The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 03, 1935, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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h:- b- b:t a - a " c a a: s :. c a - c.
Any woman who does
anything which a little
electric motor can do is
working for 3 cents a day.
This Modern
Maytag is Hot
a Luxury!
IT is a necessity which
gives the housewife extra hours for those profitable,
pleasant and important things so vital to her health and
happiness and to the welfare of her family.
BEFORE the housewife can enjoy these
worth-while advantages, she must be relieved
of the unnecessary work that robs her of the
time, strength and ability to enjoy the better
things of life to which she is entitled.
No other appliance is so universally needed and appre
ciated by the housewife as a Maytag. Not only because
of the time and labor it caves, but because it ssves your
clothes as well. Ask for free demonstration in your home.
Jess Warga Hardware
Sales and Service
Main Street
Dr. J. W. Brendel was called to
Lincoln on last Monday to look after
some professional business in the big
Calvin Carsten, son of State Senator
and Mr3. Fred Carsten, is spending
the mid-winter holidays at the home
of his parents.
Miss Meta Miller, who has been
making her home in Lincoln for some
time past, is here visiting at the home
of her parents fcr the holidays.
II. M. Lum was a visitor at the
home of his brother at Verdon on last
Tuesday, where he enjoyed the New
Year's opening day very nicely.
Horace W. Griffin, of Union, was a
visitor in Avoca last Monday, driving
over in his car to lock after some
business matters for a short time.
Wayne and Edgar Fager, who are
attending the University of Nebraska,
are spending the mid-winter holidays
at the home of their parents near
Miss Evelyn Schuetz entertained on
last Friday at a bridge party at the
home of her parents, where she and
licr friends enjoyed a very pleasant
Jimmie Mauzy, of Plattsmouth, a
nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J.
Hallstrom, was spending a few days
at the Hallstrom home visiting with
his ccusins and aunt and uncle.
C. W. Everett, of Weeping Water,
was a visitor in Avoca last Monday
and was making seme repairs on the
electric refrigerator which is used by
Harry Marquardt, the druggist.
Hazel Baier, who is a student at
the University of Nebraska, is spend
ing the holidays at home and on last
Four miles south of Plattsmouth, one
mile east of Highway 73 and 75, on
the T. H. Pollock farm, beginning at
12:30 p. m., on
Tuesday, Jan. 8th
Following Property:
Three Teams of Horses
One grey team, smooth mouth, wt.
2S00; one lorrel team, smooth mouth,
wt. 2S00; one brown team, S and 10
years old, wt. 250 0.
Eight Head of Hogs
Eight tall shoats, weighing about
50 pounds each.
Farm Machinery, Etc.
One P & O 2-row machine; two
hay sweeps; one McCormick hay rake;
one Emerson gang plow, 14-inch; one
King & Hamilton 4 0-ft. elevator, com
plete; one Cow Ley tank heater; one
speed jack; one .side delivery rake;
one Leering mower; one McCormick
Deering mower; one P & O wide tread
lister; or.e 3-row stalk cutter; one
corn planter; one walking cultivator;
one hay rack and truck; one buggy;
one saw rig; four 10-gallon cream
cans; one Bailor 2-row cultivator;
one endgate seeder; one McCormick
Dcering disc, 10 foot; one McCormick
Deering grain binder; three grain
wagons; one 3-section harrow; four
sets work harness; one range stove.
TERMS OF SALE See your bank
er for terms.
L. C. Likewise,
Hex Young. Auctioneer
Rea Patterson, Clerk
r.: c: . s : 2 i.; e a s b s:a arm
m A I A t 1 " I 1
Phone 400
Sunday night gave a bridge party to
her many young friends, all enjoying
a very happy time together.
A. W. Propst, of Nebraska City, was
a visitor in Avoca last Monday and
was looking after some business mat
ters and as well was visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Hall
strom, he being a brother of Mrs.
