PLATTSHOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 193-1. PAGE FOTJB Weeping Water G. R. Dinger, the lumber man, was busy during the week in taking stock and listing the goods on hand. W. II. Iloman and wife drove overj to Plattsmouth last Satorday, where they had business matters to look after. Frank II. Baldwin, who has been confined to his home and bed for a week or more, was down town on last Monday, meeting with his friends. Mrs. Amos Cappen and daughter, Ida, and Mr. George Mctcalf went to Marysville, Mo., for an over Sunday visit at the home of "Happy" Brown. George Metcalf, Mrs. Ida Cappen and son Hubert were in Plattsmouth last Saturday, called there to look af ter some business matters for a short time. John Tender, who is employed at Auburn, was spending Sunday with friends in Weeping Water and re turned to his work late Sunday even ing. Dr. W. II. Tuck was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Monday morning, returning heme while the fog was most dense, and believe us it was pretty thick. Sanford Horaan and family were guests for the evening last Sunday at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. I Ionian, where all enjoyed a very plcrsant evening. The mid-winter holiday season is not nrovinar the most nleasant for W. II. Iloman, as he has had all of hi3;rshuins. 34,542,000 bushels, 61 per lower teeth extracted and will not be able lr enjoy the line Christmas din ner his wife is expecting to prepare. His jaws are still very sere from the ordeal through which he has gone. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shields were in Louisville last Sunday, where they went to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Reese. They all went to Nebraska City, where they enjoyed a visit during the day, returning home that night in the snow storm. They had a splendid time, but got the new tar ail muddy. BRIGGS Something wrong here Messrs Magnus and James Johnson accompanied by Mrs. Maggie Stutt, made a trip to York, where they met Eden Johnson, her husband, and were conferring regarding some business matters. Following their consultation, Mr. Stutt returned to his home at Kearney andMessrs Johnson and Mrs. Maggie Stutt returned to Weeping Water, where Mrs. Stutt is nursing her father, Mr. Hans Johnson. Mrs. Fred II. Gordc-r, wife of Coun ty Commissioner G order, who has been in the hospital at Lincoln for a number of weeks, was able to return home last Sunday. Mr. Gorder drove over after her and brought her home in the car. She is getting along very well at this writing and it is hoped will continue to recuperate. She re ports Gust Kegley still at the hospital and that he is getting along only lair. Death of Mrs. Rcsa Barnes Mis. Rosa Barnes, widow of the late Judge P. S. Barnes, who has re sided in Weeping Water since the death of her husband a number of years ago, passed away at her late home last Friday, being well advanc ed in years. The funeral was held from the home and burial was in Oakwcod cemetery here. Dies at Kearney G. R. Binger on last Thursday re reived the sad news of the death of his aunt, Mrs. Gardner Clarke, and at once left for Kearney, where the fun eral was held on Friday. En route home Saturday, he stopped at Lincoln, where he picked up hi3 daughter, Mrs. Merton Fernbaugh and their little daughter, Miss Leila Mae, who visited here over the week end and were taken back home Monday by Ralph Binger, who had some business mat ters to look after in the city. Meeting of Danish Brotherhood The Danish Brotherhood went to the Rasmusson hall on Friday even ing cf last week, where they had some business matters to look after, requir ing the holding of this special meet ing at which some good eats were a'.so provided. Will Give Show Sunday The special Christmas exercises which the young people of the Con gregational church of Weeping Water have been preparing, will be given at the church auditorium on Sunday evening. All Have Nice Displays The merchants of Weeping Water have many beautiful decorations in their windows, including well lighted Christmas trees. George Olive, the Kahm Bakery, S. P. Day, the Variety Store, C. H. Gibson and George P. Spchn complete the south side of the street for the block, while on the north side, Spencer Marshall, Knude Jensen, Ross Shields, C. J. ElgaardJ Farm Income Rises as Produc tion Takes Drop Agriculture's Profit Tods Five Sil- lions for Highest Mark in Four Years. Washington. Paradoxical totals of the smallest crop production in more than thirty years and the high est farm income in four years were reported by the department of agri culture. The summary of production durin 1934 showed a farm output 32 per cent less than the average of the past ten years. Many crops returned the lowest yields since 1890 because of drouth and the production control programs of the farm administration The total value of all crop3, at the same time, was reported as $4, 7S2.G2G.000, compared with $4,114, 65,000 last year and ?2,SS2.195,000 in 1932. By adding in the 552 mil lions in benefit payments made by the AAA the figure was increased to $ 5,334,620,000. Production was listed