The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 02, 1934, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, JULY 2, 1934.
Sir. and Mrs. Luther Harmon are
the prcud parents of a girl born Mon
day June IS. Mother and babe are
doing nicely at this time.
Mrs. L. V. ShcfTer and son Ran
dall went to Omaha on last Friday
where they visited Donald Slieffer and
also her sister, Mrs. James Codllis.
Duane Gribblc was looking after
f.onie business matters in Waverly on
last "Wednesday afternoon and was
as well attending- the community sale.
! Mrs. W. II. Eck, mother cf Mrs.
John Gribblc, of Beatrice, has been
visiting with her daughter for the
past two weeks and assisting in the
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lamb of Pa-
pillion spent Sunday at the Watson
Howard heme. Raymond Howard re
turned home with them for a visit
The Epwcrth League gave an ice
cream social on the church lawn last
Saturday evening which was well pa
tronized and which netted the young
folks a nice little sum for their ef
forts. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Dodds of Lin
coln announce the birth of a son,
Jackie Fay, on Friday, June 15. Mrs.
Dodds will be remembered as Miss
Opal Fay, as she formerly taught
tchool here.
Daruch Golding of riattsmcuth
was a business visitor in Greenwood,
coming to consult with Dwight Tal
cctt over some business matters that
Mr. Talcctt was looking after for
Mr. Golding.
Messrs. W. A. White. E. A. Landon,
Nile t). Coleman and George Buck-
nell were in Lincoln last Monday at
a meeting which was denominated as
the Rob Simmons meeting and which
drew a large crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Marvin drove to
Springfield on last Wednesday where
they were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Shepler and son and from there
all drove to Flattsmouth and Omaha
where they spent the evening.
.Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mathews and
son wore Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Holland of Lin
coln. Ruddy Gardner of Russellville,
Mo., who was also a guest returned
with them for a few days visit here.
Mrs. Warren Ellison was brought
home last Friday afternoon from the
University hospital in Omaha where
she had been for the past couple of
weeks,, having, undergone an oper
ation. She is recovering nicely at this
Clyde Newkirk was a visitor in
Ashland last Tuesday evening where
lie was attending a meeting of the
oil company which he represents and
was hearing .seme good stuff on the
matter of selling oils, as well as be
ing able to give some good advice as
The Sunday school of the Chris
tian church put on a very fine chil
dren's day program Sunday evening
at their church. The church was
beautifully decorated for the event. !
There was a large crowd present to
witness the program which they pro
nounced as being very fine.
Fred Carctens of Avoco, democratic
candidate for the nomination for the
office of state senator, was a visiter
in Greenwood last Monday and was
meeting his many friends and making
'many more. Mr. Carstens who is
president of the Cass county fair and
lias contributed much to the success
of the institution, is well qualified
for the position he seeks.
Loren Laughlin, candidate for con
gress on the republican ticket was one
of the speakers at Ashland from the
first district. A large number of
both political parties were over to
Ashland to listen to the address
which was acclaimed as a masterful
c itc
Famous Drivers
Ncfcr. State Fair Grounds
JULY 4th
Time Trials, 1:30 p. m.
Races Start, 2:30 p. m.
fidm. 50c. Parking and
Grandstand FREE. Children
under 12, 10c
Mrs. W. A. White who were over to
Wessington Springs, South Dakota,
where they were visiting with rela
tives and where they remained for
some four days, returning home early
last week. Reing in business here
and knowing the situation as to busi
ness and crops it was natural that
Mr. Rucknell should observe condi
tions as they existed there. The
drouth was very severe there for
many months, but just of late there
has been some rains which has liv
ened the thistles and made the face
of the country look somewhat green.
The farmers are getting an allowance
for seed to plant even at this late clay
but have to work two days per week
for the seed, when they feel that they
should work these two days getting
the seed into the ground and thus
allowing it an opportunity to grow.
Mr. Rucknell said that in driving of
the 500 miles in northern Nebraska
and South Dakota he did not see
enough good wheat to make a biscuit,
and that is not so very much.
Find Improve
ment in Employ
ment Over State
Reports Released by State Director
Show Gains m Fnvate Employ
ment as Well as Public.
Alvo News
Greenwood Plays Good Ball.
