f PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - VEEKLY JOTfBXAL OUR FIRST MES SAGE this year as it was last year regarding good food and a greater economy on your table supplies! for you Frank's or Van Camp's Fancy KRAUT No. 2i2 Can, 11 Med. Can - - Del Monte Sliced op Crushed PINEAPPLE O tr PVC No. 1 Flat Can - - lOl JL d No. 2i2 Can, 200 . - . 2 for 390 Ad for Friday, Saturday, Jan. 4 th and 5th Jagua Brand TOMATOES No. 2y Can, 120 2for2Sc Van Camp's or Swift's PORK & BEANS "IT 4farl9'e Red Spot Prepared PHUHES tlo. 10 Can - - HK1 TAG tin Syrup) Prunes, No. 2Y2 Can ic 13c ORANGES 324 Size, Dozen lC I'auey Sr-tllHn Florida Sraldmrrt Swwl autl Juioj'. GRAPEFRUIT Texas Marsh Seedless Sweet and 126 Size , O Juicy Dozen - - OuC - - JC APPLES okWInksaps nM,B 15EAlTV Ring Packed Full Bushel Basket $1.69 5 lbs. - 23c POTATOES u S Qrade No. 1 Wisconsin Round Whites 100-lb. Bag (when Packed) $1.23 is-ib. pk 23c LETTUCE 6 Dozen Size, Head 8C Krvab. Solid Arizona Iwbersr. CARROTS large Bunch, 50 ; 2 fbr JC Krrah Gwa Top California. BEETS, large bunch . . 5c Fancy Frmh Tnu, SPINACH, 3 lbs 25c Fran, Truiln Tajt. SWEET POTATOES 4 ibs.19c (Jrnulnr I ouUIann Forte Itlean Tama I. !. (J r tide ZVo. 1. ONIONS 50-lb. Bag, $1.10, 3 lbs. IOC 1". H. Ursa IV.. 1 Colorado Trilovr. RUTABAGAS ib., 20; 5 lbs 9c Medium alav Mlnuenota. 17C SMOKED HAMS wh. cr Half, ib. triunbr'H t-lrr llrana! Flue nunllty. Miliar rur-l llitkory unoknl, A flnor r.ll It owu. Either End, If? I5c BEEF ROAST shoulder, ib..l3c I . S. Cliol-i. Pine corn fed ;uali(y. Itouutl Imur or Shoulder iut. Ideal for o'.ru or ot roaMt. FRESH PICNICS 4 to 6 lbs., ib.JLGc !-3l-l-iiM lc?rk roaul Irnn, (rndrr I'ork Sliouldvr cuIn, BEEF (Hump) ROAST, Ib. . .182C (!utllty lleff Choice eoru ft it. lukm n luNtv ovra ruiml. PORK ROAST, lb. ... 15c Choice lean quality Very little boue. Dellcloun with vama, SPARE RIBS, lb 11 c .Smnll. meaty. Try ihem baked with drenMlnic or boiled with nailer kraut. BEEF (Bound) STEAK, lb. . . . 20c Choice torn fed lleef. A real treat either Swlnx Htyle or X'lalu fried. PORK STEAK, lb IV2C Lean, tender lloittou Ilutt out. I.lttle boue. tct:TsTEK SMOKED HAM, lb. . . 25c Armour'M Melroe. Choice center cut la thlckueaa you wlb. FRANKFURTS, lb 10c Swlft'w large Juicy Excellent lor quick lnncbeM. BACON Kinky-Dinky, Mb. Pkg . 2?C Hickory ftmoked and Htiirnr eured for dintinellve flavor. Cornea to you tretihly sliced and cello wrapped. KRAUT, lb 5c ew paeb WIhcodmIu bulk. Crlap and teuder lous abredi. Fancy Pink Salmon Mb. Tall Can 2 for 23c First Prize PEAS (SOAKED) No. 2 Can 2 for 15c Ca&co .Creamery BUTTER SOLIDS Mb. Carton 2Cy Own Brand Margarine 25c Mb. Carton 2 for Del Monte Red Alaska SALMON Mb. Flat Can, 140 ffSS 2 for 3ft So Tast-ee Soda CRACKERS or Certified g-ib Grahams caddy 17c Heinz Assorted SUUFS 2Ige. or 3 Small Cans Except Chowder or Connorame) DKI. 3IOXTK CltKAM STYLE CO. Cii:.NT. or GOI.OKX II A NT AM CORN No. 2 Can 14c 2 for 21c CALUMET Baking Powder 1-Ib. Can SWANS DOWN CAKK y,:il, Ikg, 29c SUGAR