n f I i-i PAGE FOTTR EAGLE HEWS ITEM! Alva Bogenrief is vlsting his fath er, Eli Bogenrief. 'Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Kaatz left last ?week for Colorado by auto. Mrs. Sarah Keil spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Nelson Vote for J. V. BRANDT for re publican Register of Deeds. Pol. Ad. Mrs. Harold Doran came from Iowa and is visiting relatives in and near Eagle. Evelyn and Ruth Trunkenbolz of Greenwood spent last week in Eagle with relatives. Mrs Sarah Kell and Dorothea were Friday evening callers at the Sam Westlake home. A. G. Gerd of Cook was in town Tuesday of this week looking after business matters. Barbara Ann ."Manners visited In Lincoln from Tuesday until Thurs day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rudolph and daughters spent Sunday visiting with relatives in Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manners and family spent Tuesday evening of last week in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Westlake and Mrs. E. J. Brownfield spent Friday afternoon visiting in Elmwood. Mrs. Tom Spahnle of Hastings spent last week visiting . her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Peterson. Mrs. Milford Axe and children visited over Sunday in the home qf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Piersol. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ferguson from near Walton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hursh on last Sunday. Mary and Pearl Norris were the guests of Genevieve and Evelyn Gerd in Cook from Thursday of last week until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Orill Allen and fam ily and Rev. and Mrs. Chamberlain attended the Epworth Assembly in Lincoln last Sunday. Mrs. A. M. Trumble returned home last Sunday from Lincoln where she had visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivett. Viola Root entertained the mem bers of her cooking club, "The Junior Housemaids," at her home on Tuesday of this week. Guests at the W. E. Muenchau home last Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Tuffon and family and Arthur tRistine of Lincoln. Miss Avis Burdick is enjoying her vacation in the lake region. Among other interesting places she is spend ing some time at Niagara Falls. Earl Kendle, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ester Kendle, who has been suf fering from gland trouble, is improv ing in health, but is not yet able to be brought home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trumble and son Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hursh enjoyed an afternoon outing near Wahoo. Part of the group spent the afternoon fishing. Mr. and Mrs. George Lanning and family motored to Beaver City on Thursday of last week where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Harvey Wall and Mr. Wall. They returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wolken and August and Mr. and Mrs. Will Muen chau, Orville and Keith and Miss Marie Gerdis of Lincoln enjoyed last Friday evening at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolken. Mrs. George Peckham and Mrs. Carl Handrock spent several days last week vacationing at a park near Crete. A large group of ladies rep senting many ladies organizations, were present. A very enjoyable time was reported. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Muenchau and sons were entertained at dinner on last Sunday in Lincoln at the Henry Gerdes home. Miss Marie Gerdes who has been visiting in the Muen chau home for some time returned home on las't Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Ramer Chamberlain and son, Edward, of Seattle, Wash ington and Mis3 Helen Chamberlain of Omaha, arrived the first of the week and will visit Rev. and Mrs Chamberlain. Miss Chamberlain spent her vacation with relatives in Washington. Mr. S. W. Moore, who had been visiting for the past week with Mrs (Political Advertiaing) (Political Experienced Efficient RAY F. BECKER Republican Candidate for CIicri o Cass County Primary Election, Tuesday, August 14th Your Support is Appreciated! (Political Advertising) First Congressional District SUMtts writ V 144 io 20.167 17,68) IS 938 . OTOE t 9.157,, JV.UTb rAwnci IakmoioVV 9.4239.826 Vote for Henry M. Wolfe Lincoln, Nebrasa DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE M Congress Sophia Gerhard and Jennie and other relatives in this community, left last Sunday evening for his home in San Francisco, California. Mrs. Moore who has been with her mother for most of the summer will remain for several weeks. M. E. Church. Allen Chamberlain, pastor; Orill Allen, Sunday school supt. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11. Epworth League 7:30 p. m. The Sunday school had an attend ance of 112 last Sunday. Everyone present enjoyed the harmonica solo played by Sumner West. A special number is planned for each Sunday. The lay delegate, who will rep resent our local church at the gen eral conference in September, will be elected next Sunday morning. A good attendance is desired at this election. Snip and Stitch Club. The Snip and Stitch sewing club held their regular meeting at the home of Virginia Trumble on Wed nesday afternoon of July 25th. A good attendance of the members were in attendance and Miss Jean Wil- moth was a welcome visitor. Following the business session, the direction for the laundry bag were studied. The practice work was ex amined by Helen Nelson, the assist ant leader. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess at the close o the afternoon. The next meeting will be on Au gust 7th. Enjoy Family Gathering. A number of families from this community took their suppers and gathered at Antelope Park in Lin coln Sunday evening where they en joyed a family picnic supper which was also a farewell for the Merle Lanning family, who have been visit ing in this community for some time. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Frank Lanning, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Lanning and (laughters, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Lanning, son, Dean, Mr. and Mrs. George Laninng and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lanning, William Bunten and George Thomson. VERY PLEASANT EVENT There was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Trotter of this city, Satur day, a fine little daughter at the University hospital at Omaha. The occasion has brought a great deal of pleasure to the members of the family circle and the many friends will join in their well wishes for the future welfare of the little one. Mr3. Trotter was formerly Miss Helen Sedlak of this city and the little one is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Sedlak. ROBS CASH REGISTER Monday while Fred Lugsch, the tailor, was at his luncheon hour, some person cut the worn screen of the rear door and was able to make their way into the main room of the building where the cash register was located. The register was tap ped for the change that had been left there, amounting to some $5 and successfully made a getaway before the return of the owner of the plant. Advertising) (Political Advertising) f - ; fr-v&i .nfc- J . " ' " T I i :,- 1 ' w y ; Nehawka Vote for J. V. BRANDT for re publican Register of Deed3. Pol. Ad. Miss Ruth Chapman, who is a nurse in Omaha, was a visitor for a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Chapman. Earl Troop, who has been working near Dorchester with a construction company, was home and also looked after some business matters in Om aha. Mrs. Sarah Young was called to Lincoln last week to look after some business matters and was driven over to the big city by Victor Plunkett and wife. Victor Plunkett made a trip to Iowa last week, where he was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Jennings. Mr. Plunkett formerly made his home in Missouri. Anderson Lloyd has been having some trouble with his eyes and ears and found it necessary to consult an eye and ear specialist for treatment of his eyes and ears. While A. F. Sturm was attending the funeral of the late Mr. Sheldon, Clifford Trotter was looking after the lumber yard as well as his garage, they being located near each other. James Miller was over to Avoca to deliver one of his water-tight bur ial vaults at the Avoca cemetery, the same being used in the burial of the late Amsdel Sheldon, whose funeral occurred last Monday afternoon. J. J. Pollard was a visitor in Om aha on Monday of this week, called there to look after some business matters in his line of business, that of supplying farming machinery to the people of Nehawka and vicinity. Enos Plunkett and wife and Mr. and Mrs. John Opp, son and daugh- er were enjoying a visit last Sunday at Rock Port, Mo., where they were guests at the home of a brother of Mrs. John Opp, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis and family. Mrs. Gertrude Carper was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Poppe, of Lincoln, during the greater part of last week, where they all enjoyed a very fine visit. Sunday her brother, Gust Nelson, drore over in his auto and brought the sister home. Warren Munn was kept busy this week cutting clover and threshing the crop for seed for all those who have been growing it in this vicinity. The yield is not heavy, but better than the return to be derived from corn land or small grain acreage. Rolla Ofttidings, of near Avoca, was a visitor in the neighborhood north of Nehawka, where he was do ing some work on the well at the home cf W. O. Troop, in order that there may be plenty of water to sup ply the cattle which Mr. Troop is feeding. Thomes E. Fulton, who has not been in the best of health, has been kept to his home and niuch of the time confined to his bed for some time, is now feeling much better and was able to be down town at the blacksmith shop for a short time on last Monday. Alfred Anderson, of Omaha, accom panied by a member of the firm with which he is associated, were looking after some business matters in Ne hawka Monday of this week, being interested in securing the contract for installing the new waterworks system here. Alfred was also visiting with his many friends while here. Gertrude Horstman, of Dunbar, was a visitor with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, of Nehawka, for the greater portion of last week, where they all enjoyed the visit greatly. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hcrstman and the other children came over for a visit Sunday, taking the daughter back home with them. Parr Young and wife were over to Bellevue on last Thursday to bring their daughters home, the girls hav ing been in attendance at the Tri County 4-H club gathering held there over a course of several days, and which was productive of much good for the members fortunate enough to attend, the event being in the nature of an outing. Evangelical Meeting The Otterbein church began a ser ies of revival or evangelical meetings at the church during the past week, which will be continued for two or more weeks, or as long as the inter est in the cause may warrant. All are cordially invited to come and enjoy, as well as participate in the meet ings. The Rev. S. E. Taylor, of Peetz, Colorado, who is a powerful evange list, will have charge of the services. Return from South Dakota Mrs. William Gorder, who was call ed to Hidden Timber, South Dakota, to lcok after some business matters, and was accompanied by her sister, Miss Lois Troop, and al$o by Richard Hirz, as driver, being away for the greater portion of the week, returned PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -. WEEKLY JOURNAL home last Sunday evening, reporting that things have been very dry up that way, but that there had been a four day rain while they were there, which freshened things up a little. Neighborhood Club Entertained Mesdames W. O. Troop and Earl Troop, at the home of the former on Wednesday of last week entertained the members of the Neighborhood club, an organization composed of ladies residing north of Nehawka. A splendid program was had and dis cussion of subjects pertaining to the interest and welfare of the home, this being followed by the serving of de licious refreshments by the hostess. A very fine time was had by all. Attended Funeral at Avoca Among those from Nehawka who were at Avoca to attend the funeral of the late Amsdel Sheldon, who pass ed away a few days since at his home at the advanced age cf 94 years, were Mrs. Frank P. Sheldon, V. P. Sheldon and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Tucker, Raymond C. Pollard and wife, A. F. Sturm, and John G. Wun derlich. The funeral was held at the late home and interment was in the Avoca cemetery. Find Plenty of Water In the last test hole, which was bored near the bridge west of town, there was found plenty of water. The hole, which 13 only six inches in diameter, was given the third degree in the pumping test and found to supply water at the rate of 50 gal lons per minute without materially lowering the volume of water in the well. This rate of pumping was con tinued for a number of hours and was considered to be sufficient to supply the needs of the new waterworks sys tem to be erected. There has been called a meeting of the civic body for Saturday even ing, August 4th, to consider bids for the construction of the proposed wat er system, and soon after letting of the contract work will be started and pushed rapidly forward to completion, in order that the job may be finished before the advent cf cold weather. A good deal of employment will be given to local workmen in carrying out the ' terms of the contract and as part of the plan of expenditure of P W A money. It is highly pleasing to note that water has new been located in suffi cient quantity to insure the need3 of the new waterworks system, and be ing located in these times of record breaking drouth, there should always be a great abundance to take care of the needs of the town for years to come. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Martjia Young, deceased. No. 3045: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration cf said estate and appointment of Frank A. Cloldt as Administrator; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 2 4th day of August, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated July 30th, 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, a2-Cw County Judge. (Political Advertising) ARCUS y- Republican Candidate for Congress First Congressional District Republican Nominee in 1832. HE made a gocd fight. HE can be elected this fall. HE deserves the nomination. For lower taxes, lower interest rates on Federal farm and home leans. Abolition of Washington control of agriculture, small business, and industry. Bern and grew to manhood on a Pawnee county farm. A resi dent of First Congressional dis trict for 44 years. J tsji L la la I ? tf j - , - (Political Advertising) Stats Hail Commission '-ttr'-vi- iVf--rri:M,--:r"-,-,iJV-'Ji'tfriT--i HORACE 171. DAVIS Born and raised on Nebraska farm. Taugrbt school. Owned Ord Journal 20 years. Experienced in five state legis latures. Democrat state committeeman 12 years. Fire Marshal. Corporate capital is no more sacred than money invested in farm or shop Utility com panies must recognize public serv ice as paramount to dividends, or yield under the law to public ownership The state Rail Commission can regain public esteem by ridding itself of influ ence of corporation lawyers. Experienced, Both Sides of Counter AVOCA NEWS Vote for J. V. BRANDT for re publican Register of Deeds. Pol. Ad. V. W. Straub was shelling and de livering corn tot he Avoca elevators on last Tuesday afternoon. Charles Freeman, who has been working at a garage in Murray was a visitor in Avoca for over Sunday. W. E. Palnieter of near South Eend was a business visitor in Avoca on Thursday of last week looking for a location to engage in business. Postmaster Wm. Bogard was call ed to Nebraska City on last Tuesday morning where he was looking after some business matters for a short time. Avoca had a visit from Miss Lil lian White, present register of deeds who seeks to succeed herself, on Tuesday of this week, meeting the voters in this vicinity. Mrs. Li. J. Marquardt and Minnie Richard are at this time spending some time in Colorado where they are enjoying a vacation in the cooler liin:itc of the mountain state II W. Thimgan of Platsmouth, republican