THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1935. PLATTSKOTJTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE U ION LIU I L i u. i number of musical selections on the program, which was made up wholly jcf numbers provided by the different towns represented. Tcny Sudduth and family, of Weep ing Water were visiting with Triends and looking after some business mat ters here last Monday. Ollie Attcberry and Philip Rlhn, with their cars took the young peo ple to Peru last Sunday to attend the Young Peoples' convention. Mesdames Sirncn G ruber and Henry II. Pecker were in Omaha last Mon day, where they were visiting' with fiiends and looking after some chop ping. R. D. Stine and con George were looking alter some business matters Visited in Louisville C. E. Morris and family were visit ing with a brother of Mr. Morris, Silas Morris and family, at Louisville, enjoying the day Sunday with the folks there. A fine family dinner was served and the Union folks returned home in late afternoon. Senate May Yet Hit Land Commissioner jBill Leaves Commissioner Swanson Idle New Historical So ciety Proposed. Entertained for Dinner Rev. anj Mrs. P. N. Kunkel enter tained last Saturday, having a3 their J guests for the occasion, D. Ray Frans and family and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd. A most pleasant six o'clock din- in Plattsnicuth last Saturday, having !uer was Eerved and all were pleased 10 iruiis-uci ai me omcc wilJl their fine visit together. or .Municipal Judge Chas. L. Graves. Kane half dozen of the members of the two churches here are expecting to attend the meeting of Cass county churchmen to be held at Weeping AVater cn Wednesday evening of this week. C. L. Greene and family were vis iting with friends and relatives at Omaha last Sunday, being guests at the home of a sister of Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Addie Partlett and her daughter, Florence. -virs. urant Hackenberg, who is making her home with her daughter during her illness, is reported as feel ing much improved at this time, be ing able to be up and about the home at this time. Hallas Canning, who is making his home at Lincoln, where he is employ ed as an accountant, was a visitor at the home of his parents here over Sunday, also enjoying meeting his many friends here. Daniel Reynolds, manager of the Trunkenbolz filling station here, was called to Omaha to look after some matters of business and while he was away, his friend. Homer Hunter, was looking after the station. At the dance which was given last week, the Three Muskateers were un able to play as had been announced, and the Lancaster orchestra of Mur ray was called upon, providing some excellent music for the dancers. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Baker, who re side east of town near the Missouri river, are the parents of a son born last Sunday at St. Mary's hospital in Nebraska City. The little one and his mother are both getting along splen didly at this time. Miss Harriet Leach, who is attend ing school at Peru, visited at the home of her parents over the week end. She is getting along splendidly with her studies and is well pleased with her choice of schools. She returned to resume her studies Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marks were visiting and looking after some busi ness matters in Plattsmouth last Fri day and while there Mr. Marks was calling on his old time friend. Judge Charles L. Graves, who resided in Union a good many years before going to Plattsmouth to make his home. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Banning went to Lincoln Sunday afternoon, accom panying their son. Hallas, who had been here for a week end visit, back to the capital city. Mr. Banning, Sr. is well acquainted in Lincoln and they called upon numerous friends there before returning to their home in Union. Lloyd Carlson, one of the drivers of the stone trucks, while at his work last week had the misfortune to get his thumb caught between the truck and the endgate, pinching the nail and a portion of the finger off. The accident happened last Thursday and alter the members was dressed he has been taking an enforced layoff. The Gocpel team of the Auburn Baptist church, which