The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1935, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Weeping Water
George Moomey of near Wabash,
was looking after some business mat
ters in Weeping Water last Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shields were
over to Greenwood last Sunday at
tending the funeral of the late Mrs.
A. R. Birdsa.ll.
Charles Allen and wife were out
seeing the surrounding country last
Sunday, they driving down to their
sister town, Avoca.
Mrs. Nettie Amick was guest for
the week end at the home of her sen.
Sterling Amick and family where all
enjoyed a very fine visit.
Some forty people of Weeping Wa
ter were over to Greenwood last Sun
day to atend the funeral of the late
Mrs. A. 11. L5irdsa.ll, who passed away
last week.
The Elmer Michelsen family and
George' Ilineline were in Blair last
Sunday where they were spending
the day visiting with the folks of Mrr
Col Rex Young of Plattsmouth was
a visitor in Weeping Water last Sat
urday and was conducting a sale for
Li. P. Hanson who is disposing of his
produce station.
W. J. Parteredge who a short time
ago had his car damaged, has pur
chased a new one, this time selecting
an Oldsmobile which he thinks is
one cf the very best.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bj Williams of
Omaha were visiting for the day last
Sunday at the home of the brother
of Mrs. Williams, Mr. II. M. Prall
and wife of Weeping Water.
Newton L. Grubbs was called to
Omaha last Tuesday to see his brother
who is in the hospital there, slowly
recovering. Mr. Grubbs was accom
panied by his wife and daughter.
Richard Schwers who has been at
the hospital in Omaha where he un
derwent an operation for appendicitis
was able to return home last week
and is reported as getting along very
nicely at this time.
Chris Rasraussen who has been
kept to his home and bed for more
than two weeks, is at this time feel
ing much improved and while he is
able to be up he has been unable to
get down town as yet.
Sterling Amick and family and Ed
Bobbitt and wife were guests for the
evening last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hanning where
they spent a very pleasant evening
and enjoyed a fine supper.
Elmer Michelsen of the Weeping
Water Variety store has added a dis
play case coutaininy many auto lights
which automatically light and go out
and which has been creating much
interest among the sightseers.
W. J. Patterson who has been visit
ing for the past week at Weeping
Water at the home of his brothers,
David Patterson and Judge A. J. Pat
terson, returned to his home near
Murray last Saturday afternoon.
Mrs.' Henry Christensen and Miss
Maude Moulton entertained the mem
bers of the Weeping Water Welfare
club where they first looked after
the business which called them to
gether and later were entertained at
a delightful luncheon, served by the
genial hostesses.
Charles II. Findley who was a
resident cf Weeping Water for two
or three years but later went to
Avoca where he was engaged in busi
ness for a time, sold out there and
last week moved back to Weeping
Water and expects to make his home
here for the present. Mr. Findley
has purchased the former Hans John
son grocery.
Moving to Oregon.
L. P. Hansen who came to Weep
ing Water some years ago and en
gaged in the produce business has
decided to move to Oregon. He held
a sale last Saturday, disposing of his
produce station, and later with the
wife departed for Oregon where they
are expecting to make their home.
Household Very Happy.
The heme of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Domingo is a happy one on account
of the arrival on last Monday of a
very fine young daughter who came
to their home by the stork route. All
are doing nicely.
Made a Success of Meet.
J. J. Meier who has become greatly
interested in the Brotherhood move
ment and succeeded in getting nearly
S00 of the members of the various
brotherhoods of the county at the
county meeting, was elected president
cf the county organization, assures
us that at the meeting which is to
be held at the coming year will be
attended by one thousand delegates
and will be represented by twenty
Guests Here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Humble and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bodkin all of Au
burn, were guests for the day last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
LloyJ Ranney for the day and din-
"Suit for $21,600.00 damages was
filed in District Court by Nathan Za
lot against John G. Junker, Ed Ken
ning, Walter Junker and Junker
Brothers on account of an automobile
collision, two miles south of Lincoln."
State Journal.
Plattsmcutii State Bank Bldg.
Eth and Main Street
ner. The meeting was made the more
pleasant by the presence of Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Wiles, parents of Mrs.
Ranney. It will be remembered that
Mrs. Humble taught school in the
city schools for a number of years and
that Mr. Humble was agent and oper
ator at Manley for a number of years,
they having many friends here. Mr.
Humble went to near Kansas City
for a time and was transferred to
Auburn later.
