MONDAY, JULY 2, 1934. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL TAGE ITYT, W abash News Joseph Knccht of South Bend was a viritor in Wabash laet Monday, bringing a load of gasoline for the Tprnicrj Elevator company. Mrm Ernest Finland cf Eagle was visiting with fricnd3 in "Wabash on last Sunday, driving over from the home town in their, auto for the oc-ta-ion. Mrs. Ralph Richards was a visi tor in Murdoch for a short time on lait Thursday where she was visit ing with friends and as well doing some shopping. The next meeting of the Ladies! Aid of the Wabash church has been arranged to meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rueter, the date be ing for July 11th. Warren Wick 1: am was over to Om aha on last Monday where he was fecuring some truck repairs, as he is putting his truck in perfect condi tion for the next road building job which may come this way. While in Lincoln a few days ago Eugene Colbert and family Avent to f?e G rover Otte who has been very poorly, receiving treatment and step ping at an hotel while taking treat ment. It is hoped that he will soon be in better health. Eugene Colbert and wife with their daughter. Agatha, were over t3 Lincoln on Tuesday of this week where they went to lock after some shopping and at the rar.-.o time were a -"siting with rclr-tivc" and friends v. bile there. Mr. Colbert bar, just tompleteel the harvesting of his wheat crop and was well pleased with the returns, being mu:h in c-rccss cf what he was expecting. Joseph V. Brandt of Union, a farmer fcr many years, formerly a teacher in the schools cf Otoe coun ty, but being engaged in farming more recently and a candidate on the republican ticket for nomination for the position of register of deeds wes in Wabash and was meeting v. ith the people, furthering his can didacy for nomination to the position cf candidate for recorder. Henry H. Cerbeling has an ex ceptionally fine piece of corn, hav ing planted it vary early and gave it good care, it has now grown out ride the ability cf the cultivators to give it any more work. Were we in that other age when we coulj take a single shovel plow or a bull tongue with a short single tree and go through it the last time, it could be benefited, but those times are gone. The Exodus of Israel. At Kearney the minister of one of the church of that place had written a play cf the deliverance of the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt, and there being a natural ampitheater near Kearney this has been used as an outdoor stage for the rendition cf the passage of the Israelites from Egypt, and where passage of the Red Sea was refused the hosts of Paroah. The renc'ition cf this play has re quired some fifteen hundred people and was given three times last week, ix-. i V 1 -jlV- - ' -i .Tit ' . 1 if Sates look & Stationery Store Corner 5th and Main Streets Thursday, Friday and Sunday nights, and requiring some three hours of continuous playing to give the exhi bition. The announcement over the radio brought people from all parts of the state and in some instances from other states. Jchn and Miss Myrtle Woods of We bash were out and witnessed the pky and consider it the greatest play extant in America, equaling, if not excelling the Fassion Play, given in Ober Aramegrau in the old country. leaking the Machine Hum. The Farmers Threshing company are making the old machine do her stulf in the threshing of the wheat of this territory which is not being combined. The separator is being locked after by J. E. Golden, while the power is supplied by F. N. Wil son the engineer. On Wednesday they were at the home of Carl Hansen where they report a yield averaging about twenty bushels to the acre. Heme from East. With the adjournment of congress which occurred a short lime ago, Louis F. Langhorst and wife return ed to their home at Elbwood. The birthday anniversary of Mrs. Lang horst fell on last Sunday and was duly celebrated at their home in Elm weed . Amcng those present were Wm. Langhorst cf Wabash, Harry A. Williams and wife and S. Sed nasn and wife, they all enjoying the celebrating cf the passing of the event. Mr. end Mrs. L. F. Langhorst will remain in Elmwood until the recon vening cf the next session of con gress at Washington. Getting; Much Wheat John C. Browne, the manager of the "Wabash Elevator company has been busy receiving wheat during the past week and reports that the grain is of excellent quality, weigh ing from 5 7 to Gl pounds the struck bushel and averaging from eighteen to twenty bushels per acre. Some fields run as low as six bushels to the