Rascling with the Fla
Oscar Zimmer, the assistant in the
bank, has been off duty for nearly a
week on account of a severe attack of
flu, which has kept him eonfined to
his home and bed. This has caused
j, Mr. Hallstrom to put in extra time at
the tank, but the business' is going
along nicely.
Biith of Baby GM
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Stutt was made happy on last Friday
when the stork brought a fine baby
girl, who with the mother are getting
along nicely. All are very happy over
the event.
Home Blessed with Daughter
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E.
Hennings was blessed by the arrival
of a daughter last Saturday, December
29th, just four days after Christmas
and three days ahead of the New
Year. Four years ago their first child
was born on December 21st, four days
ahead of Christmas. With their birth
days but eight days apart and the
greatest of all holidays falling exactly
midway between the two dates, they
will be able to celebrate each year.
The little lady has been named
Marvene Ann.
Fred Buckmann Very Sick
One of the oldest and most respect
ed citizens of Avoca, Fred Buckman,
who was visiting at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. B. Steinhoff, was taken
very ill and is still there and in very
poor health end while everything
pcssible in the way of good nursing
and medical treatment is being done
for him, he does net show any per
ceptible improvement. His friends are
hopeful that he will take a turn for
the better soon and again regain his
Hew Year's Eve Dance
There wa3 a splendid time had at
the dance which was given at Avoca
on New Year's eve. The crowd danc
ed the old year out and the new one
in and had a fine time doing it, al
though they doubtless felt the effect
of their long vigil the following day.
Receives Fractured Leg
While George Johnson w as attempt
ing to start a car one cold morning
last week, at Syracuse, the tar kicked
and caused a fracture of one of his
legs, which was in the way of the
crank inside the bumper. He had
taken that position in order to have
more leverage in cranking the car,
not thinking of the danger there, al
though he took the usual precaution
against the motor kicking back and
breaking his arm. He will be kept in
bed and on crutches for some time on
account of this rather unusual accident.
ar.J Mrs. Al
bert Scudder were guests of their
friend, Mrs. Tom Mendenhall, over
the weke end.
Jerry Opp was in bed for a short
time with an attack of appendicitis,
but is feeling much better at this time
and able to be about again.
Clarence Hansen was a visitor in
Omaha last Monday looking after
some business in connection with the
auto agency he conducts here.
R. E. Norris, of near Weeping Wat
er, was a visitor in Xehawka on last
Monday, and was looking after some
business matters for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Plunkett and
Albert Ehlers, of north cf Weeping
Water, were over to Shenandoah on
last Monday. Mr. Ehlers is visiting at
the Opp home during the holidays.
Lester Drennan, who was employ
ed at the Tobin quarries, got his hand
caught under a large rock and badly
mashed as a result of the contact. It
will be some time before he will be
able to resume work.
Mrs. John O. Yeiser and the child
ren, Andy, Jack and Susan, came to
Nehawka en Christmas day and will
remain until the end of the week, vis
iting at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Sturm.
Mesdames Harold J. Dane and
Leonard Benson, both daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rough, are here
from their homes in Iowa City, dur
ing the severe illness and operation
of their mother, Mrs. Rough, and are
keeping house for the father.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pollard enter
tained on last Sunday at a 12 o'clock
dinner in honor of the bride and
grocm-to-be, Miss Jane Sheldon, and
Richard Cole, of Weeping Water. Be
sides the guests of honor, others pres
ent included Mr. and Mrs. V. P. She!
don and Mr. and Mrs. Taft Pollard.
Enjoyed Excellent Business
During the year just ended, the
Farmers Oil company, of Nehawka,
did a good business and was able to
show a net profit of $3,818.15, with
all bills paid. The volume of their
business exceeded $42,000 and they
were able to reduce the accounts re
ceivable to around $1,000, consider
ably less than were, on the books at
the close of business in 1033. As a
result, they declared a 6 per cent
stock dividend and a patronage divi
dend of S per cent. The employees all
received a commission for their w;ork
The total number of gallons sold dur
ing the year of gas, cil and kerosone
was 2S9.000 with eight new members
added to the company. They have
on hand now more working capital
than their total investment, and have
in addition their current stocks and
real estate all this after the divi
dends had been deducted.
