MONDAY. DECLJEBEP. 17, 1924. PAGE SIX FATHER COUGHIIN SPEEDER PROGRAM AND PLATE SUPPER SFi;:B:":BIlJ! - --- .1. PIATT SKOUTH SI - WEESLT JOULNA1 FOO MEW! Hinky-Dinky IT IPiyiL 13 JJ W W o Better i hmgs to iat . . . and greater economy. Also note the many items which are in tune with Holiday season. Read, Shop and Sav- on these special values! MHMHT Summer Islo Broken Slice PINEAPPLE 9 fnr fPOlc Wo. 2 Can, 1Pc - - 5af No. 22 Can. 18c - - - 2 for 35c SUPERIOR Dill or SOUr jn wm PICKLES QUART JAR - LQ' Superior Whole or Sweet, quart, 23c Ad for Tues. and Wednes., Dec. 18 and 19 Candies Holiday Candy and Nets All Fresh, New Merchandise - - All Fine Quality! BltStS Fancy New Crop -'8i:r Brilliant and Broken Mix, Ribbon, Pink and White Taffy or Plastic Mix i ib. igc 2 lbs. 29c 5 lbs. &7c Peanut Brittle 2 lbs. 25c Chocolate Drops, lb. 3Lc Orange Slices, lb. . &c Harriet Clark Assorted CHOCOLATES, Lb. box 23c 3 lb. box S9C, 5 lb. box . . .9 MONINGSIDE CHOCOLATES K1C1I CHEHUY CKXTEHS, 1-lb. Ilox - - - - Marshmallows l lb. bag .... X5c Mixed Nuts, lb. Large Washed Mariao Brazil Nuts, Z lbs. . 35 AlniOndS Paper Shell, lb. 23 C Englisli Walnuts Budded, Ib. - Budded", Ib. - -25C Long Type Emeralds, lb Fresh Roasted Jumbo Peanuts, PI " . T Washington . .21C Firs, up from - twL GRAPEFRUIT MIJVvKDLESS 112 Size, 5 for 17 APPLES Fany Idaho Winesaps or Rome Beauties SSSSSS-$1.79 sb-25c Ex. Fancy Wash. Winesaps, 125 size, doz 25 CRANBERRIES Mb.CelloBag.20C Fauoy, large Firm Hlpe t ape Cod. GRAPES Irgo Clusters, 3 Its 2$C California Sweet ned Emperorn nAmUmAPI? WI9CONSI.V BOIXD WHITES POTATOES V. K. (ilLVDE AO. 1 X-p).$1.23 is. pe 21c Bed Biver Early Ohios, TJ. S. Grade No: 1 C Q 100-lb. Bag (when packed) J1.J- LETTUCE 5-Doen Size, Head-i TVzC Frc-h, VrimQ California Iceberc. CELERY Large, Well Bleached Stalk IOC OUAUGES, Fey. Calif. Navels, 288 size, doz., 1S Florida Seedless Sealdsweet, 324 size, dcz., ISO BOILING BEEF (bib, ib 6?c Choice- tender quality to nerve irlth VecelnbleH tr Soup-. HAMBURGER, lb 7c Frt-h uround Iran, cbolec outs of Beef for Loaf or rattle. SPARE RIBS, lb. 9c I'rrnh im-aty quality, Small and Tender. BEEF Round STEAK, lb. . . . 1$C Choice Corn Knl quality. Fine Sniwi style or plain. PORK STEAK, lb 15c Choice lean Uixlvn Huttn, liced. Very little bone. SUMMER SAUSAGE, lb, . . 15c Coda by', cuolee T-urlajirr. An ideal Inucb neat. CHILI COM CARHE. lb. . . 16c Cudahy'a produetn BHunn- -all-faction. Easy to prepare. DRIED BEEF (Sliced) y2-ib. Pkg.15c Cadaby. quality. Delicious creamed. SAUER KRAUT, lb 5c Fancy Ions sbred Wisconsin bulk. Swans Down CAKE FLOUB pkg. - - ZiJc Seedless RAISINS 2-lb. Bag, Z7 QO 4-lb. Bag OOC Casco Creamery BUTTER SOLIDS 1-lb. Carton Quartered, 31c lb. 30 Sunlight Margarine 1-lb. Carton OC 2 for LiDC Del Monte Quality Foods! -9- Sor Del Monte Sliced or Half PeacSaes No. ZVz Can. 18c - - - - Del Monte Loganberries no. 2 can 8-oz. can, 2 for 15c; No. 1 tall can, 14c Del Monte CREAM STYLE Co. Gentleman or Golden Bantam Cosrn 2an,2i4c - - 2 Sor 27c Whole Kemal Golden Bantam 12-oz. Vac. Pack Can - - - Del Monte Bartlett P6cUS9 No. 2 can Del Monte Royal Anne Cherries . 22Sc l?c DEL MCMTE FANCY o o.zcan frr Can - --. r0. X Can. . JLLi-a DEL MONTE FANCY RED Salmon 10c, 2 35c H. J. Heinz MINCE MEAT 2-lb. Can- 31c i 17c Van Camp's Fancy PUMPKIN No. 2 Cart, S No. 2i2 Can - - 101 Heinz KETCHUP SR1 2 for ggc Kuner's Cut Wax or GREEK BEANS 2 for 23' Lapel Evergreen Corn, No. 2 can 10f Serv-TJ-Bite Sweet Peas, No. 2 cans, 13$', 2 for 256 Roberts Milk, 6 small cr 3 tall cans 17 Heinz Bate, Jig or Plum Pudding, small can, 14 ; large can 290 Bicardo Queen Olives, quart jar, 39 ; 8-oz. jar 17 Hallo vee Dates, new pack, 2-lb. cello bag 25 Sugar, Pure Cane, 10-lbs., 56 ; Granulated Beet, 10 lbs 52 Eotastee Soda or Graham Crackers, 2-lb. caddy 17 Baker's Cocoa, 1-lb. can, 200; V2-lb. can 110 Dromedary Citron, Orange or Lemon Peel, 4-oz. pkg 100 Blatz Ginger Ale and other Beverages, 2-oz. bottles, 2 for 250 Minute Tapioca, 1-lb. pkg., 250; 8-oz. pkg 130 Hinky-Dinky COFFEE 3-lb. Bag, 620 Cp q 14b. Bag - - -ii WIN YOU Salad Dressing or RELISH SPREAD Pint E Quart G Jnr luC Jar - -4 4S-lb. Ha: . FLOUR HINKY-DINKY 5 lbs., 25; 10, 49 $1-79 24 lbs., 900 ; 48 lbs 1 $.69 DELMLOFFEE AyrP2FO& DRIP ffSr 'PERCOLATING OR BOILING 5C?5T Can OuK I M3 V5tf5iit- Can- 30c Butter-Nut Kamo Jell, 6 pkgs. . . . 