The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 01, 1934, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Political Advertising) (Political
County Treasurer
Ably qualified for this office by virtue of his experience
in office accounting. If elected, will safeguard the funds
of Cass county and conduct the office in an economical
and business-like manner. Election Tuesday, Nov. 6th.
Your Support and Vote will be Appreciated!
Weeping Water
Sonny Schumacher was looking af
ter some business matters in Omaha
on last Monday.
Miss Mable Dudley was visiting
with relatives and friends in Have
lock and Lincoln for the day last
In the game between the "Weeping
Water football team and one from
Adams, played at Weeping Water
the Weeping Water boys won 3 to 0.
Mr. and Mrsj Mark Wiles and Miss
Agnes Rough were guests for the day
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Ranney for a very fine
dinner which all enjoyed.
Benjamin Franklin Barretts whe
makes his home in Papillion, was a
visitor in Weeping Water for the
day last Monday, visiting and also
looking after some business matters.
W. J. Patterson of near Murray,
who stays in Weeping Water a good
deal of the time, was called to Ne
braska City on last Monday to look
alter some business matters for a
short time.
Lee Marshall, son of Albert Mar
shall and who makes his home in
California, is here at this time, called
by the very serious illness of his lath
er who has been kept to his bed for
some time.
Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Tuck were
visiting in Lincoln on last Friday
where the doctor was looking after
some business matters while Mrs.
Tuck was visiting with friends dur
ing the time.
Henry Lenike, jr., the painter and
decorator is at this time redecor
ating the interior of the Liberty the
atre and placing the playhouse, in.
the very best condition for the coin
ing winter season of plays.
Bill Johnson has just repainted
the sign of the A Lon beauty shop
for Miss LaVerna Dinger, calling at
tention to the place where you are
m;de more beautiful, and why not
take advantage of the opportunity to
look your best?
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Zaar of west
of South Bend were visiting in Weep
ing Water on Monday afternoon of
this week, they coming to see about
some business matters and as well
were doing some trading at the
Weeping Water stores.
Albert Marshall, the pioneer of
Weeping Water and who has t'oi
many years looked after the keeping
of the city in the best appearance, as
he is a painter and decorator, is not
feeling the best just at this time and
has been kept to his home and bed
most of the time.
Alva Hobson who has been spend
TPS easy and pleasant to iron with a
Co! cman. It saves your strength.
'You do better ironing easier and quick
er at less cost. 7 his modern Coleman
Iron lights instantly ... no generating
with match or torch ... no waiting.
Saves you more time and work than a
51C0 washing machine. Do a whole
ironing with one iron.
"The evenly heated double pointed base
irons garments wiih fewer strokes. Iron
ing time is reduced one-third. Heats
itself . - . use it anywhere. Makes and
burns its own gas. Economical, too. . .
costs only on hour to operate.
Come in and sec it demonstrated.
Advertising) (Political Advertising)
ing the summer at Lincoln and Louis
ville, returned to Weeping Water
this week and will make his home
here for the present. Alva has re
sided in Weeping Water for the past
fifty years, and finds this as good a
place to live as he can find anywhere
John Bender who is employed in
a chain store at Auburn was a visi
tor for over Sunday in Weeping Wa
ter and enjoyed a very pleasant day.
In the evening Joe Bender and Miss
Loretta Ring, John Bender and Lova
Tatterson, Kenneth Wallace and
Helen Wallace accompanied John to
The veteran barber, Gust Kegley,
who retired from active work in his
chosen profession a few years ago is
at this time confined to his bed by
poor health, but was reported as feel
ing some better during the early part
of this week. His many friends are
hoping he may soon be about again
as his familiar face is missed when
he is not about.
Visiting with Folks Here.
Mrs. George Miller of Modesta,
California, and Mrs. Elmer Olsen of
Oshkosh, Nebraska, are at this time
visiting with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Cole. They with Jchn
Cole were over to Nebraska City on
last Monday where they were visit
ing with friends for a short time.
Entering the Omaha Contest.
Miss Thelma Ward, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ward, who re
cently won first place in the Amer
ican Legion contest for the healthiest
young girl, and which enabled her
to enter the state contest sponsor
ed by the World-Herald. Ralph Bin-
rAm -j-lr AUcc a1 tv o o n -? Vi n-f t Vl
er," Mrs. Paul Ward, to Omaha last
Monday in order that she might reg
ister for the contest which is being
held in conjunction with the Ak-Sar-Ben
Served the Democratic Banquet.