in the re port as follows: Corn, 1,3 50,718,000 bur.hels. 41 percent smaller than last i L'iir iiiiu ho iieruiMii less man mc five year average; wheat, 596,469, 000 bushels, the smallest since 1S90; oats, 528.S15.000 bushels, 55 percent less than the five year average; grain cent below 1933; sugar beets, 7.C27, 000 tons, 31 percent less than last year; barley, 11S,92P;,000 bushels, the smallest since 1900; tobacco, 1, 033,662,000 pounds, 20 percent be low last year; cotton lint, 9,731,000 bales, 33 percent less than the five year average; and potatoes, 385, 27S.000 bushels, 20 percent larger than 1933. and the drug store have equally pleas ing displays, which with the large tree in the center of the street make a most impressive sight. To Hold Exercises Monday The Christian church's Christmas program will be given on Monday evening. December 24th, and will be a most worth-while presentation. The children will be recipients of a candy treat and other presents from Santa Claus himself and a good time is as sured all who attend. Suffers a Severe Stroke On Friday of last week while at tending to his duties at the store, Hans Johnson, the groceryman, was stricken suddenly and was unable to either aid himself or secure assistance until a customer came in and found Iiim. He v.-a 3 taken to his home and the store closed. He has since been confined to his bed, being looked after by friends at first, but later his daughter, Mrs. Edwin Stutt, of Kear ney, arrived to take care of the father. He is still in a very serious condition and when we last received a report .he was yet unable to talk. His many friends are hoping he may show a turn for the better and be able to get out again.' Subscribe for the Journal With the new year fast approach ing, the Journal is conducting a drive fcr new readers in 1935. Better have your name placed on the subscription list if you are not now among our regular readers. News service is fea tured from all towns in the county, together with the news of your county seat. The Journal comes to you twice each week at the price you'd pay for a weekly newspaper. Hand your sub scription to the field representative and be assured cf the news during the coming twelve months. Services at Methodist Church Bible school every Sunuay morn ir.g at 10 o'clock. Preaching at 11:00 in the morn ing. All net worshiping elsewhere are cordially invited to these services We welcome any one visiting in the city. E. S. PANGBORN, tfWW Pastor. BALL SPONSORS FINED $100 Omaha. Fines of $100 each were levied against Charle3 F. Matney, Omaha print shop operator, and Jo seph A. Goetz, Kansas City promoter, following their conviction in police court on vagrancy charges Tuesday. The men were sponsors of a char ity ball for the "childrens" benevo lent society." Police charged high pressure methods were used in sale of tickets to the ball. A dozen oth ers, salesmen and messenger boys, were discharged. Byron Milota, a state's witness, told the court he had been threaten ed with death by one of the defend ants who forfeited his bond and did net appear for trial, If he testified. Elmwood News Frank Plymale of Alvo was a busi ness visitor in Elmwood on Tuesday of this week. B. I. Clements was called to Lin coin last Saturday where he was looking after some business matters for a short time. Letters from Los Angeles where G. R. Eveland and family are, tell of them enjoying their stay in the Pacific coast city. Louis Bornemeier was called to Lincoln last Saturday to look after some business matters for the Farm ers' Union Store here. A. H. Ward of Murdock on Monday of this week was hauling oil and gas to the service station on highway 24 two miles south of Elmwood. Guy Miller was a visitor in South Omaha last Monday with a load of stock for farmers near Elmwood brinsincr back sroods for the Elm wood merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kazmarek and Walter Southerland and wife of Dix, Nebraska, were in Elmwood Tues day attending the funeral of the late Max Southerland. Miss Lucille Bousing, clerk at the Farmers' Union Co-operative as sociation was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nelson of Alvo. She also visited at Lincoln with friends. Miss Belle Southerland, teacher in the schools of Beatrice was attending the funeral of her brother, Max Southerland last Tuesday, staying to visit her sister, Mrs. Ruth Hall for the remainder of the week. Elmer Rcsenow of Alvo was a visi tor in Elmwood last Friday and was looking after some business matters in connection with his store in Alvo. George F. Wilson was looking af ter some business matters in Platts mouth on last Monday. Charles Bornemeier, living be tween Alvo and Murdock was look ing after business and visiting with his many friends in Elmwood last Tuesday. Meeting the representative of the Journal he advanced his sub scription to this paper. Funeral of Max Southerland. Max Southerland, one of the very finest of men and a native of this vicinity, son of Mrs. Laura Souther land who some two years ago went to Otoe where he engaged in the un dertaking business and where he was making a very marked success, died