Services at Methodist Clmrch
Bible school every Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock.
Preaching at 11:00 in the morn
ing. All not worshiping elsewhere are
cordially invited to these services
We welcome any one visiting in the
city. E. S. PANGBORN,
tfWW Pastor.
Bessie Edith Carnes.
Bessie Edith Carnes (Birdsall)
was born at Greenwood, Nebraska,
on October 2, 1S85 and passed away
at Omaha, Nebraska, January 30,
1935, at the age of 49 years and 4
She was united in marriage with
Albert R. Birdsall at Greenwood, Ne
braska. December 24, 1902. To this
union was born three daughters, La
Verne, Dorothy and Thelma.
Her mother, Minnie Scott Carnes,
preceded her in death in 1922; her
father, Thomas F. Carnes, passed
away in 1932.
Mrs. Birdsall was baptized and
united with the Christian church of
Greenwood, Nebraska, when a young
girl. To this religious belief she was
steadfastly true throughout her en
tire lite. Always a true and faithful
wife and a kind and loving mother,
her entire life was devoted to per
sonal service, not only to her immed
iate family, but to countless others.
If ever a joy to share it was hers, to
care for the wants and needs of oth
ers; a friend to the troubled soul
who was in search of a haven of cheer
and contentment.
Her passing is mourned by her lov
ing husband, Albert R. Birdsall of
Weeping Water, Nebraska, her devot
ed daughters, Mrs. John Weather
hogg, Bloomfield, Nebraska, Mrs.
Ernest C. Purdy of Gordan, Nebras
ka, and Mrs. Edward L. McCartney,
Weeping Water, Nebraska. Three sis
ters, Mrs. Warren Hand of Lincoln,
Nebraska, Mrs. Harry Davis and Mrs.
Clarence Stauffer, both of Merriman,
Nebraska, her brothers-in-law, Roy
Birdsall of Wood Lake, Nebraska,
Herman Birdsall of Basin, Wyo., and
her sons-in-law, all of whom she re
garded as her own sons.
Three grandchildren, Curtis Wea
therhogg and Lois and Roger Purdy,
two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Ethel Loofe,
of Lincoln, Nebraska, and Mrs. Edith
Kimberly of Long Beach, Calif., and
a host of relatives and intimate
To know her very slightly meant
to respect her, to know her well
meant loving her:
The funeral services were held in
the Christian church in Greenwood,
Nebraska, the church of her child
hood. Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m.,
conducted by Rev. Ernest S. Pang
burn, pastor of the Methodist church
of Weeping Water, a friend of the
Three hymns were sung very beau
tifully by the quartet composed of
Mrs. Frances Baldwin, Mrs. W. W.
Davis, Raymond Lauritzen, and C. V.
Wallick, all of Weeping Water.
Her three sons-in-law, John Wea
therhogg, Ernest C. Purdy, Edward
L. McCartney, and her brother-in-law,
Herman Birdsall, very tenderly
and fittingly carried her from her
home and the following were pall
bearers at Greenwood: Walt Burke,
Vern Shepler, Charles Armstrong,
Clyde Newkirk, Edd Stradley, Ben
Howard, all of Greenwood.
Interment was in the Greenwood
Rome. Fascist circles disclosed
that Premier Mussolini is expecting
j an increase in his family within a
few days. II Duce is already the
father of five children, the youngest
of whom is Anna Maria, 5. He is
now 51 and a grandfather.
Relief Program
Finding No Rosy
Pathway Ahead
That and Attitude of Labor Rise to
Plague Administration Plans
for Relief Program.
Washington. The world court un
expectedly stole the headlines in
Washington, but it was the less spec
tacular aspects of the news which
really agitated official thought and
speculation. The senate's surprise re
jection of court membership was not
accepted generally as a measure of
the administration's strength or
weakness in congress. The issue was
too confused, too incidental to the
new deal scheme of things, too
strongly flavored with nonpartisan
ship. Serious thought, indeed, was
given on the other hand to reports
reaching the white house with re
spect to such key domestic issues as
relief, NRA organization, and social
Senate committee developments
fully substantiated previous suspic
ions that the president's work relief
program faces a difficult and uncer
tain pathway. Spurred by announce
ment that available relief funds will
be exhausted by Feb. 10, most sen
ators appear quite willing to let the
chief executive have the 8S0 millions
he wants for the immediate emerg
ency. With respect to the 4 billions
additional, asked for without strings,
the case is far different. Under the
lead of Glass of Virginia, a formid
able bloc of democrats and republi
cans has fully determined to look the
whole proposition over carefully be
fore giving assent.