OKAXl'LATKD UliET 25 lbs., $1.29 10 lbs FINE CANE- 10-lb. 25-lb. bag, $1.35 CI. Bag 52c 56c Big 4 White Naptha soap io : 23c 'Big Value' or 'Sani-Health' Toilet 8oap, 6 giant bars, 25c Hinky-Dinky COFFEE 21 Qc 3-lb. Bag --- P5 KTAn C1P. 1-lb. Vae. can... 25 Boss Baker Apples, No. 10 can ...430 Peaches or Pears, No. 10 can 470 lapel Evergreen Corn, No. 2 can 100 Good Grade Brand Cut Carrots, No. 2 cans 2 for jfj First Prize Hominy, No. 2y2 cans 3 for 250 Roberts Milk, 6 Small or 3 Tall cans X70 Butter-Nut Pancake Flour 23c 1Mb Pkg. 1 ft 3Mb. Pkg. BUTTER-NUT Buckwheat Flour 1Mb. Pkg. 12c g 23c CHOWN JEWEL FLOUR S?-. $ .69 HINKY-DINKY 5 lbs., 25; 10, 49 $ .79 24 lbs., 9S0 ; 48 lbs... 1 Pure Strained Honey, 5-lb. pail 49 Pare New York Buckwheat Flour, 5-lb. bag "290 Fancy Cut Macaroni or Spaghetti, 2-lb. cello bag II190 Thompson Seedless Raisins, 4-lb. bag, 330 ; 2-lb. bag 170 Choice Muir Dried Peaches, lb., 150 ; 2 lbs 230 Woodward's Pink and White Taffy Candy, lb .1O0 Omaha Family SOAP 10 Bars HaakEns H. Water Toilet Soap, 6 bars 29c . 25c BUTTER-NUT Salad Dressing 1000 Island or Spread 8-oz. Jar, 150 QQf Pint, 230 ; Quart - e5s5 Pillsbury's Best FLOUR 24-lb. Bag, $1.09 48-lb. Ba2 SAFETY SEALED" . . 31' 13 F CoSSee 3-lb. Can, 090 2-lb. Can, 600 Mb. Can - M J. B. Junior COFFEE Mb. Pkg. . 2SC Tree Tea GREEN JAP.1X Mb. Pkg, 270 Mb. Pkg, 140 OIUKGR PEKOE Mb. Pkg, 350 i-lb. Pkg, 18c SUNBRITE CLEANSER Reg. Cans .13' Ken-L-Ration 2S 10c ... 23c Tha Dos Food Sup Kit-E-Ration Cat Food, a 1-lb. can Absorbent 4lBI 19c Ivory Soap 19c !.. SI- 2 for. .. Mrd. Size f pj 3 for 1C p & G Soap 6 Giant Bars, 250 $J JV 10 Beg. size Bars - Ivory Flakes Small Q Large Pkg. - VC Pkg. - Oxydol Med. Pkg, 90 Large Pkg. - - Win. McHugh, Jr. Named Jury Commissioner Deposed by Governor Bryan as Elec tion Commissioner, Selected by Omaha Judges. Omaha. District Judges at their annual meeting here unanimously voted to continue William McHugh, Jr., as Jury commissioner for Doug las county. McHugh recently was deposed as election commissioner by Governor Bryan, who named Anton Tusa to succeed him. It has been the custom to elect the election commissioner to the post or Jury commissioner. Action on McHugh was regarded as a direct thrust at Bryan, whose action in ap pointing Tusa had been attacked edi torlally as dragging the election commissionerRhip into politics for the first time in history. The group re-elected Judge John W. Yeager presiding Judge and an nounced all of the other Judges would remain in the courts they oc cupied during 1934. The post of Jury commissioner pay? $1,000 per year, RETURNS TO PERU Maynard McCleary, who has been enjoying the holiday vacation at Arcadia, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esper McCleary and his bro ther, tlarland, as in the city over the New Year holiday. lie deart ed today for Peru to resume his work in the Teacher's college at that place, classe? being resumed there Thurs day morning. VISITORS IN THE CITY OMAHA PARTIES WEDDED From Wednesday's Dally