is known for its fine entertainment, will be here again this coming Sunday to conduct services at the Baptist church at the regular morning worship hour. All are invited to attend this service, and those who were present on their form er visit here will need no second urging. Enlists for Another Term Ensign Alley Griffin, brother cf H. W. Griffin, who completed his sec end term of enlistment in the United States navy about the first cf the year, has been visiting with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Griffin, at Tulsa, Oklahoma, and will remain until February 17th, when he will return to San Diego, where he enters the navy for his third term. Arley is well pleased with the service and with each succeeding enlistment he is being advanced and receives a bet ter salary. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Griffin are contemplating a trip to Tulsa during the time his brother is there, which will also give them an opportunity of visiting the parents, his father hav ing suffered a stroke after his remov al there last spring and being in con tinued poor health. Had a Pine Dance The Firemen's dance proved to be a very enjoyable affair last week and another is being held on Wednesday night of this week, which falls on the president's birthday. Future dances will be held on Thursday nights in stead of Wednesdays, however At Work Again Eugene Roddy, who has been kept irom his work for the past three weeks by a severe attack of flu, is now considerably improved and ex pects to be able to return to work on Monday of this week. The friends of this splendid young man are pleased to note that he is now on the road to recovery and last Monday returned to work. Water Meter Freezes The water meter in use at the pro duce station of Elmer Withrow froze and burst during the recent sub-zero weather, but he and Ira Clarke suc ceeded in repairing the meter so it was as good as new and it has been working satisfactorily every since. Sharpens Razor Blades George Stine has put his wits to work and perfected a device whereby he is able to sharpen safety razor blades perfectly and rapidly. In a short time last Friday he sharpened 100 blades for his friend, Rev. W. A. Taylor. With the device which he has perfected, he can sharpend the blades at the rate of several thous and a day. Whether he will engage extensively in thi3 line of work, or dispose of Lis machine has net as yet been determined. Enjoyed Meeting at Pern The Young Peoples Union of the Baptist church were at Peru for a district meeting of the organization last Sunday, they being taken to the college town in cars provided by sev eral Union people. A fine program had been arranged and there were approximately 150 young people there from over the district. The Glee club and the Union orchestra furnished a Ninety-Two Years Yonng Grandmother Mrs. Rachel Pell, who will be 92 years old in March, is feel ing pretty well for a girl of her age, and gets about very well, coming out to her meals. She has a young worn- n from Weeping Water staying with her and they both enjoy the house keeping together. Robbed the Kerosene Barrel C. E. Morris and his son have had suspicions for some time that some one has been tampering with their kerosene barrel, which is located just outside the house and provides fuel and light to the household. So, one going one way and another the other, they came around the outside of the house and run onto a man whom they know well at the barrel, with a buck et under the faucet and the coal oil running into the pail. He mumbled ;ome explanation and hastened for home with his bucket. The amount that he might have secured at one visitation would not have come to a great deal in dollars and cents, but nevertheless he was stealing just as much as though he had taken more expensive property and Mr. Morris, who has a large family to support can ill afford to lose any of his earnings in this manner. Mr. Morris has not divulged the name of the visitor. The state senate in committee of the whole during a brief afternoon ! cession Monday looked over S. F. 58,1 j but appeared in no mood to place its stamp of approval upon it at thatj time. It is a voluminous measure which if enacted would leave State