acre while others are making over thirty. Visited Friends Here. Harry A. Williams, well known former citizen of Elmwood, where he resided for many years, but at pres ent residing on a farm east of Weep ing Water, was in Wabash on last Tuesday, and was accompanied by his nn-in-law, J. R. Reeder of Platts mouth, where ho has been for the past five years instructor in the high school of that place, and who recent ly filed for county superintendent of schools. See the aoods you buy. Catalog descriptions are flowery enough, but how about the roods when you get them? 9 v 4 j Thcmas Walling Company j -5- Abstracts of Title I- . Phone C24 - Plattsmouth " TOY PISTOLS 5c-lGc 15c and 25c FIRE CRACKERS. .5c, 2 for 15c; and 10c pkg. Torpedoes, Devil on Walk, Snake in Grass, 1c each PAPER BALLOONS. . . .40c 4 Vz feet tall SPARKLERS 5c, 10c and 15c package SKY ROCKETS. . .5c to 25c Roman Candles . . . .5c to 20c FLOWER POTS . . 5c and 10c RED LIGHTS 5c FIN WHEELS. . .10c andlSc AERIAL BOMBS. .10c - 15c A Complete Line of Picnic Goods Veterinarians of Cass County Attend Clinic Interesting Sessions Held and Many Problems cf the Profession Given Attention. From Friday's Daily Cass county veterinarians attended the clinic at the Nebraska S!aU Clinic held r.t David City yesterday. Cass county wa3 represented 100 per cent. Dr. w. H. Tuck of Weeping Water drove over from that city, picking up Dr. M. J Williams of Elm WGod tnroute. "While from this city Dr. G. L. Taylor accompanied Dr. O. Sandin. These men left here about 5 a. in. and returned about 10:30 p. m., spending a full day in study ing, , diagnosicing, operating and treating some fifty different cases on all animals. There were some 173 veterinarians in attendance, coming from all over the state and from Iowa and Kansas. The clinic was held at the large, spacious hospital of Dr. S. W. Philips, president of the Nebraska Yctoiinary Medical Association. The ladies cf the M. L church served the noonday meal to the en tire group in their large dining hall, serving such a meal as only ladies can serve. ?I&KL PRESEliTATION The Woman's Ileliof Corps of this city has presented to the Doy Scout camp. Camp Wheeler, south of this city, a set cf bracket lamps that vi!l be used to liyht the cabin in the future and make a fane gift. The lamps arrived today and will be installed as soon as possible for the use of the troops on their over night trips to the camp and make a splendid addition to the t quipment that will be much appreciated by the boys and the scout committee of the American Legion that has charge of the Scouting activities. The community in general ha:; been fine in their response to the needs of the camp and have made it one of the finest Scout headquarters in this part of the state and one in which the community can well feel proud. TO VISIT ITEW EIii'GLAlTD Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Schneider arc to dtpart on Sunday for a very de lightful rnr,tor trip to New Eaglar.d. They are expecting to visit the many points of interest en route to the east coast including New York City and Boston and will then spend sometime in the cooincs cf the Maine seaports and pleasure resort:-. Tliey arc to be gusis at IJiddeford, Mair.e, of Mr. and Mrs. James V.'. Durnie, former residents here, where Mr. Durnie was formerly the superintendent of the water plant. WEI A BALL GA1IE Harry Newman and Fay Spidelli were at Dunbar Friday, playing there as members of th? Johnson team leaders in the Nemaha valley league. The Johnson team hung a 14 to S defeat on the Dunbar team which had the services cf Hal McKain of Omaha as pitcher and the "Great Charmie" as members of the team. Doth Newman and Spidell maintain ed their hitting average and were; strong factors in the win of their team. TO UNDERGO OPERATION Mrs. Alex Schliscke was taken to Omaha Thursday afternoon as tiie result of a severe attack of appen dicitis and was rdaced in a hospital at that place. Mrs. Schliscke was taken very suddenly with the malady and her condition rapidly developed such as to require immediate action. It is hoped that the patient may soon I be abi? to return home and resume her usual activties. NEW DAUGHTER ARRIVES The home of Mr. and Mr:-. Arthur Blunt wr5 made very happy on Wed nesday when a fine little daughter came to share the home with them in the future. The little daughter and the mother are doing nicely and the occasion has been one that has brought the grcite-U of happiness to the members of the family circle. NES2ASXA CITY WINS From Tliu-jiday's Daily The Battling Seed Co., kittenball