THTJBSDAY. SEPT. 13, 1934. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JO TIEN AL PAGE THREE M urray George Cerger has been making some repairs on the buildings where Henry Heebner resides. Mrs. A. H. Graves recently moved to Plattsmouth where she is making her home with her son, J. H. Graves, of that place. Henry Frizzell and wife of Weep ing Water were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Creamer. James Earhardt was shelling corn and delivering same to the home and feeding yards of Parr Young who is using a good deal of corn. Mrs. Ida Young of Weeping Wa tt r was spending a number of days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Troop of Plattsmouth. Earl Lancaster and the family are attending the last day of the county fair this year as they are expecting that will be the best of the term. John Long of near Ashland was a visitor in Murray for a time on last Monday morning and was looking after some business matters for a time. Mr. Russell Overhauler of Wilson ville, Nebraska, was visiting in Mur ray for the past few -days and while here is the guest of his friond. Miss Catherine Leyda. Charles Petersen, the barber, was a visitor in Loisville for over Sunday, remaining until Monday afternoon, where he was visiting his folks and a very dear friend. Herman Smith of near Nehawka was a visitor in Murray as well as Plattsmouth on. last Monday morn ing, calling at the lumber yard to look after some business. Alvin A. McReynolds of near Ne hawka was a visitor in Murray on last Monday morning where he was looking after some business matters at the Murray lumber yard. Glover Seed Wanted See us for sale of your Clover and Alfalfa Seed. We pay the highest market price. See U3 for the best prices always! FREDR1CH SEED CO. Murray Farmers Elevator Phone 17, Murray, Neb. i Howard Frizzel, son of John Friz zel of Weeping Water who has been making his home in Los Angeles California, drove from the coast to Weeping Water on his motorcycle Lon Crosser and wife were over to Weeping Water last Wednesday where they were attending the Cass county fair and where they were meeting their many friends as well. R. C. Kennedy has been doing some work in the line of building some concrete walks and as well making some repairs on a cistern at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Bru bacher during the first of this week. Miss Bessie Copenhaver, house keeper for Mrs. Wm. Sporer, was the guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Arden Rheuman south of Union and with them went to Brownville where they secured a number of bushels of peaches. The lumber yard received a car load of lumber the first of the week composde of bridge palnk. a portion of which was for the Murdock lum ber yard. Harold W. Tool being over with a truck for a load of the plank which he was to receive. Mr. and Mrs. Lucean Carper and their little son were over to Nehaw ka on last Sunday evening where they spent a few hours visiting at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Carper, mother of Lucean, and where all en joyed a very fine evening. Mr. and Mrs. Parr Young depart ed for Toledo where they went to receive a new International truck which he and the wife will drive home. They will come via Chicago where they will attend the Century of Progress for a few days. Mrs. Victor Wehrbein entertain ed at a reception and party in honor of her sister. Miss Lois Troop who was celebrating her sixteenth birth day anniversary. A most enjoyable evening was had by the young people. A very delightful luncheon was served by the hostess at the close of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Whitman of Gordon, Nebraska, who formerly resided in this neighborhood many years ago, Mrs. Whiteman being for merly Miss McConnaha, arrived in Murray on last Friday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young and as well with other friends and acquaintances here. Will Ronnio who has not been in the best of health, was taken to the hospital at Omaha, where she was placed under observation and treat- See lis About Feed Lot Loans Murray State Bank ment as he had a blood pressure of 240, and such a high degree is con sidered as being very serious and often fatal, but this pressure does not seem to affect Mr. Bonnie very' seriously