T PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMEER 6, 1934. mwim in v THESE PRICES GOOD FUJDAY - SATURDAY M. J. B. Coffee, per lb. . 32 Apple Butter, quart jar 23 Red Salmon, tall cans 9 Chocolate Cookies, per lb. Tomatoes, No. 2 can 3L Rex Lye, 3 cans for . : 25 Navy Beans, 4 lbs. for 25 Blue Barrel Soap, 6 bars 256 Handy Rubber Sponge Free Pride Washing Powder, 2 Ige. p?tgs. . 25 Gooch's Pancake Flour, 4-lb. bag - . . 23p Corn Flakes, Kellogg's large 00 Perk and Beans, No. 2 tall can 00 Windmill Crand Apples, large size Delicious, each .... 50 Mustard, quart jar 50 CHRSTWAS CAHD3ES AND NUTS Santa Oaus io Provide Cieer on Visit in City Plattsmouth Ad Club Fonns Good Fellow Club to Ering Santa Here on Pre-Christmas Visit. Sirlofn os? Round SSeak, 2 lbs.. .25c Bee Reas, m 10c Pork Steak, lb, 15c Hamburger, Sresfo cat, 3 . .20c Pig Hearts, p&f 15b 5c Saue? Ksaut, &ullz9 pei lb 5c u Are you a good fellow? At the Monday luncheon of the Ad club, a Santa Ciaus flood Fellow club was sponsored and measures taken to ar range for a pre-Christmas visit of good old St. Nick to Plattsmouth within the next 18 or 20 days. A vireles3 ' message was at once dis patched to his Highness, Kris Kingle at Icy Cape and an answer is expect ed by tomorrow. If Santa comes it will be highly desirable that many of his old friends in these parts should join the Good Fellows Santa club and give Santa a boost in bringing cheer and happiness to many a boy and girl in thi3 community. All you good fellows who like to see the children made happy at this Christmas time, grab hold cf the rope and help U3 pull this across. Just drop in at the Journal office and say, here's a little A i money for the Santa Claus Good a Follow club. Every penny will be J spent in helping to make some little child's Christmas, which this year might otherwise be dull and drab, a happy one. A committee is out to gather in this fund, but don't wait for them I to call on you, just beat 'em to it. This is a community wide under taking with no selfish ends in view. Let lis ali get into the game. Yvratch this paper every day for nev3 about Santa. fas- VPAX The Aladdin isiheOne Gift I Know t Pleases" htire mil' says Santa Claus A fci Santa is riqht The o A 1 1 fl SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL. Missouri river development wil! put PSattsrr.cuth on waterway's Main street. , Kerosene,') Mantle Lamp . . is THE IDEAL GIFT Nothing adds more to the comfort and happiness of the home than good white light. The Aladdin supplies it in abun dance, and of an unsurpassed quality. It is sale, and burns with out odor, smoke, noise or trouble. Put one or more of these amazing Aladdins in your own home, or in the home of friendsorrelatives to be an ever reminder of your thoughtf ulness. Probably never oealri In e!ur OM ' lo se" WMia. CUTt cn Aladdin Jar Srr i soiuue. Cass County Girls Win at 4-H Club Meeting Virginia Trively of This City and Frances Rehmeier of Weeping Water Place First. 1 11m u EXTRA. SHADE TRIPOD BIG PRICE Reductions STILL Effective on All Other Styles SOENNICHSENS In the distribution of awards at the 4-H Club National Congress be ins held at Chicago, Virginia Trively of this city and Frances Rehmeier of Weeping Water, representing Ne braska in the 4-H Girls Room judg ing contest, were awarded first place. The Cass county girl3 were win ners at the Nebraska state contest and awarded the opportunity of rep resenting their state at the national meeting and their success is very pleasing to their many friends and associates in the 4-H work over the county. In addition to their group prize Virginia Trively was awarded first Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title Plattsmouth J. Phone 324 individually in the judging contest and Frances Rehmeier third place. The girls had Mrs. E. C. Giles as leader in their club work and who i3 much pleased to learn of the suc cess of the two girls with whom she has worked. The 4-H club members have had a very fine time in Chicago and many interesting trips to the points ol in terest over the city as well as ban quets and dinners that had been pre- i pared for the 1,500 young pecp:e from all parts of the United States. DEAD ANIMALS Dead ar.imals removed free of charge, Telephone South Omaha Ren dering Works, Market 462C. Reverse charges. n5-tfv DEATH OF JAMES HATCHETT The death of James Hatchett, 68, a resident of Murray and vicinity for the past forty-five years, occurred on Tuesday afternoon at :45 at the family home at Murray. The death came after an illness that covered the past year and in which time the patient