team of Nebraska City, opposed the. local V-8 team last evening at Ath Ictin park. The visitors have an ex cellent team and were the winners by the score of 17 to 11. The visitors j did not artive in time for a twilight game and tha contest was played under the floodlights ct S:30. (Political Advertising) X3 hJJLaA.. arrjfc'.x A Life Long Heavy Taxpayer Courteous, Experienced and Qualified Hcnest Record JOE V. BRANDT Republican Candidate for REGISTER of DEEDS CASS COUNTY Primary Election August 14th Yet:: Support Appreciated! A FABLE A Fox stole a march one day in June, On a cockerel perched on a limb at high noon. And accosted him in a soft, irellow voice, As to his health and l is flock, v huh was very choice. The inctinet of the cockerel, as he sat on the limb. Was indeed simple for the Fox, and sauce for him. But when the cockerel chuckled with a senso of delight. The Fox thought best to fly 1 is kite. So through t!:e barnyard he railed along. And found in a huddle quite a throng, Cf the barnyard fowls holding a Quest, Of what to do with such an un desirable guest. A liantam roo ter spoke very plain. And said, he was a s ion of an important .' train, Ar.d any ?irau!t on his family or kin. Was an affront against ethics and a mortal si::. A riyn-out'i Rock rooster with a deep ba.-s voice Was heard by the owner, for his flock was very choice. And soon the dogs heard their master fay, "A Fox in the barnyard, take him away." The intrusion of the Fox led to a hunt, Ar.d was caught while trying to play a great stunt, To fool the young cockerels and take them away "Willi that soft mellow voice that was sure to betray. There are Foxes in the woods clothed as men. Who try to lure you into their pernicious den, They would take your coat and demand your. ..vest. And leave you wondering at their behest. J. R. T. GOOD WHEAT YIELD One of the best wheat yields that has been repoi't"! in this sretion is that of Royal Smith, rear Mynard. Mr. Smith has a twelve acre tract that is planted to wheat and when it was threshed a few days ago shewed an average of thirty-one bushels to the acre. It had been ex rccted that owing to the dry weather that the wheat crop would be very light but this is a mighty fine show ing for the wheat in this section of the county. UNDERGOES TREATMENT Irene, daughter of Mr. and Sirs. Anton Lalloda. is in the Clarkson hospital in Omaha where she under went a minor operation of the nose of which she has been troubled ot late. She went tbru the operation fine and will be able to return home in a few days. The automobile laws vary in most every ctctc. Be sure to ask us for particulars be fore you travel out ride of Nebraska. Sear4! S. Davis SMI FttlOll Platts. State Bank CIdg. PLATTSMOUTH It iitV.- ii 1 Ik PAKDON KEUEGER BROTHERS Madiscn, Wis. Leslie and Frank Krueger, brothers involved in the famous Krueger draft evasion case during the war, were granted com plete pardons by Governor Schmede man. Beth men have been held at the central state hospital for the criminal insane at Waupun since Dcctmbcr, 19C2 when they were con ditionally pardoned by former Gov ernor LaFollette. Frank, who has been adjudged insane will be trans ferred from Waupun to the Milwaukee county ir.sance hospital for treat ment of his mental disorders. Les lie, who has been declared sane by a committee of Milwaukee county alienists, will be placed ia the cus tody of Dr. Samuel Planner, a mem ber of the committee, for one year. The brothers were convicted April 4, 1910 on charges of first degree murder growing out of the slaying of Harry Jansen, a member of a posse which surrounded their farm home in Clark county to arest them for draft evasion. DYING WOMAN IS PAROLED Trenton, N. J. Mrs. Margaret Liliiendahl, cf South Vincland, con victed in 1927 for participation in the slaying of her husband. Dr. Wil liam C. Liliiendahl, was granted a parole. She was reported to be dy ing. Mrs. Liliiendahl and William Beach, a poultry raiser, of Vineland, were convicted of voluntary man slaughter and sentenced to ten years imprisonment. Beach died after serving one-third of his term. She is suffering from cancer. HEW FIEI-I LAUNCHED A new business firm has launched in this city and composed of Robert II. Bestor and Virgil Hutton. The two ycung men have secured the Slayman inaiket located in the Bookmeyer building and will at once stock up with a full line of fruits and vegetables. The new firm ex pects to keep a full and complete line of all kinds of the best lines that can be procured on the market and to serve the customers with courtesy and promptness. FINDS