there Saturday of double pneumonia. The funeral was held at the late home at noon on Tuesday and at two o'clock at the Elmwood Methodist church.. This young man stood in such high esteem that there was scarcely room enough in the build ing for the friends who desired to pay this young man their last trib- uate. He was united in marriage this year, July 11, to a young woman of Syracuse. Interment was at the beautiful Elmwood cemetery. Those left to mourn of his fam ily his mother, Mrs. Laura Souther land, one brother, Walter, of Dix, Nebraska, his sisters, Miss Belle Southerland, teacher in the Beatrice schools, Mrs. Irene March of Wyom ing, Mrs. Ruth Hall of Elmwood and Mrs. Joseph Kazmareck of Dix, Ne braska. Business Houses Closed. The business houses of Elmwood were closed on last Tuesday during the funeral of the late Max South erland, a most exemplary young man who had manv friends here where he was born and grew to man hood. Hold Sale of Goods. James Turk who has been making his home in the northwest part of town, has been moved to the home of Dr. G. G. Douglas where he will be cared for. Guy Clements, who is guardian of Mr. Turk, had charge of his affairs, and a sale was had of his effects, Mr. Clements acting as auctioneer. Old Age Pension Discussed. The Townsend old age pension plan has received much attention by the people of Elmwood, there hav ing been three meetings for its con sideration. True there is a need for something of this nature, just as there is a childrens' home, but the Townsend plan is too much a dream. Christmas Services. The Christmas program which Is to be the feature of the Methodist Bible school will be had at the church Sunday morning instead of Monday evening. Beatrice Creamery Co CLOVER FARM STORE Cream - Eggs - Poultry Evan C. Noble, Buyer Phone 24 Plattsmouth, Nebr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Anna E. Heil, deceased. No. 3084: Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing of claims against said estate is April 12, 1935; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on April 19, 1935, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad Justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 14, 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, dl7-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cas3 coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Daisy Nottlenian, deceased. No. 3090: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of John Nottleman, Sr., as Administrat or; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 4th day of January, 1935, at ten o'clock a. ni. Dated December 5, 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, dl03w County Judge. NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of William Douglas McCrary, deceased. No. 3002: Take notice that the Administrator cf said estate has filed his final report and a-petition for examination and allowance of his administration ac counts, determination of heirship, as signment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before said Court on January 11, 1935, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated December 11, 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, dl7-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the Creditors of the estate of Martha T. Renwanz, deceased. No. . n s 5 Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing cf claims against said estate is April 12, 1935; that a hearing will be had at the County Court Room in Plattsmouth on April 19th, 1935 at 10 A. M. for the purpose of exam ining, hearing, allowing, and adjust ing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 14th, 1934. A. II. PCXMlIRV. Pom n t v J i !ee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. . To the creditors of the estate of Bernard C. Ranow, deceased. ro. 30S5: Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing of claims against said estate is April 11, 1935; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on April 12, 1935, at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 14, 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, dl7-3w , County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of James Bajeck deceased. No. 3088: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of Michael Bajeck as administrator; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 28th day of December 1934 at ten A. M. Dated November 27th 1934. A. II. DUXBURY. d3-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the es tate of James M. Barkhurst, deceas ed. No. 3041: Take notice that the Administrator of said estate has filed his final re port and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before said Court on January 7, 1935, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 7, 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, dl03w County Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Noticeis herey given that pursuant to an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, and by virtue of the terms of the decree of said Court entered in an action wherein The Nebraska City Building & Loan As sociation, a corporation, is plaintiff, and Mike F. Duda, et al, are defend ants, I will on January 21, 1935, at 1:30 o'clock P. M. at the South front door of the Court house in Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, offer and sell at public auction the follow ing described property, to-wit: Lot 3, in Block 61, original City of Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Ne- Dated December 18. 