had been gradually failing in health. Mr. Hatchett was one of the best known residents of Murray :yid was one of the familiar figures in the life of that portion of Cans county. He is survived by the widow and two daughters, one of whom, Mrs. Leonard Lutz, resides west of Mur ray, and Mrs. E. J. Wasson of Have lock. The body was brought to thl3 city to the Horton funeral home where it will remain until the funeral serv ices, which will be held on Friday afternoon at 1:30 at the Christian church at Murray. All kinds of commercial prlnt fng done promptly at the Journal office. M0 i ir.j: JBZ Advertising expense yields a fa? bigger dividend than any form of Investment. - 3!lii!iilIIIi m Pumpkin IQA, Golden Dry Pack, Fine for Pies No. 2A Size 10c can Fine Grade Beet Granulated 10 lbs., 52c 1 CO-lb. Bag ?5.17 Italian Prunes Large ZVz Cans, Iteavy Syrup 2 0? 27C Corn Flakes Kellogg, IGA, Post, miller's Largo Size Choice ice plxg. Tobacco Prince Albert or Velvet Sic can 1-Ib. Jar, 79c Pcr2s & Beasts Medium Size Tins, Special 4 or 19c Soap Laundry, 10 Re?- Size Bars S9c Catsup Large 14-oz. Bottles, Special 2or2c Pink Salmon Finest Quality, 1-lb. Tall Tin 2 or 25c Pineapple Broken Slices, No. 2V2 Cans 2 01 35c M 8 L KMSm JELL-O I.G.A. Vitamin 'D' mWSbFS All Flavors 3Cns17 3Ffe.17C HAMGES Medium Size Havels, Dozen OSSAKGES Extra Large Size, Dozen SHAPE FHU2T Texas Seedless, 4 for Cabbage Solid Heads Special, per Lb. 2c lb. Apples IV"iS3curI Pippins Bushel $1.49 Bananas Firm, Ripe Fruit- Per Lb. Sweet Potatoes Extra Fancy Quality 6 lbs., 25c CRASiSEBSlfES Small Size, per Quart 15c SATES Fancy New Crop Bulk, per lb 1(5C Finest quality Heme Grown, 3 lbs ICC SELEHY Tender, Well Bleached. Large Stalk. . . 10C "rh firrftn Xftnft. I finriA hitnoh CARS 5c Prunes 80 to SO Size, New Crop Calif. 2 lbs,, 15c Chocolate Bakers Premium, 2-lb Cake 22c Corn Fancy Country Gentleman 2 or 25c Coee Peaberry, Fresh Ground, Lb. 22c Oleomargarine Fine Grade Special, 2 lbs. 23C 'Butter Casco Quartered. .30c, Solids Malt Syrup Linko or Ideal, Kcp Flavor'd 49c can Macaroni or SPAGHETTI -IGA Brand 3 F&gs.,'28c Toilet Paper IQA Finest Quality Tissue 3 rolls, 29c Sans Sorb Soft, Absorbent 4 Rolls for 28C Pancake Flour IGA Brand 3'2-b. Package 29C Soap Chips for All Uses. Full 5-lb. Box 29C Potted Meat Smalt Size Individual Portion 3 or 20c Dried Peaches New Crop, Extra Fine Quality 2 lbs,, 29c Raisins Now Crop 2-1 b. Package 26c IS I Meat Department Specials for Frh & Sat Bacon Good Value Half or Whole 20c lb. Brick Chili Fut up in 1-lb. Bricks, at 26c each Cubed Hound Steak, per lb 25c Baby Beef Hoast, per lb 12 Hound and Sirloin Steak, per lb. . . 20c Fresh Picnics, 5-6 lb. avg. wt., lb. . 10 Vic Spare Ribs, per lb.. ioc Pork Chops, center cuts, lb.. ..... . 15c Boston Pork Butts, per lb 15c DRESSED POULTRY ORDERS FILLED Oysters for Stewing. Quart, 48c, or Pint, 25c Cheese Fancy Full Cream American 17c lb. 0) n fk ;-Dj LSis Co) g - Plattsmoutb's Leading Casb-Store 1 ISlIIIIIIinEiillHIIfllHHSHHffl I? Wf m CSJS $0 JB)t w I Men Prefer Practical Gifts Forget About Giving Krtick Knacks You're Sure to Please With These Practical Gifts X-a - S "via -ti -Va I2 it i Here's What He'd Choose He Were Shopping The robe at the left, for example, with satin lapel facing, is a favor ite. The price is only Flannel Robes as low as $4.45 And Look at This List Below rammeJ Fastidious men have been buying" these shirts. They come in Whites, Solid colore and in Stripes. Guaranteed fast color. Shirts K 3 - $1 to $2e9S I oveS' FABRICS PIG SiKINS CAPE LEATHERS g In a Variety of Shades Lined and Uniined H for osier y dhc, $ w Wcol mixtures, Silk r.nd Lisle mixtures. They're in clocks and in fancy patterns the kind that usually sell for much more. Munsing - Allen 'A - Holeproof m I Pajamas -1.25 Tailored by "Glover" Fancy fast color Broadcloths ... in Coat and Pull-Over styles! 5 PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR XMAS i m Fine bilk nose, rull rasmoned Service Weight in good colors 59c Chiffon or Service 79c ChifFcn or Service $1 ALLEN-A CHIFFON HOSE in their fine no-shadow weave can be had individually boxed for gift giving at no extra charge. $1 pair. I Turkish Towels Pretty plaids, solid colors or white with pretty borders. Ea. 25 to 50c Fancy Linens 50c $1 $1 50c All Linen Luncheon Cloth 3-piece Chair Sets, Linen or Lace Large Linen Cloth, Plaids Lace Buffet Scarfs, Each Rayon Pajamas One or 2-piece. Tea rose or darker colors. Sizes small to ext. stout $1.29 to $1.95 a Only 15 More Shopping: Days n 9 oeomcjtiiejni The Largest Store in Cass County, Plattssnantfi, Nebr. m