A H0RNEU TOAD While William Ferguson was working in his potato patch this morning he made the discovery of a rather unusual member of the reptile family, that of -a horned toad. These are quite common in the hot and dry countries and apparently is typical cf the spring and summer that has visited this part of the west this year. Bill was rather startled when he first noticed the toad as it was the first that he had seen in this section. RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA From Friday's Iaily Miss Edna Warren, who has been spending her vacation on the west coast, returned home last evening after a most delightful outing. She spent the time largely with her bro thers. James A. Warren and Fred Warren, and their families at San Francisco. The trip was most enjoy able and Miss Warren returns greatly refreshed to her work as clerk at the Plattsmouth State "oar.k. DIES AT LINCOLN The death of Roland Lancaster, occurred Friday night at Lincoln where the young man has been for some time taking treatment. The young man has been in failing health for the past several months and his conditio had become such that his recovery was abadoned. The body was brought here to the Sattler funeral home and where serv ices will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2:30. VISITS AT NORTH PLATTE Mr. and Mrs. Steve McWilliams, of North Platte, who have been visit ing here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryant, returned Wednesday to their home in the west part of the state. They were accompanied by Melba Bryant, who will visit at North Platte with relatives and attend the rodeo to be held there the coming week. ASSESSMENTS DECLINE Beatrice County Clerk ullivan Friday reported Beatrice's personal property assessment showed a decline this year cf $20,843. Tha total valu ation of personal property this year is $1,143,940. This does r.ot include intangibles which showed $51 1,000 of money and paper payable on de mand and $565,000 on stocks and ether securities. Letterheads, envelopes, state ments and a!l kinds of commer cial printinn done prsmptly at the Journal office. Call No. 6. (Political Advertising) J. E. LANCASTER CANDIDATE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR Cass County Sheriff Owina to my duties in the State Sheriff's Office which will con tinue until December 1, 1934, it will not be possible for me to meet all the voters of the County. If you feel that my services as Deputy Sheriff has merited ycur support, then ! will gratefully appreciate your vote at the Pri mary Election on Auoust 14th for the nomination for Sheriff. Resident Cass County 25 Years THANK YOU Manley News Items Wm. Kelley found a hail stone last Saturday evening ia their yard which measured some nine inches in cir cumference. Lawrence Earhardt was threshing on last Tuesday and was pleased with his wheat which made about nineteen bushels to the acre. Miss Margaret and Mr. Paul Mur phey were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Persinger of Omaha for the week end last Sunday. Vitus II awes who has been work ing at Clay Center, Kansas, was a visitor for the week end at the home of the parents in Manley and return ed to his work on Monday. Miss Margaret Hayes, housekeeper at the Parish house of the St. Pat rick's Catholic church, was a visitor in Omaha for the day last Monday, where she was visiting with friends. Miss Anna Rauth, who is employ ed in Omaha was a visitor for over the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rauth cf Manley and returned to her work on Monday morning. County Commissioner E. B. Chan ;nan of Union was looking after some business for the county on last Mon day and wes also meeting the voters as he is a candidate to succeed him self at the coming election. Father Patrick Harte and John Crane were over to Palmyra on last Tuesday where they were visiting with friends for a short time in the evening and returning during the later evening when it had cooled off. Herman Mann of Louisville was a visitor m r.ianiey lasi iuesuay where he was present at the thresh ing which was being done at the home of Paul Mann and was pleased with the returns from the wheat field. Mrs. John F. Carper entertained the ladies society of the St. Pat rick's church where they looked after the work of the society and also en joyed a social session. At the close cf the meeting a lunch was served by the genial hostess. Louis Krecklow and son of Mil waukee, arrived in Manley late last week and visited until Thursday at the heme of relatives. In their trip out their running