branch. baa returned to her work after spend- az a month at Lake Worth, Florida. She has been visiting with her fath er, Robert L. Propst, tvfco has made his home there for a number cf years and was also guest at the home of Mr. and Mre. Dwigbt A. Propst and Ir. and Mrs. E. E. Green. Jr. The many friends of this pioneer family will be interested in learning that they are all doing nicely In their southern home. some SAVINGS vou'H want on foods for the mid-week but for that matter you'll find Savings every day at Hinky-Dinky. Glenn Valley CATSUP 8-02. Q Bottle OC 14oz- 11 Bottle.. 11C 2 for 21 MMMlma. '21.. . j Ad for Tues. and Wednes., Febr. 19-20 Van Camp's Tomato Soup Good Grade Brand Cut CARROTS No. 2 Can 4 for 2& BOILING BEEF (Rib), lean quality, lb 9V,C BEEF HEARTS, young, tender, lb 9C HAMBURGER, 2 lbs .25c BEEF STEAK, U. S. Choice, round, lb 29c PORK CHOPS, center cuts, lb 25c BEEF STEAK, U. S. choice shoulder, lb 22c SPARE RIBS, fresh and meaty, lb 15c PORK HOCKS, fresh quality, lb.. 2y2c KRAUT, long shred Wisconsin, lb .5c HERRING (Fancy Milker), 9-lb. keg. $1.03 HERRING (Fancy Mixed), 9-lb. keg. ........... .95c LETTUCE, 5-dozen size, solid Iceberg, head 7Y2c CELERY, Calif. Chula Vista, large well blchd. stalk. .15c CARROTS, fresh Calif, green tops, lge. bunch. ..... 5c CAULIFLOWER, fresh Calif. Snowball, lb.. . ..... .10c NEW CABBAGE, fresh, solid green Texas, lb.. 5c POTATOES, 100-Ib. bag, $1.19; 15-Ib. peck 19c I . . i.radf So. 1 U Inruoala Itouud White Jlli vvrfxbt at tlmr f parking. ORANGES, 100 size, doz., 49d 216 size, doz. 27c tmuey Nnrret, Julty California Srdlmu APPLES, ring packed bushels, $1.79: 5 Ibo 25c Vmury lUuao Wluraap lor Kulto or CookJujf. James Robertson of this city, son I of Attorney and Mrs. V. A. Robert-! son, has been selected by Congress man Henry C. Luckey, as an alter-i nate for appointment to the United States naval academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Mr. Robertson was a graduate of; the Plattsmouth high school in thef clas3 of 1934 and this year is a fresh man at Santa Rosa college at Santa Rosa, California. Mr. Robertson was one of the high ranking students of his class here and cne of the leaders in class activities while a student of the local schools. The many friends here are pleased to learn of the selection of this fine young man for the opportunity to at tend the naval academy and are trusting that he realize his long am bition to attend this great national Institution that has given the nation so many brilliant figures in the his tory of the country. THE HAT SENSATION of the Season Hen's latest rtyle dip-front Fedoras water treated. The colors are Tan, Oxford, Blue and Grey. The price, only $1.85 See Them in Our East of Entrance Window WESCOTT'S Since 1S79 MANY ENJOY HUNT LOCALS WIN OPENER. Fo!gerG Mountain Grown 22ee Regular or Drip Grind 2 Lb. Can VS 1 Lb. Can 32' Summer Isle Broken Slice PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can, 15 No. 22, 18 2 for 3fr The Saroy-Krug team survived the first round of Nebraska City invita tion tournament defeating the Ne braska City CCC quintet in one of the best of the opening games. Knofiicek opened the scoring with a field goal followed by Co'ffman and A . . . Am wun two points each. This to taled the first quarter scoring 6 to 0. Erickson, forward drew first scor ing honors for the boys from the camp with a field goal. Hiner. Platts mouth boy was fouled by Donat and made good on his free shot. The score at the half was 17 to 3. Platsmouth's defense was a little The second of the wolf hunts ar ranged by the residents of this por tion of Cass county was held Sun day in the community south and west of Mynard. The hunt was attended by a crowd estimated at some' S00 and brought many from as far as Omaha to Join the local group. The north line was at Mynard, the east at the Hi-Way garage, the south at the John Hobscheidt farm and the west at the Jake Hild farm. Supreme Court Decides Japson Estate Case Reverses Lancaster District Court That Awarded $20,000 Estate to J. C. Petersen