Spending Program a Secret.
Thus far the proceedings have
been centered in the secret sessions
of the senate appropriations commit
tee. Only enough has come out to
indicate broadly the causes for de
lay. It is apparent that in spits of
repeated demands the administration
spokesmen have refused to commit
themselves to any detailed program
for spending the 4 billions. They in
sist r-uch commitments now would be
neither wise nor in the public in
terest. Much more remains to be
said on that subject, however, before
congress gets thru with the bill.
In the NRA, likewise, the week
developed fresh evidence of contro
versy to come. With the June expir
ation of the recovery act now no
longer distant, organized labor is
showing signs of a definite break
away from the blue eagle allegiance
it accepted so enthusiastically when
NRA was organized. Both at the re
covery board's hearings on reorgan
ization, and in a militant protest
against the terms of the renewed au
tomobile code, the union leaders have
spoken some very harsh words
against big business, the NRA and
the administration.
This further complicates an al
ready badly confused situation. The
new NRA board was inducted into
office last September. It was under
stood universally at the time that
one of its first tasks would be to
formulate permanent legislation. In
deed, it was known that a plan for
such legislation had been submitted
weeks before by Gen. Johnson, while
he still was administrator.
Over a period of four months the
board has been holding conferences,
sometimes in private, sometimes in
company with various group of busi
ness men and labor men. Individual
board members have made public
speeches, only to have other individ
ual members emphasize that the
speakers were speaking only for
Attitude of Organized Labor.
What the present attitude of or
ganized labor may mean eventually
can only be conjectured. Some busi
ness men, who had charged that the
whole labor policy of the administra
tion was dominated by the Feder
ation cf Labor, were greatly encour
aged when the president refused to
accept the federation's demands for
revision cf the automobile code.
There are those, on the other hand,
who do not look forward with relish
to a complete break in the partial
labor-capital co-operation accomp
lished under NRA. Washington
speculation runs also to the possible
political effect of an outright break
between Mr. Roosevelt and organized
labor. There is no escaping the evi
dence that recently labor leaders have
been drawing more and more away
from the Roosevelt program. They
have attacked some aspects of the
administration relief plan, and some
aspects of the administration social
security plan. They have renewed
their drive for the thirty hour week.
Whatever it may mean in terms of
right-wing, left-wing proclivities cf
the administration, the disagree
ments between the president and the
Federation of Labor now comprise an
imposing list.
Elevator of the Oreapolis Grain
Company, located at Oreapolis, Ne
braska. Sealed bids to be in the hands
of Secretary by March 1, 1935. Board
reserves right to reject any and all
JOSEPH BIERL, Secretary.
f4, f7 sw
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of August J. Engelkemier, de
ceased. No. 40 03:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
cf said estate and appointment of
Elizabeth A. Engelkemier as Adminis
tratrix; that said petition has been
set for hearing before said Court on
the 1st day cf March, 1935, at 10:00
o'clock a. m.
Dated February 1, 1935.
f4-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To ill persons interested in the es
tate of Emma J. Kimberley, deceased.
No. 2970:
Take notice that the Administrator
of said estate has filed his final re
port and a petition for examination
and allowance of his administration
ax-counts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on March 1. 1935, at 2:00
o'clock p. ni.
Dated January 31, 1935.
f4-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Henry Hirz, deceased. No.
Take notice that the administra
tor of said estate has filed his final
report and a petition for examin
ation and allowance of his adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for his discharge;
that said petition and report will
be heard before said Court on Febru
ary 16th, 1935, at two P. M.
Dated January 19. 1935.
j21-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all persons Interested in the es
tate of John Wesley Woodard, de
ceased. No. 29 53:
Take notice that Charles L. Graves,
Administrator of said estate, has filed
his supplemental final report and sup
plemental petition for examination
and allowance of his supplemental ad
ministration account, determination
of heirship, and assignment of addi
tional funds of said estate which have
come into his hands since the enter
ing of the final decree in said mat
ter, and for his discharge; that said
supplemental petition and report will
be heard before said court on Febru
ary 15, 1935, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.
Dated January 14, 1935.
j21-3w County Judge.