William Sheehan, Sr., the genial assessor of Center precinct, with his son, William Sheehan, Jr., were In the city today for a few hours 100K ing after some matters of business at the court house. The Sheehan family Is one of the prominent groups In the Manley vicinity and both are among the leaders in the democratic party In that section. THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1925. EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH 10:30 English service. 7:45 Luther League. 4 Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title J Phone 324 - Plattsmoutn ST. LUKE'S FELLOWSHIP un December 28th, the Young Peoples Fellowship of the St. Luke's church gave a Christmas party Fri day night to the Young Peoples Fel lowship of Blair. An enjoyable time was had by all. The Young Peoples Fellowship of St. Luke's church gave a pantomime ueccmber 23rd at the St. Luke's church. It was repeated again at the Masonic Home December 28th. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER luesaay evening-Mr. and Mrs. R. risiiM ranerson entertained very delightfully at the home in the north portion of the city at a New Year's turkey dinner. The members of the party comprised Dr. and Mrs. H. G. McClusky and Mr. and Mrs. C. A Rawl3, with the member of the Pat terson family. Tuesday afternoon at the resi dence of Rev. C. O. Troy, pastor of the First Methodist church, occurred the marriage of Miss Helen F. Miner and Fred O. Harris, both of Omaha. ; party returned to the home in Om-jS aha. !P 1 if 1 BOTilffll'B: :!a!:;:a:!i:c!::i:a;-!S""B:::::B;,ii:s;'sij OMAHA PARTIES WEDDED At the residence of Rev. G. A. Pahl, pastor of the St. Paul's Evan- AND WHAT A VALUE!! V a people after the ceremony returned to their home In the metropolis. gelical church, occurred the marriage,! of Miss Hope Ann Wellman and Jack Iff Clark b.oth of Omaha. The young h n n ii I! if A r STRAYED Two heifers, one two year old Hcl stein, one two year old Guernsey. Any information please call Ru: Todd or Eddie Todd. d31-2td-2tv m: Fuii lll- I. G. 11 ..... . ii if It ST Pr M pits, n Beatrice Creamery Co. CLOVER FARJfi STORE Cream - Eggs - Poultry Evan C. Noble, Buyer Phone 24 Plattsmouth, Nebr. Produce Wanted Friday & Saturday Springs, sm. leg. . .14 Springs, Stags .... Q Hens, 4V2 lbs. up. . .12b Hens, under 4V2 . . . 10 Old Cox, lb 7 Leghorns, lb 8 Capons, 8 lbs. up . . . 1&$ CREAM, today ... 290 Egg Market Unsettled 7 oz. A. Macaroni t this represents mn out ing value. We luegcit that you lay In a supply. IGA Yeast Cake . 5 Mustard, shaker jar 5 Peet's Soap, 16-oz. bar 50 Peas, Soaked, 11-oz. tin 50 m Chocolate Drops, lz'h 50 Sardines in Oil, per tin 50 p Nufund Dog Food, 10J4-oz. can 50 IGA Jell, all flavors, pkg 50 Toilet Paper, per roll 50 but FOR lighesf Prices Oil ProifyiDe 9 See us before you sell. We have a heavy demand just now for Spring Roosters and Heavy Hens. Get those Roosters in now before they start stagging. HIDES! HIDES! We have a Special Market on those Beef and Horse Hides now. See us before you sell. Telephone 39. mm mm Conveniently Located, Corner 5th Located just West of Ford Garage and Main St, Plattsmouth PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. (o)a vAIUU)lli- I HIDES Not r. Higher Price . MORE IYIONEY Beef Hides, per lb 3c Horse Hides, large, ea..