Home from the South
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pollard, who de
parted on Christmas day for a visit
with relatives and friends in Lincoln
and at Hamilton, Columbia and Pal
myra, Mo., on their way home drove
for more than a hundred miles where
the scow had been pushed to the side
of the road and was as high as the
windows of their car. They were go
ing along at a good rate of speed,
when their car skidded and turned
around on an icy hill and then plow
ed into one of these snowbanks, giv
ing the occupants a severe shaking
up, but resulting in no injury. They
arrived home Sunday evening safe and
sound, but not caring to repeat their
performance on the icy hill.
Received Painful Injury
Mrs. R. B. Stone, while working
about the home last week, made a
misstep with the result that she re
ceived a very severe sprain to one of
her ankles, which laid this good
woman up for a number of days. She
is now getting along fairly well, but
suffering a good deal .of pain and
worry. However, she is hoping the
injured member will soon be well
enough to use again.
Mis. Hough Doing Nicely
J. S. Rough, who makes a trip to
Lincoln each day to visit with his
wife at the Bryan Memorial hospita-,
reports that she is doing very nicely
since her operation of last Friday for
the removal of a number cf gall
stones and present indications are she
will be able to return home in the
near future. This will be pleasing
oiews to the friends of this estimable
In Honor of Bride Elect
Sheldon Marshall entertained at an
announcement party at the home of
Mrs. Frank P. Sheldon last Sunday
evening, there being a large crowd of
young people present to honor Miss
Jane Sheldon, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George C. Sheldon, who is to be
married to Richard Cole of Weeping
Water on January 16th. A most pleas-
Burial Vaults
THIS VAULT protects your
loved ones from wated, vermin
or any other foreign matter.
Insist that your undertaker
supply ycu with a Killer Bur
ial Vault and accept no substi
Nehawka, Nebr.
ant time was had and at the supper
which was served announcement was
made of the forthcoming social event,
both the bride and groom-elect being
present to receive the congratulations
of their friends.
Married at Shenandoah
Miss Mildred Burton, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burton, of Ne
hawka, and John Stone of Platts
mouth slipped away on Tuesday of
this week, New Year's day, and went
to Shenandoah, where they were join
ed in wedlock by Rev. James Pearson,
one of the announcers at the Henry
Field broadcasting station.
The newlyweds will make their
home one mile east of Murray on the
I. M. Davis farm where the tragedy
occurred when E. W. Millbern barri
caded himself in the farm house and
shot himself rather than submit to
capture by the officers. Mr. and Mrs.
Stone will farm that place during the
coming year.
Methodist Bible School Prospering:
The Methodist Bible school has
been doing some good work notwith
standing the illness of their superin
tendent, Mrs. W. S. Norris, who has
been sick and could not attend. She
is now recovered and able to be back
in Sunday school again and the good
work will go forward with renewed
Services at Methodist Church.
Bible school every Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock.
Preaching every Sunday morning
at 11.
A cordial invitation extended
all. E. S. PANGBORN.
tfN Pastor
Business Looks Good
The Hensen Automobile company,
of which Clarence Hansen 'is head,
has disposed of a number of new cars
of late. R. C. I'Uard get one of the
new cars, disposing of his old car to
Don Philpot, while Dr. Henry W. Wal
ters and Walter J. Wunderlich have
also purchased new 1935 models. Two
others have been sold, but delivery
cannot be made as yet, due to the
great demand at the factory.
With people buying cars this early
in the year, it begins to look like old
1935 may have something in store for
all of us far ahead of anything we
have received the past few years.