Bill Johnson and Clara Johnson:
both of whom conduct first class res
taurants and eating houses were se
lected to feed the banqueters of the
democratic party who had their ban
quet and rally in Weeping Water on
last Tuesday evening, and sure they
did the matter up fine, for all had
all they desired to eat and of the
very best quality, served in proper
Visited in Omaha Sunday.
Elmer Michelsen and family, pro
prietors of the Weeping Water Va
riety store, were visiting for over
Sunday in Omaha and on their re
turn were accompanied by George
Ilineline who will work in the store
for the present as tle business is such
that it requires additional help in
the sales department.
Services at Methodist Church
Bible school every Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock.
Treadling at 11:00 in the morn
ing. All not worshiping elsewhere are
cordially invited to these services.
We welcome any one visiting in the
city. E. S. FANGBORN,
tfWW Tastor.
During the teachers convention
the board of education installed flag
poles in all of the wards of the
Plattsmouth schools. The flag pole
that did st and near the old high
school building was moved to a posi
tion near the present high school
building. The flag poles in the other
wards have been repaired and in
the future the Tlattsmouth schools
will be able to perform their patriotic
duties of displaying the flag on
patriotic days.
Mr. Chris Schlegel of Chippeway
Falls, Wisconsin, arrived Sunday
morning for an extended visit with
his aunt, Mrs. Justus Lillie, Sr., and
other relatives.
(Political Advertising)
Vote for HENRY C. LUCKEY for
CONGRESS, First District.
Seed Corn
Option Price is
Hiked to $1.25
500,000 to 1,000,000 Bushels of
Corn May Be Contracted
for at the Price.
Contracts for the optional pur
chase of between 500,000 and 1,000,
000 bushels of seed quality corn, to
be selected from corn sealed on
farms under Commodity Credit Cor
poration loans, will call for payment
for such corn at the rate of $1.25 per
bushel, on exercise of options, it was
announced today by the Agricultural
Adjustment Administration.
It is expected that the contracts
wlil be in the field within the next
few weeks. The plan for optioning
sealed corn, as a measure to prevent
unsealing and and feeding valuable
seed stocks, originally placed the op
tion price at $1 per bushel.
Under the seed corn conservation
plan, the Agricultural Adjustment
Administration will select cribs ol
seed-quality corn in such states as
South Dakota, Minnesota, and Mis
souri, where the seed corn situation
is most serious, and where reports
indicate that the supply of 1932
sealed corn suitable for seed may be
threatened by the demand for feed.
Producers holding corn that meets
the specifications for seed quality
and is held under storage conditions
that will preserve their qualities,
will be offered an option contract
which provides that in return for
an advance of 20 cents per bushel.
such seed will be held for sale to
the Agricultural Adjustment Admin
istration at $1.25 per bushel, on or
before May 1, 1935. The option may
be exercised by the administration
to acquire the corn, or in case of lo
cal demand for seed, producers may
obtain written authority to sell the
corn to private individuals, for seed
use only.
Producers negotiating optiona
sale of their sealed corn will have
received a total of 75 cents per
bushel, including the 55-cent loan
from the Commodity Credit Corpor-
itkm. and the 20 cents advance from
the Agricultural Adjustment Admin
istration. The Commodity Credit
Corporation will act as the fiscal
agent of the administration in the
seed corn conservation plan, dis
bursing the option advances to farm
ers from an allocation nof $500,000
made to it by the Agricultural Ad
justment Administration for this
Nine Candidates
for Congress
File Expenses
Highest Non-Exempt Total Turned
in by E. C. Eichcr, 1st District
Democrat, for S874.
Washington, Oct. 29. Nine Iowa
congressional candidates had filed
preliminary campaign expense re
ports Monday.
Rep. B. M. Jacobsen, second dis
trict democrat, reported expenditures
of $821.24 which was listed as
"non" exempt and $824.07 which is
exempt from the limitation placed
upon campaign expenditures under
the corrupt practices act.
Andelfinger Low.
M. B. Andelfinger, Jacobsen's re
publican opponent, spent $185.09
classified as non-exempt and $364.57
Rep. Edward C. Eicher, democrat,
was the only candidate whore report
had been received from the first dis
trict. He spent $874.58 non-exempt.
Rep. Lloyd Thurston, fifth district
republican, spent $445 non-exempt.
6 th District Reports.
Reports from both sixth district
candidates showed the non-exempt
expenditures of Rep. C. C. Dowel!
(R) to be $S71.87 and those of Hu
bert Utterback (D) $413.35.
In the eighth district, Rep. Fred
C Gilchrist (R) had non-exempt ex
penses of $283.40 and exempt
$769.71, and Joseph J. Meyers (D)
$327.80 and $681.45.