Omaha. The annual convention
of the Nebraska Retail Hardware as
sociation opened here with the pre
sentation to the delegates of the an
nual report of the president, Charles
J. Lehmkuhlof, Minden. He struck
at what he termed "outside business
interference." Asked if he meant
government in business, he replied
he did. The question was put to him
after he said "we resent what we
feel is any outside interference with
our business, feeling that we are best
able to judge our own business poli
cies." He compared the hardware jobbers
and dealers to "Rip Van Winkles who
have begun to awaken in the past
Lehmkuhl criticized what he term
ed "special privileges" enjoyed by
some competitors of the independent
hardware retailer, and declared "we
must meet the prices of the chain
stores and mail order houses on com
petitive lines." The sessions will con
tinue thruout Thursday.
Washington. George E. Johnson,
consulting engineer for Nebraska's
tri-county project, said public works
officials had assured him the project's
revised plans would be studied in
plenty of time to include it in the
new works program, if the project
is approved.
Altho the revised plans have been
on file for about two weeks and John
son has been here ready to furnish
additional information if needed, he
said the PWA engineers had not yet
started to study the plans.
Johnson is on a month's leave of
absence from his engineering duties
on the Columbus power project, a
PWA development in Nebraska and
had hoped the tri-county plans
would be studied quickly while he
was available here.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of Frank A. Cloidt,
Administrator of the estate of Mar
tha Young, deceased, for license to
sell real estate.
Now, on this 29th day of January,
1935, Frank A. Cloidt, Administrator
of the estate of Martha Young, de
ceased, having presented his petition
under cath praying for license to sell
the following described real estate of
the said Martha Young, to-wit:
Lot eight (S) in Block thirty
seven (37) in the City of Platts- .
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska
or so much thereof to bring the sum
of $250.00, for the payment of debts
allowed against said estate, charges
and costs of administration, for the
reason that there is not a sufficient
amount of personal property in the
possession of said Frank A. Cloidt,
Administrator, belonging to said es
tate, to pay said debts, allowances
and costs.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at chambers in the City ot
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
21st day of March, 193 5, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock a. m., to show cause
if any there be, why a license should
net be granted to said Frank A.
Cloidt, Administrator, to sell so much
cf the above described real estate of
said decedent as shall be necessary to
pay said debts and expenses.
It is further ordered that a copy of
this order be served upon all persons
interested in said estate by causing
the same to bo published for four
successive weeks in The Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed and published in said county
ot" Cass.
Judge of the District Court.
f i-4w
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Charles Vallery, Plaintiff,
James O. Niel, Mrs. James O. Niel,
first real name unknown, George W.
Snyder, Mrs. George W. Snyder, first
and real name unknown; D. L.
Hughes whose name is alleged to be
Daniel L. Hughes, Mrs. D. L. Hughes,
whose name is alleged to be Elmira
W. Hughes, C. Shutter, first real
name unknown; Mrs. C. Shutter, first
and real name unknown; C. Shutler,
first real name unknown; Susan E.
Shutler, Francis Mewes, Mrs. Fran
cis Mewes, first and real name un
known; F. Mowers, first and real
name unknown; Julia Mowers, The
heirs, devisees, legatees, persona'
representatives and all persons in
terested in the estates of James O
Niel, Mrs. James O. Niel, first real
name unknown; George W. Snyder,
Mrs. George W. Snyder, first and
real name unknown; D. L. Hughe3,
whose name is alleged to be Daniel
L. Hughes; Mrs. D. L. Hughes, whose
name is alleged to be Elmira W.
Hughes; C. Shutter, first real name
unknown; Mrs. C. Shutter,-first and
real name unknown; C. Shutler, first
and real name unknown; Susan E.
Shutler, Francis Mewes; Mrs. Fran
cis Mewes, first and real name un
known; F. Mowers, first and real
name unknown; Julia Mowers, J.
Edgar Johnson, each deceased, real
names unknown; and all persons hav
ing or claiming any interest, right,
title, estate in, or lien upon Lots 1,
2, and 3 in Block 5 in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska;
To the Defendants: James O. Niel,
Mrs. James O. Niel, first real name
unknown; George W. Snyder, Mrs.
George W. Snyder, first and real
name unknown; D. L. Hughes, whose
name is alleged to be Daniel L.
Hughes, Mrs. D. L.. Hughes, whose
name is alleged to be Elmira W.
Hughes, C. Shutter, first real name
unknown; Mrs. C. Shutter, first and
real name unknown; C. Shutler, first
real name unknown; Susan E. Shut
ler, Francis Mewes, Mrs. Francis
Mewes, first and real name unknown;
F. Mowers, first and real name un
known; Julia Mowers; The heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estates of James O. Niel, Mrs.
