KONEAY. DECEMBER 17, 1934. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTTRNAL PAGE FIVE J. A. Pitz Named en Commissioners Legislative Com. One of Important Committee To Urge Legislation at Session of the State Legislature. &c?r;p'5P!n?&v!?? 3 TheAmszmq Nu-Type Kerosene()M3r.tIeL3mp . IsTfte M3q! Gift '4 Entire ramiiy 3 Instead of spending Mi EXTRA. nCuf shon- SHADfTpOP lived presents for each separate mem ber oi the family, why not combine these gifts into one single article. For Instance an Aladdin Kerosene (coal-oil) Mantle Lamp the most practical, useful, economical and beautiful horns lighting device. It will help mother in her sewing, f ather in h is reading and the kiddies in their school work. Not only just please them for the holidays, but give them years and years of solid com fort and enjoyment, and protect their eyes against injury. Aladdin service will probably never again be obtained ior bo little money. You City Folks, Too I if looting for a gift for ..he fo'.kgback home. will, if they desire it to be long apprecia ted, tend them an Aladdin. Bir Features Urfets lwtBntty. Bcra eomzr.oc K.er on (aoftl oil I. Bum 60 hours to th!lo. Mr and Better l U an 13 ordtoirT lamp, G'm whllo hbt lika auaiip-at. Safa. No dot. No Smoia, N o a-Ma . N otTOuA Staapllcttr ifmtt. SEE THIS ALADDIN and other gtaea and metal table hanging bracket floor and vase lamp, ftil at rtduted prtt4 j , Sognniehsen's Preparing for Christmas Treat for the Public Business Ken's Ad Club to Stage Distribution of Turkeys, Geese and Other Fowl Here. In the meetings of the County Com missioners and Supervisors associa tion at Omaha on Thursday officers were elected and committees ap pointed for the ensuing year. J. D. Forsyth, Niobrara, was selected as president of the association. The legislative committee of the association was named, Julius A. Pitz of Plattsmouth; Herman Holm and Fred Tavis, Crete, who will have charge of the program as favor ed by the commissioners in reform ing laws. Among resolutions passed by the commissioners were: "We believe that the relief situa tion in our state could be handled more efficiently and economically through local relief agencies. " e suggest that our incoming , Jj legislature take cognizance of the danger of the public of railroad streamline trains in reference to grade crossings. "Wo respectfully ask our congress that appropriations made for relief purposes be utilized in doing essen tial highway work. "We request the legislature to re real the present law governing bonds to be furnished by supervisors and commissioners and restore the for mer law. "The present old age pension law, being inadequate, we feel that meas ures should be taken to bring great er relief to those whom the law was intended to benefit. SCIENCE GIVEN DEFENSE In preparation' for the glad holi day season the members of the Busi ness Men's Ad club will stage a dis tribution of turkeys, geese and other fowl on next Wednesday evening. This will make a pleasant feature of the holiday season and permit residents to secure a much appre ciated addition to the family larder fcr Christmas dinner. Any of the stores affiliated with the Ad club will explain the meth ods of securing the turkeys and geese, so prepare to take part in this great event and add to the pleasures of the holiday season for yourself and family. New York. Dr. Karl T. Compton. president of the Massachusetts insti tute cf Technology, told the annual convention of the Association of Life Insurance Presidents scientific ad vancements do not foster unemploy ment, but create mere jobs than they abolish. Replying to contentions that science should take a holiday until economic adjustments have been made, the educator explained: "I believe, on the contrary, that there has never been a time when it was more important or more advantag eous to press forward for scientiiic knowledge and it3 useful applica tions than nov.. UNDERGOING TEEAT1IENT LEWISTON NOTES Mrs. Georgia Creamer has been having a very bad cold for several days, but is feeling better just now. Come to Lewiston Community Cen ter Doc. 19 at S o'clock. A play, "Everybody Getting Married." If you want a good laugh don't miss it. Wednesday, the 10th is the time to get married. See this play at Lewiston Center. See Burdett Kites at Lewiston. He sure knows how to tie the knot. If you want to tie up he will help you cut. Try him! Georgia Creamer and Nellie Y.'chr I ein wove visiting Wednesday at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Head. Don't forget the date and place. Lev is ic :i Center, Dec. 19. A laugh I r young and old. Don't miss. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Read, Mrs. Will Wehrbein and Mrs. Georgia eair.tr attended the funeral of Mrs. san Young at Lincoln last Wedr.es- y afternoon at 1:3C, then drove to hlar.d where interment was made. The many friends of Andy Schmader, popular and well known young man cf this city and Omaha, will be interested in learning that he is now at the U. S. Veterans' hospital at Kaines, Illinois. Mr. Schmader has been under treatment for the past several years and is now showing a very pleasing improve ment. Mr. Schmader is expecting to behomc in the next few weeks for a visit with the old friends. M 8? ? jcr J: M a: m Of. . ' u WA Let9 s make tills a Wfh &'U string 1 sriii Every section of this Store is a Gift Shop in itself turn which way you will, and you'll find displayed the kind and quality of merchandise you'll be proud to give your feminine friends on Christmas eve. Never has our stock been more complete or the prices more in line with ability to pay. Come in early and make your selections. We'll gladly lay away the goods you select. W M Ladies' Scarfs, all styles, colors 59c to S1.S5 Munsingwear Hosiery, Service or Chiffon. 69c to SI. 25 Smartside Out Hosiery, per pair $1.00 Satin and Crepe Dance Sets $1.00 and $1.95 Satin and Crepe Negligees, lace trim . . . $2.49 to $3.98 Lounging Pajamas, Corduroy and Crepe . $3.95 to $5.00 Kid and Cape Gloves . .$1.95 and $2.98 The Shop OS Personal Service ft ft ft ft ft ft ft & :Tr ft ft ft ft ft fa ft ft ft ri ft ft ft ft ft v ft ft ft IS ft ft Linen Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy. . . . 15c and 25c Scarf Sets 79c and $1.79 Crepe and Satin Costume Slips $1.00 and $1.95 Tailored Flannel Robes, each $5.00 Bright colored Sunday Night and Tunic Dresses . $5.95 New Metallic and Crepe Turbans $1.95 and $2.49 Balbreggan Pajamas. One, 2-piece $1.79 Reduced ofIgoib of Wioteip Coats and Dresses STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Ep3 f& fiz fiZ VF21 E? 1 OfefesiM f Plattsrnouth Nebraska T.... .. n-x iwilShuLibK sLifhJ their absence, Eniil Kuehn was look ing after business at the barber shop i ox r.ir. uraig. George Moomcy, from east of Elm wood, was in Murdock last Thurs day, delivering a number of dressed hog3 to his customers. Preparations are in progress at the Evangelical church fcr the Christ mas entertainment, which premises to be a very joyous alTair. Oscar E. McDonald has been having a tussle with the flu for a week, and 3. I. Clements Funeral Parlors Elmwood, Nebraska Expert service. Your patronage solic ited. Phones: Ofiice, 91; Home, C5. EET.UE.iTS moil inrcoLi; .Mrs. Kate Morgan returned home Friday from Lincoln where she has been visiting with relatives and old tmie friends for the past few days. Mrs. Morgan while at Lincoln had the pleasure of a visit with her new grand niece, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hailam, born a few days ago. The little lady has been chris tened Margaret Ellen, in honor of her two grandmothers. KANSAS PIA1TE KILLS TEI0 JuUMT" C LT7S HEE7ING T"vovy.;;.e wt..como to attend Tleas "t liid-o community meeting Fri (vcnir.g. Dec. 21st. Mrs. Earl ar.u Mrs. Floyd Eecker in "Sc oi prcgra:u. dw Abilene, Kas. Three men, Everett L. Peterson, Abilene, Victor Heed and Ed Lane, both of Solomon, were killed when their airplane crashed to earth and burst into flames eleven miles northwest of here. The three men fiying a monoplane, owned and piloted by Peterson were believed killed by the force cf the impact. VISIT IN