1934. II. SYLVESTER. Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. WM. H. PITZER AND MARSHALL PITZER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. d20-5w NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the es tate of Catherine Hild, deceased. No. 302S: Take notice that the Administrator of said estate has filed his final re port and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before said Court on January 11, 1935, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated December 15th, 1934. A. H. DUXBURY, dl7-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the Creditors of the estate of Ernest W. Millbern deceased. No. 3070: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is March 2S, 1935; that a hearing will be had at the County Court Room in Plattsmouth on April 5, 1935 at ten A. M. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 3, 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship Estate of Adam Ilild, deceased. No. 3092. In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that Mich ael Hild has filed his petition alleg ing that Adam Hild died intestate in riattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on or about May 5th, 1920, being a resident and inhabitant of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and died seized of the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot nine (9), in Block ninety seven (97), in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to- wit: Elizabeth Katherine Hild, widow; Michael Hild, Ferdinand Jacob Hild, George Michael Hild, Philip Adam Hild, Fredrick Leonard Hild, Anna Katherine Puis and Erma Elizabeth Fried rich, children; That the interest of the petitioner in the above described real estate is owner of a two-twenty-firsts interest therein, and praying for a determina tion of the time of the death of said Adam Hild and of his heirs, the de gree of kinship and the right of des cent of the real property belonging to the said deceased, in the State of Ne braska. It is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 11th day of Janu ary, 1935, before the County Court of Cass county in the court house at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 15th day of December, A. D. 1934. A. H. DUXBURY, dl7-3w County Judge. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of the County cf Cass, Nebraska. In Re Application cf W. A. Robert son administrator c. t. a., of the es tate of Terrace Henning3 Pitman, also known as Terrace H. Pitman, deceas ed, for license to sell real estate. Now on this 12th day of December, 1934, there was presented to the court the petition of W. A. Robertson, ad ministrator c. t. a., of the estate of Terrace Hennings Pitman also known us Tprrare H. Pitman, deceased, for license to sell the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter or bection 17, Township 11, Range 13, east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebras ka, for the purpose of paying the debts and costs of administration of said estate, and it appearing that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of the administrator c. t. a., to pay the debts and costs of said administration; and it further appearing that the personal property remaining in the hands of said ad ministrator amounts to the sum of $2,5S7.30, and that the unpaid claims amount to $3,459.95, and that the costs of administration will be ap proximately $500.00; that an order should be entered directing all per sons interested in said estate to ap pear and show cause why a license should not be granted to said ad ministrator to sell said real estate. It is therefore Ordered, that all per sons interested in the estate of Ter race Hennings Pitman also known as Terrace H. Pitman, deceased, ap pear before the undersigned Judge of the District Court within and for the Ccunty of Cass, Nebraska, on the 17th day of January, 1935, at 10 o'clock a. m., at Chambers in the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, to show cause if any there be, why a license should not be granted to W. A. Robertson, administrator c. t. a., of the estate of Terrace Hen nings Pitman also known at Terrace H. Pitman, deceased, to sell the north west quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 11, Range 13, east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying the debts and costs of admin istration of said estate. It i3 further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all per sons interested in said estate by pub lication of this order for four succes sive weeks in the Plattsmouth Jour nal, a legal newspaper printed and of general circulation in the County of Cass, Nebraska. By the Court. D. W. LIVINGSTON, Judge of the District dl7-4w Court. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court or Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the Creditors of the estate of Bessie Shea deceased. No. 3059: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is March 28th 1935; that a hearing will be had at the County Court Room in Plattsmouth on April 5th 1335 at ten A. M. for the purpose of exam ining, hearing, allowing and adjust ing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated November 27th 1934. C. E. TEFFT, Special County Judge. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CASS NEBRASKA. Michael Ilild, Ferdinand Jacob Hild, George Michael Hild, Philip Adam Hild, Frederick Leonard Hild, Anna Katherine Puis, and Emma Elizabeth Friedrich, Plaintiffs, vs. Tho heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Alpha Wright, also known us A. Wright, deceased, real rames un known, and all persons having or claim any interest, right, title, estate in, or lien upon lot 9 in block 97 in the City of I'lattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, real names unknown. Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE To the defendants, the heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other rersons interested in the estate of Alpha Wright, also known as A. Wright, deceased, real tames unknown; and all persons hav ing or claiming any interest, right, title, estate in, or lien upon lot 9 in block 97 in the City of I'lattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown. You and each of ycu are hereby notified that Michael Hild, Ferdin and Jacob Hiid, George Michael Ilild, Philip Adam Ilild, Frederick Leon ard Hild, Anna Katherine Puis, and Emma Elizabeth Friedrich, as plain tiffs, filed their petition and com menced an action in the District Court of the County of Cass Nebras ka, on the 2Cth day of November 1934, against you and each cf you the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to lot 9 in block 97 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska, in plaintiffs, as against you and each of you, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable in the premises. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day the 7th day of January 1935, or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaintiffs a3 against you and each of you ac cording to the prayer of said petition. Michael Hild, Ferdinand Jacob Hild, George Michael Hild, Philip Adam Hild, Frederick Leonard Hild. Anna Katherine Puis, and Emma Elizabeth Friedrich, Plaintiffs. W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for PlaintiL's. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CASS NEBRASKA. Elizabeth Meisinger, Lena Tritsch, Wilma May Tritsch, by her father and next friend u llliam II. Tritsch, Clara Tritsch, Ed II. Tritsch and Adelia Meisinger, Plaintiffs, vs. David W. Clearwater, et al Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE To the defendants David W. Clear water, Eliphlet Cramer, Electa Cram er, Sidney Thomas, Mary M. Alex ander, William M. Alexander, Daniel L. Thomas, Amanda C. Thomas, Mrs. Daniel L. Thomas, first real name unknown; John Q. Thomas, and Mrs. John Q. Thomas, first real name unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tates of George Thomas, David W. Clearwater, Eliphlet Cramer, Electa Cramer, Sidney Thomas, Mary M. Alexander, William M. Alexander, Daniel L. Thomas, Amanda C. Thomas, Mrs. Daniel L. Thomas, first real name unknown, John Q. Thomas, and Mrs. John Q. Thomas, first real name unknown, each deceased, real names unknown, and all persons hav ing or claiming any interest, right, title, estate in or lien upon the east half of the southwest quarter of sec tion 11, and the southeast quarter of section 11, all in township 12, north range 12, east of the 6th P. M., in Cas3 County, Nebraska, real names unoknown; You and each of you are hereby notified that Elizabeth Meisinger, Lena Tritsch, Wilma May Tritsch. by her father and next friend William II. Tritsch, Clara Tritsch, Ed II. Tritsch and Adelia Meisinger, a plaintiffs, filed their petition and commenced an action in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebras ka, on the 23rd day of November, 1934, against you and each of you; the object, purpose and prayer of which i3 to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to the east half of the southwest quarter of section 11, and the southeast quarter of section 11, all in township 12, north range 12, east of the Cth P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska, in plaintiffs as against you and each of you, and for such, other relief as may be just and equitable in the premises. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 7 th day of January, 1935, or the allegations therein con tained will be taken as true and a decree will bo rendered in favor of the plaintiffs as against you and each of you according to the prayer of said petition. Elizabeth Meisinger, Lena Tritsch. Wilma May Tritsch. Clara Tritsch. Ed H. Tritsch and Adelia Mei singer. Plaintiffs. W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Plaintiffs. NOTICE OF SALE In tho District Court of the Coun ty of Cass, Nebraska. In Re Application cf W. II. Coffelt, administrator cf the estate of Martha S. Lewis, deceased, for license to sell real estate. Notice i3 hereby given that under a licenre issued by the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the under signed Administrator of the estate of Martha S. Lewis, deceased, will offer for rule at publi: auction at the south frrnt door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, c:i the 23th day of December, 193 4, at 10 o'clock a. r.i., the real es tate belonging to s:id estate and de scribed r.s Lot3 72, 73, 74, 75, 7''. 77 and 7 3, in Wife's Out Lots Addition to the City cf Plattsr.n.uth, Cuss coun ty, Nebraska. Terms of sale, 10 cash at time of rale, balance on con firmation. Posses-ion to be given at time of confirmation. V.'. II. COFFELT. Administrator of the Estate of Martha S. Lewis, Deceased. n2G-5-,v jliERIFF'S SALE State cf Nebraska. County of Cass, S3. I'.y virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Lclgway, Clerk of the Dis trict Csurt within and for Cis.j coun ty, Nebraska, and to directed, I will on the 22nd day of December, A. D. 1334, at 19:00 o'clock a. m. of raid day at the south front door of the court li'iuso in the City of I'latts mouth in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash tho following real tst?te, to-wit: Sub Let 1 cf the Foulhca-t quarter cf the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 12, Range 13, cast of the Cth P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska; ar.d also Fractional Lot 21 in the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 12, Range 13, east of the Cth P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, containing 2 acres; also the south CO feet of Lots 5 and G in Block 2S in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska. Said lands in Section 13 above described -.ill bo offered for sale first and if they do not sell for sufficient to satisfy said judg ments then the above described property in Biock 28 in the City of Plattsmouth will be offered for sale. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Plattsmouth Lodge No. 730, Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, a corporation, defend ant, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Edward J. Delan ey, plaintiff against said defendant, and to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by J. W. Holmes, Trustee, cross-petitioner against said defendant. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, November 1C, A. D. 1934. II. SYLVESTER. Sheriff Cass County, nl9-5w Nebraska. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF CASS NEBRASKA. Charles Vallery, Plaintiff, vs. James O. Neil et al Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE To the Defendants: James O. Neil, Mrs. James O. Neil, first real name unknown; George W. Snyder, Mrs. George W. Snyder, first and real name unknown; D. L. Hughes, whose name is alleged to be Daniel L. Hughes, whose name is alleged to be Daniel L. Hughes, Mrs. D. L. Hughes, whose name is alleged to be Elmira W. Hugres, C. Shutter, first real name unknown; Mrs. C. Shutter, first and real name un known; C. Shutler, first real name unknown; Susan E. Shutler, Fran cis Mewes; Mrs. Francis Mewes, first and real name unknown; F. Mowers, first and real name unknown; Julia Mowers; The heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tates of James O. Niel, Mrs. James O. Neil, first real name unknown; George W. Snyder, Mrs. George W. Snyder, first and real name un known; D. L. Hughes, whose name is alleged to be Daniel L. Hughes, Mrs. D. L. Hughes, whose name i3 alleged to be Elmira W. Hughes; C. Shutter, first real name unknown; Mrs. C. Shutter, first and real name unknown; C. Shutler, first real name unknown; Susan E. Shutler, Francis Mewes, Mrs. Francis Mewes. first and real name unknown; F. Mowers, first and real name un known; Julia Mowers. J. Edgar John, each deceased, real names un known; and all persons having or claiming any interest, right, title, estate in, cr lien upon lots 1, 2, and 3 in block 5 in the City of Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, real nair.03 unknown; You and each of you are hereby notified that Charles Vallery as plaintiff, filed a petition and com menced an action in tho District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 23rd day of November 1934, against you and each of you, the ob ject, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of the court quiet ing the title to lots 1, 2. and 3 In jbloek 5 in the City of Plattsmouth, I Cass County, Nebraska, in the plain tiff r.3 against you and each of you, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable In the premises. You and each of you are further notified that ycu are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day the 7th day of January 1935, or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff as against you and each of you accord ing to the prayer of said petition. CHARLES VALLERY, Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Every penny spent for advertis ing will yield a big return. A"