Passing of Mrs. W. H. Betts
Mary Jane Goodrich, daughter cf
Erastus and Jane Goodrich, was born
,liear Greencastle, Indiana, September
13, 1S47, and passed away Decem
ber 23, 1934, aged S7 years, 3 months
and 10 days. She was married to
William Harrison Betts at Pittsfield,
111., Nov. 14, 1SGG, and a few days
later started for Nebraska in a cov
ered wagon, arriving in Cass county
in December. They lived on farms in
the vicinity of Avoca until 1902, at
which time they moved to Avoca. Mr.
Betts passed away in November, 1913,
Mrs. Betts spending the remaining
years of her life with her children.
Eight children were born' to this
union, five daughters and three sons,
Mary Jane, William H., Mrs. T. E.
Carter and Mrs. L. E. Shackley pre
ceded their 'mother in death. Surviv
ing children are E. P. Betts and Mrs.
Charles Jacobson, of Eagle; C. E.
Betts, of Lancaster, Ohio, and Mrs.
W. H. August, of Nehawka, at whose
home she passed away. Mrs. August
and husband and Mrs. Charles Jacob
son were present at her bedside when
death came. There are seventeen sur
viving grandchildren and twelve great
Mrs. Betts joined the Christian
church many years ago and was a
faithful follower of her Lord and Sav
ior. Her Bible was her guide.
Funeral services were held from
the Christian church at Avoca on
Wednesday afternoon, December 26,
conducted by Rev. W. A. Taylor, of
Union. Interment was in the Avoca
United Brethren in Christ.
Rev. Otto Engebretson
Happy New Year to all of
Bible church school 10 a. m.
Evening Gospel service at 7:30.
Midweek Prayer and Praise meet
ing Wednesday evening at 7:30.
The Woman's Society will be en
tertained by Mrs. Lopp on Wednes
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
James Bajeck, deceased. No. 30SS:
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims acrainst said estate is AdHI 25.
jll'35; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Platts
mouth on April 26, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated December 2S, 1934.
d31-3v County Judge.
in Youths' Work
Reach New High
4-H Club Members' Income $20,240,
000 in 1934 with Prospect for
Better Year in 1935.
Chicago, 111., Dec. 30. Achieve
ments of rural boys and girls in 4-H
clubs reached a new peak in 1934,
announces G. L. Noble, managing
director of the national committee
on boys and girls club work.
Livestock, crops and handiwork of
the approximately 920,000 club
members in 1934 will total in value
about $20,240,000 according to care
ful estimates. Prizes Avon In local,
state and national exhibitions and
contests provided by hundreds of in
dividuals, business firms and civic,
educational and agricultural groups
reach nearly $1,000,000. These in
clude over 35,000 educational trips
and scholarships valued at $10 to
$400. All of these have been effec
tive and wholesome incentives.
The new year, with assured high
er price levels for farm products, a
drouth of record severity past, less
exactions on 4-H leadership for crop
control and relief, and a better com
plexion in the rural field, promise
greater 4-H gains. Club leaders and
members throughout the nation for
some months have been hotly con
testing for the largest single prize
ever to be awarded, a $10,000 com
pletely furnlsned and landscaped
community building, gift of Scars
Roebuck to the county showing the
most progress in 4-H work in 1934.
Additional prizes of $3,000 will be
awarded three other sectionsl win
ning counties in the contest.
Farm group? are receiving the ac
tive co-operation of civic, fraternal,
church and other groups in the
counties in preparing entries in the
contest which is conducted by the
National 4-H committee in co-operation
with extension agents and the
U. S. department of agriculture. A
non-profit corporation is to be set up
in the winning counties to admin
iter the awards. The building pre
sentation i3 to be a gala national
4-H event to take place early next
day, January 9th.
The Gospel League will meet Sun
day evening at 7 o'clock.
The Young People meet Friday
Bible church school 10 a. ni.
Morning worship service at 11.
The Woman's society meet this
week with Mrs. Marler.