Rep. Guy M. Gillette (D) In the
ninth district had non-exempt ex
penses of $98.50 and exempt $418.30.
It may be assumed that the Am
erican Legion 13 not whole-heartedly
devoted to Upton Sinclair's EPIC
program, or it would not have elect
ed a San Francisco banker as nation
al commander. It would have chosen
a real estate mortgage investor from
Lcs Angeles.
Brain electricity was reported
heard by surgeons at Boston. Par
don, doctor, that was merely static.
(Political Advertising
J. E. Reeder for County Supt.
Robert Chappell and wife of Om
aha were guests for the day on last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Taul Wolfe.
Bill Johnson and wire of Schu
bert were visiting in Avoca on last
Sunday and were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gust Ruhge while here.
Oscar Zimmer and mother were
over to Lincoln on last Monday
where they were called to look after
some business matters for the after
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brendel were
guests for the day and dinner on
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Marquardt where all en
joyed a very fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bassett of
Unadilla were visiting in Avoca on
last Saturday night and were guests
of the parents of Mrs. Bassett, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert McCann.
Henry Apken and wife of Dunbar,
while on their way to Lincoln, stop
ped at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McCann on last Sunday, visit
ing here for a short time.
Mrs. Fred McGrady has been feel
ing very poorly of late and was kept
to her bed for a few days during
the past week but is reported as feel
ing some better at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marquardt were
over to Louisville where they were
visiting last Sunday evening at the
home of the mother of Mrs. Mar
quardt, Mrs. Bedella Stander.
Fred Carsten and wife and Fred
Ruhge and wife were guests for the
day last Sunday at the home of
Frank Greenrod where all enjoyed
a very fine dinner as well as a good
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd King and son.
Palmer, were visiting for the day on
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Freeman where all enjoy
ed the visit and the dinner very
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolfe departed
this week for San Francisco v.-here
they will spend the winter with rela
tives and also will enjoy the mild
climate of the western city on the
The Avoca telephone patrons are
to enjoy the convenience of having
a new telephone directory which has
every subscriber listed and whict
will facilitate the work of caring for
the exchange. '
Charles E. Cook of Plattsmouth
was a visitor in Avoca on last Mon
day, coming to visit with his friend,
Dr. J. W. Brendel and found the
frined away from home but later met
him at Weeping Water.
Phillip Hogenmueller, the agent
of the Missouri Pacific and the fam
ily who have beta making their
home in the" residence property of
Thomas S. Pitman, moved last Mon
day to the house of D. E. Sumner.
There was a free dance given at
Avoca last Saturday,' the expenses of
which were met by popular subscrip
tion, and which brought a very large
crowd, thus compensating for the ex
penses incurred by the entertain
ment. Mrs. L. J. Marquardt gave a very
fine six o'clock dinner in honor of
her daughter-in-law. Mis. Fred Mar
quardt on Friday of last week when
all present enjoyed the occasion as
the very fine dinner which was
Charles W. Hoback, who has been
farming east of Nehawka but who
has no farm for the coming year,
is to hold a sale on November 7th.
He was in Avoca posting bills for
his sale and as well making other
towns with his advertising matter
Sam Francis, a cousin of John
Marquardt, and a member of the
Cornhusker football team had his
ankle injured last Saturday when
the Cornhuskers won over the Iowa
team, but he will be in shape for
the Pittsburgh game November 10.
Dick Neumeister and wife artd
their daughter. Miss Bertha and Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. If. Ruhge and wife
were over to Omaha where the men
were looking after some business
matters and the women were visit
ing with friends on Thursday of last
Mis3 Agnes McCann and brother.
Leo, were over to Lincoln last Satur
day where they were enjoying the
football game which was staged be
tween the Cornhuskers and the Iowa
State team from Ames and enjoyed
seeing the Cornhuskers win the
Mrs. W. II. Bogard and son, Clyde,
and Miss Leona Everett were over to
Shenandoah on last Thursday where
Mrs. Bogard remained for a visit
with her daughter, Mrs. A. Z.
Thomas and family, with Clyde and
Leona returned home. Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas came over to Avoca
bringing Mrs. W. II. Bogard home
with them.
Sister Undergoes Operation.
Mrs. Edward Wilcox of Beatrice
a Bister of Mrs. E. J. Hallstrom, un-
Tailored in
the Latest
$14.50 - $22.50
Since 1879
derwent a major operation at the
hospital on last Saturday and on
Sunday Mrs. Hallstrom was over to
visit the sister and found that she
had rallied nicely and was in fair
condition. It is hoped that the pa
tient will now improve nicely and be
restored to her former health in a
short time.
Entertained for Teacher.