James O. Niel, first real name un
known; George W. Snyder, Mrs.
George W. Snyder, first and real
name unknown; D. L. Hughes, whose
name is alleged to be Daniel L.
Hughes, Mrs. D. L. Hughes, whose
name is alleged to be Elmira W.
Hughes; C. Shutter, first real name
unknown; Mrs. C. Shutter, first and
real name unknown; C. Shutler, first
real name unknown; Susan E. Shut
ler, Francis Mewes, Mrs. Francis
Mewes, first and real name unknown;
F. Mowers, first and real name un
known; Julia Mowers, J. Edga:
Johnson, each deceased, real names
unknown; and all persons having or
claiming any interest, right, title,
estate in, or lien upon Lots 1, 2, and
3 in Block 5 in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, real
names unknown;
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Charles Vallery as plain
tiff, filed a petition and commenced
an action in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, on the 23rd
day of November, 1934, against you
and each of you, the object, purpose
and prayer of which is to obtain a
decree of the court quieting the title
to Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block 5 in" the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska, In the plaintiff as against
you and each of you, and for such
other relief a3 may be just and equit
able in the premises.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day the 28th day of March, 1935, or
the allegations therein contained will
be taken as true and a decree will be
rendered in favor of the plaintiff as
against you and each of you accord
ing to the prayer of said petition.
"See it before you buy ft."
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Matt Antone Jirousek, de
ceased. No. 4002:
Take notice that a petition ha3
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Sophy Lloyd as Administratrix; that
said petition has been set for hearing
before said Court on the 23rd day
of February, 1935, at ten o'clock a.
Dated January 24, 1935.
j2S-3w County Judge.
In the County Court cf Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate cf Elizabeth Flamme, deceased.
No. 4000:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of S.
A. Naffziger as Administrator; that
said petition has been set for hearing
before said court on the 15th day cf
February, 1935, at 2:00 o'clock p. m.
Dated January 17, 1935.
j21-3w County Judge.
In the County Court cf Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Herman Zamzow, deceased. No. 3081:
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims against said estate is May Sth,
1935; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Platts
mouth on May 10th, 1935, at 10:00
o'clock a. m., for the purpose cf ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated January 9th, 1935.
jl4-3v County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Elizabeth Witthoeft, deceased.
No. 4001:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of August
Huge, as Executor thereof; that said
petition has been set for hearing be
fore said Court on the 23rd day of
February, 19 3 5, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated January 22, 1935.
j2S-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of George and Eva Meislnger,
deceased. No. 2761:
Take notice that the Administrator
of said estate has filed his final re
port and a petition for examination
and allowance cf his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on February 23, 1935, at
ten o'clock a. m.
Dated January 25, 1933.
j2S-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty cf Cass, Nebraska.
In Re Application of W. A. Robert
son, Administrator of the estate of
Terrace Hennings Pitman, also known
as Terrace H. Pitman, deceased, for
license to sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that under
a license issued by the District Court
of Cass county, Nebraska, the under
signed Administrator c. t. a., of the
estate of Terrace Hennings Pitman,
also known as Terrace H. Pitman, de
ceased, will sell at public auction at
the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of
March, 1935, at 10 o'clock a. m., the
real estate belonging to said estate
and described as the northwest quar
ter cf the northwest quarter of Sec
tion seventeen (17), Township eleven
(11), north, Range thirteen (13),
east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county,
Terms of sale, 10 cash at time
of sale, balance on confirmation.
Administrator c. t. a., of the
Estate of Terrace Hennings
Pitman, also known as Ter
race H. Pitman, Deceased.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass.
BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale
issuod by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass County. Nebraska.
directed, I will on the 14th day of
l enruary A. D.. 1935. at 10 nVlnrlf
A. M. of said day at the South Front
Door of the Court House in said
County, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the follow
ing reai estate to-wit:
West Half of the Southwest
Quarter of Section Twenty-nine
and the West Half cf the North
west Quarter of Section Thirty
two all in Township Ten (10),
North Range 14 East of the
6th P. M., in Cass County, Ne
braska: The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of Clara M. Boone,
ei ai ueienaants to satisfy a Judg
ment of said Court recovered by The
First Trust Comnanv of Lin
braska, a corporation, Successor Trus
tee. Plaintiff against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, January
7th A. D., 1935.