of This City. The state supreme court at Lincoln Thursday decided the matter of the estate of James Japson, deceased, of Lincoln and reversed the decision cf the Lancaster county district court that bad awarded J. C. Petersen of j this city the 130,000 estate. In 1S04 Japson, a bachelor with out relatives, lived in Kavelock. He had known the Petersen family in this city for years and made a pledge to Mr. Petersen that if he would come to Havelock from Plattsmouth and care for his business and look af ter him In sickness he would will him his property. Petersen came and lived with Japson until IS 11 when he moved back to Plattsmouth. Years later Japson died. The court ruled it Is doubtful whether the contract pleaded is suf- ncientiy definite to satisfy the de mands of law, but that in any event It cannot be enforced because the evi- aoBfiiinmmiffliiranffliimsjnimiinimnffiinfflESiiinsH i PlnttsmouWs Leading g Cash Store B Pumpkin, large tin, 3 for 25t H Peaberry, fancy Santos, lb 21p m Pink Salmon, Mb. tin, 2 for 25 Milk, Roberts or IGA, 3 tall tins . . . 20 Perk and Beam Red Beans Spagrhetti Diced Beets Diced Carrots Soaked Peas Vegetable Scup Tomato Soup Lima Beans Hominy Small Tin 5C PORK AND BEANS Libbs, Mb. Tin, 5C 6 fcr 23C COCOA IGA Brand, 2-lb. Tic17C PRUNES S:ra!2 Size, 2 Its. for 15e CANDY Eilb:n Mixed and Taffy Per lb., 10 d v,. "c aoie iu oag iwo .... . ., . vuuics uiai uave proven sucn a menace to the farmers of the coun ty and their stock. It is planned to hold another hunt J next Sunday that will be staged in the Cedar Creek section. The $20,000 will be held by the court subject to claim by possible heirs. If none appear it will go to the state. C0LUHBUS MAN SENTENCED PATIENTS BETUEN HOME Columbus. Neb. Curtis Good, sr., -9. Beatrice horse trader convicted From Friday's Daily This afternoon Phyllis Burke and durIrS tDe January term of district Charles Painter, children who havecourt here on a charge cf assaulting been at the Methodist hospital at RY Harvey, Hastings horse trader. Omaha for treatment for spinal nien-w,tn a knife with intent to kill, Wed- Ingitis, have so far recovered that nesday was sentenced to one year they were allowed to return home. In the Nebraska penitentiary. Judge They have rallied nicely from the at-1 L,Shtner overruled a motion for tacks and are now getting alone fine new lrlaI too good for the boys from the camp, I and suffering no ill effects of the! The sentence followed recommen- idubing mem to take to long shots, malady. . dation by the Jury. Defense Attcr only one of their seven field goals The other two cases from this city. ney tto Walter asxed that the pris MM f Salad Dressing, full quarts 2Sp g White Cherries, hvy. syrup, 2z tin . . 210 H Mustard, full quart jar 136 H Oxydol, with bar Lava Soap 240 MEAT DEPARTMENT Cudahy's Link Sausage, lb. 200 Pork Chops, from 10-12 lb. loins, lb. . 200 Pork Liver, very nutritious, lb 100 Wisconsin Long Shred Kraut, lb 50 U. B. Bacon, half or whole, lb 250 BANKERS Ttf.a-r 5 ALT WAUGH rew iork. Emotional stability thru proper education was stressed being scored from under the basket. IXnald Gorder at the Methodist and Pner be credited with the time he Ly vTiHiaai Mather Lewl3, president ine avoy-Krugs play Co. I, Glen- William Pfitzmeyer at the University spent in the county Jail awaitine 01 -aFayette college, Easton, Pa., as ooa ii .sv Saturday afternoon. I hospital, are showing fine Droeresa lrIal. out the court ruled the sen-llI2e icundation of sound national 1 lie DOX SCore Of the p-amo woo land fippm in ho vcM nUn- n v-ltenc ehnulrt rlnto frnm iA n way to ultimate recovery from their the verdict, Jan. 22. illnes3 as follows: Savoy-Krug FO FT PF TP Am, r 10 0 2 Kummel, f 0 1 1 1 wmnian, I b 0 0 10 Donat, c 1 1 2 2 Aicurary, g 0 0 0 0 orDes, g 2 0 14 K-nonicek, g 3 10 7 Ithoades, g 0 0 0 0 YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOY PAETY - d From Triaay'B Dally The members of SL-Luke's Y. P. P. were guests last night of Mrs. T. J. Will at the Will home Just outside EETUENS FROM OUTING from