and thus puzzle3 the doctors. Gave Minister Surprise. The Rev. Lloyd Schubert, pastor of the Christian church of Murray, had his birthday anniversary fall on Friday of last week and the members of the church and Bible school, be ing aware of the fact, gathered at the home of Mr. and Martin Sporer where they duly celebrated the pass ing of the evening in regular form with a very fine reception for the minister. There were games, good eats and many kind remembrance? extended. yon oil eater you! . , Will Hold Election. There will be an election of the officers of the Christian Bible school on September 23 rd at the Bible school hour. Native Grown Peaches. We will have a limited amount of native grown peaches ready for delivery during the latter portion of this week and the coming week. Price at the orchard $1.25 per bush el. Mr. A. A. Young, Murray, Nebr. ltw Visitors from the West. There was in Murray during the latter portion of last week some visi tors who were former residents of this vicinity and who moved away some thirty-five years ago, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Nye Avho have been mak ing their home in the state of Wash ington for the past more than a quarter of a century. They were ac companied by their daughter and husband as wtll. They were guests while here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis and visited among their many old time friends. r k S I - - O That gammy, tar -lite stuff that comes oat of your crank case when it's drained that's Sludge. And it does no engine any good. It causes piston rings to stick and when that happens the engine begins pumping oil oil you paid good cash for. IsoVis D keeps' down sludge formation keeps rings free and lively. It even helps remove sludge formed by pre vious oils! This fummer keep sludge out of your engine! Use anti-sludge I so "Vis "D! It will save you money! ISO-VIS "D" 250 a qt Tteo Other Fine Motor Oil RELIANCE 150 qt. POLARINE 200 qL " mmm H. E. Akins, Murray, Standard Oil Dealer says: "You're always welcome where you see the Standard sign. And you have the satisfac tion of getting your money's worth every time." Here's where to set It: STANDARD OIL SERVICE STATION 747 Vine, Plattsmouth CARR SERVICE STATION Union ATTEBERY GARAGE Union STANDARD OIL WILL HOT BE UNDERSOLD OJI VALUE Murray Home Study Club. The Murray Home Study Club, will hold a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy on Thurs day, September 20th, Thursday of the coming week. There will be a twelve -o'clock luncheon and all are urged to be very prompt in their attending so that the luncheon will go off smoothly. all interested in! the club come and enjoy a solid afternoon of pleasure. Postponed Ladies Meeting. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church of Murray which had been advertised for Sept ember 14th, which is this week, has been postponed until Friday, Sept ember 21st on accounty of the Cass county fair being held this week. Will all please take notice of this change. Mrs. C. L. Spangler will be the leader for the meeting and the hostesses will be Mesdames Vantine, Todd, Marsell and Gilmore. Are Teaching in Town. Mesdames Wm. G order who has had a country school near Hidden Timber, South Dakota, and D. C. Rhoden who also has been teaching near Okcreek, South Dakota, both are teaching this school year in the city schools of Okcreek, which will save ther.i miles of travel to and from their boarding place to the country schools. Their school opened on Monday of this week, September 10th. Wanted to Rent. Good farm. Frederick Seed company. Death of Mrs. Jessie Prentiss at Lincoln Sunday Former Resident of This City and Daughter of One of the Pio neer Families. The death of Mrs. Jessie A. Pren tiss, Go, occurred Sunday at the family home at 4 642 Greenwood avenue, Lincoln, following an illness of some duration. The deceased lady was a daugh-j ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Green, old j time residents of Plattsmouth, where the deceased grew to womahood and during her life here was very active in the social life of the community and in the Methodist church, of which she was long a member. She was married here to George L. Prentiss, they later moving to Have lock and Lincoln where they have since made their home. Mrs. Prentiss