candidate for sheriff, was a visitor in Avoca, meeting his friends and placing his advertising matter. He was accompanied by Charles E. Cook. . Wm. Depner who has been in rather poor health on account of repeated attacks cf appendicitis, was suffering greatly early this week, but after having received treatment was feeling much better. Albert Sill, the mail carrier, this week made the purchase of a new V-S coach which he will use in his line of business and is well satisfied with his purchase, getting the new gas wagon f-om a Syracuse dealer. Ray Becker of Union who was deputy sheriff under the administra tion of E. W. Thimgan, was a visi tor in Avoca presenting his cause for the nomination for sheriff on the republican ticket on Tuesday of this week. Joseph V. Brandt, who ever wears a smile which will not rub off, was a visitor in Avoca where he has been a number of times, each time making additional friends, was a visitor here Tuesday and was renewing friend ships before the coming of the pri maries. Frank Greenrod was a visitor in Avoca on last Tuesday afternoon and was securing some materials for the placing of a new roof on his smoke house where he keeps the washing machine, and where the washing is done. Frank made the purchase of a new washer which he presented to ihn p-nnrl wifp and wanted also a good place to do the washing. Visitin? Century of Progress. Upv. Fred II. Hall, pastor of the Congregational church of Avoca, ac accompanied by the good wife, left last Mcndav evening in their car for Chicago where they will enjoy a ten day visit at the Century cf Pro gress exposition. They will drive by easy stages and will enjoy seeing vhat has been accomplished dur ing the past century. and cartoonists went back to work when Al Smith's great strike on Tammany Hall was finally settled. (Political Advertising) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Candidate for County Superintendent a-o.Y-rouTicAk Primaries, Tuesday, Aug. 14 Your Support will be Appreciated I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTICE OF PROBATE In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the es tate of Frank N. Rauen, deceased. No. 3046: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and for the appointment of Eva Mc Grath as Executrix thereof; that said petition has been set for hearing be fore said Court on the 2 4th day of August, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated July 25th, 1934. A. H. DUXBURY, j30-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of George W. Iloman, deceased. No. 3031: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said rotate i3 Novem ber 17th, 1934; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on November 23rd, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections dulv filed. Dated July ISth. 1934. A. II. DUXBURY. . j23-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the es tate of Albert Wesley Vallery, deceas ed. No. 2537: Take notice that the Administrator d. b. n. of said estate hr.s filed his final report and a petition for exami nation and allowance of his adminis tration accounts; assignment of resi due of said estate and for his dis charge- that said petition and re port will be heard before said Court on August 17th, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated July ISth. 1931. A. II. DUXBURY, j23-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Catherine Hild deceased. No. 3028: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is Novem ber 10th, 1934; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on November 16th, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated July ICth, 19 3 4. A. II. DUXBURY, j23-3w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court, of the. .County of Cass, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Glenn Perry, Deceased. No. 23 IS. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate: Credi tors and heirs take notice that Nel lie E. Topliff has filed her petition praying that the estate of Glenn Perry, deceased, be re-opened for a determination of heirship, alleging that the said Glenn Perry died Aug ust 25, 1926. and that decree was entered in said estate on September 9. 1927, but that no determination of heirship was made therein, and al leging that said Glenn Perry died seized and possessed of an undivided one-eleventh interest in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 12. Range 13, and also the northwest quarter of Section C, Township 11, Range 13, east of the Cth P. M., excepting therefrom Lot 7 containing one acre and Lot IV-i containing one acre, each of said lots being located in the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section G, all of said land being in Ca.s county, Nebraska, and leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit: Adda P. Perry, also known as Addie Perry, his widow, and the fol lowing named children: Virgil W. Perry, also known as Virgil Perry; Ilelene M. Perry, also known as Hel ene Perrj and D. Russell Perry, also known as Rusnell Perry, all of whom are now of lawful age, and praying that said estate be re-opened for the purpose of determination of the heir ship of the said Glenn Perry, deceas ed; a determination of the fart thatl said Glenn Perry died seized and pos sessed of said undivided one-eleventh interest in said above described real estate and for the assignment of said real estate in accordance with said determination; that said estate has been rc-opened for hearing upon said petition and that hearing upon said petition has been set for August 17, 1934. at 10 a. m., in the County Court room in the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, before which time all objections thereto must be filed, and that if no objections are filed said decree will be entered in accordance with the prayer of said petition. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 16th day of July, 194. A. H. DUXBURY, j23-3w County Judge, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Roy E. Meisinger, deceased. Nu. 29Q0: Take notice that the Administrator of said estate has filed his final re port and a petition for examination and allowance of hi3 administration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge: that said peti tion and report will be heard beforo 3id Court on August 24th, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated July 24th. 1934. A. H. DUXBURY, j30-3w County Judge. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1934 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all perrons interested in the estate of Evelina Rager, deceased. No. 3047: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration cf paid estate and appointment of Searl S. Davis 33 Administrator; that said petition has been set for hear ing before said Court on the 24th day of August, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated July 27, 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, j30-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Edward Carr deceased. No. 3042. Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of Elizabeth Carr, Lola Carr and Mar vin Carr as administrators; that said petition has been set for hearing be fore said Court on the 10th day of August 1934 at ten a. m. Dated July 1C, 1934. A. H. DUXBURY. jylG-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court cf Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Martha S. Lewis, deceased. No. 29S5: Take notice that the Administrator of said estate has filed his final re port and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before paid Court on August 10th, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated July 10th. 1931. A. II. DUXBURY. J16-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determin ation of Heirship Estate of Clarinda Chilson, de ceased, in the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. No. 3043. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, cred itors and heirs take notice, that Mon roe Wiles has filed his petition alleg ing that Clarinda Chilson died in testate in Illinois on or about Jan uary 2S, 1864 being a resident and inhabitant of Illinois and died seized of the following described real es tate, to-wit: Southwest Quarter of Section Eighteen, Township 11, N. Range 12 East of the 6th P. M. in Cass County, Nebraska; leaving as her sole and only heirs at laws the following named persons to- wit: Mareella Cropsey, Caroline Chilson and Rush Chilson, her chil dren. That the interest of the petition er herein in the above described real estate is that of a subsequent pur chaser of part of said land and pray ing for a determination of the time of the death of said Clarinda Chil son and of her heirs, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to tho said deceased, in the State of Ne braska. It is ordered that the same stand for healing the 10th day of August A. D. 1934, before the court at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 16th day of July A. D. 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, County Judge. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. Nellie Spangler, plaintiff vs. Mrs. John F. Doud, real name unknown, et al, defendants. To tho defendants, Mrs. John F. Doud, real name unknown, Daniel L. Beaver and Lorena Beaver; and to all persons interested in the es tates of Mrs. John F. Doud, real name unknown, Daniel L. Beaver, Lorena Beaver, Z. Wilber Cole, Ran som M. Cole, and S. Olin Cole, each deceased, real names unknown; and to all persons having or claiming any interest in and to the of the NE'i of Sec. 35, and also Lot 3 in the NWU of the NEi of Sec. 35, the E' of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6 in the SW of the NE'.i of Sec. 35, all in Township 12, North, Range 13, East of the Cth P. M.. in the County cf Cass, Nebraska, real names un known, defendants. Ycu and each of you are hereby notified that the above named plain tiff filed a petition and commenced an action In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 16th day of May, 1934, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a decree of court quieting title in the plaintiff, in and to the E' of the NE4 of Section 35, and also Lot 3 In the NWU of the NEU of Section 35. the KM of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6 In the SWU of the NE4 of Section '.35. all in Township 12, North, Range 13 East of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska, as against you and each of you, and for such other and further relief in the nrpmi, , may be just and equitable. iuu ana eacn or you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, September 10th. 1934, or the allegations contains! in r,i,in. tiff's petition will be tak and a decree will be entered in favor of plaintiff as against you and each of you, accordinc: to th said petition. Dated this 16th day of July, 1834 NELLIF! RPA HT Plaintiff. A. CAPWELL. Plaintiff's Attorney Jyl6-4w r