Land Commissioner Leo Swanson twiddling his thumbs in a nice big office with nothing to do except serve j as custodian of the capitol, and other ' bills pending would transfer the cus-' todianship to "Governor Cochran and his state engineer. The bill under consideration in the senate was introduced by the com-j mittee on school lands and funds,' Neeland chairman. It leaves the, state land commissioner in his con- i stitutional place as a member of the ' board of educational lands and funds, but it takes all his duties as conimis- j sioner of public lands and buildings and bestows them upon the full board of five state officers, of which the commissioner is one. Wherever the present laws says the commis-! sioner shall perform a duty the bills substitute the name of the full board and authorizes the board to appoint a paid secretary and other employes and takes from the commissioner all ' records of lands and funds and : places them in an office to be pro-; vide-1 in the capitel where the board j and its secretary are to perform all ; duties relating to lands and build-j ings owned by the state. The present , commissioner is a republican. The ' other members of the board are demo-: cratic state officers, with the gover- j nor as chairman. It relieves the com- j missioner of the duties of secretary j of the board. J The entire bill was read but no action was taken. It will be consid-j ered again at the next session of the committee of the whole senate. I MAGNATE'S FATE DEBATED Boston. A Jury deliberated the fate of Roger E. Baker, leather busi ness director, baseball magnate and restaurant owner charged in 134 counts with larceny, false entry and other alleged financial irregularities. The jury was advised to return a sealed verdict to be read Wednes day. Assistant District Attorney Gillen in his closing arguments charged the defendant stole $275,000 from his employes to finance his love affairs, restaurant business and baseball league. He was denounced as an "arch thief who left his wife desti tute to lavish stolen thousands on a younger woman." PERSHING HAS TROPHY Lordsburg, N. M. Gen. John J. ! Pershing has a new trophy. Passing ; thru the scene of earlier military j activities when he commanded the j expedition into Mexico following the j raid of Pancho Villa, General Persh- ing was presented with an Indian j hatchet by Albert Johnson, who served under him in the A. E. F. HUGE TAX INCREASE Sacramento. A sixteen day legis lative session which witnessed the introduction of tax measures esti mated capable of producing 2 billion dollars a biennium in revenue in Cal ifornia ended early Sunday. The lawmakers extended and liberalized the present moratorium on real es tate incumbrances and laid the groundwork for a huge tax increase. FARMERS Save time and money by having your feed ground on yonr farm by Beezley's Portable mill. Call Bar row's Hi-way Service Station, Platts phone 3503, or Jeff Salsberg, Louis ville phone 1703, for information. fit ' should have this combination for the relief of colds and their unpleasantness. Simply put a few drops of Vapure on your handkerchief or on your pillow as you sleep. Take one or two Puretest Aspirin. Then see how quickly you get rid of the stuffed miserable feeling of your cold. 50c bome VAPURE THE WONDER INHALANT ASPIRIN tablets both for F. 6. Fricke & Co. g(g)c YOU ALSO will favor THIS ST0R ahead of all others after you once shop here where every item is QUALITY and every one LOW PRICED! i irst ttize or Van Camp's HommY ffc Ko. SCO Can - No. VA Can - 2 f0r ; ilver Bar Seeded RAISIHS ffc 15-oz. Pkg. ------ a Santa Clara Prunes ?Qr 30-100 Size. - - - 4 lbs. iiiver Bar Fancy Sugar PSAS No- 200 Can, 11c Mo Can ;2-14c 2 for 27c QUAKER OATS Quick or Regular 20-cz. 1 A 48-oz. -f Pkg. - lUC Pkg. - iL mm vm. mimm Ad for Friday, Saturday, Febr. 1st and 2nd LETTUCE 5-Cczen Size. Head. I-'rcnU, 'rip California I clir;. -8C CELERY large, Well Bleached Stalk 10C u!!fruia t bnla ViSu YAMS U. S. Grade No. 1 4 lbs 19C ;niui? ! uiiaii I'ortu itienn. POTATOES U. S. Grado No. 1 Wisconsin Round Whites 100-lb. Bag 15-lb. Feck - LO Prince Albert or VELVET TOBACCO C 15c Tin 11c Mb. Ffflft Can - S V (when Packed) Van Camp's, Swift's or First Prize PORK BEANS -300 Can f 50 o tor TANGERINES pancy Sweet Juicy Florida Extra Large (12S Size), Doz., 25e Large (1C3 Size), Dcz 17k H.M:T oi' ltOV. JKWKI. FLOUR Eri". $ .69 HINKY-D1NKY 5 lbs., 25 ; 10, 49 $1 .73 24 lbs., 980 ; 48 lbs. I ORANGES Fancy Sweet Juicy Calif. Seedless 100 Size A( 200 Size 97 Navel: Dozen Dozen GRAPEFRUIT Texas Marsh Seedless Sweet and 12G Size QC F , On Juicy Dozen - - OOC " ' OC APPLES fancy Idaho Winesaps or Rome Beauties KSl.79 an-.