time for the 660 miles was an even twelve hours, Louis driving a new 1934 Buick. Pretty good time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cook, Ray mond Cook and wife, were over to Elmwood from their home in Platts mouth on last Sunday where they ere in attendance at the Dreamer reunion, Mrs. C. E. Ccck being a Dreamer. On their way they stopped for a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rauth. Miss Helen Kerb of Omaha, a daughter of Mrs. Anton Auserwald was a visitor in Manley for over the week end at the home of her mother, where all enjoyed a very fine time. Edward Murphy and wife of Lin coln were visitors forover the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrj- Hawcs where all enjoyed a very fine visit. John Bergnau has been having seme trouble with a number of his chickens dying. One he took to, Weeping Water and had Dr. Tuck kill it and make and examination, he finding nothing out of normal with the exception that the liver had wasted away and there seemed to be very little left of it. On Tuesday morning John took a few of the chickens and as well the droppings, going to the state agricultural col lege where he had them examined and ttill got no definite solution of the disease. Eeturned to East. Louis Krecklow ar.d son departed Thursday of last week for their home at Milwaukee and went via highway Xo. 2 end stopping at Elgin, II!., where tbey en;'oyed the races which were en there and then going on to their home, making the trip leis urely. Cuts Iland Very Badly. Miss Teresa Rauth who had just (Political Advertising) ' -" i. s 'J 1 been picking cherries ami canning them had left a jar to coi l and de filing to take them to the llar f-r Ftorago picked one up ami as sli vv a i jilting it the bottom came out and in trying to keep it l'n.m falling, struck the sharp e:lge of the" ckit.-. cutting her hand across the back f the thumb so severely thai it lvquiit d five stitches to close the gapping wound. 1 he wound is doing v. eli, but is still very sore. Another Eig Crowd. At the movie show v. hkh was piv- n on the streets of Manley on la. t M.mday evening, there was an t-voit larger crowd than was at the two tith cr shows, showing an increase in in terest with every week. A:i.r;ng t lie merry crowd which had al1 crc-.l t' witness the show v.iro :. number f cancIii!alp.-3 for county e,Ti-is. Henry II. Ragoss, candidate for county com missioner of the second di.-triet cm the democratic ticket, Martin Xi-il-sen, democratic c and 'date for sheriff, and Jeseph V. Bra. :lt of 1'nioii, a candidate for county reccrder on the republican ticket. Played Gccd Eall. There was an excellent ball same in Manley on last Sund.iy v. lien t!.o team from Eagle came over for a tryout with the sturdy lads of Man ley. The pme was a very rood mo ar.d continued until the seventh in ning when the game stood 1 to 0 in favor of the Manley tc;i;u and in fatal inning the ball went v il l and excitement became intense a.:d some five scores were made by the visitors ar.d then the playing tightone-d down again and vt the end of the ran.e the score was 5 to 1 in favor ol Ea&le. St.'cdiEg of County Association. Here u the standing of the teams of Cass county, showing the number cf games played which is tight for each team: Manley, won C, lost 2; Elmwood, won c, lost 2; Alvo, won -1, lot i ; Louisville, won 4, lo.-t 4: Eagle, won 4, lost 4; Otoe, won 2, lost (I. MOVING PE0LI TEE CITY Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woodbury w re moving Thursday and today to 1 1: e i r new home :t ." bru.-ka City, flapping their house hoi 1 goods on Thursday to the- new home, located : outh of Nebraska City. Mr Wood I 'iry bus found the- change n-c ssaiy in bis work as court itpori'r as It is much more convenient to him as well as Judge Livingston. Tim friends here will regre t to lose 11: is c - t ;m;i :.; family but will have the opportunity of meeting Mr. Wooci bury on visits to tli is city in his c.Tku.l capacity. EUAW DOWN TKITiTY DAYS Thursday afternoon thic young men, numbers of the camp lK.rtli of this city were arraigned b fore Jus tice of the Peace Charley L. Crave-.;, they being charged with Mealing government property. The Loyo we i charged with taking artiebs of is sued clothing from ether boys in the camp and which was found in their possession. The boys were given a s i.i'iice of thirty days in the county j sil by the court for their offense and turned over to Sheriff Homer Sylvc. ter. SALE On in Full Blast Bargains in Everything Specials Every Day 4 V J if) m f i. m mm r a n -Via . . -y mmwm m