In a game which was played in
Greenwood between the Greenwood
team and a select team from Lincoln,
I a very tightly played game was en
joyed by the large crowd which was
present. One feature of the game was
the pitching of Walter Rrackhage,
not letting anyone escape, for in the
end there was no runs made by the
visitors. Greenwood was able to get
r.r.e score. This surely was a good
game and w3:cn it comes to that they
have been playing excellent ball in
every contest. They now have play
ed eight games and out of the eight
have won seven.
John L. lohmeier Buried.
John L. Lohmeier, who was killed
when his auto turned over when a
tire blew out, was buried on last
Tuesday, the funeral being held from
the Methodist church and the inter
ment at the beautiful Greenwood
cemetery. Rrother Rruce Gideon de
livered the funeral oration. In honor
cf a good citizen there was not stand
ing room in the church edifice, there
being many from out of town com
ing to pay their last tribute of honor
to a good man.
Entertains at Shower.
A shower was given in honor of
Mrs. Paul Ruckingham at the home
cf Mrs. Albert Woitzel Thursday aft
ernoon, June 21. The time was spent
socially. Mrs. Ruckingham received
many nice gifts. Refreshments of
orange ice, cake, iced tea and mints
were served. The guests were Mes
damcs Charles Schuelke, E. A.
Schuelke, Martin Down, Edna Rin
ger, Warren Rogers, Dave Parrott,
Lulu Hurlbut, Cora Wolfe, Henry
WiJkins. Oscar Swanson, Harry Mar
lof, Peter Hilt, Emmett Friend, Ray
McXurlin. E. L. McDonald, Ed Grif
rin, Ren Con ley, P. E. Clymer, W. A.
Woitzel, Gus AVoitzel, Wrn. Becke
meyer, Conrad Reinke, the Misses
Mamie Dowd, Martha and Delia Ne-ben.
Acting State Director E. V. Cor
nell of the national employment ser
vice has given to the press his figures
on the employment situation for the
past five months and which shows
that IS, 348 have been placed in pub
lie enterprises while 18,472 have
been placed in lines of private eni
In the public lines the largest
number had been added in May while
in March and April there were peaks
in the private employment.
In the background of these figures,
we find the very significant change
which has taken place in our indus
trial life from a social and economic
One may note from these figures
that Private Employment during the
past five months has not only kept
pace with the placements on Public
Works jobs but has slightly surposs-
ed them. A slight drop in private
placements the past two months may,
in some measure, reflect the drouth
condition of our state through the
inability of agriculture to absorb its
usual quota of workers.
In the past, however, it has been
necessary for most of the unemployed
to trust to their own initiative or to
the initiative of friends in finding em
ployment, or to the use of good, bad,
or indifferent private or public em
ployment offices. Thusands of per
sons have also drifted aimlessly from
city to city, and from state to state,
and tramped thousands of miles in
search of work. j
While under the terms of the In
dustrial Recovery Act, the National
Reemployment Service was set up
primarily to handle the matter ol
employment on Public Works jobs.
A strenuou:; effort has been made to
efficiently serve employers in private
industry and business through the
same offices.
Statistical records ara compiled
and forwarded to Washington week
ly and real socjal and economic plan
ning is beginning to come forward
in the intelligent handling of the dis
tribution and employment of labor.
The National Reemployment Ser
vice, in each county, coordinates, and
centralizes employment opportun
ities for workers. It is essential for
each applicant to list his qualifica
tions very completely to facilitate
this service.
The Nebraska National Reemploy
ment Service is proceeding on a care
ful course of selection and training I
of personnel, so that in each county
unemployed may register and be in
terviewed by a trained personnel
worer, who will place their applica
tions in the proper channels for labor
clearance between the counties of the
Dorcas Society Entertained.
The Dorcas society was pleasant
ly entertained Friday afternoon,
June 22 by Mrs. Walter Goings and
Mr. Laughlin has been secured i Mrs. Lloyd Jeffrev nt iho n,rkt;nn
to make the address at Ashland for
the Fourth of July. The booster band
and a number of citizens from Ash
land were in Greenwood advertising
the coming Fourth of July celebra
tion which ir, to be one of the sum
mer entertainments of the hustling
Greenwood's New Cafe.