THE CITY Enjoyable Wedding Trip A couple of wcek3 ago Otto Reich man and Miss Anna Reicke were united in marriage and with a party of friends departed for Chicago, re- like all good sports won out in the j maining there some ten days to visit with numerous relatives in the city and at Xapierville, a nearby su burb. They were accompanied by Mrs. Herman Schwerpe, a sister of Mr. Reichman, Miss Mata Reichman and Mir,3 Lou.se Reichman, a daughter of the groom. The party arrived home last "Wednesday evening, having had an excellent time, but say, Mister, home looked good to them after they had been hustling around the big city for more than a week. bono the news to Io. C. K. V. Carey, district commercial manager and J. A. McKenzis, dis- j trict plant manager of the Lincoln Telephone &. Telegraph Co., were in the city Thursday to look after some matters at the local exchange. .anoe Wed. lite -e;on Kail, Eskins C!dg. Fiattcnioutli ?ak amd His "XIOSISTS CP 2HYTH2I EOS-PLATE SUPPER Trcgram, Dec. 21, S o'clock. Reck Creek school, Dist. C. Everyone wel come. VELMA FULTON, dlD-ltdStw " Teacher. DEAD ANBIALS Dead animals removed free of charge. Telephone South Omaha Ren dering Works, Market 4 62G. Reverse charges. n3-tfw end and is feeling much better Cl:arle3 Letts and wife, of Council Elufs, were here last Thursday, at tending the funeral of the late Mrs. Jannen, mother of Mrs. Henry Amg were, which was held at the Callahan church. Henry Carson, the elevator man, was a visitor with his mother at Have Icck ever the week end. Henry rarely ever fail:, to go to see his mother on Sunday a very good practice for any cr.e to follow-. Jchn Eppings and the family were vi-:iting in Plattsmouth last Sunday, being guests for the day at the home of Deputy State Sheriff Jarvis E. Lan caster, as well as calling on the fam ily cf Virgil Arnold. Henry Heir.eman, with his car, was in Lincoln last "Wednesday, where he was called to look after some business I matters for a short time. He was ac companied by Rev. H. R. Knospe, pas tor of the Murdock and Louisville churches. Rock Island Station Agent I. G. Hornbeck was feeling rather poorly during a portion of last week, hav ing a siege of the grippe which kept bin down only a short time, however, I as he has been able to overcome the malady and is getting better. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kupke and a number cf other members of the Order cf Eastern Star were in Elmwood on Wednerday cf last week, where the ladies were attending a meeting of the Star kensington, which was held at the heme of Mrs. Emily Gonzales, a splendid time being had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Craig and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Friend, the latter par ents cf Mrs. Craig, who reside near Alvo, were in Lincoln Thursday of iast week, driving over to the big town to look after the purchase cf some Christmas goods and now have the matter out of the way. During! Death of Infant Son The nine-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tirani had the misfortune to fall from his go-cart some time ago, severely bruising the side of his face, which ended in death on Wed nesday. The little one had been taken to an Omaha hospital for an opera tion and treatment, but was unable to withstand the ordeal. The funeral was held on Friday, with burial in the Lutheran cemetery north of town. Mr. and Mrs. Timm have the sym pathy of their many friends in their hour cf sorrow. Laiies Enjoyed Kectirg The Ladies Aid of the Murdoch church were enjoying a gathering cn Friday cf last week at the home of their fellow member, Mrs. John Them. The meeting was to have been held on Thursday afternoon, but wa3 deferred until the following day cn account of the funeral of the mother f ...Irs. Henry Amgwert, which was held cn Thursday afternoon at the Callahan church. .Basketball Season Open The first and second basketball teams of the Alvo high school came to Murdock last Tuesday evening, and net the like teams of the schools here, with the result that Murdock won both 