$1.75 Our business has been vcrv aood. and at this timo I wish to thank all of our customers and friends for their loyal patronaao and to extend to you. a sincere wish for a Happy and Prosperous New Yearl A. R. CASE & CO. Baker's Cocoa, Yz-lh. tin 100 Peas, Soaked, No. 2 cans 100 P & G Soap, 3 bars 100 Kraut, IGA, No. 2l2 can 100 Prunes, nice size, per lb 100 I Mackerel, 1-lb. tin 100 Plantation Sandwich, 10-oz. bags 100 R SUGAR Fine Granulated. 10-lb. cloth bag 52c CASCO BUTTER Solids, per Ib 32c O-K BRAN 2 pkgs. for 15c PEPPER y2-lb. pkg 15c ROYAL GELATIN Asstd. flavors, 3 pkgs 19c ra LYE IGA high test. 3 ce.ns 21c BEANS Linko Green or Wax, No. 2 tins, 2 for. .19c TOILET TISSUE IGA, 6 rolls 37c BAKING SODA IGA, per pkg. 7C CLOROX Quart bottle 21c MILK IGA, tall tins. 3 for 17C MUSTARD Quart jar for nc CRACKERS Graham or Soda, 2-lb. caddy 17c Milam's IMilfl THESE PRICES GOOD FRIDAY - SATURDAY Catsup, P & G, large bottle . 150 Fruit Cocktail, Demand 150 Peaches, in Syrup, No. 2 can 150 Tapioca, Kamo 100 Omar Cereal, per pkg 230 Yeasties, per pkg 170 Rex Lye, 3 cans for 250 Jell-O, all flavors, 3 pkgs. for 200 Macaroni or Spaghetti, Gooch's ... .70 Super Suds, per pkg 90 Walnuts, soft shell, per lb. ....... . 230 Candy, Christmas mix, lb 100 Liberty Pancake Flour, 32-lb. bag. 200 Sirloin or Round Steak, 2 lbs. 35c Shoulder Steali, lb 15c Baby Bee Roast, lb lie Plate Boil, 3 lbs. or 25c Fresh cut Hamburger, 3 lbs . . . 20c Liver, 3 lbs. or. 25c BeeS or Porli Hearts, lb 5c Bulk Kraut, per lb 5c FRESH OYSTERS - CELERY - DILL PICKLES 3 Cans for Dromedary Grape Fruit Juice, 10-oz. can. I Dromedary Orange Juice, 10-oz. can g Dole's Pineapple Juice, 13-oz. tin Fsrecfa FsrsaSts VegetaMec POTATOES Rural, per peck 29c HEAD LETTUCE Solid, each i0c ORANGES Nice size. Dozen . 29c APPLES Large fancy Delicious, each. 5c CARROTS or TURNIPS 3 lbs. for . . . .i0c n Friday & Sarurday Meat Specials J SHOULDER BEEF STEAK Per lb 15c I SWIFTS CIRCLE S PICNICS Per Ib. . i5c 1 OXTAILS Per lb FRANKFURTS Swift's Premium. Lb.' " " WaI I BABY BEEF ROAST Corn fed. Lb 12v!c I ROUND or SIRLOIN STEAK Per Ib. " 20c If Cut from Cudahy's Fancy Eef I FRESH PICNICS 4 to 6 Ib. avg., per Ib. 12 V c I BOSTON BUTTPORKROASTer lb'.:::: inilc Pj BACON Half or whole. Good value. Lb... 22V,c fl HAMBURGER Fresh cut. Per Ib " 7(l 63 CD ADC ric? t- ii ' 2C ?! x-kivj;. xxxxo rer id. 8 Pi 5 i 15c ARMOUR'S CHILLI-Per Mb. brick. . . Z nrrr tir-n .. lOC ntAKia I'er ib KRAUT Wisconsin fine shred Lb.. . . '. V B i hi -f it 1 i! : h u ij i 4 a i El f i u n n u u is SEE US FOR QUARTERS OF BEEF 5c ? Plattsmouth's Leadinn Cash Gtoro a .1 - M a ii M ii si 21 M ii U u M ft t ti ii ii ti t! !j M Ii ij ii !1 M ii it ii ii ki Li El !! -.ca:s::rfi;rr:j3i ; Zk