25c Big 4 White Naptha S0APiOBaMSUc lO Bars Big Value or Sanl-Health 80AP, 6 8-oz. Bars 250 Ferndale, Mich. Charged with speeding and operating a car with out a driver's license, Rev. Charle3 E. Coughlin, pastor of the Shrine ot the Little Flower, Royal Oak, is to appear before Municipal Judge Earl M. Nash Monday. The priest was given a ticket Thursday by Patrol man Peter L. Larion, who said Father Coughlin was driving CO miles an hour. Father Coughlin said he was late for an appointment. H-il .school, Dist. 97, east of Odar Creek, Thursday, Dec. 20tU. Everyone come. JEAN IXCERSCLL, (117-lsw Teacher. vii-.:..;.:-i.-!:-.:.-i-m Thomas Walhne' Comvanv T a 4 Abstracts of Title 4 Phone 324 - Plattsmouth Plattsmonth's Leading Cash Store Wednesday Specials 150 g Shoulder Beef Steak, lb Cut frcm Baby Beef Rib Boil Beef, lb , .6 Fresh Picnics, lb IQVzC Hamburger, fresh cut TViSr Chilli, Mb. bricks, each .2160 Fey. Stewing Oysters, qt. 490; pt. 250 9 JggtS&t!3SS Walnuts, Medium Budded, per lb. . . 200 Xmas Candy, special per Ib 100 Cat3up, 14-oz., 2 for 250 Mustard, quart jar 130 E5 Raisins, 2 lb. bag .. 160 jfj Salmon, 1-lb tall, 2 for 250 MilkrI. G. A., tall tin, 3 for 170 E Corn Flakes, large size, each ...... 100 i!i;uu;!M!uK:n;!!:isnn!!siM;i!;!Hnn!i:!ii;ii:!n;isn;;:!;nn!Lj i - - - e 1 l. . g j Only A Few More DaVS For Christmas! O.U v I "Jast what I've been looking 5 for" Merchandise. K! SHIRTS "BEAU BEUMMEL" Pine Brcadclotb. Your choice cf -white, col ors or Patterns. Men's Pajamas SI .25 S Eroacloh, with con- f Ar rpM J trasiirg trims. i-i- ftf w by Glover" 0dl4b P --------------- t Lined Gloves Fire Ekck cr Cape Skin, Pleece Lined. SMART TIES In Boxes. Silk Hand Made. A wide selec tion of ITew Patterns. Others 35 and 506 Fine Linnen Handk'fs. Taney and Initial & 250 each Fancy Borders 3 in Box U 500 H n Rayon Hose Smart Fall and Winter Patterns. Heal Style, Heal Wearing Quality, Beal Value! Open Evenings 2 SOENNICHSEN' For this practical Christmas when most Santas will fcs looking fop gifts that are useful and lasting, yet moderately priced, we offer numerous pVactical suggestions. We believe such gifts most truly express the Christmas spirit of thoughtfulness for others. Fop Instance will please all the ladies on your list. Especially these Key Brand full fash ioned -"Ipanese silk-to-top, reinforced soles and heels. Chiffon and Service Weights in the New Fall Shades !i 69c 2 pair for 1.35 Select (Sift SliDpers KereS When yon are looking for Gift Slipperj avoid the crowds that are looking for everything come here where yon can shop in comfort and choose from an excellent variety, moderately priced! Ladles Slippers 35c to 51.95 mm FIEM'S SLIPPERS 59c to 2-50 r I I I I ycur ! ft M come ft !?. lax -CUTS great gift for a boy! many boys on list wonld wel such a popn- gift from yon? Moderately Priced 82.95 to 53.45 A stylish and practic gift. Health pro tecting. Here in the new est colors . . . Attractive in finish, useful and inexpen sive. Women, Wisses and Children. I to S1.7S LADIES LOOKS Just what be wants X-CtLLED sx The kind that give Satisf a:ticn ! 29c pr. 4 pr. for 01 'S'VW !t ' i'- '"? j . o For father, husband, brother, son --a gift of shoes! If he needs Shoes, any man will surely appreciate your giving him a pair for Christmas. You can easily pick a pair he likes, for you know his taste in footwear. If neces sary, we'll exchange them after Xmas. Isn't that easy? "r -" Gift Certificates S-25.SS to ST.SS Spats Buciiles Infants shoe: Home of Quality Footwear MdDE Plattsmouth. Kebr. u We a ic la to a ta ft 4 s ; js a fa i ft fa h 8 1 i) 25 1 U H I til S I t. -