Little Correne Hallstrom and
Frances Druery, members of the same
Bible school class, entertained at the
home of the former in lienor of their
teacher and the remainder of the
class. They all enjoyed a very pleas
ant evening.
Married Last Summer.
Somewhre, they have not said, but
on July 16th, last summer, Miss
Margery Jourgesen and George John
son were united in marriage but saw
fit not to tell their friends until a
short time ago, when the friends
were congratulating the bride and
groom. They were visiting on last
Saturday with friends in Omaha.
Adolph Martens, of Sigourney
Iowa, sought for the murder of his
wife and fourteen year old step
daughter, Monday surrendered to the
authorities to his home city in Iowa.
Martens was sought for several
months and his trail led to this city
where his truck was found abandon
ed near Sixth and Vine streets. A
watch was kept for the return ot
the man and Iowa state officers were
here to check every possible clue but
the wanted man successfully eluded
the officers. The Iowa officers had
found indications that the man had
tcquaintances here and which they
came here to check on but without
any degree of success.
The many friends of C. L. Wiles,
prominent farmer of near this city,
will be pleased to learn that he is
doing nicely now from the effects of
his recent fracture of a leg. The in
jury was aggravated by a severe
sprain and which was very painful,
but Mr. Wiles is now able to rest
and feels much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Todd, of Kear
ney were here Sunday to visit for
the day at the home of Mr. Todd's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mauzy. On their return home they
were accompanied by Mrs. Mauzy
and Mr. Mauzy will go later to Kear
ney where they are to spend the win
ter at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. T. J. Todd.
Miss Alpha C. Peterson, county
superintendent, was elected at the
meeting of district No. 2 of the Ne
braska Teachers association as thr
president of the rural section of the
district. Miss Peterson last year
served as the secretary of the asso
Duroc Jersey boars and gilts. Elig
ible to register and immuncd. Also
two dozen Leghorn yearling hens.
Leonard C. Stoehr, phone 2722.
( Political Advertising)
J. R. Reeder for County Supt.
To all persona interested in the
estate of Oscar W. Zaar deceased.
No. 2991:
Take notice that the executor of
said estate has filed his final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of his administration ac
counts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on November 23rd 1934
at ten A. M.
Dated October 29 13.34.
County Judge.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Phillip Lambert deceased.
No. 3079
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
W. G. Boedeker as administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
23rd day of November 1934 at ten
A. M.
Dated October 29 1934.
County Judge.
To all persons interested In the
estate of Alexander H. Graves deceas
ed. No. 3075
Take notice that a
petition has
been filed for the probate of an in -
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Edward
Graves and J. D. Graves as executors
thereof; that said petition has been
set for hearing before said Court on
the ICth day of November 1934 at
ten A. M.
Dated October 17, 1934.
County Judge.
To all persons interested in the
deceased. NO. 3078
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate cf an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Mary C.
Robertson, as Administratrix c. t. a.
thereof; that said petition has been
set for hearing before said Court on
the 16 day of November 1934 at
ten A. M.
Dated October 20, 1934.
County Judge.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Christian May deceased.
No. 3016:
Take notice that the administra
tor c. t. a of said estate has filed
his final report and a petition for
examination and allowance of his
administration accounts, determin-
. .. . -
ation ot nersiup, assignment 01 resi-
due of said estate and for his dis-
charge; that said petition and re-
port will be heard before said CourtM34) in Township Twelve North,
on November 9th 1934 at ten A m.
Dated October 9 1934.
County Judge.
Fti)-ral Securities lildii.
Lincoln, Xrbrnnkn
by virtus of an Order of Sale issued
by the Clerk of the District Court of
the becond Judicial District or ise-
DrasKa, witnin ana ior cass eounu,
m an action wnerein 1 ne Lincoln
National Lite insurance company, a
corporation, is plaintiff, and George
V. Pickwell et al are defendants, 1
will, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., on the
17th day of November, 1934, at the
south door of the Court House in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cas3 County,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public
auction, the following described
lands and tenements, to-wit:
The West Half of the North
east Quarter (WVssNEU) of
Section Sixteen (16), Town
ship Eleven (11) North, Range
Ten (10) East of the Sixth
Principal Meridian in Cass
County, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 16th
day of October, A. D., 1934.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale
issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within end for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will en the 3rd day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1934, at 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day at the south front door
of the Courthouse in said County,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real-
estate, to-wit:
The Southwest Quarter (SW
14 ) of the Northwest Quarter
(NWU) of Section Seventeen
(17) , and the Northeast Quarter
(NEU) of Section Eighteen
(18) , all in Township Eleven
(11), Range Thirteen (13), East
of the 6th P. M.. Cass County,
Nebraska, and the Northwest
Quarter (NW'i ) of the North
west Quarter (NWU ) of Section
Seventeen (17), Township
Eleven (11), Range Thirteen
(13), East of the 6th P. M. Cas3
County, Nebraska,
The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Sophia M. Schafer,
et al Defendants to satisfy a judg
ment of caid Court recovered by Rosa
Wark Plaintiff against said Defend
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
29, A. D., 1934.