The Intermediates meet Thursday
evening at Fitchs.
The prayer meeting will be held
at Fitchs next week.
We want to thank the members
and iriends of the church who gave
us that beautiful Bible for Christ
mas also all the other beautiful gifts
presented to us whicJi helped to make
this a very merry Christmas for us.
A large group attended our watch
night service and we had a most
blessed time in the Lord.
Dead animals removed free of
charge. Telephone South Omaha Ren
dering Works.Market 462 6. Reverse
charges. n5-tfw
'Sec it before you tuy it."
Vforry Worryj
E 1 t WW
In the County Court of Cass coun
tv. Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of William Douglas Mccrary,
deceased. No. 3002:
Take notice that the Administrator
of said estate haa filed his final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of his administration ac
counts, determination of heirship, as
signment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge: that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on January 11, 1935, at
10 o'clock a. m.
Dated December 11, 1934.
dl7-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the Creditors of the estate of
Martha T. Renwanz, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims against said estate is April
12, 1935; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court Room In
Plattsmouth on April 19th, 1935 at
10 A. M. for the purpose of exam
ining, hearing, allowing, and adjust
ing all claims or objections duly
Dated December 14th. 1934.
rnntT Ju.lee
In the County Court of Cas3 coun
ty. Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Bernard C. Rakow, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims against said estate is April 11,
1935; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Platts
mouth on April 12, 1935, at ten
o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated December 14, 1934.
dl7-3v County Judge.
Noticeis herey given that pursuant
to an order of sale issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, and by virtue of
the terms of the decree of said Court
entered in an action wherein The
Nebraska City Building & Loan As
sociation, a corporation, is plaintiff,
and Mike F. Duda, et al, are defend
ants. I will on January 21, 1935, at
1:30 o'clock P. M. at the South front
door of the Court house in Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, offer
and sell at public auction the follow
mg described property, to-wit: Lot
3, in Block 61, original City of
Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Ne
Dated December IS, 1934.
Sheriff of Cass County,
Attorneys for Plaintiff. d20-5w
State of Nebraska, County of Cass.
BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale
issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass County, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 2nd day of
February, A. D. 1935, at 10:00
o'clock A. M. of said day at the South
Front Door of the Court House in
said County, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash the
following real estate to-wit:
Southeast Quarter of Section
Thirty-two, Township Twelve,
North, Range Twelve, East of
the 6th P. M., in Cass County,
The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of Reese H. Has
tain, et al, defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
The First Trust Company of Lincoln,
Nebraska, a corporation. Successor
Trustee, plaintiff, against said de
fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, December
29, A. D. 1934.
Sheriff Cass County,
J.VS. 1-:. JIKDX.YR. Attorney
l'lrat ZNationnl Iltnrk IlulltliuK
Oiiinha, .rbr,
The undersigned have formed a cor
poration under the laws of Nebraska,
the name cf which is THE METZGER
COMPANY; the principal place of
business of said corporation shall be
Cedar Creek, Nebraska; the general
nature of the business to be trans
acted shall be to acquire, hold, man
age and dispose of real and personal
property, mere especially such prop
erty in which the incorporators and
original stockholders have an inter
est; the authorized capital stock shall
be $10,000.00 divided into 100 shares
of the par value of $100.00. No stock
shall be issued unless paid for in cash,
services or transfer to the corporation
of property at a fair value to be fixed
by the Board of Directors; the highest
amount of indebtedness or liability of
this corporation shall net exceed two
thirds of its capital stock issued and
outstanding. The corporation shall
commence business upon the filing of
the Articles of Incorporation with the
Secretary of State and continue for 50
years unless sooner dissolved. The af
fairs cf the corporation shall be con
ducted by a Board of not less than 2
nor more than 5 members, who shall
elect a President, Vice President, Sec
retary and Treasurer.
d31-4w Incorporators.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all persons interested In the es
tate of Catherine Hild. deceased. No.