'games. The score of the game between the second tcan.3 was 30 to 0, while that of the game between the first teams was 39 to 10. A decisive victory fcr the home town boys in both instances. The teams from here went to Avoca on Friday night, where they had high hopes of trimming the Avoca lads, but that is a difficult thing for any team to do, as Avoca has long had Bne of the best class B teams in the state and gives much attention to the prop er playing of this game. The result of these games was that Sunday School Elects Officers At the Sunday school election held last Sunday, John Schlaphoff was elected superintendent for 1935, and Elmer Miller vice superintendent. They will take charge of the Sunday school the first Sunday in January. Teachers will be appointed the last Sunday in December. Buried Heie Thursday Mrs. C. Jannen, wife cf the District Superintendent of the Evangelical church of the Hastings district, died laEt Monday and was buried Thurs day from the Callahan church, with interment in the cemetery near the church. Rev. W. O. Matzke, her pas tor, conducted the service. Eelivers Consignment cf Baskets L. D. Hiatt, of Plattsmouth, pro prietor cf the Nebraska Basket Fac tory at that place, was a visitor in Murdock last Thursday, with a con signment of baskets from the factory, which he had sold to L. Xeitzel. The consignment consisted of clothes ham pers and a number of ether kinds of baskets designed to sell during the holiday Eeason. engaged for some time in seeking the owner of such equipment who would be willing to loan it. The games between Murdock and ivocr. of which two were played on last Friday, Murdock first team lost to Avoca by a score of 25 to 18. The second team however, won 17 to 12. Linger Longer Club ITotes. On Friday, December 14, the Lin ger Longer Woman's extension club met at the home of Mrs. Ym. Eisilee for an all day meeting. The business meeting wa" held in the morning be-; claims fore our lunch. The lunch consisted ; 12 had ing of labels before buying. The meeting was adjournal ar.d each went to his respective home. The next meeting, which will also be an all day meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. I. C. McCrory on Jan. 25. Club Reporter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS n covered dishe brought. In the afternoon the i"d the meeting proper was on "Economical which the members men altend The lesson Buying cf In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the Creditors of the estate of Martba T. Renwanz, deceased. No. C0S3: Take notice that the time limited for the presentation and filing of against said estate is April a hearing will be County Court Itw r.i in 6 at the Foods." The leaders brought to mind the need of careful buying and read- Plattsmouth on April 16th, 1!K;5 at 10 A. M. for the purpose of ciaiii ining, hearing, allowing, and adjust ing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 14th. 19." 4. A II ('I I I 'r v. v Secured the Wheel Chair Diligent efTort'by the Cass County Red Cross chapter has resulted in lo cating a wheel chair for an aged in valid, Mrs. Stachetski, who has been bedridden for more than a year. Word hes just been received that B. I. Clements of Elmwood has one, wbic! "a graciously granted the Rei privilege of using for Mrs. St-cheUki. This will bring much comfort to this aged woman and it is with sincere appreciation the Red Cross desire?, to thank Mr. Clements for his srienriid contribution. Again Red Cross leaves nothing undone in the service to humanity, having been lV . M.ii iks Smartness OF mess ".' FT, -X- "vn i ' ih i vv.r k . . ' .' 1 x Munsingwear hosiery is the first choice of woxen who realize that buying the bsst is real economy. Mun Bingwear hosiery is ma is cf the fnest materials ... to the highest standards cf workmanship. It wears 2nd wears and stays lovely longer because of this typi cal Munsingwear - care. They're beautiful, sheer, clear ... all the srrirtest And prices you'll HOSIERY shade; find very reasonable. LADIES TOGGERY THE SHOP OF PERSONAL SECVICE Plattsmouth, Nebr.