Sheriff Cass County.
One finds it hard to believe a yarn
in a new assortment from Canada,
about tne tarmcr wno iraincu a corn-
I PnHHrnl A d vurt ii n ff )
J. R. Reeder for County Supt.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of JAMES GREER deceased. No.
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Vernon
Francis Greer and Charles Henry
Greer as executors thereof; that said
petition has been set for hearing be
fore said Court on the 16th day of
November 19 34 at ten A. M.
Dated October 17th, 1934
o22-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cas3.
BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale is-
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
j District Court within and for Cass
'County, Nebraska, and to me direct-
ed, I will on the 3rd day of Novem
ber A. D., 1934, at 10:00 o'clock A.
M. of said day at the South Front
Door of the Court House in said Coun
ty, sell at public action to the high
est bidder for cash the following real
estate to-wit:
Out Lots to Plattsmouth City
north of Lot 6 2 NWi of
SEi of Section 12, Township
12 North Range 13 East of the
6th P. M., Cass Ccunty, Ne
braska The same being loviod upon and
taken as the property of M. V.
Mitchell, et al.. Defendants to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by Francis Hetherington Plaintiff
again said Defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, October
3rd A. D., 1934.
Sheriff Cass County,
s4-5w Nebraska
Thelma Nichols, Plaintiff )
Eernite Nichols James,
tt al Defendants )
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska
entered in the abve entitled cauoe
on the 10th day of October, 1934, and
an order cf sale entered by said Court
in said cause on the 13th day of O -tober,
1934, the undersigned Referee,
will on the 24th day of November
1934, in front of the Post Office at
Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska,
at TEN o'clock in the forenoon, sell
"t public auction, to the lngnest bid-
I ,J 1 1 rt ... : , . .1 ; 1 . , t
UC1 . iuhu.wh ucmiidl'u icai
estate: The East Half of the South-
east Quarter of Section Thirty-four
ui me 1 mi-
cipal Meridian in Cass County, Ne-
braska, with improvements thereon,
uPn tlie following terms:
1 en per cent or bid in casii on date
of sale, balance in cash upon confir
mation cf sale, and delivery of Ref
eree's Deed to said real estate free of
encumbrances and subject only to
lease on said land to March 1st, 1936.
Abstract to be furnished purchaser
showing merchantable title.
Said sale will be held open for one
Dated this 22nd day of October, A
m. 1934.
q It AWLS,
Ky q, KIECK,
oL J-ow
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale
issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of
the District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 10th day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1934. at 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day at the south front door
of the Court House in said County,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real
estate to-wit:
Lots twenty-two (22) and Six
teen (16) in the Northeast Quar
ter (NEU) of the Northwest
Quarter (NWU) of Section
Nineteen (19) Township Twelve
(12) North, Range Fourteen
(14) East of the 6th P. M., Lot
Twenty-three (23) in Northeast
Quarter (NEU) of Northwest
Quarter (NWU) of Section
Nineteen (19) Township Twelve
(12) North, Range Fourteen
(14) Ear,t of the 6th P. M., The
East Half (EVi) of the South
east Quarter (SEU) of the
Southwest Quarter (SWU) of
Section Eighteen (18) Town
ship Twelve (12) North, Range
Fourteen (14) East of the 6th
P. M., excepting that part owned
by the B. & M. R. R. Co. and
otherwise known as Lot Fifteen
(15) in said Section Eighteen
(18); also excepting that por
tion of said Lot Fifteen (15)
lying East of the Center of Third
Street in the City of Platts
mouth, should said street be ex
tended South through said Lot
Fifteen (15); all of Block One
(1) and Six (6) in O'Neill's Ad
dition to the City of Plattsmouth,
Lot Fourteen (14) in the North
east Quarter ( NE V4 ) of the
Northwest Quarter (NWU) of
Section Nineteen (19) Township
Twelve (12) North, Range Four
teen (14) East of the 6th P. M..
in Cass County, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and t.-.v.
en as me pronertv of Thnn,.,
Klger, et al Defendants to satisfy a
juusuiuiii 01 saam court recovered l,v
John Motacek PLilntiir
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October
ouerur Cass County
"See it baforo you buy it