Sheriff Cass County,
J10-5w Nebraska.
! In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
matter of the trusteeship of the Es
tate of Caroline Williams, deceased.
No. 919:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 21st day of Jan
uary, 1935 there was filed in this
court, the report of C. H. Longacre
and Augusta Longacre, trustees un
der the last will and testament of
Carolina Williams, deceased, cover
ing the period from October -jln'
1933, to and including January 7th,
1935, as to all transactions pertain
ing to said estate during said time,
and that a petition was filed c.n said
date praying therein fcr the approval
and allowances cf said report;
You are further notified that a
hearing will be had upon said re
port and petition before this Court
on February 15th, 1935 at the hour
of ten o'clock A. M.. at which time
the court Avill examine said report
with a view of passing upon the cor
rectness cf the same. All objections
to said report should be made on or
before the day and hour of said hear
ing. Dated this 21st day of January.
By the Court.
(Seal) j21-Cw County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Emma L. Judkins, Mila A.
Anderson, Abbie L. Ank
cny Ella Ossenkop, Elmer
B. Judkins,
The heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representa
tives and all other persons
-:ntrrp?tp'I in the estate of
Andrew Spagel. deceased. NOTICE
real names unknown; all
persons having or claiming
any interest in Northeast
Quarter (XE',4) of South
east Quarter (SE',4) cf
Section 29, Township 10
North, Range 9 East of the
6th 1. M., Cass county, Ne
braska, real names un
known, Defendants.
To the Heirs, Devisees, Legatee-.
Personal Representatives and all eth
er persons interested in the estate of
Andrew Spr:gel, deceased, real nanus
unknown; all persons having or
claiming any interest in Northeast
Quarter (NE'4 ) of Southeast Quar
ter (SEU) of Section 29, Township
10 North, Range 9 East of the Cth
P. M., Cass county, Nebraska, real
names unknown:
You are hereby notified that Emma
L. Judkins, Mila A. Anderson, Abbie
L. Ankeny, Ella Ossenkop and Elmer
B. Judkins on January 22. 1935, filed
their petition and commence 1 an ac
tion against you in the District Court
of Cass county, Nebraska, and that
the object and prayer of plaintiff.'
petition is that the title to Nort heart
Quarter (NEU ) of Southeast Quar
ter (SEU) of Section 29, Township
10 North, Range 9 East of the Cth
P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, be
quieted in plaintiffs, and that you be
decreed to have no interest in. rights
or title to, or lien upon said describ
ed real estate, and for general equit
able relief.
You are required to answer the
petition of plaintiffs on or before the
4th day of March. 1935.
By Plaintiffs.
Their Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Application cf
Carl J. Schneider, Administrator of
the Estate of Thomas Oscar Wilson,
deceased, for License to Sell Real
Estate to Pay Debts.
Now, on this 18th day of Januiry.
1935, came Carl J. Schneider, Admin
istrator of the estate of Thomas Oscar
Wilson, deceased, and presents his
petition for license to sell real estate
of the deceased party in order to pay
the claims filed and allowed against
said estate, and the expenses of ad
ministrating said estate and the o:ts
cf tliis proceedings. It appearing from
said petition that there is an unsuffi
cient amount of personal prrperty i;i
the hands of the Administrator to
pay the claims presented and nllow.Ml
by the County Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, and the expenses of admin
istration of said estate; and that it i;
necessary to sell the whole or the real
estate of said deceased in order to pav
the aioresa'J claims and costs of ad
ministration. It is therefore Considered. Ordered
and Adjudged that all persons inter
ested in the estate of Thomas Oscar
Wilson appear before me, I), w. Liv
ingston, Judge of the District Courl.
at the District Court room in the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 13th
day cf March, 1935 at the hour tf
ten o'clock in the forenoon, and show
cause, if any there be, why such li
cense should not be granted to Carl
J. Schneider, Administrator of ths
estate of Thomas Oscar Wilson, de
ceased, to tell all the real estate of
raid c.eceas.ed, so as to pay the claim.
presented and allowed with the costs
of administration nmi t,t ..- .i
V furtner Considered, Ordered
and Adjudged that notice be given m
all persons interested by publication
of this Order to Show Cause for four
successive wppfc in ti, m..... ..
Journal, a legal newspaper published
general circulation in the
Ccur.ty of Cass. Nebraska.
By the Court.
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