was taken ill sev-J eral months ago and her condition in recent weeks had been such as to give no hope for her recovery and she gradually failed until death came to her relief. She is survived by the husband, George L. Prentiss, one daughter, Mrs. Frank Beebe, of Des Moines, Iowa, the aged mother, Mrs. Rachel; Green, two brothers, Harry W. and Frank E. Green, all of Lincoln. Funeral services will be held at Lincoln and the interment at the Wyuka memorial park in that city. RECOVERING FROM OPERATION Robert L. Propst, of Lake Worth, Florida, a former resident of this city, is at the St. Joseph hospital at Omaha where he is recovering from a second operation cn his right eye. Mr. Propst has been having a great deal of trouble with his eyes for the past several years and the recent op eration was for the removal of a cataract that has greatly interfered with his sight. It is h'optd that the operation will result in benefiting his eyesight. CHARGED WITH LARCENY Carl Lange, of near Murray, was arrested here Monday afternoon on. a charge of larceny, to which he entered a plea of guilty. The charge j was that the .defendar,! . had taken articles of wearing apparel from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rhoden. The value of the goods taken was fixed at $71. 50. DEATH OF BABE Tho funeral was held Saturday at the Sattler funeral home for the babe of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Glaubitz. born Fridav and which died a short time afterwards. The many I friends will extend to the bereaved j family theri deep sympathy in the loss that has come to them. NEW BARBER HERE George Ralston, of Kearney, is now engaged at the Cozy barber shop of Arnold Lillie during the vacation of George Thum. Mr, Ralston is an experienced barber and will be able to give the usual excellent service that marks this shop. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE King Arthur's Youths. King Arthur's Youths met for the first meeting Sept. 4, 1934. We elect ed our officers for one month. Our president is Lois Campbell; vice president, Doris Creamer; secre tary, Edna Marler. For roll call next time we decided on the name of a snake. Everyone was present for the first meeting. We plan to meet every two weeks, on Tuesday. DORIS CREAMER, News Reporter. Murray Library Meeting. The Library Association will hold a meeting Sept. 18 at 7:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Will Seybolt. Those interested please plan to attend. Journal ads bring you news ot timely bargains. Read them! In the District Court of the Unit-j ed States for the District Ne-: braska, Lincoln Division. j In the matter of Rueben C. Apple- man. Bankrupt. i In Bankruptcy No. 2454. Notice to creditors of application for dis charge and order to show cause. To the creditors of the above named bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of September, 1934, the above named bankrupt filed a peti tion for discharge in bankruptcy, and It Is Ordered that the 15th day of October, 1934, be and the same is hereby fixed as the date on or before which all creditors of said bankrupt and all persons interested in said es tate and in the matter of the dis charge in bakruptcy of the said bank rupt shall, if they desire to oppose the same, file in my office in Lin coln, Nebraska, in said District, their appearance in writing in opposition to the granting of said discharge, and their specifications of thej grounds of said opposition. Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 10th day of September, 1934. DANIEL H. McCLENAIIAN, Referee in Bankruptcy. HIGHEST Market Price Paid or GRAIII See Us Before You Sell! Farmers Elevator Co. Murray, Nebr. Robert D. Weston, Mgr. Phone 17 EVER YD XL many women say . . . "Since changing to Hinky-Dinky our family food costs have certainly gone DOWN." Del Mcnte Sliced or Half PEACHES - r nn. No. 2V2 Can, 19c u IOr O d Del Monte Sliced or Crushed PINEAPPLE No. 2VZ Cai Del Monte Country Gentieman CORN No. 2 Can, 2 for 27C ?? 2 for 41c xf Ad for Friday, Saturday, Sept. 14 and 15 J Highway 57 Green Beans No. 2 Can - Doz., $1.18 Willow Brook TOMATOES :n2 2 for 19c Doz.. $1.14 : Case 24. $2.25 Serve-U-Rito Sweet PEAS No. 2 Cai Doz.. $1.43: Case 24. $2.95 :ns2.. 