John Gribblc, who has conduct
ed a barber shop well towards the
cast end of Main street, has recent
ly established a cafe in the former
location of the Weibke Cafe, and is
ready for any business which may
come his way. John lias demonstrated
li'i ability to conduct a cafe as it
fehould be conducted and ha3 gotten
well located since moving. During
the latter part cf the week Mr. Grib
l.Ii moved his barber shop to the
building where the Newkirk grocery
and market was located, being ready
for business when it opened up this
in orning.
church. There were about forty-five
present. During the business meet
ing plans for a picnic were made
which will be held some time in the
near future. A fine program was then
given which was enjoyed by all pres
ent. Lovely refreshments were served
at the close of the afternoon. The
next meeting will be announced
Heme frcm South Dakota.
George Rucknell and hia two sons,
"Warren and Loren and grandmother
Missionary Society Meets.
The Home Missionary society met
with Mrs. J. C. Darned, who was as
sisted by her daughter, Mrs. Merton
Gray, at her home on last Thursday
afternoon. There was a nice crowd
present and .Mrs. N. O. Coleman and
ML;s Elra wore guests. The lesson
study was taken up. The delegates
Medames J. E. Lambert, O. F. Peters
and W. R. Rlatter gave their reports
frcm the district convention recent
ly held in Lincoln. Lovely refresh
ments were served. The next meet
ing will be in July with Mrs. W. C.
Missouri river development will
put Plattsmouth on waterway's
Main street.
"The Just So Sewers" 4-II club
met Wednesday, June 27 at the
home of our president, Velma Mc
Rride. We completed our work boxes since
our first meeting. Mildred Schlap
hoffs workbox was voted the best.
This week the time was spent in
making dust cloths.
A delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. McDride.
News Reporter.
Miss Marie Remar or Omaha is in
the city as a guest at the home of
Mrs. Anna Zitka and family and ex
pects to remain here over the week
I Wash Suits
j for Kiddies, 2 to 8 years.
Mostly Kaynee
Come Early
John Elliott who has "Deen combln
ing wheat for a number of people
has found that the average yield has
been about eighteen bushels the acre
Roy Stuart was making some re
pairs on an electric pump which sup
plies the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Danning with their water for the
home, making the home modern
W. C. Howard and wife of Lincoln,
were guests for the day on last Sun
day in Alvo, being visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuart
where all enjoyed an excellent time
R. Golding of Plattsmouth was a
visitor in Alvo on Wednesday of last
week and was looking after some
business here, he having property
which he was looking after making
some repairs on.
C. W. Jewell and son, Clifford
Jewell, and Mrs. Ralph Creamer and
daughter, Mary, were visiting for the
day on last Thursday at the home of
Wm. M. Jewell and family of near
Firth, all enjoying the trip and visit
Ray Becker of Union, who was de
puty sheriff under Edw. Thimgan,
and now candidate for nomination
for this office on the republican
ticket, was a visitor in Alvo one day
last week meeting his friends and
making more.
Earl Rennett was threshing- his
heat on Wednesday cf last week
and was well pleased with the yield
and also that he was getting it out
of the way so that he could get into
the store and personally look after
the business.
Joseph Brandt of Union, where he
has been farming for some twelve
years, but who recently filed for nom
ination for the office of county reg
ister of deeds, was in Alvo making
friends and looking aftre his political
fauces. He was well received by the
friends while here.
W. II. Warner is busy these days
in threshing wheat and John Elliott
is also kept on the hustle with his
combining of the wheat for those
who have not had their's harvested.
The wheat is showing a good return
which is very pleasing to the farmers
and others as well.
Fred Carstens of near Avoca and
who has filed for the office of state
senator subject to the wishes of the
democratic voters, was a visitor in
Alvo and was meeting with his many
friends and he has a host of them,
whom he would be pleased to have
vote for him at the primary.
J. R. Reeder, who has for the past
five years been an instructor in the
high school at Plattsmouth, and who
has filed fcr the nomination for the
office of county superintendent of
schools, was in Alvo, accompanied by
Harry A. Williams, getting acquaint
ed with the people in his candidacy
for the position which he seeks. He
was much pleased by the reception
he received.
Henry J .Miller was dinner guest
at the home of John Banning and
wife and following the very fine din
ner Mr. Banning took Mr. Miller to
the home of his son, Archie Miller
where he was looking after some
business matter. The writer was also
a dinner guest and surely enjoyed the
very fine dinner which was served by
Mrs. Banning and her sister, Miss
Mamie McDonald.