-- 23c GRAPES, 3 lbs. for 25c California Snfrl Heti Kmiirroin. LEMONS 300 Size. Dozen 23C I'nncy Ijiricr Juicy uliforula. Casco Creamery BUTTER 1-lb. Carton - - "My Own" Margarine 1DS 3c 27c So Tast-ee Scda CRACKERS or Certified Grahams caddy iC SUGAR JR MI,TKI IIKKT 100 lbs, $5.06; 10 lbs. FINE CAME- 10-lb 100 lbs, $5.28 CI. Bag 56c Smoked Hani K2?'! frLb.I0ic EIIHEE END, lb 17'2C ri::our' Vi-I.-uii- llrmiil tiiinr 'urv! (unlit?. BEEF ROAST (Shoulder), lb lJC l Uo'.n ('t.-rji I t i " I f I llf.-f for viru or Ol. PORK ROAST, lb. . 19VzC ''nift'r I'rt'iiiium miu!1I -iht from S to H. tir v.!-. -- r.: if. BEEF (HUMP) ROAST, lb. . . I9V2C ( lir-c Cora 1-ril llrrf of fluent t;italll. SPARE RIBS, lb 15c t-'nr li nidify ':?!:! Tr; nomc with krnul. EEEF (round) STEAK, lb. . .27c f liofct rj IVI ll-ff. I)-li-io-ji snln hI;Ip. PORK CHOPS, lb 222c ( boirc iiu.l I.tiiu In mi; Iblrknrr.N ti I r-! . FRAHKFURTS, 2 lbs 23c Am i;f ' litrr izr. I'ine with Lrmit. ISIS15 SMOKED HAM, lb. . . 27c O h ( nl 1111 1,1 r I11 Hllct-M t'- lmf or fry. BACOH Hinky-Dinky, Mb. Pkc 3lC I r!il lion) Si:i;nr Cured. Hickory ninoK-il iialit. SUMMER SAUSAGE, lb . 17 V2C !;lii' Thai in-jfT t ! !! I l.mich Mrnt. BACON SQUARES, lb 20c DoM'm Su-rur urHl, lor krubuiii or frjliiK. KR AUT, m 5c l'ti!Mv loii- hLrrd 1cuunu liulk. "FIND-OUT" for yourself what DEL MONTE QUALITY and VALUE IS! 18c Del Monte Sliced or Half PEACHES No. 2Yz Can - - - Del Monte Deluxe PLUMS No. 212 Can Del Monte Gritless SPINACH No. 1 Tall Can, 10$ No. 2V2 Can IS' Del Monte New Pack Florida Del Monte Sliced or Crushed N&n2 27C &n 2i4 -2c for HMP c Del Monte Red Alaska Safaoim Va'i-canilS0, S for Sfc Del Monte Fancy Catsup (SatSSUBgD - 2c, 3 for c Del Monte Crushed PINEAPPLE Ho. 10 Can - - - Del Monte Pure Tomato Juice 7-oz. Can, 6 c 1 5-oz. Can - - - 59c .9' Del Monte Solid Pack TOMATOES a No. 1 Tall Can No Can i8. 12c Si8?4. tlc JELL-O Assorted Flavors -I q 3 Pkgs. I Aunt Jemima ' Pancake Flour 7 312-lb. Bag C Pure New York Buckwheat Flour ?7 5-lb. Bag I C Hinky-Dinky COFFEE S-lb. Bag, 62 OI 1-lb. Bag I C Robert's or Oatman's 3 Tall Cans l8c Bel Monte Co22ee out? UKTIIU CIT FOR IIISTI-XCTIVK FLAVOR Can - 59c 1-lb. Can - - HEIHZ VINEGAR Pure Cider or White. Pint bottle, 10c; Quart - Keins Rice Flakes 2 Pks-s. for 21C Cloverdale Sugar Corn, No. 2 can lit First Prize Peas (Soaked), No. 2 can, 9; 3 for 250 Shirley Brand Tomatoes, mcd. cans 90 Mission Asparagus, long spears, No. 2 can 170 Val Vita Tomato Sauce, 8-oz. can 50 Mission Brand Catsup, No. 10 can 530 -lb. Pkg. a A lZ&Zk Mb. 35C Grten Japan or Orange Pekoe IJHOWN' LABEL Maxwell House COFFEE Vita-Fresh "fl C Mb. Can - - - q51L Pillsbury's Best FLOUR 24-lb. Bag, $1.09 48-lb. Bas - FXTFH PHI7R fdVTKST Scoield's WHOLE WHEAT Cereal 3-lb. Pkg. Virginia Sweet Pancake Flour, 1-lb. pkg., 90; 3y2-lb. bag 19C Macaroni cr Spaghetti, fancy cut, 2-lb. cello bag 19C Thompson Seedless Baisins, 4-lb. pkg., 330 ; 2-lb. pkg 170 Hilex, Clears, Bleaches, Becderizes. Quart bottle 190 Union Leader Tobacco. 10c tin, 3 for 25c; $1 size 63c Granger Bough Cut Tobacco, 10c pkg., 3 for 250 ; 1-lb 79c Keti-L-Hation The Dos Food Supreme Kit-E-Ration Ct Foot!. 2 2 1-lb. Cans 19c .... 23c Blue Barrel .si SOAP4L:lSSK.iL Raskins H. Water Toilet Soap, 6 bars . 25c BUTTER-NUT Salad Dressing 1000 Island or Spread 8-oz. Jar, 150 Pirt. 25 - Quart 37c Old Bnteli (SHeaimGeE Enter Old Dutch Limerick Contest. Ask for details. y 17 Kc L Cans, iiS) All LiJ 11 ii 12iLL-&Si 11 Purpose Grind The ((5S2 Delicious 1-lb. 517C Q Mb. TP Can -Qj)JJ Special offer - - O Cans JJ Every Soap 1 ivnRV : I soap Mni. Slr 3 for. . . 17c 3 Ige. tars2Dc G Guest 250 29c P IS G Soap G Giant Bars, 250 10 Eeg. size Ears - Ivory Flakes Smell 1 A Large Pkg. - 1 UC Pkg. - Chipso Flakes or GRANULES 1 Qr Sm. Pkg, 90; Ige. Pkg.