3 C S "
Take notice that the Administrator
cf said estate haa filed his final re
port and a petition for examinat on
and allowance of his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estato
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on January 11, 1935, at
10 o'clock a. m.
Dated December 15th. 1934.
(117-Cw County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate or
Anna E. Ileil. deceased. No. 3084:
Take notice that the time limited
for the presentation and filing of
claims against said estate is April 12,
1935; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Platts
mouth on April 19, 1935, at 10
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated December 14, 19 34.
dl7-3w County Judge.
on Fetition for Determination of
Estate of Adam Hild, deceased. No.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in eaid estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Mich
ael Hild has filed his petition alleg
ing that Adam Hild died intestate in
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
on or about May 5th, 1920, being a
resident and inhabitant of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and
died seized of the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Lot nine (9), in Block ninety
seven (97), in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
wit: Elizabeth Katherine Hild,
widow; Michael Hild. Ferdinand
Jacob Hild. George Michael Hild,
Philip Adam Hild, Fredrick
Leonard Hild, Anna Katherine
Puis and Erma Elizabeth Fried-
rich, children;
That the interest of the petitioner in
the above described real estate is
owner of a two-twenty-firsts interest
therein, and praying for a determina
tion of the time of the death cf said
Adam Hild and of his heirs, the de
gree of kinship and the right of.des
cent of the real property belonging to
the said deceased, in the State of Ne
braska. It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 11th day of Janu
ary, 19 3 5, before the County Court
of Cas3 county in the court house at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, .at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 15th day of December, A. D.
dl7-3v County Judge.
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
In Re Application of W. A. Robert
son administrator c. t. a., of the es
tate of Terrace Hennings Pitman, also
known as Terrace H. Pitman, deceas
ed, for license to sell real estate.
Now on this 12th day of December,
19 3 4, there was presented to the court
the petition of W. A. Robertson, ad
ministrator c. t. a., of the estate of
Terrace Hennings Pitman also known
as Terrace H. Pitman. flppA.nri fr.r
license to sell the northwest quarter
or tne northwest quarter of Section
17, Township 11, Range 13. east of
the Cth P. M., in Cass county, Nebras
ka, for the nurDose of n.ivinir th
debts and costs of administration of
said estate, and it appearing that
there is not sufficient personal estate
in the hands of the administrator c.
t. a., to pay the debts and rnsts nf
said administration: and it further
appearing that the personal property
remaining in the hands of K.iiri ad
ministrator amounts to the sum of
?J,yS7.o0, and that the unpaid claims
amount to $3,459.95, and that the
costs of administration will ho
proximately $500.00; that an order
briouia oe entered directing all per
sons interested in said estate to ap
pear and show cause why a license
should not be granted to said ad
ministrator to sell said real estate.
It is therefore Ordered, that all per
sons interested in the estate of Ter
race Hennings Pitman also known
as Terrace H. Pitman, deceased, ap
pear before the undersigned Judge of
the District Court within and for the
County cf Cass, Nebraska, on the 17th
day of January, 1935, at 10 o'clock a
m.. at Chambers in the court house
n the City of Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, to show cause if any there be
why a license should not be granted'
to W. A. Robertson, administrator c
t. a., of the estate of Terrace Hen
nings Pitman also known at Terrace
H. Pitman, deceased, to sell the north
west quarter of the northwest quarter
cf Section 17. Township 11 Han'I
13. east of the 6th P. M , in Cass
county. Nebraska, for the purpose of
paying the debts and costs of admin
istration of said estate.
A,3 fu,rther ordered that a cony
of th 3 order be served upon all per
sons interested in said estate by pub
lication of this order for four succeg
sive weeks in the Plattsmouth Jour.
nal. a legal newsnanor ' , .
-; .duun m me Countv
Cass, Nebraska. v,UUUiy
By the Court.
uuBB oi tie Distrh