Dr. Barkey of Havelock, who is
conducting the Bible study at Green
wood where he has been doing much
good is inaugurating a system of
Bible study and religious meetings
in Alvo as well and which are held
at the Stuart hall on Friday even
ings. Dr. Barkey has with him oc
casionally the Wilson family, which
is composed of two sons and two
daughters and the mother, the latter
presiding at the piano, while the chil
dren, a quartet, sing and as well
play instruments, making excellent
Petersen, Mrs. Hippe and Mrs. Peter
sen being cousins. They all enjoyed
a very pleasant time.
Junior Gardeners Meet.
The Junior Garden club met Mon
day with Dean and Dwight Taylor at
their home and were entertained by
their mother, Mrs. Ruth Taylor. The
officers of the club are Dean Taylor
president; Doyne Skinner, secretary;
Ronald McKenzie, assistant to the
president. Mrs. Taylor served delight
ful refreshments.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John Lohmeier, deceased.
No. 303S:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Vern R. Shepler, as administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the 27th
day of July 1934 at ten a. m.
Dated June 27 1934.
jy2-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Christoph Beil, deceased.
No. 1983:
Take notice that the executor
of said estate has filed his final
report and a petition for examination
and allowance of his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge, that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on July 27th, 1934 at
10:00 a. m.
Dated June 30th, 1934.
Jy2-3w County Judge.
f'rfMt, KniMer, Connolly fc Slrjkrr,
A ttorneyN
Omaha National Hank BUlg.
Omaha, Nebr.
In the District Court of Cas3
County. Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Application
of Charles H. Gibson, Guardian of
Ruth Pauline Harincr and Rosemary
Harmer, Minors, for license to sell
real estate
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance to a license granted on the
ISth day of June, 1934 by Honor
able D. W. Livingston, Judge of the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, to Charles II. Gibson, Guard
ian of Ruth Pauline Harmer and
Rosemary Harmer, minors, for the
sale of an undivided one-eighth in
terest, being the undivided one-six
teenth interest of each of said minOr.s
in the following described real es
tate: Commencing at a point 58G
feet north and 675 feet west of
the center of Section 1, Town
ship 10, North Range 11, East
6th P. M., Cass County, Nebras
ka, this being marked by an
oak tree post, running thence
north 14 degrees and 02 min
utes west 4 37 feet, thence east
794.5 feet, thence south 423
feet, thence south 4 4 degrees
west 330 feet, thence north 61
degrees 40 minutes west 505
feet to the place of beginning,
all in the SE'i of the XW'J
of Section 1, Township 10,
Range 11, Cass, County, Ne
braska ;
for the maintenance, education and
support of said minors and the pay
ment of their debts. I will sell said
real estate at public vendue on the
17th day of July, 1934, at 10:00 a.
in. at the south door of the Cass
County Court House at Plattsmouth.
Nebraska, to the highest bidder for
cash. Said sale will remain open
one hour.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the Creditors of the estate of
John E. Kirkham deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Octo
ber 20th 1934; that a hearing will
be had at the County Court Room
in Plattsmouth on October 26th 193 4
at ten a. m. for the purpose of exam
ining, hearing, allowing and adjust
ing all claims or objections duly filed.
Dated June 19th 1934.
j25-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of August G. Bach deceased.
No. 3037:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an ln
etrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Agnes
Ann Bach as executrix thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 20th
day of July 1934 at 10 a. m.
Dated June 21st 1934.
j25-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
Webster M. West, deceased. No.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, cred
itors and heirs, take notice, that Ray
mond W. West has filed his petition
alleging that Webster M. West died
intestate in Cass County, Nebraska
on the 8th day of August 1929 being
a resident and inhabitant of Cass
County Nebraska and died seized of
the following described real estate,
to-wit: An undivided half interest
in the East 30 acres of the South
west quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section 2, Township 11, Range
12, East of the Cth. P. M., Cass Co.
Nebraska, leaving as his sole and
enly heirs at law the following per
sons, to-wit:
Melissa J. West, widow. Irwin II.
West, Frank O. West. William S.
West, Harry E. West and Clyde S.
West, sons. Mary E. Johnson, daugh
ter and Raymond W. West, son;
that the interest of said petitioner
herein in the above described real
estate is that petitioner is a son of
said deceased; that more than two
years have elapsed since the death
of said Webster M. West and that
no application has been made in the
State of Nebraska for the appoint
ment of an administrator.