2for25c CABBAGE Li., 3c : 50-ib. BaS 98c ixoonisiii IlollniK S-l f-ir Ivrnut. GRAPES Red Ilame Tokays, 3 lbs.25C I . S. ;iimI . 1 i.MfurniH APPLES Bushel basket, $2.00; 4 lbs. 25C Knncj i'.ii' ItTnlio Joiiat lin n ' LETTUCE 5-Dozen Size, Head JVzC I'ri-Klt ri California Ife II uric POTATOES Fine Quality, 10 lbs..25C I . S. limde . 1 lilaho Muoxrlx or Nt-1-riikk.n !! Triiimuli YAMS Fancy Kiln Dried, lb., 5 ; 4 lbs.. 1C I . S. .rnI.- o. Z I.uiiUiann I'ortw Itlrau CARROTS, bunch . 5c Ii (Jret'u Top Colorado ONIOIMS, per lb 5c White, Y-l!ov or Iletl (.lolirx iiur Choice 11 I . S. irri.- :o. 1 CELERY Extra Large Stalk 10C Kr-h, Trui! rr, Well lllenrhetl Oregon PORK LOIN end ROAST, lb. . 9c liiilcr It-mi til from lit l '-' l. I.oiiim in riiiit nv rMuiiiK from :t to ! !-m. VEAL ROAST (Shculder), ib.13c BEEF ROAST Choice teiiilcr ifiifility Itoiiml Done ir Miouliler. fin- iil IrcMlnu: Mllll I.IH It. I. II. - firailcN I . S. Choice. finct i:nlily llei-f for Oven rr lot roiiMtliiic. BEEF rump ROAST, lb. . . IVVzC Vitv choicest oimlltv In I'laior ami Teiulr rnci. HAMBURGER, 2 lbs 17c I'ri.h (roiinil lean nil of llcef for a leli-loii I onf or I rlcil I'litllex. VEAL STEAK S'.ftiVi?. ;rr!,;;m 2CC Trv one or to Tireaileil or liroileil. l-liclon. PORK CHOPS, lb 18c llih or l.olti cm of Icclcil volute I'urk, any hli kiif. FRAKKFURTS, lb 10 c rmoiirV finer iiallt. larire juirv kiml. PORK TENDERLOIN, lb. . . 29c l"reh (Hialitv. olitninnlile In one piece or In pill I lex. VEAL BREAST, lb 7c Lean and meaty. You can buy it ill ceil for Mtetv nr In one- piece. BACON Hinky-Dinky, Mb. Pkg QC Hickory Kinokeil and nntnr cured for finer flavor. CERTO , Fop Making Jam op Jelly S-oz. Bottle oDC Pink Salmon Mb. Tall Can 0 2 for LoZ Margarine Best of All OC 2 lbs. - - C0. MY OWN Ilrnml 4 f) A 1-ll. Carton - - wV Casco Creamery BUTTER SOLIDS . Mb. Carton Quartered, "!r Hi. So-Tastee Soda CRACKERS or Certified 2-ib Grahams caddy 19c Oceana Red Pitted CHERRIES or lilt rri: WKST Blackberries No. 10 Can 49( SUGAR ;i l I. ti:i iii'.i'.T fmZfZQ 100 lbs, ?5.43; 10 lbs. 2J FINE CANE- 10 lb. 100 lbs. $5.55 CI. Eag 58c Hinky-Dinky COFFEE 3-lb. Bag, 57c 1 -lb. has - - . 19' Miller's - ' CORNFLAKES T fnr PC Small Pkg., 6c; Large Pkg. vx 43 OATS FLAKES, 3 pkgs. for 25c BRAN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. for 25c CERTIFIED W VALUER l.t'k THIS - SALAD SERVICE SET Beautiful lifetime Chromium Set with Onyx Jaspitc handles. Send Sales Slip showing purchase 1 pkg. Scf tzsilk end 25c to Betty Sof tasilk Q dTb r Crccker, of Minneapolis. iwck;k - JJ KAMO JELL Assorted Flavors 6 pkgs., 2SC Butter-Nut Jell, pkg 5c SPECIAL 3 Pkgs. Skinners ioc the Superior MACARONI. SPAGHETTI We EGG NOODLES Ccronado Fruit Salai, No. 1 tall can, 150; No. 2V2 can 25c Roberts Milk, 6 snail or 3 tall cans 17c Van Camp's Tomato Juice, 14-oz. cans, 2 for 15 c Velvet Rose Pumpkin, No. 2 can, 8c ; No. 2y2 can 10c Gibb's Fancy Spinach, No. 2 can, IZyC No. 2yz can 15c Fiist Piize Perk and Beans, No. 300 size can Gc Swans Down Biscuit Mix, 24-lb. pkg 16c arape Nuts Flakes, pkg 10c Kellogg s Whole Wheat Flakes, Ige. pkg., St ; 3 for 23c Santa Clara Prunes, medium size (70-80's), 3 lbs 29c Choice Dried Mixed Fiuit Salad, lb., 170; 2 lbs 33r Lima Beans, large size, 2 lbs., 25p ; Small size, 3 lbs 35c RUMFORD Baking Powder vail - - mt ca0;-. 9c WARFIELD'S energized COCOA i3-lb. can, 80 "fl Mb. Can, 120 2-lb. IL Coronet Flour gs 48-lb. Bag - - -$19 HINKY-DINKY 5 lbs., 25; 10, 49 $"f .79 24 lbs.. S30; 48 lbs. A IS Oxydol 21c Large Size Package - Soap f I IHSI OA H-P- CAMAY SOAP 6 bars Chipso Flakes or GRANULES 1 7r Large Package - - A 10 Reg. Bars - world' m largexl telling soap K.5 IVOHT -Sill SOAP Ivory Soap 3 lg. bars. 25c it floats a meA IQc Daisin- 81 BRAN lit&liuitUauat 230 ITS COO0-AN0 C00D FOR. YOU 2 for Omaha Family SOAP 10 Bars Haskin's H. W. Castile OP SOAP, 6 bars LoM Granulated iiW iTKg. VV rKg. JL JfKg. WHITE KING TOILET SOAP 7 Bars, 31c 29' Folgesr's Mountain Grown S2See Regular and Fine Grind 2 Lb. TC Can WZh 1 Lb. Can. . . VIGO Dog Food VIGO-PUP, Puppy Food or VIGO-KAT Cat Food 2 cans OMAR Wonder FLOUR 24-lb. Bag, $1.09 -fl QQ 48-lb. Bag - - -l0 GOLD DUST Soap Powder -fl Large Pkg. - Jj. Gold Dust Scouring 10 Powder - - 3 cans 15C ZEE Absorbent Tissue 4 19c Blue Eli&bon TJaUt America's Eiggest Seller mm fiC Plain or Hop Flavored I o id. can S)5)