Thursday's Daily S. S. Gooding cf this city returned thi3 morning from a visit of several days in northern Iowa, where he the rftv An r,r, fj 1 mubi ueiignnui time witn . . .. j'iUeu reiativ 12 3 3 27 Neb. City CCC FO FT PF TP Fleming, f 10 0 2 irwin. t 0 0 0 0 erickson, f 2 0 2 4 rrt - . inner, c 12 0 Urokage, g 0 0 3 0 Gorton, g 2 0 0 4 Ohanor, g 10 12 me selling for the telling of ghost at "U"" uner waicn eeverai games llllt vie viaKu vuuneciea wun tne val entine season. Many of the voune es. lie made his nrincinal Rtav m - 4 Marshalltown, where hia aged C C. Oliver, has marie her home for a great manv Years. people learned the secrets of the fu- Later, he visited at Carroll with a rnil c? n n n.l l . ture in a fortune toiHr,.- fcmMmoT,. ,a'""' oeiore reiurning and all enjoyed a very happy evening f C"y' Mr' Gocdln- 8tate8 at the close of which pretty hearts ,that Prt,on of..Iowa has had . v 1 "in preparation for tho nt VU w a. iuu 2 2 6 16 Uiie approved Valentine forms. FUNTEAL OF MBS. STAATS spring and summer. ENR0IIS FOR JOURNAL Del Monte Fancy Red SALMON 2-lb. Flat Can, 14 -fl (Q Mb. Tall - - . JlO Serv-U-Eite Sweet Peas, No. 2 cans, 13 ; 2 for 25 Post Toasties, laige pk?. 12J Hinky-Dinky Coffee, 3-lb. bag, C2; Mb. HI 21t Roberts Milk, 3 tall cans I lgi Giaham Crackers, 2-lb. caddy " 17f Sngar, Gran. Beet, 10 lbs., S3; Puii"". WIN YOU BRAND Salad Dressing or Relish Spread 8-02. Jar, 12 CDAr Pint, lg - . Quart 5 SV1 Casoo Creamery BUTTER 1-lb. Carton - . "Sun Light'' Margarine )8, 39c - 29c H)KMKT or CUOWS JICWKL, FLOUR Z?: $-fl .69 HINKY-DINKY -U 5 lbs., 23; 10, 49 51 .70 24 lbs., SO ; 48 lbs X Del Monte COFFEE Ortho-Cut BiS 4 White Naptha SOAP 10 Bars Big Value or Sanl-Health Toilet Soap, 6 giant bars, 29o Can -59c Always a Rich. Uniformly Fine Flavor 1-lb. The funeral services of Mrs. George K. Staat8 was held on Wednesday at the Saltier funeral home at Fourth and Vine Ptreets and attended by a lara nunioer of the old time friends and neifhbors to pay their last trib utes of esteem to the memory of this splendid l.dv Who fnr mnnv vuorii had been a r.lm t m. t,on of the VIer, Dr. II. G. McClusky, pastor of the Kirht Presbyterian church, of which Mrs. Staats had so long: been a mem ber, gave the sermon and took as his text, "Thou has been faithful over few thlnes. I will mak thw ruler over many things. Enter Into the Joy of the Lord." ine i-resDyterian male quartet composed of Frank A. Cloldt, L. D Hiatt, It. V. Knorr and IL O. Mc Clusky, gave two of the old and loved hymns, "Nearer My God to Thee' and "Rock of Ares." Interment was at Oak ILI11 ceme tery west of the city. NOT QUITE SO WELL Otto J. Meislnger, one of the ac tive young rarmers of the Mynard community, was in the city Saturday Prom Friday's Daily Hillard Grassman, who has been afternoon for a short time looking wert wh n Tt ,7 , , P after nm hainDa ..A Wlth an attack of erysipelas, is after some business matters and while here called at the Journal to enroll as reported today as not being as well &51 in tho I.IQt onvnro 1 ln.i rr. a reader of the semi-weekly edl- ady had apparently naScSfZ RETUPvNS PBOM C0NVEITTI0N Ray Mi8ner, area commercial man ager of the Lincoln Telephone & Tele graph Co., has returned from Lincoln where he has been In attendance at the state telephone convention, em bracing representatives of the com panies operating in Nebraska. The convention was very largely attend ed and leaders in this line of busi ness were present from Iowa and South Dakota as well as all parts of Nebraska. The meetings were very interest ing and Mr. Misner feels well repaid for the time spent at the convention. I 'I I'M I M-l H--I-M- J Thomas Waiting Company Abstracts of Title Phone 324 - Plattsmouth M-I-l"! 