That the prayer of said petition is:
"Wherefore, your petitioner prays
for a determination of the time of
death of said Webster M. West and
cf his heirs, the degree of kinship
and the right of descent of the real
property belonging to said deceased
in the state of Nebraska," and that
said petition has been set for hear
In the County Court or Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the Creditors of the estate of
George D. Nelson, deceased, No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Octo
ber 20th, 1934; that a hearing will
be had at the County Court Room
in Plattsmouth on October 26tli
1934 at ten a. m. for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated June 22nd, 1934.
County Judgo.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by C. E. Ledgvsay, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 24th day of July
A. D. 1934, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south front door of
the court house in said County, sell
at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real
estate to-wit:
The South Forty-one and
S4100 (41. S4) acres of the
West Half of the Southwest
Quarter of Section Six (6) in
Township Ten (10) North, in
Range Fourteen (14) east of the
6th P. M., in Cass County, Ne
braska; The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Doris Bur
bee, et al. Defendants to satisfy a
judgment cf said Court recovered by
John M. Leyda, Plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June lCth,
A. D. 1934.
Sheriff Cass County,
jlS-5w. Nebraska.
ing before the County Court of Cass
Guardian of Ruth Paul- 1??.!!!?" the 13th day f
OlilJ JOt til J- J Cl. 111.
Dated June 18, 1934.
County Judge.
C. E. TEFFT, Attorney.
ine Harmer and Rose-21-iw
mary Harmer, minors. j
Since 1879
Gets Good Yield.
When Orest Cook threshed his
wheat last week he was well pleased,
for he had estimated it would make
from fifteen to eighteen bushels to
the acre, but when the machine stop
ped he found that it had made 27
bushels and the wheat testing sixty
one pounds to the struck bushel.
Visiting Parents Here.
C. M. Jewell of Gordon, accompan
ied by the wife and the children, ar
rived in Alvo last Sunday evening,
having driven from Gordon to Alvo
during the day, having started early
and arrived about eleven in the even
ing. They are expecting to visit here
until after the Fourth of July and
spend the time with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Jewell, the restau
rant man. They had a very pleasant
John Hippe and Family Here.
John Hippe and family of Dunbar,
where they have been farming near
that place, were visiting here la3t
Wednesday afternoon, they coming
for a visit with the family of Soren
TO: Florence Gillespie and Orville
F. Gillespie, wife and husband, that
you, and each of you, are hereby
iiotified that on the 7th day of June,
1934, The Northwestern Mutual Life
Insurance Company, a corporation as
plaintiff, filed its petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, Ap
pearance Docket 7, Page 68, the ob
ject and purpose of its action therein
stated is to secure a judgment and
decree ascertaining the amount due
plaintiff under and foreclosing one
mortgage made by the defendants
Emma Andrus, a widow, Harold G.
Andrus and Edna Andrus, his wife,
Florence Gillespie and Orville F. Gil
lespie, wife and husband, on or about
the 21st day of August, 1928 and
recorded in the office of the Register
of Deeds of Cass County on the 9th
day of October, 1928 at S:01 a. m.
in Volume 58 of Mortgages, on page
4 89, of the mortgage records of said
county, which said mortgage des
cribed :
The East Half of the South
west Quarter (E1 SW"i) of
Section Fifteen, (15). in town
ship eleven (11), North, of
Range Eleven (11) East, con
taining eighty acres, more or
less, subject to public easement
for highways as now located,
and was given to secure the pay
ment of a promissory note made by
the defendants, Fmma Andrus, liar
old G. Andrus.. Florence Gillespie
and Orville F. Gillespie, dated Aug
ust 21, 1928, payable to plaintiff in
the principal sum of $2200.00 and
interest thereon at 5 per annum;
that said note is past due and un
paid, and decreeing said mortgage a
first lien on the premises therein des
cribed and directing the sale of said
premises in satisfaction of the amount
so found due in the event said
amount is not paid within twenty
days, and foreclosing each and all
of said defendants of all right, title,
interest and equity of redemption in
or to said mortgaged premises and
for costs of suit and equitable relief.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 30th day of July, 1934, and if
you fail to answer on or before said
date, the allegations contained there
in will be taken as true and judg
ment rendered and decree entered
poration. By Fred C. Foster and
H. N. Mattley, Its Attorneys.
To The Dundee Mortgage & Trut
Investment Co., Limted, of Scotland,
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in the Northeast Quar
ter of Section Sixteen (16), in Town
ship Ten (10), North, of Range
(13), East of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, in Cass County, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
Notice is hereby given that Hans
L. Hansen as plaintiff has filed in
the District Court of Cass County.
Nebraska, his petition against you
as defendants, the purpose of which
is to obtain a decree quieting title
to the above described real estate in
plaintiff against all claims by or un
der any of the defendants and can
celing and setting aside, as having
been paid and barred by the Statute
of Limitations of the State of Ne
braska, the mortgage made by Eli
J. W. Pitman and wife Anna Pit
man to the defendant The Dundee
Mrrtgage - Trust Investment Co.,
Limited, of Scotland, dated June 19,
1SS2, filed for record June 19, 1SS2.
recorded in Book N Page 6 8 of the
records of said county, to secure the
payment of $1000.00.
You may answer said petition in
said court on or before July 30th.
1934, or otherwise the allegations in
said petition will be taken as true
and a decree entered accordingly.
Tyler & Peterson, and
Moran & James, Attor
neys, Nebraska City,
Nebraska. j21-3w
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
William L. Stine, et al, plaintiffs,
vs. Mrs. Frederick Wilks, et al, de
TO: Mrs. P'rederick Wilks, first
real name unknown; Permlia Jane
Greerson, whose real, true name is
Permelia Jane Grierson. Myra Evelyn
Rakes, Myra Evelyn Rakes Doe and
John Doe, her hsuband (Doe and
John Doe being fictitious, real names
unknown) the unknown heirs, le
gatees and devisees of William Albin,
deceased, whose real, true names are
unknown; William Clorrence and
John Clorrence; John S. Irwin and
Laura Irwin, his wife, and the un
known heirs, legatees and devisees of
John S. Irwin, real names known, and
all persons having or claiming any
right, title, interest, lien or demand
in, upon or to Lot 10 in the SW'i
ot tne At,!4 and Lot 12 in the -iNL'4 In the District Court of Cass Coun-
ot tne sw u . all in bee. 0, Twp. 10 tv, Nebraska.
N 11 11, E of the Cth P. M., Cass
County, Nebraska, real names un
known :
You and each of you aie hereby
notified that William L. Stine, Lena
Rakes McClain, Letha Rakes Keene
and Gallant Rakes, Jr., plaintiffs
commenced an action in the district
court of Cass County, Nebraska, on
the 8th day of June, 1934, against
you and each of you, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which is to ob
tain a decree of the court quieting
title to Lot 10 in the SWU of the
NE'4 and Lot 12 in the NEU of the
SWU. Sec. 6, Township 10. N R 14,
east of the 6th P. M., Cass County,
Nebraska in the plaintiffs as against
you and each of you and for such
other relief as may be just and equit
able in the premises, including costs
of suit.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, July 30th, 1934, or the alleg
ations of said petition will be taken
as true and a decree entered in favor
of plaintifr'3 against you and each of
you, according to the prayer of said
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
Cas3 county residents should
buy cvcrythlnq possiblo In their
horns town. If you can't be sup
plied there, come to Plattsmouth,
your county seat and logical larse
town trading point.
Everett E. Day, plaintiff vs. Anna
Carmichael, et al, defendants.
TO: Anna Carmichael, the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees of
Anna Carmichael real names un
known and all persons having or
claiming any interest in that por
tion cf G Street in Weeping Water.
Cass Copnty, Nebraska, lying be
tween Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block
48 and Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 block 62,
real names unknown, defendants.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Everett E. Day, plain
tiff commenced an action in the dis
trict court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, on the 21st day of June, 1931
against you and each of you, the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which is
to obtain a decree of the court quiet
ing title to that portion of G street
in Weeping Water, Cass County, Ne
braska, lying between Lots 5. 6. 7.
and 8 in Block 48 and Lots 1, 2, 3
and 4 in Block 62, in the plaintiff
as against you and each of you and
lor Biic.ii other relief as may bo lust
and equitable in the premises, in
cluding costs of suit.
You tnd each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, August 6th 19 3 4, or the allega
tions of said petition will be taken
as true and a decree entered in favor
of the plaintiff agiinst you and each
oi you, according ho the nravnr f
said petition.
Attorneys for Plaintiff 12 5-4 w