'M"M"M"1"M 'I 'I-I' MYNAED COMMUNITY CLUB The regular meeting of the Mynard j Community club which wat to have been held on Friday has been In definitely postponed. this morning it had developed In sev eral places and was causing the pa tient a great deal of suffering. WOMAN LEAPS TO DEATH DEAD ANIMALS lioston. A woman hotel officials said was registered as Mrs. Al Hayes, New York, leaped or fell to her death from the ninth floor of the Statler Dead animals removed free of htel- She left two notes, police said. cnarge. Telephone South Omaha Ren- one containing a sum of money to derlnjr Works, Market 4C2C. Reverse Pay her obligations to the hotel, and cnarges. n5-tfw second, addressed to Charles Heck of Danbury, Conn., directing that she be cremated. outness conditions. He spoke before the annual banquet of the trust di vision of the American Bankers as sociation. ' "We are not giving the proper op portunities to the small group of the inteiectually competent out of which must come, if they come at all, the great statesmen and engineers, flnan-l ciers. Industrialists and labor leaders' of the future," he said. ! Expansion of trust services thrul establishment of trust branches was! advocated by Samuel C. Waugh. ex ecutive vice president of the First Trust company, Lincoln, Net. 0MAHAN D7 OBJECTION TO WILL OF HES AUNT Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 15. Mrs. Mary Kelly White of Omaha today filed an objection ia county court here to probate of a will made by her aunt. Mrs. Nellie K. Rector, widow of a Lincoln pharmacist. Mrs. White all3ged that the will was not valid and was drawn under undue influence. REJECTS PLEA OF M00NEY J. Howard Davis Attorney at Law Plattsmouth "jBuingion. ine supreme court refused to reconsider .its recent de cision which sent Thomas J. Mconey. imprisoned California labor leader, back to the local state courts in hia eighteen year old fitrht for from San Quentin penitentiary. At loriit-ys ior tne labor leader have asked a rehearing of the decision mad In January. The decision, ex pressing the belief cf the high trib unal that the California courts must afford a remedy for persons in the position in which Mooney contenda he Is. was regarded as a victory for the prisoner. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN THIS CASE "Two suits against Madelyn Mar shall and Henry Marshall, one for UO, 000. 00 damages and the other for $4,000.00. as a result of an automo bile collision, were filed Tuesday in District Court." State Journal. INSURE W3TH B 1 1 ilH f ' ft a HAiriMi ! M MttO W LX0I I1IL Plattsmoutli State Eank Bld. ota and Main Street f. A X m K ml Ml m ay Scientists Find Fast Wi to Relieve a Cold 4che and Discomfort Eased Almost Instantly IVou, COUGII(I,'G,VEAKAnD TIIIII AFTER FLU "I nearly died from 'flu' last Octo ber, and it left me with a terrible cough. "I saw Milks Emulsion advertised and started using it. It helped me right from the start. I had no appe tite and my stomach was in bad nape. But 12 bottles have straight ened me out entirely. I eat anything without distress, my ccugh is gone and I have gained back my strength and flesh." Emma Withers, Box 50, Belmont, N. C. Milks Emulsion restores healthy, natural bowel action. Milks Emul sion is strongly recommended to those whom sickness has weakened. This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. Wonderful for weak, sickly children. You are urged to try Milks Emul sion. Take six bottles home with you, use it according to directions and if not satisfied with the results, your money will be promptly re funded. Price 60c and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Sold by druggists everywhere. From Friday' Dally Attorney V. E. Taylor of Nebraska City was a visitor here today to look after some matters at the court house for a short time. Beatrice Creamery Co. CLOVER FARM STORE Cream - Eggs Poultry Evan C. Noble, Buyer Phono 24 Plattsmouth, Nebr. tTabfcUyouaslcfcr. One 5-acre tract, Improved One 18-acro tract, Improved One 20-acre tract. Improved Also a splendid Improved "80" Good Terms See W. E. ROSENCRANS National Bank Building PLATTSMOUTH NOTB -DIRKCTIONS MCTURItH ni!L" cognized as a safe. sure. QUICK way. For it will VTtTl. oWy cold atoost as1TJ caught it, 451 y Ask your doctor about thi. want. '2!Bl,ytrUdJoS "w u,rot artno almost imurniy. 13 0 17 KXtt om . M IS 1 r 1 A ' vef o M